TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, APRIL 11. 1918. T SPLENDID RECORD MADE BT Omer Hugenin ........................ Chas. King .......... ..................... TILLAMOOK COUNTY. Rose May Seeley .................... Mrs. Ruby Chalker .................. (Continued from 5th page) Well, B. Chalker .................... Mike Shuler ........ 50.00 John Tcews ............................ J. L. George ........ 100.00 Kobt Cronen ............................ P. H. Messner .. 50.00 Sigcr Twait .............................. Otto B. Wilson .. 50.00 Leo. Sebastino ........................ J. A. Coughran ... 50.00 C. H. Losey ............................ Geo. * V\. ’ Branson '___ 50.00 Mrs. M. J. Maddox .................. Chas McKillip 100.00 John Collins ............................ Gien S. Taylor 50.00 Edward 1 hurlou ...................... Wm. T. Collins _ - 100.00 Cesare Magrim ........................ W. G. Stewart . . . 50.00 Alex Me Donald ...................... D. C. Bailey ........ 50.00 James Hackman ...................... * E. J. McHugh ... 50.00 Frank Reed .............................. W. H. Christensen 500.00 Mrs. Carolyn Simmons ........ W. A. Renter ___ 500.00 Mrs. W ilhelni Zimmerman ... Fred Scherzinger . 500.00 Errol Bell ............................. r,, Ole B. Redberg .. 100.00 Gertrude Beauchamp .............. Lester Ray ............ 100.00 Alfred Seamon ........................ Retta Ray ............ 100.00 N. P. Alley .............................. Oretown Grange . 100.00 Ina Bodie .................................. S. H. Rock " ’ .... 100.00 James A. Hoover .................... Clent Miles .... 100.00 George M. Knight .................. R. E. Tatro ... 100.00 Ray A inn .................................. A. E. Meyer .. . 100.00 Fred Chalker ............................ 100.00 Dr. H. E. Rinehart .................. D. 11 Fletcher . L. E. Whiteman 100.00 Walter Lundberg .................... ........................ 100.00 Ellis C. Madden Chris Otzen ... Brighton 100.00 H. J. Ditter .............................. Dell Renter................ 50.00 C. Earl Pickering .................... L. D. Heaton .............. 50.00 C. Fl. Johnson .......................... L). T. Trent ................ 50.00 Ed Johnson ................................ W. H. Sutton ............ 50.00 i Andy Stam ................................ J. C. Trent .................. 50.00 John Olson ................................ E. Ncuenschwandcr . . 50.00 Chas F. Johnson ...................... Oscar Carver .............. 50.00 Harry Hiatt .............................. Z. B. Parsons.............. 50.00 Victor Johnson ........................ C. A. Parsone ............ 50.00 E. P. Watt ................................ Jens Jenson ................ 50.00 W. B. Watt ................................ E. O. Winzent .......... ^0.00 Roy Trout .................................. Chris Winzent ............ 50.00 Alfred Magnuson .................... J. S. Lowrance............ 50.00 W. A. Rowe .............................. G. I. Lowrance .......... 50.00 Ray Adams ................................ H. E. Follett .............. 50.00 A. N. Presnell .......................... T. A. Porter ................ 50.00 Victor N. Huddleston ............ E. E. Porter................ 50.00 J. M. Lane ................................ C. L. Porter ................ 50.00 Carl Leach ................................ Ed Fogg ...................... 50.00 Ida M. Rate .............................. F. Carver ...................... 50.00 (James Rait ................................ H. G. Kinman .............. 50.00 Everett Hale ............................ Maude Kinman .......... 50.00 Clarence Nelson ...................... M. J. Pcnter .............. 50.00 W. M. Stone .............................. Joe Trinkler ................ 50.00 Alta Magnuson ........................ Esther Sandstrom ... 50.00 T. R. Blackerby ........................ S. J. Etswiler.............. 50.00 Albert Harpole ........................ Harold Penter .......... 50.00 Thos B. Watt ........................ I C. Follett .................... 50.00 Wm. Watt ................................ Harold Follett .......... 50.00 George Watt .................... 1 Wm. Redberg ............ 50.00 Brighton Mills Co.................... Eleonora Redberg ... 50.00 John Watt ................................ John Rock .................. 50.00 Jos Bauer .................................. Gilbert Rock .............. 50.00 J. C. Vanskike .......................... Carl Commons............ 50.00 Fred Champlain ...................... L. J. Redberg ............ 50.00 M. H. Stanton ........................ Lillie G. Redberg........ 50.00 G. W. Hooten .......................... Viola E. Redberg ... 50.00 W. L. Montgomery ................ Frank J. Redberg .... 50.00 Tony Krumlauf ...................... Herbert W. Redberg . 50.00 A. G. Krumlauf ........................ Erwin O. Redberg ... 150.00 Earl Luther .............................. Hubert Etzwiler ........ 50.00 Joe Haegele .............................. Frank Etzwiler .......... 50.00 Dan Murphy ............................ J. W. Bodyfelt ............ 50.00 John Lebcck ............................ Geo. Kellow .............. 50.00 B. C. Woodard ........................ Effie D. Bell .............. 100.00 Sam Steinberg .......................... O. W. Bodyfelt .......... 50.00 Homer Graig ............................ D. B. Swartz .............. 50.00 Jim Powers ................................ Thomas Kellow.......... 50.00 Ed Engle .................................... Wayne Jackson .......... I QO.OO W. G. Carroll ............................ A. O. Jackson ............ 50.00 Claude Fallhearst ...................... Mrs. Hana R. White . 100.00 C. H. Gudge .............................. Herman Farmer ........ 50.00 Jack Sisk .................................... Vern Jackson .............. Carl Peterson .......................... Mrs. Ed. Jennings .................. L. V. Wilson .... .................... A. M. Fletcher .......................... Nehalem Valley Bank. Don Willford .......................... Oscar Magnuson .................... Tillamook Headlight, Tillamook, Or. Otis Lawhead ............................ Gentlemen—In accordance with A. Lindblom ............................ your request we enclose herewith list Jas Barker .................................. O. E. Brooks ............................ of Third Liberty Loan subscribers Dell Burdick .............................. received by us to date. Vernon Goodrich .................... The Wheeler Lumber Company Spencer Randall ...................... have pledges for some $20,000.00 of Bertha Johnson ........................ subscriptions from their employees, G. L. Finch ................................ but they have been unable to get Jim Karris .................................. . " ’ these into proper shape on account of E. D. Cockerell ... the fact that subscription blanks were Chas. Adams Earle D. Curtis . not furnished us until Saturday, April A. H. Bahrke ... 6th. Frank Keenan .. Practically all of this list and the Otis Adams .................. $20,000.00 of the Wheeler Lumber Willis Chalker .............. Company’s employees subscriptions Ed Winters .................... were pledged before last Saturday, Roy Ping ........................ making a total of approximately $85,- Harry Rentle .. .............. Sherman Goodrich .... 650.00. As our quota was but $93500.00 J. J. Larson .................... this was over 900 per cent “over the L. L. Cooper ................ top” the first day. Owing to the fail­ Anthony Berns ............ ure of the government to supply us Mrs. Marguerite Stasek with proper forms in time, some of Geo. D. Williams ........ this has not reached headquarters yet, John Quinn .................. which accounts for the poor showing F. M. Berns .................. in the Oregonian. We believe had we Albert Schultz .............. been properly supplied with subscrip­ F. Kolakin .................... M. C. Grover ................ tion blanks and with the daily report Ruben Freeman ............ forms, etc. that the banks were asked W. T. Marsh ................ to use, \\ heeler district would have R. G. Frerichs .............. been the first in Oregon to win the Robert Christensen ... “Honor Hag”.As it is now we have not Jacob Weber ............... ., been allowed it yet, in spite of the ■ B. Thompson ................ fact that telegrams were sent to head­ Victor Hednian ............ quarters Friday evening at ten Ratlin Bean .................. Eli Puts .. ...................... o’clock stating the amount pledged at George Brclje ................ that time. Some of the forms the Geo. W. Blais .............. banks are supposed to use in making A. Anderson .................. reports have not yet reached this Chas Spiering................ Walter H. Kent .......... bank. Vine L. Mathony.......... Yours very truly, E. C. Madden, Ass’t Cashier. Mark C. Manthony ... CaVaya ................ P. s. W e particularly wish to call Vedo Otto Weber .................. your attention to the splendid show­ J. B. Egan . . . . .. ing made by Brighton, where a total Henry Stasek ......... of $52,350.00 of subscribtions were Alvina Thimpson ........ pledged previous to last Saturday. John Korky Wheeler Chas Witcher 100.00 Jesse M oore D. R. Groves ...................... IOO.CJ Fred Buck .. Mildred Groves .............. 50.00 R. J. Turner Wm. Green ........................ 100.00 Frank Wollett ...................... C. A. Dettbarn ................ 100.00 H. F. Cooper ...................... Robert Carlson ................ 50.00 P. F. Cooper .......................... Edward A. Dixon 1.......... 50.00 J. J. Cooper............................ Ahneda Dixon .................. 100.00 B I. Cooper .......................... Eniil E. Jcs,y .................. 106.00 Geu Hamilton McLeod .... Sherman Reed ................ 100.00 W. N. Downs ...................... Mrs. Ethclle Gathers ... ;o.oo W. E. Steve«* ...................... Fred Hoover .................... 100.00 Andrew Downs .................... Jacob Grazen .................... 100.00 E. G. Berglund ...................... Ward Maver .................... 100.00 Carl W. Plitzkow ................ Chas Seamon .................. George I.udtke ...................... R E. Allen ........................ 10000 Ivan I.udtke .......................... Frank Schull .................... 100.00 Minerva Stasek .................... Ray Goldsmith ................ 100.00 Otto Stasek . . .A.................. Wm. Pickett ...................... 50.00 Verda R Lentz .................... Laura L. Weirick ............ 100.00 J. R. William, .................. J. F. Bradley ............. .... 100 00 John Z Riggs . ................... Mary G. Bradley ............ 50.00 Edward Albert Birdsall Lcilea M Channel .......... • 50.00 Frank W. WuMt ...... ». o - 5000 Io». R Thimpson..; Sr. v i > 200 00 L. W. Travis ............ K. H. Cady ................ 1A.00 Minta Smith .................... .... h.. S cmv JI .......----- »»pV N Ridditway ... D. M Clay. Jr.................... 50.00 ■ George McLeod .... Vut. Hugenid .................... 50.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5000 100.00 ->0.00 50.00 50.00 5000 50.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 200.00 200.00 50.00 300.00 50.00 100.00 ^MUNSING WEAR BLiTTERICK PATTERNS The most up-to-date, the simplest to follow, the most authentic, the best Pat­ tern for the Home Dressmaker or Pro­ fessional. 10C.-15c.-20c.-25c.-30c. By cJAdail 2c. Extra. Suits for and Ladies in the ¡new Spring weights and styles. Sleeveless, knee length, low neck models ,‘,t price. Iron. $1 Sizes from 30 to 50. Of Particular Interest to Men will be the Arrival and placing Sale in our Men ’s Shop of the famous DUTCHESS TROUSERS 10c. a Button -$1.00 a Rip. IO Gents a Button 8 1°° a Rip Y what standards do you judge trousers? Do you expect durable fabrics, stylish de­ signs and comfortable fit? Then you should buy Dutchess Trousers, for they embody the highest standards known to trousers maim facturers. Down to the finest detail, these famous trousers are made to please the most exacting buyer—the buttons are sewed on to stay and the chain stitching prevents seams ripping. We have just received a splendid selection of the new spring styles and patterns in Cash- mere and worsted Dutchess Trousers for Work or Dress Wear. They come in fancy pin stripes and mixtures in Brown and grey and are priced from B 100.00 400.U0 200.00 200.00 I5O.OO 200.00 15O.OO 5OO.OO 100.00 250.00 250.00 100.00 100.00 500.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 J 00.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 $3.85 to $6.85 Boris’ Dutchess Knickerbockers. Corduroy and fancy Mixtures $1.65 to $2.35 THE NEW ¿TTlen’s Pants. Cottonade and Corduroy cJTHen’s Khaki Pants. Splendid Weaves - - ¿JMen ’s Raiding Breeches With Lace Leg - - - $1.95 to $2.70 tJ/Men’s Leggings. Regulation Army Styles - $1.95 and $2.15 $1.95 to $4.95 $4.50 Very Special Sale of AUTO LASTS In the Famous Chapeaux, $3.49 For Actual $5.00 and $6.00 Hats. Arrived bj) Express This Week. A collection of really beauti­ ful models in trimmed sailors, Turbans, Poke Bonnets and Sport Hats tastefully trimmed in all the newest colors, also a number of very smart models in black. I «TH MOR —5WAI6TS—. Four New Spring cJModels in Come ! See What WIR TH MOR WA IS TS JUST $1.00 EACH. Lovely New Hats One model is shown in 8 Tan Calf vamp with dark champagne 9 inch lace top, military heels and perfor­ ated tip or Price per pair • •**’* Another model is shown in dark chocolate kid with 9 inch lace top to match perforated tips and military heels dJY nr Price per pair Y I And yet another model comes in Tan calf with 9 inch lace top and military heel® C7 Price perpair rived by Express this Week. There are the loveliest of new Poke Bonnet Shapes, novelties in large black shapes, and some of the prettiest effects you ever saw in fancy straws. The colors are innumerable, but charming! You will simply fall in love with every one. Come and see them today. See window. ‘ NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED. — Chiffon Taffetas. — Printed Voiles. — Embroidered Voiles. —Mercerized Batistes. —SerraiTo Plaids. — White Turk Towels. — Brown Turk Towels. —New Wool Skirtings. --Lingerie Nainsooks. — Ladies’ Silk Gloves. ^Always Worth ¡JMore c_/llways Look ¿More. S fast as the express could bring them, these four new models in Wirthniors came to 11s from the great new Wirthnior factory. They are New and Correct in style as Wirthnior Waists always are, and they possess the same I high standard of quality, that unvarying standard that has made them the favorite of the thinking thrifty, prudent women throughout an entire nation. jfa a Habit of Thrift to A Buy Wirthmor Dollar Waists. New Idea THE NEMO BRASSIERE “Fits as You Fasten.” This new Inventiop is of interest to every woman, slender to extra stout, who wears a brassiere. Five models are now being featured in the Corset Dept, on the Balcony. The one illustrated being made of fine strong Pink Batiste­ I here are models for all figures iigures and they are shown in both pink and white and in fine strong mesh and Batiste £"nA'ri”mrt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 • 50.00 so.oo 50.00 500.00 Harry Bell ............................... W. H. Cramer ....................... Geo. H. Williams ................... J. Hobart Cunninghom ....... Geo. Balmer ............................. Cleve Adams ........................... Elmer F.asom ........................... Warren Easom ......................... W. F. Balmer........................... F. K. Masters........................... Ellis Hughes ........................... Bert Hamilton ......................... C. C. Philpott ......................... W. A. Wise ............................. Lucile Thombleson ............... E. A. Blackmore ..................... H. Billings ............................... E. A. Worthington ......... ^... Henry Benz ..................... .... C. E. Stephens .................•’.... Joseph Bovakin ...................... Fred Witte ................................ Louis Wiggcn .......................... Albert Howard Tilden .......... A. D. Lommen ........................ Mary W. Alley ........................ Winifred R. Alley .................. Mr,. F.lcna Lommen .............. Ralph Easom ............................ ■Walter F.asom .......................... Chas. Joesting .......................... H. Schollmeyer ........................ 500.00 About War Claims. advise claimants free of charge of 100.00 their rights under the law is deeply 800.00 The chairman of the local Legal appreciated by the Treasury Depait- 50.00 50.00 Advisory Board has received the fol­ ment and affords a splendid oppor­ tunity for service to the nation and 50.00 lowing fetter: Treasurer Department, Washing­ to the men who are facing the fire of 50.00 battle for us. ton, March 26, 1918. 50.00 50.00 1 earnestly hope that you and your The American Bar Association de­ 100.00 sires to cooperate with the Treasury associates will respond to the en­ 50.00 Department in combating illegal and closed appear. 100.00 reprehensible activities on the part Sincerely yours, 50.00 W. G. McAdoo, Secretary. 100.00 of certain claim agents, pension attor­ I The above appeal is a letter from 50.00 neys and other persons in seeking to 50.00 obtain employment in connection the American Bar Association, urging 50.00 I with the collection or preparation of attorneys to protect soldiers and their 50.00 claims under the War Risk Insurance dependents against the misehievious 50.00 Act. actions of professional claim chasers. 50.00 There is no necessity for the em­ 50.00 ployment of claim agents or attor­ Marguerite Clark in the Amazons =000 50.00 ney, for the collection of the benefits ------ 0------ For sheer grit and pluck little Mar­ 100.00 granted by the War Risk Insurance 50.00 Act because the process of such col­ guerite Clark has no superior. In her 50.00 lection is exceedingly simple and the latest Paramount Picture “The Ama­ 50.00 Bureau of War Risk Insurance stand, zons,” she plays a tomboyish sort of 200.00 ready to render any and all assistance a girl who fences, boxes, rides and 100.00 required. A great service can be ren­ 10000 dered by making these facts clear to swims exactly like a boy—and a mighty clever boy at that. In several 50.00 50.00 the dependents of soldiers and sail­ scenes she fights, and the fights are ors who are being approached by un­ real. ,tand-up-and-take-it fights, and A letter .containing a number of scrupulous persons. The suggestion | little Miss Clark got severely bruised subscriber,* at Wheeler had not r?ach- of the American Bar Association that during the course of some of them. us when we went to press. I the patriotic Taw^er, of-,tbe eonntty < But nd that Stop her? On the con- an,lin $1.00 and $1.50 trary, she straightway engaged ‘ trainer and actually took lessons >n scientific boxing. This is only ,an example of the « she has worked her way from the start of her motion picture career, stopping at nothing, making a 5'» in “The Amazons’’ next Iue-'iay, H 1 16th at the Gem Theatr j^^^^^ H. T. Botts, Pres Attorney at-Law. John Leland Henderson. S*c' .retary Treat»., Attorney*8’’ Law and Notrary Ptildic. Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. Law Abstracts. Real E| Insurance. Both Phor.es. TIÏ.LAMOOK — OkEtiON.