T1LLÁM00K HEADLIGHT, MAY 9, 1918 -J ----- _1 2_____________ Fourth Spelling Contest. Whether He’s Fighting on Sea or Land Send him a pouch oi Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug If he # doesn ’t - -------- chew ll waa^Xrf slice aw it up . -- J yet, '‘"-J he’ aa an , mix his pipe tobacco to give it flavor and improve his smoke. You will send your friend more tobacco comfort and satisfaction in one pouch of Real Gravely Plug than in half a dozen plugs of ordinary tobacco. Give any man a chew of Real Gravely Plug, and he will tell you that’» the kind to »end. Send the best! Ordinary plug is false economy. It costs less per week to chew Real Gravely, because a small chew of it lasts a long while. SEND YOUR FRIEND IN THE U. S. SERVICE A POUCH OI GRAVELY Dealers all around here carry it in 10c. pouches. A 3c. stamp will put it into his hands in any Train­ ing Camp or Seaport of the U. S. A. Even "over there” a 3c. stamp will take it to him. Your dealer will supply envelope and give “cu official directions how to address it. you're on the lookout for sa6- gnarinee, a chew oi Real Gravely help» to patt the long, dark hour». P. B. GRAVELY TOBACCO CO.. Danville. Vs. 7"Ae Patent Pouch keeps it Freeh and Clean and Good —It it not Real Gravely without this Protection Seal l'Ktabll.li»«! IH31 The Mightiest Picture of World Conflict that the Brain of Man has yet Conceived and Realized “The Fall of a Nation ■ T'' W.** M ■ _■ SI Ji ’f’ . j. ' ■ ' ‘jK ' . ; wWifJ Thomas Dixon; author of “The Birth of a Nation,” just re­ leased to the public his sequel to the former work which he calls “THE FALL OF A NATION.” America attacked; 42 cintimeter guns in action; a for­ eign Viceroy; the Union rescued by the boys in khaki, led by a modern Joan of Arc. PRINCESS THEATRE Tuesday and Wednesday, May 14-15 Adults 2Oc Children lOc Dist. No. 42—4th, Nona Brooten, Helen Schnciur, 86, 6th, Dagny John­ son, 88; 7th, Robert Schneiter, Claude Sherwood, Ellen Fleck, Ulrich Schneiter, too; 8th, Verna Goldsmith, Dcssie Babcock, too. Di t. No. 45—6th Lewis Johnson, 72 Dist. No. 46-—;th, Myrtle Knighten 1 too; 71h, Wesley lippin, too. Dist. No. 48—5th, Lewis Rasmussen Dist No. I—3rd grade, Beulah 1 Hammat, 100,4th, Walter Housevvith, W illiam Jenkins, Dougl..s Leach, too; ‘ 5th, George Trowbridge, Charles Thomas, too; 6th, Mabel Anderson, 1 Elmer Eifstrom, too; 7th, Mildred 1 Johnson, 98; 8th, Henerietta Jenkins, >n, Rul _ l,L 1 sie S' ■th. I Job w E a i\oy K 5th R I c J ; 6th Etz son, 78; 4th, lhercsa Grohs, 92, w N dbert 7th Donald Sutherland, 92, 6th, Rayii Frank Kedberg, 88; 811>, Mildred Lindsay, 100; 7th, Marshall Be Scherzinger 94. 88; 8th, Mabel Anderson, 96. Dist. No. 8.—3rd, Lulu McClay, 96; 1 Dist. No. 57—3rd, Lenhart Geii 4th, Thelma Ayer, Allen Gilbert, too; 90; 4th, Mabel Klinehan, too, 5th, Elsie Maddox, Ralph Davidson, Veda Smith, Ruth Paul, too; 100; 6th, Florence Dyke, Noa Rich­ Ernest Geingcr, 96; 7th, Pa ards, Myrtle McClay, 100; 7th, W illie Gienger, 96; 8th, Gladys Klim McClay, Sewell Ayer, 100. too;, Dist. No. 9, Rural—4th, Wilbur j Dist. No. 59—4th, Max Gray, Hopkins, Mayme Jacob, Leona Hop­ 8th, Nettie Gray, too. kins, too; 5th, Evelyn Freeberg, too. | Dist. No. 61—4th, Oscar Krebs, Dist. No. 9—3rd, Henry Berkey, Bertha Brandes, 96 Dorotry Kirk, Donald Leverich, Rob- , Dist. No. 50—4th, Rudolph Speece, ert Robison. Edna Wickah. 5th, Alta 84. 5th, Reata Kinnaman, 96. Carr, Irene Lyster, Jauneta Thomp-1 Dist. No. 54—3rd Samuel Barber, son, Audrey Matteson, Kenneth Ma- 94; 5th, Joseph Tomlinson, 941 7th, han, Elizabeth Vetsch, Roletta Wat- Florence Kopieske, 90. son, Ruth Erskine, 1 Elizabeth .................. | Academy—3rd, Joseph Berns, too; Clements, Rowena HaiSon, ./ ; ’•‘^ie 4th, Clara Brooks, Mabel Soderberg, Golden, Marion Lamb, Donald McGee , too; 5th, Purcell Tone, Josephine Pet­ Glenna Heacock, Charlie Gardner, ers, Mary Weber, too; 6th, Laurence Merle Frisbie, Louise Handley, Clif­ J Fitzpatrick, Agnes Blaser, Dorothy ford Ullmann, Sherdon Johnson, Jacob, Agnes Fitzpatrick, 100. 8th. Wanda Haltom, Karl Wolfe, Lucile Catherine O'Hara, Anna Portman, Leverich. Sidney Hart. 6th, Violet Vivian Illingworth, 100. Glaisyer, Eva Drake, Chester Hop­ kins, Lucia Wiley, Anna Morgan, Notice Mildred Shoemaker, Gorden Shartel. 7th, Gertrude Heusser, Helen Eadus, All persons having account with Edna Small, Ethel Anderson, Ramona me, kindle settle same with Kath- Haltom. Inez Schwarz, Mary Lamar. lecn Mills, at the City Recorder’s of­ 8th, Viola Sawyer, Vera Rogers, Lor­ fice in the City Hall. Your prompt at­ ena Worthington, Sarrette DeLillies, tention to the payment of your bill Ella Davidson, Lillian Groat, too. will save you the costs of collection. Dist. No. to—3rd, Linnea Hassel- Grant Mills. burg, Ernest Zuercher, Anna Fern­ strom, too; 4th, Leslie Ketch, Flor­ Noice to Creditors. ence Zuercher, too; 5th Edwin Glad, 98; 6th, Catherine Smith, Ellen Glad, Noticc is hereby given that the un­ 96; 7th, Hattie Zuercher, too; 8th, dersigned has been appointed admin­ Christian Olson, too. istrator of the estate of Willis B. Dist. No. 11—4th, Andrey Lagler, Powell, deceased, by the County 80; 5th, Eva Crawford, Earle Miner, Court of Tillamook county, Oregon. Howard McLeod, 98, 6th. Asberry All persons having claims against Miner, 96; 7th, Harry Crawford, 96. the estate arc hereby required to pre­ Dist. No. 12—4th, Earl Blackburn, sent the same, with proper vouchers, , 6th, Homer Blum, 100. to the undersigned at his office in Dist. No. 13— 4th, Ruth Lewallen, Tillamook City, Oregon, within six o; 5th, Ralph Bodyfelt, 84; 6th, months from the date of the first pub­ Inez Hester, 100; 8th, Edythe Hester, lication hereof. Dated May 9th, 1918. 9-t- Dist. No. 14—3rd, Clara Krumiauf, H. T. Botts. 98; 5th, Mildred Pallin, 100; 6th, Dol- lie Derby, 100; 7th, Letah Barnett, 98. 80 Acre Alfalfa and Garden Ranch. Dist. No. 15—4th, Grace McKiddy, Has about 60 acres now in alfalfa. 96; 5th, Clara McKiddy, Louis Zuer­ cher, 100; 6th, Hannah Zuercher, 98; The soil is Willow Creek bottom, 7th, Esther McKiddy, 96; 8th, Hollie which is 15 to 30 feet deep, and a very rich and loamy volcanic ash. McKiddy, 86. The place will produce from 6 to 8 Dist. No. 16—3rd, Agatha Hurli- man, 98; 5th, Steve Howell, 98; 6th, tons of alfalfa, 150 to 200 sacks of po­ tatoes per acre, and other vegetables Louise Belleque, 100. Dist No. 17—3rd, Ralph Chance, or fruit. The climate is ideal, being 100; 4th, Bernice Himes, 98; 6th, Mar­ only 460 ft elevation. A good free jory Chance, 100; 7th, Louis Himes, water right goes with the place, which furnishes water for irrigation ,100. Dist. No. 18—4th, Ona Bailey, 84; the year round and a fair dwelling 5th, George Winters, Walter Winters, house. Has a railroad station on the land and is near a store, high school 94; Dist. No. 19—4th, Edna White, too; and church. Price $8500, part terms. 7th, Laurence Whitman, Russell Fox, If this place is properly farmed it 98; 8th, Vyola Wilson, Mabel Dunn, will pay for itself in 4 or 5 years. . too. Ralph Ackley Land Co. Dist. No. 20—8tlij Mark Bradford, 210 Rothchild Bld. 94- Portland, Oregon. Dist. No. 21—7th, Mary Ward, 96; 8th, Alta Galloway, Mabel Galloway, Get Rid of Your Rheumatism. I 96. Now is the time to gel rid of your Dist. No. 22—5th, Estella Imlah, Agnes Lundquist, Eta Burke, 100, 6th, rheumatism. You will find Chamber­ Elsie Sultz, Rosa Cruthers, too, 7th, lain’s Liniment a great help, The re­ lief which it affords is alone worth Viva Owens, 96, 8th, Lora Myer, 94. Dist. No. 23—3rd, Helen Hoover, many times the cost. For sale by La­ 100, 5th, Mary Enzlcr, 94; 6th, Wen- mar’s Drug Store.—Paid Adv. VETERINARIAN County Dairy Herd Inspector Until further Notice. Calls answered from Tillamook Hotel—Day or Night. Adler-i-ka. SPOONFUL MERCHANT’S WIFE ADVISES Ibenefitted me INSTANTLY/’ Be- TILLAMOOK WOMEN. I cause Adler-i-ka empties BOTH large o----- and small intestine, it relieve» ANY “I had stomach trouble so bad I CASE constipation, sour stomach or could eat nothing but toast, fruit, and gas and prevents appendicitis. It has hot water. Everything else soured QUICKEST action of anything we ®nd formed gas. Dieting did no good. ever sold. J. S. Lamar druggist. I was miserable until I tried buck- (Paid Adv.) thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed VETE RIN \RIAN. ( Jftiee at TODD HOTEL, Tillamook Oregon. AVID ROBINS! )N. M. D , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON BUILDING, TILLAMOOK p < >!N. T. BOATS, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S. P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Tillamook - . . . Oregou OBERT II. McGRATH, CoUNSELLOR-AT LAW, ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDING, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. P orti and O ffice 1110 W ilcox B ld . (~^ARL HABERLACH, ATTORNEY. AT-LAW. T illamook B lock Oregon Tilla mook EBSTER HOLMES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW COMMERCIAL BUILDING, FIRST STREET, TILLAMOOK, - OREGON QR. L. L. HOY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Oregon, Tillamook, T. BO A l b ’ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Bocks in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. T illamook B lock , Tillamook .... Oregon Both Phones. C. HAWK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bay City J Oregon OHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT-LAW, T illamook Tillamook B lock , • Oiega*. ROOM NO. 201. T ELAND K ERWIN PIANO INSTRUCTION, Diploma from Chicago Musical College.—Beginners receive the same careful training as the most advanced. Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ tion. All lessons given at Studio. County Representative for the Wiley B. Allen Co.s’ line of high grade pianos, player-pianos, Victrofos etc. dell Werner, too. I Road to Hoppiness. Dist. No. 24—4th, Roy Daniel, W’es- ------ o------ Be amiabh*, cheerful and good na- ley Batterson, 94; 6th, Wendell L0111- More than 100,000 Smiths arc serv­ tured and you are much more likely men, 100; 8th, Alice Daniel. 94. ing in the United States army. Of ; Dist. No. 26— 4th, Lauine Ander­ to be happy. You will find this diffi- these 1500 are William Smiths, 1000 i son, 86; 6th, George Armentrout, 95; cult, if not impossible, however, when John Smiths, and 200 John A. Smiths. 8th, Margaret Armentrout, 96. you are constantly troubled with con­ There are 15,000 Wilsons and Millers Dist. No. 27—Gertie Doering, 9«; stipation. l ake Chamberlain’s Tablets and 262 John J. O’Briens, of whom 50 6th, Albert Slakis, 92; 8th, Mary Bc- ami get rid of that and it will be rp> H GOYNK, have wives named Mary. There are easy. These tablets not only move dortha, too. 1000 John Browns, 1200 John John­ the bowels, but improve the appetite Dist. No. 28—3rd, Vcrnor Worth­ ATTORNEY AT LAW. sons and 1040 George Millers. ington, 88; 4th, Andrey Neff, Anna and srengthen the digestion. For sale These fighters are cited by the bu­ Neff, 100; 5th, Barbara Zweifel, 96; by Lamar's Drug Store.—Paid Adv. Office: O pposite C ourt I jube , reau of war risk insurance as a reason 7th; Bernice Loerpabel. Tillam ><>k Oi sgo why applications for government sol­ Dist. No. 31—3rd, Edward Bair, Best Remedy for Whooping Cough diers’ insurance should sign their Wayne Wilkins, too, 4th, Alexander “Last winter when my little boy had names in full rather than by initials Culbertson, Orin Hess, 100; 5th, the whooping cough I gave him only. Catherine Provoost, Naomi Simmons, Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy" writes QR J. G. TURNER, 100; 6th, Clifford Johnson, 100; 7th, Mrs, J. H. Roberts, East St. Louis, EYE SPECIALIST. Myrtle Sandberg, Anna McClew, loo; 111. “It kept his cough loose and re­ lieved him of those dreadful coughing 8th, Winifred Brace, Porter DeAtley, PORTLAND — OREGON Attorney H. T. Botts, Hazel Bodie, Harvey Maddux, Violet spells. It is the only cough medicine Regular Monthly Visits to at-Law. I keep in the house because I have Sandberg, 100. the most confidence in it." This rem ­ John Leland Henderson, Sec­ Dist. No. 32—4th, Lila Booth 96, 5th Tillamook and Cloverdale. edy is also good for cold:, and croup. retary Treas., Attorney at- Clarice Booth, 86 WATCH PAI ER l oR DA TES. For sale by Lamar's Drug Store. — Dist. No. J3—4th, Mary Zweifel, Law and Notrary Public. 100; 7th, Marie Mayer, 100; 8th, Paid Adv. Elizabeth Phillips, 92. Dist. No. 34—5th Freda Bauer, 100; 7th, Victor Affolter, 96. Dist. No. 36—3rd, Ruby Tohl, 100; ALstractn. Real Estate, 4th, Liddy Gilmore, 100; 7th, Henry Insurance. ore ever Newberg, Raymond O’Neal, 100. Both Phones. Dist. No. 37—4th, Leslie Kellow, TILLAMOOK— OREGON. 100; 6th, Earl Wilson, 92; 7th, Albert Apfdermauer, 94. 1 Dist. No. 38—3rd, Elizabeth Vaughn I 80; 4th, Magdalene Hellebuyck, Delia ■'wtork rcQüiæs Vaughn, 100, Warren Vaughn, 96; Ornamental Fire Places Built 5th, Gladys Kodad, Nina kodad, of Brick and Stone. All Fire I Dorothy Vaughn, Erma Vaughn, 100, Places absolutely guaranteed 1 Harriett Hellebuyck, 98; 6th, Harry not to smoke or money re­ Long, Bessie Thomas, 94; 7th, W il- I funded. Brick work of all kinds done I liam Driscoll, too, Terry Long, 98; ' on short notice. 18th, Kenneth Elliott, Jack Driscoll,! We make a specialty of re­ Otis Purvis, 100, Francis Dean, 90. Cut ful I irx shoulder, chûst pairing smoking Fire Places. Dist. No. 39.—3rdAdelia Bartrow, ard arms-conAfcrtable.fiu^ too, 4th, Eva Eggleston, 98, 5th, Le-1 Sold Everywhere loriû ukarnvô. Waterproof ûbsûhtdy land Thompson, Helen Miller, 98; 6th *. • S atisfaction AJ. T ower w Charlie Burmester, 90; 7th, Alice guaranteed »»» t « Thompson, Vivian Tohl, too. TILLAMOOK. ORE. Smiths Show Fighting Spirit. Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, R. O. L. HOHLFELD, Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. ; Used 40 ’ft? Years CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic RALPH E. WARREN, M TriAN j/our rodry I. dw/s must be ¡Jxjl productive Toras F ish B rani if"' REFLEX SLICKE R