I I I I Urafilinht I TILLAMOOK, OREGON. APRIL Tillamook Jottings Furnished and unfurnished rooms Carl Blackadar, who is a sergeant to rent. Shaw’s apartments, 4th in the tst Company Pioneers and house East of Miller Ave. on 6th some of the first to leave \ anvouver Street. B. C., for France, has been wounded In conformity with the rule formed in the knee. He was previously of elsewhere, all wood orders must be 1 illamook city, and was an active accompanied by payment in advance. member of the baseball team, He —A. F. Coats Lumber Co. ♦ worked for W. J. Stephens. 1918. S 1.50 PER YEAR. 100.00 good brand of ball and under the cir­ LIBERTY LOAN FIGURES ARE 1 Mrs. Ida B. Anderson Arthur Kerns ............... 50.00 cumstances the attendance was en­ STILL GROWING BIGGER. Ben Johnson ............... 50.0U couraging, a collection of $¿0.40 being W. A. Wise, dentist. • I Arthur E. Harris .... 50.00 taken up to help defray the boys ex­ fcv ry dairy cow should be fed some 50.00 Elwell D. Erskine .... penses. These games should have the Nehale m Valley Bank - 98,200 Linseed Oil Meal.—Ray & Co. * 50.00 Jim Thomas ................ support of the public as theÿ provide 5000 the only recreation for the boys in Tillamook County Bank $70,700 T. B. Handley ............ Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough .V P. W. Barrett ............ 50.00 khaki now stationed in this county. Co. * First National Bank __ 67,800 C. L. Lindsey............... ¿00.00 For Sale—Eight young Jeisey cows, A. A. Imlah was in the city on __ These boys are all a long way from 50.00 Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, milking. Price $55 per head. Address Saturday and as it was reported that home and any recreation and amuse­ Nestucca Valley.Bank - 38,400 John W. Figge .......... 50.00 Cloverdale, Ore. ♦ R. H. Scott, Box 109, R. 1. Salem, if he was elected county commission­ ment provided for them is greatly ap­ First Bank of.Bay CityjJ 25,500 J. W. Hellenbrand .... 50.00 George Toly ................ Orjegon. » er he would oppose the building of preciated. The officers and men are a Mike Yokish ................ 50.00 pigs for sale, H. A. Springer, half- gentlemenly lot of fellows and the As about one third of the money the Arstill cut off. The case is now in Get your farm implements, gas en­ ------o------ mile south of town. * the supreme court and if the county people of .Tillamook should take pride subscribed in the Cloverdale district gines, silos and cutters from Kuppen­ Tillamook County Bank. court is sustained he will see that the in having them with us. The manage­ was turned into the Tillamook banks, Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver- bender.. We guarantee all of our 50.00 ment of both teams wish to thank that will change the figures to about: Robert House............................. road is built. wax - R W. Bennett. * goods. » 50.00 Flora E. Axtell ......................... the citizens for their encouragement Let \\ . A. Church write your insur­ Nothing but fun at the Gem Theatre and assistance being given their ef­ I Total Amount Subscribed in the Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co.................. 300.00 The Government has made another ance. , next Thursday night, Here is the forts along these lines and announces I .Couuty Up,,to.Date, $288.000.^ C. E. Pearson ............................. 50.00 I small draft, which includes three men Luther A. King ........................... 50.00 R. W. Bennett, expert watch re­ 1 from Tillamookr county, viz* Osca secret we can’t keep it any longer,, that they will play another game at 50.00 S. C. Larsen ............................... pairing. S. P. Watch inspector. * j Dahl, of Blaine; Waldo Doughty and Jane and Katherine Lee in "Trouble­ the Fair Grounds next Sunday at 1:30 makers” will put wrinkles in a face p.m. Mr. F. C. Baker, Tillamook Head­ G. H. Thompson ..................... 50.00 Coming to the Gem Theatre April W. S. Graham, of Bay City. that has never laughed before. They light, Tillamook, Oregon. 50.00 H. H. Miller ............................. 26, ‘The Pendleton Roundup” Demand that your contractor use will drive away the blues and con­ Dear Sir:—1 have your letter of the George Gcisendorfcr ............... 50.00 Death of C. W. Hogan. Wanted—Some bees, John Theilcr, Santa Cruz cement. It is always uni­ vince you that life is worth while. 16th, and thank you for the congrat­ J. P. Larsen ........................... 50.00 \\ e are sorry to announce the death form and has exceptional fast setting Hemlock, Ore. * ulations which you extend to me as Addie Schmelzer ....................... 50.00 The Shakespeare Club met at the of Charles W. Hogan, who died north I qualities which is preferred. For sale 50.00 Figs for sale, H. A. Springer, one at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * home of Mrs. Fred C. Baker on Fri- of this city on Wednesday of last Chairman of the Liberty Loan Com­ Edward Stasek ......................... mittee of Tillamook County, for the L. F. Wilson ........................... 50.00 half mile south of town. I Marri.d, on the 11th of April, at the day, the afternoon being devoted to week. The cause of death was neural­ great success that attended the drive Joe Donaldson ......................... 100.00 work for destitute children in Bel- gia of the heart. The Swastica Club will meet with court house, Arnold Hanson and | in this county. 1 too am greatly pleas­ Wm. H. Webb ......................... 50.00 gium. The invited guests were Mrs. Mr. Hogan was born in New York, Mrs. Botts on Friday, April, 26. Ethel Look, the percmony being per­ 50.00 Thad Robison, Mrs. E. Bales, Mrs. June 20, 1850, and in 1879 was married ed with the splendid results, which Clyde H. Webb ....................... 100.00 The soil doctor ia sold by Kuppen­ formed by County Judge, A. M. Carl Haberlach, Mrs. Albert Byers, to Miss Elizabeth Palm, also of New show that the people of Tillamook Claudia Brown ......................... Hare. county are as usual ready to get be­ Roy A. Searcy ........................... 50.00 bender. * Mrs. 1 Ira Smith and Mrs. J. C. Hol- York. hind any demands made upon them H. A. Brandt ................... 50.CO 1 We keep up our line of substitutes den. Mr. Hogan moved to Michigan and The hostess served a dainty Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Levi Nichols 100.00 as well as the market and transporta­ lunch. later to Oregon, where he first settled by the government. The result of the John Wahlen ............................. of Nehalem, April 4th, a daughter. drive are highly gratifying, and I Mrs. S. Hughes ....................... 50.00 tion conditions will permit. We in­ in the Willamette valley. From there Joe Illingworth, father of Leon Il­ 100.00 We handle Trojan Powder. Best for vite you to try our lines. C. O. & C. lie came to the southern part of Till­ feel it has been an honor to have been E. G. Anderson ....................... lingworth, and brother of Frank Il­ stumping.—Tillamook Feed Co. • M. Dawson. amook county, where he resided for associated in the conduct of the cam­ Wm. M. Bride ........................... 100.00 lingworth and son of W. D. filing­ paign. 1 feel, however, that the great­ Alton McKimens ....................... 50.00 for Wanted—Pekin duck eggs You have a laugh coming to you— worth died at San Francisco, Cal., on many year^ near Cloverdale. A few est credit should be given to the Ralph Mcimens ......................... 50.00 years ago Mr. Hogan removed to Til ­ hatching. Ike Quick, Tillamook. get it at the Gem Theatre next Thurs-1 April 6th. The deceased was a mem- members of the local boards, who Geo. R. McKimens ................... 100.00 lamook. day, April 25. June and Katherine ' ber of the Elks, Moose and Wood- For Rent—A three room house 50.00 Rev. R. G. Sumerlin, of the United have worked so hard and conscient­ A. D. Devine ............................. Lee in “Troublemakers” will furnish men orders and was well thought of iously in the several districts in the Mrs. A. D. Devine..................... furnished or unfurnished—Call 24J. 50.00 Brethern church, conducted the fun ­ it. I by many friends and relatives, The 5000 eral services Friday, and the inter­ interest of the Third Liberty loan. Catherine O’Hara ..................... W anted to trade city property for deceased left the county about three To them and the greater number of Wm. Webb ................................. 50.00 A May dance will be given at the ment was in Bay City cemetery. Mr. acreage close to city.—See Shrode. * 50.00 Armory, the proceeds of which will years ago. Hogan left, besides his widow, three willing helpers belong the credit for W. R. Speece ............................. Wanted, to buy, a good delivery go to the Red Cross Funds. Remem­ 50.00 The New York American says, children, Mrs. Guy Ford, of Myrtle the great success of the Liberty Loan Nora Cronquist ......................... I horse. Apply at the Crystal Laundry. ber the date, Wednesday, May 1st, “one of the principal features of Jack Point, Or., Mrs. Oscar Werschkul and drive in this county. Ralph Welsh ............................. 50.00 I will have a list of the subscribers H. A. Chopard ......................... 50.00 and the Beanstalk, which had its Harry H. Hogan, of Tillamook City, I Born, April II, to Mr. and Mrs. commencing at 9 p.m. of the Wheeler district made up and D. W. Benfield ......................... 100.00 Ijohn Kunzi, a son. H. Hayward died suddenly at Bea­ premier run at the Globe theatre last Oregon. sent to you under separate cover, and Emanuel Borba ......................... 50.00 I Announcing the new Grant Six, the ver from heart failure. The remains night, was the acting of the children I it has been quite a undertaking to R. C. Magarrell ......................... 100.00 who made up the cast, with the ex ­ Death of W. B. Powell. will be buried Friday afternoon, the * nest ever. S ;c Kuppenbcnder. tabulate and get the subscriptions in­ Ross Magarrell ......................... 50.00 religious services to be held in the ception of the Giant, the parts of I to form. In this connection a great Geo. M. Cole ............................. 100.00 I Let Kuppenbender tell you hew to mar- ! Jack and the princess were really A telegram reached this office on Christian Church, attended by a del­ 50.00 Lave money on ycur cement work. * 1 velous, Don’t miss this at the Gem 1 j Wednesday stating that Willis B. deal of credit should be given to the Fairview Grange ....................... egation of Oddfellows. several banks of the county, who are Ame Blum ................................. 50.00 Theatre Tuesday, April 23: I You can see the “Pendleton Round- ! Powell, an old resident of this county, giving so freely of their time and fa­ E. J. Arenz ................................. 50.00 For Sale—1 horse, I surrey, hay $8 I’p" at the Gem Theatre Friday, April had died at the home of his daughter, cilities for handling of this loan. 1 a ton, I pen birds of thorough bred I For sale cheap, Registered bull, Mrs. W. A. Williams, in Missoula think few people realize the enor­ Nehalem Valley Bank. Silver Stangler Hamburgs, 1 incuba- I rady for service. Sire—Nesto’s Derry, Best by Test—Oregon Portland tor 63 eggs, some wooden beds and 1 Dam—The Golden Heiress. Traces , Mont., and that the body was on its mous amount of work which handling A. E. Goetz ................................... of a loan develops upon the banks, W. E. Henman ....................... lenient. For sale by Lamb Schrader other furniture, 1 cheap ranjfe.—H. L. | close to Golden Jolly who sired 27 j way to be buried in Tillamook. • tested cows, also 14 bulls with tested | A pioneer of 1852, Mr. Powell be­ and full credit should be given the of­ P. F. Herman ........................... lo. Fowler, the Weston Place. of plain ficers and staffs of the several banks, John Hay ................................... 1 daughters, including Grand Champion longed to the great caravan Marriage licenses were issued to Dr. Turner eye specialist, of cow at National Dairy Show, 1908. I emigrants who suffered severe loss for the work which they have done Ole Haugen ............................... (mold Hansen and Ethel Look, Mar­ Portland will be in Tillamook I Tabulated pedigree. T. B. tested. Ap­ | while making their way to the Eldo- and are doing in this work. H. J. Hendricks ....................... on L. Hopkins and Ada True. again Friday and Saturday, April 12- ply to F. K. Blackador, R. I, Box 77, I rado in the West. He was born in Very respectfully, H. Hansen ................................. Why not be insured in the best fire 20, at Jenkins' Jewelry Store. In Clov­ 1 Tillamook, Oregon. | Miller county Mo., March 14, 1844, Frank A. Rowe. Geo. R. Huard ......................... psurance company, it costs no more. erdale, Thursday, April 18th. Consult and was six years old when the little County Chairman Liberty Loan Com. F. J. Hamilton ........................... My client has 40 acre farm just 3 See Everson. * him don’t fqrget the date. *3 , farm was sold and the proceeds de­ Edward Irwin ........................... ,miles from city limits of Portland! It you miss “Troublemakers” at the Nestucca Valley Bank. J. Jennings ................................. R. W. Kirl% superintendent of southeast, right up to date in every voted to the purchase of oxen and tem Theatre April 25, you will sure schools of this city for the past two detail wjth everything in stock and provisions for the journey to the Emil Stcinmessl ....................... 50.00 G. G. Jones ............................... west. His father, Shedrick Powell, ki>s a lot of fun. Harry H. Johnson ................... years, has been elected superintend- equipment first class, Income for i s was born in Kentucky, as was also his Bay City Bank. T. J. Jackson ............................. at a - I ■ creain and pork averages about $200 llon’t buy a gas engine to get ent of schools at Oregon City -- mother, Elizabeth (Clarkson) Powell, Mrs. Joanna Hobson ............ L. S. Johnson ........................... ¡a month, want Tillamook dairy farm lower if ycu have an auto. Get a salary of $2,000.00. and the latter died in Washington, in B. L. Beals Jr.............................. Jno F. Kidd ............................... in exchange for this fine home place. ■Helping Henry,” See Shrode. For rent—desirable home with all August, 1883, at the age of seventy­ C. F. Buttler ............................. Chris Kral ................................. I For Sale—New modern residence, modern conveniences, barn, garage, If you have something to offer will eight years. Shedrick Powell moved W. L. Collier ............................. Geo. M. Knight ....................... kcated in best residence district. For chicken park and garden spot Also send you full particulars. Neal Brown from Kentucky to Illinois, where he H. Chandler ............................... M. H. Kirk ............................... 207 Panama Bldg., Portland, Oregon. household furniture for sale. Apply to ■leal a bargain. See Frank Heyd. lived for several years before settling Ed. Guyri ..................................... Clifford C. Lemire ................. * All packages of garments for ship­ in Missouri. April 1, 1852, he started John Light ................................. I Best in the West—Oregon Portland Mrs. J. C. Holden. W. Lacy ....................................... A. Lindsay ................................... lenient. Always uniform and fresh. For safe, brush land at Hood River. ment from the Auxiliaries should be upon what was to be his last Journey, H. McGinn ............................... *ent to the county sewing chairman, yet he was doubtless one of the most •J. F. Lucy ................................... Three crops of alfalfa when cleared. Geo. McDonald ......................... lainb-Schrader Co. Mrs. W. V. Lindley ................. Will sell on time and loan money for Mrs. Bird L. Beals, and if the Red hopeful of those who were staking D. Qurings ................................. I a suit was filed in the circuit court improvements Cross rooms are closed they can be their all upon the promises of the Paul Raney ................................. R. L. Liles ................................. to right man for dairy ­ ■ which D. T. Edmunds sues R. C. left at the Liberty Temple. They west. He was captain of the party, M. W. Lascy ............................. Lgarrell, Albert H. Malaney and F. ing.—F. P. Friday, Hood River, Or. * should be in Tillamook by the 26th of and guided it safely as far as the Wm. Dull ................................... A. F. Lane ................................. AV. S. Cone ................................. 1 Beals, to quiet title to certain land. For sale to the highest bidder, the the month. An attendance of 47 re­ Powder River, where he was stricken Bryan Lee ............... ................. E. Dearborn ............................... proceeds to go to the Red Cross, a ported at the Tillamook Red Cross by cholera, and was left in a lonly ■The ‘‘Guaranteed” silo is complete Edmund Lunberg ..................... T. R. Elliott Jr............................ S. Lundburg ............................... Bd sold for less. Send for our big Registered Poland China Boar., five for Tuesday, the 16th, and 46 for wayside grave on the plains. His fam­ J .Hendrickson ......................... months old. Bilds to be sent to the Wednesday. ily continued their journey after per­ Mrs. R. E. Jackson ................... L. L. Lupro ............................... Bo book it is free. W. Kuppenben- Headlight office not later than Satur­ L. Louis McKimens................. Died on Sunday morning, Ase Otis forming the simple rights for the Jack Levan Hagen ..................... day, April 26. dead, and in time located on a claim J. E. Parker ............................... Joe A. Miller .. ....................... Wells, a brother of E. P. Wells. He uses cf ce- det your big book on Frank E. Morse......................... Marion L. Hopkins and Ada True was born in Washington county, Or., on Lewis River, in Washington. They R. Terwillegar ........................... tnt in modern sanitary farming. N J. R. Myer* ................................. were married at the M. E. Parsonage in 1870 and was married to Annie had three hundred and twenty acres P. H. Wyman ............................. hner should be without it. It is of land and engaged in farming there Josephine E. Wilkins ............. W. J. Mix ................................... * Sunday at 9 a.m. Dr. Gibson officiat­ Corlice 26 years ago. Six children It Sec Kuppenbender. Charles O’Brien ....................... ing. Mr. Hopkins is a member of 10th were born of the union, three of until 1867, the mother depending on Hugh Wilkins ........................... Victor Olson ............................. Wanted—horses or cattle to pas- Co. O. C. A. and is stationed at Fort whom are dead, Lloyd, Edith and her five boys and seven daughters J. Millsap ..................................... both to manage and do the work Geo. McCamp ............................. Carl Olson ................................... F Sec C. Hancnkrat or Phone 4F2 Columbia. Raymond still survive. He returned around the farm. W. L. i’atchell ........................... Ramook. Mrs. Sarah Holch ................... If you like to see cow boys, cow to Tillamook county about three When his services were no longer A. G. Ross ................................. for Sale—-15 head of milk cows. Al- girls, wild steers, bucking horses, ex­ weeks ago, and gradually grew worse. required at home, W illis B. Powell H. Leaderer ............................... Paul Rusk ................................... I will rent my place of 40 acres. Sec pert roping contests and a whole Besides the three children he leaves went to Clark county, Wash, and took Mrs. A. S. Bent ......................... J. G. Rancs ................................ . IL Stillwell, Tillamook. 2* buckaroo show. Don’t miss the Pen­ a host of friends to mourn their loss. up land on the east fork of Lewis A. S. Bent ................................. H. B. Rowley ........................... Marion Darby ........................... riant a war garden but see that dleton Roundup at the Gem Thearte The funeral was on Monday at the I. liver, where he engaged in stock rais­ . Wm. Dawson ............................. Paul Ross .................................... I O. O. F. cemetery, conducted by Rev. kr seed is right. Hydrated lime is Friday night, April 26. ing until 1884. He then disposed of L. E. DeRock ............................. James Reed ................................. I D. L. Shrode. I soil doctor. Get it at Kuppenben- 1 Due to an error in checking up Lib­ his farm and moved to Yamhill H. Ginnoe ................................... J. N. Rassmussen ..................... Lloyd Winfred Edwards and Miss county, Oregon, purchasing a place I Warehouse. * R. H. Savage ............................. erty Bond subscribers last week the H. Hamon ................................... Stella (¡race Goyne were married at near Bellevue, four miles from Sheri­ T. L. Sullivan ........................... W. Kilburg ................................. it' ’ a truck to haul your milk? Or names of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Case, noon on Sunday at the Friends church Alfred Seamon ........................... Got an old automobile? who subscribed for $100.00 each did Newberg, Oregon, the ceremony be­ dan. On a farm of 94 acres he en­ J. A. Miksch ............................... gaged in general farming and stock- F. V. Simmons ......................... Clyde Smith ............................... he will explain the reSt. not reach the press. These names ing performed by the groom's grand­ 1 Strode, raising until 1901 and then ntc-ed to 1 R. G. Bcbeheiser ....................... * should have been included with those Elmore Smith ........................... la “Truxtun Attachment.” father, Elder Jesse C. Edwards. I he a dairy farm in Tillamook county. E. E. Savage ............................. ------ o------ published last week. j bride is a daughter of District-Attor- phn Kunzi and Adolph Schild vs. Mrs. Powell was born in Iowa, Feb­ O. L. Smith ................................. First National Bank. There never was a story for chil­ l ney T. H. Goyne, and previous to her ruary 17, 1848, and crossed the plains k'vn I . Colvin and husband is a Sherwin Shoals ......................... Mrs. Sarah Hushbeck ............. f 4 in the circuit court to quiet dren, which impressed them as did, • marriage was a teacher in the 1 illa- with her parents in 1862. She died a Wesley Day ............................. James Smith ............................... ! mouk schools, and is a young lady “ Jack and the Beanstalk ” See this r tc certain land. few years since. John Steenks ............................. Manillus Day ........................... wonderful production, with 1,300 much admired on account of her af­ H. E. Smith ............................... kc Kuppenbender about the Grant A. K. Case ................................. and a Giant who fable and pleasant disposition.f The C. A. Stump ............................... I automobile, the snappiest car on children in the cast First M. E. Chursh. Mrs. A. K. Case ....................... / Theatre Tuesday groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. is 8% feet tall. Gem L. C. Tibbcts ............................. [ old next spring. Apply to An- ------ o P. J. Worrall .................. u.... J. Edwards of this city. A few months April, 23. J. F. Thomas ............................. r'etsch, Mutual Phone. Chas. E. Gibson, D. D., Pastor Mrs S. A. Daniel ..................... since lie completed his education at, Ed. M. Thurlow ....................... Preaching at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. W111. Brown ............................... If you are going to put up a silo the Newberg College, and being an r’ar 1 Webb, who wa% deputy Subject for morning—“Helping God John C. Jaggi ........................... S. E. Thompson ......... don ’ t buy until you have investigated, frit, has resigned his position in J industrious young man, he obtained R. E. Taylor ................. R. N. Henkle ........................... Ishcriit' office _________ and _ left Monday the “Stay Round Silo” the best and employment as electrician in a steel to > Save Ourselves.” Chas. R. Vosburg .... Subject for the evening—“The Mrs. A. A. Worrall ................. cheapest on the market. Put up with shipbuildinig plant Portland. Vancouver, at Alex Woefel ............... out a nail. You can see one by the Wash., The happy couple were highly Great Question of the Allied Nations, Eola L. Brown ......................... P.' J Stone, who was committed side of the Tillamook Feed Company ‘What Must We do to be Saved?” U ,S. Edwards ......................... L. G. Wilton ............... respected young people, and they insane asylum from this coun- store. Shrode is the agent. E. E. Wagner ............. * have the best wishes of a large Text, Rom. Xlll-XI "It is high’time M. J. Thompson ..................... fr the tst of January, died there to awake out 0/ sleep” This is a pa- L. M. Sandoz ............................. F. W. Welton ........................... Bpril 8th. The Tillamook City War Savings number of friends for their future trio.ic service to which all arc invit­ O. W. Kinnaman ..................... A. J. Zimmerman ....................... Society has sold $600.55 worth of happiness. They will be at home at ed. Wm. McKillip ........................... Nellie Ayer ............................... ■•Wise will be at his Tillamook Carlotta Court, Portland, Oregon, Frank Ross ................................. Prayer meeting every Wednesday H. L. Jensen ............................. ■*• ilundays, Tuesdays, Wednes- Thrift and War Saving Stamps, there after April 20th. Fred Morgan ............................. evening at 8:00 o’clcck. Mrs. H. L. Jensen .................. Bind lliursdays until further no- being 2JO persons who bought the A very interesting base ball game Oscar Allen ............................... same. Mrs. S. M. Doty and Mrs. Jen- I Jacob Nicklaus ......................... . L. S. Armstrong ......................... nie McGhee, earned war saving was played at the Fair Grounds last John Borba ............................... Notice. Sunday between Aero Squadron No. Alley vs. John B. Paquet et badges. 1 H. C. Adams............................... F. O. Parsons ........................... . —o 117 now stationed at Miami and the suit f:l. d in the circuit court to 1 J. Burik ....................................... John P. Gerardy ..................... Special services will begin Thursday lr po... -«ion of certain property, A National Defcnse League mcet- Tillamook Athletic Club, the latter > Ed Benson ................................. Gollon and Ott ...................... in tl,c Pentecos­ •'■’g also $450.00 damages from ing is to be held at the City Hall, on team winning the game by a score of the i8t’.i, at 7:45 P 1 Joe Brown ................................. I J. H. Woods ............................. tal Church of the*Nazaicne. Rev. S. friend mts. Friday evening, at 8 p.m., to discuss 2 to 1. Bellinger and Sill were the > W. L. Bernier ........................... Rill Sacivich ............................. B. Rhoads, of Almeda, Calif., will give ) Jesse Baker ............................... k Mb—80 acres irrigated alfalfa important measures to be undertaken battery for the soldiers and Millis and R. W. Doughty ...................... a series of Chalk Talks on the I lan > John Barrett ............................. I Hermiston country. Part levei- by Tillamook City to help win the Armbruster worked for the Athletic of Redemption. Come early and enjoy Conrad Peter ........................... the condition of > W. M. Baker ............................. K>Idi:-.g<, well, etc. $3000. Owner war and develop industry. All busi­ Club. Considering ds and the inclemency of | tie singing. Don’t miss a single Chalk A. C. Vogler ........................... > (Continued on 5th Page.) Mm. 11, ¡828 East Everett, St, ness men including farmers, are re­ the grounc.------ — -------- Jacob Tagman ......................... the weather the boys put up a very Talk. quested to be present. Oregon. I