Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 21, 1918, Image 8

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For the
The discriminating woman’s
choice every time
1 Oc. — 15c.—20c. —25c. —30c.
Bv Mail 2c. Extra.
Firing Lines
will be the food yon save.
Coneeded to be American’«
Greatest Waist Value.
New Styles Every Month
—Only $1.00.
Cordially Invites You to Come to the
Store and view at your leisure
As Well as the New in Silks, Wash Fabrics,
Dress Goods and Dress Accessories.
rtide a woman's fancy lightly turns to
s of Spring Apparel. And only rightly
so, for just as nature is putting on its prettiest
raiment, so should we apparel ourselves in brighter
attire. Away with dull days and the garments of such
days and let ns choose fitting robes to greet the bright­
ness of the coming spring and summer.
For months we have been selecting and buying for
these pre Easter days, and, being fully prepared to
fill your every need we urge you to come to the store
to make your selections as early as possible.
Styles were never prettier, prices in spite of adverse
conditions are exceedingly modest, and stocks as
complete as anyone could wish. Come today.
Easter Sale of
Ladies' Suits,
“Mallory Week"
A National Event of Interest
to zTIden Who Appreciate Stylish Hats.
For Actual $18
For ¿^Actual $22.50, $23.50 and $25.00 Values.
A Sale of Ladies’ Suits to encourage early
Easter Choosing—not a clearance—including
some of the new Spring “Palmer” Suits.
The Fabrics consist of Serges, Tweeds, Black
and White Checks and novelties and the colors
Black, Navy Blue, Brown, Grey and Green.
The selection includes every size from the
Misses 16 years to the Matron’s size 40.
Styles are absolutely authentic, many’ of the
garments having been in stock only a few days.
Our Special Values in
$19 and $20 Values.
A very special lot of absolutely New Spring
Coats in Repps, Serges, Tweeds and Novelty
E'abrics in the new Sammy Shades, Blues,
Greens, Tans and Navy’ Blues.
The collars and cuffs are of self and contrast­
ing color fabrics the latter being shown in both
military and twin back styles.
Belts are featured in plain and novelty effects,
the majority conforming to the military vogue
so popular in all garments for present wear.
You are urged to view these coats at your
earliest convenience for at the price they' are
indeed wonderful bargains.
“Stylish Stout" Coats
Are Now Featured by) the
Ready-to- Wear Dept.— On the Balcony.
Here’s good news for the woman who be­
lieves she is hard to fit. This “Stylish Stout”
section has just recently been added in order to
fit the woman who needs a garment larger than
the average Sizes 41 to 47 at prices just the
the same"as regular sizes.
Ladies’ Coats,
In zJ7Wost Effective tdModels
For the {^Matronly Figure.
This is “Mallory Week’’ in every good Men’s
Store in the country, and its an event you will surely
want to know about, for during this week Mallory
Men are announcing the arrival of the New Spring
Styles in
Palmer'' Suits
If you feel that you need a garment larger
than the average we would urge you to etep up
to our Keady-to-Wear Dept, and ask to see our
selection of “Stylish Stout’’ Coats.
You will find just the garment you need and
you are assured of a perfect fit, for Miss Boyle
has had wide and varied experience in work of
this character.
Easter Dresses
Exquisite cJ7Uodels
CTVIodest Prices.
The Choosing of
The Easter Chapeau
Is an Event of Great Importance.
Choosing, however,
will be a simple matter
if you do your buying in
our Millinery Dept.—
On the Balcony.
Special displays of
new Easter Hats are
being made and we
would urge you to step
upstairs to the Dept,
and view the lovely
models created for your
Prominent among the
modish trims are the
New Cire-soliel, me­
tallic flowers,
pom poms Ribbons,etc.
Some exquisite shapes
are shown in beautiful
quality Milatis, Milan
Hemps and
Satin. See Windows.
Crepe de Chine
Filet Lace,
All Newest Styles
and Colors,
$3.68 to $6.95
Just the Kind for
Holiday W ear,
50c. to $1.87.
Dainty Camisoles
Wash Satin and Crepa' de Chine.
Hemstitched and LaceTrauitted $1 98 to $2.98.
I’lease call for April copies.
Step into our Men’s Shop and try a few of our New
Mallory Hats on—you needn't buy if you don’t want
to—and judge for yourself whether or not these
famous hats are better.
We know they are from personal experience, and it
is because we have got a good thing that we are so per­
sistent in singing the praises of Mallory Hats.
See the New Shapes—new colors Palmetto, Silver
Steel, Laurel, Blue Stone, Nile, Moss and Black Mix­
tures. All cravenetted to defy the rain.
Also the new light weights with narrow bands, and
very stylish shapes in Derbies.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
All Wool and East Color Suits in
New Easter Models
For Men and Young Men.
Your new Easter Suit awaits your selection, sir, and
if you will step into our Men’s Shop we will be glad to
show and fit you at any' time. For the young men there
are Military Sport Models in fancy Tweed mixtures
and double-breasted Sport Models in Navy Blue and
Black Serges. For the business man there are digni­
fied 3-button Varsity Fifty-five models in Grey’, Blue
aird Brown mixtures, Blue Serges and Cheviots. All
$25.00 to $33.45
For Wearing with his New Easter Suit
thé Discriminating Man will choose
Florsheim Shoes give such universal satisfaction in
fit, style and service, that men who care always choose
this famous shoe, We show Florsheim« in light, me­
dium and dark Tans in English lasts, chocolate vamps
with light brown tops in English lasts, black in Eng­
lish and medium lasts, black kid models in narrow,
medium and wide toes for the man who wants style
with comfort the dominating feature.
Prices $8.00 to $10.00
zTMARCH 23rd, 25th and 26th,
Easter Sale of
Ladies' Shoes
$3.98 Pair.
For Actual $7.00, $8.00, $9.00 and $10.00 Values.
See Window Display.
A careful perusal of
the brief style descrip­
tions of the shoes offered
event and a view of them
in our East window will
convince you more readily
of the genuineness of this
sale than any words of
ours could possibly do.
The shoes were, originally
priced as stated and are
on Sale at this remarka-
bly reduced price for
three days only. Choose
from the following styles
and save a half to three-
fifths on the original price
— Battleship Grey Kid
cravenetted button tops
to match, Louis Cuban
— Black Ki<l battleship
grey, cravenetted Lace
tops, military heels.
Black Gunmetal, dark
Rrey cravenetted Lace
tops, military heels.
Brown Kid, cloth and
chamois lace tops to
match,Louis Cuban heels.
Dark Tan, cravenetted
lace tops to match, mili­
tary heels.
- Black Kid an 1 Patent,
white Kid lace tops,
Louis Cuban heels.
Black Kid and Patent,
Button and lace dull mat
n<l glazed kid tops, Louis Cuban heels.