TlLLAMcOK HEADLIGHT.ZMAY 2. 1918 HAPPY WOMEN. Have the Republican party of Ore­ fectly justified in doing so, they do gon become so ignomineous that it not want parties to go into their tim­ Legal Advertisements. has to be dictaated to by Os. West, a ber and select the best spruce trees First Insertion per line ............. $ .10 Democrat? We don't think so. West and leave the balance, leaving a fire Harry Lauder is being serious tb se days. The TL_ fanioua ...... Scotch comedian Each subsequent insertion, line. .05 has agreed to retire from the race for '.rap as a menace. of war. Along i’h la subordinating his comedy to the all- inbraclng demand i U nited States Senator if Bob Stan­ . M. C A.. lainder I.« miking his work for ills Injured Soldiers' fund and the Y. State Senator S. B. Huston, of field will do the same, making a text Liberty Loan Get ral THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. 1 "walk-over" for Senator McNary. Portland, has announced that in has an eurnest atqieal to Americans to prepare for the 11 essage. Here is what he says: me —•Ul! I Stanfield has as much right to aspire withdrawn from the contest for the subscription is the theme of Lauder's F. C. BAKER. Publisher. word in any language. It s the thing the Republii. ii nomination for I nited Liberty is the dearest uc. d 1, “ - to the position as McNary, and it It is the one big thing we must fig it Germans are lighting to take away. I looks decidedly funny that West States Senator. This case was quite a to keep. I should want to play the roll of polit- surprise to lhe voters of Oregon, as What have you doue to help wiu the war? What are yon do! g to ical boss and tell Republicans what Mr. Huston was recognized as a very formidable candidate, being one of preserve liberty? I they should do. It is Republicans who United States sing songs of Every Sunday 500,not) Germans in 'he The Liberty Temple should contain I shoulld decide who is to be their can- Oregon’s foremost citizens, a lawyer i—ot the United States. pulling the trigger; they are talking of you- a list of iv ry person who volunteer­ I ilidate on the Republican ticket, not a of wide reputation, and his many are you doing to do about thitti? ed or were drafted into the service, 'Democratic political boss, and it will friends throughout the slate. Right now our answer must be- -BUY LIBERTY BONDS! We ha.e Mr. Huston says among other with tin branch they belong to from not help McNary in lhe least now ii given that answer once, twice already, But we must make it again and things that he withdrew in order that Tillamook County. is known that a Democratic like W est again as need is We must turn our dollars into silver ouileu Tenti is wanting a Republican for L niteil the Republicans could unite upon a the way we can become shareholders in tile Bank of Humanity Our part The Germans call the United States Senator. W hat can the Dem­ man and be certain of electing him in is to provide the wherewithal, since we can’t do what the boys out there States Soldiers "Devil’s dogs,” and ocrats think of West for advocating November. This narrows the race down to R. N. Stanfield, of Eastern are doing. the soldiers from Scotland “Women the candidacy of a Republican." Back in France I saw battalions of young fighters inarching along and Oregon, and C. L. McNary, of Salem. from hell.” It must be that Germany chanting a song any old song—right into the mouth of death They know Ii became apparent when ex-Govcr- realize that they are going to get hell A good many persons, especially of where they were going. They were fighting to save LIBERTY. Ajul they knocked out of them. German extraction, would not believe norOlwald West made his eleventh are calling on you to help them, you h:r'!t here. hour entry into the contest for the ------ o------ that Germany was responsible for Our part is easy compared with theirs— but It Is OUR PART and It We must confess that we are not an plunging The w orld into the most hor­ Democratic nomination that the old must lie done. Put your money into liberty supports. Sign up as share­ authority on military tactics. If we rible and uncalled for war in the his­ game of stirring up strife in the Re­ holders in humanity's bank. were we might understand why so tory of the world. They would not be­ publican ranks and thereby electing a Democrat would be played again, so many soldiers are brought to the lieve it, and retorted that England jumping off place of the northwest was the cause of the war. The inter­ Mr. Huston decided to sacrifice his from the East and Middle West when esting article in another column, giv­ ambition an dblock this little game, men are so badly needed in France. ing the memoranda of the German which has been so successfully played ■ -o------ ambassador to England previous to by W est in the past. The supporters of Mr. Stanfield are S. B. Huston's withdrawal from the the war, places the entire blame upon Republican senatorial contest must Germany and her war lords. Germany very jubilant over this turn in affairs have hit Oz West like a bomb-shell, not only planned the time when the as it is appaient that ,due to the close By Herbert Quick for it has upset the plan to split the war was to start, but expected to relationship between West and Mc- Republi an party and elect West. Die crush France and then Russia, ex­ nary, the voters are turning to Stan­ Member Federal Farm Loan Board Rij-ablicans are now uniting on R. N. tracting a big war indemnity and an­ field as they realize that in the East­ Stanfield and West can already see other big slice of territory. There is no ern Oregon man the Republicans have While Gerard was our ambassador his own political defeat. The farms of this country could getting away from the fact that when a candidate whose nomination instlres in Berlin, the Kaiser said to him one carry the war to a victorious con ­ election. Germany mobolized her army, she Before Germany started the drive pl.iyed the roll of a big robber, and to clusion even if all the rest of the na­ day that he would stand no nonsense to break through the English army, obtain her ends the kaiser and the tions should quit. The rest will not from America after the war. Another List Bond Buyers. Do you know what that means? It the generals made a boast that they junkers did not care a whoop how quit; but we could win it without had 300,000 to sacrifice to accomplish many lives would be sacrificed. them it we had to do it. The farmers means that the Germans intend to of the United States can whip Ger­ subjugate this country if they come their object. They have failed and no Nestucca Valley Bank. out of this war victorious. doubt sacrificed over a million men, 50.00 many. We can whip them with guns. Ralph Williams again aspires for Huffman, Gene ............................. The German Imperial government hence the complaint in Germany the position of Republican National Baxter, Geo...................................... 50.00 We can whip them with our products. has preached the superiority of Ger* We can whip them with our money. about the great sacrifice in life. The Committeeman for Oregon. He is a Baxter, P. A................................... 50.00 Every farmer in the United States many to all the rest of the world tin- Kaiser don't care for the lives of his 50.00 good man for the position, and if his Boatman, W. S................................ must remember that the war has a til the German nation is drunk with own soldiers any more than the lives advice had been taken Hughes would Cross, H. E..................................... 100.00 first mortgage on every cent he has. I megalomania. One of their great of the soldiers in the allied armies as Cross, Frank ............................... 100.00 have been elected at the last prosi- The last spare cent in the pockets of i writers expressed the prevailing, of- long as he can gain his object and be­ Cross, Ollie A ............................... 300.00 dental election. He counseled har­ every farmer in America should be i ficial view in 1903, when he wrote: come the military dictator of the 50.00 mony in the republican party and had Cross, Ollie F............................... “The Teutonic race is called upon devoted to the war. world. 50.00 republicans in California and Wash­ Nelson, F. D................................. The Kaiser began foreclosing his to circle the earth with its rule, to ex­ ------ o Hester, J. W ................................. 50.00 ington buried their little petty differ­ mortgage on our farms when he de­ ploit the treasures of nature and of Most of us have done more or less 50.00 clared ruthless submarine warfare. I human power, and to make the pas- ences the same as Oregon did, there Hester, Eva M............................ pieaching and given a whole lot of 50.00 The war is our answer to his bill of ' sive faces servient elements in its would be a Republican administration Hester, Eugene ......................... advice to women to stop waste. We 50.00 foreclosure. today, and the big business men of Lewallen, Fred .............................. ' cultural development » • ♦ Who­ think the women have a "come back” 50.00 the country assisting in the prosecu­ Jens.n, C. C................................. Our contribution is, first, our sons ever has the characteristics of tho at the government about waste of Lewallen, C ....................................... 50.00 and brothers for the trenches; sec­ : Teutonic race is superior. All tho tion of the war. It is true that the money and a wilful waste of time in 100.00 ond. the last pound of food products ilark peoples are mentally inferior, b» Democratic misleading slogan “He Lewallen, J.......... ........................ the construction of airplanes. A great 50.00 which we can grow by mobilizing our ' cause they belong to the passive kept us out of war" influenced a large Lane, Geu. L.................................. deal of credit is due the women of the 50.00 scanty labor supply utilizing the men, races. The cultural value of a nation number of voters, and, to our way of Lane, A. S..................................... country in their endeavor to prevent 50.00 women and children and the towns­ [ is measured by the quantity of Ton- thinking, gave Germany the impres­ Nicklatis Tom ............................... waste and conserve food, but when 5°.oo people about us; and third, money | Ionium it contains " sion that the United States was too Reusser, Fred C......................... the government wasted millions of 50.00 for Liberty Bonds. absorbed in money making to enter Cooper, Ray A............................. Are you one of the darker races? dollars, it looks to most of us that 5000 This is the crucial year of the war. Are you willing to be rated as one the war and too cowardly to resent Johnson, J. D................................ the government at Washington should Lane, Ola B ..................................... 50.00 Orrr soldiers are at the front, hun ­ the abuses she heaped upon the Unit­ of the "servient elements” in Ger- show a better example and prevent ed States. But Mr. Williams’ advice Beach, C. F................................... 200.00 dreds of thousands of them in the many's cultural development? the wilful waste of public money. 100.00 trenches, and a million more ready to was not taken and California and Johnson, H. M........................... You began to be one of the "servi­ 50.00 go. The whole burden of carrying on ent elements" when peaceful people F*Over in Washington County the Washington went Democratic. We Bradford, C. S.......... '................... 50.00 our own part in the war, and of aid­ were slaughtered as they carried your hope Mr. Williams will be renomi­ Imlah, James. ........................... federal authorities gave the Sheriff nated, and he should be. Sappington, Crystal ................. 50.00 ing our sister nations in arms, rests produce to market. W sh it because and two prominent business men of Yates. W. W................................. 50.00 on the United States Treasury. you belonged to a "passive race?" If the treasury fails or falters or Hillsboro a jolt when they arrested Mattoou, L. C ............................. 50.00 This war is for the purpose of say­ Gus Moser, who* was president of them for having liquor shipped into the State Senate, which office he fill­ Getchell, R. H. ......................... 50.00 finds iteeif unable to respond to every ing to that insane claim, with the the state. They owned up and were ed with credit to himself and the peo­ Lane Clyde ................................ 50.00 call upon it, the war is lost. Do you roar of a hundred thousand cannon-w each fined $250 and ten days in dur­ ple of the state, and who is again a Kellow, M. C................................. 5°.oo realize that? “NO!” Your son. and all the nation's sons ance vile. That places sheriffs and candidate for governor, was in the Pearson, V. H............................... 50.00 Never since the Turks threatened are relying on the United States bankers under a certain amount of city on Saturday. Mr. Moser is a W’ilson, J. D. .............................. 50.00 to overwhelm Europe was the world suspicion. No wonder that the arrest good campaigner, and has a large Barber, Ina. C. ............................ 50.00 Treasuty to furnish things with which in such danger as now. Germany caused some gossip over in Washing­ number of friends in this county. He Barber, R. E................................. 50.00 they may fight. Their lives are lost if the treasury must be defeated this year. Unless ton county when the people elected a would make an excellent governor, White Henry ............................. 5000 falls. Oltr country is lost if the treas­ we win. our place in the world le man to the office they expected him being well qualified for that position. Getchell, C. L............................... 50.00 lost, and our history as one of tho ury fails. to obey and enforce the law, and hav­ Four years ago he was a candidate Hansen, N. P. ........................... 100.00 Germany wins if the treasury fails. ‘servient elements" begins. We must ing violated the law, the judge should for governor, entering the race late, Burchard Margaret ................. 50.00 Therefore every cent you can rake withhold nothing fiom the support of have given him the maximum penalty. but in a race where there were eight Hansen, N. A........... . .................. 50.00 and scrape together belongs to the the war. We must give our sons. Wo 100.00 treasury, that our soldiers may come 1 nrnst bring forth tood in abundance. candidates he came out second highest Meyer, F. E. ........................... There are a good many persons who Notwithstanding that he was defeated Meyer M. E. ............................. 100.00 back to us alive and victorious. This We must give into >.he treasury of tho express the opinion that they wish he was not like so many persons who Mattoon, O. P............................... 100.00 is literally true. We can whip the United States every cent we can Roosevelt or Taft was president. It is feel sore after being defeated, for he Ott, P. D. .................................... 100.00 Germans with our money; but not spare. safe to say that either of these ex­ got out and worked for the successful Lane, C. M. ................................ 50.00 j with the money in our pockets or This summer the support of the war presidents, when war was declared, candidate. That is a good precedent Price, Reuben ........................... 50.00 bank accounts It must go into the | is up to the farmers: and Uncle Sam would have sought and qbtaintd the for every Republican office seeker to Price, Joe......... —...................... 50.00 United States Treasury in subscrip­ has never called upon the farmers la advice and assistance of experienced follow, for it pays in the end, and will Aufdeinaucr, Joe ....................... 50.00 tions to Liberty Bonds. vain! business men, and would not have give Mr. Moser a good many votes. Kellow, Wrennic ....................... 50.00 fTivts is the last of a serie» ef three artlclee by Mr. Gulak.) I placed persons at the heads of de­ That Moser is a formidable candi­ partments who knew not how to run date must be conceded, for on the day “Draft 258” is,Wonderful Play. them in a business way. As a illustra­ of elec'ion it will surprise a good 4 ------ o — - tion of this the airplane muddle is a many persons the big backing he will good criterion. We believe that , if get in Multnomah county. A good We Change our Program every Night Roosevelt had been president the Un­ Metro’s special production de lux, ited States would have bad thousands many think that the race is between Moser and the Governor, The friends of airplanes in France today and be­ of Mr. Moser in Tillamook feel con­ "Draft 258”, starring Mabel Taliafer­ tween two and three million men. fident that they are going to carry ro, which will be shown at the Gem ------ o------ the county for him, basing this upon Theatre on Tuesday, May 7, is a It is plain as the nose on a man's lhe vote four years ago, which was as patriotic pagent of great scenes in the » face that West's game is to bring follows: Gus Moser, 356; James history of the United States. From the Battle of Bunker Hill to about another factional fight in the Withycotnbe, 246; T. T. Gear, 122; TILLAMOOK’S PROSPERITY Republican pary, with the intention Grant Dimick, 106; A. M. Crawford, a lawn fete of the present day for 5 IME and methods tire having a good deal to do of obtaining support from the Mc­ 100; George B. Brownell, 8b; Charles the benefit of the Red Cross, stirring . with the increasing development of Tillamook scenes follow each otlierr in this pic­ Nary faction after the election. Since A. Johns, 01; W illiam A. Carter 53. ture, the logical successor to “The Mr. H11 ton retired from the race, <»s County. Toward the hitter, the First National Bank Slacker”, written and direced by the threw some bouquets at him, but Os is contributing no '»mall amount- by its complete Let's see says the blind man. When author-director of "The Slacker,” need not worry, for Mr. Huston re­ and convenient facilities of banking. tired fr >111 the r. ce to avoid a faction­ on a trip to 1’ortalnd recently, all the W illiam Christy Cabanne. The Battle He shall be glad to give you information 1 tifici saw mill men of the county put their of San Juan Hill is vividly presented, al fight alter the primaries. As we accept subscription to the 3rd Liberty Loan. »tated last week, there is only one heads together with the idea of seeing with regular cavalry men of the army DIRECTORS: thing for Republicans to do at the what could lie done to obtain the charging in the re-enacting of the A. IV. Hunn, Farmer. P. Helsel, Farmer. primary diction, and that is to vote Whitney Co.'s tract of spruce, south­ scenes. The Battle of the Alamo, in C. J. Edwards, Mgr. C.PowerCo. J. C. Holden, Vice Pres. for Bob Sanfidd, and cur advice to east of this city, which is claimed to the Mexican War, is shown in repro­ H. C, Lamb, Huilding Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. the Republicans of Tillamook county be the best body of spruce in the duction. With exactness of detail, the W. J. Riechers. Cashier. United States. The Tillamook mill signing of the Declaration of Inde­ is that they turn out and vote for Stanfield, and in doing so they will men agreed upon a price as to what pendence is pictured, with all the show that they do not want a Demo­ they thought it was worth anil went "original signers" portrayed by play­ fl cratic political boss to boss the Re- to the W hitney Co. to see whether it ers chosen for their likeness in the I could be obtained and at what cos. different parts. In connection with publican party. Eisen to this, especially those who “Draft 258", a motion picture was TILLAMOOK. OREGON The Oregonian made this surprising arc imputing wrong motives to the planted for the first time on Bedloe’s statement on Sunday: “There are two timber Qwners of this county. The Island for the purpose of taking pic­ thousand applications, mostly from tract was offered, to the Tillamook tures of the Statute of Liberty. “Draft 258" is a pictorial review of Proper Food For Weak Stomachs. TILLAMOOK ASTONISHED BY women, to the Portland School Board mill inc« for one half what they for positions as teachers and instruc­ agreed it was w orth. W hat stands in great events in American history. A MERCHANT'S STORY. tors There arc about thirty vacancies the way, as we understand it, is the picture all will enjoy. The proper tood for one man will be cost of building a logging road to the to till, l he total surplus is thus shown all wrong for another. Everyone A merchant relates the following: to be about nineteen hundren and timber, for when a track is built over Best Remedy for Whooping Cough should adopt a diet suited to his age “Fof years I could not sleep without seventy (10701- 1 lu’-v ”,ust sel’k e,n" the meadows of some of the land in 'and occupation. Those who have turning every hour. Whatever I ate ployment in the schools elsewhere, or this county, one can readily see that "Last winter when my little boy had weak stomachs need to be especially |it would amount to a hold up. If the find other work here. Who will ex­ the whooping cough I gave him careful and should cat slowly and caused gas and sourness. Also had plain why it is that the school jobs . government could be induced to take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy" writes masticate their food thoroughly. It is tomach catarrah. ONE SPOON- are enormously overcrowded, while hold of the logging road and force it Mrs. I. B. Robert^, East St. Louis, also important that they keep their 1 CL buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., ether occupations are suffering from as a military necessity, there would 111. “It kept his cough loose and re­ I bowels regular. When they • IS *” xcd in Adler-i-ka relieved me be no trouble whatever. Every saw lack of help? Is it the wages? Or he lieved him of those dreadful coughing constipated or when they feel dull n! " sTANTLY. ” Because Adler-i-ka “. hours? Or the congeniality of the mill in the county could obtain an spells. It is the only cough medicine stupid after eating, they should lake tluilies the ENTIRE climentary task? Here is room for the service of abundance of spruce logs. In all jus­ I keep in the house because I have Chamberlain's Tablets to strentth' n tract it relieves ANY CASE constipa­ Mme public, or semi-public, organiza­ tice to the timber owners of 1 illa- the most confidence in it.” This rem­ the stomach and move the bowels. tion, sour stomach or gas and pre­ tion. that will divert nearly two thou­ mook County, it is wrong to accuse edy is also good for colds and croup. I They arc easy to tak a i pL.a-ant in vents appendicitis. It has QUICK­ them of withholding their timber for sand women from places where they EST action of anything we ever sold. For sale by Lamar's Drug Store.— effect. For sale by L ..nar’s Drug J. S. Lamar, druggist. are not wanted to places where they mcrcinary purposes. This is what they | Store. — Paid Adv. object to, and we think they are per- •Paid Adv. (Paid Adv.) arc wanted.” HARRY LAUDER’S ADVICE ADVERTISING RATES-. Editorial Snap Shots. THE WAR, THE FARM AND THE FARMER Plenty of Them in Tillamook, and Good Reason for It. Wouldn't any women be happy, .yter years of backache suffering, liiys of misery, nights of unrest, 'lhe distress of urinary troubles, \wicii she finds freedom. Mlny readers will profit by the fol- low mg. Mis. H. Lindyard, Fourth Ave Fornst Grove, Ore., says: “Three year! ago my kidneys were in a bad way. My back nearly killed acheil so ami for several days at a lime I couldn't get about to (]0 niJ. work. My kidneys were congested and >iy limbs began to swill. My head k it dull and at times 1 was so dizzy I could hardly stand. All sorts of spok seemed to appear before my eves. I felt so miserable 1 didn't care if I diilianything or not. 1 bail taken only tyo boxes of Doan’s Kidney I'ills wlcn I began to feel better in every wjy. 1 used four boxes in all and they cured me of the back-ache i ami put »iy kidneys in a normal con- ■ dition.” I I “Cured! Mrs. Gus Griffith, of Everton, Mo., writes: “I suffered for three years with various female troubles. My life was a misery. I was not able to do anything ... bear­ ing down pains in my back and limbs, ano head­ ache ... weak and nerv­ ous. Dr. ------ recom­ mended Cardui to me.” TAKE The Woman’s Tonic "When I was on the sixth bottle”, she contin­ ues, ‘*1 began feeling like a new woman... 1 am now a well woman ... I know my cure is per­ manent for it has been three years since 1 took Cardui.” Thousands of women, now strong and healthy, who once suf­ fered from women’s ail­ ments, give Card-u-i the credit for their good health. Try it, fcr your troubles. AU Druggists Ornamental Fire Places Built of Brick and Stone. All Fire Places absolutely guaranteed not to smoke or money re­ funded. Brick work of all kinds done on short notice. We make a specialty of re­ pairing smoking Fire Places. RALPH E. WARREN, TILLAMOOK. ORE. T he L atest ! T Electricity's latest gift to the housewife—greatest since the electric iron and electric vacuum cleaner—the Western Electric h P ortable S ewing M achine 1 The nrst^ational Bank No more tiresome treadle pushing - no more backache—a little electric motor does the hard work. A foot control gives any speed desired. The entire machine in its case can be carried anywhere—it’s no larger than a typewriter. --- o— Ask for a demonstra­ tion. COAST POWERC9 THE ELECTRIC STORE. »