Hmòlijjljt I TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Tillamook Jottings rec, with a one pound can of Ryzon baking powder, a handsome baking book containing two hundred A. Wise, dentist ♦ receipts. C. O. & C. M. Dawson. Every dairy cow should be fed some In conformity with the rule formed Linseed Oil Meal.—Ray & Co. » elsewhere, all wood orders must be Roofror Remedy at C. I. Clough lecoinpaiiicd by payment in advance. A. F. Coats Lumber Co. ♦ Co. * A new line of wall paper jfist re­ rjr Sbcirer, physician and surgeon, ceived at the Harris Furniture store, Cloverdale, Ore. . • a so a prepared paste for putting it , Pigs fo sale, H. A. Springer, half­ on. of town. » Bile south sol Get your farm implements, gas en­ MAY 2, 11)18. »1.50 PER YEAR. known of the horrible condition s pre- the Red Cross is asking a half a mil­ States, which has a normal consump­ But finally his luck changes and he lion from (vashiiigton and Oregon. vailing in that country. tion of approximately the amount is forced into a marriage with the Prof. Hotson, ot the U. of W., di- produced. French rations have been beautiful girl—a girl whom he has Kuppenbcnder sclia feed for less. cclor 01 Spagnum dressings in the cut down one half. 1 he effect of the loved from a distance. Dressed in fine Call at the warehouse. Northwest, came to Oregon a short shortage is disclosed in a statement silks and satins he appears quite dit­ V\ ill pay you to see Everson tor a time since to confer with 1’rof. Sweet­ trom tne French commissioner, An- ferently from the beggar and, at tile >afe investment in city property or ser as 10 the supply obtainable from drew Tardieu: same time, his actions assume a dif- 'arm lands. tiiis stale. W bile 11 has been found to "France has reached the limit of I ferent tone now that he has a few My client has 40 acre farm just 3 occur plentiful in the bogs along all sacrifice and suffering behind the : gems within his grasp. miles from city limits of Portland the cost, yet it can be most readily lines. Unless America, by similar sac- . Although the title role in this southeast, right up to date in every collected and shipped out trom Flor­ ritices conies to her immediate aid, * charming story calls for many daring detail with everything in stock t and ence, Newport, Tillamook and Astor­ wiicn she does arrive with Iler full ¡ feats, Mr. Moreno did not once retuse equipment first class, I neo me for ia, so that these regions have an es- military strength she may find the to play his part exactly as it was cream and pork averages about $200 ■ pecial opportunity for most impor­ conditions upon which victory de- written and in two instances he en­ Jewelry, , clocks, watches, silver- gines, silos and cutters from Kuppen­ a month, want Tillamook dairy farm tant patriotic service. pends entirely changed. Unless every tered into a feat with the director * bender. We guarantee all of" our in exchange for this fine home place. »are _ - R. ”• W. Bennett. This moss will replace cotton and farmer, shop-keeper, hotel manager, was willing to cut from the story. goods. « • 1 Mr. and Mrs. Homer Baker If you have something to offer will oakum, both of which were needed every citizen, cooperate with the food Born to w April 2; a nine pound boy. Situation \\ anted.—Practical nurs- send you full particulars. Neal Brown for other purposes. The moss, more­ administration in sacrificing profits. Church Services for Sunday. '!? Several nursing. Call Dave 207 Panama Bldg., Portland, Oregon, over, is superior to either of these in England, Italy, as well as F rance, Let W. A. Church write your insur- * 1 Krake, Mutual Phone and ask for i I illamook County’s quota in the that it hqs twenty times the absor­ will face a state of depiction that will pee. First Christian Church. | Jannette Seyinor. ♦ . next Red Cross drive will be some­ bent power of cotton and can be ob­ undermine the morals of the people.” The Tillamook County Bank has Harry E. Tucker, Minister. tained for the gathering and shipping. Dr. Kerr is directly representing , Demand that your contractor use where about $5,000.00. That’s easy. \\ e extend a cordial invitation to it undoubtedly is to be found in the government and is delivering the J- iineil tl 1 Federal Reserve Bank. I Santa Cruz cement. It is always uni- u.n- There are more than one thousand the public to attend all services next g. W. Bennett, expert watch re- ' form and has exceptional fast setting patriotic men in Tillamook county other localities in the county and Mrs. i message of the nation to its loyal citi­ Sunday. piring. S. P. VV atch inspector. qualities which is preferred. For sale who are just anxious to put up $5 Edwards would be glad to learn of its zens. All who have the welfare of In the evening a special evangelistic occurence in any place which are their country at heart are asked to I at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * each to help Red Cross work. Yes, Seed potatoes for sale. See 1 Dan sermon. readily accessible. Any who are in ­ come to the meetings and help create * I For sale, a dairy ranch of 90 acres, and come up smiling with their five Billings, Tillamook, Oregon. Remember “Mother’s Day” May 12, terested may see specimens of the at right price, with 22 cows, team and dollar bills. That’s the way to raise moss at the office of the Coast Power a sentiment of saving for victory in a special sermon and special numbers Draft 258,” at the Gem Theatre, this war wherein the liberty of man ­ Ike $5,000.00, and let ’ s do it boys, that a large quantity of farm tools. Three for the service. Co. Samples should be submitted to kind is at slake. Tuesday, May 7th. mites east of Tillamook, Apply to way. Sunday School to, a.m. Bring your Mrs. Edwards who will forward them The soil doctor 13 sold by Kuppen- George Tinnerstet, Tillamook, Ore. ♦ \ ictor E. Olson, of Rockaway, and to Prof. Sweetser for verification. whole family. lender. * The K. of P. Have Big Time. C. E. at 7 p.m. A great gathering of Mrs. Max Schultz had an attack of Miss Cora B. Larsen, of Tillamook, When all the plans are completed, young people. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Butler, appendicitis, and on Wednesday un­ were married W ednesday, May 1st, at full directions will be sent for gather­ Dr. Kerr will speak at 1:3o p.m. in Last Saturday evening was a big derwent an operation, performed by the Christian parsonage. Rev. Harry ing and cleaning and shipping the :i Bay City, a girl on April 29th. auditorium. Dr. Boals. She is improving quite E. Tucker officiating, using the ring moss. No moss should be gathered night in the history of the Knights of the Christian Church \\e handle Trojan Powder. Best for ceremony. The groom is employed at until such directions are received for Pythias lodge of this city, the occa- | Come. rapidly. lumping.—Tillamook Feed Co. ♦ I For rent—desirable home with all the spruce camp ami the bride has it may not be feasible or economical sion being an official visit by Leslie ' just closed a successful Methodist Episcopal Church. term of to collect it in all the locations where E. Crouch, of Portland, Grand Chan- I Mrs. F. C. Baker left this morning modern conveniences, barn, garage, school at Rockaway. They will make Chas. E. Gibson, D. D., Pastor. cellor of the Domain of Oregon. it occurs. it Eugene . I chicken park and garden spc>. Also their home for the present at Rocka- Services at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Prof. Sweetser was much pleased Other prominent Knights to visit Til­ Wanted to trade city property for household furniture for sale. Apply to way. Subject for morning service will be with the excellent character of the lamook on this occasion were: W. J. treagc close to city.—See Shrode. * Mrs. J. C. Holden. * The Executive Board of the Tilla- ! moss and also with the ready and H. Clark, G. C. Mosier, Harry Hunt­ “First Things, First—Religiously and er and W'. S. Barnes, all of Portland and Nationally.” Announcing the new Grant Six, the For sale, brush land at Hood River. mook branch of the Red Cross held hearty response of all the people. In the evening Local Preacher Rev. and Rev. R. C. Lee, of Sumpter, Or. £sl ever. S ;e Kuppenbcnder. * Three crops of alfalfa when cleared. a meeting on Monday in the Liberty There was work in the Third Rank, A. M. Gitin will preach. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Walker, Will sell on time and loan money for Temple to take up the matter of the Star Program for the Week. after which the Grand Chancellor ad­ Sunday School at ¡0 a.m. improvements to right man for dairy­ next drive, which is scheduied to 1 May 1st, a son. Prayer meeting every Wednesday, dressed the lodge in his official ca­ ing.—F. P. Friday, Hood River, Or. * commence the 22nd of this month. ‘ Friday, May 3.—"The Lamb”, five pacity. His address was indeed a at 8 p.m. Let Kuppenbender tell you hew to illamook's quota will be somewhere I Raise all the feed you can for your reel production featuring Douglas splendid effort. It was a powerful ap­ ire money 011 your cement work. ♦ stock. Buy your seed now. Cow near $5,000. Mrs. C. J. Edwards, presi­ Fairbanks. peal for the very highest ideals in our Rockaway Junior Red Cross. beorge Walsh in “Jack Spurlock- Horn turnips, Mangel Wurzel, % su­ dent of the local Red Cross, left ------ o- ■■ rodigal,” at the Gem llieatre, gar beets, Danver’s J4 long carrots, Tuesday to attend a meeting in Port­ Saturday, May 4—“Daybreak”—five every day life. It was also an appeal for true patriotism and self sacrifice The pupils of Rockaway school, un­ nursuay, May 9. and Rula Baga seed in bulk at C. O. land of the Red Cross workers of the , reel Metro Production, featuring for our country’s sake during this der the direction of Miss Eleanor different parts of the state, where j Emily Stevens. pest by Test—Oregon Portland &. C. M. Dawson's. terrible war. All those who heard the Spall, gave an entertainment on Fri­ plans were to be made to push the i "Fatty in Coney Island”—2 reel com­ Grand Chancellor, felt that they had j uncut. For sale by Lamb bchrader C. H. Wanzer, assistant state engi­ drive through to a success . day evening, April 26, for the benefit edy featuring Fatty Arbuckle been greatly inspired and benefitted ! of the Junior Red Cross of the school, neer, has come in to take charge of The Blaine Creamery Company, a Adults 20c. Children 10c. by his address. the proceeds of which amounted to Hie Supreme Court has granted a the work in building the five miles of corporation, vs. Earl R. Ayer and The speakers — of the 1 ---- other ------- ------------ -— evening B $25.00. Recitations, deuts and address- .ncanng in me case ot the feeney- hard surfaced road, and Oskar Hubar, wife is a suit filed in the circuit court. Sunday, May 5—“The Antics of Ann” were Gus. Moser, w'ho gave a splen- ! es were given and the latest songs of who has the contract expects to have enter Co., vs. Stone. The complaint alleges that on the ' —5 reel 1’aramont Comedy-drama did patriotic address; W. J. H. Clark, the work completed by September. the day were sung by the pupils and featuring Ann Pennington. 26th of February, 1918, the plaintiff way not be insured in the best tire who gave a nice talk and also some audience .* Born, on Wednesday morning, to was the owner and entitled to the «trance company, it costs no more. good recitations from Kipling’s work, Dainty refreshments in strict accor­ « the wife of Morris Schnal, a daughter. immediate possession of a certain Monday, May 6—"Aladdin from 1 Everson. and W. S. Barnes, who touched on the dance with Hoover’s rules were serv­ pro ­ Morris is as happy as a kid with a Broadw ’ ay ” — 5 reel Vitigraph building, a dwelling house, of the val­ iwrk by the hour, nursing a spec- coming Knights of Korasan initiation ed, the surplus cakes beinig auctioned duction featuring Edith Storey, ceremonies which will be held here in ... .tduress Mrs. Huglies, T illa- new toy, and inviting his friends to a ue of $250.00, which plaintiff had Moreno, and William June. Rev. R. C. Lee of Sumpter gave off. One cake which was purchased by smoke to commemorate the happy theretofore* erected and constructed Antonio i members of the Loyal Legion of Log­ Duncan. event. for his own use, and that the defend­ an interesting talk and seemed to be gers brought $10. lor bale—New modern residence, "Cops and Cussedness ” — one Teel took and carried Captain Charles Miller, who was ants unlawfully the funny man of the bunch. He ended Great enthusiasm has been aroused avd 111 nest residence district. For comedy featuring Hughie Mack, his talk by making a plea for funds to away the same and converted it to by the activities of the Junior Red at a bargain, bee Frank Heyd. ’ second assistant at the Cape Meares their own use, for which the plaintiff James Aubrey and Patsy De For­ help rebuild the K. P. Lodge Hall Cross Society, which is one of the ¡ic Supreme Lodge Knights of light station, has been transferred to claims $250.00 damages. rest. which was destroyed when Sumpter first to be organized in Tillamook nia> have purchased one half 1111I- Yaquina Head light station at New- o— was totally destroyed by fire soi^e County, and which is actually engag­ por, where he will assume the posi­ , uvllai ■> worth 0/ Liberty Bonds. May 7—“Draft 258”—Met­ time ago. He received $63.50 in less ed in making hospital supplies, scrap tion of first keeper. Notice to Hoarders Wheat Hour. Tuesday, ro Super De Lux production, feat­ tturncj H. 1. Mott» was in Port- than five minutes . books, gun wipes, etc. for our boys ip Marathon Lodge, No. 89, Knights I uring Mabel Teliaferro. 1 his is not llhe lust part/of the week on The last speaker on the program France. A War Savings Society has of Pythias, at their meeting Monday no battle there are a war picture, An opportunity is now given to all iac-x and returned on Tuesday. was Tom Handley who gave afinc talk also been organized in the school and evening conferred the first rank on a hoarders of wheat llour to turn the scenes, but it does deal with the | on behalf of the Tillamook lodge, re every member is doing his share to cst m the Wes/—Oregon Portland class of five, and the second rank 011 same over to the Food Administra­ world question as to whether the viewing the history of the lodge and win the war. lent. Always ¿inform and fresh. a class of six. There will be work in tion, thereby releasing an equal quan­ shall be ruled by “Autocracy" or giving other interesting information. ib-Schrader .t your bk book on uses cf ce- John B. Clymer. of \\ heat Fleur and no patriotic per ­ were conferred by the Grand Chan- for a “pet”. This may happen to you mook. farming. Nc 1111 mot/rn sanitary "His Cannibal Wife”—1 reel comc- cellor, with appropriate remarks. son will desire to have more. be without it. It is Born to the wife of Clent King on —this is the age of surprise—so you dy. Any person who has more than er shield 1 At the close of the program a light are advised to see "Jack Spurlock- Thursday, April 25, a daughter. Mrs. the amount permitted may bring the See Mppcnbcnder. luncheon was served. King is the daughter of Attorney Prodigal” at the Gem Theatre, Thurs­ hursday, May 9—“Jack Spurlock- int a war garden but see that Webster Holmes and Mrs. Holmes, same to me and will be paid cash for T Abcut the first of June a large class day, May 9, where George Walsh the Prodigal”—William Fox production the same, upon delivering it at a sted/is right. Hydrated lime is of Tillamook County Knights will be William Fox star, as young Spurlock, and it is satisfactory to know that featuring George Walsh. initiated into the mysteries of the solves the problem of disposing of the oil doctor. Get it at Kuppenben- grandpa and grandma are doing well warehouse designated by me. "Social Pirates”—2 reel Fox com- All patriotic persons are requested * Knights of Korasan, at this place. 400-pound Alaska bear. Mr. Bear ft arthouse. edy. Don ’ t miss it. Yamhill county proposes to spend to send me the names of any persons The degree team will come from makes it interesting for the Harvard MJon came, in from Fort Colum- $7000 to $10,000 on the road leading whom they know or have reasons to Portland in a special car accompan­ Faculty and his young owner before t /londay, on a two weeks leave from Salt Creek to Tillamook county believe have in their possession wheat Dr. Ken to Speak in Tillamook. ied by possibly 150 more Portland he is gotten rid of. ¡¿ice. He was in the hospital through Buell and over Butler hill. flour in excess of the quantity per­ Knights. “Jack Spurlock-Prodigal” was writ- ji attack of pneumonia. This will shorten the distance from mitted. Others from outside of town who I ten by George Horace Lorimer, edi­ “Suppose France should collapse as After a reasonable time has elapsed a result of lack of food, due to the un­ attended the meeting here on Satur­ cannot show all the pictures Salem to the coast. The grade on the for all hoarders to bring in their flour willingness or neglect of America to day evening were; Jas. Christensen, tor of Saturday Post, published in the icturcd. But we do show the Butler hill will lie greatly reduced. I will report the names of those who make the necessary sacrifice to supply Fred Robitsch, Ben Turner, Emil and Saturday Evening Post in serial form the market. See them at the , If you are going to put up a silo fail to take advantage of this offer to her soldiers and citizens, what would Chas. Wooley, of Hemlock and H. F. and later in book form. The story .heatre every night. don't buy until you have investigated the Department of Justice for prose­ made a hit and the book attained the Effenberger, of Nehalem.. The insur­ . distinction of being the “best seller” ; a truck to haul your milk." Or the “Stay Round Silo” the best and cution under the Hoarding Act. There become of the rapidly growing Amer­ ance department of the Knights °* < I on the market. ag else? Got an old automobile? cheapest on the market. Put up with upon the flour may be condemned for ican Army at the French front?” This is one of the disquieting possi­ Pythias took a half million dollars “Jack Spurlock-Prodigal” is the Ho le, he will explain die rest. out a nail. You can see one by the the use of the United States and the side of the Tillamook Feed Company hoarder may be imprisoned for two bilities of the food shortage mention­ worth of Liberty Bonds during the ' . story of a young Harvard student’s “Truxtun Attachment.” present drive. ed by Dr. W. J. Kerr, President of the i experience after he had been dropped store. Shrode is the agent. years, or fined five thousand dollars, Oregon Agricultural College, in his 'ekeeping* apartments for rent Nearly 200 Sir Kmghts were m at- . [ nvm from xaaavaiu Harvard wvausv because ut of ills his CStdpdtlC escapade a woung or both. Everett Parmer Jeffrey, Horgan Apartments. First st., series of talks on food and the war, tendance at the meeting Saturday 1 1 with the bear. He was a self-reliant No one but pro-Germans will hoard instantly which he is giving in Oregon as a rep­ evening. _________________ urtli Avenue cast. Northeast m»n 22 years of age, was chap and w4ien his millionaire father killed at the Coats Logging camp on flour at this time when it is so badly resentative of the United States Gov­ ourt House. ’ placed him in charge of his business Tuesday, a tree falling on him. He needed by our allies. ernment. See “Alladin from Broadway.” ■ he sought to make a good stroke by no recital will be given by the was born in Medford, Ore., Aug. 3*-> Robert H. McGrath, Dr. Kerr will speak in Tillamook buying a few hundred carloads of if Miss Saletia Dick on the 1896, and as far as known had no re­ County Food Administrator for Tilla­ County under the auspices of the Antonio Moreno, Vitigraph’s virile onions not knowing that his daddy of May 24th at the city hall. latives. He was registered and wis in mook County. County Council 01 Defense and the star, finds a role particularly adopted 'had already bought 500 cars. It work- «ivited. class I, subject to call at any time. County Agricultural Council. Pro­ to his type in the Blue Ribbon Fea- ed out all right, but before the film throw away your old tires but gram have been arranged at the fol­ ture starring him with Edith Storey ' story is unfolded young Spurlock has Born, on the 21st of April, at San Moss for Red Cross Dressing. lowing points. “Imur Tire” and get from Jose, Cal., to the wife of Oscar and William Duncan, in "Alladin many funny and thrilling experiences. poo miles more service out of Swenson, a daughter, which is named Cloverdale Theatre, Saturday, 7:45 From Broadway.” which will be : at low cost.—See Shrode.* Prof. Albert R.-Sweetser, of the De­ p.m. May 6, 1918. shown at the Gem Theatre next Mon­ 80 Acre Alfalfa and Garden Ranch. Helen Beatrice. Mr. Swenson is a Bay City M. E. Church, Sunday, 8 day, May 6. 1 uppenbender about the Grant member of the Coast Artillery Co. partment of Botany of U. of O. and Has about 60 acres now it, alfalfa. Mr. Moreno is ideally cast as an nnobile, the snappiest car on stationed at Fort Columbia, and Mrs. supervisor of Spagnum dressing in p.m.. May 7, 1918. Tillamook, Christian Church Sun ­ American who journeys to Mecca on The soil is Willow Creek bottom, next spring. Apply to An- Swenson has been stopping with her this state for the National Red Cross, was in the Tillamook region Sunday day, 1:30 P-m., May 8, 1918. a bet that he will be able to get a which is 15 to 30 feet deep, and a very tsch, Mutual Phone. parents. W heeler Theater, Sunday, 11:00 a. book which is concealed in the crum- rich and loamy volcanic ash. and Monday looking out for a supply ise will be at his 1 illamook The Red Cross is wanting a large of the moss. A considerable quantity m. May 7. 1918. The place will produce from 6 to 8 bling city’s walls and return to New ond iys, Tuesdays, Wednes- amount of moss, which is to be used and of the finest quality was found at How America, and especially Ore­ York without the aid of a white man. tons of alfalfa, 150 to 200 sacks of po­ I Thursdays until further no- for bandages, as it is found a better Rockaway, Sandlake, Hemlock and gon, can best respond to the demands Of course, it becomes necessary for tatoes per acre, and other vegetables ansoruem for increased food production, insur­ him to disguise himself as a native or fruit. The climate is ideal, being absorbent than cotton. There is a on the edge of Tillamook. large amount of moss to be obtained le- So acres irrigated alfalfa Through the kindness of Agricult­ ing the food supplies essential to the and, owing to his Spanish blood, he only 460 ft elevation. A good free rmiston country. Part lever in this county and it is hoped that the urist R. C. Jones, Prof. Sweetser was successful prosecution of the war, finds no difficulty in becoming an water right goes with the place, r________ make _____ I will be dealt with in the most prac­ Oriental type. which furnishes water for irrigation ngs well, etc. $3600. Owner different auxiliaries will get busy a enabled to visit these placesand of the] tical w ay by Dr. Kerr who has just be- mid, 1828 East Everest, St., once and gather as much as possible, arrangements tor gathering Instinctively he betrays his nation­ the year round and a fair dwelling 1 for it is urgently needed. moss by the school children and; and turned trom Washington, where he ality in a number of instances and is house. Has a railroad station on the Oregon. ____ 1___ „i Hod Cross of the var- I went over the entire question of in­ forced to flee to another part of the land and is near a store, high school members of »ho the Red Dr. Henry H. Riggs, president of Ii> 1 and unfurnished rooms creased food production and conser­ country. Soon he is without friends and church. apartments, 4tli Euphrates College at Hartpoot, 1 ur- iuos communities. Shaw’s i Price $8500, part terms. vation with the officials of the depart­ or funds and rather than lose his bet The details will be under the direc ­ Mil key, will speak at the City Hall on it of 1 Miller Ave. on 6th _ If this place is properly farmed it home for funds or securing tion of Mrs. C. J. Edwards and other ment of Agriculture and the Federal by wiring ____ Friday evening. May 3rd, *hcn c *3 aid from one of the tourists now in will pay for jtself in 4 or 5 years, Food Administration. officers of the County Red Cross, will explain the Armenian Ralph Ackley Land Co. The wheat shortage in the Allied the city, he becomes a beggar and sits I pt.1111, who is stationed at He is a good speaker, and what he and it will be shipped to some of the 210 Rothchild Bld. Vis in the Officers training has to say *bout the Armen«« wiH larger auxiliaries where it will be countries is 624 million bushels. 1 heir in the street, asking alms from the I Portland, Oregon. u, ..ime in Saturday to visit be highly interesting, for too little made into absorbent pads of which. only source of supply is the United wealthy native merchants passing by. returning on Wednesday.