4 ADVERTISING RATES. the pound rate when it should, rightly speaking have been sent out by letter mail. Now if the Democrats will im­ Legal Advertisement». First Insertion per line ........... $ .10 pose on Uncle Sam in that way and Each subsequent insertion, line. .05 work the extra edition camoflage in that manner, there is no telling what these self same democrats would do THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. if elected to slate office. can primaries The Republicans, who en are doing everything possible, un­ believe that party organization must j der most trying circumstances to bear be maintained, protest that Xn outsid- | their great burdens cheerfully, for it er should inject himself into their af­ is stated every woman in France is draped in black as the result of the fairs and tell them what to do. It has placed McNary in an awk­ loss of a husband, son, brother, or ward position. He has the friendship some other relative in the war. The ’ and support of West, but \\ est is good old book says it is more blessed F. C. BAKER, Publisher. proving a liability rather than asset. to give than receive, and it is doubly the awoke to Most people have not With the open and vowed endorse­ true today, for the people of Oregon seriousness of the war, and they ap- ment of West, McNary has lost the and Tillamook County have been pear to be indifferent as well. We support of thousands of Republicans blessed in many ways, and should want to say this, that, the war situa­ gladly give their substance to help the tion is taking on a most serious turn who dislike West most sincerely. French people, and if we all realize These Republicans do not want West Democrats don’t appear to like the now that Russia is down and out. Our what they have gone through, they primary law by the look of the Dem­ government is- trying to impress the nor anyone under the W est influence are deserving of our assistance and and they have been driven away from ocratic ballot, for not one had the seriousness of the war upon the peo­ help. _________________ nerve to become a candidate on the ple, for scores of men are being sent McNary by the public O. K. of the former Democratic Governor. county ticket. into all parts of the United State»zto After W ill R. King had become a War Pictures at the Princess. impress upon the people the serious­ candidate for the Democratic nomina­ One can readily see that there was a ness of the war, and although most of tion and after McNary and Stanfield —o--- political frame up, in which the* Re­ us are decidedly optimistic and expect were conducting their campaigns for Another big scoop for i’athc is re­ the allies to win in the end, yet for all publican and Democratic parties were the Republican nomination, W est en­ to be prostituted, with Os. West as that it may take many years to bring tered the field at the last minute and vealed in the announcement that this Company, which has made such a suc­ the political dictator and Olcott and that about, and the entire industrial then suggested that everyone retire cess with its Official War Films will McNary to obtain the big political activities of the country devoted to the presecution of the war. And, in from the race except his life-long the sole distributors of the most won­ plums. _ that event. A good many socrifices friend, McNary. Whatever effect derful official picture that has yet The Socialist would be up against it will have to be made, and, probably a West hoped to produce, the actual re­ come from the war, “The German sult was to rouse the ire of the reg- Curse in Russia." and that this film is good and hard if they had the same good many privations will have to be 1 ular Republicans. In short, it served to be shown at the Princess Theatre. organization they had a few years endured . One of the most critical ago, when it was necessary to print a stages of the war confronts the allies as a boomerang to the McNary May 21 and 22. This remarkable motion picture was special ballot at the primary election right now, and no one can tell what cause. Thus the spectacular proposal of brought b :ck to the United States by for the socialist party. The color of the fortunes or misfortunes of war the official ballot wculd be "yellow”. have in store. This is a time to grit I W est has pleased no one but himself, Captain Donald C. Thompson, the Certainly a very appropriate color your teeth and make prepjarations as but if he sincerely wishes to help Mc- young Kansas known as the world’s speedily as possible. It is just as well i Nary his action has produced the con- greatest war photographer, who has for that pro-German party. just returned after spending three ------ o------ to look at the seriousness of the war j trary effect. years on every battle front in Europe Governor Withyconibe has made a squarely in the face, and it would not Tillamook county is to raise $5,000 and Russia, eleven months being re­ good governor and is entitled to an­ surprise us in the least if the govern­ other term, for his administration has ment called for five million men in in one week in a Red Cross drive, quired to obtain tlie Russian picture commencing May 20th, and plans are alone. been a wonderful improvement over the near future. now being made to obtain the county’s From the beginning of the first reel the spectacular Democratic governor who preceded him. The governor is I Labor is rent in Portland over the quota is as little time as possible. Wc of this feature to the end tliere are heart and sole in sympathy with every political program adopted by the La­ arc heart and soul in sympathy with hundreds of the most unusual battle patriotic movement, and no one can bor Legislative League, and C. L. [ Red Cross work, for it is doing more front scenes, and the most remark­ ..o _ deny but what he has made a splendid McNary was indorsed by working a for suffering humanity than any other able “over the top” charges that have supporters 1 organization in the world. The good ever been photographed. Every foot war governor. I trick on R. N. 1 Stanfield ------------ ----- i among the delegates. The president of I ; women of Tillamook county, who. of the film that is shown helps to vis­ With Oswald West placing his O. the league is Otto Hartwig, who was have devoted so much of their time to- ualize for the American people the K. stamp on C. L. McNary for the one of' the men active in trying to Red Cross work, show the true Chris­ dastardly means that the Germans Republican nomination for U. S. Sen­ bring the discredited Non-Partisan ] tian spirit and are carrying on the utilized in Russia to bring about food ator, resentment has come from the League to Oregon. J. N. Rynerson, 1 best kind of Christian work. We want riots, street fighting and the final loyal Republicans and the true-blue secretary of the committee which , to especially emphasize what the next overthrow of the government. Democrats. This action of West is be­ fathered the Non-Partisan League in 1 Red Cross drive is for. It is to go to lieved to have made more votes for Oregon, made the motion to endorse I France to help the French people, O. P. Hoff, republican, for State R. N. Stanfield than any other single McNary. The indorsement of McNary I who have suffered the horrors of war factor since the primary campaign was brought around by a frame-up. ‘ for over three years, and are urgently Treasurer. Read the political Puzzle opened. It has made what is coristru- The meeting adopted early in the neediing help. We want to draw a dif­ pages 26-27 election pamplet. Pd Ad ed as a clear-cut issue on the party evening a motion that no senatorial ferent picture to impress the need of rrenew people pcupii upon the me people i.wpiv of ... lines. indorsement would be made for at line 1 tlie French Tillamook County, Oregon, has a least another week. Following this | | Oregon and especially upon the citi­ war crop that is cheese, the whole Wc hope the Republican voters of decision many Stanfield supporters zens of Tillamook county. Suppose cheese and nothing but the cheese, so Tillamook County will vote for Judge went home. As others remained in the instead of Belgium and France being help me Hoover! exclaims the Los P. R. Kelly for justice of the Supreme hall, the McNary men began and subject to all the horrors of war and Angeles "Times.” Switzerland can re­ Court, for he is an ideal jurist and continued a long tiresome arraign- 1 1 Prussian cruelty, destruction and main neutral and imported limburger worthy of their support. He was ment of the conduct of the state asy- ; I murder, it had been Oregon and Til­ may cling to Hunland, but Tillamook elected circuit judge of this district lum at Salem, this being for the pur- , lamook county that had been invaded will see to it that the lighters for de- before it was divided, and he made pose of wearying the Stanfield men by the kaiser and his trained army, moGraey go not checscless. The and Tillamook Southern Pacific hauled close to 5,- an excellent judge, winning the com­ who were still in the hall. When | ’ I W hat would Oregon --- ■ * 1------ „„„i midnight | County look like today? A large part ooo.ooo pounds of cheese out of Tilla­ mendation of the Tillamook bar and these later drifted <______ out — and . .. the people of the county. It was with came, Rynerson moved that an ... in­ of our man power would have given mook in 1917 and the county received a great deal of regret that this county dorsement be made for senator and a..- 1 up their lives in defense of the state for it more than $t,000,000. The in­ lost judge Kelly when the district-was he offered the name of McNary. No and county, and there would be thou­ dustry is now so well established and re-arranged, but the people of Tilla­ ballot was taken but there was a yea sands of widows and children in is conducted on sucli a sanitary and mook county have always held him in and nay vote was called for. The re- want, to say nothing of the cruelty scientific gasis that Tillamook cows I I sponse was apparently equal accord- they' would have to endure on account work overtime willingly and the in­ the highest esteem. I ing to spectators who had no vote, of Germany’s inhuman and uncalled ternational cheese record for 1918 is r — State Senator Huston in withdrawing but Hartwig announced that the in­ for thirst of blood and conquest. All in sight, according to the Southern from the Senatorial contest, hits the dorsement had carried. At this time of us read considerable war news in Pacific railway official. nail squarely on the head when he there was a very small crowd in the the newspapers every day about the progress of the war, but very little says: “1 am not willing that ex-Gov- hall. The method of slipping the in­ O. P. Hoff, republican, for State ernor West shall dictate to the Re­ dorsement of McNary has aroused in- about the suffering of the widows and Treasurer. Read the political Puzzle c_ f .orphans. But every once in a while we publican party who its candidate 1 dignation among the thousands o pcges 26-27 election pamplet. Pd Ad supporters in the labor get a slight peep into the homes and shall be”. Republicans all over the Stanfield state resent West’s action in wanting ranks and they refuse to recognize to dictate to Acpublicans who shall the indorsement. be their candidate for U. S. Senator. No one appears to be wanting the But Mr. Huston also adds another truth, when he says, "It is wi ll known office of county treasurer, and we will in Oregon that there has been for the not be treading on the toes of anyone last eight years, a bi-partisiau com­ if we take a snap shot at that office. bination for the purpose of controll­ In our estimation the office is un­ ing the principal offices ili the state necessary and the money paid for the and giving them to a chosen few of salary would do far more good if put into hard surfacing roads. Last year each party.” the co-operative creamery associa­ “The Democratic party in Oregon tions did a business of $1,188,845 in exists only for the benefit of two or T illamook county, and it was not three men,” says i_, State Senator Hus- necessary for them to employ a treas­ ton. There are just six names on the urer at $10000 a year to look wise and Democratic ballot, one of which is Os keep a chair warm in some nicely fur­ West, the late speectacular and er­ nished office. The money that goes ratic governor of Oregon, who having into the county treasury amounts to succeeded in bossing the Democratic less than $400000 and the money is de­ party wants also to boss the Republi­ posited in the banks and correst ac­ can party, notwithstanding that it is counts are kept by them. But how can the right of every person who desires wc get rid of the office? Have the political office to submit their names State Legislature pass a bill abolish- to the people. W est's idea is to take , ing the office or by the initiative pro­ that right away and accept the person cess. The former is much more pre­ whom he names for U. S. Senator. It ferable. Now the snap shot man is seems only a few years ago when 1 not anxious to hold a public office, a lew other Democrats were denounc­ ’ but we are going to offer a suggestion ing certain Republicans and accusing ' so as to create a little interest, for if I their party of being run by bosses. I anyone lias a better plan wc will read- ' ily acquiese. The snap shot man will — - o------ Bob Stanfield says in his announce­ agree to do this, if the people of the ment, that Oregon has been discrim­ county will nominate and elect him to inated against by Congress for many the office of county treasurer, he will years and he promises, if elected, to have a bill prepared to abolish the of­ see that Oregon gets a square deal. fice and will go to Salem and endeav­ McNary says that Oregon has not or to pull the leg of the state legisla­ been discriminated against, How ture, and as soon as the bill becomes about tlie Federal Reserve at Spokane | a law resign the office. If any of our and Oregon farm loans being made citizens have a better plan and want in the State of Washington?. Why are to Hooverizc and cut down on county the naval stations and army camps in i officials and prevent waste, we will be Washington and California? How glad to hear from them. If the snap about a harbor appropriation and a shot man had been a candidate tor submarine base for the Columbia joint representative and elected to River? These matters are only a few that office he would have been in a among many which show that I Ore* position to do some log rolling at gon has been discriminated against, Salem to do away with the office. If The Eastern Oregon man promises you arc in favor of what we have sug­ to right these wrongs and he has a gested write the name of Fled C. reputation of doing the things he Baker on your ballot for county treas­ urer when you go to the polls next starts in to do. week The snap shop man will be per­ There’s a trick in every trade even fectly willing to be bounced out of the among office seekers This is how the office if a saving can be made to the post oflice is being imposed upon. county of $1000.00 a year. Ham Kautman, editor of the Colum­ Throughout the state criticism bia Herald, published at Houlton, Columbia County, issued a special directed against’ West for assuming to edition, a sheet ox it inches, contain­ dictate what Republicans and Demo­ ing an article rubbing it in to Walter crats shall do in the primaries with M. Pierce and praising Harvey G. ri spect to the senatorial nomination. Starkweather, both of whom are dem­ Democrats of the old school are in­ ocratic candidates for governor. This dignant that West, who has received »licet is sent out similar to a news­ many honors from the pajtv, should paper and went through the mails undertake to deliver the Democratic that way, and, no doubt, paid for by primaries to his personal friend Editorial Snap Shots Vote 35 x PERCY R. KELLY of Linn County for JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT Practiced Law since 1892 Circuit Judge since 1910 Justice is patriotism's proudest boast and loyalty’s greatest aid - PEOPLE ASKED FOR FLOUR DONATIONS I Nary, who is running in the Rcpubli-I conditions in France, where the wom­ Freewill Offering of Excess Stocks Is Requested. MEN OVERSEAS NEED GRAIN EARNS 14 CENTS A DAY; HAS WIFE AND BABY And Yet This Ime Story Has a Happy Ending. Plan Devised to Save Transportation and Time—Local Donations to Bo Resold Locally But Release Equal Amount at Atlantic Seaboard For Immediate Shipment to Allies and Troops. Opportunity is now offered, through Even a Frenchman sometimes loses, Federal Food Administrator W. B for awhile at least, his "unfailing” Ayer, for Oregon families and manu­ facturing firms using wheat flour, to ■ense of humor. Take, for Instance, the case of a j make a voluntary personal sacrifice man from Lille, a soldier. Waeltele hy | for the benefit of Uncle Sam's boys In the Army and Navy. Mr. Ayer has name and only twenty-three. He hud announced that any family, public eat­ done pretty well, for the youngster hud ing place, or factory using wheat flour, »Iready his own printing shop in that such as bakeries and cracker factories northern French town, which is still In­ now has the privilege of directly con­ side the German lines, in the trenches tributing to the flour bins of the Army Waeltele developed tuberculosis, aud and Navy by turning back to the gov­ ernment, at the market price, such he was sent to a hospital at Grenoble. There he was considered Incurable, portion of their wheat flour allowance and after the usual three months of as they will patriotically refrain from treatment he was granted his 14 cent» consuming themselves. Such gifts of wheat flour, while not a day pension. Said tils fatherly army doctor, “My son, you can perhaps cure going directly to France for the boys yourself If you will live in the moun­ overseas, will be turned into the gov­ tains, If you will eat plenty of nour­ ernment commissary at the nearest ishing food and, above all. If you don’t point, and will release an equal quan­ tity of wheat flour on the Atlantic Worry.” Waeltele should have smiled, but he | sea board for immediate shipment didn't He was thinking of his baby “over there.” Under this novel plan and his wife—and his 14 cents. “Don't ! when a patriotic Oregon family goes worry!” The humor of It entirely es- i on a wheatless diet for a week or a eaped him. month, or longer period, the wheat Then the Red Cross stepped In. He I flour they save and turn back to the was found by an American woman I government actually represents an with some American Red Cross money I equivalent of wheal flour three thou­ for jnst such cases, and within » few j hours he no longer had need to worry. I sand miles away, which immediately He was sent to the mountains at La- | starts to move forward to the fighting forces. This arrangement has been mure. In the Freneh Alps, happy In made in order to save transportation the knowledge that his family was be­ across the continent. ing cared for by these amazingly kind “I am Hoping for a splendid wheat­ Americans. saving. record in Oregon" said Mr. And now the army doctor’s words Ayer the other day, “For I believe are coming true. Waeltele’s lung fa when Oregon families and public eat­ healing fast and he is dreaming of ing places in the state know that the another printing shop and of living again some day with that little family. flour they save will go direct to the There have been over 400.000 new boys af the Army and Navy they will cases of tuberculosis in France since not hesitate to respond in the usual the war started, and to care for these patriotic Oregon way. I had a tele­ cases and check the White Plague'» gram, from Mr. Hoover today in which spread is merely one of the big job» he asked me for an estimate on what the American Red Cross has set out to I thought Oregon could be relied upon to save under the new plan. 1 wished accomplish. to be conservative, and I replied that my estimate, would be 30 to 35 per cent of the normal wheat flour con­ sumption. This is a much lower es­ timate than other states had made, and r realize that it will probably be unsatisfactory at Washington. I am hoping that the people of the state will exceed this estimate by a gener­ ous margin. The county administra­ tors have in hand the full details of the plan for saving wheat in this way for the needs of our fighting men, and any one wishing to personally contrib­ The father kisses his wife and kid­ ute wheat flour should get in touch at dles goodby, shoulders bis gun and once with the Food Administrator of the county in which he or she lives.” marches away to war. The wheat-saving plan annoanced For a time the current of life flows smoothly for the soldier’s little fami­ by Mr. Ayer is a national one, and it ly. Theu comes the tragedy. Mother is now operative in all the states. is taken 111. The little brood of broth­ The states of Washington, Idaho and ers and sisters Is helpless. No father Oregon are now co-operating In an effort to make a big wheat saving rec­ to turn to. A helpless mother! To whofn can the American soldier's ord for the Northwest. Federal Food family look at this critical period? Administrators R. F. Bicknell of Idaho Must a brave man’s loyalty to his ! and Charles Hebberd of Washington country mean desolation and suffering join with Federal Food Administrator to those nearest and dearest to him? W. R. Ayer for Oregon In the follow­ No I Emphatically no I The Ameri­ ing announcement, which gives in