TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT APRIL 11, ' 1913 100.30 I I Geo. Tone....................... W. H. Leach ................. 50.00 1 James lone .................. Joseph Lensingcr .... ——o------- 50.00 ijames 'lone Jr.............. R. A. Leonard .............. Legal Advertisements. 50.00 j Ueo. Trowbridge ......... Turl Leverick .............. First Insertion per line .......... (Continued from 1st Page)' 50.00 M. C. 1 rowbridge ... M rs. W . A. Lewis ... 100.00 W . A. Lewis................... H. S. Davidson ......... Each subsequent insertion, line. 50.00 ri. E. Turner ................ 50.00 Nellie Long ................... I. T. 1 Davis ................... 50.00 d. VV. Turner ................ Business and Professional cards ¿0.00 C. E. Lovejoy .............. Fred Dow ..................... 100.00 Chas Van Fatten .... one month............................................. 50.00 Lee Slyter ..................... ). M. Dvl.illies ......... 50.00 Aarah J. V an Fatten . Locals per line each insertion... 50.00 E. F. and Fred Lyster Mrs. .1 I. M. De Lillies . 50.00 M. E. V auglm .. . 50.00 G. A. Lysier .................... O. C. Deeter ....................... ¿0.00 C. M. \ nino .... Display advertisements, an inch 50.00 Rohl. Lyster ................ J. B. Dclsman ..................... 50.00 John V ogl .................. and Lodge Notices, per line , 50.00 T. W. Lyster ................. Chas Desmond ..................... 250.00 i.. U. VV agy .............. All Resolutions of Condolence 150.00 B. D. Lamar ................. A. D. Di vine ........................ 100.00 ..lex vVaiKcr ........... one month. 150.00 J. C. Larkin .. ..'.......... Frank Di \ roy ..................... 100.00 Harriet E. Walker . 50.00 Ed. M„lory ..................... Salena Dick ......................... 50.00 1 h . r>. Wallace ......... 50.00 C. A. Mali:-.!' Ernest Dodge ..................... 50.00 Carl Walhn .............. ' 100.00 C. H. Makinsur .......................... O. A. and E. R. Dodge 300.00 .vle.e Watt ................ 50.00 W. E. Makinstcr .......................... Laura Dodge ....................... 100.00 nobi. J. Watt ......... 50.00 Mrs. F, B. Mapes.......................... Harry Draper ..................... 50.00 Fred W eber .............. 50.00 Roy J. Mapes .............................. Connie Dye .......................... 50.00 lohn J. Weber ......... 50.00 Mb it and Katie Marolf .... jOO.OO Alarg.iret Walther . Frank Dye ............................ 200.00 A. N. Marolf ................................. J. S. Diehl ............................... 50.00 UUo Walther ......... 50.00 Preston Marolf ............................ W. R. Davis .......................... 50.00 France’s J. Welsh .. 50.00 Carrie Marolf ............................... John Day ................................. 50.00 J. Weber Jr................. 250.00 Ida Martiny ................................... John Ebinger ........................ 50.00 Mat W.'bcr .............. .. 50.00 J. Mattejcck ................ .............. Chas Eckloff ........................ 50.00 1 ony Werner ............ 100.00 H. A. Mathews ............................ Frank Eckloff ..................... 50.00 Ed. Westin ................ 50.00 Jos. Maxwell ................................. Fred Eckloff ........................ 50.00 John Wiialin ........... 50.00 Merrill Maxwell .......................... Paul Edgar ............................. 50.00 M. A. W Heeler ......... 50.00 Mrs. Wm. Maxwell ................... Roy Edgar ............................ 200.00 1 oust. Vv icklund .... 50.00 L. McCormack .............................. L. A. Edgar .......................... 100.00 Mrs. Gust W icklund 300.00 B. J. McCowcll ............................ G. A. Edmunds ................... 50.00 I Mrs. C. B. W iley .. 50.00 Joseph McDonnell ...................... Mrs. H. R. Edmunds .... 50.00 Archie Wilks ............ 50.00 W. G. McGee and wife ............ J. VV. Edwall . . 1OO 00 L. C. Wilks ................... 50.00 Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McGhee . 200.00 Anna Williams ........... “Let’s do it, boys! put Tillamook Ralph Edwards 600.00 Mrs. Jennie McGhee ................ 5O.OO Doris Leigh Williams county over the top the first day of H. A. Ely ......... 50.00 Mr. and Mrs. C. T. McKinley 100.00 F. N Wilson .................. T. E. Epplett .. the next Liberty Loan Drive.” frt CLAW* w. o. w:........................ 100.00 5O.OO George W illiams .......................... F. B. McKinley ........................ That was a snap shot in the Head­ 50.00 Carl Erdt ........................ 5O.OO James Williams ............................ Mary E. McKinley ................. light, on March 14, and at a time Erick A. Erickson .. 50.00 5O.OO John Williams .............................. Blanch McNair ........................ when it was generally supposed that Mrs. Thclda Erickson 50.00 100.00 Erick Wilson ................................ Boyd Mendenhall ..................... Tillamook County’s quota would be John Erickson ............ 50.00 200.00 Irwin H. Wilson ................ 50.00 S. Michaud ................................... $200,000. ft was front the suggestion Mrs. John Erickson . 5O.OO Geo. P. Winslow ............... '..... Clyde Miller ................................. 50.00 100.00 Mrs. Geo. P. Winslow ............ of this editorial that the Liberty Loan Julius Erickson .......... 100.00 R. B. Miller ................................. 100.00 W. A. Wise ................................... Committee coined the slogan “Over A. C. Everson ............ . VV. M. Miller ............................... 50.00 50.00 Alta J. Wisnier ............................ the top the first day!” Then the lib­ Arcta Everson .■.......... E. Mills ........................................... 50.00 Otis Edwards .............. 100.00 C. L. Wooley and sons ......... Morrison Mills .......................... erty loan boosters got real busy and 50.00 R. Eichinger ................. H. A. Miles ......................... .... 1,000.00 Emil Wooley ................................ 300.00 THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. went about their work with real ear­ Leland B. Erwin ......... 50.00 A. N. Wood ................................... C. R. Moore .............. ............. .. nest determination to gain the goal in C. W. Elliott ................. 50.00 50.00 Eston Wcod ................................ F. C. BAKER. Publisher. I. H. Moore ................................. one day. All parts of the couqty inl­ Fairview' Grange ......... 50.00 100.00 Mrs. M. S. Woods ..................... Leo Morrison .............................. • bibed the Liberty Loan spirit and Peter Farnstrom ......... 50.00 50.00 G. Wyss ................ ........................... L. A. Moulten ............................ 50.00 100.00 Mrs. G. Wyss................................ because enthusiastic boosters, and P. A. Finne ..................... S. A. Moulton ............................ 300.00 100.00 V . W yss ......................................... the people of Tillamook county bc- D. Fitzpatrick .............. 50.00 E. G. Munson .............................. 50.00 Charles Womer ......................... came inspired with the desire to as- P. E. Fitzpatrick ......... Nellie .Vlurphy ............................ 50.00 50.00 Bertha and Pauline Wyss ... G. H. Poland ................. Neil McMullen .......................... it is remarkably strange how the sist President Wilson and the govern­ Mrs. A. B. Folks .... 100.00 50.00 Anton Weiss ................................ F. d Morehead ........... ................ German war lords and junkers of that ment in the prosecution of the war. A. VV. Fox ..................... 50.00 100.00 G. H. Webster .............................. Chas McDonald ........................ The war news, which was of a serious 50.00 country misconstrue every speech Vale Fisher ................... 50.00 J. E. Williams .............................. character, for the Germans had driv­ Stanley Fox ................... 50.00 W. A. Murphy ............................ President Wilson makes. 50.00 L. L. Williams ............................ Keneth Murphy ........................ 50.00 en a wedge 30 miles deep into the Otis Frisbie ................... 100.00 Irene Williams.............................. 50.00 John Naegell ............................... 50.00 John Zucrcher .............................. your name is not included with British lines, had something to do Carrie Galwith ............ C. VV. Nelson ............................... 50.00 100.00 E. H. Zurfluch .............................. Liberty Loan subscribers, and with creating a deeper interest in the H. Garland ..................... L. Nelson ........................................ 50.00 A. F. Gardner ........................ 50.00 John Zurfluch, Jr. ................ are financially able to buy one, Liberty Loan drive. 100.00 Ha:->ld Norberg ........................ 50.00 Kasper Zweifel ............................ ------- o Alfred Nordstrom ................... what is your reason for not suppbrt- 50.00 R. F. Zachnian ............................ A. H. Gaylord.......................... ... 300.00 Jennie B. Nordstrom ....... C. J. Edwards will be a ing the government in this critical 100.0c 50.00 Paul Shroder ................................ E. J. Gienger .......................... E. VV. Noyes ............................... time in the history of the United for joint representative for 50.00 50.00 Philip Booth ................................ Ethel R. Glincs ................... F. M. Oliver ............. '.............. on States? and Tillamook counties 50.00 50.00 E. P. Jeffrey ........... .................... R M. Golden .......................... Walter Oliver ............................. 10000 publican ticket. It seemed a little bard Daisy Goldsworthy ............ 250.00 Sam Yukich ................ ................ Alfa V. Olson ............................. . . 50.00 lOO.CO A. Gilmore .............. ...................... To sum up the war in a few words, this year to induce any one to make M rs. D. E. Goodspeed . 50.00 Geo. Olson .................................... 250.00 Bill Sacovich ................ .. ............. the Kaiser, who was ambitious to rule the race, owing to other activities and lames Goldsworthy ............ Jonas Olson ................................. }OO 00 50.00 J. W. McCae ................................ the world, is responsible for the great the sacrifice one is called upon to H. F. Goodspeed ................... 50.00 I. O. Olson ................................... 50.00 Mike Yukich .................................. W. O. Olton ............................... sacrifice of life, the cruelty, the dis­ make in filling that office, for it is a VV. IL Govne .......................... 50.00 I ,000.00 George A. Mitchell ................... Mrs. W. H. Goyne .............. Oregon Life Ins. Co................ tress, the suffering and the debt every financial sacrifice. We are glad that ;o.oo 50.00 John Calverley ............................ country is plunged into. Such a fiend Mr. Edwards consented to enter the ( ). (iulstrom ............ ................ 100.00 B. O’Hara ...................................... 50.00 B. Oscar Olson ............................... D. Kulow ................................ .. 100 00 as the kaiser should be wiped off the race, for we feel sure he will con- E. K. Gilbert ............................ 50.00 L. Dickinson ................................ A. L. Page .................................... 300.00 face of the earth, for he and the sciently represent both counties in W. J. Gilbert ............................. 50.00 G. C. Dickenson ......................... 50.00 E. 1. Parrish..........-..................... junkers of Germany are a lot of cold the state legislature. The editor was D0.1 Gilbert ............................... 100.00 1. W. Gilmore .............................. 100.00 James Parrazo .......................... 100.00 blooded murderers. strongly urged to run and Mr. Ed­ L. A. Goodspeed ................... L. E. Partridge .......................... H. McCartnuy .............................. 1,000.00 100.00 wards would have preferred us doing Carl Haberlach ............ Jack T. Stafford .......................... 50.00 S. H. Paul ...................................... 50.00 Mrs. L. Peil................................. Bro. Shrode surely knows how to so, but we managed to persuade him A. M. Hammond ... Chas Recmer ................................ 50.00 50.00 Dewey Handley ......... Leslie Penn.well .................. • • T. A. Mackey .............................. fix the weather man, for fine weather that he was the best man for the po­ 50.00 100.00 Edwin Hanenkrat . . Alfred Perrcn ..................... .. Alf J. Anderson .......................... helped to make the Liberty Loan sition. That is how Mr. Edwards de­ Clarence Hanenkrat 50.00 50.00 Chas J. Peterson ........................ drive a success Saturday. Say, Bro. cided to become a candidate, for he Edward Hanenkrat .. 50.00 50.00 Gus Anderson .............................. Alice Peterson .......................... . 50.00 Shrode, what brand was it you doped wanted Tillamook county represented Frank Hanenkrat .... 50.00 F. Nicklaus ..................................... F. C. McGuire .............................. 100.00 C. Peter ........................................... 50.00 the weather man with? But what a in the lower house. And this is how G. Hanenkrat ........ Mrs. C. Peters .......................... 50.00 Mr. and Mrs. Clam Plasker . 200.00 H. T. McShane ............................ to crowiish. M. R. Hanenkrat .... contract to the opening of the last the editor managed 50.00 100 00 Oscar Koski ................................. Red Cross drive, when a real live No matter who else is in the race, Mrs. M. R. Hanenkrat John Plasker ............................... 100 00 100.00 Dan Moskoe ................................... W.-Hancokrat . . - • Plasker Bros ....................... • • • southwest snorter deluged the county Tillamookers should get in and help 50.00 Pleasant Valley Cheese Co.. 100.00 Geo. Foly ..................... .................. M «bei HaVrisr • with torrents of rain for several days. boost Mr. Edwards, tor he has been 200.00 Mrs. Edna Poornian ................. 100.00 E. Cherry ....................................... Erwin Harrison ...... a good booster since he came to Till- ------ o 500.00 50.00 Tlios S. Miller ....................... . . M. VV. Harrison Earl Porter ................................... “A quick, decisive war, would be a amook and that is the reason we ad­ Emma Harrison ........... 500.00 50.00 John Luma .............. .................... Robert PcrtmM»........................ 300.00 good thing for Germany, but a pro­ mire him so much, for it is men like A. M. Hare ............ 50.00 Ben J. Brown ................................ Cicero Proctor ............................. 50.00 50.00 Malcolm Easton ......................... longed war would mean bankruptcy.” Mr. Edwards who help build up a G. E. Hart ................... J. H. Proctor ................................ 200.00 50.00 Toni Dale ....................... ............... That was the opinion of German community, not the business men Peter Hassclhurg ..... vVm. Purcell ............................... G. A. James ......... .. ...................... 100.00 100.00 Mrs. E. J. Haugen ... bankers previous to that country who hold back and lack initiative. F. J. Pye ......................................... 50.00 50.00 C. R. Simmons ............................ Harold H. Haugen ... Ella Plank ...................................... starting the horrible war in answer 500.00 50.00 A. L. Curnsey .. ............ VV . S. Hays................. Mrs. E. F. Pangborn.............. to a question by the Kaiser as to The County Court went over the Billy Hays 50.00 P. P. Rask .................................. .................... 50.00 ------- F. E. Pangborn ........................ what effect a war would have on Ger­ Bayoccan road as far as the ship Henry Hays Estate 1,300.00 QOOOO J- P. Beigman ........ John Plasker .................................. many’s financial standing. A big in­ yard on Saturday, and found some­ VV . M. Heacock............ 50.00 < 50.00 Dcrk Rutgers .............................. 100.00 J. F. Powers .................................. E. J. Cafearvor ......................... demnity looked good to the kaiser thing big doing down there. The edi­ VV. M. Heaston .............. 100.00 50.00 C. Randall ............ . ........................ and he took a gambler's chance. 50.00 Olex Berg ................................. tor used to come in for inorc or less Gertrude Heffley ..... I VV. L. Randall ............................. 50.001 ------- O .. 50.00 Tony Savage ....................... .. good humored criticism about the Emil Heusser ............ .. 50.00 E. Rasmussen ............................... 50.00 Harold Welk ............ It is reported that Uncle Sam has Bayocean road, which sonic of our Roland Heusser ...L. Markus Reust ............................... 100.00 J. L. Hicks ................... .. 50.00 H. P. Sheldon ......... spy detectors in 299 small towns and good citizens christened F. W. Rinehart ................... "Baker’s 50.00 300.00 Rex Bailey ................ D. E. Robinson .......................... cities throughout the United States, Boulevard," but it fully demonstrated VV. J. Hicks ..................... 50.00 Elmer Hirnos ........... • •• 50.00 D. W. Biescckcr ... and the organization is being extend­ what we often contended, that as VV. J. Hill .......................... 50.00 Albert Ribitsch ........................... 200.00 Jim Bromcll .............. ed to cover about every part of the soon as the Bayocean road was built, Hiner & Son ................... 50.00 R. O. Richards ............................ 50.00 Kenneth Kater____ 50.00 F. W. Robitsch .......................... country. These detectors, backed by industries would spring up on that Webster Holmes ......... 300.00 Leroy J. Church ... Thad Robison ............................... 100.00 the best secret service in the world, side of Tillamook bay. We have no Mr. and Mrs. Web Holmes 200.00 Geo. .M. Cole ...... Ida M. Robison ........................ 50 00 are going to make it pretty hard for word of criticism for those who op­ S. J. Hoover ............................. 50.00 John Dow ................ U. Rorihhsberger ........................ 50.00 500.00 K. VV. Drake ............ the kaiser to make any mischief in posed building the Bayocean road, Nie Horras ................... J. H. Rosenberg ........................ . 50.00 100.00 C. J. Drake ................ America, or get much information other than to say they were some­ N. C. Hurras .................... • •• 200.00 Mrs. T. M. Ross........................ Bertha and Carl Hunt 50.00 Ralph Eadus ............ from us. what short sighted and could not see Robert House.............. 100.00 Anna Rutgers ............................... 150.00 Fred Edwards ......... Joe Rutgers ................................... ------ 0------ the industrial advantages the road af­ James Hunt ................... 100.00 Leona Rupp ................................... 50.00 Albert Erdman .... 100.00 There is no getting away from the ford. There is every reason to believe Frank Hunter .............. 200.00 Carl Erickson .......... VV. R. Robedee ............................. 50.00 fact that everybody felt proud in Till­ that the ship yard will be a perman­ Frank E. Hubler .... 200.00 Ingue Erickson .. . . N. E. Robedee ............................ 50.00 amook county at the result of the first ent'industry, giving employment to Anna Hubler ................. 100.00 C. VV. Hamilton ... Basil Scovell ................................. 50.00 50.00 Howard Harris .. day’s Liberty Loan drive in this large numbers of men, and what mon­ G. F. Hacket ................. John Schiniming .......................... 50.00 100.00 C. W. Howard ......... Katper Schlappi .......................... county, even those who were not in ey have been spent oil the road is Frank Heyd ................. 100.00 Pius Jacobs .................................. 50.00 C. VV. Lake .............. Adam Schmelzer .......................... a position to buy one. In the years to comparatively nothing lb the great 50.00 Vincenz Jacob ............................. 100.00 VV. Lobb ..................... Morris Schnal ............................... come Tillamookers will be able to benefit that will be derived from it. Mrs. Walburga Jacob .......... 50.00 50.00 Roy Main .................. look back with pride at what was ac­ But the snap shot man will not be L. Johnson .................................... 100.00 C. H. Schultz ................................. 300.00 A. J. Mapes .............. Mrs. E. K. Scovell ..................... 100.00 complished on Saturday. It seems satisfied until the Bayocean road is Mrs. L. Johnson ...................... 50.00 VVm. McBride ......... E. Seaman ...................................... 50.00 that a color scheme in cards is in completed, which should be don. as H. B. Johnson t........................ 50.00 G. Niton ....................... J. M. Selby .................................... 50.00 vogue during the drive, but the man­ soon as possible, for the road was H. VV . and Frances Johnson 50.00 H. J. Perry .............. VV. M. Severance ........................ 50.00 50.00 E. L. Flog .................. agers appear to have made no special started primarily for the purpose of Mrs. Ruby Johnson ............... Ike Shortridge ............................... 50.00 50.00 Nelson Powers .... Art?. L. Short ridge ................... color for counties like Tillamook giving Bayoaean a road and a way J. F. Jackson ............................... 50.09 Gus Jansen .................................... 50.00 W. E. Putnam ......... R L. Shreve ................................. that uiore than doubled its quota the out. We repeat what we have often 50.00 Ethel C. Jensen ........................ 50.00 E. J. Sager ................ H. L. Simmons ............................ first day. stilted about the Bavoccan road, it is Raider Johnson ........................ 50.00 Clare Small .................................... 50.00 J. W. Schaffer .......... ------- o------- a rank injustice to deprive Bayocean Russ Johnson ............................. 50.00 100 00 Peter Schuelke .... F. D. Small ..................................... Loan week develops some agreeable of a road when there are so many Mrs. Willard Johnson .......... 50.00 Fannie Smith ................................. 50.00 Joseph C. Shea .... 100.00 supriscs—Wheeler, in Tillamook persons who wish to build there as J. L. Jones .................................... 50.00 Roy N. Simmons .. . Helen Slam .................................... 50.00 county, for example, with a quota of soon as they have a road. Mrs. J. L. Jones ...................... 50.00 Lynol Thayer ......... E. VV. Stanley ............................... 50.00 l.loyd Jones ............................... 100.00 O. E. Thayer ............ $9000 and a subscription of $90,000— Alice Stascqk ................................. ■ 1 1 ■' 100.00 Mrs. R. C. Jones ................... 50.00 P. L. Thayer.............. B. J. Stephens ............................... Oregonina. 50.00 Some Good Advice. Cliff Kinnaman .......................... 50.00 C. M. Thomas ......... Vera Stephens . But we want to remind our honor­ 200.00 A. G. Kirk .................................... 50.00 Dan Timmons ......... I. L. Stewart . ■ ■ o—— able contemporary that it was Brigh­ 50.00 E Kirk ........................................... 50.00 Joe Tribe .................. VV. L. Stillwell .............................. ton, just a little west of VV heeler that “Don't think too much of your own Wilber Kirk ............................... 50.00 100.00 VVm. True .................. VV. R. Stillwell .............................. 50.00 is entitled to first honors, as will be methods. Watch other people’s ways Edwin E. Koch ........................ 50.00 Nicholas Weber ... A. Stornier ...................................... 50.00 seen by the list published in this is­ Mrs. E. E. Koch ..................... 100.00 J. F. Stranahan ............................ and learn from them.” This is good J. H. Wilson ............ 100.00 James Kodad .... sue. Tillamook people took their hats 100.00 Carl F. Swenson .......................... M. J. VV ooley ........... advice, especially when billions ot Albert Krake ... 50.00 C. A. Swenson ............................ J off to Brighton in the last Red Cross 700 00 Paul Schoedcr ......... constipated. You will find many peo­ Dave VV. Krake . 50.00 Lewis L. Smith ............................ 50.00 drive, and they do so again, and with A. J. Mapes .............. 50.00 James Sperry ................................. ple who use Chamberlain’s Tablets E. G. Krebs.......... 50.00 a great deal of pleasure and pride. Rex Bailey ................ 50.00 Herbert and Mrs. A. Sum ... for these ailments with the best re­ Karl Kumnierlc . 100.00 We do not want to deprive Wheeler D. VV. Biescckcr .. 400.00 Esther Swenson .......................... Chas Kunze.......... their sults, and will do well to follow 50.00 district of any honor, for the N chaî­ Harold Brumhall .. 50.00 M V. Stillwell ............................... Frank Kumm ... 50.00 Drug example. For sale by Lamar's Jim Burnett .............. cm \ alley’s record is one ne all feel 50.00 John Kumm .... 50.00 C. T. Stewart ............................... Store. Kenneth Cater......... proud of. 200.00 Chester M. Themas ................... B. Kuppenbender 100 on L. J. Church .............. 100 00 - - —o L. l.abowitch ... 50.00 I H. Themas ...................................... G. M. Cole ... 50.00 Who's telling the truth or telling 50.00 Hatching eggs for sale from trap- Anton J.andolt . Mac Talcott' .......................... .. •John Dow .... 50.00 falsehoods? It is generally known by nested S. C. Rhode Island Reds, with Frank Landolt 50 CO I H. Thclson ............ .. ....................... . W. Drake . 50.00 D. F. Thompson .......................... Ira G. Lance .. 100.00 ! those who have become acquainted C J. Drake ... 50.00 records up to 245 eggs in one year. E. G. I.antz . . . !, ;oo n -) Tillamook City Water Com. with timber in Tillamook county, that 100.00 Mr and Mrs. A< 50 00 Ralph Eadus . D. Tinnerstet ................................. a splendid body of spruce timber is The kind that pay a profit on war E. P. Larson .. Fred Edwards 50.00 100.00 Oscar Tittle ................................... situated a few miles south east of Til­ time feeding prices. Flock headed'by I .F. Larson ... 50.00 100.00 Albert Erdman Mrs. Oscar Tittle .............. lamook city. A few weeks ago a num­ “Vibert” strain Cockerels from «71 l.ouis Larsen 200 00 H. J. and Lena Toh1 .............. 50.00 Carl Erickson ber of our citizens were surprised Iegg stock. Eggs. $1.00 for 15; $5-00 I. P. Larsen . 50 00 50.00 I. Erickson Ira Tomlinson ............................... 200.00 Barber, Fair­ M. F. Leach . when told that this timber was not per too.—Mrs. Hugh 50.00 I. VV. Hamilton Mrs. Ira Tomlinson ................... 50.00 Raymond Leach Howard Harris suitable for riving. Now we are told, view Creamery. ADVERTISING RATES. FREEDOMS CALL Editorial Snap Shots. j by those who are competent to give an. opinion, that it is tne best spruce belt ui the United States. Consequent­ ly there is all manner o: idiNfs float­ ing around why this timber is not be­ ing cut to supply the government in its demand for spruce. -------o------- Very few persons realize what a large amount of work is mq used up­ on the banks by the i.ibcrty Loan drives. They act for the government in the collection of the money, but receive no compensation lor their work they have to perform, therefore, it is only proper to thank the banks ol the county tor the patriotic service they arc rendering the country, lake the two banks of this city, 1200 per- sons in this banking district bought Liberty Bonds, it uevolvcs a large amount of work thrust upon the banks. So we should all appreciate the lively interest the banks of the county have taken in the Liberty Loan drive, for they did much to bring about the flattering results ill putting Tillamook county high up in the list of the counties that have over subscribe their quotas. SPLENDID RECORD MADE BY TILLAMOOK COUNTY. * 000.00 C. W. Howard .. 50.00 C. W. Lake ........ 100.00 W. Lobb' ....... 50.00 Harry Lohg .... 50.00 Roy Maine .......... 50.00 A. J. Mapes .... 50.00 W in. McBride . . 50.00 G. Nelson ............ 50.00 H. J. Perry .... 100.00 E. L. 1‘log .......... 50.00 Nelson Powers . 100.00 VV. E. Putman . 50.00 F J. Sager .......... 50.00 I. VV. Schaffer . . 50.00 Peter Schnelke .. 50.00 J. S. Shea ............ 50.00 Roy M. Simmons 50.00 l.yonal Thayer .. 50.00 (). C. Thayer .. . 100.00 P. 1.. Thayer . . . 50.00 C. M. Thomas .. 50.00 Dan Timmons . . . 50.00 Joe Tribe ............... 100.00 W. True ................. 50.00 N. Wel.er.............. 50.00 J. H. Wilson Jr. 50.00 M. R Wooley . . 50.00 Art Murphy ......... 100.00 100.00 150.00 150.00 :------ 0------- 200.00 I Mrs J no M. Stanley ................... £ 100.00 50.00 I Olice M. Lissburg ....................... 50.C0 150.00 A. J. Rogers ..:............................ 150.00 W. L. Veatch ................................. 100.00 50.00 50.00 Ed. Hadley ..................................... 100.00 J, J. Micnaud ................................. 200.00 3OO.OO 250.00 Joseph Rust ................................. 100.00 000.00 H. A. Springer .......................... 50.00 D. D. West ....................................... 100.00 50.00 50.00 Joseph Schriber ........................... 50.00 50.00 Clem Rust ..................................... 100.00 50.00 Jos. Rosich ................................... 100.00 50.00 i Ole Womer ................................... 50.00 500.00 1 J. K. Blackodor ............................ 100.00 50.00 Sam Blaser ...................................... 50.00 100.00 200.00 50.00 F. J. Klinchan ............................ 50.00 I ! Mrs. L. B. Kays ......................... 150.00 50.00 50.00 ! 1 T. H. McCormack ..................... 100.00 50.00 i A. L. Mapes ................................. 50.00 : Mrs. F. C. Baker ......................... 100.00 100.00 50.00 I Harry Baker ................................ 100.00 ■ W. F. Baker ................................... 100.00 50.00 Guss Goeres ................................... 50.00 50.00 : Mrs. 1. J. Earl................................ 50.00 50.00 I L J. Earl 50.00 .......................... 50.00 John EUJ1 E“ 100.00 50.00 Mrs. F.M F. Buell ......... 50.00 50.00 : Cyrus 1 iBIi .............. 50.00 50.00 F. L. B Bt«l ....................... 50.00 joRi ..................... 200.00 Jacob J 50.00 ‘luriHiy ................... 50.00 Djn Murp 100.00 50.00 M rs. Dan Murphy ..., 100.00 50.00 Mrs. James Murphy 150.00 50.00 James Murphy .............. 10.00 Wm. Williams .............. 50.00 Mrs. William Williams J 50.00 Margaret Armentrout 50.00. Lee Tittl: .... 50.00 Reed Farmer . 50.00 F. S. Yorks .. 50.00 Anton Shult3cn 50.00 Wm. Lang2 ... 200.00 John Je.ick ... 50.00 J. C. Stults . .. 50.00 A. B. Davidson 50.00 Gus Fowler . . . 50.00 Thos Shillingiaw . 50.00 A. R. While............ 50.00 Georgia A. Rogers 100.00 Bulah Rogers .... 50.00 Vera Rogers ......... 50.00 M. R. Rogers .... 100.00 Henry Rogers .... 100.00 C. W. Loughery . . 100 00 Dacie Harshberger 100.00 Alice Woodard .. . 100.00 Wm. Robitsch .... 50.00 Elizabeth M. Maddux 50.00 Neva Mae Maddux 50.00 J. W. Maddux .... 50.00 100.00 David Robinson .. 50.00 100.00 Dollie M. Robinson 50.00 Elizabeth Coates . 50.00 50.00 Ed Davis .................... 50.00 Mrs. C. N. Drew . 50.00 Winnie Epplett 50.00 Goldie Clark 50.00 B. Eggie ... 100.00 Ofe Eggie . 50.00 Ed. Hadley Sr. 50.00 Mrs. A. H. Harris 100.00 50.00 A. H. Harris ... 100.00 100.00 C. O. Dawson ... 50.00 Nell Rasmussen . 50.00 Henry R. McKinley 50.00 Mrs. L. S. Hushbeck 50.00 W. A. Woods ..... 50.00 Alva Austin .............. 50.00 Clarence Hushbeck 100.00 John Aschim .......... 50.00 Mrs. Flora Aschim 100.00 W. J. Stephens . 50.00 Italia Morrison 50.00 Lelia Drew ... 50.00 C. T. Wilson . 50.00 P. G. Wilson .... 5P.OO Herman Schlappi 100.00 O. E. Gulstrom .. 50.00 Got.fried Fossbind 50.00 Peter Schrantz ... 50.00 50.00 Chas C-jyne............ 100.00 50.00 Preston Williams ......... 100.00 50.00 Mrs. Preston Williams 400.00 50.00 Mrs. J. M. Smith ......... 50.00 50.00 Gladys M. Beals ............ 100.00 50.00 Mrs. Viola Mills ............ 100.00 50.00 Miss Irvne E. Parsons 100.00 50.00 Jas. and Chas. Thomas 50.00 50.00 Mrs. A. A. Pennington 50.00 100.00 A. A. Pennington .. . 50.00 50.00 T. W. Talbott .......... 200.00 50.00 W. B. /Xlderman .... 50.00 200.00 Mrs. W. B. Alderman 50.00 200.00 Mrs. J. C. Edwards 50.00 25O.OO C. J. Edwards .......... 50.00 Lowell Edwards ... 100.00 50.00 Carl Possetti ............ 50.00 Mike Rickenback .. 50.00 Jos. Blaser ................. 50.00 Chas. S. Wells .......... 100.00 Lem Kutcher ............ 50.00 Henry Rust................. 50.00 A. Vcatch .................... 50.00 Norman Christensen 50.00 Ed Blum ...................... 50.00 Leslie Jensen ............ 50.00 W. H. Wood ............ 50.00 Henry W. Liveng. od 50.00 Peter Amacher......... 50.00 Car. nee Doug' ertv .. 100.00 F.d O’Necl 50.00 Wm. Powell .. 50.00 John Rhim .. . 100.00 "'m. Turner .. 50.00 M R. Kerns .. 100.00 Toe E.az'cr .... 50.00 R. VV Mills .. 50.00 F. S. Rcosie . . 50.00 r. L. Steinback 50.00 A. R. McLeod 50.00 Alf M~.so.-t .. . 10000 C. C. Witcomb 50.00 Chas Baker ... 50.00 F.. VV Knight 50.00 Mrs. Nellie Knight 50.00 Archie E. Mills First National Bank of Tillamook.