TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT' MARCH 23, 1918 ■ to the best policy to be pursued in re- Rowe is Pleased with Work. I gard to road work. Inert is good ------ o------ • business judgment in the idea of con- Legal Advertisements. Frank A. Rowe, County Chairman I serving as much road money as pos- First Insertion per line ............. $ .10 ' sible, and delaying the road work in of the Tillamook County- Liberty Each subsequent insertion, line. TILLAMOOK. OREGON •<>5'me county until such time as labor Loan Committee, is pleased with the Business and Professional cards land material are cheaper. From what work thus far. He says: “1 am greatly pleased with ’he way one month....................................... l.oo-we can gather, it will be a loss of the Liberty Loan campaign is being 9 Locals per line each insertion... about 40 per cent of the ro.id money 05 to build roads now. From that point .organized, in the several I districts of Display advertisements, an inch which c—........ of view it would seem Un most sen­ the county the committees and Lodge Notices, per line . ■°5 I sible thing to do to conserve the have charge of the work arc working All Resolutions of Condolence road money. This is what some of the hard to get their organization primed one month...................................... ■ 50 other counties are doing. Un the oth­ I for the work. With such hard work- er hand however, there are roads that I ing and capable men at the head of the work in the various communities THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT should be improved for local travel, as we have I feel positive that T illa- especially where local industries have F. C. BAKER, Publisher. been established, which must and mook County will by far oversub should be looked after. That is the scribe her quota. \\ bile the 3r through the entire length of the coun­ ing the matter over. Anything of this tie of Trafalar was: “England ex- ty. But after giving the matter a little kind that has to be organized in of the drive for the Third Liberty Loan and in pects every man to do his duty.1 1 he consideration, we believe they will secret and then spring on the people order to co-operate with the Liberty Loan Board same* thing applies to the Liberty sec the wisdom of this. In the first and will not stand discussion at pub­ and put our county “Over The Top” on the first Loan drive, with this difference. “The place, it is doubtful whether the gov- lic gatherings is not, as a rule a very United States expects every man to ernment would allow the county to good institution to tic to. Who sus­ day of the drive, we are closing our place of busi­ ■do his duty” The day that Lord Nel­ sell bonds, and coupled with the high pected that the Bolshevicki in Russia ness until four o’clock in the afternoon. son uttered those words he received rate of interest and the extra cost of had such forces until they finally We request you to make your purchases so a fatal wound on the battle ship vic­ construction on account of scarcity of broke out and now we know that tory and was carried below to the labor, which is needed elsewhere, it the leaders of russia had sold out far as possible on Friday, April 5. cock pit where he expired. But the has been thought wise to delay the to the Germ; n Kaiser and Prussian- There will be no city deliveries on April 6, Victory was one of the ships that county bonding until fall. This would ism. and the store will be open only from 4 to 10 p.m. carried on the fight and won what is save the expense of holding a special Do you, Mr. Farmer, want to tic up known as the battle of Trafalgar, election. And another thing, even if with the “Wabblies” the Bolsheviki C. O. & C. M. DAWSON. Every person who subscribes for a another special election was held, by and the pro-Germans in working Liberty Loan is helping the country the time the legality of the same was against the very thing our boys in win a victory over the tyranny of a thrashed out in the courts, it would be France and our farmers, spruce men blood thirsty kaiser and the junkers too late this year to expend the mon- and shipbuilders and all of us at home of Germany, who are fighting to con­ uy, even if the war should cease and arc fighting for? If not, then be care­ quer the world and bring it under the country return to normal condi­ ful about joining the non-partisan their rule. tions. Should the citizens decide to league which is dominated by bosses bond the county at the fall election, to greater extent than any political Everyone should get the Liberty and there is no doubt whatever but party tin- country has ever known. Loan spirit, and everybody should do they will, the county will be in a po­ You only need to investigate the mat­ their bit cheerfully. That is the spirit sition early next year to map out an ter thoroughly to be convinced. that should prevail in Tillamook excessive road program. Taking all A Citizen. county when the Liberty Loan drive the conditions under consideration, starts one week from next Saturday, we think this is the wisest tiling to do The greatest steam locomotive in and should be kept lip while the drive and to the best interest of the county the world has been put into service by lasts. There will be no misgivings and the good roads movement for a the Maidwin locomotive works. It is about this county not reaching above hard surfaced road through the coun- so gigantic that its boilers had to be its quota if we all start with the right ty- made flexible at three different joints spirit, keyed up with enthuiasm and so that the locomotive could turn our patriotic duty. The government of around a curve. It is more than 100 The Frame-Ups. 1756 the Gentleman’s Magazine said; has won here, given back the rags the United States is making a demand feet tong and weighs some 450 tons. “They repaired to their respective and wooden shoes in which he landed ■" o upon us to do our best and we should Twsaty-four drive wheels, each and told that he was on his way to all liberally respond, considering it The Rowe-Baker frame-up which standing as high as an average sized cantonments.” ----- o----- Germany no wild animal in all the a grand privilege to do so. \\ c appeal was to boost Representative F. A. man, afford its traction. In “Less Than the Dust,” the new mountains and swamps of the United to every person in Tillamook county Rowe for U. S. Senator for the ------ o—- to get the Liberty Loan spirit, mak­ short term, has developed another The French soldier is paid $20 a picture in which Mary I’ickford is States would scratch and bite and ing this the biggest drive ever pulled frame up in Portland. The Portland year; the German $38 a year; the appearing she will be introduced to kick and squawk more vigorously off in this county. That would be in­ frame-up is to this effect: Ex-l'nited British, $89 a year, and the American her host of admirers in the guise of than he would. These Gcrman-Amer- significant to what the English army States Senator Mulky is to run for soldier, $360 a year. War is now cost­ a deserted orphan of English birth ican do not want to be sent back to has been up against the past week, the position, and when he is ebeted ing the nations of the world six and a who has been adopted by a sword their Kaiser and their fatherland.” and which saved the allies from a lu is to resign and the Governor to half million dollars an hour and iho maker in an East India city and rear- severe and crushing defeat. appoint the Republican whois olrcled million dollars a day. The United ed among the natives, Later is dis­ Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a Fav­ orite for Colds. for the long term. We hope Repre­ States is under an expense running to covered who she is but not until she J. L. Easley, Macon, III., in speaking "Over The Top in One Day!" That sentative Rowe will file his petition fully one-fourth of the total amount, has gone through all of the anguish following the treatment by those who of Chamberlain’s cough remedy says, is the slogan of the Liberty Loan and give the Portland frame up a run. at least 40 million dollars a day. know her only as one of the lower 'During the past fifteen years it has boosters in Tillamook County. The We cut this from an exchange: been -ny sister’s favorite medicine for Headlight suggested this several A colored minister of the Baptist caste and less than the dust. Editor Fred C. Baker, of the Tilla­ colds on the lungs. I myself have scenario, , full of drama, th weeks ago and the committee thought mook Headlight, has sprung the name church, so runs a story, in order to taken it a number of times when suf­ scenes and < delightful con \j it was a good idea and intend going ol State Representative F. A. Rowe strengthen and confirm the faith of written by Hector Turnbull fering with a cold and it always re­ over the top on the opening day of for United States Senator for the his congregation, took as his tex;: lieves me promptly.” John Emerson as the director. the drive. Most of our citizens have short term, “ In those days came John the Baptist which will cover a period supporting cast is one of distinction made lip their minds, also the amount of but a lew weeks. Baker thinks it preaching in the wilderness of Judea.” and in all more than two hundred and of money they are going to subscribe will give I dlaniook some advertising "< >h” said lie, ‘how 1 like to read TOWERS FISH BRAND fifty people appear in the scenes and this can be done in one day, and will also give the county some these precious words in the blessed which arc laid in India and England. without extendng the time over sev­ prestige Bible! You don ’ t read anywhere w hen it comes to going alter In one of- the incidents of the battle eral days. That is the idea the com­ harbor improvements.— New berg about John the Presbyterian, or mittee want us to impress upon the John the Methodist, or John the Epis­ scene the little girl rescues a British Graphic. Practical as a soldier who has been wounded and people of Tillamook county, and we T red C. Baker, editor of the Tilla­ copalian. No brother it is John the he in the end wins her heart. To be hope they will readily comply with I plow, and just mook Headlight, has entered into a Baptist.”—Christian Register . shown at the Gem Theatre, Tuesday, the wishes of the committee. It is not political frameup whereby he is to as necessary < ven necessary towait for the opining in connection with the comment on April 2. boost a friend for the short term Make every --■o day of the drive, tor persons can go United States senatorship aad the “cantonment" a subscriber writes that “It is hard to understand what the to the banks in their banking district rainy day the term was used by the United friends of the other man are to boost pro-Germans in our country V. ant. and make arrangements to have their count. the editor. But we arc afraid Baker States army at least as early as 1830. They left Germany because f a 1'1; subscriptions placed on file and re­ will never make it. He is too honest “Cantonment Leavenworth,” “Can­ of opportunity there, because corded on the opening day of the tonment Gibons." etc., arc cited as Waterproofs and gives publicity to the deni in his drive. Do not delay but attend to it dislike for military service under Absolute own paper. One so lacking in political thus used. Washington Irving in 1837 right away. We feel sure Tillamook Prussian conditions bccaus- of the are Marked sagacity is too innocent to associate used the word as if it was well estab­ county can go over the top the first caste system which kept them under thus — with the pork barrel statesmen at lished,” writing that “All hands now day and we feel sure it will de so if there every avenue of business and so­ Washington. Otherwise than that get to work to prepare a winter can­ there is no delay in our citizens re­ cial and political a Iv nc. m . t is tonment." In 1813 Wellington wrote: Baker seems to have many of the cording their subscriptions. thrown wide open f them :>:i.| their necessary qualifications.— Cottage “The distress of the Spanish troops I children. And 1 a' c su.c that if * * * induced me to order them Grove Seminal. AJT0WIRC0. BOSTON, The »nap »hot man is in doubt as into cantonments." As far back as one of these pr< spe OU» Germans were deprived of the money that he Fatigue and Toxin. ADVERTISING RATES. » CHRISTIAN CHURCH « Friday, March 29, 7:30, p. m. The bleu that fatigue Is to some place where "fruits In season” on the menu doesn't mean chiefly bananas.—Ohio State Journa . Hint to Young Men. Young men run aid In the conser­ vation of coal nnd electric current by terminating their calls at a patriotic hour. Resides, every girl needs n cer­ tain amount of sleep.—Pittsburgh zette-Tlmes. Typewriting Fades Out. It has been found that typewriting on parchment deeds is not durable. In recent deeds deposited within - ~->ry vei years many lines are Illegible nnd set ernl lines have completely disappear" ' REFLEX SLICKER Crayon Will Help. When someone has knocked n " 11 place In the wall paper cop.'- the - coloring of the figure with crayi"1 and the spot will not show. Facial Failure. our friend isn't much stu.s __ ..... looks.” She—“Say. * wouldn't dare shoot her own husban —Judge. Scientific Foresight. How did the boy get his cycle?" “He seized the cycle-loi* I moment to ask for It.” I