TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MAY 9. County Court A’bws Bills, Road District No. 1 W. L. Phillips .................... Sullivan ................................ C. E. Allen .......................... W. S. Linkhart .................. Emil Larson ........................ M. Redding .......................... J. Walker .............................. Bert Tilden ........................... E. J. Bartrow ...................... J acob Kamm ........................ •J oe Duncan ........................... C. P . Briggs ........................ A bei rt. Miller ......................... Paul Waubke ......................... Fred Peterson ..................... Jim Goodman ....................... Chas. . Hnybarker .................. Jack Leche ............................. Sam Tomlinson . Clark Smith .. . Lester Stoker .. Andrew Fleming Albert Smith . . . Frank Crane ... Jim Rogers .... W. Rogers ........ James Langley . C. V. Stoker ... Josy Langley . . A. Zuercher .... T. L. Smith .... S. Rogers .......... Oral Barnes .. . S. Burton .......... Geo. Randall ... C. W. Ross .... E. Kurrilauf .... Ed. Marshall ... Mack Johnson .. H. F. Perry .... C. Ellingsworth Sam Johnson .... Milo Beaman .... F. P. Hobson .... G. Krumlauf .... J. N. Boldrick .. . J. B. Langley ... Geo. Krumlauf . Tom Purvis .... G. E. Sacre .... Albert Sacre .. . Frank Strueby . V. E. Miler ... Arthur Tippen L. Terwiliger .. Wm. D. Shafer J. McCormack . W. II. Livingstone W. S. Coates .... E. I. Parish ........ F. L. Sappington.................. H. Cook ................................ Hodson-Feenaughty Co. ... Frank Illingsworth ............ Geo. W. Phelps .................... The Holt Mfg. Co................ B. Batzner .......................... Chas. Haybarker ................ O. F. Toney ........................ Bert Tilden ......................... W. F. Cain ........................ Nehalem Tel. & Tel. Co... A. C. and H. Andersen ... Anderson Bros....................... Chas. Blum .......................... Anderson Bros....................... Chas. Easom ........................ J. W. Shortridge .............. Brighton Mills Co................ Holt Mfg. Co......................... Holt Mfg. Co...................... L. L. Smith ........................ A. Zuercher ........................ S. Rogers ............................. L. L. Smith ....................... Mallory & Jenck .................. A. F. Coats Lbr. Co............. A. M. Austin ............ Howard Cooper Corp. Plasker Bros............... T. C. Percy .............. A. G. Beals l.br. Co. So. Pae. Co................. Mallory & Jenck .... King-Crenshaw Hdw. Co. . A. F. Coati Lbr. Co 21.50 87.36 2.8Ü 1.40 165.06 158.87 129.33 54.55 183.98 Total Road District' No. 3 Jeff Fleck ... Fred B ,1s . Art hur Edmui tv ,., vev Copela t Mattoon i1 i ■ Murphy ...................... Fred ’ Wiess ........................... Morehead ................... James ■ Sperry........................ Vai Fisher ........................... Bob House ......................... Frank Switzer ..................... Dewey Sailing ...................... Ronald Sa’iing .................... Ted Lyster .......................... Loyd Kellow ........................ Wagne Jackson .................. Orval Kellow ........................ Jess Dunn ........................... Jess Dunn ........................... Chester Worthington .......... Chester Worthington ........ Joe Price ............................. Jas. Imlah ........................... I U. S. Edwards .................. I Geo. Galloway ..................... I Frank Reynolds .................. John Whalin ........................ I I J. R. Tonipkinson .............. IL A. Brandt .................... Harold Brandt .................... E. F. Carter ......................... P. C. Meyer ......................... J. M. Weiss ........................... E. Neuenschwander .............. Frank Sweitzer ................... Clint Miles ............................. A. E. Meyer .......................... Ardy Gage ........................... J. M. Traxler.......................... A. C. Deuel .............. ;........... Standard Oil Co....................... R. E. Wilson Co.................... Forest J. Ayer ...................... E. G. Anderson .................... Ulysses Edwards .................. Russel Miles .......................... Mallory & Jenck ................ King-Crenshaw Hdw. Co. . . 1CÓ H. E. Rinehart, medical at tendance Co. poor................. Crystal Laundry, Co. Poor... W. S. Coates, expense ........ R. II. Cady, Co. poor .. ......... Till. Garage ......................... R. L. Shreve, expense ........ Brighton Mills to. wood... J. G.Kennedy, repa ring paint ing .................................. . siinair ant repair Te!. Co. .90 44 15 11. 3. 46.00 3.05 1.80 10.55 20.60 8.47 45.00 The MILKER that SPARES the COW. Free Service Guaranteed, Milking Machine agrees to the ori user of the Sm 35.10 43.00 •0 26, 0 cy to < C.'s.s Mi I ay tli e transi and fre in lacto 11 50 ai ty h Dr. H p Lucius F Franc, Alva A. C. J. I*. D. of Leer.. Let Us Figure with You. .75 1.25 .50 25 75 75 21 35 12 75 Il you w.mt.a milker that will save vuu time, labpr and money, investi­ gate the Success, if you want to keep your rows in prime producing condi­ tion vou can’t afford to take chances with a milk -r that does not operate on the open valve principle with per­ fect automatic release of vacuum din­ ing one half the milking period. '1 he Success Milker has solved the prob­ lem of mechanical milking. It’s easy to work with, efficient, economical and ea y on the cow. Once use it on your herd and you 11 never be willing to go back to any other method. Sec us and we will give you price of the size of outfit best suited to the num­ ber of cows. E. Epplett, ..................... E. Epplett, prisoners board : H. V. Alley ................... I F. L. Owens ................... A. M. Hare .................... C. A. Johnson................... IL B. Millis ................... B. L. Beals ..................... G. B. Lamb, School Supt. expense ... G. B. Lamb, expense G. B. Lamb Marion Hare Elmer Webb Marie Nelson Jos. Wilson C. B. Stanley W. L. Campbell .................... Erwin Harrison .................... Vida Millis ............................. Neva Maddux......................... So. Pae. Co.............................. Plasker Bros..................... ..... Till. Water Com ................ Alex McNair ........................ A. F. Coats Lbr. Co.............. King-Crenshaw Hdw. Co.... F. B. McKinley, sheriff’s office Gladys Beals ......................... James Campbell .................. T. H. Goyne, Dist. Atty ... W. S. Coates, Surveyor’s office Total 1,796.39 .................... General Fund ... ................... Mothers.. Pension . Mary Burmester, Nehalem.. 25.00 Irene Eadus, Tilamook........ 17.50 Johanna York, Nehalem . . . 17.50 Florence M. Baker, Tillamook 32.50 25.00 Ivel V. Gillam, Tillamook.. Ruby C. Brooten, Tillamook. . 17.50 E. i I. Parish .... Sarah E. Hatch, Garibaldi.. 17.50 F. 1 L. Sappington Augusta E. Williams, Woods 25.00 Fay r Hill .............. 18.00 2.13 83.33 55.00 57.00 2.00 1.00 96.89 136.33 133.33 85.00 75.00 14.40 16.80 Ì 5.00 8.75 6.50 18.60 5.00 42.50 1.00 50.00 51.88 14.00 7.00 ' 2.42 1919 This Simple, Practical Milking Machine is a Real “Success.” W. KUPPENBENDER, Agent. E 1— u- - . ■ — J- • They’re Deadly Foes to Total 177.50 To the Glory of Gott I T. H. Goyne, Dist. Attorney office Expense ................................. 50.00 C. I. Clough ............................ 83.68 How glorious are the victories T. Emner ............................... 3.20 standing to the credit of the kaiser’s Royal Sweeping Compound Co. 3.00 famous long range gun! That Good Tillamook Transfer Co.......... 18.00 Friday triumph, with its slaughter of N. W. Barker ...................... 18.36 pious innocents praying in the church Winters & Hill ...................... 1.25 of St. Gervais, was followed on Wed­ Registrants I I. H. Moore I................. • • • .30 nesday by a fine center shot into the I A. C. Deuel .80 heart of a refuge for orphaned chil- dren, four of the little ones being Geo. Phelps ........ .40 J. L. George .... These are days when the sagacious person is cutting out all forms 1.40 murdered, and on Thursday by the dropping of a shell into a military Elva B. Atkinson .30 of waste in his shop and in his home. Ellis C. Madden . .20 hospital, its toll of death being one No doubt a condition that has sent thousands to see the new Chalmers W. J. Gilbert .60 patient, one maternity nurse and one Anna Peterson for Co. poor 10.00 newly born babe, while six patients, with its two great devices that Hooverize gas. Tillamook Feed Co. Co. Poor 8.65 three infants and two probationary 6,569.12 Geo. W. Phelps, Co. Poor. . ► Total .......................... One of them is the now noted Hot Spot, which cracks up and heats 8.95 nurses were wounded—all to the Road District No. 2 L. S. Hushbeck Co. Poor . . 25.00 glory of the kaiser's “Gott.” up the raw gas into a cooked condition for wonderful power results. G. C. Vaughn .......................... Mrs. F. P. Hobson, Co. Poor 30.00 And yet there remains at la J. Brandes ............................. W. R. Robedee, tax refund 1 he other is the Rain’s-Horn Manifold, which of the two is prob­ 3,34 this country a few asinine v L. F. Darby ........................... United States Fidelity and ably an even greater device. persons, like one D. B. Darby .......................... attached t Guaranty Co....................... 3.00 Geo. Edwards ........................ I’or it takes the gas vapor from the Hot Spot and carries it 14 inches P. W. Barrett ..................... 2.50 Metropolitan Magazine, who Mat Weber ............................ Tillamook Sheet Metal Works 10.25 harping upon the advisability of more equi-di