Announcement. costs thereon upon the real property ------ o assessed to you, of which vou are the I hereby announce my candidacy In the County Court of the State of owner as appears of record, situated Oregon, for Tillamook County. in said county and state, and particu­ for nomination on the Republican in the matter of the estate of Allred larly bounded and described as fol­ ticket for County Clerk at the pri­ Larson, deceased. lows, to-wit: Lot numbered Two (2) mary election to be held May 17, 1918 Erwin Harrison. Verne L. Larson by Paul in Block numbered Three (3) town of Erickson, his duly appointed Beaver. Tillamook County, Oregon. Guardian, Plaintiff You are further notified that said J. To the Voters of Tillamook County vs. C. Saling has paid taxes on said I hei _‘by announce myself as a can- Margaret Larson, and all per­ premises for prior or subsequent | didate for re-election to the office of sons unnamed and unknown, years, with the rate of interest on Sheriff of Tillamook County, on the having or claiming to have an said amount as follows: Republican ticket, at the primary elec­ interest in the above estate as Tax Rate of heirs or distributees. Yr’s tax date paid Rect. No. Amt Int. tion, May 17, 1918. Respectfully, Defendants 1915 Feb, 10, 1916 32 $2.10 15 pct. W. L. Campbell. To the above named defendant, 1916 Feb. 24, 1917 464 >.88 15 pct Margaret Larson, and to all persons 1917, Feb. 2, 1918 28 2.10 ISpct Announcement. unknown and unnamed having or Said C. Mills, as the owner of the claiming to have interest in the above said title of the above described cnlitleu estate as heirs or distribu­ property as the same appears of rec­ To the voters of Tillamook County: I herewith announce myself as a tees. ord, and each of the other persons In the name of the State of Oregon, above named arc hereby further no­ candidate on the Republican ticket at you arc hereby commanded to appear tified that J. C. Saling will apply to | the nominating convention to be held before the Honorable County Court the Circuit Court of the County and in May for the office of County Com­ for Tillamook County, State of Ore­ state aforesaid for a decree foreclos­ missioner. My motto: "A square deal gon, in the court house of Tillamook ing the lien against the property all around.” John Weiss, Sr., Meda. City, Oregon on the 15th day of July, above described and mentioned in said 1918, at the hour of ¡0 a.m. of said certificate, and you are hereby sum­ day, then and there to show cause, if moned to appear within sixty days To The Voters of Tillamook County. any exists, why a decree should not after the service of this summons I beg to announce that I will be a be entered by said Court, in the above upon you, exclusive of the day of ser­ entitled cause and estate finding the vice, and defend this action or pay candidate for County Commissioner for the South end of the county on above named plaintiff, Vern L. Lar­ the amount as above shown, to­ son, to be a legal heir and the ligiti- gether with costs and accrued interest the Republican ticket at the next mate son of said deceased, and entitl­ and in case of your failure to do so a primary election. Ole B. Rcdberg. ed, as such, to take the residue of this decree will be rendered foreclosing estate, share and share alike , with the lien of said taxes and costs against the said defendant Margaret Larson, the land and premises above named. To The Voters of Tillamook County. as prayed for in this petition herein All process and papers in this pro­ I hereby announce my self as a I tofore filed. ceeding may be served upon the un­ candidate for the office of County And further, that you appear herein dersigned residing within the State of Surveyor on the Republican ticket at by answer on or before the time Oregon, at the address hereinafter the Primary election to be held May above designated, and set up your mentioned. This summons is publish­ 17, 1918. If nominated and elected I claim of heirship, ownership or inter­ ed by order of the Hon Geo. R. Bag- will conduct the office in an efficient est, which you, or any of you, have ley, Judge of the Circuit Court, dated I and economical manner. in said estate. March 28, 1918, the first publication Respectfully, This citation published by order of hereof being April 4, 1918 and the W. S. Coates. the Honorable A. M. Hare, Judge of last publication May 9, 1918. said court, the first publication here­ Johnson & Handley, To The Voters of Tillamook County of being fixed at the 4th day of Attorneys for Plaintiff. April, 1918, and the last publication, Address 108 1. O. O. F. Bldg. I wish to announce that I will be a May 9, 1918. Tillamook, Oregon. I candidate at the next primary election Witness my hand and the seal of I for the office of County Cominission- this court affixed this 23rd day of j er for the South part of the county on Notice of Hearing Final Account. March, 1918. | the Republican ticket. I believe in Erwin Harrison, Notice is hereby given, that the I good roads, and will use my best ef­ Clerk of the County Court forts in seeing that roads are con­ for Tillamook County, undersigned has filed in the County structed permanently and built econ­ Court of the State of Oregon, for Til ­ Oregon. lamook County, her final account as omically, if elected. Yours respectfully, administratrix of the estate of Thom Summons. A. A. Imlah. as Brooten, deceased; and that the ------ O' — said court has set Saturday, t!ie 4th In the Circuit Court of the State of day of May, 1918, at ten o’clock a.m. Announcement. Oregon, for Tillamook County. a’ the co '.troom ci said court, in Til­ F. S. Whitehouse, Plaintiff. To the voters of Tillamook County. lamook City, Tillamook County, Ore­ vs. gon, as the time and place for the I hereby announce myself as a can­ Solomon B. Whitehouse, Defendant. hearing of objections, if any there be, didate for the nomination for County To Solomon B. Whitehouse, the to the said account and the closing of Commissioner on the Republican above named defendant; ticket at the primaries to be held said estate. In the name of the State of Oregon, May 17th, 1918. If nominated and Dated April 4th, 1918. you are hereby required to appear and Ruby Brooten, Admin­ elected 1 will render the people of answer the complaint filed against istratrix of the Estate our county and nation, faithful, con­ you in the above entitled suit on or of Thomas Brooten, scientious and patriotic service, and before the expiration of six weeks will favor road building of a perma­ Deceased. from the date of the first publication nent nature. of this summons, and if you fail so to Respectfully, Notice of Sheriff's Sale of Real answer for want thereof the plaintiff H. V. Alley. Property. will apply to the Court for the relief Announcement. -demanded in the complaint, which is, Notice is hereby given, that by vir­ ------ o------ That plaintiff have judgment for the I hereby announce my candidacy recovery, upon the note and mortgage tue of a writ of execution and order sued on, of the sum of $2400.00, with of sale issued out of the Circuit Court for the nomination on the Republican interest at the rate of 7 per cent per of the State of Oregon, for Tillamook ticket for County Commissioner, to annum from Sept. 6th, 1913, for $250 County, to me directed, dated the 1st be voted on at the primaries to be as attorney’s fees, and for taxes paid day of April, 1918, upon a judgment held in May. 1918. If nominated and elected I promise as follows: March 29, 1915, $12.11; and decree duly rendered, entered of Sept. 17, 1915, $12.11; March 20th, record, and docketed, in and by said, to the best of my ability to promote 1916, $10.87; Sept. 15, 1916, $10.85; court on the 29th day of March, 1918. all efforts for the development and April 3rd, 1917, $11.65 and Sept. 14th, in a certain cause then in said court advancement of Tillamook County. Believing myself perfectly compe­ 1917, $11.63. With interest on said tax pending, wherein M. VV. Harrison, payments from dates of such pay­ was plaintiff, and Charles E. Haas,. tent to administer the office. I place ments at 7 per cent per annum. The W. F. Wollitz and Mary Wollitz his n»y candidacc before the voters for taxes being taxes charged against the wife, Roger L. Scott and Jane Scott, th cir suffrage. Yours truly, real property covered by the mort­ his wife, were defendants. Said judg­ ment being in favor of plaintiff and D. A. Bailey. gage herein mentioned. And that the mortgage executed by against said defendants, and by which you to the plaintiff on September 6th, execution 1 am commanded to sell the To The Voter» of Tillamook County. ■ ■ o------ 1913, recorded on page 492 of Book real property mentioned in said ex­ I hereby take this method of an­ "U”, record of Mortgages of Tilla­ ecution, and hereinafter described for mook County, Oregon, and covering the purpose of satisfying said judg­ nouncing my candidacy for the nomi­ the WJ4 of the SE% of Section 3, and ment which is $500.00, with interest nation of County Commissioner on the N. W. J4 of N. E. J4 section 10, in thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per the Republican ticket at the primary Tp. 1 S., R 9 W. W. M. be foreclosed, annum from the 20th day of January, election to be held May >7, 1918. Will work for the best interests of the property covered thereby sold in 1917, for the further sum of $75.00, the manner provided by law, and the attorney’s fees, and the sum of $38.00, the taxpayers and citizens of Tilla­ proceeds of such sale applied to the costs and disbursements of said cause. mook County, especially in the mat­ satisfaction and discharge of the Said real property ordered to be sold, er of roads. I will insist on a definite road policy as follews: Appropriating amount of such recovery, including being described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the Southwest corner as much of the road fund as possible costs and expenses of sale, and for of Section 30; thence South 310.74 for the purpose of hard surfacing the g"neral relief. I bis summons is served upon you feet; thence East 373 74 f‘’«’L thence main highways without neglecting by publication in the Tillamook Head­ North 310.74 feet; thence West 30 the tributary roads, and conforming light by virtue of an order made by feet; thence North 277.2 feet; thence to the state regulations when the the Hon. A. M. Hare, County Judge West 143 feet; thence South 83.96 same are to the interest of Tillamook of Tillamook County, Oregon, re­ feet; thence West 168.75 feet; thence County. . Respectfully, quiting publication to be made thereof South 193.24 fee, to place of begin­ H. M. Farmer . and 52-too once a week for six successive weeks, ning. containing four and requiring you to appear and ans­ (4 52) acres more or less. All in wer the complaint on or before the Sections 30 and 21, Township 1 South, DAMP, CHANGING WEATHER expiration of said time of publication. Range 9 West, in Tillamook County, Said order being dated the 25th day Oregon. Brings its Toll of Sickness to Tilla­ Therefore 1 will on the 4th day of of February, 1918, and the date of the mook People. first publication hereof is the 28th May, 1918, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. day of February, 1918. Last publica­ ni., at the front door of the Court Chilly, damp, changing weather is House in Tillamook City, Oregon, hard on the kidneys. tion April 11, 1918. sell at public auction to the highest H. T. Rotts, Even more irritating are colds, grip Attorney for Plaintiff. bidder for cash, all of the right, title, and pneumonia; Residing at Tillamook, Ore. inte.est, and estate which the defend­ They congest the kidneys; ant s harles T.. Haas had in and to They bring backache and disorder­ said property on the 27th day of July, ed kidney action. Summons in Foreclosure of Delin­ 1914, the date of the mortgage fore­ For weak kidneys use a tested rem­ quent Tax Certificate. closed in said cause, and also all right, edy. title and interest of all persons claim­ R sident:. of this locality recom­ In the I ircuit Court of the State of ing under said defendant t. harles 1 . mend Doau's K’duiy Pills. Oregon for Tillamook County. Haas, subsequent to said 27th day of Mrs. R R. Myers, 470 Lexington J. C. Saling, Plaintiff. Inly, lOU Said sale will be made sub­ Ave.. Portland, Ore., says: “1 caught vs. ject to redemption according to law. a cold, it «. ttlccl on my kidneys and C. Mills, Defendant. Dated this 2nd day of April. 1918. from that time on 1 suffered awful Io C. Mills the above named de­ W. L. Campbell, pains in my back. Sometimes the fendant : Sheriff of Tillamook County, Orc. I pains were dull and steady, and then In the name of the State of Oregon, First publication April 4. '9l8. ' again sharp twinges would catch me you arc hereby notified that J. C. I ast publication April 25. 1918- in my back. I fet all out of sorts and Saling, the hohler of certificate of that tired feeling never left me. delinquency numbered loot issued on Pay For the "Grub.” Doan’s Kidney Pills cured me and I the loth day of Fcbrauary 191', by the ------ o------ I have never had a symptom of kidney tax collector of the county of Tilla­ We have been looking for you to I trouble since." mook, State pi Oregon, for the in ----------- and settle your account. \ ou Price 60c., at all dealers. Don’t amount of Two and Scvcnty-thrce- cotnc i.. one-hundreds ($2.73) dollars, the got the “grub”. We need the money. simply ask for a kidney remedy—get same being the amount then due and You intend to pay eventually, why Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Myers had. Foster-Milburn Co., . j delinquent for taxes for the year 1914. not now? Tillamook Feed Co. Mfg:.., Buffalo, N. Y. together with penalty, interest and Citation. ----- o WHEAT CRISIS FORCES CHANGES IN RULES ' ■— Households. Eating Houses and Bakers Must Decrease Use of Wheat. Urgent military necessities of the United States and the Allies has forced a more drastic restriction In the wheat conservation program. Coupled with an earnest appeal to all individuals, households, public eating places and bakers of bread and pas­ tries for their co-operation and sup­ port, Herbert C. Hoover has issued a new set of rules designed to further reduce wheat consumption In thle country until the next harvest. These rules and Mr. Hoover’s per­ sonal appeal are given out through Mr. W. B. Ayer, Federal Food Admin­ istrator for Oregon, in the following message: “If we are to furnish the Allies with the necessary proportion of wheat to maintain their war bread from now until the next harvest (and this is a military necessity) we must reduce our monthly consumption to twenty- one million bushels a month as against our normal consumption of about forty-two million bushels or fifty per cent of our normal consumption, re­ serving a margin for distribution to the army and for special cases, leav­ ing for general consumption approxi­ mately one and one-half pounds of wheat products weekly per person. Many of our consumers are dependent upon baker’s bread. Such bread must be durable and therefore requires a larger proportion of wheat products than cereal breads baked in the home. "The well-to-do in our population can make greater sacrifices in the consumption of wheat products than can the poor. In addition our popu­ lation in the agricultural districts, where the substitute cereals are abun­ dant, are more skilled tn the prepara­ tion of breads from these other cereals than the crowded city and industrial populations. With improved tramgtor- tatkxi conditions we now have avail­ able a surplus of potatoes. W« also have in the spring months a surplus of milk and we have ample corn and oats for human consumption. The drain on rye and barley as substitutes has already greatly exhausted the sup­ ply rtf Bbese graine. I "To effect the needed saving of wheat we are wholly dependent upon rhe voluntary assistance of the Amer­ ican people and we ask that the fol­ lowing rules shall be observed: First—Householders to use not to exceed a total of one and one half pounds per week of wheat products per person. This means not more than one and three-fourths pounds of vietory bread containing th» required percentage of subntitiites and about one-half pound of cooking flour, mac­ aroni. crackers, pastry, pies, cakes, wheat breakfast cereals all combined. Second—Public eating places and clubs to observe two wbeatless days per week. Monday and Wednesday, as at present, and in addition thereto not to serve in the aggregate a total of more breadstuff», macaroni, crackers, pastry, pies, cakes, and wheat break­ fast cereals containing a total of more than two ounces of wheat flour to any one guest at any one meal. NO WHEAT PRODUCTS TO BE SERV­ ED UNLESS SPECIALLY ORDERED. Public eatiug establishments not to buy more than six pounds of wheat products per month per guest, thus conforming with limitations requested of the householders. Third—-Retailers to sell not more than one-eighth of a barrel of flour to any town consumer at any one time and not more than one-quarter of a barrel to any country customer at any one time and in no case to sell wheat products without the sale of an equal weight of other cereals. Fourth—We ask the bakers and grocers to reduce the volume of vic­ tory bread—sold by delivery of a three quarters pound loaf where one pound was sold before and correspond­ ing proportions in other weights. We also ask bakers not to Increase the amount of their wheat flour pur­ chases beyond seventy per cent of the average monthly amount purchased in the four months prior to March first. Fifth—Manufacturers using wheat products for non food purposes should cease such use entirely. Sixth—There is no limit upon the use of other cereal flonra and meals, such as corn, barley, buckwheat, po­ tato flour, et cetera. Many thousands of families throughout the land are now using no wheat products what­ ever except a very small amount for cooking purposes, and are doing so in perfect health and satisfaction. There is no reason why all of the American people who are able to cook in their own households cannot sub­ sist perfectly well with the use of less wheat products than the one and one- half pounds a week allowed We spe­ cially ask the well-to-do households In the country to follow this additional programme so that we may provide the necessary marginal supplies for those parts of the community less able to adapt themselves to so large a pro­ portion of substitutes and in order that we shall be able to make the wheat exports that are absolutely de­ manded of us to maintain the ■ •. ¡1 population and soldiers of the and our own army. "With the arrival of the : • ’ i-vea' we should be able to relax s> h r strlctions, but until then we .uk for the necessary patience, sacrif.ce, and co-operatlou of the bi.', > trade» and public." How a Thousand Dollars Was Lost. ' MAN who received n legacy kept the money jn his home until his death. At that time the ad­ ministrator <>f his estate discovered that the money would have earned over a thousand dol­ lars, if it h i I been deposited in an interest bearin', account at the hank. This comfortable sum was l()s*t as a result of the money being idle during its owners life. The money was also constantly subject to loss by tire or burglary as well as beinjr idle. Donut allow money to remain idle at home; but deposit it with this bank for safety and interest earnings. 4 Per Cent Paid on Your Savings and Time Deposits. Convenient Location and Fine Quarters. T1LLAMOOK COUNTY BANK Established in 1902. Tillamook. CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND For disenfecting where Contagious or infectious diseases are prevailing. CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ ful Germicidal mixture and by its use will improve general stable conditions. C. I. CLOUGH CO RELIABLE DRUGGISTS. WE SENT THEM; WE MUST SUPPORTT HEM. F you would “Keep the Home Fire Burning” i Tillamook to any avail for our sons, brothers, husbands and fathers “over there’’—then KEEP THE HOME FUND FIGHTING to back them up with Food, Clothing, Snips, Munitions and Supplies. Subscribe or get information about the 3rd Liberty Loan at the First National Bank. DIRECTORS : A. W. Bunn, Farmer. P. Heisel, Farmer. C. J. Edwards, Mgr. C.PowerCo. J. C. Holden, Vice Pres. B. C. Lamb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. W. J. Riechers. Cashier. First National Banj< ^ IÈ The ______________ LtflJVlB-SCHRRDER CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER, LATH.'JAND BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAMSAND SMITHING COAL. Warehouse and Office Cor. Front and 3rd Ave. West,'.Tillamook, Or. Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN, County Dairy Herd Inspector l util further Notice. Calls answered from 1 illaniook Hotel—Day or Night. flLiEX. JVIcriAlR & GO. GENERAL HARDCUARE Kitchen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere.