MARY PICKFORD in “Less than the Dust.” VIRGINIA PEARSON in “STOLEN HONOR.” An intensely human story of a little English castaway in the picturesque background of Modern India. William Fox Photoplay, at the Gem Theatre, Thursday, April 4th. At the GEM THEATRE, TUESDAY, April 2nd. Adults 20c. Children 10c. Visitor’s Disloyal Remarks Cause mite. More and more he will find it Indignation Amongst Citizens. out as America gets deeper in the war. Let it not be thought that we are, by indirection or suggestion, advocat­ ing ear-nailing, or rail-riding, or any­ thing of the sort. But we are not sur­ prised when we hear of such things. They will be more numerous here­ after. These are not gentle days . Why not try the Castle Rock plan? Here is a town in Washington which decided to have a flag day, and to summon all citizens to a public place to pay homage to the Stars and Stripes. Everybody came. Let others try it. If anyone fails les a group of his neighbors wait on him and talk it over. Talking it over will usually suffice.—Oregonian. The Great Duty. ------ o------ As we go about our daily tasks in peace and safety men are dying every minute on the battle field of Europe to save civilizatilon. Our own gallant soldiers are shedding their blood in France and our soldiers engulfed in the waters of the Atlantic as they go in defense of Amerca's rights and horor. Upon our performance of the work committed to depends the lives of thousands of men and women, the fate of many nations, the preserva­ tion of civilization and humanity it­ self, and the more efficient and prompt we people of America are in doing our part, the more quickly will this war come to an end and the greater the number of our soldiers who will be saved from death and suf­ fering and the greater number of the people of other nations released from bondage and saved from death. To work, to save, to economize, to give financial support to the Govern­ ment is a duty of the nation and to the world and is especially the duty to our fighting men who on land and sea are offering their lives for their country and their countrymen. A remarkable display of beauty in a photoplay that thrills with love and intrigue, that abounds in rich settings and exquisite scenes in Washington D.C. “Retreat of the Germans at the Battle of Arras.” 4th installment. Don't pass this program. Adults 20c. Children 10c. Notice of Completed Contract. Notice is hereby given that the ' Roadmaster of Tillamook County has . filed in this office his certificate of the completion of all work under the contract of Mallory & Jenck with Tillamook County, for the construc­ tion of Beaver Creek Bridge No. I ac­ cording to the plans and specifica- tions on file in this office. Any person, firm or corporation having objections to file to the final payment on said contract may do so within two weeks from the date of the first publication of this notice. Erwin Harrison, County Clerk. First publication March 21, 1918. Last publication April 4, 1918. bid, the same to be made payable to Announcement. Tillamook County. Proposals shall be I hereby announce my candidacy made on the form furnished by the County Clerk. for nomination on the Republican The Court reserves the right to re­ ticket for County Clerk at the pri­ mary election to be held May 17, 1918 ject any and all bids. Erwin Harrison. Erwin Harrison, County Clerk. First publication March 21, 1918. Card of Thanks. Last publication April 4, 1918. We wish to thank our friends who showed their sympathy and kindness Notice to Contractors. in the sickness and death of our fath- Notice is hereby given that the j ler. County Court of Tillamook County, M. Abplanalp, Oregon, will until 10:00 o’clock a. tn. Mrs. E. Eeinger. of April 5, 1918, receive proposals for Mrs. A. Marolf. constructing the Morgan Bridge | "The boys in kaklii were as bad or worse than the soldiers in Germany." This was the remark made by B. Dclsman, who is said to be a pro­ German, in John 1’lasker’s store on Saturday night and which was the bottom of the indignation that follow­ ed. Numerous false reports gained currency, one being that Dclsman had said: ‘The boys in kaklii were as bad or wo. sc as the soldiers in Germany wl’.o cut off the breasts of women, and the hands of children.’ according to the plans and specifica­ V. e could find no one that could tions in this office, and at that time vouch for this last remark, but it publicly opened and read. seems that some persons circulated it Notice to Contractors. Each proposal shall be in a sealed and accused John Plasker of doing so Notice is hereby given that the envelope plainly marked on the out­ “ Stolen Honoi ” a Wonderful Play 1 hat was soon disproved, but peo­ County Court of Tillamook County, side "Proposal for the construction of ple had Plasker sized up as a pro­ Oregon, will until 10:00 o’clock a. 111. the Morgan Bridge,” and German, notwithstanding that he is a Queens of fashion had better-be­ of April 5, 1918, receive proposals for shall be accompanied by cash, certifi­ drafted man and liable to be called ware of their laurels. Miss Virginia construction of Beaver Creek bridge ed check or bidder’s bond equal in upon for service, and was born in the Pearson in her latest William Fox No. 2 according to plans and specifi­ amount to 5 per cent of the amount photoplay, “Stolen Honor,” wears United States. cations in this office, and at that bid, the same to be made payable to I This is how the trouble started, ac­ some exquisite gowns. She will be time publicly opened and read. Tillamook County. Proposals shall be cording to those who were instrumen­ seen at the Gem Theatre Thursday, Each proposal shall be in a sealed made on the form furnished by the April 4. tal in seting the ball rolling. Dclsman envelope plainly marked on the out­ County Clerk. was in Plasker’s store on Saturday Besides these beautiful gowns side “Proposal for the construction of The court reserves the right to re- 1 and two persons living in the country "Stolen Honor” has many points to the Beaver Creek Bridge No. 2,” ject any and all bids. heard him make the statement, and recommend it to all motion picture shall be accompanied by cash, certifi­ Erwin Harrison, County Clerk. ] that Plasker offered to bet that the followers .The story is good and is ed check or bidder’s bond equal in First publication March 21, 1918. laid in Washington D. C. It has some German Culture not a New Thing amount to 5 per cent of the amount war would be over in six weeks. Last publication April 4, 1918. On Sunday night a large party, thrilling scenes and the sets are rich­ bid, the same to be made payable to ------o------ principally from out of town went to ly made. Tillamook County. Proposals shall be Notice to Contractors. “Every village they have passed Plasker’s store and made him salute It will add to Miss Pearson’s popu­ made on the form furnished by the Notice is hereby given that the through has beer, the victim of what tije flag, which he readily did, and larity because Miss Pearson is above' County Clerk. County Court of Tillamook County, when he asked to know who it was everything else a fine actress and in is only organized pillage. Every city The court reserves the right to re­ Oregon, will until 10:00 o’clock a.m. that accused him of making the this play she needed much dramatic has been practically sacked, ransack­ ject any and all bids. of April 5, ¡918, receive proposals for ed on system; its citizens plundered, statement about "the boys in kaklii ability. Erwin Harrison, County Clerk. constructing the W. S. Cone County its civil officials terrorized, impris- were us bad or worse as the soldiers The story revolves around a stolen First publication March 21, 1918. Road Sec. 5, according to the plans in Germany.’’ it was soon ascertained painting which finally finds its way once outraged or killed. The civil pop­ Last publication April 4, 1918. and specifications in this office, and that he had been wrongly accused, it into the National Art Gallery in ulations have been, contrary to the at that time publicly opened and read. was then found out that 11 was one Washington. Virginia Lake (Miss usage of modern warfare, forced to Notice to Contractors. Each proposal shall be in a sealed serve the invading armies, brutally B. Dclsman, of Hillsboro, a traveling Pearson) is a society girl artist, and Notice is hereby given that the envelope plainly marked on the out­ put to death, reduced to wholesale mail who had done so. The crowd alter she makes a copy of the paint­ County Court of Tillamook County, side "Proposal for the construction of then went to the Ramsey hotel and ing, she is accused of stealing the starvation, and disolation. Vast tracts Oregon, will until 10:00 o’clock a. in. the W. S. Cone Road, Sec. 5," and brought Dclsman out on the street original and substituting the copy. of 'he richest and most industrious of April 5, 1918, receive proposals for shall be accompanied by cash, certi­ and made him salute the flag. He pro­ The accusation is made by a women districts of Europe have been delib­ retimbering the Lonimen Bridge fied check or bidder's bond equal in tested that he had not made the re­ who is in love with a man who loves erately strippd and plunged into fam­ according to the plans and specifica­ amount to 5 per cent of the amount of marks, when he saw two soldiers Virginia Lake. High society is entan­ in, solely that the invaders might tions in this office, and at that time bid, the same to be made payable to pass along the street the worst for gled in the conspiracy including an make war cheaply. Irregular troops, publicly opened and read. Tillamook County. Proposals shall be contrary to all the practice of war, liquor, that they disgraced their uni­ ambassador. Each proposal shall be in a scaled made on the forms furnished by the have been systematically murdered, It is a stirring photoplay and one envelope plainly marked on the out- County Clerk. form. He was given some good ad­ and civil populations indiscriminately side "Proposal vice not to repeat such statements, that w’ill give splendid entertainment. for retimbering The court reserves the right to re­ murdered, and civil population indis­ th? Lonimen for if be did he would be tarred and Bridge,” and ject any or all bids. criminately murdered, solely to feathered and run out of the county. Should Depend Upon Ourselves. shall be accompanied by cash, certifi­ Erwin Harrison County Clerk. spread terror. A regular system of ed check or bidder's bond equal in First publication March, 21, 1918. As as result of this a large crowd ingenious terriorism has been dircted gathered on the street Monday even­ The government in this country is] against civilization, as horrible as amount to 5 per cent of the amount Last publication April 4, 1918. bid, the same to be made payable to ing and went to several places of designed to be one of, by and for the anything in the history of civil or re­ Tillamook County. Proposals shall be business and private residences and people, hor this reason any citizen ligious wars. Large and popular cites War Condition and Insurance. the parties salute the flag. should feel free at any time to call have been not once, but 20, 30, 40 made on the form furnished by the upon the government for help to times, bombarded and burnt, and the County Clerk. The court reserves the right to re­ solve any problem that may confront women and children in them wantonly Not onl- the agents, but the public Try the Castle Rock Way. him. But not until the individual or slaughtered, with the sole object of ject any and all bids. also are concerned in conditions Erwin Harrison, County Clerk. the community affected by the given inflicting suffering, All this has been which threaten to affect seriously the Once on a time there was a village First publication March 21, 1918. funds of the fire insurance companies. Peeping Tom, and he was caught by problem has done his or its utmost done not in license or passion, but by Last publication April 4, 1918. Owing to war conditions, the ordi­ the townspeople in the pursuit of his to solve the problem at home should the calculating ferocity of scientific appeal be made to any department of soldiers.” nary expenses have greatly increased, favorite occupation. The angry crowd government. Complaint is frequently Notice to Contractors. including postage 50 per cent, travel­ The above was not written, though could not agree on what to do with heard against the government for do­ it might have been yesterday, last Notice is hereby given that the ing expenses 10 per cent, printing and the culprit, but Anally decided to leave ing things which individuals consider week, last month, or last year. It County Court of Tillamook County, supplies 5c per cent, cost of repairs to it to the community's wise man. ”1 detrimental to their insercsts, and in appeared in the English Fortnightly Oregon, will until 10:00 o'clock a. m. buildings damaged by fire more than don’t know” was the reply. “But practically the same breath com­ Review February, 1871, shortly before of April 5, 1918, receive proposals for 50 per cent, and general office sup­ whatever you do don’t nail his ears to plaints against it for not doing things the surrender of Paris. Frederick constructing the Stanley Bridge plies from 10 to 25 per cent. The one the town pump." which the individual considers to be Harrison, the writer, is still alive. Its according to the plans and specifica­ per cent Federal revenue tax oil gross I Somehow we think of this interest­ his advantage. The government can't statements were true, are true now. tions in this office, and at that time premiums will cost the companies ing fable when we read about the do everything, nor can it be faultless­ Julius Caesar in his Commentaries publicly opened and rrad. about l'/i on net premiums. Other violent ebullitions of popular senti­ Each propose! shall be in a scaled Federal taxes are hca*y, but have not narrates which show that even before ment throughout the. country, which ly in all that it does do . The labor situation throughout the the time of Christ the Germans dem­ envelope plainly marked on the out­ yet been exactly estimated. find expressions in duckings, or tar country is a matter justifying appeal onstrated the possession of all of the side "Proposal for the construction of For the ten years ending December and feathers, or riding on a rail, or Stanley Bridge,” and 31, 1916, the average underwritng kissing the flag, or the like, for sun­ to the government of state or nation rudiments of their modern "kultur.” the dry persons who have not been dis­ for aid in meeting, but not until the It is no new thing; and hundreds of shall be accompanied by cash, certifi­ profit in the United States, for over the community, the thousands of men will have died in ed check or bidder’s bond equal in one hundred companies, was only 1.67 creet enough to hide their pro-Ger- individual, manism. The Oregonian had in it« county and the district have done vain in this war if this sinister thing amount to 5 per cent of the amount per cent. Clearly,, the increased ex­ news columns yesterday, half a dozen their inmost to solve it for them­ is not absolutely rnd utterly extermi­ bid, the same to be made payable to penses alone will cause a loss on the items on that subject. They came from selves. There is everywhere man nated forever by the forces of civili- Tillamook County. Proposals shall be underwriting account in 1918. made on the form furnished by the The estimated decrease in value of as far West as rlillamook, Oregon, power that is not being utilized. In ziation arrayed against it. County Clerk. securities owned by fire insurance and as far East as Ohio. Farther on some instances it i» sufficient to com­ The court reserves the right to re­ companies will represent approxi­ in Boston the more orderly way of pletely relieve the labor shortage, To The Voters of Tillamook County. ject any and all bids. mately 10 per cent. Values are likely bringing a notorious alien enemy, Dr. could it be made effective In such Erwin Harrison, County Clerk. to drop further if war conditions con­ cases it is the unquestionable duty of Karl Muck, conductor of the Boston I hereby take this method of an­ First publication March 21, 1918. tinue. The Insurance Departments Symphony Orchestra, before the those effected to strive to make avail­ nouncing my candidacy for the nomi­ Last publication April 4, 1918. may afford temporary relief by rul- able the labor that is within reach, courts was taken. They have no sense nation of County Commissioner on ings on values, but a company can of humor in Boston. Sedition is a ser­ whatever may be the cause of Hs the Republican ticket at the primary only consider its assets worfli w hat Notice to Contractors. ious matter, and it is taken seriously, present inactivity. It is the height election to be held May 17, 1918. Notice is hereby given that the they can actually bring in the market. and is to be dealt with seriously. We folly to go beyond our own commun­ Will work for the best interests of Since the war opened, lire insurance like the Boston viewpoint, however. ity or county boarder to secure help the taxpayers and citizens of Tilla­ County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, will until 10:00 o’clock a.m. I has been about the only tlinig that when that help could be obtained 1 It is slow, but efficacious: at least we mook County, especially in the mat­ of April 5, 1918, receive proposals for has not increased in cost. It is an old proper measures were used right hope it will be. er of roads. I will insist on a definite constructing the Munson Creek bridge story. It is hopeless to expect losses We wonder at the termerity of ' "The solution of the labor problem road policy as follows: Appropriating according to the plans and specifica­ and expenses to decrease; so that, in those citizens who show their sympa­ as much of the road fund as possible tions in this office, and at that timq order to maintain the solvency of the is in one sense a real opportunity and thy, in words or in actions, or both, for the purpose of hard surfacing the publicly opened and read. companies on a high plane, some re­ with the public enemy. They strange­ not a calamity. In thousand of lo­ main highways without neglecting Each proposal shall be in a sealed lief will have to be sought in the way calities it will bind the variousele ­ ly mistake the American temper and the tributary roads, and conforming envelope plainly marked on the out­ of income. The strongest companies thought. Somehow, they have come ments of the community <°Ke‘^r to the state regulations when the side "Proposal for the construction of have made provision for many years effort for the common good and, in to regard tolerance »s indifference same are to the interest of Tillamook the Munson Creek Bridge”, and against possible disaster; Init wisdom addition, will leach the lesson o and silence as cowardice; but the days County. shall be accompanied by cash, certifi-| requires that their strong position °f silence and of tolerance arc rapid­ community efficiency as few s tua Respectfully, cd check or bidder’s bond equal in ¡shall 1 be maintained instead of bring ly passing. Your pro-Gertnan, or half- I tions heretofore experienced have H. M. Farmer. amount to 5 per cent of the amount J I weakened. Jit <1 done. — Oregon l-'armer . and-half American, is handling dyna­ J PC A 1XV i r T he L atest r 1 .Mi 12 Ì Electricity's latest gift to the housewife greatest since the electric iron and electric vacuum cleaner—the Western Electric P ortable S ewing M achine No more tiresome treadle pushing no more backache—a little electric motor does the hard work. A foot control gives any speed desired. The entire machine in its case can be carried anywhere—it’s no larger than a typewriter. Ask for a demonstra­ tion. Ì N COAST PO WE RCO THE ELECTRIC STORE. Buy your Liberty Bonds from Uncle Sam and your groceiies from C. O. A. C. M. Dawson. m Big Super Production—The Greatest Human .OilO^ Story Ever Told—A Film Story of a »war j .... a ah Thousand Years. Eight Reels. Featuring GLADYS BROCKWELL, GEORGE WALSH and MIRIAM COOPER. This picture is the first of a series of “Big Super Features" which we have contracted for, and will oiler from time to time. Something above the ordinary photoplay. Don't let anything prevent you seeing this amazing play. AT THE GEM THEATRE, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3rd. Adults 20c. Children 10c. Watch for “Blue JEANS.” See poster on the big advertising board opposite Haltom’s.