Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 28, 1918, Image 9

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    T illamook headlight , march
Discuss Questions of
Interest to People.
••Profiteer” during these days is on­
ly the polite name for thief.— lele
phone Register.
------ o------
Bald beaded men may as well quit
buying hair growers and invest their
money in war savings stamps. H’s no
use, gentlemen; you can’t get blood
out of a turnip—nor grow hair on a
door knob. Save your money and put
it into stamps. And the women—but
there now, what’s the use.— Polk
County Observer.
The head
of the Non-I’artisian
League has admitted that tiie organ­
ization has collected from the farmers
of the country more than $3,700,000
to be expended as the league’s
president directs. What a storm of
protest would go up if one of the old
political parties should raise such a
fund and place it at the command of
01 ■ man.—Telephone Register.
The motion picture we believe • is
th« most powerful material foe 1 war
has ever bad to face. To see the scen­
ts of dev: illation, ruin, barbaric sav­
agery, in lying waste cities, hamlets,
orchards ,and in raising to the ground
unnumbered homes, is to reaiize, as
only an eye witness can, that in the
presence of war bell must be relegat­
ed as a back number.—Itemizer.
In a copy of the Geographic Maga­
zine taken by Dr. Wood occurred a
large picture of a Y. M. C. A. hut near
New York, and in the picture was ob­
served the likeness of Harry Phillips
of this city as he sat reading a book,
and in the picture also was shown
Orbie Craven, of, Tillamook a nephew
of Mrs. Leslie Laughlin. The photo­
graph was of men enlisted in aviation
work.—Telephone Register.
------ o------
Some of Germany’s psychology is
as far away when applied to her own
soldiers as when used abroad. To cre­
ate hatred for the Americans the of-
iicers tell the men that every one of
tin 111 made prisoners will be tortured
to death, but the result is the oppo­
site to what is intended. Those who
believe tile lie are so scared that they
run when they see the Americans
coming.—Oregon Register.
------ o------
A cattle and horse breeders associa­
tion m Colorado has decided to pre-
sent every enlisted man from Colora-
do with a cow and calf on his return,
ami a wealthy rancher has agreed to
Care lor the animals until the soldiers
return from the battle fronts. 1 bat
shows true American appreciation
toward the boys who offer their lives
in defense of their country's honor
and liberty. It ought to loosen the
purse strings of the tight-wads who
haven’t made a sacrifice so far.—
Banks Herald.
We understand that there are some
owners of vacant lots in and around
McMinnville who are unwilling to
farm them this spring or to let them
to anyone else to farm. I his is not
showing a proper spirit to help en­
large the food supply, and savors of a
lack of patriotism. Let everybody
work together to conserve the best in­
terests of the country and help reduce
the cost of living. In some places they
publish the names of such people who
lack the proper spirit.— 1 elephone
A foreign born friend of the Inde­
pendent is discussing the cases of
enemy sympathy which is well known
ire occasionally
Washington county put the case, we
believe, rather neatly. To begin with
he flatly declared that the man who
would not give unqualified support to
the country he found good enough to
live in should receive no considera­
tion. But lie thought that even if they
would not give that support out of
gratitude, selfish considerations at
least should influence them explained
in this way: Most of them had come
Io this country because they could do
better than at home, and also came to
escape the conditions which made it
impossible for them to prosper as
they had prospered in America. Sup­
pose, he said, there were enough of
them to influence the result and their
wish to sec Germany victorious was
(ratified. German rule of the world
Would mean bringing to America the
conditions they emigrated to escape,
while the wealth that they had accu­
mulated would be taken in the form
of indemnities.—Hillsboro Independ­
------ 0------
Possibly it is not a coincidence, but
here arc two facts we cannot get
’way from. Our greatest need for
•uccessful prosecution of the war is
•bips and more ships, and the chief
reasons we lack ships and were oblig­
ed to start at the bottom to create
the fl et needed for transports and to
supply our troops over seas is the La
Follette law which dealt a death blow
*° the American shipping industiy,
disec uraging building of ships and re-
,uh‘ .1 in our exports being carried
Principally in German bottoms until
*he war chased them from the seas.
we say, it may be a coincidence,
“ut German ship owners prospered
torough the passage of the law, and
J* author has just been condemned
•I the legislature
of his state for
*bat it considers disloyalty. Can it be
that the 1 w had aims hitherto un­
suspected. A nation, no matter how
powerful, would not be feared if it
lacked means of employing its power
, at its enemy’s doors, and we all know
now that ultimate war with the Unit­
ed States entered into the kaiser’s
dreams of world power.—Hillsboro
------ o------
Standing in front of the army war
college at Washington, D. C. is a
statute of Frederick the Great, who
is alleged to be one of the shining
lights in the history of the German
empire. The figure was presented
to the I nited Slates by Emperor Wil­
helm. The motive for the gilt and
wh} it should be placed in front of
the war college is somewhat vague.
But that is all in the past. The Amer­
ican people are more deeply concern­
ed just now in a joint resolution in­
troduced by Senator 1 homas, of Col­
orado, providing that the statute be
turn down and sold to the junk man.
1 he News suggests that the metal ill
the thing be returned to the kaiser
via the United States Artillery on the
N e W s.
If there i"
is any one
man coming be-
fore the people of the great state of
Oregon at the oncoming _ primary
election for the ofticeo f governor that
should get a good dressing down—
trimmed up to a finish—i it is that man
Ben Olcott, now secretary of stale,
a mollycoddle politician of the true-
blue stripe who plays the game of
Olcott first, last and all the time. He
is a cross between the West machine
of political manipulators and the sil­
ent features of non-partisianship—
which means “anything to get there.”
He stands for every thing and any­
body—to get the votes, and during
his incumbency in office as secretary
of state has never lost an opportunity
to keep in touch witli the "deer peo­
ple” for reasons best known to him­
self—which reasons are of a decided
political nature. Olcott’s term as sec­
retary of state docs not expire until
1920, but he is dead anxious to swing
onto the handle of governorship long
before his present job terminates.
Olcott is one of these astute politi­
cians—with a heavy accent on the
iirst syllable—who trains as a repub­
lican and votes like a democrat.—Um-
pqa Valley News.
Administrator’* Notice to Creditor*.
Notice is hereby given, that the
C°uny Court of the State of Oregon,
for I illamook County, has appointed
the undersigned administrator of the
estate of Paul Kingston deceased, and
all persons having claims against said
estate are hereby required to present
the same, with proper vouchers, to
me. at the office of T. H. Govne, an
attorney at law, in Tillamook City,
Oregon, on or before six months
iroin the date of this notice.
Dated February 28, 1918.
William Kingston, Admin­
istrator of the Estate of
Paul Kingston, Deceased.
To the Voters of Tillamook County
1 hei .by announce myself as a can­
didate for re-election to the office of
Sheriff of Tillamook County, on the
Republican ticket, at the primary elec­
tion, May 17, 1918.
___________ W . L. Campbell.
An engine that wrings from gas
more power than was ever taken
of - gas before—through its
ci - -
Hot-Spot” and “Ram’s-Horn”
Manifold—Chalmers devices
I hereby announce my candidacy
•or the nomination on the Republican
ticket for County Commissioner, to
be voted on at the primaries to be
held in May. 1918.
If nominated and elected _ I promise
____ _
to the best of my ability to promote
all efforts for the development and
advancement of Tillamook County.
Believing myself perfectly compe­
tent to administer the office. I place
my candidace before the voters for
their suffrage.
Yours truly,
D. A. Bailey.
To The Voters of Tillamook County
I wish to announce that I will be a
candidate at the next primary election
for the office of County Commission­
er for the South part of the county on
the Republican ticket. I believe in
good roads, and will use my best ef­
forts in seeing that roads are con­
structed permanently and built econ­
omically, if elected.
Yours respectfully,
A. A. Imlah.
Tests of exhaust vapors have shown weaknesses in many
engines. By such tests you can always tell how good an
engine is.
In the great Chalmers engine so very little in the way
of unused or unburned gas comes out of the exhaust as to be
almost negligible. The gas is used up —all of it —in the
The moment it passes from the throat of the carburetor
it strikes the now noted “Hot-Spot” where it is heated and
“cracked-up” and then rushed on to the combustion cham­
bers via the “Ram’s-Horn” Manifold.
When the spark touches it off there is translated a power
such as a gas engine has never known; all the brute force
imaginable, yet tamed down into a softness that is as smooth
as deep water.
Once you play with it with your right foot you will be
amazed at the thrill it’ll give you.
To the voters of Tillamook County:
I herewith announce myself as a
candidate on the Republican ticket at
Agricultural .News Notes.
the nominating convention to be held
By R. C. Jones, County Agent.
in May for the office of County Com­
missioner. My motto: “A square deal
Sugar Going to Waste in Tillamook all around.”
John Weiss, Sr., Meda.
Thousands of pounds of the very
best sugar are allowed to go to waste
To The Voters of Tillamook County.
in Tillamook County each year be-
caues there are not enough bees to
I beg to announce that I will be a
gather the nectar and transform it in­ candidate for County Com missioner
to honey. V\ ard H. Foster of the U. for the South end of the county on
TOURING SEDAN . . . $1950
S. Bureau of Entomolyogy spent the Republican ticket at the next
Monday in and about Tillamook in­ primary election.
vestigating the bee keeping situation.
Ole B. Redbcrg.
He reports good opportunity for the
development of profitable honey pro­
ducing apiaries, but found the bee-
diseaic, American Foul Brood, very
prevalent among the bees he was able
to examine. Many of the bee keepers
have been getting poor results with­
out knowing the cause of their failure.
The treatment recommended is to
transfer all diseased colonics into
clean hives with standard sized fram­
For Sale and Rent.
es fited with bee-comb foundation so
that the germs of the disease found
Tillamook Readers are Learning the
Sixteen good cows, 13 fresh, price ,
in the honey and combs of the in-
$75 each. Good market for milk, 5° '
fected hives be destroyed. Only- by
It's the little kidney ills—
acre dairy ranch. Will lease for 3 or
using easily moveable combs, can the
The lame, weak or aching back—
5 years. Price $300 a year, part can be
hives be examined so as to detect the
The unnoticed urinary disorders—
worked out on place. Good buildings,
That may lead
presence of the disease.
to dropsy and
well fenced, will leave farming tools
Mr. Foster elieves that bee-keeping
Bright's disease .
on place. Camp grounds on place,
about Tillamook cannot be profitable
| When the kidneys are
Complete dispersal of my herd of registered
mile on water front, % mile to beach.
Help them with
until the bcc-keepcrs understand the
Come and see me at once as first
nature of the disease and take vigor­ here first served.
A remedy especially for weak kid-
ous steps toward its control, though
E. G. Calkins, Otis, Orc.
[ neys.
there may be localities where it has
I Doan's have been used in kidney
not yet made its appearance .
To The Voters of Tillamook County.
troubles for 50 years .
White clover in the pastures and
------ 0------
fire weed or willow herb in the burn­
I hereby announce my self as a J Endorsed by 50000 people—endors­ •-
ed over areas furnish a large amount candidate for the office of County ed by citizens of this locality.
of most excellent bee-pasture.
Surveyor on the Republican ticket at I Mrs. O. L. Ahlstrom, Seventh St.,
This herd is rich in the blood of the
Mr. Foster also advises the intro­ the Primary election to be held May and E'rst Ave., Forest Grove, Ore., • '
duction of Italian Queens to improve 17, 1918. If nominated and elected I . sa> s: "When 1 need a kidney mcdi-
heaviest prodneing strains of the breeds
■ - the
-■ office
- ■ cine, 1 take Doan’s kidney Pills for 1
the bees of the county. He states that will conduct
in an efficient
Poppy’s (»olden St. Mawes at head of the
have never found anything that does
the Italian bees are more disease re­ and economical manner.
he is a son of the record cow St. Mawes
sistant and more quiet to work with
than our common wild bees.
Poppy (1120 lbs. 1 year) and sired Rossaire
W. S. Coates. feels weak and sore and my kidneys
act irregularly, a short use of Doan's
Olga Lad with not less than .30 tested daught­
Don't Forget the Jersey Sale April 2.
Kidney Pills make my back feel
The German Spy System.
and more qualifying as soon as tested.
Catalogues have been received of
stronger and put my kidneys in good
the Jersey sale to be held here April
working order.”
bull and a number of his offspring will
Some wonderful stories are told of
2nd. The Jersey Breeders will do well
Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't simp­
to study these catalogues carefully the intelligence of the spy service
for a kidney remedy—get
ly ask
In the herd are also a number direct
and purchase their foundation s£>ck the rival armies. It extends under­ Doan's Kidney I’ills—the same that
now. The offerings present some ex­
descendants of the famous bull Rinda Ladd
Mrs, Ahlstrom had. Fostcr-Millnirn
ceptionally good
The ground, and is an incessant operation Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
of S. B., who also 1ms a long list of tested
breeders will do well to conspire to night and day. An American division
keep the bull, Poppy’s Golden St.
Rearing Children,
Mawes, in the county, even if four or camp not far from the battle line.
five of them have to get together to
A writer in the April Woman’s
was inspected by the German airmen.
purchase him.
Home e Companion says:‘‘We are none
together with calves now being born, and in­
We haven’t heard whether the Jer­
of us very certain in our hearts that
both sexes and various ages. Complete
sey people have any pedigreed cat to
what we do in our offices is really
catalogue will be published giving full inform­
offer or not but I would not wonder watches by the arrival of the air­ worth w hile. < >ur shoe »tore fails—
if some-thing of a patriotic nature planes. Finally the men got secret or­ what of it? There are a thousand shoe L
ation. Send name and one will be mailed.
would develop at the sale. It is pa­ ders to move to another sector five stores. Our factory burns down—a
The First .National Bank of Tillamook,
triotic to try and improve your herds
temporary inconvenience, but in 24
airplane didn't appear at the usual
finance local responsible bidders for
hours the world has adjusted itself
time and the Americans began crack­
time at G per cent.
and gone on. Alexander conquered ;
ing jokes about it. But two hours the
German airman appeared, flying low,
cold before the kingdom that he built
and dropped a number of suspicious
To the voters of Tillamook County. looking bags. It was feared that these up began to crumble. Nothing that
COL. J. W. HUGHES, Auctioueer, Forest Grove, Ore.
I hereby announce myself as a can­ bags might be a new form of trick we do in business or politics is of
a hundred
didate for the nomination for County bombs, but when one was opened it very much importance
Commissioner on the
Republican was found to contain a printed circu­ years after. But one thing we do of
ticket at the primaries to be held lar in English, reading; "Greetings to whose eternal importance we can be
.1 vm »
May 17th, 1918. If nominated and ’ the men and officers of the — divis­ absolutely sure—We raise children.
"We can make them sons of God.
elected I will render the people of ion of the army. May you have a
our county and nation, faithful, con­ pleasant time going through the mud or we can let them go to the devil.
“I have watched progress being I where the mother is honored above
And according as we make them,
scientious and patriotic service, and to your new camp five miles east.
made in business and politics for a < very other person in the world, and
will favor road building of a perma­
The French officers told the Amer­
good many years. And I have noticed ’ where the father looks on his busi­
nent nature.
icans that incidents of this nature had
that the folks who make it are those ness as being merely a necessary ad­
been reported many times all along
that have come out of the best homes. junct to his home.”
through the ages into eternity.
H. V. Alley.
the front.
H. H. CURTIS, Owner, Pullman, Wash.