TILLAMOOK'•’HEADLIGHT OLE BULL'S COLONY Norwegian’s Dream of Model Home Now Scene of Ruin. I 'Recalls Misplaced Confidence and Made All the More Tragic Because ef Splendid Ideals. “PROTECT OUR SOLDIERS WITH LIBERTY BONDS” Money is needed to support and THREE SONS ON THE TUSCANIA San Francisco Woman Gave Country Three Soldiers—One Lost With Torpedoed Transport. TWO SONS SENT TO FRENCH FRONT Nev* Gingham Silks Butterick Patterns. We have jkst The new Spring Patterns are now here to help you with the season’s dressmak- ing plans, The new (Quarterlies are also on sale at 25c. per copv. Patterns priced 10c. . -15c.- 20c. —25c. By Mail 2c. Extra. Message of United States Senator McNary to Peo­ ple of Oregon Only the ruin of the villa “Valhalla" protect our soldiery now fighting in remains of the ill-fated Norwegian col­ a foreign land and the prompt pur­ ony established by Ole Bull in I’ennsyl- chase by the American people of 'vanlu in the late '50s. The story of Liberty Bonds will supply the 'the colony, says the Kansas City funds. Much of the money here­ Times, Is one of misplaced confidence, tofore obtained by the government made all the more tragic because of through the sale of Liberty Bonds the splendid Ideals that led to its es­ to Its citizens has boon expended tablishment. In the preparation of war. Now The great Norwegian violinist, al­ our r-eaources and our savings must ways an admirer of America, wished be devoted to a considerable ex­ Ito obtain a location for a model colony tent In providing for the safety, of his countrymen. He bought a thou­ comfort and assistance of our sand acres of a firm of land dealers heroes on European battlefields. and soon afterward brought to this Three thousand miles of ocean In­ ¡country several hundred Norwegians. tervene and this long lane must be < single grain of corn. Ho spent THREE MEALS COST «14.000 r half hour In doing the work, tor which Ke. used water colors, says Feeding 42,500 trootie at Camp Christian Sciedfe Monitor. It is said hat some time n appreciative ac­ Of food will be used. Money Is needed That's why the knowledgment from Washington. This to buy the food t believed to he the smallest cartoon Government will ask you soon to buy ■efure in the wiAl 1. for it measures • Liberty Hotels of the Third Liberty ally about a quarter of an inch in Loan. be longest direction The UkeneM ia a piotllu. MAY 2. 1918, number of these populansilks for spring and summer frocks. They lire shown in pleasing col- orings and art! specially priced at per yard . and Selling for Cash Sells for Less. The Store that Sells for Cash Only | received a Ready Now With Complete Selections of Spring and Sumner Weights in Beginning Saturday ¿May 4th And Continuing for One Week Only UNION SUITS IN WHICH Our Entire Stock of Misses' and Ladies' Suits Reduced in Price EVERYONE CAN BE SUITED Those Those These Those PHENOMENALSALE affording the woman of this county an extraordinary and unexpected opportunity for securing a smart, stylish, good looking, good quality Suit at a splendid saving. If you have not yet se­ lected your New Spring and Summer Suit here is a sav ing chance you should not pass by without investigat­ ing. The garments are made of excellent quality Serges, Poplins and Gabardines, mostly in tailored styles, the workmanship of each being of a particularly high class. Note the wonderful savings made possible by this very special event. $15.00 Suits are now $12.85 $25.00 Suits are now $18.65 $32.85 Suits are now $26.80 $40.00 Suits are now $29.60 All other prices correspond­ ingly reduced. who are Hard to Fit— who are Hard to Please— who like Fine Quality— who seek Real Economy /A unsing AR Slim people and tall—men, women and children—millions have underwear Munsitigwear. comfort 10,000,000 gar­ ments a year do not meet the demand. Summer Munsingwear is as cool ami comfortable as it is perfect fitting, fine in quality, washable and long-wearing. All the wanted styles from long sleeve, ankle length, to no sleeve, garments Saturday and ¿Monday Only ¿May 4th and 6th Two Days Sale of Spring Millinery, but a few ounces. Of particular interest to tuen is the announcement that the Munsitigwear line now in­ cludes loose fitting athletic suits in an attractive variety For Actual Values to $8.00. HE most stupendous Price Reduction Sale the Millinery Dept, has so far announced this Season. And only new I918 models are included in this event. Come to the store Saturday or Monday pre­ ferably Saturday to get the better choice—and see what a wonderful Bargain you can secure in this Sensational Sale of New Spring Millinery. of tine woven fabrics, accu­ rately sized. M unsing ^yiden’s Munsingwear Short and lf>ng sleeve, ankle length C'nion Saits in light medium and heavy weight cotton, lisle, wool and silk and wool. Sizes to tit every tigtire at prices from................... $2.00 to $6.00 From Our Splendid Stock of New Bedding Supplies Select Your Replenishing Needs for Spring and Summer RICES cannot be lower for a long time and qualities can not be surpassed. If in need of anything in the wav of Bedroom or Bath room supplies we urge you to buy now while otir stocks are complete. Several timely purchases enable us to offer some really wonderful values at prices much lower than we could legitimately ask for if marked ac­ cording to the market value. Buy for future use- even though you do not need any of these items just now—you will save money on every article you select. P Hemmed Sheets, $1.50 Each. Seamless, bleached sheets, 72 x 90 all hem­ med and finished ready for immediate use. Made of splendid quality, soft, easily laundered sheet­ ings. Fine Sheets. $1. 78 Each. A splendid quality of seamless bleached sheets hemmed and finished soft for use without pre­ vious laundering. These sheets are torn size 81 x 90 and are very special values. Bedspreads, f$l. 79 \Each. Good generous size bed­ spreads in good wearing quality hemmed ready for use. Worth ♦2.00 to­ day.. iSotne have ent corners forjLuse on iron beds. Blankets, \^$2 88 Pair. Clean cotton blankets— no waste and no shoddy —tn grey and tan with fancy stripe borders in blue. A nice weight and size 64 x "6. \ ery special values. Boys’ Nunsingwear Long sleeve,j short sleeve and sleeveless, anklp and knee length I nion Suits iii white, cream and grey light and tiedium weight cot­ ton and worsteu plaited fabrics in sizes to fit agfs 3 to 18 years at prices from..... Girls’ Munsingwear. Long sleeve, short sleeve and sleeveless, kneq and ankle length garments in fine soft good wearing knitted fabrics for spring and summer wear. Sizes to fit Pillow Cases, 29c. Each. Pillow cases of a splen­ did washing and wearing quality fabric bleached hemmed and finished all ready for use. Torn size 42 x 36. to $3.00 cJ4fen’ s Athletic çJ7ldunsing Union Suits. Pillow Cases, 39c. Each. A special quality of bleached pillow cases, size 42 x 36 ail hemmed and finished soft for use immediately without pre vious washing. Splendid values. Pillow T ubings, 29c. Yard. Actually worth 35c. yard and upwards, but were bought in a manu- facturers clearance which enables us to offer them at this great saving. 45 inches wide, bleached and finished soft. Feather Pillows, $4.25 Pair. Guaranteed to be made of new material thor­ oughly cured and steri­ lized Weight 3 lbs. Cov­ ered with nice quality fanci ticking. Price Each ♦2.25 |Per pair $4.25. 90c. to $2.75 Fine strongly woven fabrics for summer wear in sleveeless, knee .ÏXi,rme"l’'$1.25to $2.00 Scrims, 17}4c. Yard. Floral and Oriental border design drapery scrims in white, cream and ecru Very special values in window dra­ peries for the bedroom or any other room. Comfort Batts, $1.25 Each. Full comfort size batts 72 x 90 all in one piece and 3 lbs. in weight, A splendid value at the price, Worth considerably more todav. Scrims, 20c. Challies, 33c. Yard. Hemstitched drapery 36 inch wide Comfort scrims with colored Challies in pretty floral borders in floral de­ designs in colors of signs of pink, tan and blue, tan and lavender. rose on grounds of The most economical fabric procurable to­ white cream and ecru. day for making com­ Very special values. forts. Comfort Batts, $1.39 Each. Sewed Batts, $1.69 The ’Army'’ batt, 3 lb. Comfort Batts weighs 2Jlbs measures 72 x 90 sewed ready for 72 x 90 and comes all stitching. A good clean in one piece. A nice batt put up specially clean cotton batt in a for those who like a medium weight for quilted batt ready to spring and summer comfort«. use. « f