llcadlitìht Tillamook Jottings T illamook , O regon , I1.50 PER YEAR. [IS FREEDOMS CALL—LEND YOUR AIL mook county over the top next Sat­ urday. Everybody who are working at the ship yard are loyal, patriotic citi­ zens and they take,a keen interest in tluir work, everything progressing in a most satisfactory manner, and when the vessel is completed tit w ill 1 be - a ! credit to everybody who have been connected with its construction. As an illustration of this, when the gov­ ernment inspec ‘ was in last week he was more than pleased with the fine workmanship put into the build­ ing of the boat, which will insure more contracts from the government. St. Mawes Lady Pearl ............ 215.00 Katy’s St. alaw(js Maiden 411084 .............................. 1... 33500 —Flui enc« B. Hoyt. Portland Will Maxwell St.Mawes Waltz Rosarie 299384 ...............:.................... 85O.OO Mane Hathaway: Marie of Shady Lawn Farm 330119 .................................... 260.00 Spotsie's Fern Fox ................... 125.00 s feed for less. topi:>bcr.!.r Carl Possetti: • _ ^|| „ it . fli.i tne U " a il l Fern’s Fairy Fox, 399077 .... St. Mawes Dairy Maid, 410900 l.s. watches, silvcr- Iftelrv. W. cloc i-R. E • Majesty's Honeymoon Bess .. \ ictoria of Mistletoe, 288437. l«\V. A. O re's write your insur- S. V. Anderson: • Wanted—horses or cattle to pas-I 289223 .... 325.00 ture. See C. Hanenkrat or Pl: Tone 4F2 Princess AIbert Starette, p. Johnson: 1 j \V. Bennet , expert watch re- Tillamook. * pg. s. P. w ..tch ¡inspector. St. Mawes Rosarie Rose For Sale—Pigs, just weaned. Se | I 410903 ..................................... lllie soil docto r 1 sold by Kuppcn- 150.00 Clarence Hanenkrat, Bell Phone 4F2, Ler. * Olga Irene St. Mawes, 410987 105.00 ■put!* Tillamook, Oregon. 1. A L. A. Edgar: Jot in the W t -t—Oregon Portland Majesty’s Eminent Lass .... 110.00 Always uniform and fresh. J. S. Diehl: Sale of Registered Jerseys Bring ■ Ijnb-Schrader Co. Eminent’s Piolet Lad ............ 50.00 Remarkable Prices. ■ for Sale or tr .di — Merry-Go-round, Cyrus Randall: Eta 144 Tillamook Oregon. Belle’s Rosarie 329O3O ............ 400.00 The H. H. Curtis herd of registered Wm. Robitsch handle 1 r<>j m Powder. Best for Jerseys which sold April 2nd, in Tilla­ St. Mawes Dutchess Nan, 403- imping.—Tillamook Feed Co. * mook, brought the highest average 295 .................................... 175.00 United to trad" city property for price of any Jersey sale that has been M. N. Bays: ;rtage close to city.—See Shrode. * staged west oi the Rocky Mountains, Rinda Lad’s Rosarie, 147295.. 15700 and we believe, west of the Mississ­ A. D. TiPpin: 1 irant Six, the ippi River, titty-three head brought a St. Mawes Queen Esther, 410- rg ever. S c Kuppenbcnder, * total of $18,100.00, or an average price 976 ........................................... 500.00 > County Court is in session, this of $341.00 .This included all the an­ Sultana’s Foxy Mona .............. 15500 eg the regular monthly meeting. imals Dig and little and certainly was Dave Fitzpatrick: a remarkable showing. St. Mawes Rinda Lad ............ ■toi. Kirk left on Tuesday for 130.00 M. J. Bays: The bull, Poppy’s Golden St Mawes |dune, Washington. No. 131311 brought $1700.00, which is Sultana’s Lily Carnation, 344- ¡it Kuppenbcnder tell you hew to 148............................................... 260.00 also a record public sale bid for the «m-ney on ycur cement work. * Outside buyers: same territory. A group of ten Tilla­ fem, on Tuesday to the wife of I. Nordstrom, Boudon, Oregon: mook Jersey Breeders bought the bull li Daw son, a son. jointly. They are as follows: P. W. St. Mawes Countess, 410899... 200.00 J. J. Kleek, Beaverton, Oregon: Todd, Wm. Maxwell, Claude Ackley, E and Mrs. Frank Paul left last St. Mawes Pauline, 410901 .. 330.00 1. H. Neilson, Gus. Peterson, Sollie day lor a trip to Portland. Owen A. Thompson, Blachly, Ore. Smith, Joe Donaldson, Ed. Cary, T. jS:>t by Test—Oregon Portland H. McCormack and Leonard jdcCor- St. Mawes Rinda Lad Rosarie, sent. For sale by Lamb Schrader mack. 160981 ................. -125.00 * McArthur & Stauff, Rickreall, Ore. This bull is, without doubt, one of ~ 400.00 the richest bred bulls in America, or I St. Mawes Majesty Bess till pay you to see Everson tor a Rinda Lad's Gertie Bracelet . . Investment in city property or in the world. His dam St. Mawes . St Mawes .s Stoke 15500 1 iands. * Poppy, has a record of 1120 tbs. but- p ig> .I98o 185.00 ter in a year, and has 2 sisters with' _ u„....................... Sale—8 hsad milk cows, all giv- Hazel. 410904 over 900 rbs. and 4 more with 740 tbs | ’ St. Mawes _________ " ' .... 285.00 tilk, except one due to freshen The sire, Rosaries Olga Lad, has 15 ith the tenth. 2* ànnçd by V/S Y\. ii K pa V ic K^ daughters with over 500 tbs. bv utter Program for Parade on Saturday. liyor Boats has appointed Emil in a year, most of the records bi_.. o oefng ■ o>— Her city marshal, in the place of I made in the heifer class. The bull "a is ThiB is Oregon's official slogan—’Tis Freedom's Call; Lend Your All. The parade formation and line of L Curtis. , Defend yourself. If you can't go across to fight, you can do the next best thing by investing in Liberty Bonds almost a perfect Jersey type. He dir- march at Ii:00 o’clock a.m. Saturday to keep your boy—your neighbor's boy—on the firing line ed many of the youngsters that were April 6th. iko is June? for reliable informa- * To Protect Your Country sold in this sale. The good this bull ;o to the Gem Theatre,, Tuesday Formal ian will be as follows: To Perpetuate American Freedom will do this county in the years to G. A. R. ii 9th. To Keep the Demon Hun From Your Door. * come is .hard to estimate. W. R. C. We can't act too quickly. The danger is imminent. We will be tardy at best. Don't stop to think, any ij not be insured in the best lire St. Mawes Waltz Rosarie, No. 299- Red Cross more than you would stop to think whether to strike back if you were threatened by an assassin. luce company, it costs no more. School children Will you jeopardize your liberty by tailing to do your duty? He who hesitates is most assuredly lost. I . 348 topped the females lor $850.00, berson. going to Will Maxwell, has a heifer All that your forefathers fought and died for is ldst. All that the patriots of '65 fought for is lost. Fife and Drum Corps sry Diehl ;wd B. A. Leach were This is your great opportunity. U«e it and record of $549 lbs. butter. This cow Firemen inted on the city street cleaning Take your place as a real American. is in calf to the $1700.00 bull and due Patriotic Boosters, women and men. i May 14th. nment. The Liberty Board, G. A. R., W. R. Her yearling bull, bred by the same C., and Red Cross will form in order r Sale—New modern residence, sire, sold to Joe Donaldson for $400. as given, on Stillwell Avenue facing id in best residence district. For A marriage license was issued to I Get your farm implements, gas en­ squadron will give a dance at Gari­ Mr. Donaldson was the heaviest buyer North, head of column resting on 2nd it a bargain. See Frank Heyd. ' Carl Jenney and Kilda McKinster. gines, silos and cutters from Kuppen- baldi, the proceeds to go to the Red in this sale, getting 7 head for Street. School children will form on .and Mrs. Geo. Willett and dau- guarantee all of our Cross. He came up from the camp at $2925.00. He got some of the choice In conformity with the rule formed bender. We south side of 3rd St. facing Stillwell r left this morning to return to elsewhere, all wood orders » must be I goods. Miami to challenge Tillamook to a ones, among therh, Emminent Lad's Ave. and west, liife and Drum corps achusetts. accompanied by payment in advance. I For Sale—1 horse, I surrey, hay $8 game of base ball at the fair grounds Pussy, a very showy cow, all dairy and Tillamook Rifle Club will i a ton, 1 pen birds of thorough bred one week from next Sunday, and it is type, and picked by some, before the form on north side of 3rd Street fac­ Barriage license was issued to —A. F. Coats Lumber Co. ony M. Jenck and Anna E. I Silver Stangler Hamburgs, I incuba- the intention of Captain O’Brien to sale as the top cow. ing Stillwell Avenue and west. Fire­ Ncstucca Valley ranches 1 tor 63 eggs, some wooden beds and form a league with Nehalem, Wheel­ At 8 o’clock in the evening about 50 men will form on South side of Sec­ I beat. We have just what yi I other furniture, 1 cheap _ range. __ —H. __ L. er, Tillamook and the 447th Areo of the members of the Tillamook Jer­ one street facing Stillwell Avenue and It “Guaranteed” silo is complete at prices and terms to suit purchasers. Squadron. ' 1 Fowler, the Weston Place. sey Club and visitors sat down to a West. Patriotic Boosters, both men sold for less. Send for our big Taylor Real Estate Agency, Clover­ ♦ | A young man by the name of Sheriff Campbell returned to Tilla­ banquet at the Tillamook Hotel. Jer­ and women will form on north side of book it is free. W. Kuppcnben- dale, Or. sey spirit ran high and the praises of 2nd St. facing Stillwell avenue and * Demand that your contractor use I Frank De Vroy cimmitted suicide mook on Tuesday from Portland the breed were sung by nearly all West. on Wednesday evening by shooting where he had taken eight pro-Cier- Santa Cruz cement. It is always uni ­ t your big book on uses cf ce- those present. Morrison Mills, presi- Line of March will be as follows; himself in the head with a revolver. lia modern sanitary farming. No form and has exceptional fast setting He had been working at the Coats mans and I. VV, W.’s. Th^ federal dent of the club, acted as toastmaster. North on Stillwell Ave. to 1st St.; qualities which is preferred. For sale authorities ordered the interment of The proceeds of the lunch at the thence east to 2nd Ave. East, thence t: should be without it. It is at the Kuppenbendcr Warehouse. * Lumber Co.’s saw mill in this city Herman Solaro and Otto Amine, both Fair Grounds at noon and $30.00 from South to 4th St.; thence east to 3rd * See Kuppcnbender. enemies. Anthony the sale of one of the bulls went Don’t miss “Cupid’s Round Up” but not feeling well had not worked German alien • —1- -r---- v.^r.t to Ave. East; thence north to 2nd St. thrilling drama of the Golden with Tom Mix, a new William Fox for about two weeks. Pietila a member of the I. W. W. the local Red Cross, or a total of thence west to 1st Ave East; thence > Tom William Fox presents star in a thrilling story of the Golden Hatching eggs for sale from trap- when he reached Portland, said he about $63.00. „------------- __ iouth to 4th Street; , ------ thence east to in “Cupid's Round-Up” at the West at the Gem Theatre, Thursday, nested S. C. Rhode Island Reds, with had been misguided in joining the T. It is most gratifying to note that of I 3rd Avenue east; thence north to 2nd Theatre, Thursday, April 11. W. W., and tore up his card in proof April 11. records up to 245 eggs in one year. this entire herd of Jerseys sold here Street; thence west to 1st Avenue of this. He gave his word that he nt a war garden but see that Coming! The most wonderful of all The kind that pay a profit on war would return to Tillamook and join only 6 head were bought by parties East; thence South to 4th St. thence outside of the county, in spite of the seed is right. Hydrated lime is the great screen dramas, Metro’s pro­ time feeding prices. Flock headed by the Loyal Legion of Loggers and fact that several outside bidders came east to 2nd Ave, east; thence north to oil doctor. Get it at Kuppenben- duction of “Blue Jeans" with Viola “Vibert” strain Cockerels from 271 3rd St.; thence west to 1st Ave. East. Lumbermen, when he was released. with the idea of taking away all of larehouse. * It will be strictly a walking parade Dana as the star, at the Gem Theatre egg stock. Eggs, $1.00 for 15; $5.00 per 100.—Mrs. Hugh Barber, Fair­ unless there is some one who is feeble Herman Solaro, who was employed the best animals. Kuppcnbender about the Grant Tuesday, April 9th. view Creamery. * by the Tillamook County Bank, was The list of buyers with their pur­ or unable to walk, in this case they otomobile, the snappiest car on Word have been received that the chase follows: may use auto or other conveyance Bert ’ Hines was instantly killed this taken to Portland on Sunday and old next spring. Apply to An- 26 Tillamook boys who were trans­ Daniel Bros. and form on Stillwell Avenue south morning at the Bay City Logging turned over to the federal authorities. Netsch, Mutual Phone. * ferred from the 10th Company, Coast are not camp on Tillamook bay. He is a For a long time the people of Tilla­ Olga Lad’s Wewbill, 410978 .. $410.00 of school house. There n«y to loan on farm lands, from Artillery, to the 65th Artillery, have single man 61 years of age. He was mook county have 'f en suspicious of Margaret of Mistletoe, Mistletoe, ........... 310.00 enough autos for all to ride, and Our up. Good terms. Reasonable rate arrived safely in France. Sollie Smith Boys Over There are not riding in standing on one of the runners of a I Solaro, who visited most parts of the Mt, We want your business, Olga Lad's Daisy Girl 370042. 400.00 autos, so why should we on this one Dr. Turner eye specialist, of sled of heavy timbers which was be­ county on horseback, and some had t’trson. • Portland will be in TillamtJok ing used to haul machinery when the him sized up as a spie. Solaro is Buttercups Gertie, 344146 .... 25500 occasion. E. M. Clark: «the change of hour of evening again Friday and Saturday, April 12- line running through a pully on one about 35 years of age and came to the Children from schools in county dis­ 6 at th. Christian Church, 7.00 20, at Jenkins' Jewelry Store. In Clov­ runner of the sled became entangled United States in 1910. He has tw > Gertie’s Merry Glynllyn 344147 400.00 tricts will report to Mr. Bowman at an Endeavor; Church services erdale, Thursday, April 18th. Consult and jerked the two runners together brothers in the German army. When Rinda’s Lad's Matilda, 239163. 390.00 school grounds, who will give you Io clock. him don't forget the date. *3 crushing the body between them. Solaro came to the United States he Rctta’s Voilet Marigold 328370 325.00 place in the line. There is a place in the ranks for was accompanied by a German spy Blosson's Orinda, 399675 •••• 590.00 Curtis and family left on All members of the \\. R. C. are My client has 40 acre farm just 3 Sultana's Oza, 144140............. 240.00 everyone. See that you yourself are in "ay i.T Vancouver, Wash., requested to join in the Liberty bond miles from city limits of Portland named Steins, who was recently ar­ Jolly Modora.............................. 37000 line. If you arc not a member of any ’It. I urtis will become the pas- drive parade on Saturday morning at southeast, right up to date in every rested in New York. For some time Joe Donaldson: of the organizations taking part in the Solaro workeel as steward at the >he Christian church. to a.m.. Meet at K. P. Hall. I he reg- detail , with everything in stock and Merry Glynllyn’s Poppy 358- parade, take your place with the pa­ Elk's Club in The Dalles and then ":se will be at his Tillamook ular meeting will be Saturday evening equipment first class, Income for came to Tillamook. Some one phoneel 027 ........ -................................. 470.00 triotic boosters. No matter what or cream and pork averages about $200 Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednes- at 8 p.m. to Portland from Tillamook that “If La Creole Violet, 399676........ 27500 who you are or where you arc from, a month, want Tillamook dairy farm Katy of Shady Lawn Farm, we arc all on the same level in this t! Thursdays until further no- B. Kuppcnbender recicved a car in exchange for this fine home place. vol1 dont intern this fellow Solaro at 330122 ..................................... » load of Grant _____ Six autos last week, It you have something to offer will once somebody will have to bury ; Eminent Lad’s Pussy, 261155 • 500.00 fight, both men and women, so be on 650.00 hand. and he has disposed of machines to him”. Last fall Solaro had been plac- 1 featuring Alice Joyce W. G. l’enter, of Oretown; Father send you full particulars. Neal Brown Hermit’s Pussy Fancy, 386157 2J0.00 If there is not 500 people in the ed under bonds by the government, | hrv Mores will be shown at Basil, W. E. Lentz and Dr. E. L. 207 Panama Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Orinda’s Blossom, 329164 .... 42O.OO parade we all will be disappointed. and on Monday he was interned until » Then re. Monday, April 9th, Golden St. Mawes Rosarie Parade will be short, only marching The Priscclla Club met last Friday the close of the war. 161026 ....................................... 400.00 16 blocks, about % mile so do not let '' lor Blue Ribbon feature, Glaisyer. with Mrs. C. Schultz. The home was For sale, brush land at Hood River. Till- D. L. Shrode, chairman of the Claude Ackley 'll be sure to please you. that be an excuse for you not being prettily decorated with spring flowers. Three crops of alfalfa when cleared. amook Liberty Loan committee with Olga's Oneida, 410997 ............ 33500 there. Parade will start at 11 o’clock. to Wisconsin cheese drop- Will sell on time and loan money for The Club will meet at Red Cross M. F. Leach, W. B. Aiderman, F. D. Lad's Carnation of M. F. 313- Organizations and all who take - ;. pound, Tillamook improvements to right man for dairy­ headquarters for work* on the last Small and Fred C. Baker went to the 449 ........................................... 340.00 part be at your place by 10:30 o’clock, Wednesday of each month. The after ­ * took 1 drop of 2 cents ing.—F. P. Friday, Hood River, Or. * If you have a flag be sure and have it noon was pleasantly spent finishing ship yard on Wednesday, and at noon lllahc Stoke Pogis’ Belle, K iiij now quoted at 24 Mr. Shrode gave the shipbuilders a 336906 ......................... ........... 310.00 with you. The management of the Gem Thea­ bootees for the Belgian Relief. Mrs. w pound. tre have another big. treat coming for Miller and Mrs. Lovejoy were the in­ talk on the Liberty Loan drive, and Hermit’s Graceful Pussy, 386152 ............ ,....................... 400.00 'o acres irrigated alfalfa the movie fans of Tillamook City in vited guests present. The hostess in doing so said every man there Card of Thanks. Gus Peterson: lc >ton country. Part level- “Cupid’s Round-Up" Look up the date served a dainty lunch at a table dec­ should take a Liberty Loan Bond, : well, etc. $3000. Owner and tell your friends. We thank all those who gave us orated consistent with Easter. The which he believed they would do. The St. Mawes Pretty Princess 410997 ..................................... 31000 help when we had the bad fire and ’ “1, 1828 East Everett, St., next meeting will be April ¡9 at the , men gave several rousing cheers showing how interested they were in T. H. Neilson: Charles Jennings, a son of Jack- home of Mrs. Riecher. “• Oregon. especially are we thankful to Mr. and Jennings, left on Saturday to do his Captain O’Brien, of the 447th Areo 1 the drive. It is safe to say that the Lad's Marine, 230880............... 54400 Mrs. T. Ruenze, who made it possible I and unfurnished rooms bit. He enlisted in the marine corps men at the ship yard will do their bit, Mrs. M. J. Bays: that we did not feel the loss the first > iw's apartments, 4*h at Portland on Monday, and his wife Squadron, w as in the city on Wednes ( not only in building one of the best La Creole Crystal Queen days when we were without home i Miller Ave. on 6th came to the city that day to sign the day, and he informs us that pne week ships for the government, but will 298462 ...................... -................. 30000 and everything. from next Saturday members of the j help considerably in putting Tilla- *3 necessary papers to release him. P. W. Todd: , H. Houswith and family. I W. A. Wise, dentist. I k »dairy c • >iiould be fil M- edy at C. I. Clough gooirot Rci! • it ■ cian and surgeon. pt Shearer, | • ftaerdale. Crc