TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. APRIL 18. COUNTY CLERK’S ANNUAL REPORT The report of the County Clerk of Tillumook County, State of Oregon, showing the amount and number of claims allowed by the County Court of said County, for what allowed, amount of warrants drawn, and am­ ount of warrants outstanding and un­ paid, from the 1st day of January, 1917, to the 31st day of December, 1917, both inclusive. GENERAL FUND Expenses of and amounts drawn on general fund. Roads and Highways, $21.62. Circuit Court, $2,017.05. Justice Court, $752.97. Cle'k’s Office, $4,303.88. Sheriff's Office, $5,395.71. School Supertendent’s Office, $2,438.- 61. Treasurer’s Office, $1,340.27. County Court and Commissioners, $4,942.97. Coroner, $154.50. Assessor’s Office, $3,136.05. Kei ef. $135.00. Court House and Jail, $8,668.22. Insane, $21.50. Eleitions, $916.45. Pra ting, $1,505.30. County Poor, $3,395.53. Current Expense, $69.92. Teacher’s Examinations, $12.00. Truant Officer, $18.08. Health Officer, $188.00. Rebate on Taxes, $17.57. Surveyor’s Office, $2,676.08. Mother’s Pensions, $2,799.50. County Veterinarian, $63.78. County Fair, $1,496.00. County Fire Warden, $522.12. Stock Indemnity, $1,028.75. Farm Extension Work, $1,875.00. District Sealer of Weights and Meas­ ures, $89.56. Auditing County Books, $200.00. Year 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1917 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 Amount Del Jan. 1st. $ 563.77 1825.97 363.37 634.92 329.95 571.59 940.01 1098.49 995.13 708.37 1448.30 2344.56 8173.19 14554.74 26944.13 427545.68 489042.17 Amount Coll. Jan 1st to December 31st. 1.03 .23 .00 .00 .0« .95 1.14 10.42 48.02 9.49 334.80 464.82 4401.34 6124.03 13854.02 405174.52 430424.81 Taxes collected for years prior to 1901, including penalty and interest $12.74. I, W. L. Campbell, being first duly sworn, state that the above is a true and correct statement of the amount of taxes, costs, penalty and interest collected and cancellations made, from January 1st, 1917, to December 31st, 1917, and also amount delin­ quent on tax rolls December 31st, 1917, for years 1901, to 1916, inclus- inve. W. L. Campbell, Tax Collector. Received Fund ( )n Hand Co. Gen. fund. .. $ 1406.17 $•92/72.38 339225.76 Co. school fund. 1752.48 186033.62 Co. road fund... 1512.21 Co. high school. 1591.88 7743-77 State school fnd. 3993 42 171-35 School library . . 2587.60 13-96 Scalp bounty .. . 1215.96 37671 188.78 Indg. soldiers . 109 Roy Part, fund . . . Tillamook citv. . 16737-32 43175 2260.74 Port of Tillamook 61.45 Port Nehalem. 317-63 25543-35 15669.43 692.56 Port, Bay City. Bay City .......... 35.10 4895 34 946.11 21.23 Nehalem City . . 1702.85 City of Wheeler 342.56 46.00 Bicvclc path fnd. 100.00 Cert, of Rdmpt. 25.00 Game protection Co. fair premium 775.37 838.62 Institute fund.. 6.15 16.27 Union H. S. 1 . . 152949 914.68 6.00 Forest patrol .. 56.25 Till, drain Disl 1. 806.01 Little Nest. Dist. 36452.14 Special schools . 771 74 District Attorney, $1,206.97. Total amount of warrants drawn on General Fund, $51,408.99. Total General Fund warrants out­ standing December 31, 1917, $466.63. REPORT FOR YEAR 1917 TILLAMOOK COUNTY ROAD FUND RECEIPTS January 1, 1917, Balance, $750.22. Receipts front Motor Vehicles, $1,- 213.56. Road Tax Levy, $96,992.70. Transfer front General Fund, $87,- 000.00. Miscellaneous Receipts, $827.36. Total, $186,783.84. EXPENDITURES Paid out acct, outstanding Warrants and Interest, $11,086.22. Paid out acct. Miscellaneous Items, $205.79. Paid out acct. Road District No.l, $60,829.21. Paid out acct. Road District No.2, $50,586.53. Paid out acct. Road District No. 3, $48,981.76. Paid out acct. Sourgrass Road, $5,156.19. Cash, balance on hand December 31, 1917, $9,338.14. Total, $186,783.84. Total Warrants outstanding Decem­ ber 31, 1917, $1,136.80. ERWIN HARRISON, County Clerk. 1918 3 Citation. tax collector of the county of Tilla­ W. F. Wollitz and Mary Wollitz his mook, State of Oregon, for the wife, Roge' L. Scott and Jane Scott, In the County Court of the State of amount of Two and Seventy-three- his wife, were defendants. Said judg­ Oregon, ior Tillamook County. onc-hundreds ($2.73) dollars, the ment being in favor of plaintiff and In the matter of the estate of Alfred same being the amount then due and against said defendants, and by which La<*son, deceased. delinquent for taxes for the year 1914, execution 1 am commanded to sell the Verne L. Larson by Paul together with penalty, interest and real property mentioned in said ex­ Erickson, his duly appointed costs thereon upon the real property ecution, and hereinafter described for Guardian, Plaintiff assessed to you, of which you are the the purpose of satisfying said judg­ vs. owner as appears of record, situated ment which is $500.00, with interest Margaret Larson, and all per­ in said county and state, and particu­ thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per sons unnamed and unknown, larly bounded and described as fol­ annum from the 20th day of January, having or claiming to have an lows, to-wit: Lot numbered Two (2) 1917, for the further sum of $75.00, interest in the above estate as in Block numbered Three (3) town of attorney’s fees, and the sum of $38.00, heirs or distributees. Beaver. Tillamook County, Oregon. costs and disbursements of said cguse. Defendants You arc further notified that said J. Said real property ordered to be sold, To the above named defendant, C. Saling has paid taxes on said : being described as follows, to-wit: Margaret Larson, and to all persons premises for prior or subsequent Beginning at the Southwest corner unknown and unnamed having or years, with the rate of interest on of Section 30; thence South 310.74 claiming to have interest in the above said amount as follows: feet; thence East 373.74 feet, thence entitled estate as heirs or distribu­ Tax Rate of North 310.74 feet; thence West 30 tees. Yr’s tax date paid Rect. No. Amt Int. feet; thence North 277.2 feet; thence In tlie name of the State of Oregon, 1915 Feb, to, 1916 32 $2.10 «5 pct. West 143 feet; thence South 1 83.96 you arc hereby commanded to appear 1916 Feb. 24, 1917 464 1.88 15 pct feet; thence West 168.75 feet; thence before the Honorable County Court 1917, Feb. 2, 1918 28 2. to I5pct South 193.24 feel to place of begin- for Tillamook County, State of Ore­ Said C. Mills, as the owner of the ning, containing four and 52-100 gon, in the court house of Tillamook said title of the above described (4.52) acres more or less. All . in City, Oregon on the 15th day of July, property as the same appears of rec­ Sections 30 and 21, Township 1 South, 1918, at the hour of 10 a.111. of said ord, and each of the other persons Range 9 West, in Tillamook County, day, then and there to show cause, if above named are hereby further no­ Oregon. any exists, why a decree should not tified that J. C. Saling will apply to Therefore I will on the 4th day of be entered by said Court, in the above the Circuit Court of the County and May, 1918, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. entitled cause and estate finding the state aforesaid for a decree foreclos­ m„ at the front door of the Court --------------------- above named plaintiff, Vern L. Lar- ing the lien ;. o------ the .— property j House in Tillamook City, Oregon, against COUNTY SHERIFF’S ANNUAL son, to be a legal heir and the ligiti- above described and mentioned in said sell at public auction to the highest REPORT mate son of said deceased, and entitl­ certificate, and you are hereby sum­ bidder for cash, all of the right, title, STATEMENT, showing amount of taxes, costs, penalty and interest coll­ ed, as such, to take the residue of this moned to appear within sixty days inte.cst, and estate which the defend­ ected and cancellations made, from estate, share and share alike , with after the service of this summons ant Charles E. Haas had in and to January 1st, 1917, to December 31st, I the said defendant Margaret Larson, upon you, exclusive of the day of ser-I said property on the 27th day of July, 1918, and also amount delinquent on as prayed for in this petition herein vice, and defend this action or pay 1Q1-1, the date of the mortgage fore­ the tax rolls from 1901 to 1915, both tofore filed. the amount as above shown, to­ closed in said cause, and also all right, years inclusive, and also 1916 taxes And further, that you appear herein gether with costs and accrued interest title and interest of all persons claim­ collected up to December 31st, 1918. by answer on or before the time and in case of your failure to do so a ing under said defendant Charles E. , .... ! decree will be rendered foreclosing I Haas, subsequent to said 27th day of Pen. and Int Cancelled Delin. on above designated, and set up your Collected Rolls Dec. claim of heirship, ownership or inter­ the lien of said taxes and costs against | July, 1914. Said sale will be made sub- 31,1917 est, which you, or any of you, have the land and premises above named. [ ject to redemption according to law. .42 562.74 in said estate. All process and papers in this pro­ Dated this 2nd day of April, 1918. .39 1825.74 This citation published by order of 1 W. L. Campbell, .00 363.37 the Honorable A. M. Hare, Judge of ceeding may be served upon the un­ dersigned residing within the State of .00 Sheriff of Tillamook County, Orc. 634.92 .00 329.95 said court, the first publication here- ' Oregon, at the address hereinafter First publication April 4, 1918. .42 8.55 562.09 of being fixed at the 4th day of I mentioned. This summons is publish­ Last publication April 25, 1918. .00 938.87 April, 1918, and the last publication, ' ed by order of the Hon Geo. R. Bag- 3.75 7.56 1080.51 May 9, ¡918. ley, Judge of the Circuit Court, dated Notice of Hearing Final Account, 25.33 39.30 907.81 Witness my hand and the seal of March 28, 1918, the first publication ----- o------ 5.78 698.88 this court affixed this 23rd day of hereof being April 4, 1918 and the Notice is hereby given, that the 261.35 87.23 1026.27 March, 1918. last publication May 9, 1918. undersigned has filed in the County 237.88 63.31 1816.43 Erwin Harrison, Johnson & Handley, Court of the State of Oregon^ for Til­ 1612.81 78.92 36.92.93 Clerk of the County Court Attorneys for Plaintiff. 1674.65 lamook County, her final account as 92.18 8338.53 for Tillamook County, Address 108 1. O. O. F. Bldg. 2050.37 233.98 12856.13 administratrix of the estate of Thom­ Oregon. 975.34 37.16 22334.00 Tillamook, Oregon. as Brooten, deceased; and that the said court has set Saturday, the 4th 6848.49 648.19 57969.17 Summons in Foreclosure of Delin­ Notice of Sheriff’s Sale of Real day of May, 1918, at ten o’clock a.in. Property. quent Tax Certificate. at the co-'itroom of said court, in Til­ Subscribed and sworn to before me lamook City, Tillamook County, Ore­ this 10th day of April, 1918. ERWIN HARRISON, I In the Circuit Court of the State of I Notice is hereby given, that by vir- gon, as the time and place for the County Clerk. , Oregon for Tillamook County. tuc of a writ of execution and order hearing of objections, if any there be, of sale issued out of the Circuit Court to the said account and the closing of u „ . „t u 1 d 1 r- . t 1 J. C. Saling, Plaintiff. Report ol B. 1.. Beals, County 1 reas- 6 of the State of Oregon, for Tillamook said estate. vs. urer, for year 1917. County, to me directed, dated the 1st C. Mills, Defendant.1 Dated April 4th, 1918. Showing the amount of cash on Mills the above named de- day of April, 1918, upon a judgment Ruby Brooten, Admin­ To C. hand January 1st, 1917, amount re­ and decree duly rendered, entered of istratrix of the Estate ceived since that date from all sourc­ fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, I record, and docketed, in and by said of Thomas Brooten, es up to and including December 31st, you are hereby notified that J. C. court on the 29th day of March, 1918, Deceased. 1918, also amount of cash paid out Saling, the holder of certificate of in a certain cause then in said court since Jan. 1, 1917, and the amount of delinquency numbered 1061 issued on pending, wherein .... M. W. Harrison, , Kuppenbcnder sells feed for less. ... ------------ cash on hand January 1st. 1918. the 10th day of Febrauary 1917, by the i was plaintiff, and Charles E. Haas, Call at the wareiuuse. I Total $194178.55 40978.24 187545.83 9335-65 4164-77 2601.56 1592.67 188.78 109.89 17169.07 2322.19 25860.98 16361.99 4930.44 96734 2045.41 46.00 100.00 755-37 2500 «44-77 I545-76 920.68 5625 806.01 37223.88 Paid (hit $183176.81 39268.50 177070.89 913017 4*50.55 219.68 551-50 80.00 16520.22 2234.59 25380.32 15942.68 4478.56 939-16 1423-45 755-37 173.10 1533-51 914.22 56.25 806.01 3489494 $538434-85 $552677.08 Indiana Lady Describes Condition, Which She Says Was Due To Constipation and Tells of Relief Obtained From Black-Draught. Scottsburg, Ind.—Mrs. Annie Johnson, of this place, writes: “I well remember I suffered for a long time with constipa­ tion, which would get me down. I took doctors’ medicines and any number of purgatives. They would leave me in a worse condition than I was before taking, and my stomach so upset... I know once 1 suffered . . . from constipation, I was so ill we had to have the doctor, just so nervous and feverish. The doctor said 1 would have to quit medicines, my stomach was so bad ... My husband was reading and found something about Thedford’s Black- Draught and brought me a package to try. I used it regularly at first until I be­ gan to feel better, then I used just a dose occasionally. 1 was cured ot this con­ stipation and am sure the Black-Draught did it.” If your stomach is out of order, you will suffer from such disagreeable symp­ toms as headache, biliousness, indiges­ tion, etc., and unless something is done, serious trouble may result. Thedford’s Black-Draught has been found a valuable remedy for these troubles. It is purely vegetable, and acts in a prompt and natural way, help­ ing to regulate the liver and to cleanse the bowels of impurities. Try Black-Draught. EB-15 TOWER’S FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER lisa corker for slaying \ on the job. Jg X 25.00 671.67 12.25 6.46 k $ B^/orproof Ahtoluioly. Saiidacdion Guaranteed. DEALERS EVERYWHERE 1 A. J. tower co. BOSTON. Will pay you to see Everson tor a in city property or farm lands. * safe investment A MELLOW BEVERAGE 232894 $519700.48 ‘Beats anything else I ever tasted! ” Whi'ii a man gefs to la1 eighty-three year» young, ha» tasted hundreds of beverage», and M/.s you RAINIER SPECIAL hat anything heatrn h* ever (anted, his recommendation is worth something. Such was the rare compliment tendered RAINIER SPECIAL lesa than a week ago. We’ve stated time and time HgHin that the goodti'** of RAINIER SI’Et'l AL it «0 nnu*ual as to i.iptivato all—from tiny tots to young old-timers. Praises like the foregoing bear witness to the correct* ness of our statements. Love is the Greatest Thinf in the World. Nobody Loves your family as you do. Who, then, will provide for them if you do not f W. A. CHURCH Insurance. You'll find R 1 IXI ER SPE­ CIAL nt in nt, mfrt, toda foun­ tain*. drug *tore*. gro< crie*, de­ partment *torc*. on dining rare and *leain*hip* ; at canton­ ment*, mohilitation rump*, naral *tntion* and elrrirhrre a here good thing* to drink are »old. We invite you to make the acquaintance of It \I N I ER SPECIAL today and learn houi wonderfully good a soft beverage can be. lOc Bottles 2nd Ave. E. between 1st and 2nd Sts. RAINIER I’ROlirCTS COMPANY, Seattle, I’. S. A. Manufacturer of New Rainier, Malt Rainier, Rainier Hpecial and Syro, a table syrup. First Class Job Printing Distributed in Tillamook by LANG & CO. r¿ $ Balance. $11001.74 170974 10474.94 205.48 14.22 2381.88 1041.17 108.78 109.89 048.85 87.(10 480.66 419-31 451.88 28.18 621.96 46.00 100.00 $32976.60 - j In accordance with the provisions I, B. L. Beals, being first duly sworn state that the above is true and cor­ of this law, I have collected from the rect statement of the funds received, following named persons the amount paid out and remaining in my hands opposite their names, according to the as above stated, as show n by my cash j levies figured upon the 1916 Assess­ ment Rolls. book on the above date. B. L. Beals, County Treasurer E. E. Sherman .. $1.53 May 8, Subscribed and sworn to before me A. S. Bent............... 80 May 10, 1 Portland Bridge &• this 15th day of Jan. 1918. July 5. Bldg. Co............. 59 85 Erwin Harrison, County Clerk. Collier & Steven­ Assessor's Report. son ................... 31.60 Aug 3, Io the Honorable County Court of Tillamook County. Total ........$93-78, Gentlemen;—For your benefit 1 am I hold receipts from County 1 handing you statement of the amount of advance personal property tax col­ urer for above amounts as follows: $59-8.5 lected by me for the year 1917, on July 6, 1917 31.60 unsecured personal property, as re­ Aug. 3, 1917 2-33 Nov. 7, 1917 quired by law. The authority to make these collec­ Total ... ............................... $93 78 tions will be found at page 260, Chap­ C. A. Johnson, ter 147, Section 2 General Laws of County Assessor. Oregon for 1913. Total ............ $14243.23 STOMACH TORN UP