1 ■* w- TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. APRIL 18. 1918. have become insufferable and we TEN HUN U-BOATS SUNK. should have had to fight triumphant ------ o— Germany alone and single-handed. Interesting Account of Destruc­ Germany has misread American tion of Prowlers. sentiment, and that is but one of many blunders perpetrated by Ger­ A 1 recent Associated Press story many’s military masters. They London carried the following thought that France was decadent, from i _ that Italy was helpless from internal details conserning the destruction of Berlin is r< ported to be greatly defferences, that England would not 10 German submarines by naval atr- worried * by a s. sational wave of fight for the salvation of Belgium. ! craft, eight by seaplanes and the oth­ crime that s s • ping over Germany. They thought they could corrupt ers by dirgibles, obtained from the re­ But after th:*epochal crime of 1914 French statesmen through Bolo Pas­ bort of the British admiralty. The how could 1’-any be worried over ha, lead Italy to ruin through false first case is described as follows: any minor criminal activity?—Oregon Austrian professions of friendship, I “in the English channel a seaplane Journal. incite South America hostility again­ sighted a submarine eight miles away st the L’nit-’d States, invoke rebellion directly in the path of an on-coming How much this from David Lloyd in America by the German-American convey of merchant ships. The sea­ Georg , sounds like Abraham Lincoln population ami Sinn Feincrs and lure plane dived at 90 miles an hour. 1 he 'There are tie. cf thousands lying in Japan into a disgraceful betrayal of submarine attempted to submerge, blood-stainc 1 quagmire« with a daily the entente allies and an alliance with but was just awash as the seaplane ami nightly i d.-hme of shells around Mexico for the dismemberment of the released two bombs, one of which ex­ them. If we do al’ we can, we shall region along the Mexican boarder ploded on the conning tower. The not be able o , «’quite their heroism; and the states of the Pacific Coast. seaplane dropped two more bombs if we do less * .Ln we c an, we shall All of »these dark intrigues have into the midst of the air bubbles from dishon ir their sacrifices.—Itcmizer. gone agley. Germany has done more the collapsed submarine, which was than to "thoroughly misread Ameri­ of the largest type, carrying two If we do not speed up shipbuilding, can sentiment.” Il has thoroughly guns.” we must slow down production, not The second case: misread world sentiment.—Spokes­ only of war material but of every­ “At dawn a seaplane sighted a large ' man Review. thing that enter- into foreign com­ submarine on the surface. The sea- ■ merce. T hat means reduced earnings plane dropped a bomb on the tail of Cold Comfort for Lumbermen. for labor, reduced profits in business, the U-boat and afterward photograph- ’ ----- (J ■ reduced national income, from the There is small comfort for the lum­ ed the sinking submarine with a big 1 savings of which come the money to ber industry in the order of the Gov­ hole in its deck. A second bomb was buy Liberty Bonds. Production has ernment that each mill shall be fur­ dropped close to the submarine’s already so far exceeded the capacity nished two cars to carry lumber to bow’ and the submarine collapsed." I of our transport fleet that over 2,000- The third case: the private consumer for each car 000 tons of supplies lie inor near At- “Two seaplanes attacked a large which carries lumber for the govern­ lantic ports awaiting shipment to submarine traveling on the surface at ment. As the government takes only France.—Oregoniap. 20 percent of the output, this is 14 knots. A bomb exploded close to ------ o------ equivalent to limiting shipments to the conning tower and the submarine The plan to organize more regi­ bo per cent. This limit makes no pro­ began to sink stern first. Another ments of cavalry for the American vision for shipment of the large bomb completed the work.” army in France means that the men The fourth case: stocks which has accumulated during at the top belieye the German lines “Three patrol planes sighted a large the period when the mills have had no will be broken and than fighting will submarine as it wag submerging and then be in the open, where mounted cars except for the government, and dropped two bombs close to the con­ it practically requires them to run troops can be utilized to advantage, ning tower, causing the submarine to In this case we look to see the Anicr- their plants to 60 per cent of capacity. turn turtle and disappear in a mass of! This is impracticable, for the cut ­ ican squadrons add new laurels to the . oil and wreckage,” annals of Yankee prowress. In all of ting of the required amount of ship . The fifth case: timbers and airplane spruce involves our wars from the first American cav­ ■ “A seaplane sighted two submarines alry have been noted for their dash the cutting of a certain proportion of ' close to the surface and dropped two and vigor—and the plains of Europe other lumber. There is an active de­ bombs. One bomb was ineffective but , will witness some stirring scenes if mand for this side lumber, but the the other hit the deck fairly amid- ■ anything like the splendid deeds of limit placed on the supply of cars ship. The submarine was hidden by I the Civil War are to be repeated there forbids its shipment and causes it to the smoke of the explosion and when be piled in the yards. There it is so —News Reporter. , much capital locked up and exposed the smoke cleared the U-boat was I to destruction by fire. How the Gov­ sinking with both ends in the air.” The Sentinel never has thought ernment can expect lumbermen to The sixth case: very much of the propaganda of the finance their business under such re­ “A seaplane saw the track of a tor­ Non-Partisan League, but particular­ strictions it is not easy to understand. pedo fired at a merchantman. It dived ly at this time, when all our energies Relief should (be given in one or 'and sighted the black shadows of the are needed for the conduct of the war ' more of several ways. As many cars submarine, well below the surface. It when there must be unity of all class­ as possible should be supplied in the dropped two bombs which exploded es, when all must be working towards immediate future to haul lumber to close to the submarine, resulting in a end, there is no time for using , the Middle West. Liberal contracts large quantity of oil, bubbles our energies in trying out any such for new cars might be given to Pa- wreckage.” revolutionary charges in government cific Coast firms, and these cars The seventh case: as those proposed by the league. It might be loaded with lumber as fast “Two seaplanes sighted a U-boat seems to us that it would be unpa­ as they are finished. All of’ the new on the surface and dropped a bomb triotic to array, at this time, the farm­ ships built in this section which are each. The first bomb caused a heavy­ ing class against other classes—which ( not needed in the war zone or to car- list to the U-boat, which began to is the method by which the league ry other coast products should carry sink by the stern. The second bomb proceeds. Our interests in the welfare lumber to the Atlantic Coast, where exploded in the center of the swirl, of our government demands that at it is in active demand. Lumber pro­ demolishing the U-boat.” f this time we give all our attention to duction is an essential war industry, The eighth case: patriotic work. This is particularly which should be fostered as a war “A seaplane dropped a bomb on a • no time for such socialistic propagan­ measure by enabling manufacturers to submarine just emerging and the U- 1 da as that proposed by the Non-Par­ sell all their product.—Oregonian. boat disappeared with a heavy list to port. The pilot dropped a second tisan league.—The Sentinel. 'bomb into the swirl and a few min­ utes later a patch of oil 150 feet long The 1918 Henry Ford. “Fanners, Wake Up !” and 12 feet wide appeared on the sur­ ' Every human mind not insulated fice:” i Any man who docs not agree with has bun deeply changed by the war. The ninth case. the advanced socialistic principles of Few have, however, registered more “A naval airship al midday sighted the Non-l’artisan League is called a charaetristic reactions than has Hen­ a suspicious patch of oil and circled ‘‘war profiteer,” a "tool of big busi­ ry Ford. He might almost be said to it. Suddenly a periscope broke the ness," om oi the "beasts that prey," be the typical American of the story surface in the midst of the oil. The etc., etc. and the drama. While peace was he airship dropped a bomb close to the Recently the plan has been to coin­ was the ultimate pacifist, ready to periscope and a series of bubbles be­ bine union labor and the farmer in a back his impulses to the last dollar. gan appearing, indicating that the I solid body against all other citizens Now that war must be won none is damaged submarine was moving slow- , ami thereby control state and nation­ more zealous for its prosecution and ly away under the water. Several al affairs along special class lines. —of the laymen—few more prolific more bombs were dropped in the path It is high time the farmers awaken­ in suggestions. indicated until satisfactory evidence ed to the seriousness of the condition I Just now his mind is at work gen- was obtained of the enemy’s destruc­ I they are creating. ' erating victory ideas. Like the Ameri­ tion.” Probably the majoriy of the farmers can of the European emigination, | The tenth ............. case: .. who are members of this organization Ford sees national salvation through 1 “An airship dropped two bomb« ' s a Cil|)_ didate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Tillamook - —--------- County, O11 t]le Republican ticket, at the primary elec­ tion, May 17, 1918. Respectfully, _____ " • L. Campbel] Announcement. 4 Per Cent Paidjon Ycur Savings and Time Deposits. Convenient Location and Fine Quarters. To the voters of Tillamook County- I herewith announce myself as a candidate on the Republican ticket at the nominating convention to be held in May for the office of County Com­ missioner. My motto; “A square deal all around." TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK Established in 1902. Tillamook. To The Voters of Tillamook County. I beg to announce that I will be a candidate for County Commissioner for the South end of the county on I the Republican ticket t at the next primary election. Ole B. Redberg. CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND To The Voters of Tillamook County. I hereby announce my self as a candidate for the office of County Surveyor on the Republican ticket at the Primary election to be held May 17, 1918. If nominated and elected 1 will conduct the office in an efficient and economical manner. Respectfully, W. S. Coates. For disenfecting where Contagious or infectious diseases are prevailing.' CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ ful Germicidal mixture and by its use will improve general stable conditions. To The Voters of Tillamook County ------ o I wish to announce that I will be a candidate at the next primary election for the office of County Commission­ er for the South part of the county on the Republican ticket. I believe in I good roads, and will use my best ef­ forts in seeing that roads are con­ structed permanently and built econ­ omically, if elected. Yours respectfully, A. A. lmlah. C. I. CLOUGH CO RELIABLE DRUGGISTS. Announcement. To the voters of Tillamook County. I hereby announce myself as a can­ didate for the nomination for County Commissioner on the Republican ticket at the primaries to be held May 17th, 1918. If nominated an! elected 1 will render the people of our county and nation, faithful, con­ scientious and patriotic service, and will favor road building of a perma­ nent nature. Respectfully, II. V. Alley. TILLAMOOK’S PROSPERITY and methods art having a good deal to do with the increasing development of 1 illamook Count V. Toward the latter, the First National Batik is contributing no smal amount- by its complete and convenient facilities of banking. W e shall be glad to give vou information and accept subscription to the 3rd Liberty Loan. I ? F Announcement. DIRECTORS Helsel. Farmer. A. W. Rann. Farmer. C. J. Edwards, Mur. C.PowerCo. J. C. Halden, Vii e Pres. H. C. Lamb. Huilding Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. . J. Riechers. Cashier. TILLAMOa^ I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination on the Republican ticket for County Commissioner, to be voted on at the primaries to be held in May. 1918. If nominated and elected I promise to the best of my ability to promote all efforts for the development and advancement of Tillamook County. Believing myself perfectly compe­ tent to administer the office. I place my candidace before the voters for their suffrage. Yours truly, D. A. Bailey. OREGON hflJVIB-SCHRRDER CO To The Voters of Tillamook County WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CEMENT. LIME, PLASTER, LATH [AND BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAMSAND SMITHING COAL. Warehouse and Office Cor. Front and 3rd Ave. West, Tillamook, Or. Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN County Dairy Herd Inspector Until further Notice. Calls answered from 1 illamook Hotel Day or Night. ALiEX. MeflAIR & CO GEHERMLt HflRDCUfl^E Kitchen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere ii I hereby take this method of an­ nouncing my candidacy for the nomi­ nation of County Commissioner on the Republican ticket at the primary election to be held May 17, 1918. Will work for the best interests of the taxpayers and citizens of lilla- mook County, especially in th- mat­ er of roads. I will insist on a definite road policy as follows: Appropriating as much of the road fund as poss-ble for the purpose of hard surfacing the main highways without neglecting the tributary roads, and conforming to the state regulations when the same are to the interest of 1 illamook County. Respectfully, H. M. Farmer . Hatching Eggs for Sale. ------ o------ S. C. White Leghorns, J. A. Hansons strain, of Corval'is, Ore., parent stock with egg record of over 208 eggs in pullet year. The father of my pen a full brother of the pen that won the “All Northwest Egg Laying Contest. My pen, when seven months old, Nov. 28, 1917 laid over 50 percent egg yield.. 60 per cent or 18 eggs per hen tor month of December. 70 per cent or 22 eggs per hen tor month of January. , Pen is mated to an O. A. C. cockere mother of same laid 238 eggs in her pullet year. $1.50 per setting of 15 per hundred. F.ggs tested free c charge, with Breeder’s Magic - Tester. , . Mrs. Sarah E. Hatch, Garibaldi, Ore. Rheumatic Pains Relieved. I have used Chamberlain s L” ment for pains in the chest and lam« ness of the shoulders due to rheurna •ism, and am pleased to -ay that > has never failed to give me Pr0™’ relief,” writes Mrs. S. N. Finch, Baf avia. N. V., For sale by Lamar's Drug Store.