íillamook TILLAMOOK. OREGON. Tillamook Jottings 'i-iHcair eTu?kcr.. at lhc V huren Sunday Evening. • 1.50 PER YEAR Christian Samuel Downs vs. L. E. Partridge and Leo Morrison is a suit filed in the burnished and unfurnished rooms circuit court to recover damages, the I n a . Wise, dentist, to rent. Shaw’s apartments, 4th complaint alleging that the defend- hould be hen-dairy cow skcaid i fed some house East of Miller Ave. on6th‘ants ' * Street. the plaintiff’s [¿,tiJ"i! M -Kay & Co. d unlawfully aoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough The Tillamook County Creamery — and injured Creamery association will hold their monthly electrical fixtures and other fixtures ts I meeting Monday at 10:30 at the City to the amount of $100.00, plaintiff is Tucker at the Christian I Hall. 7 now claiming treble that amount. . "y Sunday Evening. Mrs. J. C. Holden gave a musical In conformity with the rule formed I Jjib-Schrader Co. will pay ioc. elsewhere, all wood orders must be party to 13 of her junior class Satur­ L: for good sac^s- accompanied by payment in advance. day evening. The evening was pleas­ The Liberty Loan Board held a there will be no excuses for any one pt. Shearer, physician and surgeon, —A. F. Coats Lumber Co. • antly spent in games and music. Pleasing musical numbers were rend­ business meeting Tuesday evening not taking part. (¡jrtrdale, Ore. Married on the 23rd of March, at ered by Camille Haltom, Dorothy and adopted the slogan “Over the The formation and line of march Iiuf.penbi.nder s !i: feed for less. Bay City, Rev. H. J. Hickerson pastor Kirk, Corinne Jenkins, Kathryn Mc­ lop the first day,” for the Liberty will appear in the papers next week. * I of the M. E. Church of Bay City of­ Kinley, l.iona Holden, LaVant Hol­ Loan drive. In order to live up to Suggestions of any sort will be thank­ ¿pit the wareinuse. ficiating, William B. Dyer and Doro­ den and Lee Stillwell. A dainty lunch this slogan the Board determined that fully received. Make them to lra C. Jewelry, clocks, watches, silvcr- thy Kerr. | Jttelry.^clocks^ was served. the business houses should close Sat­ Smith, who has charge of parade. are._R. Lie. — W. Bennett. urday, April 6, until lour o’clock in Nestucca Valley ranches can’t be your insur- • ; t IV. A. Church wri Over $41,000 in 5-cent Smilage pt the afternoon. It was the sentiment Liberty Loan Antbem Cbosen. * beat. We have just what you want Cbosen. coupons have come in from the big i«- The "Liberty Loan Anthem,” dedi­ r.t prices and terms to suit purchasers, camps to headquarters at thy Com­ of the Board that this policy would jl W. Bennett, expert watch re- laylor Real Estate Agency, Clover­ allow the business men to devoete mission on I rainang Camp Activities all their time that day to the taking cated to the success of the third ap­ giring. S. P- Watch inspector. » dale, Or. » in W ashington. These coupons repre­ of subscriptions to the loan and in­ peal to the nation for funds to carry The soil doctor i; sold by Kuppen- on the war, was formally approved by Demand that your contractor use sent admissions to theatrical events •ader. * Santa Cruz cement. It is always uni­ at the camps. Soldiers from the small­ sure the success of the slogan “Over ! the loan committee of the New York I the top the first day.” ; federal reserve district. It is designed Beu in the W1 st—Oregon Portland form and has exceptional fast setting er towns received their books early, The desire of the board is that the I for use throughout the country. qualities which is preferred. For sale because of the prompt response of ffii-nt. Always uniform and fresh. people take care of their business in The music was written by Mrs Geo. zmb-Schrader Co. » at the Kuppenbendcr Warehouse. * these places when Smilage books town so far as possible on Friday Barton Rrench. The words, by Chas. E. T. Parker vs. Bertha Lauritzen were placed on sale, and many cases April 5th, so that the entire day of W. Gordon follow: fcrSale or trade—Merry-Go-round, and E. T .Parker and T. B. Potter have used them up. Saturday, April 6th may be devoted to "Heaven senjt liberty, our nation’s ux 144 Tillamook Oregon. Realty C°. and Nellie L. Howard are pride, The first regular business meeting the pushing of the Liberty Loan He handle Trojan Powder. Best for are three tax certificate suits filed in campaign. The Board urges that the Our fathers fought for thee—fought, of the Tillamook City War Savings imping.— Tillamook F Feed ’eed Co. * the circuit court. bled and died. Society will be held in the court people make up their minds now to hinted to trade city property for The O. E. S. Kingston will meet house next Monday evening at eight buy bonds and buy them on the first Then was our flag unfurled, emblem jeage close to city.—See Shrode. ♦ at the Masonic Hall, Tuesday, April o’clock. It is earnestly desired that day of the drive, Saturday, April 6th. sublime, You intend to buy bonds, buy them Announcing the new Grant Six, the 2, A full attendance is desired. Mrs. all members, and others who want to the first day. Our country and our al­ A light unto the world through end­ less time. st ever. S:c Kuppenbendcr. ♦ 'Rhodes and Mrs. Todd are hostesses have a part in winning this war, be lies are depending on us, and it is up Our watchward still shall be Tn God for the afternoon. present. This W. S. S. was organized to us to do our full patriotic duty. Let Kuppenbender tell you hew to We trust.* Marriage licenses were issued to a little over a week ago and now has A proclamation; pem-ney on ycur cement work. ♦ Striving that all may see our cause is a membership of about 100. Everyone William D. Dyer, of Hillsboro, and Tillamook County is to go over the just, udge G. R. Bagle"y came in to hear Dorothy Kerr, of Tillamook; William come out and help in this great top on Saturday April 6, 1918. by sub­ We fight for liberty and shall not work. id eas:« in the circuit court. B. Watt, of Brighton, and Florence scribing its quota of the third Liberty cease, My client has 40 acre farm just 3 Loan in one day. ■ Jest by Test—Oregon Portland Nelson, of Tillamook. Till freedom's victory brings lasting miles from city Lent. For sale by Lamb Schrader To insure success, a holiday is here­ peace, For sale, brush land at Hood River. southeast, right limits of Portland * - up to date in every by proclaimed for Tillamook City on Now in our allies’ latid, breasting Three crops of alfalfa when cleared. . detail with everything in stock war’s tide, ■ id Wessinger and Henry Wagner Will sell on time and loan money for equipment first class, Income and this date, to continue until 4 o’clock for p.m. All places of business shall re­ Our sons march hand in hand, God is ■ George B. Jacobs et al is an in- improvements to right man for dairy­ cream and pdrk averages about $200 main closed until that hour, unless their guide. Kction suit filed in the circuit court, ing.—F. P. Friday, Hood River, Or. * a month, want Tillamook dairy farm the loan be sooner subscribed. Once more we hear the call ‘Keep the Married at the parsonage of the in exchange for this fine home place. i jlr and Mrs. Geo. Willett and R ,T. Boals, World Free.’ [Litter will return to their home in Methodist church, March 25th;_ Mr. 11 you have something to offer will Mayor. Rise—rise—and give your all, for lib­ William B. Watt, of Brighton and send you full particulars. Neal Brown erty.” ■ fast, leaving next Tuesday. Miss Florence Nelson, of Portland, ¿07 Panama Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Bond Issue is $3,000,000,000. lililí pay you to see Everson lor a Oregon. Dr. Chas E. Gibson officiat­ Tbe Jersey Sale Next Week. It investment in city property or \\ e are a little late in announcing Washington, March, 25—The third I fc lands. * ing. the marriage of V. F. Learned, one of liberty loan, to open April 6, will be The Curtis Jersey sale to be held ■ Er sal.’, a horse, weight 1350 tbs, Mrs. Bessie Williams, Mrs. Myrtle the soldiers from Cloverdale, to Miss for $3,000,000,000, and all over sub­ in Tillamook, April 2, promises to » r;years old, for $125.00. Ike Quick Follett and Mrs. Millie Thompson Grace Edmunds, of Pacifc City, scriptions at 4/2 per cent interest. have been arrested for keeping a which took place at Portland Mon­ Bonds of the first loan, bearing 3% draw a big crowd. It is probably the Lai phone. herd of production bred house of ill fame and they are to have day, March 11, Previous to his enlist­ per cent interest, may be converted greatest H : Sale—8 head milk cows, all giv- a hearing before the City Recorder ing Mr. Learned was one of Clover­ into "the new bonds, but those of the Jersey cattle that has ever been of­ í . ilk, except one due to freshen on Thursday. dale’s business men and has a large third loan will not be ccnvertable in­ fered at public auction cither cast or West, and buyers will be present f the tenth. 2* Richard Elmer Meyers of Nehalem, circle of friends in this end of the to any future issue. This announcement was made to­ from long distances. {e Honor System” big super Ernest Edmunds, of Pacific City; county. The bride is the daughter of A little analysis of the breeding rep­ :tion at the Gem Theatre next Carl Emery, oh Hebo, and Row'and ‘^r- and Mrs. D. T. Edmunds, of Pa­ night by Secretary McAdoo with the resented in this herd we believe will now comment that “ the great events cific City, and is a cultured and highly Fraser, of Tillamook, the first draft­ tsday, April 3. respected young lady. The Courier happening in France must fire the be of interest to the dairymen of Til­ ed men from this county, will leave and their many friends wish them all soul of every American with a new lamook county. The herd is headed on Sunday morning. the joys of a happy, wedded life.— determination to furnish all the dol- by Pappy's Golden St Mawes, a son lars and all the material resources of of Rosarie's Olga Lad, who sired 27 For Sale—I horse, I surrey, hay $8 Cloverdale Courier. , America that are needed to put an register of merit daughters at the Ed. a ton, I pen birds of thorough bred I he 1 illamook Rifle Club invites Hamburgs, 1 incuba- men in the draft who arc in class one i end to the execrable atrocities of Ger­ Cary farm, Carlton, Ore., and is out iutomobile, the snappiest car on ! Silver Stangler _ of St. Manes Poppy, the best daugh­ old and next to An- | tor 63 eggs, some wooden beds and man militarism.’ Mrs. spring. Noble Apply B. Anderson ' Mutual »< ---- 1 of Phone. * I other furniture, 1 cheap range. H. L. and now subject to calll to come and | It was generally thought that Tilla­ ter of St Maucs, her record being Vetsch, tic daughter, California, are drill with the club. The club is a mook County’s quota in the third Lib­ 1,120 pounds of butter in a year. This at — the Tillamook Hotel. ated Durham calves, pure bred, Fowlqr, the Weston Place. member of the National Rifle Asso­ erty Loan drive would be somewhere young bull has sired some grand in­ two weeks old up. —J. the E. Fisher, Guy Worsley Stockman was one of ciation and is acting as a home guard near $>200,000, but now that the gov- 1 dividuals and thirteen of them will be vuppenbender about Grant the eleven men to be drawn in Wash­ for Tillamook County. The present eminent has placed tell amount to be- in the sale. A number of the heifers ■pr, Oregon, Motor R. A. E uj not be insured in the best fire ington, , where he registered. He has membership is 65 and is well equipped raised to $3,000,000,000, this will prob­ already in milk so that those inter­ h nice company, it costs no more, been working at Viereck’s bakery for lor any emergency that may arise. ably bring the quota for Tillamook ested will not only know the value of B^erson. *'a year. He left Moiday to report to The armory is used for drill purposes county to about what it was in the the breeding stock of the animals but and every Wednesday evening is the second Liberty Loan drive, which will get a line of what they are apt night for drill. Captain L. A. King ; was $98,000. to produce. [»Sale—New modern residence, J the sheriff of Washington County. who was formerly captain of the O. Another sire represented in the herd g ad in best residence district. For > Remember the three big stars in A. C. is doing good work and getting is Lavina’s Olga Lad, a son of Ros- ■