mllanwk Tillamook Jottings I Hear Tucker at the Church Sunday Evening. Christian I TILLAMOOK, OREGON. leaòligbt • 1.50 per year . Samuel Downs vs. L. E. Partridge Furnished and unfurnished rooms and Leo Morrison is a suit filed in the W. A. Wise, dentist. • circuit damages, the to rent. Shaw's apartments, 4th ....uu court to recover damag Every dairy cow should be fed some house East of Miller Ave. on 6th ‘ complaint alleging that the defend- int>’ Linseed Oil Meal.—Ray & Co. * Street. while renting the plaintiff’s *3. a property, wilfully and Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough unlawfully The Tillamook County Creamery destroyed, tore down and inittre.i Co. association will hold their monthly electrical fixtures and v.ner other fixtures I meeting Monday at 10:30 at the City- to the amount of $100.00, plai Hear Tucker at the Christian ( ,Jaintiff is Hall. now claiming treble that amount. Church Sunday Evening. Mrs. J. C. Holden gave a musical In conformity with the rule formed Lamb-Schrader Co. will pay toe. elsewhere, all wood orders must be I party to 13 of her junior class Satui- each for good sacks. by payment in advance. : day evening. The evening was pleas- Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, ■ accompanied —A. F. Coats Lumber Co. * . antly spent in games and music. The Liberty Loan Board held a Cloverdale, Ore. Pleasing musical numbers were rend­ business meeting Tuesday evening there will be no excuses for any one • city on Wednesday. Other packages Married on the 23rd of March, at not taking part. Kuppenbcnder sell; feed for less. | Bay City, Rev. H. J. Hickerson pastor ered by Catnille Hahom, Dorothy and adopted the slogan “Over the were sent from the north part of the The formation and line of march . Kirk, torinne Jenkins, Kathryn Mc ­ Call :it the warehcuse. Top the first day," for the Liberty will appear in the papers next week. county R. C. packer, Mr. Pete Lamar, » I of the M. E. Church of Bay City of- Kinley, Liona Holden, LaVant Hol ­ says the garments were very good, Loan drive. In order to live up to ficiating, \\ illiam B. Dyer and Doro- Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver­ I 1 thy den and Lee Stillwell. A dainty lunch this slogan the Board determined that Suggestions of any sort will be thank­ many of them almost new. The Red Kerr. ware.—R. W. Bennett. » fully received. Make them to lra C. Cross wish to thank all those who so was served. the business houses should close Sat­ Smith, who has charge of parade. Nestucca Valley ranches can’t be Let W. A. Church write your insur­ kindly helped m getting up, and in urday, April t>, until four o ’ clock in Over $41,000 in 5-cent Smilage ance. * beat. We have just what you want , packing and shipping these goods. the afternoon. It was the sentiment coupons have come i . Liberty Loan Anthem Chosen. in from i Regarding the socks for the 26 R. VV, Bennett, expert watch re­ r.t prices and terms to suit purchasers. | camps to headquarters _ ...T the big of the Board that this policy would j at th« Com- allow the business men to dcvoetc The "Liberty Loan Anthem,” dedi­ Tillamook boys who are soon to start pairing. S. P. Watch inspector. * 1 aylor Real Estate Agency, Clover­ mission on Trainang - Camp Activiti dale, Or. ’ » cated to '.lie success of the third ap­ to France, a telegram was sent to the (in Washington. These coupons .....ies all their time that day to the taking I The soil doctor is sold by Kuppen- repre- of subscriptions to the loan and in­ peal to the nation for funds to carry- New York Red Cross and arrange­ Demand that your contractor use bender. ♦ | sent admissions to theatrical event: Santa Cruz cement. It is always uni­ j at the camps. Soldiers from the events small sure the success of the slogan "Over on the war, was formally approved by ments made for good home knit (the loan committee of the New York socks to be given the boys from their Best in the West—Oregon Portland form and has exceptional fast setting the top the first day.” I er tow ns received their books ■ - .« h .... ...». uay. j federal reserve district. It is designed supply, we to replace them as soon as Cement. Always uniform and fresh. I qualities which is preferred. For sale early, The desire of the Loard is that the j for use throughout the country. I because of the prompt response of Lamb-Schrader Co. » ! at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * people :ople take care of their business i in 1 The music was written by Mrs Geo. we can knit and send them. This it* ¡these places when £ books town so far as possible wn on Friday ' Barton Rrench. The words, by Chas, sures the boys getting the socks be­ For Sale or trade—Merry-Go-round, | E. T. Parker vs. Bertha Lauritzen | were placed on sale, ai fore they sail. A list of the names has pril 5th, so that the entire ria» day of I and E. T .Parker and T. B. Potter have used them up. and many cases April Box 144 Tillamook Oregon. been forwarded. Saturday, April 6th may be devoteil to W. Gordon follow: Realty Co. and Nellie L. Howard are We handle Trojan Powder. Best for The first regular business meeting the pushing of the Liberty Loan "Heaven send liberty, our nation’s Blaine Auxiliary. * are three tax certificate suits filed in of the Tillamook City W ar Savings pride, stumping.—Tillamook Feed Co. Blaine auxiliary was organized Jan. campaign. The Board urges that the the circuit court. | Society will be held in the court people make up their minds now to Our fathers fought for thee—fought, 16, 1918, with 43 members. Present Wanted to trade city property for bled and died. The O. E. S. Kingston will meet house next Monday evening at eight buy bonds and buy them on the first membership 59. Members being so acreage close to city.—See Shrode. Then was our flag unfurled, emblem scattered have only a small working at the Masonic Hall, Tuesday, April ¡o’clock. It is earnestly day of the drive, Saturday, April 6th. that Announcing the new Grant Six, the 2, A full attendance is desired. Mrs. 'all members, and others desired sublime, «... force. Average attendance being only who want to Y ou intend to buy bonds, buy them best ever. S :c Kuppenbcnder. * Rhodes and Mrs. Todd are hostesses have a part in winning this s war, be the first day. Our country and our al­ A light unto the world through end­ 7- less time. Money earned, Bazaar and Social, Let Kuppenbender tell you hew to for the afternoon. present. This W. S. S. was organized lies are depending on us, and it is up Our watchward still shall be Tn God $49.24. . save money on ycur cement work. * to us to do our full patriotic duty. Marriage licenses were issued to a little over a week ago ...... and now has We trust.’ I The following articles have been A proclamation; too. E — ---- Everyone Judge G. R. Bag'iiiy came in to hear William D. Dyer, of Hillsboro, and a membership of about Striving that all may see our cause is sent to the Tillamook branch. come out and i Tillamook County is to go over the Dorothy Kerr, of Tillamook; William help in this great just, a few cases in the circuit court. First shipment: 2 doz. comfort pil­ top on Saturday April 6, 1918. by sub­ B. Watt, of Brighton, and Florence work. We fight for liberty and shall not lows, I doz. hot water bottle covers, I Best by Test—Oregon Portland Nelson, of Tillamook. scribing its quota of the third Liberty My client has 40 acre farm just 3 cease. doz. tray cloths, 1 doz napkins, I doz. Cement. For sale by Lamb Schrader Loan in one day. Till freedom’s victory brings lasting dish towls, 1 doz. bed bags, 6 pairs For sale, brush land at Hood River. miles from city­ limits of Portland * To insure success, a holiday is here ­ Co. southeast, right 1 peace, Three crops of alfalfa when cleared. up to date in every by proclaimed for Tillamook City on knited socks, 1 sweater, 2 squares. Paul Wessingcr and Henry Wagner Will sell on time and loan money for detail with every (thing ___ „ in stock and Now in our allies’ land, breasting Second shipment. 10 pairs of knit­ this date, to continue until 4 o ’ clock vs. George B. Jacobs et al is an in- improvements to right man for dairy­ equipment first class, war’s tide, ______ -, Income for p.m. All places of business shall re­ ted socks, 2 sweaters, 10 pairs of large I junction suit filed in the circuit court. ing.—F. P. Friday, Hood River, Or. • cream and pdrk averages about $200 Our sons march hand in hand, God is bandage foot socks, 20 wash cloths, main closed until that hour, unless their guide. a month, want Tillamook dairy farm the loan be sooner subscribed. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Willett and 12 dust cloths, 8 tray cloths, 7 dish Married at the parsonage of the Once more we hear the call ‘Keep the cloths, 35 substitute hdkfs., 4 napkins, daughter will return to their home in Methodist church, March 25thMr. in exchange for this fine home place. R .T. Boats, World Free.’ It you have something to offer will the East, leaving next Tuesday. 17 towels, 5 pairs of knitted socks. Mayor. William B. Watt, of Brighton and send you full particulars. Neal Brown Rise—rise—and give your all, for lib­ Officers, Mrs. John Wilmot, chair­ I Miss Florence Nelson, of Portland, ----- o | Will pay you to see Everson tor a erty.” 207 Panama Bldg., Portland, Oregon. man; Mrs. Nellie Ayer, sec.; Mr. E. Bond Issue is $3,000,000,000. life investment in city property or Oregon. Dr. Chas E. Gibson officiat­ McLaughlin, Tres;, chairman public­ W’e are a little late in announcing I farm lands. * ing. Washington, March, 25—The third The Jersey Sale Next Week. ity committee, Mrs. L. I’. Gray. the marriage of V. F. Learned, one of For sal?, a horse, weight 1350 tbs, Mrs. Bessie Williams, Mrs. Myrtle the soldiers from Cloverdale, to Miss liberty loan, to open April 6, will be . —0— seven years old, for $125.00. Ike Quick Follett and Mrs. Millie Thompson Grace Edmunds, of Pacifc City, for $3,o«x>,ooo,ooo, and all over sub­ lhe Curtis Jersey sale to be held Mutual phone. have been arrested for keeping a which took place at Portland Mon­ scriptions at 4'/t per cent interest. 111 Tillamook, April 2, promises to Movie Attractions at the Gem. Bonds of the first loan, bearing 3% house of ill fame and they are to have draw a big crowd. It is probably the | For Sale—8 head milk cows, all giv­ day, March 11, Previous to his enlist­ herd of production bred ing milk, except one due to freshen a hearing before the City Recorder ing Mr. Learned was one of Clover­ per cent interest, may be converted greatest Friday, March 29—"The Savage" dale's business men and has a large into Hie new bonds, but those of the Jersey cattle that has ever been of­ 5 reel Bluebird Photoplay Savage March the tenth. 2* on Thursday. featlurii ”— third loan will not be ccnvertable in ­ fered at public auction cither east or ring circle of friends in this end of the Ruth Clifford and Monroe Sailsnui Richard Elmer Meyers of Nehalem, “The Honor System” big super to any future issue. West, and buyers will be present Liberal reward for ------- jry. county. The bride is the daughter of Ernest Edmunds, of Pacific City; production at the Gem Theatre next 1 ----- • • lewara tor any information This announcement was made to­ from long distances. leading to the whereabouts of Marie Carl Emery, of Hebo, and Row’and Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Edmunds, of Pa­ night by Secretary McAdoo with the Wednesday, April 3. Fraser, of Tillamook, the first draft­ cific City, and is a cultured and highly comment that "the great events now­ A little analysis of the breeding rep­ Louise of Cheval Blanc, Canada. Last resented in this herd we believe will Mr .and Mrs. Noble B. Anderson ed men from this county, will leave respected young lady. The Courier happening in France must fire the be of interest to the dairymen of Til­ seen with Julio Sandoval, alias “The and little daughter, of California, are on Sunday morning. Savage”, for further information see and their many friends wish them all ' soul of every American with lamook county. The herd is headed guests at the Tillamook Hotel. the joys of a happy, wedded life.— determination to furnish all the a new dol­ by Pappy's Golden St Mawes, a son this feature at the Gem Theatre. For Sale—1 horse, 1 surrey, hay $8 Cloverdale Courier. Sec Kuppenbcnder about the Grant a ; ton, I pen birds of thorough bred lars and all the materia) resources of of Rosarie's Olga Lad, who sired 27 Saturday, March 30—"1 he Square Six automobile, the snappiest car on ■Silver Stangler Hamburgs, I incuba- The Tillamook Rifle Club invites , America that are needed to put an register of merit daughters at the Ed. | Deceiver”—5 reel Metro Production year old next spring. Apply to An-| ' tor , 63 eggs, some wooden beds and men in the draft who are in class one lend to the execrable atrocities of Ger­ Cary farm, Carlton, Ore., and is out featuring Harold Lockwood. This drew Vctsch, Mutual Phone. * other furniture, I cheap range.—H. L. and now subject to calll to come and man militarism.’ of St. Maucs Poppy, the best daugh­ j feature played at the Liberty Theatre drill with the club. 1 he club is a | It was generally thought that Tilla ­ Fowler, the Weston Place. ter of St Maucs, her record being in Poraland very recently and was Wanted—Durham calves, pure bred, member of tiie National Rifle Asso­ mook County's quota in the third Lib­ 1,120 pounds of butter in a year. This pronounced as one of the best ever from two weeks old up.—J. E. Fisher, Guy Worsley Stockman was one of 1 ciation and is acting as a home guard erty Loan drive would be somewhere shown in that place. Don't miss (Eugene, Oregon, Motor R. A. the eleven men to be drawn in Wash- 1 for Tillamook County. The present near 4200,000, but now that the gov­ young bull has sired some grand in­ it. “The Floor Walker”—Two dividuals and thirteen of them will be reel Why not be insured in the best fire ington, where he registered. He has membership is 65 and is well equipped ernment has placed teh amount to I - - in the sale. A number of the heifers Charley Chaplin comedy. insurance company, it costs no more. ■ been working at Viereck’s bakery for for any emergency that may arise. raised to $3,«xx3,,«xx>, this will prob- Adults 20c. Children already in milk so that those inter­ 5« Everson. *'a year. He left Moiday to report to The armory is used for drill purposes ably bring the quota 10 c. for Tillamook ested will not only know the value of Sunday, March 31—“The H< For Sale—New modern residence, J the sheriff of Washington County. and every W ednesday evening is the county to about what it was in the the breeding stock of the animals but Paramont Feature production ostagc” located in best residence district For j Keniember the three big stars in night for drill. Captain L. A. King second Liberty Loan drive, which I will get a line of what they are apt 1 star- ring Wallace Reid. a» A atuiy story of « nle at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. -¡..The Honor Systein„ are G|adys who was formerly captain of the O. was $98,000. the to produce. 1 ,.._ i __ j - __ and • the ■ -- Lowlanders Mountaineers. $70.00 for a good Jersey cow, fresh ■ Brockwell, George Walsh and Miram A. C. is doing good work and getting Another sire represented in the herd Monday, April 1.—‘Fighting Trail” boys into good shape. The presi- Temple to be Dedicated Sunday. is Lavina’s Olga Lad, a son of Ros­ in June. Will consider light wagon or Cooper. This picture will set a new the boyj 'Episode No. 11 (Parched Trails) brm implements in exchange. Box 17, ‘ pattern for comparison, don’t miss it dent is R. C. Jones, vice president W. | On Sunday afternoon, at 2:30, the arie's Olga Lad, and out of one of “A Night Out”—5 reel Vitigraph Campbell and ----- secretary I. Camoh^ll ....... L. ’ ” J ------------ .» .« MV Dolph, Oregon. 'at the Gem Theatre Wednesday, ' L. V. -------- Liberty Temple is to «. be dedicated, the good daughters of St. Maues. St. Blue Ribbon Photoplay featuring Eberhardt. Mawes was a bull that was developed I following being the program. complete April 3. The “Guaranteed” silo is May Robson, Flora Finch anoan on farm lands, from; The management of the Gem Thea- contracts from the government. lies by one from the nation represent­ a line of breeding that is known „ ..-j hc Honor System” is a photo- up, Good terms. Reasonable rate, ------------- jre announces ing the flag in order of entry into wherever Jerseys are found and that play of tojay^f now—not of 4000 ------- that they have : con­ Persons who have small amounts of it was developed in Oregon is a good y(.ar, ;iKO_iU)(j of. thr Ijf(. an,| |ime interest. We want your business. ■ tracted for the greatest selection of the w'ar. you Rnow an(j )jve S«-C display ad on * Everson. * big special productions never put on spruce suitable for riving, can obtain Collection to defray expenses of im­ reason for keeping it here. a good price for their spruce if they ported speakers during campaign, another page. Hie Honor System” powerful film the market. The first offering on the will rive it, getting the money for the Red Cross News Notes. the overplus to be given to the Red •Is with battle of individual and so- list will be ‘The Honor System” next same as soon as it is turned over to Adults 20c. Children 10 c. Cross. ■’7, see it at the Gem Theatre Wed­ Wednesday, April 3. C. Stone, who will haul it to the Thursday, April 4. — “ Stolen Honor” Closing by The Liberty Loan Committee have singing new verse of way, April 3. — 5 reel VY illiain Fox photoplay feat­ Herman Solaro, who has been em­ railroad if necessary. Of course, requested that the Red Cross ladies America. uring Virginia Pearson. Pr- Wise will be at his Tillamook! ployed in the Tillamook County the rived spruce will have to come up inarch in the patriotic parade on the God save our splendi«} men, fiee Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednes- 1 Bank, will be taken to Portland by to the government standard. By Mr. Bring them “Retreat of the Germans at Arra»” morning of tile 6th of April. All ladies safe home again, —4th installment. ys and Thursdays until further no- Sheriff . Campbell. The federal author-1 Stone taking over the rived spruce it come to Red Cross rooms that morn ­ God save our men. ;c. • 1' ities seem to thing that Solaro should will save those who get it out waiting Adults 20c. Children 10c. ing, and bring big white apron; and for their money, and makes it a cash Make them victorious be placed in a detention camp, as he cither towel or square of muslin for Patient and chivalrous, Rfv. Thomas S. Anderson, D. D., has proposition. As there is good money head dress. NOTICE 11 hold services in the Presbyterian is a native of Germany and- 1 in getting out rived spruce, those who They arc so dear to us brothers in the German army. After the 1st of April the Red Cross ■urch next Sunday morning and have spruce on their places should get They are so dear to us. rooms will be open for work on Tues- Some misunderstanding seems to tning. Hatching eggs for sale from trap- it out while there is a good demand day and Wednesday only. More ma- exist as to that question on the Liber- with Big Patriotic Parade April 6th. and prices are high. L. Fowler has bought a farm nested S. C. Rhode Island Reds, chines have been procured and there W Loan questionnaire referring to the ,r Cottage Grove, and his family records up to 245 eggs in one year. On the morning of April oth »he will be two captains each day in ad- bank to be designated by the sub- John Abplanalp died on Sunday, 1 leave next week. Mr. Fowler will The kind that pay a profit on war Maach 17, at the him» of his son, day we go over the top with our part dition to chairman Mrs. Dr. Smith, scriber, ibis question is for the pur- time feeding prices. Flock headed by ’« later. Mike Abplanalp, and the funeral took of the Third Liberty Loan, a parade It is desired that just as many ladies pose of finding out the bank through “Vibert” strain Cockerels from 271 possible -------- 1 ' can, will •• come and • sew. which the subscriber will desire his Stolen Honor” a five reel William : egg stock. Eggs, $1.00 for^ 15; I5-00 place on Tuesday, March 17th, the will be held. Each and every individ­ as services being held in the Grange hall ual who is able to walk can consider W hile our spring work at home is subscription to be placed and docs 1 photoplay featuring \ irginia per too.—Mrs. Hugh Barber, Fair- at Fairview. The deceased was born themselves a committee of one to see heavy, the American boys are in the not in any wise pertain to the busi­ usen at the Gem Theatre, Thurs- view Creamery. September 29. 1832. at Gadamen, that they themselves are into this trenches and hospital garments arc ness of that subschiber with the bank. •’ April 4. Canton Borne, Switzerland. On the parade. It is your parade and for a needed more than they ever were be­ Information as to a depositors busi­ the pastor of C C. Curtis who was ^lr> Pickford in “Less Than The the Christian church, and w’ho resign­ 12th of March, 1868. he was married noble cause. Don't be one that warms fore. The rooms will be open early, ness is confidential between the bank ,5t at the Gem Theatre next Tues- ed on account of dissatisfaction, has to Miss Anna Irndorf. He came to the the sidewalks and cheers as the and kept open late, and much work and the depositor ami the Liberty April 2, will be one of th? best accepted a “call” to beccmc pastor of United States in 1889. Three children throng passes. Get your flag and line can be accomplished if all do their bit Loan Committee can not and docs '’•factions, plan to see it. Tillamook County responded so not expect to receive any such con- the Christian Church at Vancou­ survive the deceased, viz, Mrs. E. up. The school children, Red Cross, sale—80 acres irrigated alfalfa ver, Wash. Mr. Curtis has been city Gienger, Mrs. A. Marilf and Mike Rifle Club, Firemen, Grand Army, heartily to the call for clothihg for fidential information. Frank A. Rowe, County '•f Hermiston country. Part level­ marshal fir the past few monhs and Abplanalp ail of Tillamook county. W. R. C. and other organizations will Belgian relief that nintcen boxes, six Chairman Liberty Loan buildings, well, etc. $3600. Owner will relinquish that position this The deceased gentleman was highly- be in line. There will be a place for of them very large, and thirteen sacks you. All stores will be closed so of clothing were shipped from this respected by all who knew him. Committee. >■ Arnold, 1828 East Everett, St., j week. nland, Oregon. OVER THE TOP THE FIRST DAY !” Is the Slogan oi the Tillamook County Third Liberty Loan Boosters—Business to be Suspended the 6th April and Patriotic Parade in Tillamook City. I ► r j I 7,