4 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. APRIL.. 25. 1918 Candid^ in Primary Section. Weiss, A. A. Imlah and Ok B. Red- Citation. tax collector of tfcc county of Tillq- W. F. Wollitz and Mary Wollitx hist berg. Commissioner* ot port of Bay Chy ........... ».v . Court of the State of mook, State of Oregon, for Jhe’ wife, Roger L. Scott and Jane Scott, In the v. County amount of Two and Seventy-three- hi* wife, were defendant«. Said judg­ Court Clerk Erwin Harrison re­ ussvll Hawkins, and F. C. Rob- . Oregon, * for County, wa Tillamook xutamuuiv cuuui/. . ceived** certificate of the primary dollars, the ment being in favor of plaintiff and ison. 1 | In the matter of the estate of Alfred one-hundreds ($2.73) ballots01" 0°th tile Republican and same being the amount then due and I against said defendants, and by which Constable First Justice District — J. J. Larson, deceased. pcllio<’.tic primaries to be held on delinquent for taxes for the year 1914, j execution 1 am commanded to sell the Spencer. V erne L. Larson by Paul together with penalty, interest and I real property mentioned in said ex­ prid. y *7> aml contains the Iol- W " . - I Erickson, his duly appointed |ownl per cent per j Constipation and Tells of will not be adhered to, as un- land citizen, who typifies the spirit of sons unnamed and unknovyn, larly bounded and described as fol­ annum from the 20th day of January, ! Relief Obtained From I, r rercnce. L uucr the 1917 act all the ed age.For 70 years he has lived in of this place, writes: “I well remember Portland, arriving with Margaret Larson, and to all persons premises for prior or subsequent his parents Beginning at the Southwest comer iia) s 111 a!l>" u,,e precinct will be in I suffered for a long time with constipa­ „ or years, with the rate of interest on 1 of Section 30; thence South having uR.ically the same order, but the after an eventful trip across the unknown and unnamed _____ 310.74 claiming to have interest in the above said amount as follows: | feet; thence East 373.74 feet, tl.cnce tion, w hich would get me down. I took lilies "ill he rotated among the var- plains. He then was five years old. His father, James I Terwilliger, took entitled estate as heirs or distribu- Tax Rate of ! North 310.74 feet; thence West 30 doctors’ medicines and any number of ]y. pj -Ciucts so as to have each in a a densely for- tees. -......... la-e appear at the In ad of the list up a donation claim 1 feet; thence North 277.2 feet; thence purgatives. They would leave me in a In the name of the State of Oregon, ested district, through which .................. 32 $2.10 15 Pct- | West 143 feet; thence South 83.96 worse condition than 1 was before taking, the wen possible. Macadam road now passes and which you are hereby commanded to appear 464 1.88 >5 pct [feet; thence West 168.75 feet; thence and my stomach so upset... 1 know republican Ticket. I 28 2.10 • 5Pct South 193.24 feet to place of begin­ once I suffered . . . from constipation, I member 01 the Republican Nat- in recent years became widely known before the Honorable County Court for lillainook County, State of Ore- by the beautiful Terwilliger boulevard the owner of the ning, containing four and 52-100 was so ill we had to have the doctor, just . jnal committee (vote tor one)— which skirts the hills above the west 1 gen, in the court house of Tillamook above described (4.52) acres more or less. All in so nervous and feverish. The doctor f, uce Dennis, of Lu.on County. I City, Oregon on the 15th day of July, banks of the property as the same appears of rec­ Sections 30 and 21, Township 1 South, said I would have to quit medicines, my VV illamette, in South X.. ¡>u t. G nliams, 01 Multnomah I 1918, atftlie hour of 10 a.m. of said ord, and each of the other persons Range 9 West, in Tillamook County, Portland. county. stomach w as so bad ... I lie father later bought a pice; of day, then and there to show cause, if above named are hereby further no­ Oregon. •or cmled States Senator in Con­ My husband was reading and found any exists, why a decree should not tified that J. C. Saling will apply to property, one corner of which subse ­ Therefore I will on the 4th day of something about Thedford’s Black- gress to fill vacancy in term ending be entered by said Court, in the above quently was disignated as First and the Circuit Court of the County and May, 1918, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. Draught and brought me a package to .„aieli 4. ‘Qty. (vole tor one) \ 11. Burton, ot Multnomah county Morrison streets, and there erected a entitled cause and estate finding the state aforesaid for a decree foreclos­ m., at the front door of the Court try. I used it regularly at first until! be­ above named plaintiff, Vern L. Lar­ ing the lien against the property House in Tillamook City, Oregon, gan to feel better, then I used iust a dose bred VV. Mulkey, ot Multnomah cabin and a blacksmith shop. The eld­ er Terwilliger plied his trade .here son, to be a legal heir and the ligiti- I above described and mentioned in said sell at public auction to the highest occasionally. I was cured ot this con­ county, mate son of said deceased, and entitl- certificate, and you are hereby sum­ bidder for cash, all of the right, title, stipation and am sure the Black-Draught t j.ai les J. Schnabel, ot Multnomah lor many years and in that vicinity' ' ed, as such, to take the residue of this moned to appear within sixty days inte.est, and estate which the defend­ did If it." the son grew up as a child with most­ your stomach is out of order, you county. estate, share and share alike , with after the service of this summons ant Charles E. Haas had in and to wil! suffer from such disagreeable symp­ For United States Senator in Con­ ly Indians for playmates. For a while the said defendant Margaret Larson, ; upon you, exclusive of the day of ser- said property on the 27th day of July, toms as headache, biliousness, indiges­ gress lor term beginning March 4, no white neighbors were closer than on the next claim and Hiram learned as prayed for in this petition herein I vice, and defend this action or pay 1914, the date of the mortgage fore­ tion, etc., and unless something is done, 1919, (vote for one) i . toforc filed. i the amount as above shown, to- closed in said cause, and also all right, serious trouble may result. s. n. Huston, of Multnomah county to speak the jargon fluently. Thedford's Black-Draught has been : And further, that you appear herein ' gether with costs and accrued interest title and interest of all persons claim­ In 1850 the Terwilliger family re ­ found a valuable remedy for these Charles L. McNary, of Marion moved to South Portland, and 200 by answer on or before the time i and in case of your failure to do so a ing under said defendant Charles E. troubles. It is purely vegetable, and county. yards from whre the modern home above designated, and set up your decree will be rendered foreclosing Haas, subsequent to said 27th day of acts in a prompt and natural way, help­ Robert N. Stanfield, of Umatilla claim of heirship, ownership or inter ­ ing to regulate the liver and to cleanse the lien of said taxes and costs against July, 1914. Said sale will be made sub­ of Mu Terwilliger now stands was county. the bowels of impurities. est, which you, or any of you, have the land and premises above named. ject to redemption according to law. built the homestead log cabin. The For K< presentative in Congress, first Try Black-Draught. EB-15 in said estate. All process and papers in this pro­ Dated this 2nd day of April, 1918. District, Benton, Clackamas, Clat­ son lived there a number of years and 1 his citation published by order of ceeding may be served upon the un­ engaged in a variety of pursuits. He W. L. Campbell, sop, Columbia, Coos, Curry, Doug- the Honorable A. M. Hare, Judge of dersigned residing within the State of Sheriff of Tillamook County, Orc. l.i-, Jackson, Josephine, Lane, Lin­ mined, worked as a logger, operated a said court, the first publication here­ Oregon, at the address hereinafter First publication April 4, 1918. dai ry and worked in a tannery built TOWER’S FISH BRAND coln, Linn, Marion, Polk, Tillamook of being fixed at the 4th day of by his father. > mentioned. This summons is publish-| Last publication April 25, 1918. Washington and Yamhill counties, In 1869 he married Miss Mary Ed­ April, 1918, and the last publication, ed by order of the Hon Geo. R. Bag-1 (vote for one) ley, Judge of the Circuit Court, dated I Notice of Hearing Final Account. wards, of Tillamook, and together May 9, 1918. \\. C. Hawley, of Marion county. Witness my hand and the seal of March 28, 1918, the first publication they lived in this county for nine is a corker For Governor (vote for one) — » A years. Later they returned to Port­ this court affixed this 23rd day of hereof being April 4, 1918 and the Notice is hereby given, that the I. E. Anderson, of Wasco county. for stay inn last publication May 9, 1918. land al lived continuously there un- March, 1918. undersigned has filed in the County i F. C. Harley, of Clatsop county Erwin Harrison, til his death. Johnson & Handley, Court of the State of Oregon, for Til­ Ous C. Moser, of Multnomah coun­ Clerk of the County Court Attorneys for Plaintiff. lamook County, her final account as ty. for Tillamook County, Address 108 I. O. O. F. Bldg. Notice to Creditors. administratrix of the estate of Thom­ 1 I. Simpson, of Coos county, Oregon. Tillamook, Oregon. as Brooten, deceased; and that the lames W ithycombe, of Marion The undersigned has been appointed said court has set Saturday, the 4trj»m»hip» and have filed petitions are Republicans, of the above named court, with the at eantrmmmt». mobtliznU'm comp«, the Democrats failing to put up any seal of said Court affixed this 23rd natal nation» and rltcnThrtr where one for local offices. Those who have food thing» to drink art »old. day of April, 1918. tiled are. Attest: Erwin Harrison, County Clerk County Sheriff—VV. L. Campbell First publication, April 25, 19|S- County Clerk—Erwin Harrison. Last publication May, 23, 1918. Conty Surveyor—VV. S. Coates. RAINIER PRODUCTS COMPANY, Settle, U. S. A. Manufacturer Count} Commissioner <2 year uncx- Money to .oan on farm lands, from of New Rainier, Meh Rainier, Ramie» Special ao«l Syro, a table syrup. Pired term)—H. V. Alle£. 1500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate County Commissioner, (4 years) H. of interest. We want your business. Distributed in Tillamook by LANG & CO. M. Farmer, D. A. Bailey, John M. See Everson. STOMACH TORN UP REFLEX SLICKER 4 MELLOW “/ like RAINIER SPECIAL best of all” lOc Bottles