TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, APRIL 19, 1918 ADVERTISING RATES. and should help the government in his critical stage in the history of the Legal Advertisements. L ntled States. Consider for one mo­ First Insertion per line ............. $ .to ment the great sacrifice Belgium, Each subsequent insertion, line. .05 trance, Italy and England have made the past few years, ami the sufferings they have manfully endured, to pre­ THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. vent the Kaiser dominating the whole world. Don’t be one of those who F. C. BAKER, Publisher. won’t do their bit, but du so today .»»id do so cheerfully. Editorial Snap shots. ------ o---- - So D mocratic office seekers arc going t< throw overboard non-parti- sanship at the coming election, and conduct tneir election on partisan lines. That suits us, and wc believe every K. publican who has faith in the G. O. r.. 1 uat means that Demo­ crats are going to line up, and it will force Republicans to line up as well. It used to be that Orctown, in this county, a .is a regular hot Led of so­ cialism. \\ hat a wonderful change of sentiment have taken place. It is re­ ported that every male person in that section of the county bought a Lib­ erty Bond. That, to our way of think­ ing, is very commendable from a pa­ triotic standpoint, whqn taken into consideration that it was pro-Ger- mans who dominated the Socialist party in the United States. It is safe to say that very few persons will vote lor socialist candidates at the next election. Very few ot the state newspapers published the names of those who bought liberty bonds in their respec­ tive counties. The Headlight did so, because we considered it a splendid record for the people of the county, ' and our citizens should keep a copy as a souvenir ot what Tillamook county did to support the govern­ ment, going over the top before the drive commenced with every prospect of raising $315,000, when the quota was only $105,000, is, in our estima­ tion, something to be proud of. We feel that way and so docs most Tilla- mookers. . „ .2 i he Kaiser meernl at England’s little contemptible army when war was first declared, and since that lime the Kaiser's troops have found >ut to their dismay that .1 ohn Bull is sdme fighter, especially s o when in a tight place, i he K.iiser’s last drive was for the purpose of annihilating England’s contemptible army and capture tne French coast. N otwith- standing the terrific a ssaults of the Germans, John Bull, is lighting with indomitable pluck, courage and de­ termination, and it is safe to say that the little contemptible English army has accounted for over a million of Germans since the present drive com­ menced, and if the Germans use the same reckless waste of men much longer the British Bull Dog will put another million Germans hors de combat. With so fierce fighting Eng- land must have lost a largc number of men in killed and wounded, for they have had to bear the brunt of the fighting, but now that contempt- ible army is being reinforced by American troops, that makes the re- sistance the Germans have to meet that much stronger and more difficult for them to break through, which they will not be able to do. FIRST CHRISTIAN .CHURCH, April 21st, 1918, BROTHERS DAY.” SPECIAL SERVICES al 11 o'clock, sermon, “BROTHERHOOD.” Evening, 8 o’clock, “What think ye of Christ.’’ The World’s Great Question. Big Bible School at 10 A.M. We are working for 300. Come. Christian Endeavor at 7 P.M. Nice attendance. Be one of them. M lltlKlI. HARRY E. TUCKER, Minister. Both Phones. Bell No. 78-J. Farmers Waking Up. I11 spile of the fact that J. D. Brown president of the Farmers’ Union in Oregon and Idaho, is one of the prin­ cipal organizers of the Non-Partisian League, ami also in spite of the fact that the Farmers’ Union of Oregon at its state convention in McMinnville indorsed the Non-Partisian League, some of the Farmers’ Union people in the Pacific Northwest are revolting at the idea of having the league thrust upon them through their own organ­ ization. Witness the resolutions pass­ ed at a recent meeting of the local Farmers’ Union at Waitsburg, saying ‘‘Whereas, there is grave reason to believe as shown by the government investigation, that the aforsaid league had its origin in pro-German sources with the object of embarrassing the Government in its war program, therefore be it "Resolved, that we as patriotic, loy­ al, American citizens, repudiate any and all statements purporting to as­ sociate, or in any manner connect, the Farmers’ Union with the Non-Parti­ san League movement.” De-lighted to learn that Fred C. Baker, editor of the Tillamook Head­ light, is to be a candidate for state representative. Mr. Baker is a proven Started to Make a Living at 14 as a Farmer Boy patriot, who has devoted a large part of Ids time to the different war drives Has been a Producer All His Life. His editorial policy has won for him Has Employed More than 20,000 Men. the respect of the press of the state and the confidence of his community, Has Started Many Foor Men in Bussiness and They Are His editorials are freely quoted throughout the state because of the Now Prosperous. soundness and patriotism of his views Every Man who has Ever Associated with Him, Either as He is just the kind of man who ought Voters who complain about so many to be elected in the legislature.—Ore­ Employee or in Business is for Him. lawyers, and not business men, tilling gon \ oter. legislative positions, have an oppor­ We wish to inform our respected Is Endorsed by More than 30,000 People Who Know Him. tunity of electing a wide awake busi­ contemporary that the editor of the ness man for United States Senator He is the Only Candidate for the Senate who is r ot a Lawyer, Headlight is not a candidate for state for Oregon. R. N. Stanfield, who representative, and never had that started making a living as a farmer's Forty years old; born in Umatilla, how to transact business with busi- kind of a political bee buzzing in his boy at the age of 14, is one of the Oregon; his family crossed the plains nes» people; a man who is not afraid bonnet until some of our friends, see­ aspirants for United States Senator, to take his coat off and go to work. ing that no one in Tillamook county in the early fifties; is married; lias a and from the looks of things he is go­ \\ hat he is he has made himself was aspiring to the position, asked us wife and one daughter, who is now through the industrious application ot ing to land the Republican nomina­ to make the raw. It was in the inter­ being educated in the public schools native talent and good, sound busi­ tion because he is a business man est of the county that our friends at Pendleton. ness judgment. He is a man who can and not connected with the legal pro­ were concerned about, for we are all “The Rich Man’s War.” Became al the head of th« family at do a good deal for Oregon, for the fession. There is another good reason agreed that this county should have the age of nineteen, when his father people, individually and collectively, why Mr. Stanfield should be elected. .1 representative in the lower house. The stock argument of the pacifists Eastern Oregon is entitled to sonic of This is how the editors name became died, leaving a wife and eleven chil­ and the nation at large. He has the will, the heart, the cour­ and those who denounce the war is the political honors. So let’s have a connected with the position. Some of dren; worked hard, plowing^ farming, change and give the United States our friends contended that if no oue riding the range, made himself and age, the resolution that docs great that it is the “rich man's war.” Just the business from the ground up; tilings. why it is a rich man’s war they pro­ Senator to Eastern Oregon. else consented to make the race, wv never had a vacation in iiis life; never Ability, efficiency, industry, loyalty, fess to believe is because some poor would have to do so. Under those got a dollar bu* what in. worked for faithfulness—qualities valuable ill devil is using it to make himself rich, It looks as though the State Grange circumstances we felt a patriotic duty 'it. times of war. and because that may be true then and the Farmers’ Union have some we owed the couney, and half way . Went into farming and stockraising, the war is unrighteous and unjust and radical leaders. It is reported that C. consented. But we arc glad to say hi iqia was the largest individua i A political sensation has been caus­ they will have none of it. That sort of E. Spence master of the State Grange, that C. J. Edwards consented to make sheep owner in the United States ed by the annvUncemc.it of- Oswald a. man is levs than no man at all—lie has registered as a Socialist, and J. D. the rai^c. He is doing so because the when war was declared, offered, his West that lie will se-.k t .e democrat­ is a traitor to his country, and too Brown, president of the Farmers’ county should have a representative entire wool clip to the (¿ovcrniueut at ic nomination for United States. Sen­ weak to protest when his wife is Union, is one of the principal organ­ in the house, and we do not know tiic then prevailing prices; that offer ator. When C. L. McNary va’s ap­ ravished and his children tortured. izers of the Non-Partisan League. To any better, wide awake business man has never been withdrawn. pointed to, the seenate a vevv months He lacks the full conception of free­ in the county who would fill the of ­ the average citizen, and especially Served six years in the Legislature; ago to fill the vacancy caused by the farmers, these organizations are mak­ fice to better advantage. We don’t was elected, speaker in 1917; served death of Hairy Lane, West told dom and liberty and is an ingleworm ing a mistake by keeping such men as say that we hypnotized Mr. Edwards, on committees on banking, roads and friends that he would support Mc­ in the body politic. Why don't he get down to facts and ask himself if the leaders. Every Grange and Fortners' but our persuasive powers were a lit­ highways, Livestock assessments and Nary if tile latter made good, West wax was brought on by J. P. Morgan tle stronger than Mr. Edwards ’ and Union in the state should pass reso­ taxation, and many others; supported assuming al th-, time that McNary lutions protesting against socialism that is the reason he is now a candi­ constructive measures and opposed would be nominated in the primaries. so his only sou could join the navy and offer his life for his country?” and the non-Partisan League. The So­ date for joint representative for destructive measures. Wi.a West new announcing his can­ Or what part Henry P. Davidson, cialist party was dominated more or Yamhill and Tillamook counties, and He was largely responsible for mak­ didacy It is the bv'i-f that W est con- who is devoting his energies without less by pro-Germans and the Non­ not the editor. ing. Portland the second largest ciders that McNary has not m .de charge to the administration of the J’artisian League is another quack gyeaac wool uurkct in the I ailed good, or h. is tearful that McNary is Red Cross work( took in bring­ should political nostrum fanners Wc have in previous primary elec­ States. This made the manufacturers unable to d.icit R. N. Stanfi.lt fii«L. Red CtOM» Y. 11 C \ \. Stanfield's strength, on the theory ed for humanity’s sake will not in­ A little mistake was made when the think it is to the best interest of the C. A.; Kr.ights of Columbus., Armen­ that West if nominated wants to op­ clude the copperheads too cowardly county was divided into tour banking Republican party and to the best in­ ian Relief, Jewish Relief, etc. Hr is a pose Stanfield. The outstanding fact to stiffen their backs for the fray but districts for the Liberty Loan drive, terest of the state of Oregon to elect liberal citizen and believes it is the of West's entry is the McNary’s are content to remain at home and by giving Cloverdale territory that a wide awake, progressive business duty of every one of us to devote our chances have been greatly imperiled sow the anti-war seed of “it’s a rich did not belong to it. 1’arl of the A lov­ man, one who has been prominently lives and fortunes to the successful ami McNary supporters are discour­ man’s war."—Sheridan Sun. erdale banking district rightly be­ identified with agriculture and its de­ prosecution of tl.c war. aged. Nothing, say the politicians in He has come in actual contact with the democratic and republican ranks, longed to Tillamook district, but ba* velopment. It was on the farm that Notice ing placed in the former district, the Mr. Stanfield made his start in lite, every phase cf Oregon's industrial would have induced West to take this ----- o— bond boosters in the south part of when but a boy. and with persistent life; he k.»ows Oregon, aad there is step if he was convinced that McNary All i persons having account the county organized and went to energy, it is to his credit that he is a no man better qualified in the state to could defeat Stanfield in the pri­ with me, kindle settle same with Kath- work, with good results, but instead successful farmer of Eastern Oregon, determine the needs of this common­ maries. leen Mills, at the City Recorder ’ s of­ of the money subscribed at Hemlock, being one of those big, broad guaged wealth, and what the Federal Govern­ fice in the City Hall. Your prompt at­ Beaver, Blaine, Sandlake and Hebo, men in th.it section of tlu state who ment should do for the state. There When You Write a Soldier. tention to the payment of vour bill being deposited in the t loverdale carries on farming on a big scale. If is no man better qualified to get these things for our state. He is a tireless bank. \\ hen the money is turned over there is one class of men to be ad­ W hen you write to a soldier always will save you the costs of collection.s Grant Mills. to the federal government, this will mired more than another, it is the worker, a result getter. He has <$»- write with ink and address him by his lower Cloverdale’s average, but not­ successful farmer or dairyman, tor it tained results in his business; he can army title instead of mister, and w rite withstanding that it is entitled to the is only by h.’.rd work and thrift th.it obtain results for you as your repre­ his name in full instead of using in­ Mr. Stanfield coni­ sentative in Washington. honor,, for when the county was they succeed. itials. There are several hundred I. F. H. T. Botts, Pres, Attorney Knows Oregon can build more divided up into districts it was given menceil at the bottom ami worked his Smiths in France and elsewhere in at-Law. way up step by step, which quite a ships, produce 1110-c lumber, cut the army. These suggestions come that territory. John Leland Henderson. Sec- more spruce, grow mor. wheat, raise in Tillamook number ot dairymen from the postofficc departmi nt at .retary Treae,, Attorney-at- lust one word to those who should have done ami with good success. more beef, mutton and pork; can do Washington. Another thing put your Law and Notrary Public. have bought a liberty bond ami and have That is the kind of man that is now more, when Oregon and the Federal own address on the envelope. It t. k ■. not done so. Do so right now. In appealing to the Republicans of the Government get together on a plain about thirty days for a letter to n ;u . years to come you will regret that state for their support, and we hope business proposition in a business a soldier with his command in Franc, you failed to do so, if you do not t|ie Republicans of Tillamook county way. although many letters get ti v. n Come through now. True there are will rally to the support of Mr. Stan­ He is a man who docs things; a man from 15 to ->o days. About r>.ocuooo gome persons who are not financially field. We have given, in another col­ who has accomplished something, pieces of mail a month 1 Liw Abatracta. Real Estate, able, and we would not hint their umn, some information about Mr. young man, vigorous, in the prime of diers in France. They ci Inaurance. life; a business man; has the human feelings by saying one unkind word Stanfield which our readers should ly delivered only it Both Phones. about them, but there are persons in carefully read, and published for instinct; a judge of men; a man who plainly written and t’, i dre.-s Ji,», TILLAMOOK-OREGON. can meet people; a man who knows ignates company anu the county who are financially able their information. gitnent. Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. Card of Thanks. ------ o------ We wish to thank the e many friends who showed their kind d sympathy to- wards us in the death of a beloved husband and father, ; also for the floral tokens of respect. .. Mrs. C. W. Hogan, Mrs. Guy Ford, Mrs. Oscar \\ erschkul, Harry H. Hogan. I . I Hatching eggs for sale from trap- nested S. C. Rhode Island Reds, with records up to 245 eggs in one’year. The kind that pay a profit on war time feeding prices. Flock headed by “Vibert” strain Cockerels from 271 egg stock. Eggs, $1.00 for 15; $5.00 per too.—Mrs. Hugh Barber, Fair­ view Creamery. » Load Your Camera with REXO FILM. “The Speed in Rexo Film Means You Get the Picture.” If wou have been getting weak, washed out negatives, load your cam­ era with ~ Rexo Film and prove its quality by actual trial. Rexo Film is known to be 25 per cent faster than any other film. This extra speed cor- rects underexposure and insures the greatest number of good pictures. They are fully orthochromatic, non­ halation and non-halatioa anil non curling. Rexo Record Film is made in all popular sizes to fit any roll film cam­ era. They cost no more than the or­ dinary kind. The next time you buy film, ask for “REXO,,. For the Best Print from Every Negative, use REXO, ^Guaranteed Developing Paper. Rexo Photo Products are for Sale J. W. EDWALL, Tillamook, Oregon. T ¡ THE L atest r Electricity’s latest gift to the housewife greatest since the electric iron and electric vacuum cleaner—the Western Electric P ortable S ewing M achine 7 No more tiresome treadle pushing no more backache a little electric motor does the hard work. A foot control gives any speed desired. I The entire machine in its case can be carried anywhere—it’s no larger than a typewriter. Ask for a demonstra­ tion. COAST Pl Vol'll THE ELECTRIC STORE. I