TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT every woman APRIL 18. 1918. THE BALANCE OF POWER CAN HELP NEXT LIBERTY LOAN Woman’s Committee for Twelfth Federal Reserve District to Form an Organization l By MRS. A. S. BALDWIN (Chairman Woman’s Liberty Loan Committee, Twelfth Federal Reserve District) Now that we are actively in the war Snd our men are in the front line trenches; are being killed; are being gassed; are being maimed for life, it would seem that every woman in the land should be in the front ranks of the civilian workers to help the men win the war. Each of us has her part to play, however small It may be, and whether it be great or small it is of importance that each shall perform her part to the utmost of her ability. Some can buy Liberty Bonds, some pan Influence others to buy. Perhaps pome can only help by conserving the ure of food and clothing and by econ­ omizing In household expenditures, thus liberating and augmenting the essentials which must be sent "over there" for the use of our army and tor the destitute civilian population of our allies. In whatever way each woman of this Twelfth Federal Reserve District san help, let her do her utmost that we who are farthest from the front may sustain our part of the struggle, and keep for ourselves and our chil­ dren the blessings and privilege« we have Inherited, and thus make it pos­ sible to win like blessings for the mil­ lions who are now in actual bondage. We should not only save to help, but the great lesson to be learned also is to do now without non-essentials and to make sacrifices so that the labor which produces what we consider to be even essentials may be used to produce those things which are actu­ ally essential for the support and safety of those who are carrying the burden of this unprecedented struggle lor freedom and democracy. The aim of the Woman’s Liberty Loan Committee is to form an organi- zation which shall make the woman In every home in the land realize these conditions and her responsi­ bility, that the message shall not teach her only from one direction, bat ¡from many, so that she shall be »ought to a full realization of her responsibility. OVER THE TOP SHALL WE SEE IT THRIFT AND THROUGH OR QUIT? CONSERVATION ------- t The Government is finding it nec­ Last year at this time the great cry essary to call upon us three times This year it is within a year to provide by subscrip­ was conservation. thrift. Last year the nation was tions to Liberty Loans, sums of money urged by the Government to conserve hitherto considered of fabulous pro­ the natural resources and the products portions. These facts mere^words should Im­ °f 01 e farmB and flelds and fBctoriei- press upon us as no 1 cron« were ursad. anil onninrr Greater crops urged, and canning could do. the Intense seriousness, the clubs and city gardens were the order stern necessities, of the situation. of the day. This year the nation is Continued acquaintance with the being taught th« lesson of spending more serious aspects of life is apt to It» money wisely. The nation is being breed Indifference, and to distort our Bhown the importance of putting every mental vision. As the soldier shud­ cent where It will do the most good. I ders with horror at his first sight Conservation and thrift go hand in of carnage, but later becomes hard­ hand. The fact that the farmer is ' ened. so are we apt to become com­ being told this year to be thrifty does placent under conditions which call not mean he Is not to plant every actually for increasingly strenuous acre available and till his crops care­ effort fully and harvest them when they are The Liberty Loan with Its original ready for the reaper, It means that accompaniments of novelty and noise he must Invest wisely the money he appealed to our national love of a gets for the splendid crops he has new sensation. In the Third Cam­ demonstrated he is able to raise. paign much of the novelty will be The farmer, as a rule, can find some­ lacking, but the serious purpose be­ thing for which to Bpend almost every hind the campaign will have grown. dollar he gets. There always Is ms» Our money was needed when both chlnery to be bought or repaired, I the First and Second Liberty Loans notes to be met, fertilizer to be pur­ were floated, but It will be more than chased. harness, lubricating oil and ever needed when the Third Loan groceries and clothing to be paid for is called for. Our army has grown, in the neighboring town. Hut in the our national pay-roll has grown, the last few years most of the thrifty needs of our allies have grown, the farmers have been so well paid for necessity of forever banishing the un­ their produce that they are now "on PAY THAT DEBT, speakable menace of Prussianlsm ha-’ their feet,” or more nearly so than SAYS BILL HART :rown. No longer can we hope that ever before. the entrance of this country Into the This country has been good to them, William S. Hart, of moving picture struggle will induce an early peace. fame, is one of the enthusiastic ad- ‘More arrogant, more desperate than for they have lived in peace and have vocates for a general response to the ;even the German Government puts been provided by the Federal Loan money with which Government’s appeal for subscript forward its impossible claims upon the Bureau with cheap to pursue the arts of peace. Any tions to its Liberty Loans, Here is rights and life of humanity. economies they can practice at this what Hart says; Our Government in Its growing need time will give them additional money "Every American who has accepted is calling upon us to give up our with which to lend financial aid to the the great blessing that God has given, luxuries, Is conscripting the lives of Government In its great war for right­ and has lived the large and free life our sons, is controlling trade, labor, bought by the blood of many brave! and prices, with an ever Increasing eousness and fair dealing. Every dollar loaned to the Govern­ and devoted men. and passed on to u» earnestness and firmness of pur­ ment is a practical protest against the a priceless heritage, has a chancel pose. plans of a greedy, unscrupulous, souk ®ow to repay. The test of our personal strength less power intent on world conquest, “It is for him at this instant tc j of character and determination is at and every dollar thus advanced serves testify to the world what he knows« hand. Your Government pleads with to shorten the period of war and bring |be owes his country. you very earnestly to preach and nearer the day of universal and "He should at once, and cheerfully. ' practice both before and during the enduring peace. fl’e a little of his goods that his next Liberty Loan Campaign a stead­ country has secured to him. fastness of purpose, an unselfish pa­ “Who will dare to weaken our West, "He should promptly say to the triotism. which shall reflect the spirit world, which is listening, and perhaps of a man who having set his hand ern front by a single troop or a single gun?”—George Clemenceau, Premier cynically criticising: “When my ooun to the execution of a necessary task of France. Dec. 26. 1915. If you fall ¡try asks me for life or for money I would rather lose that hand than to buy Liberty Bonds you will weaken ■cheerfully offer both.’ draw it back. This is the spirit of “He should demonstrate that pa our President, of our allies—it is the front! Wotiem is something greater and i surely our own. ■ore sacred than an idle sentiment. “We could not have endured such "And in contributing according to "This Is a war of peoples—the peo­ aggressions and survived as a self- his means for the high purpose placed ple behind the front«”—Major Grayson respecting nation of free people."— before him by his President, he should Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo, at M, r. P. mwrpssj Murphy V. of the Red --------- — ■ - American - Appreciate that in reality he is mak­ IVI, ___ a _ part ______ Cross, Jan. 20, 1918. YOU are &an 1 Franolsco, Oct 11, 1917. AmerL ing no gift, but is investing tn the of Democracy’s Battalions. Buy Lib can blood calls to you. Buy Liberty Ffatest security in the world—THE j Bonds. P ledge of the united states i erty Benda w AMERICA.” ATTILA ■ Pt LAÏC pi JUDAS T. BOua XTTORNEY-AT LAW. Complete Set of Abstract li<>< ks in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. PRINCESS THEATRE, Tuesday and Wednesday, April 23-24, T illamook B lock , I 'Tillamook .... Oregon Both Phones. w.c-HAWK ¡FRENCH IN ARMS Official French War Picture PHYSICIAN ANI) SURGEON. Oregon Hay City Photographed by the Cinematographic Division of the French War Office. J 1'resented by Pathe. This is not a photoplay, but a real war pic­ ture. See the big guns in action. Learn how machine guns are operated above the clouds. A show that’s worth a dollar. Cost only 20c. Children 10c Two days. Come early or stand up. a p^ISS sale N a dick , TEACHER OP PIANO PRIMARY AND ADVANCE INSTR UCTION. Monthly Musical» given for given for benefit of Pupil». Price» Reasonable. A BADGE OF HONOR A Liberty Ixian button is a badge honor. Rightfully obtained it mark, ’carer as one who has performed * distinct, definite service to the •country. Not all can fight, not all can work Jlwctly for the Government; but in •Nying a Liberty Loan Bond, or War otvlngs Stamps, every American ren- Jers some service to the nation. It *• been put within the reach and Wwor of every citizen to aid the galled States financially; it Is a poor ~I'er's an insignia of honor. I ODDFELLOWS' BI II.DING, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. !.. HOHLFELD. OHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW T illamook B lock , Tillamook - . . • Oiegon. ROOM NO. an. J ELAND E ERWIN PIANO INSTRUCTION, Diploma from Chicago Musical College.—Beginners receive the same careful training as the most advanced. Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ tion. All lessons given at Studio. County Representative for the Wiley If. Allen Co.»' line of high grade pianos, player-pianos, Victrolos etc. Tillamook • Oregon. Q’ARL HABERLACH, ATTORNEY.AT LAW. PIRATE T illamook B lock Tillamook < Iregon AVID ROBINSON. M. D , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON NATIONAL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK T. BOATS, M.D.. All that our soldiers need is a still J^er —' t„, rear organization.” — George '•"’enceau, former Premier of /*"<*. Jan. 14, 1916. It la up to you Provide that by buying Liberty I KAISER-ACA VÔT PIKERS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S. P. Co. <1. O. (> F. Bldg.) Tillamook .... Oregon COMMERCIAL BUILDING, FIRST STREET, OREGON TILLAMOOK, QR.L. L. HOY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook, Oregon. Ornamental Fire Places Built of Brick and Stone. All Fire Places absolutely guaranteed not to smoke or money re­ funded. Brick work of all kinds done on short notice. We make a specialty of re­ pairing smoking Fire Places. RALPH E. WARREN TII.I.AMOOK.'JJRF.