I • • ’ . - ' - « î TTLLÄMCOK HEADLIGHT. APRIL 25, Canity Deleace Canaittee. o With the idea of perfecting a per­ manent working organization in this county to take up matters of county, State and national defense, a meeting was called on Monday evening of this week. The suggestions offered by the State Council of Defense were car­ ried out, namely; that the Chairman of the various war work committees that have already operated in the county make up an executive cimmit- tee of the County Council of Defense. This committee in this county is com­ posed of R. C. Jones, Co. Agricultur­ ist, chairman; C. E. Trombley, secre­ tary; F. A. Rowe, 2rd Liberty Bond Drive; R. W. Watson, 4 minute men; Mrs. C. J. Edwards, Red Cross and Women’s Committee; C. J. Edwards, Y. M. C. A. Drive; D. L. SI11 ode, fuel administration; Robt McGrath, food administration; Chas Kunze, agricul­ tural council; A. M. Hare, County Judge; W. L. Campbell, county Sheriff and Draft Board and Geo. B. Lamb, School Superintendent. It is the duty of the Executive Com­ mittee to pass and supervise all coun­ ty wide solicitations for war activi-i ties, and to so organize the county that it may be covered in the various drives, with the ¡east amount of lost motion. In other words to coordinate the war work of the county. it is also the duty of this committee to see to the publicity end of the wo.-k, securing of speakers, arranging for local and county war conferences, etc. It is aimed to organize community councils in all the communities of the county for the purpose as laid out by President Wilson in a letter of March 13th. Calls for these community council organization meetings will come some time within the next two weeks. Plan to attend. Let the aim of every indi­ vidual in this county be to help win the war. port* and it was not possible for us to send in the lists before they wore turned over to ns. Very truly yours. Portland Chapter American Red Cross. By A. M. Smith, General Manager, o At an entertainment held at the logging camp at the Brighton Mills Company, near Mohler, for the ben­ efit of the Mohler branch of the Tilla­ mook Red Cross, about 50 members of the Loyal Legion of Loggers who attended the entertainment contribut­ ed $475, to be used by the ladies of the Mohler branch for the purpose of purchasing material to be used in their local workroom. The men of this camp arc loyal and liberal beyond any question. On April 6, Liberty day they subscribed over $2000 in less than 15 minutes, following patriotic exercises held that day at the camp. Since that day the amount of the sub­ scription has been largely increased. 1918 Unpraaadantad Sala By R. C. Jones, County Agriculturist. And Showing af Army Mea for Farm Labor. Exquisite Naw Styles in On March 16th, Congress enacted a law enabling enlisted men to obtain furloughs during the present farming season for the purpose of augmenting agricultural production. That there may be no misunderstood regarding this matter a portion of the general orders No. 31 is here reprinted. “Commanding officers may grant such furloughs within the rules here announced whenever it appears that the granting of such furloughs will contribute to the purpose for which they were intended. But it is desired to reduce to a minimum the interfer­ ence thereby created in the progress I of military training and preparation; therefore, whenever the furloughing of an enlisted man substantially in­ terferes with the training or prepara­ Coats, tion of the organization of which he is a member, the applications will be | Notice. denied, in which case -he reason for I The city ordinances require all denial will be indorsed upon the ap- ; toilets within 155 feet of a sanitary plication. Furloughs granted under | sewer to be connected with the sewer. this order will be for short periods, 1 Complaint is made that some have largely for seeding and harvesting not connected. This is to give notice time. They may be given by com­ that unless this is done forthwith, manding officers of posts, camps, persons guilty will be prosecuted as cantonments, divisions and depart­ ments. Such furloughs will not be provided by the Ordinance. granted to enlisted men of or above E. F. Heusser, the grade of first sergeant; nor will City Marshal. they be granted in an organization that has been ordered or is in transit Constipation and Indigestion from points of mobilization or train­ These are twin evils. Persons suffer­ ing to a port of embarkation; and all . and 3rd St. Windows. ing from indigestion are often troub­ furloughs granted will be recalled and led with constipation. Mrs. Robert and the men ordered to their organ­ Allison, Mattoon, Ill., writes that izations when the lateer have receiv­ An assemblage of the loveliest models in garments for women who when she first moved to Mattoon she ed preparatory orders for duty over­ seas. Furloughs granted under this want only the new and most up-to-date styles possible. We consider was a great sufferer from indigestion and constipation. Food distressed her order will be without pay and allow­ ourselves exceedingly fortunate in being able to offer the women of this and there was a feeling like a heavy ances except enough pay will be re­ vicinity such a charming selection of garments at such modest prices. weight pressing on her stomach and tained in each case to meet allotments See Also Our Naw Showing of Lata ¿Millinery. in force on the date of this order, chest. She did not rest well at night, and felt worn out a good part of the war-risk insurance and pledges on I The Coats The Dresses time. One bottle of Chamberlain’s Liberty Bonds. Red Cross Notes. Individual applications for furlough Tablets corrected this trouble so that Will indeed charm you for they are just Are shown in such fashionable colors as she has since felt like a different per­ submitted by relatives will be on form Pearl Grey, Pekin Blue, Coral, Taupe, Rose, as smart and pretty as can be. They come 1035 P. M. G. O., which form will be Portland, Ore. April 5, 1918. son. For sale by Lamar’s Drug Store. Purple and Copenhagen, and are developed in the new Velour, Poplin and Gabardine furnished the local boards. After sec­ Mrs. C. J. Edwards, Chairman, Tilla­ in Drape, tunic, Bolero, Billie Burke, Sailor, weaves in such colors as Sammy, Khaki, New tions 1 and 2 are made out by the ap ­ mook Branch to the Portland Chap­ Nature Cures The Doctor Takes The and one piece styles in combinations of Blues, Greys, Tans, etc., and they are shown plicant the form will be given the lo ­ ter, American Red Cross, Fee. Duchess Satin and Georgette Crepe and in the new Bolero, Army atxl Belted styles, cal board having jurisdiction of the My Dear Mrs. Edwards: Taffeta and Georgette Crepe. Prices are very I some having Braid trimming and othersem- ----- o------ registrant and it will complete sec­ In reply of yours of the 3rd inst., in modest, ranging from only 1 broidery. Very specially priced at There is an old saying that "nature tion 3 of the form and then secure the regard to magazine subscriptions tak­ en in the Christmas Drive, say that cures, the doctor takes the fee,” but action of the county Agent or repre­ the list of these subscribers were sent as everyone knows you can help Na­ sentative of the Department of Agri­ into the publishers within the last ture very much and thereby enable it culture, and if there be no such coun­ month. It is hardly time yet for the to effect a cure in much less time ty agent or representative of the De­ Ladies' Poplin Gingham Dresses magazines to be received, but no than is usually required. This is par­ partment of Agriculture, then by the Street Dresaes For Street Wear doubt they will arrive within the next ticularly true of colds. Chamberlain’s Government Appeal agent of the lo­ SATURDAY AND SA TURD A Y AND Cough Remedy relieves the lungs, cal board. The application will then few days. MONDAY ONLY MONDAY ONLY We are extremely sorry for this liquifies the tough muscles and aids in be forwarded to the soldier’s post, $7.95 delay, but it was not a matter we had its expectoration, alleys the cough camp, or cantonment commander and $5.90 Beautiful new styles in any control of. Mr. W. R. MacKenzie and aids nature in restoring the sys­ the soldier given an opportunity to White organdie and pi­ sign section 5 of the form, which sig ­ new colors at a very Auditor of the Christmas drive has tem to a healthy condition. For sale que trimmed Gingham nature will be considered as a volun­ been very slow in making these rc- by Lamar’s Drug Store. special price for Saturday dresses in Bolero and bel­ tary application for the furlough with and Monday only. ted styles. in the meaning of the law. If the fur­ See window today. Very specially priced lough be granted the application will be filed by the commanding officer and a certificate furnished the soldier to the effect that a furlough without pay or allowance except as herein provided has been granted for the Report for Tillamook Cow Testing had the highest producing cow, Nis- time therein set forth. If not granted Ornamental Fire Places Built Association for the month of March: scs, a grade Jersey, making 1153 lbs. the application will be returned by of Brick and Stone. All Fire Three hundred and eighty-eight milk and 61.11 lbs. fat. The second the commanding officer setting forth Places absolutely guaranteed cows were tested this month, produc ­ Makes Clubbing Arrangement With highest herd was that of Mark Har­ not to smoke or money re­ the reason for disapproval in section ing on the average 664 tbs. milk and rison, whose 27 cows averaged 852 lbs funded. 6 of the form. 26.86 lbs. fat. The high herd is owned milk and 32.46 lbs. fat. The average Brick work of all kinds done Furloughs may also be granted en ,1 by Mrs. Theresa Ross, whose 7 cows cost of feed per cow was $7.00. on short notice. bloc to men that are willing to accept averaged 8io tbs. milk and 33.12 tbs. We make a specialty of re­ them upon requests of farmers when 1 he 33 honor cows follow: fat. Daniels Bros, on South Prairie pairing smoking Fire Places. the time to be consumed in traveling from the post to the places of labor will not exceed 24 hours. In making Owner and name of cow breed age tbs. milk Pct. Fat tbs. Fat these requests farmers will make use MONG our large circle of readers 4 1153 of form 1035, P. M. G. O. making al­ Daniels Bros, Nissen........ G. J. . TILLAMOOK. ORE. . 5-3 . .... 61.ii there are a great many who are in­ 7 1147 terations to show number of soldiers N. G. Boquist, Slim............ Nat .. • 4-3 • ••• 49-32 terested directly or indirectly in requested and adding that are in a T. H. McCormack, Marea’s Golden Boy’s Dolly .... R. J. .. 5 884 fruit growing, dairying and other position to pay the wages usually 48.14 branches of farming. AU of these he II15 paid in the vicinity, and such wages Gus Peterson, Tommy ... Nat. .. 9 . 4-1 . 47.36 Daniel Bros, Spradles .... G. J. .. 6 964 naturally wish to keep in close touch with ag­ . 4-8 . will be paid to the soldiers assisting 46.27 atest 6 960 ........ . 48 . them. These applications will be made Mike Soifer, isusie.............. G. J. .. ricultural activities throughout the state; 46.08 1063 ........ . 4-6 . to the local boards, who will proceed A. G. Beals, No. 19, Ruth.. Nat .. 6 and to know about any fight which is being 45-71 1225 ........ • 3-7 . 7 as in the prececding paragraph. When Frank Hunter, Chloe........ Nat .. waged for the measures Oregon fanners 45-33 Mark Harrison, No. 15. ... G. J. .. 8 ........ 1132 the application reaches the post, camp . 40 . 45-28 want and against all sorts of schemes that Wm. Maxwell, Blue ........ G. J. .. 5 854. or cantonment commander, he will • 4-7 . 44.84 are detrimental to the people and agricultural 1218 . 3.6 . cause to be indorsed on the back by Mark Harrison, No. 42 .. G. H. .. 43.85 interests of this state. 8 812 the soldiers who desire to aqccpt Daniels Bros, Diamond ... G. J. • 5-4 • 43.84 Mark Harrison, No. 18 ... G. J. .. 7 1094 • work, and such signatures will be con­ 40 . We have, therefore, made a special clubbing 43-76 Mrs. Ross, Grace .............. G. J. .. 4 992 sidered as voluntary applications with • 4-4 . 43-65 arrangement with THE OREGON FAR­ Dave Fitzpatrick, Tiny ... G. J. .. 7 980 . the meaning of the law. If the number 4-4 . 43-12 MER whereby any farmer or fruitgrower, 1230 . of soldiers desired signify their wish­ Seifer & Peterson, baby. G. H. .. 8 3-5 • 43-05 who is one of our regular subscribers and who T. H. McCormack, Marea Gol ­ es to accept such furloughs, telegraph I is not now a subscriber to THE OREGON den Boy’s Helen............ R. J. .. 3 865 . .... • 4-9 . authority will be requested by the 43-01 FARMER, wiU be entitled to receive THE 840 . ........ 5-1 . commi.nding officer upon whom ap­ Daniels Bros., Mrs. Davis G. J. .. 7 42.84 OREGON FARMER in combination with 992 . ........ 4-3 • plication is made from The Adjutant Ebingcr & Son, No. 2 .... Nat. .. 42.66 this paper at the same rate as for this paper 858 . ........ • 4-9 .. 9 General of the Army for the granting George Olson, Cary............ Nat .. 42.04 Seifer & Petersan, Mott. G. H. .. alone. 3 999 ■ ........ . 4-2 .. of such furloughs, stating the number 4196 1224 . ........ • 34 .. Electricity’s latest gift to of men requested and the number of Soifer & Peterson, Flora . G. H. .. 4 41.62 This offer applies to all those who renew or Wm. Maxwell, Dolly ........ G. J. 5 900 . ........ .46 .. the housewife greatest the local board through which the 41.40 extend their subscriptions as well as to all 1029 . ........ 40 . request was forwarded, giving the re­ Seifer & Peterson, Belle . G. H. .. 4 since the electric iron 41.16 new subscribers. If you are interested di­ commendation of the commanding of­ Mark Harrison, No. 36 ... G. J. .. 4 893 ■ ........ 46 .. and electric vacuum 41.08 C. W. Tilden, Grace ........ G. J. .. 8 rectly or indirectly in Oregon agriculture, 741 . ........ 5-5 .. ficer. The Department of Agriculture 40.76 cleaner—the do not miss this unusual opportunity, but 7 will then be called on for information Joe Dürrer, Flora.............. G. J. .. 900 . ........ 4-5 .. 40.50 Ebingcr & Son, No. 16. send your order in now. 1125 . as to agricultural conditions in the 36 .. 40.50 I particular district, and telegraphic in­ T. M. Davidson, Pet 859 • ........ 46 .. 40.37 Wm. Maxwell, Sally G, J. .. THE OREGON FARMER is the one farm 12 1081 . structions then sent the commanding 3-7 .. 40.00 P ortable Mm. Maxwell, Mary G. J. .. 9 paper which is devoting itself exclusively officer. \ 1005 . ........ 4.0 .. 40.20 to the farming activities and interests of S ewing M achine By order of the Secretary of War Oregon. It has a big organization gath- Peyton C. March, No more tiresome I ering the news of importance to farmers. Major General, Acting Chief of staff. treadle pushing no dairymen, fruitgrowers, stockraisers and These applications for furloughs can more backache a little poultry men; and it has the backbone to at­ be obtained from the County Agent electric motor docs the tack wrongful methods and combinations and or from the Local Draft Board. We hard work. bad legislation, and support honest leaders should all remember, however, that I the idea of this law is to make possi­ and beneficial measures. We are confident A foot control gives any ble a maximum production of food that our readers will congratulate us on our speed desired. and not simply a vacation for the en ­ being able to make this splendid and at­ listed men. Requests should not be i tractive clubbing offer. The entire machine in made unless it is absolutely necessary its case can be carried in order to get in your crops or har­ TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, 1 yr£l 50 anywhere—it’s no larger vest them. We want maximum crop than a typewriter. production and at the same time we OREGON FARMER, 3 years - $3.00 do not wish to interfer with the effi- I ! Ask for a demonstra­ cient training of our military forces. tion. We should hold these requests for $4.50 furloughs, therefore as a last resort. COAST POH II ( I By Our Clubbing arrangement, If we cannot get help for hay harvest I THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN in other ways it may be advisable I THE 5 1111 THE COUNTY. both for............................ • $1.50 later to request (5 or 20 men, or as I s ELECTRIC STORER many as needed in the hay fields un- J See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere til the harvest is completed, be sent in to the county. JL Ladies’ Afternoon and Street Dresses and Coats $13.95 to $31.50 $15.97 to $35.00 The Oregon Farmer Offers Unusual Opportunity to Its Readers RALPH E. WARREN, A T L ! N Western Electric AbEX. McNflIR & CO GENERAL HARDCUARE Kitchen Ranges and Heating Stoves. I ; i I I I