Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 25, 1918, Image 4

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' Morgan answered: “Stop tinkering
and let the manufacturers alone."
I There would have been too battle
planes in France at this time if the
I board had let
things alone. He
separate govern-
T he chickens are coming home to
roost in Bro. Trombley’s political mem department to take hold of the
THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. barn yard. A few years ago he was • aircraft situation, get down to busi-
F. C. BAKER, Publisher.
shouting his head off in favor of the ness and turn out planes instead
Oregon system, especially the initia­ I only design*.
This story corobrates all that
tive and
referendum clauses and
everybody who disagreed with him | been said already of what is the mat-
were called "standpatters." Our re- ter with the aircraft program. The
spected Bro. did not have the sense to ■ men in charge were afflicted with
sec how persons could invoke the in­ i mental blindness to the real nature of
Sens tor Kenyon hit the nail square­
itiative law to satisfy their spleen . the task before them. This was to
ly on til? head when lie said in Port­
do other citizens an injury. The produce quickly the largest possible
land on Monday, "1 don’t want any­
number of airplanes capable of imme­
thing 1.1 my home made by the hands scales have dropped from his eyes diate use in fighting. They set about
and he begins to realize what a fool
that have bayonetted babies and cut
he made of himself and in calling Re­ designing the ideally perfect plane, no
off women s breasts to carry aw .y as
matter how long a period it might
souven rs! There’s a place for gooes publicans "standpatters”. At the last take, assuming that the Germans
that are marked with ‘made in Ger­ session of the state legislature a bill would cou.teousiy suspend the war
many’, and if 1 wasn’t a preacher's was introduced for the purpose of es­ until the United States got ready, or
tablishing a rate for legal advertise­
son I'd say let them take these goods
ments. The matter was thoroughly that the allies would hold the Ger-
and go to hell with them.”
discussed from all angles in commit­ mans at bay until that indefinite time.
tee, and a rate of five cents per line They acted not like men who were
We notice that several of the Ger­
was agreed to. For some reason Jack- equipping a nation for a war to be
man generals, since the last drive in
son, of the Portland Pournal, seems fought in the years 1917 and 1918, but
Flanders and France, are advocating
to want to play the role of a big like men who are engaged in scientif­
imposing a big indemnity on the al­
bully and
for the pur­ ic research for some abstruce secret
lies. No doubt this is done to cover up
pose of financially injuring the coun­ of nature. They are in the same class
if possible, the great loss of life the
try press. A bill was initiated to re­ as the man who delayed three months
German army sustained in its endeav­
duce the legal rate, to be voted on. after adopting the Browning gun be­
or to break the English lines. We
voted upon at the primary election. fore they let contracts and who fid­
don’t think Uncle Sam is troubling
with interchangeable
The Polk County Observer, in discus­ dled around
about raising money for an indemni-
sing the measure says: "Then along parts of the Enfield rifle.
The aircraft job needs the execu­
comes Charley Jackson, himself an
------ o
tive direction of one man, vested with
It looks as though somebody suc­ ex-county publisher, a suddenly rich
as full authority as has been given to
ceeded in delaying the construction of jackass with a nut in his head and a
Mr. Baruch over the War Industries
air planes in the East, for after read­ burr under his tail.” And this was the
Board—a man who makes prompt but
ing the editorial from The Oregonian,
sound decisions and who docs not
which appears in another column,
change designs until that can be done
some of the “higher ups” have either a ed a few years ago, who now wants
without appreciably delaying produc-
yellow streak or are woefully incom­ to dictate what the newspapers shall
tion. If ti at be not done, our prepa-
petent to manage that department. charge for legal advertisements. And
rations for this war may not be cotn-
But not only is it a wilful delay in
enough persons to vote for the meas­ pleted until the time has come for the
producing airplanes for the
ure, Bro. Trombley will be up against next war, though our hope is to make
States army in France, but
it good and hard to meet his financial so satisfactory an end to this war that
upon millions of dollars ha'
there shall be no next, at least of such
wasted. No wonder the gov
needs so much money if all dcpart-
ments are being run in that kind of The Aii plane Mismanagement.
“Cost-Plus” and Labor Unrest.
incompetent and extravagant manner.
The Oregonian, in a leading article
A person in Germany no matter on Tuesday, throws some light on the
One of the major causes of labor
how competent to speak on the cause delay in getting out airplanes, ft says: unrest is the cost-plus system of let­
The first Bristol fighting plane
of the war, is liable to be arrested and
ting war contracts, Employers have
condemned for treason. Prince Lich- turned out by the Curtiss Company taken the position that they must be
nowsky was the German ambassador made its test flight in the first week
given generous financial incentives if
at London up to the time of the out­ of April at Buffalo, N. Y., and was
they are to do their best work for
break of the war, and because lie pub­ wrecked in landing. That was the
the country. When the workers fol­
lished some of his secret memoran­
low this cue and demand equally gen­
dum which strongly criticised the plane which was begun, on July 27,
erous financial guarantees, they are
German foreign policy, is to be tried 1917, and was completed on N’ovcni-
denounced as selfish and unpatriotic.
by court martial. He was in a position her 2, and in whicli $9,000,000 had
The fabulous sums which the govern­
to know how England tried to avoid
has allotted to these cost-plus
war, but the German war lords want have made
concers is breeding a pernicious in­
him disposed of, for if the German 1000 bombing planes before July next
durtrial morale. It has become notor­
people were permitted to know as if it had been allowed to go ahead. It
ious that the hearing before certain
much as he does as to who started the had employed 11,000 men who were
of the wage adjustment boards are
war they would soon change their
shockingly one sider when plants op­
opinions about England and the other placed a man in charge who had suc­
ceeded at big production. The factory erating on the cost plus basis are in­
countries starting the war.
and the men have been making time volved. The workers make more or
----- o-----
less arbitrary demands, inspired by
Geo. B.McLeod, representing the on the big job while they did odd jobs the belief that they are entitled to as.
Hammond Co., was in the county last to keep going, and the production substantial incentives as their em­
week and we are glad to make the man has resigned, broken in health ployers; the employers assume a
announcement that the Hammond Co. and disgusted with the frittering strangely indifferent attitude toward
subscribed for $5,000 worth of I.iberty away of his patriotic efforts.
such demands on the apparent theory
That is in substance the story told
Bonds in this county. We are also
that since the government pays the
glad to say that Mr. McLeod came to to the New York World by William bills and since their net earnings in­
Tillamook in real good, intelligent A. Morgan, who became vice-presi­ crease with each increase in the cost
company, for Mrs. McLeod accom­ dent and production expert of the of production, they have no vital in­
panied him, which was a wonderful Curtiss Company. He had just sold terest in the matter. The resulting at­
improvement over the swelled up out a big business in which he had mosphere of rank profiteering is one
Dougal pup that used to trail around cleaned up millions, and he bad no of the most fruitful sources of vague
with him whenever he came to Tilla­ motive for accepting the offer from discontent and halfhearted produc­
mook. We hope Mr. McLeod went the Curtiss Company other than a tivity.
__ ____________
over the Bayocean road as far as the patriotic desire to help in producing a
ship yard, for we are sure if he did so great fleet of airplanes, for he gave
he would have to admit that what his entire salary from that company Week’s Program at the Gem.
----- o
money was expended on that road to the Red Cross, and he personally
was a good thing, for it won’t be borrowed $4,000,000 to start construc­
Friday, April 26—“The Desire of
many moons before Vessels will be tion of the new factory.
the Moth” five reel Bluebird photo­
Nearly all of this effort was wasted,
building there to be used to ship tim­
play featuring Ruth Clifford and
ber from this county.
M onroe Salisbury. These two players
duction Board pursued a policy of
will be recalled as taking the leading
There is not the least doubt but “change, change, change,”
parts in “The Savage.” They arc
what a great sacrifice in life will take which, before the company got to good, don't fail to see them.
place on the Western front this year,
"Pendleton Roundup”—in
and man power is going to figure adopted. When the $040,000,000 ap­ reels of thrills and action. Broncho
largcl yin the outcome of the war, propriation was before Congress the busting, bull-dogging and every kind
as the recent drive was a grim race members of the board said they of sport known to the people of the
to determine whether German man would give a contract for 3000 pursuit range will be shown.
power was sufficient to make good and 1000 bombing planes, to be pro­ Adults 20c.
Children 10c.
the threat to annihilate the British duced between January 1 and July I
Saturday, April 27—"Under suspi-
army and force its capitulation. Hav­ of this year. The company went
ing failed m this it is only natural to ahead with its new plant, “staking cion” five reel Metro
expect that other drives will be made everything on the word of the Air­ featuring Francis X. Bushman and
for the same purpose, and that Ger­ craft Board.” The contract was sign­ Beverly Bayne. A picture of the usual
many will use all its man power pos­ ed on September 19, but a few days high class in which you find these
sible to overpower the manpower of later w.is changed to provide for 500 two celebrated players.
“The Count”—a two reel Charley
the allies. This is how we have the heavier bombers. The plant was com­
situation sized up, every battle tier- pleted 011 November 2, ready to go Chaplin comedy.
many gets into she is that much ahead with a $30,000,000 contract, but
Sunday, April 28—"The Son of His
weaker in man power, and the more on November 7 the board canceled Father”—five reel Paramont produc­
drives she makes will bring the war the contract "because of the first of tion featuring Charles Ray. A story
to a close that much sooner, for the the many, many changes in design.” of a dissipated son whose father is a
Production could have begun in De­ millionaire railroad man. A dispute, a
allies are going to win the war. The
German military staff know this as cember and could have attained a rate bet and the young man proves his
well as we do, but they hope to win of 500 a month in January. But the metle.
the war on some sudden effort, such original design for the fighting plane
Monday, April 29—“Arsenc Lupin,’’
was a single-seater French machine,
as the recent drive.
and the Germans had used a double five reel \ digraph production featur­
No doubt a large number of persons scater with two guns, so the board ing Earle W illiams. World renowned
in the United States are wondering changed to the Bristol, an English crook, gentleman burglar and super-
why the Irish in Ireland are opposed two-seater, but it did not give orders criminal. Arsene Lupin had gained
to conscription, when the United to go ahead. It ordered literally hun­ the reputation of being the most slip­
States and Canada have done so and dreds of changes, seizing "any idea pery, cunning and crafty thief on the
are doing their bit to win the war. It that came from abroad” and giving continent.
“The Fighting Trail"—Episode No.
is the Irish agitators who have a yel­ “no encouragement to American com­
low streak, men who grow rich by panies and American designers to 15. (Out of the Flame).
money subscribed in the I nited Stat­ produce something of their own." It
Tuesday, April 30—“The Man From
es for what is called the Home Rule has been a mere “•opycat” making Painted Post"—five
reel Artcraft
question. Whenever Irish agitators change;, each of which involved many photoplay featuring Douglas Fair-
come to the I nited States in future other changes which postponed actual banks. Sc« display ad on another
for the purpose of raising a "pot” so production to an indefinite future. Mr. page.
that the Irish agitators can live in Morgan sticks up for the American Adults aos.
Children 15c
luxury, the government should pre­ manufacturer and says:
"W e Americans can—and w ill if
W ednesday, May I—"A Daughter
vent it and place them in detention
camps, for that is where they belong. permitted—turn out as good airplanes of Maryland”—five reel Mutual pro-
Men in the United States arc willing­ as Germany does, and a great many duction featuring Edna Goodrich.
“And Along Cante Mary"—one reel
ly obeying the call of the government more than Germany can turn out. We
and risking their lives—a large num­ can produce enough to blind the comedy featuring Billie Rhodes.
ber of whom have been shot down kaiser's armies if the authorities will
Thursday, May a.— “Heart of R
and died for freedom, and there is no let us go ahead.
"It is no trick to turn out airplanes mance”—five reel William Fox pr
reason why conscription should not
duction, featuring June Caprice.
be enforced in Ireland as well as by the thousands—and I believe they
Roaring Lions and Wedding Bells
other countries. From what can be
a two reci Fox comedy featuring sev­
gathered from the news from Ireland will only decide what they want. But
eral of the most celebrated comedians
most people in the L nited States they hadn’t the last I heard.”
Adults 20c.
Children 10c.
leaders who have been advocating
— o----- •
Home Rule for so many years are
Legal Advertisement*.
slackers of the worst character, with
First Insertion per line ........... $ .to a bad streak of yellow.
Each subsequent insertion, line. •05
Editorial Snap Shots
came to the conclusion that the Irish
Asked what was the
remedy, Mr.
The MILKER that
Free Service Guaranteed.
The Success Milking Machine Co.,
guarantees and agrees to the original
purchaser and user of the Success
Milker Free service on milk chambers
and valves during the lifetime of the
machines in case there should become
a defect in the valve or valve cham­
ber by accident or otherwise that
would have, a tendency to effect the
efficiency of the Success Milker; the
purchaser to pay the transportation
or postage to and from factory.
Let Us Figure with You.
If you want a milker that will save
you time, labor and money, investi­
gate the Success. If you want to keep
your cows in prime producing condi­
tion you can’t afford to take chances
with a milker that does not operate
on the open valve principle with per­
fect automatic release of vacuum (lin­
ing one half the milking period. The
Success Milker has solved the prob­
lem of mechanical milking. It’s easy
to work with, efficient, economical
and easy on the cow. Once use it on
your herd and you’ll never be willing
to go back to any other method. Sec
us and we will give you price of the
size of outfit best suited to the num­
ber of cows.
This Simple, Practical Milking Machine
is a Real “Success.”
An engine that lures power from gas and
sets it down minus jerks, vibrations, into
a softness of action that has never been
surpassed; “Hot-Spot” and “Ram’s-Horn
Manifold (Chalmers devices) are responsible
J >
The perfect engine is the one that takes from gas all
the power that s there; and gives it up to you either brutal,
or violent, or soft, as you wish.
That s the Chalmers engine, now recorded all over
£reat engine, which comes closer to reaching
°* efficiency than any motive device yet designed.
Hot-Spot and Ram’s-Horn” Manifold are responsible.
1 he first named heats up the gas, “cracks it up,” “pulverizes”
‘‘pget»S ii int° MOnze!iui ^ape f°r ignition, and then the
Ram s-Horn Manifold with its “easy air bends” tosses it
gently into the combustion chambers.
_ .
^ash of the spark plug there is so little
’Ii!6 wast?’ 80
Power escaped into the
exhaust as to be scarcely worth while mentioning.
uv Jth?"'
Pi?w5r.is ? new power—a gentle, soft
yi011 hand ln
ve,vet glove” that entices
you beyond words once you experience the thrill
limousine , j . passeng : r
-------- : NOTICE
Dealer, D. L. SHRODE
First Class Job Printing