TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MARCH 14, “Th« Kingdom of Love.” ------ 0------ A splendid new photoplay that William Fox has made will apper.r at the Gem Theatre on Thursday, March 21. It is called “The Kingdom of Love,” and in it is a new star, Jewel Carmen, whcm we have known in times past as a leading women of great ability and beauty, The play is one. that deals with the carte" of an extraordinary girl who is thrown into the vortex of life among gold seekers of the North. The play is full of thrilling circum­ stances and display of human emotion, and it gives opportunity for many un­ usual and brilliant scenes. It is cone in the fashion that has brought fame to the name of William Fox and it is absorbingly interesting from start to finish. The director of this play is Frank Lloyd, who made such big pictures as “A Tale of Two Cities” which is one of the most brilliant things that has been seen upon the screen. An excel­ lent cast of Fox players surround the star and there is no doubt of the pleasure that this play will give. It is certainliy something that every lover of moving pictures will be anxious to see, and a great deal of interest has been awakened by its announcement. It is said that some of the incidents in this play have been put on the screen in an entirely new way and that there are many unusual features which will make the production one long to be remembered. Bruce Wade Joins Army. Bakersfield, Cal., Feb. 28, 1918. My dear Folks.—My country has called and I cannot refuse her, and am glad to be able to serve her. Was not called through the draft, although it was only a matter of a few short weeks until I should have been. But the Engineer’s Corps No. 319 is being organized and they have sent out a strong urgent appeal for men of trades to fill the many vacancies; and why should I turn them down? I simply could not bear to think of be­ ing dragged into this war by draft. So many of my friends are doing their hit, leaving homes and loved ones to offer their lives, if need be for the protection of the onec left behind. So 1, too, have offered myself to serve with the Engineer’s Corps. I quit my job tonight and leave Monday for Camp Freemont to join them. Of course there will be another physical examination held there, but I sincer­ ely hope and believe that I will be ac­ cepted. Do not think that I have forgotten the loved ones at home nor our plans for that happy reunion for those same loved ones as wcl as others are en­ titled to the protection of all who are able to go. I wanted to help you but it seem: that this is the way in which I am to help and I am willing, and even eager to do it in that way if it is, an dif my life is spared I hope to join you after I have “done my bit” But if it is not my lot to return, you need never think of me as a piker, but as willingly giving al! 1 had. I leave here Monday. Will write when I get to the camp and give you my new ad­ dress. Am going as a truck driver. With love tc all, _____________ B.uce, Thrills in “The Little America.” In staging the spectacular scenes for Mary Pickford’s great patriotic picture, “The Little American” will score one of the biggest hits ever evinced at the Gem Theatre, many ac­ tual dangers confronted Miss Pick­ ford and the many other players in the production. The scene depicting views, in the luxurous ball-room of the ocean liner when it was torpedoed created a sensation even among the hardened members of the filfm pro­ ducing circles around Los Angeles, where the picture was produced. A vivid idea of the true cause for patriotism on the part of every Amer­ ican in connection with the great world war can be had from tne new Mary Pickford-Artcraft picture “The Little American”. In producing this subject Cecil B. De Mi'.le, the genius of screencraft based his play on actual facts and carefully avoided exaggera­ tion so often prominent in films of this nature. Every detail was staged only after it had received the endorse­ ment of an authority and various ex­ perts on matters pertaining to the great war, were called in to collabor­ ate in the presentation of different scenes. As a result the picture has been named as the most faithful re­ production of true conditions, by many who are in a position to judge. Don’t miss this to be shown at the Gem Theatre Tuesday evening, March 19. __ officers are Mrs. Ruth Desmond, MAKING A MAN OF THE BOY | Pres.; Mrs Nora Blum, Sec.; Mrs. R. W. Mills, chairman of sewing com­ •choolmastsr Ha« the Great Task In mittee. _______ Hand, and on Him Depends toe Recently British officers boarded an Argentine ship bound for the United States and asked for a famous opera singer on board the ship. They seized a lot of the singers curl papers, treat­ ed them chemically and read the code writing that appeared on them. A women member of the contingent then had the women stripped for the bath and discovered that inscribed on her shoulders was the key to the ciph­ er. The woman was a German spy in the pay of Count Luxberg, formerly German ambassador to Argentine. Pleasant Valley Auxiliary. ——O------ The last week in February the fol­ lowing articles weren sent in, made since January 3rd, time of organizing 1 doz. ice bag covers; t doz. tray cloths, I doz napkins, 20 abdnomal bandages, 30 towels, 8 arm slings. 35 bandage foot sock, 7 ambulance pil­ lows ond covers. Members, 69, average attendance, 20, meet Thursdays of each week. The • Is the World's Food Base. Our Boys hold one line with their lives, will you hold the other line at your table. The sum of all admonitions Is that the schoolboy must pay attention. That Is precisely what he Is doing, writes 8. M frothers, in the Atlantic. He Is paying attention to 11 variety of ydngs that ¿scape tie adult tuliiS. As he wriggies An the bench In the school­ room he pays nttentiou To uTl that Is going on. He attends to what is going on out-of-doors; he sees the weak points of his fellow pupils against whom he Is planning punitive expedl- j tlons; and he Is delightfully conscious of the Idiosyncrasies of the teacher. Moreover, he Is a youthful artist and his sketches from life give acute loy to his contemporaries when they are i furtively passed around. ISS SALENA DICK, But the schoolmaster says sternly: “My boy. you must learn to pny atten­ TEACHER OF PIANO. tion; that Is to say, you must not pay PRIMARY AND ADVANCE attention to so many things, but you INSTRUCTION. M ontbly Musicals given for must pay attention to one thing, nnnie- ly the second declension." given for benefit of Pupils. 1 Now the second declension Is the Prices Reasonable. I least Interesting thing In the room, but unless he coniines his attention to It he will never learn It. Education R. O. L. HOHLFELD, demands narrowing of attention In the Interest of efficiency. VETERINARIAN. A man may, by dint of application Office at to a particular subject, become a suc­ cessful merchant or real estate man or TODD HOTEL, chemist or overseer of the poor. But Tillamook - - Oregon. he cannot be all these things at the same time. He must make his choice. | Hnvlng in the preseace of witnesses taken himself for better or for worse, he must, forsaking all others, cleave to that alone. The consequence Is ■ that by the time he is forty he has become one kind of a man and Is able to do one kind of work. The Store that Sells Only for Cash And Selling for Cash Sells for Less Headquarters for Easter Outfits Clothin^ShoesHats-Gloves-Neckwear For Every ¿Member of the Family. Wai Condition of Indiana EASTER NECKWEAR At 69c. Each, 3 For $2.00 You Will not Care to ¿Miss. Smart snappy colorings and designs jn generously wide flowing end ties of beautiful quality silks. Dark and light grounds with a multiplicity of new designs, popular pat­ terns in stripes and very smart patterns in Oriental designs and colorings Actually these ties sell at $1.00 each, but we bought an extra special lot at a price con­ cession that enabled us to offer them to you at this great saving. Each day’s express delivery brings new models in these famous Suits for men. See window, then step into our Men’s Shop and we will gladly show and fit any of these new suits,_____________________ llfraneombe, England, Possesses His­ toric Edifice, Where the Sailors Of­ fered Prayer Before Going to Sea. Tonic. Kokomo, Ind.—Mrs. H. Hankemeier, of this town, says. “I look so well, and am so well, that it does not seem as if I ever needed Cardui. But I was not al­ ways this way ... I think I have taken a dozen bottles ... before my little girl came. 1 was feeling dreadfully bad, had head­ ache, backache, sick at my stomach, no energy ... 1 was very irritable, too, and nervous. 1 began taking Cardui about 6 months before my baby came. As a result all those bad feelings left me, and 1 just felt grand, just as if nothing at all was the matter, and when the end came 1 was hardly sick at all. Since that 1 have never taken Cardui at all .. . It has done me good, and 1 know it will help others, if they will only try it.” Many women have written grateful let­ ters like the above, telling of the good that Cardui has done them. Why should it not help you, too? If you suffer from any of the ailments so common to women, and feel the need of a safe, reliable, strengthening tonic, we urge you to be­ gin today and give Cardui a fair trial. Your dealer sells Card-u-i. EB 10 SEEDS “Buckeye” Incubators and Brooder Stoves Diamond Poultry Foods Bee Supplies Fertilizers for Cata fog Ha 9 ORTLAN D SEED CO.^g^ P « lOWEJtj I FISH BRAND 6e«d Counter Serviceable. will you dry nothing else will \ DEALERS EVERYWHERE — BOSTON Cheese Maker Wanted. The Pacific City Creamery Company will consider bids for a cheesemaker for this season. Work to commence about'April 20, 1918. Send bids to Crystal Bays, secretary .Voods, Oregon. SALE OF LADIES’ SHOES $4.19 Pair Red Cross Shoe For Actual $8.00 Values. Limited One Pair to a Customer. An extraordinary sale of Ladies’ Fine Dress Shoes planned especially to encourage- early Easter shoe buying. These shoes, made by Amer­ ica's accepted foremost maker, come in Black Kid and patent vamps with contrasting 8J in. tops as illustrated, Louis Cuban heels, widths A to E and in all sizes, and Lace models only. Please note that these shoes can be bought only at this extraordinary- price on Saturday and Monday, March 16th and 18ih, and that only one pair will be sold to each customer. Very Special Easter Sale Prices on Practically the Entire Stock of LADIES’ FINE FOOTWEAR, $4.80—$5 15—$5.45—$6.35—$6.60—$6.95 Volcanoes Are a Blessing. For nil their upheavals it would not pay Central America to get rid of her volcanoes If she could, for these up­ heavals have created the finest coffee and sugar land in the world, notes a correspondent. Usually there are long, premonitory warnings and the annual deaths due to this cause are not equal to the number of persons killed yearly in automobile accidents around Now York. Neither words nor artist's brush could do justice to the wonderful at­ mospheric effects of the mountain lands. The changing lights and col­ ors. the purple mists, the vast white hanks of clouds, the cooling vapors that assume the colors of the rainbow at dawn and sunset, the mirages that throw mountain lakes and lofty peaks In the high heavens, resting, apparent­ ly. upon a base of blue ether, all these can never be described or for­ gotten. Valuable as a good laugh and a hap. py smile are for men and women In every activity, there are and always have been some stiffnecked, proper folk who have been a little suspicious of the good breeding of a hearty laugh, asserts an exchange. We have all heard women of the old school of man­ ners admit reluctantly that they “had to laugh" at a play they went to see, as if there were something too crude for well-bred folk In a hearty laugh, and If you could but face the audience In­ stead of the stage during the perform­ ance of a taking comedy you would see here and there prim, proper folk pull­ ing their faces straight the moment the curtain goes down and the lights go up for fear some one might think they hud bo far forgotten their manners as to share In the general laughter. Let FOR TWO DAYS ONLY, SATURDAY AND ¿MONDAY, ¿MARCH 16th and 18th llfraneombe, England, has a church on a pier, and Is the only seaside plnce In the world that has such a distinction. Indeed, llfraneombe would not possess the honor were It not for the fact thnt Lanterln Hill forms a part of the pier. Those who argue about the matter are always silenced by the plea that you have to go on the the pier In order to enter the church, observes n writer. The curious old building to be seen on the top of the hill has had many strange adventures. It Is dedicated to I St. Nicholas, the patron saint of sea­ faring folk, and in that connection It ■ Is Interesting to learn that at one time the old church was used as a light­ house. In bygone days the sailors I used to trudge up the hill to pray he- fore going to sea, and many were the regrets when the little edifice censed to hold Its services. It Is now used by the pier authorities for storing pur­ poses, but the day may come when it will be restored, and form one of many I attractive “sights” llfraneombe al-| rsndy possesses. Laughing and Good Breeding. A. J TOWER CO — Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits HAS CHURCH BUILT ON PIER Card-u-i, the Woman’s , m W See Our Window Display of New Easter ¿^Models in Lady Before Beginning to Take _________ ¿Men! Here's a Sale of IRRITABLE NERVOUS Checese Maker Wanted. The directors of the Pacific City ( reatnery Company will consider bids 1 for a chcesemaker for the coming year. All bids to be in by April 20. Right to reject any or all bids reserved. Crystal Bays, Sec. The American Kitchen Final Important Outcome. Spy News in Curl Paper. 1918. When testing seeds, It is necessary to count them and then space them evenly on moist sheets of blottlrtg pa- par, A device has been developed which does the wonk accurately and quickly. It Is used in conjunction with a vacuum pump operated by exerting pressure on a foot pedal, and consists of a metal contrivance having a square, fiat surface with 100 small perfora­ tions. When this Is brought In con­ tact with a quantity of grain and a partial vacuum created, the suction Uraws a kernel over each of the ori- Ices. By then piMlag the Instrument nu a blotter and releasing the pren- sure. the seeds are de posited tn regu­ lar order 00 the sheet. » « EASTER MILLINERY FORTHE GIRL OF SEVEN—THE MISS OF SEVENTEEN-OR HER MOTHER. VAOL’K Easter Cha- 1 peau will be both ultramodish and becom­ ing if you make your selection from the beau­ tiful creations now on view in our windows and Dept, on the Bal­ cony. Mrs. Critchlow has spent considerable time in the millinery style centres during the last few weeks and from the remarks of visitors to our Millinery Dept, she has chosen styles that are meeting with the approval of the women in this City who know and appreciate good style and becoming Mil­ linery, Fittings gladly given without obligating you to buy. For Two Days Oniy Saturday and ¿Monday. March 16th and 18th Ladies' Kid Gloves, $1.98 Pair. For Actual $2.50 Values. Limited 2 Pairs to each Customer. E have just received-and will place on Special Sale for two days only- '^aJa^ day and Monday, , March l«th _____ ’ Kid Glove# and 18th— Ladies in 111 Black, IJlcnn, White, »» iiatv, Tan and '•-- Grey, in all sizes from 6 to 71. J.hese *............j I Max are the famous ..... Meyer Gloves and i— if bought today would retail for 12.50 Pal Every pair perfect in lit allt^ Secure your holiday finish. gloves during tins Sale and thereby benefit by the wonder- ful saving afforded you in this exceptional event. W We have Pleasure in ^Announcing that MISS BOYLE, Of Seattle, Will assume full charge of the Ladies’ Rjeady to- Wear Dept. Saturday, ¿March 16th. ISS BOYLE comes to us with many years experience in the Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear business, and recommendations from previous employers of the very highest order. An excerpt from her former employers states:- Miss Boyle has wonderful ability as a fit- tcr in fact much the best that we have ever had and there have been a lot of them with us in our twenty years in that line.” The selections in New Spring Suits, Coats, Dresses and Skirts is more \aried and more economically’ priced than ever before and Miss Boyle will be glad to give you the benefit of her help and a< vice at any time and without obligating you in any way to pur­ chase at time or later. Special attention given to the fitting of Stylish Stouts R^EADY-TO- WEAR DEPT. — ON THE BALCONY. M