TILLAMCOK HEADLIGHT. APRIL 4. 1918 TILLAMOOK LIBERTY TEMPLE of this character were even instru­ commissions in the Russian army, mental in attempting to deliver lib­ 8,000,000 Russians, starving, unarmed for 1917. so far ai traffic approaching DEDICATED ON SUNDAY. the crossing from the West on th: IT erty-loving France into the toils oi and totally unprepared have been the Kaiser; such influences promoted hurled upon the perfectly equipped the Hun campaign in the Balkins; German forces and slaughtered, like through such agencies, Greece, sacred so many sheep. Through the same to liberty, was confused and terrified; kind of treachery and shameful brib­ Russia fell into the Kaiser's clutches, ery, the Balkin states, resisting the The Liberty Temple erected by the with the consent of passive and inac­ Kaiser, have fallen beneath his ruth­ people of Tillamook City in one day, tive Russians; Italy came near yield­ less^ less heel. 1 hough pretending to be was dedicated on Sunday, when a ing up her territory and her liberty to a Christian, and professing to be un­ large number of citizens participated this despot, through the so-called der the immediate inspiration of Al­ in the ceremony. The building is be­ neutral and the so-called peace-loving mighty God, he commissioned these ing used as headquarters for the com­ subjects of that country. same internal agents to encourage fhrough the passive, the inactive, and assist the Turks in their massacre mittee having in charge the Third Liberty Loan drive in this banking class of people in the countries op­ of one half of the population of a district, of which D. L. Shrode is the posed to lum, the German Kaiser has Cluistian nationality. Greece almost chairman. It is centrally situated on won great empires tn Europe, and 1 became the victim of this collosal the opposite corner of Haltoni’s store, am convinced that today, and contin­ criminal, and would have fallen, had and the people feel proud of the tem­ uously long before the beginning of not the Grecian patriots forcibly ex­ this war, passive and indifferent pelled from that country the Kaiser's ple. D. L. Shrode presided on Sunday, Americans have been the chief med­ traitor horde. In the recent invasion and in a few well chosen remarks iums through whom the German war of Italy, the same representatives of said that was the happiest day of his propoganda has spread from Wash­ this Teuton monster, by resorting to life. A number of patriotic songs were ington to the most humble hamlet in the most reprehensible methods, al­ given by the choir, and the opening this beloved land of liberty. most caused the loss of that country At this time it would be impossible to the allies. prayer was made by Rev. Harry to imagine any outcome of this war, So, my countrymen, you know the Tucker, of the Christian Church. other than ultimate victory for the al­ Kaisers case. You know the case of Cap cain Johnson Makes Splendid lies, but should the Huns prevail, it your own beloved country—how her Address and Receives Applause. will be because we have permitted patriots have struggled to establish pretended neutrals, pretended peace- her free institutions, that are the The principal speaker was Captain loving hypocrites and indifferent and autocracy. S. 3. Johnson who made a splendid I Americans to foster sedition and trea- dread of tyrants address, which came in for frequent son by quiet, unobstructive, yet trea- 1 herefore, choose ye today which master you shall serve; you must applause. He said: | ter methods, that instill poison into serve Kaiser Bill in the capacity of a 1 believe that today is the most the very life-blood of the Republic. slave, or your own great country and momentous day the world has seen 1 do not advocate mob-rule; we humanity, in the capacity of an el- for a thousand years; 1 believe that . should refrain from acts inspired by lightened freeman. A man cannot tomorrow will be the most momen­ j mere prejudice or passion; we should serve two masters. Your choice not tous day the world has seen for a be extremely careful in the matter of only effects you, but all of us and pos­ thousand years; and more and more I preferring, or insinuating, charges of terity for all future generations. If we momentious will be each succeeding disloyalty against our neighbor, but 1 win this war, 1 believe it will be the day until the of fate, fate, that day believe that any individual in this last struggle of autocracy; if we lose, which will make the complete and country, who at this time fails to per­ I fear it may be the last fight for hu­ final settlement of the great conflict form his duty should be brought forth man freedom. that now absorbes and terrorizes all into the public gaze, and branded with This nation is the final hope of lib­ civilized people throughout the earth. the Kaiser’s Coat of Arms; brand him erty; let us make it the instrument of What that day of fate will bring de­ with the indeliablc mark of Hohen- liberty's final realization. pends almost entirely upon the men zollern Bill and let him carry it to his Rev. Chas. Gibson was the gentle­ and women of this nation. Destiny grave in the disgrace he deserves. man who was honored to dedicate the has appointed to us the task of stay­ There is an old adage of the Com­ temple. He caused some laughter ing the hand and withering the arm mon Law, that says "Better that when he took exception to what Cap­ of the most unscrupulous royal assas­ ninety-nine guilty go unpunished than tain Johnson had said about placing sin that Providence has so fur per­ one innicent person suffer.” This ad­ pro-Germans in bull pens. He said it mitted to inhabit the earth, an assas­ age has regard for the rights of the would contaminate the bulls by plac­ sin who seeks by cruel, uncivilized individual, about which the Kaiser's ing pro-Germans with them. Mr. Gib­ methods, not only the destruction of Kultur is silent. But, let me say, that son in dedicating the temple, made a life and limb of civilized men, stand­ when life of a nation is threatened, patriotic address, which was frequent­ ing opposed to him, but outrages in­ when the liberties, the peace and the ly applauded. nocent children and helpless women happiness of posterity arc concerned, This was followed by a flag raising, in a way that would have driven con­ when, as in the present case, a great the first to float above the Liberty science-mad the most barbarous body of outlaws are warring to ex­ Temple was the Stars and Stripes. North America Indian that ever in­ tinguish from the memory of man­ Then the national flags of Belgium, habited this continent. We look with kind the very idea of human liberty,« France, England and Italy were rais­ horror and disgust upon the old tyr­ this old adage of the Common Law ed. The large crowd cheered every ants of the pre-Christian era, we does not ap’ply. People who do not flag at it reached the top of the flag shudder at the bestial Nero, rejoicing support the principles of the Com­ pole. in the destruction of his native Rome, mon Law cannot count upon its pro­ Prof. Kirk gave a short address on we wonder at the barbarity of Attila, tection, and in ridding this land of the pledge of alliegance to the United but none of these equaled the Ger­ traitors, this adage should be revers­ States, which everybody did by rais­ man Kaiser in outraging the bodies ed, so as to read: “Better ninety-nine ing their hand and repeating the and souls of human beings, over innocent suffer, than let one Hun pledge. _________________ whom, by methods of treacherous agent in these United States go un­ propoganda, he has gained temporary punished.” In other words, if a citizen Ju* Made a “SU>” Cressmg by authority. or an inhabitant of this country does PibUc Service Commission. There is no question, that unless we not show his colors, place him under Americans prevent it, this tyrant will observation, and then, if he refuses to gain complete ascendancy over all the give proof of his loyalty, put him in Complaint was made by the County people ot the Old World, and after the Bull Pen, where his influence will Court of Tillamook County against that, with his vast resources, it will be be limited to his disloyal associates. the Southern Pacific Company, alleg­ but a matter of decades when he will Do not permit the influence of this ing that a certain grade crossing impose his Kultur upon all the people passive gang to increase, as was per­ maintained by the defendant company of the New World, ft is our privilege mitted in Russia, Stamp out the evil over a county road near the station to permit, or to prevent, those out­ now. 1 am not referring alone to dis­ of Juno was dangerous, and asking rages and crimes against humankind. loyal German-Americans, but also to that defendant be required to provide If we act righteously and promptly, naturalized Americans from any other some means which will make this they will be prevented; if we fail so nation, and also to the native Ameri­ crossing reasonable safe was taken to act, they will envelop the world ere can, who has no tradition of any an- up by tlx; Public Service Commission long, as darkness would envelop it, if cester, other than Americans, but who The crossing which was alleged to the sun were blotted out of the heav­ are too indifferent or antagonistic to be hazardous is located on the Tilla­ ens. have any patriotic interest in the war. No other nation has ever had a mis­ I refer to any and all who are helping mook branch of the defendant com­ sion of such vast importance, oi such Kaiser Bill. Bring each and everyone pany approximately three miles north weighty significance. Individual na­ into the limelight and place on him of the City of Tillamook. It is on the main county road extending from Til­ tions, influenced by the ambitions of the brand of his master. lamook to Bay City, which road, dur­ tyrants, have from time to time con­ Do you know my friends, that there ing summer months, bears consider­ quered and enslaved other nations of are men in this country, who emigrat­ able traffic, «insisting primarily of the world, but this is the first nation ed from Europe and became Ameri­ tourists. The traffic over the railroad in history that by the common con­ can citizens for the sole purpose of during the winter seasons consists of sent oi oppressed mankind that has forcing upon us at the proper time from two to four trains daily, while been designated to preserve liberty the kultur so long advertised by the in the summer this reaches a maxi­ for all humanity. This, then, is the German Emperor and liis autocratic mum of eight trains daily. These greatest obligation ever imposed upon following? Men, who came here with trains are not operated at an excess­ any nation of earth in any historic the idea that the Americans are a lot ive rate of speed. The speed of pas­ age, and it is, therefore, the duty of of fools, who deserve to be betrayed senger trains over this district is lim­ every citizen of this nation to do all to their Worshipful Master when the ited to thirty miles an hour, and in his power to enable these United time for betrayal arrives? Another freight trains to twenty miles per Slates to fulfill this holy obligation; thing is true: there are in this coun­ hour, while the average speed of and it is a black, unspeakable crime try freeborn native Americans, who these trains is probably less. for any citizen to do, or to omit to do The railroad extends in a Northerly for the love of the Almighty Dollar anything that would obstruct the pol­ would willingly subject themselves and southerly direction at the location icy of our Government in the prose­ and us to the Kaiser; men who look in question and is crossed at right cution of this war. 1 believe that but upon She war as only an opportunity angle by the highway, which ap­ for such obstruction in the past to make money. There are such na­ proaches from the west on a heavy twelve months, we today would have grade. 1 ravelers ap­ tive Americans, but I would wager descending on the shores of Erance more than a dollars to dough-nuts, that when you proaching the crossing from the cast million and a half American soldiers, find such a fellow, and trace his an­ and going toward I illatnook arc af­ well trained and well equipped, and cestry back to the war of the Revolu­ forded a comparatively open voew of that would have assured victory to tion, you will find attached to his trains approaching from cither di­ the allies in the desperate battle that family tree a strong hemp rope, and rection, and travelers on the high­ has raged in that sunny land for the dangling from the lower end of the way approaching from the west can past ten days. rope would be one of his ancestors, see a train approaching from the There is no midway, or neutral whom General George Washington north at a considerable distance from ground that any American can take found to be disloyal and undesirable. the crossing. However, by reason of upon this war question. He who is This class of American has two here­ the existence of a high bank on the not openly and avowedly with us is ditary incurable diseases: cupidity and west side of the railroad, south of the against us, and 1 want you to under­ highway and adjacent to the crossing a whitening of the liver. - ■ to - the • traveler • 'on stand that there are «o exceptions to the view afforded Irrepcctive of citizenship, or nat ­ this rule. No citizen of this country the highway approaching from the ionality, the supporters of Kaiser Bill need have his neighbors conjecture south arc concerned. as to his sentiments in this war, for if in this country should be ashamed of This bank is between fifteen and themselves. Nothing keeps them from lie stands with our government every­ twenty feet high r.t the highest point the sense of shame, except moral de ­ body will know it, and if everybody pravity and kultur insanity. W hy, just and has been excavated back as far as does not kaow it, you may safely say, possible, or to the extreme boundary think, how this blasphemous, hypo­ that he is an agent of the German of the railroad right of way. At a critical criminal has achieved his suc ­ propoganda. There is no excuse for cess in this war! In every instance he point on the highway thirty-seven any American being under suspicion has won by falsehood, bribery, and feet west of the nearest rail a train of disloyalty. His conduct will declare may be seen approaching from the barbarity. Take the case of Belgium; his position to everybody; if his con­ south at a distance of five hundred twenty-four hours before the Ger ­ duct does not clearly declare him and ten feet, while at the distance of mans began their invasion of that lit ­ v ith America, you may safely place fifty-five feet from the railroad a tle kingdom, the German minister at him in the column of pro-Kaiser. train may be seen approaching from Brussels gave the most solemn assur ­ Combining with the active agents the south at a distance of one hun­ ance to the Belgian Government that of the Hun Emperor, passive or in­ dred and twenty feet. the neutrality of Belgium would be active Americans have been the in­ By reason of this obstructed view a respected at all hazards, yet knowing strumentalities through which has hazard exists, which in the opinion of at the same time that the German the Commission, should be .minimized been carried on the wicked propo­ army was then making preparations ganda that is so embarrasing our by declaring such crossing to be a for an immediate invasion. 1 hrough government in this gigantic contest. stop crossing, as provided by Chapter the treachory of agents in the employ The same influences have at all times 429 of the General Laws of Oregon of the German Kaiser, yet holding embarrassed the other allies. Agents Large Crowd Hear Patriotic Ad­ dresses and Cbeer When Flags are Raised. highway is concerned, and installing thereat the stop sign described in said act. The Commission ordered that the above mentioned crossing be anil it is hereby declared to be a “Stop” crossing, insofar as traffic approach­ ing from the West on the highway is concerned, and that the Southern Pa­ cific Company shall within ninety days from and after the service of a copy hereof upon it install and there­ after maintain at said crossing, with­ in the limits of its right of way, a cir­ cular sign twenty-four inches in diam­ eter painted with a white field bear­ ing the word ‘stop” in black letters five inches high, three and three quarters inches wide, lines one inch stroke, with a black boarder one inch wide, said sign to be adequately and properly lighted at night. RUEX. MeNHlR & CO ’GEf4ERflh HRRDCUflRE Kitchen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. Q Life Saving Station Handicapped. Notwithstanding several attempts have been made to obtain a motor boat for the Life Saving Station at Bar View, there appears to be little prospects of obtaining one, and for that reason the life saving cress is greatly handicapped. We have receiv­ ed another letter from Congressman Hawley, who has made several efforts to obtain quick action, but, somehow, the officials at Washington keep de­ laying and making excuses. ------ o------ Hon. Fred C. Baker, Tillamook, Ore. My dear Friend—I have again had up with Captain Commandant of the United States Coast Guard, now of the Navy Department instead of the Treasury Department, and he states under date of March 22, 1918, as fol­ lows: “1. I regret to state that it has not been found practicable, in viesv of the conditions recited in my letter to you of October 30, 1917, to take definite steps toward providing the above named station (motor lifeboat for Station No. 312, Tillamook Bay, Orc.) with another motor life boat. "2 This office is using its best en­ deavors to meet the situation which I then explained to you, in the matter of supplying the stations, as their needs appear to demand, with this type of boats.” I regret that the Coast Guard takes the position that the needs at other stations are more pressing than in this case and must be given first con­ sideration. The matter will continue to receive my attention and I hope it may be possible to secure the new boat at an early date. With best wishes, I am, Truly yours, W. C. Hawley. W. Thomas Gives Account of His Trip to New Jersey. Love is the Greatest Thing in the World. Nobody Loves your family as you do. Who, then, will provide for them if you do not ? W. A. CHURCH. Insurance. 2nd Ave. E, between 1st and 2nd Sts. SALENA DICK, TEACHER OE PIANO PRIMARY AND ADVANCE INSTRUCTION. Monthly Musicals given for given for benefit of Pupils. Prices Reasonable. A TTOR N K Y - AT I. A VV. Office: O pposite C ourt H ouse , Tillamook Oregon. T. BOATS, M.D., QR. O. L. HOHLFELD, VETERINARIAN. Office at TODD HOTEL, Tillamook - Oregon. - PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S. P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Tillamook .... Oregon' 0R J. G. TURNER, EYE SPECIALIST. TT>OBERT H. McGRATH, PORTLAND — OREGON C ounsellor - at L aw , Regular Monthly Visits to ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDING, Tillamook and Cloverdale. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. WATCH PAPER FOR DATES. P orti and O ffick 1110 W ilcox B ld . J0AVID ROBINSON, M.D, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON NATIONAL BUILDING, Camp Merritt, N. J. Dear Father—1 will write you a few lines to let you know I am well and hope you are the same. We sure had some trip. 1 am going to try to tell you something about it We had lots of fun on the train. All of the towns down through Oregon heard about us coming through, and about every body was out to bid us good bye. We got eight hours off in Tracy, Calif., It wasn’t much of a place, but they gave us a dance. We left Fort Stevens about nine o'clock Tuesday night and got to Frisco Friday morning, March­ ed about three miles over to the dock and stayed on the boat until it pulled out Sunday about three o’clock. We got into the Panama Canal the next Sunday morning. We went through it in seven hours. We stayed all night at Colon, but they wouldn’t let us off. We got to Norfolk, Virginia, Friday, the 15th and to New York yesterday morninig and took the train out here in the afternoon. The« were about 3000 men on the boat besides the crew. We saw all kinds of things on the road, mostly flying fish and tur­ tles. We saw millions of niggers in Panama. They seem to grow good down there. We were on the boat 17 days. 1 was sure glad to get off. We landed here last evening. It is just an embarkation camp.. Troops never stay here over ten days unless they are quarantined for disease. We saw Edwin Thomas here. He said they didn’t have as good a trip as we did. He heard that the Oregon Artillery was here, and came and hunted us up. He is quite a guy. He said he was over to New York yesterday. He knew Ray Walls. They used to work together in Portland. They got quar­ antined here, he said. 1 hey were go­ ing to start across in a day or two. He is ill a pretty good outfit. I guess 1 wi'l close, we haven’t any address. It is just a name, write and we will get it all right. Win. Thomas. Battery C. 65 Artillery A. E. F. GOYNK, H OREGON TILLAMOOK H. T. Botts, Pres. Attorney at-Law. I John Leland Henderson. Sec | Jretary Treas., Attorney-nt- I,aw and Notrary Public. Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. Abstracts. Real Estate, Insurance. Both Phones. T. BO11S ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Bocks in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. TILLAMOOK—OKEGON. T illamook B lock , TillatnooK J THE L atest .... Oregon Both Phones. ELAND K ERWIN PIANO INSTRUCTION, Diploma Irom Chicago Musical College.—Beginners receive the same careful training as the most advanced Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ tion. All lessons given at Studio. County Representative for the Wiley B. Allen Co.s' line of high grade pianos, player-pianos, Victrolos etc. C. HAWK. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. < Iregon Bay City J OHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. T illamook B lock , Tillamook • . . • Oiegon ROON NO. 2H1. T illamook H uh Electricity’s latest gift to the housewife greatest since the electric iron and electric vacuum cleaner— the i Western Electric P ortable S ewing M achine No more tiresome treadle pushing no more backache a little electric motor does the hard work. ! A foot control gives any speed desired. QARL HABERI.ACH, Tillamook The entire machine in its case can be carried anywhere —it’s no larger than a typewriter. k < »regoli Ask for a demonstra­ tion. ATTORNEY AT LAW COAST P7JPfiRCO ////•.’ CONNER* IAL Bl II.DING, ELECTRIC STORE. FIRST STREET, TILLAMOOK, - OREGON QR. L. L. HOY, The sale of Irish and British wool to persons other than those authoriz- cy by the Government has been for­ bidden. JL ! PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook, Oregon. | 'I he “service flag” is not official, J but its general use is encouraged by the Government It has been patented by private parties. The matter of having an official service flag not so controlled is under consideration by Congress. T