Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 02, 1918, Image 5

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Draft 2587K
Metro Production de Luxe, featur
ing Mabel Taliaferro,
xhe Gieatest Patriotic Picture ever
Covering a space of tiineirom the Battle of Bunker
llill to the present day.
One of the Greatest l'eatuies ever put in a^lPicture is
the signing of the Declaration ot Independence,
with all the Original Signers portrayed by play­
ers chosen for likeness of the different parts.
TUESDAY, May 7. One night only
Adults 20c.
Sheriff Washington County is
Arrested lor Shipping in Liqiur.
Childrcu 10c.
Adults 20c.
in "DRAFT25S
Will You Be Ready For GASOLINE MONEY
the County Jail at the time, and they
all stood near the corridor bars as
spectators while the “trial" was in
progress. At one time when Apple-
The boys at the front now are
gate sought to interrupt the court he
cupying trenches. Some are in
was given another fine for contempt
first line trenches, dispatches tell
of court.
You at home are in the back line
“Whew, that’s a tough place to put trench
a fellow in,” said Applegate when a
The fellows in the front line
jailer let him out of the corridor for trenches must stand inspection regu­
his dinner.
“An’ you'll sure know its a tough
You in the back line trench, too.
place before your ten days are up," must stand inspection. Will you be
one of the “court" officers snouted 1 ready ?
after him.
Remember, those brave lads across
William Fox presents Geo. Walsh
Have you an ache or a pain ? Do
you feel low in spirits ? Do you
want a cure ? Well then the thing
for you to do is to see Geo. Walsh
and his pet bear in this picture
Social Pirates,” two reel Wil
liam Fox comedy.
Childrcu 10c.
Armenians Are Starving
In the federal Court at Portland
Thursday morning Federal District
Attorney Haney filed an action ag;in-
C*r Ow.ner# Can Do Great
st Sheriff J. C. Applegate, C. B. Bu­
Work. Eliminate Trip to
chanan and John W. Bailey, of Hlls-
At the
Aid United State«
boro, charging them with importing
liquor into Oregon.
As spring comes on and the road«
The men were arrested by federal
improve, the automobile owner will
officers at three o’clock that morning
get out his car. Before he tunes It
at a small station on the Oregon El­
up for the first long Sunday tour with
ectric when they went to secure an
his family, It would be well at thto
express package shipped to them
time for him to reflect that every
the sea are depending upon you to gallon of gasoline he uses will maun
from San Francisco. There were five
by them, Everything they have 1 hat a gallon of gasoline cannot ba
boxes containing wine, whiskey and
Standrard Oil Co. Docs Its Bit. stand
came from the fighters in the back used for a motor truck hauling provta
gin, which had come from San Fran­
line trench—the big trench right here ions and munitions to the front for
cisco through the Portland office and
During all next week the Standard
the fighting men in France.
was transferred to the Oregon Elec­ Oil Company will contribute all the in America/
Perhaps you don't realize the great
It may sound trivial to say this,
tric, federal authorities having kepi space that would otherwise be used
in touch with the shipment from its for advertising Zerolenc lubricating responsibility resting with you. It Is but when one pauses to reflect that
destination until its arrival, and when oil to push the Third Liberty Loan. just as great as that shouldered by there are more than 3,000,000 pleas­
the brave fellow across the sea.
ure ,ears in use in America and that
the me nwent for the consignment Beginning next Monday the final
Be a real soldier in the back line each can burn from three to six
they were arrested.
drive to sell Liberty Bonds will be on trench, so you can stand inspection.
gallons of the precious fluid every
When arrested the men confessed and everybody will work to the ut­
Be a good soldier in the home Sunday that an outing is taken in
their guilt and wh cn arrained in the most to help the government make trench—Buy Liberty Bonds.
the car, one readily can see that such
Federal Court a plea of guilty was the loan an overwhelming success.
The war’s success or failure, so far an outing means that the already
No pains will be spared by either as Uncle Sam is concerned, depends scant supply has been made shorter by
The court fined the trio $250.00 each individuals or business linns and tlx on what you do or don't do.
several millions of gallons. With the
and sentenced them to ten days in Standard Oil Company is in the fore­
Save food, help the Red Cross, buy supply decreased and the Govern­
front in the patriotic move to con­ Liberty Bonds.
ment in the market as a heavy buyer
The men offered no defense, threw centrate eve.y effort to give the Pa­
Just look yourself over. Take an in­ to supply the thousands of motor
themselves on the mercy of the court cific Coast the lead over the other ventory of your bank account. Gaze trucks ft Is shipping to France for
and stated that they wished to have sections of the country.
over your record and see if you've the army, the price will rise and the
the matter over as soon as possible.
Ail contracts tor advertising Zero- done your duty as a tack trench sol- Government will be at a greater ex­
The high official capacity of the lene in the press will be turned to dler since Uncle Sam entered the pense to conduct its military opera­
sheriff and the prominence of the pushing the sale of Third Liberty war.
If you can afford to buy Liberty
parties concerned has created a sensa­ Loan Bonds.
"As every one famlltar with th«
Bonds, and don't, then you are aid- war situation knows,” said an army
tion unparalleled in the history of
Washington County and the affair is Notice of Meeting of Owners of Land
man recently, ‘ gaeoline Is one of th«
Are you that kind of a back trench big factors in the great struggle. Its
In South Prairie Drainage District.
deeply to be regretted.
Representations made Monday be­
Importance In the ultimate winning
Meeting of the owners of the land
fore Federal Judge C. B. Wolverton
of the war is very great. It propels
submarines, flying machines and motor
brought revocation of the jail-term, in South Prairie Drainage District
trucks and ambulances. The United
portion of the sentences he had an­ is hereby called for Tuesday, May 14,
1918, at 2:00 o’clock p.m. at the Court | Let every fellow do his bit,
States is the great producer of this
nounced Thursday on John W. Bailey House in Tillamook City, Oregon,
Makes Clubbing Arrangement With
by-product of petroleum, and all we
and Charles B. Buchanan, Hillsboro for the purpose of electing a board of And smile while he Is doing it.
can produce is needed by us to hasten
business men, for confessed violation three supervisors for said Drainage i
a victorious conclusion of the war.
of the Federal liquor laws. Clemency District, in accordance with Sec. 3, of It may be leading hopes forlorn;
“It seem« to me that the owners
was denied Jesse C. Applegate, for­ Chapter 414, Laws for Oregon for It may be only hoeing corn;
Still he is acting like a man.
of pleasure ears can effect a great
mer Sheriff of Washington county, 1917.
In doing it the best he can.
Erwin Harrison.
saving in gasoline if they care te
and Applegate entered the Multnom­
County Clerk.
do so in the seasons when outings
ah county jail at noon, beginning his
Let’s all find out what Duty means. and pleasure tours are in order.
-- .—-«Ml
to-day term.
In bearing arms or planting beans. Short till« and not too many of them
MONG our large circle of readers
Judge Wolverton took the new facts
And ere we reach the Great Beyond, will result in a big saving of gaae-
there are a great many who arc in­
into consideration and dropped the
Notice is hereby given to all whom Let's dig down deep and buy a bond. line, without robbing the car owners
terested directly or indirectly in
jail sentence from the sentences of
fruit growing, dairying and other
Bailey and Buchanan, the sanie time it may concern, That the undersigned Dig for the coins while we have got
raising their fines from $250 to $400. has been appointed executrix of the
branches of farming. All of these
one of the fine points: the money
The fines were all paid, including last will and testament of John Down deep until we scrape the hot- saved In gasoline can be turned into
naturally wish to keep in close touch with ag­
that of the ex-official.
ricultural activities throughout the state;
Liberty Bonds, and Liberty Bonds
County Court of Tillamook County,
Applegate Surrenders Office
and to know about any fight which is being
Let's back our hoys who are facing <an win the war The man who is
Humiliated by his arrest and the at­
willing to save gasoline now and turn
waged for the measures Oregon farmers
tendant storm of criticism
his savings over to the Government
To serve their Uncle Sam -11-el.
want and against all sorts of schemes that
broke in Washington county, Mr. Ap­
G. B. H.
will be able In the future to take all
are detrimental to the people and agricultural
plegate on Saturday tendered his res­ thereof.
the long tours he cares to, and he’ll
interests of this state.
All persons having claims against
ignation as Sheriff.
The greater part of the world now be able to ride as a victor.”
It cost Applegate six silver dollars the estate of said deceased, are hereby looks to America as Its chief hope of
We have, therefore, made a special clubbing
and a lot of grief and discomfort to
safety from tyranny and oppression.
Victory does not depend solely upon
“break into” the County Jail Mon­ signed, as said executrix, with the Our mission Is worth the devotion, the our fighting men; It depends on all
MER whereby any farmer or fruitgrower,
sacrifice, the labor of every American. J Americans. Work, rave, and lend ta
day. It took the Kangaroo Court of
who is one of our regular subscribers and who
office of Webster Holmes, in Tilla­ BUY LIBERTY BONDS.
the Government.
corridor “C” of the jail about 20 min­
is not now a subscriber to THE OREGON
mook City,
within six
utes to put the former Washington
FARMER, will be entitled to receive THE
months from the date of this notice.
county official through “the paces,”
Dated this 2nd day of May, 1Q18.
FARMER in combination with
and when they had finished with him
Barbara Nciger,
this paper at the same rate as for this paper
his face and ears burned as they never
Executrix of the last \\ ill
did before. No sooner had the iron
. ..............
and Testament of John
doors clanged behind the former sher­
Nciger, deceased.
appMes to all those who renew or
iff than the prisoners of corridor “C
Webster Holmes,
extend their subscriptions as well as to all
started the festivities.
Attorney for said Executrix
new subscribers. If you are interested di­
"You are charged with breaking in­
and Estate.
rectly or indirectly in Oregon agriculture,
to the county jail without the consent
do not miss this unusual opportunity, but
of the inmates,” was the complaint
Volunteers Wanted.
send your order in now.
lodged against him by the “judge, ’
who faced him with an eye that
Hon. P. C. Harley, mayor of Astoria
THE OREGON FARMER is the one farm
gleamed. “Are you
guilty or not
is seeking the Republican nomination
paper which is devoting itself exclusively
guilty ?”
for Governor of the stale. No machine
to the farming activities and interests of
"Guilty” the crestfallen sheriff mum­
no clique and no bank roll are back of
It lias a big organization gath-
him, but he stands on a platform con­
ering the news of importance to farmers,
And then the “Sheriff,” “prosecuting
taining a specific plank favoring pa­
dairymen, fruitgrowers, stock raisers and
attorney" and “bailiff” and other of­
triotism, labor, development of Ore­
poultrymen; and it has the backbone to at­
ficials of the Kangaroo court got busy gon resources, light wines and beer,
tack wrongful methods and combinations and
“Say,” spoke one of them, “we ve distinctly excluding whiskey and sa­
been here for so long we’ve lost all
bad legislation, and support honest leaders
track of things on the outside; what s
and beneficial measures. We are confident
He is striving for a greater Oregon,
whiskey bringing a quart now
that our readers will congratulate us on our
an Oregon for all not a few, and his i
“What is your occupation?” ques­ slogan is “Do you want a live state.
being able to make this splendid and at­
tioned the judge.
tractive clubbing offer.
Vote for Harley for Governor." If
“Nothing at present or for the next you arc in favor of liberty at home, as
to days,” Applegate replied.
well as abroad, and believe in a
“What has been your occupation? square deal for all. become a Harley
the court insisted.
Lieutenant by writing to the Harley
“I was sheriff,” responded Apple­ for Governor League, Portland Ho­
gate with a voice scarce above a tel, Portland. Lieutenants arc needed
in every precinct.—Paid Advt.
“So you’re the guy that violated his
public trust and got away with a to­
Road to Hoppiness.
day jolt, are you?" quired the judge.
Be amiable, cheerful and good na-
"Well we’ll have to give you the limit. tured and you are much more likely
This is the first time we’ve ever had a to be happy. You will find this diffi­
crack at a sheriff.”
cult, if not impossible, however, when
At this point the “prosecuting at­ you are constantly troubled with con­
torney” urged the judge to exercise stipation. Take Chamberlain’s
no mercy. “Give him the limit, and and get rid of that and it will be
Get Rid of Your Rheumatism.
lain’s Liniment a great help. The re­
then some, for spoiling the society of easy. These tablets not only move
lief which it affords is alone worth
this corridor for the next ten days , the bowels, but improve the appetite
Now is the time to get rid of your many times the cost. For sale by La
UflCLt SAA - W ell hebú a 3CRAP o’ RkPER.
he urged.
and srengthen the digestion. For sale
rheumatism. You will find Chamber- mar’s Drug Store.—Paid Adv,
ne worfr ncamay 14 a ammt D'ooaf
The grand jury happened to be by Lamar’s Drug Store.—Paid Adv.
making their monthly inspection of
May 3rd, at 8.15 P.M.,
President of Euphrates College, at
Hartpoot, Turkey,
Will Explain the Armenian Situation
He is a great speaker and all are
strongly urged to hear him
The Oregon Farmer
Offers Unusual Opportunity to Its Readers
OREGON FARMER, 3 years - $3.00
$4 50
By Our Clubbing arrangement,
both for............................ • $1.50