TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MARCH 21, F-? TWO RECEIVERS NAMED FOR BATOCEAN PROPERTY. Bako's Buy Body. Heibie Hotter. ' 1918 = collecive wisdom may be brought to bear on all problems. If honored by a re-election I shall continue to give the best that is in me to our to every branch of the public service. Report of the Condition of the TILLAMOOK C0UNTYY BANK, ■ o ■ - ------------- O—■■■■ There is a Commercial Club in (A piece to speak.) At Tillamook, in the State of Oregon, at the close of S. B. Vincent Resigns as Receiver Baker, and during 1917 it certainly Little Herbie Hoover’s came was a busy body of business men. The busmens, March 4th. 1918. house to stay, Because of Dissatisfaction. Oregon Voter says we have before To make us scrape the dishes clean, A MERCILESS JUDGE ------ O—..... HBSOURCKS. us the report of Secretary Meacham, an' keep the chumbs away, At the request of the owners of lots and the activities he outlines as hav­ An' learn us to make war bread, and' Loans and discounts........................... One Who Shows No Favor, in the Bayocean project, promoted by ing been undertaken and accomplish­ $384,616.81 save up all the grease Overdrafts, secured and unsecured . the T. B. Potter Realty Company, ed by the club are sufficient in num­ For the less we eat of butter, the A merciless judge is Father Time. 3,484.24 Bonds and warrants ............................. 39,028.44 Circuit Judge Gatens Saturday ap­ ber and importance to have been per­ Before him the weak anil the wanting Stocks, securities, judgment, etc. .. sooner we’ll have peace, 8,146.50 pointed L. E. Latourette, Assistant formed by a club in a city of 100,000. An’ ail us other children, when our go to the wall. Only the truth can Furniture and fixtures ......................... 6,500.00 City Attorney, and Professor Robert Space limitations forbid quoting much stand. For years the following state ­ Other real estate owned ................... scanty meal is done. •4,102,44 R. Steel as receivers for the company. from the report, but there arc two ac­ We gather up around the lire an’ lias ment from a Hillsboro resident has Due from banks (net reserve banks) 2.85774 They have power to name a third man tivities which concern every part of withstood this sternest of all tests. Due from approved reserve banks the mostest fun 42,043.53 to act with them. Appointment of Mr. the state and we mention them. Win. Wolf, W. Jefferson St. Hills­ Checks and other cash items ............ A-listcnin to the proteins that Hcr- *,*65.96 Latourette and Professor Steel came One is what the Baker Commercial boro Orc., says: "1 was laid up with Exchanges for clearing house .......... bie tells about, 421.89 following the resignation of S. B. Club accomplished in getting the law .An’ the Calories that get you my back and 1 could hardly get about. Cash on hand .......................................... 20,554-,3 Other resources ...................................... Vnccnt because of complaint regard­ amended to rc-apportion the Oregon Hearing of Doan ’ s Kidney 1'ill;.. I de ­ 2,184.07 Ef ing his management of the corpora­ county receipts from the National cided to give them a trial. The result you $526,30572 tion’s affairs during the two years in­ Forests. We recently published a was very satisfactory, for I received don’t cumbency as receiver. table showing how $69,000 of forest almost immediate relief and when I watch LIABILITIES. At the same time Judge Gatens was receipts were diverted from counties had finished one box, my back was all out Capital stock paid in .................................................. advised that the lot owners wish im­ which otherwise would have received $ 40.00c.00 An ’little Herbie Hoover says, when right. That was nearly a year ago Surplus fund ................................................................. mediate action taken to resist the fore­ them and were paid to counties which and 1 haven ’ t had a symptom of kid ­ 7>ooo.oo the fire burns low, Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid closure by Mrs. T. B. 1'otter, widow previously had been underpaid under '.544-40 An’ the vitamines are creepin’ from ney trouble since.’ (Statement given Due to banks and bankers ...................................... of the late head of the Potter Realty the former system of disbursement. 3,770.73 September 23, 1911.) Postal savings bank deposits .................................. the shadows, sof and slow, 448.60 Company, of the $173,000 mortgage Baker County gain d $10,000 of this O11 April 26, 1916, Mr. Wolf said: Individual deposits subject to check..................... You better eat the things the loud • 296,935.04 which she says «he holds against the $69,000. I he move for amending the “ 1 am ready to back up every word Demand certificates of deposit ............................... folks say they’s plenty of. • 1,725.84 Bayoccan property. A motion to fore­ law was undertaken by the Baker An’ crate the garbage pail an’ give all of my former statement about my ex­ Certified checks ........................................................... 1045» close this mortgage is now before the Commercial Club, and its success is perience with Doan ’ s Kidney Pills. 1 Time and savings deposits...................................... •62,320.61 butcher's meat the shove , an example of how an enterprising Federal Court. 2,450.00 .An’ gabble up the corn pone an’ veg­ take them when 1 need a kidney Letters of credit ........................................................... These results summarize a session commercial hotly can get definite re- medicine aud they always give splen­ tables an’ fish, Total before Judge Gatens which lasted all turns for its community. ■ • • - $526,30572 An save your drippin and yer sweets did results.” Saturday morning and which was at­ Everybody in Oregon is interested Price ooc., at all dealers. Don’t sim­ an’ lick clean every dish, State of Oregon, Coumy of Tillamook, ss. tended by 100 or more men and in through roads. There is need for An’ don't get fresh a talkin’ of what ply ask for a kidney remedy—get I, C. A. McGhee, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear women who own or partly own lots in .‘cad improvement to connect the fer­ Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. you wont do without , tile Fine and Eagle Valleys of East­ the Bayocean project. Mr. Wolf had. Foster-Milburn Co., C. A. McGhee, Cashier. Or the Calories’ll get you 'I he matter did not conic before ern Baker County with the main high­ Mfgs., Buffalo, N. Y. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of March, 1918. Ef Judge Gatens as a legal proceeding, way at Baker. The Baker Commercial H. T. Botts, Notary Public. (My commission expires Dec. 21st, I919A you but was simply a general meeting cal­ Club undertook to raise $25,000 of lo­ Correct attest: Chas Kunze, T. W. Lyster, Wm. Maxwell, directors. Administrator’s Notice to Creditors. don ’ t led by Judge Gatens, who had ap­ cal funds for this important road, $15,- watch pointed Mr. Vincent receiver, to allow 000 of it by private subscription, and Notice is hereby given, that the out Report of the Condition of the lot owners to air their grievances on the strength of this the state high­ Couny Court of the State of Oregon, way commission has agreed to expend in general. for Tillamook County, has appointed Word had come to Judge Gatens $70,000 additional on the road. The Oregon’s Popular War Governor the undersigned administrator of the that the lot owners were dissatisfied road is one which should be improved Seeks Re-Election. estate of Paul Kingston deceased, and with the manner in which Mr. Vin­ by the state, but it would not have all persons having claims against said cent was administering the receiver­ been taken up as a state project were If the people of Oregon are of the estate are hereby required to present In the State of Oregon, at the close of business on March 4th ship, mainly because, as they asserted it not for the courage of the Baker opinion that 1 have served them faith­ the same, with proper vouchers, to 1918. the company’s were in no whit chang­ Commercial Club in undertaking the fully, 1 should be pleased to receive a me, at the office of T. H. Goyne, an RESOL KC ES. ed from the statutes in which Mr. raising of part of the funds. vote of confidence at their hands. attorney at law, in Tillamook City, At the conclusion of this report, Vincent found them two years ago. '1 he Governor of the State has the Oregon, on or before six months Loans and discounts ........................................................................................ $334.55 '-74 They pointed out in particular, they Secretary Meacham appends a few­ car of the people. It is therefore in his from the date of this notice. Overdrafts, unsecured .................................................................................... '.874 23 told Judge Gatens, that Mr. Vincent happy lines of appeal, which should power to assist in creating and main­ U. S. Bonds deposited to secure circulation, (par value) ............. Dated February 28, 1918. 25,000.00 had not been active enough in his pre­ serve as inspiration of citizens of any taining a healthy public sentiment on Liberty Loan Bonds, 3% per cent and 4 per cent, unpledged ........ William Kingston, Admin­ 25,130.00 parations to resist Mrs. Potter s community. the many subjects which make for istrator of the Estate of Bonds other than U. S. bonds pledged to secure postal savings deposits ................................................................... $ 3,033.42 threatened foreclosure of the $173.000 Don’t sit supinely on your roost. community welfare. 1 have been mind­ Paul Kingston, Deceased. Bonds and securities pledged as collateral for State mortgage. ful of this fact, have mingled with the But come along and help us boost. or other deposits! postal excluded) or bills payable 5,000.00 The lot owners informed Judge For better things of every kind, people and have done all in my power To the Voters of Tillamook County Securities other than U. S. bonds (not including stocks) Gatens Saturday that the first move •And leave your kickin’ clothes behind. to promote the development of the ownel and unpledged ..................................................... 59,999.06 they wish the new receivers to make state, to bring about the construction I heieby announce myself as a can­ Total Bonds, securities, etc............................................................................. 68,023.48 is in the nature of steps looking to Oh, let us boost for better streets, of good roads, to emphasize the im­ didate for re-election to the office of Stock of Federal Rcrcrvc Bank (50 per cent of subscription)........ 900.00 the building of a road into Bayocean For skads of grain and juicy meats, portance of education and especially Sheriff of Tillamook County, on the Furniture and fixtures .................................................................................... 7.597-16 For greener lawns and better lights, at a cost of $50000. They represented to maintain at white heat the devotion Republican ticket, at the primary elec­ Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank .......................................... 27,879.5» that none of the improvements proni- And shorter winded blatherkites. of the people to the great cause of tion, May 17, 1918. Cash in vault and net amounts due from national banks ................... 58.540.05 ised by the Potter company when it For finer homes and larger trees. Net amount due from banks, bankes and trust companies other liberty and democracy for which the Respectfully, floated its supposedly $250,000 Bay- And sheep and butter fruit and cheese country is fighting. If re-elected I than included above ................................................................. _............... 323-98 ___________ W. L. Campbell. Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank ocean enterprise and which they were For better work and better pay, 1.247-45 shall continue to do everything 1 can Announcement. Checks on banks located outside of city or town of reporting told would materially increase the And fewer thistles in our hay, to accomplish these ends. bank and other cash items ..................................................................... 'J43.37 value of their holdings, had been Oregon has given twenty thousand For better men and better roads. I hereby announce my candidacy Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. made, or ever even attempted. of her sons to the great world war. 1,250.0» And larger trucks to haul our loads, Treasurer .................................................................................................... These men are the flower of our for the nomination on the Republican War Savings Certificates and Thrift Stamps actually owned .... 47063 And let the dogs of war be loosed ticket for County Commissioner, to Pioneer Citizen Passes Away. young manhood and we have no On every man who doesn’t boost. be voted on at the primaries to be clearer duty than that of loyalty sup­ $553,900.5» ------ o------ Total porting them, providing for their held in May. 1918. People were surprised and pained LIABILITIES. If nominated and elected I promise to hear of the passing of one of the Big Fire Loss in National Forests. health and comfort and safeguarding their murals. 1 shall continue to ren­ to the best of my ability to promote Capital stock paid in........................................................................................ ? 25,000.0» old time residents of our little valley; 10,000.00 der them every service in my power. all efforts for the development and Surplus fund ........................................................................................................ Richard Allen. He passed away quiet­ Forest fires burned over 962,000 Undivided profofits ....................................................................... $5,070.69 Under our form of government the advancement of Tillamook County. ly Saturday, March 9, after an illness 3,218.65 acres of National Forest lands in 1917 conduct of a foreign war develops on Believing myself perfectly compe­ Less curient expenses, interest, and taxes paid................... 1,852.04 of five days. 24,980.00 and caused a loss of $1,358,000 to the the President of the United States, tent to administer the office. I place Circulating notes outstanding...................................... ......................... '1 he funeral took place Sunday, Government in timber, forage, and my candidacc before the voters for Net amount due to banks, bankers, and trust conipanies( other March 10, at two o’clock and the re­ young growth, aecording to figures I who is the commander-in-chief of the their suffrage. 530.07 than incuded above) ................................................................................. Army and Navy. 1 shall do everything mains were interred in the Gist ceme­ received from Washington by District Individual deposits subject to check ......................................................... 296,223.08 Yours truly, in my power to assist the President tery. Dr. Montgomery conducting the Certificates of deposit due in less than .30 days( other than for Forester George H. Cecil. While the D. A. Bailey. 20.000.CO. in making the power of this country money borrowed) ...................................................................................... services. loss was larger than for several years 60.OO effective in the great world conflict. 1 Mr. Allen was born at London, Certified checks ....................................................................... ........................ past, forestry officials say that, con­ State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge shall particularly exercise every pow­ To The Voters of Tillamook County England, February 24, 1845, coming to sidering the unusually dangerous 5.000. CO ------ o of assets of this bank.............................................................................. the L nilcd States in 1802, in 1870 lie conditions, it was remarkably light. er and authority which 1 possess to 13.073.42 I wish to announce that I will be a Other demand deposits .............................................................. •••• was married to Miss Lucy Compton Protracted drouth and periods of promote a maximum efficiency in our local industries which are related to candidate at the next primary election Total demand deposits, subject to reserve ...................... .$334,956-50 and they came to the Nestucca \ alley high winds made the conditions they the war activities. No other duty is so for the office of County Commission­ Certificates of deposit (other than money borrowed) ....................... in 1881. declare virtually the same as in 1910, Postal savings deposits .................................. To this union there were born four when many persons were burned to pressing or at this time so important er for the South part of the county on Other time deposits .......................................... children, Bertha, Alice, Richard and death and 25 million dollars' worth of as that of winning the war. No ! sac- the Republican ticket. I believe in Total time deposits subject to reserve .... . . . . $155,209.37 ___ ________ _ Alice and Guy precccd- rifice is too great if it looks to the good roads, and will use my best ef­ Guy, of' these timber on the National Forests was forts in seeing that roads are con ­ $553.900-59 triumph of the forces battling for ■ in- cd their lather to the Great Beyond. Total destroyed. structed permanently and built econ­ ternatonal righteousness. Mr Allen was greatly respected by In addition to this actual loss in State of Oregon, County of Tillamook, ss, all who knew him and his wife and re­ 1 shall stand in the future ,as in the omically, if elected. timber and forage, the fires of last 1 W. J. Riechers, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear Yours respectfully, latives have the deepest sympathy of past, for rigid law enforcement and that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. year entailed extra expenditures by A. A. Imlah. the entire neighborhood.—Courier. for a cleaner and greater Oregon. W. J. Ricches, Sashicr the Government of $1,121,415. This, it Oregon is firmly committed to the Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of March, 19'8. is pointed out, means that to hold the Announcement. Obituary Rollie W. Watson, Notay Public. fires down large number of men have principles of prohibition and equal suffrage and, while they are no longer o--- My commission expires October 25, 1920. to be withdrawn from productive To the voters of Tillamook County: issues in the state, 1 shall continue to Correct Attest: B. C. Lamb, C. J. Edwards, J. C. Holden, Directors. John W. Hopfield who died on work and much money spent for sup­ I herewith announce myself as a give these causes my full support. February 6, 1918, at the Sister s Hos­ plies. At a time like the present, when Every legitimate phase of state de­ candidate on the Republican ticket at pital, Sacramento, Cal., was born in it is necessary to practice the utmost velopment should be supported, but the nominating convention to be held of Brick and Stone. All Fire Fountain, Juneau Co., Wisconsin, economy as a war duty, the Forest at this time when our country is en- in May for the office of County Com­ Places absolutely guaranteed May 27th, 1871. He was married to service officials arc emphasizing the missioner. My motto: “A square deal not to smoke or money re­ Eva May Myers, March 9, 1902, at criminal wastefulness of forest fires gaged in the most terrible war in the all around.” funded. Grants Pass, Oregon. They lived for that can be prevented from starting. world's history the most rigid econ­ John Weiss, Sr., Meda. Brick work of all kinds done omy in state expenditure should be Of the 7,814 fires which were three years 111 the Willamette \ alley I on short notice. observed. ami for ten years at 1 illamook, Ore­ fought on the National Forests, all We make a specialty of re­ We have state problems of great To The Voters of Tillamook County. gon, and went to Natoma, California, but 2,132 set by lightening were caus­ pairing smoking Fire Places. Keep clean inside, as ------ o— in 191O where Mr. Hopfield was in the ed by human agencies and could have magnitude to be worked out— for the well as outside. Do not I beg to announce that I will be a increase of de sireable population; for allow food poisons to ac ■ rmploy of lus brother Lewis D. Hop- been prevented. There were 952 in­ candidate for County Commissioner cumulate in your bowels cendiary fires, which occurred for the the encouragement and manufactur­ iicld until the time of death. for the South end of the county on ing enterprises; for the enlargement Headache, a sign of self­ t he funeral was held at Macy Par­ most part in Oregon, California, and poisoning, will point to the Republican ticket at the next TILLAMOOK ORE lors of McMinnville, Sunday after­ .Arkansas. Careless campers were re­ of flocks and herds of the best numerous other troubles primary election. noon, February 10th, at 2 o’clock, the sponsible for 1,288, Railroads, partly breeds; for the eradication of fruit which are sure to follow. Ole B. Redberg. pests and other destrucive agencies in services being conducted by Rev. through failure to comply with the Keep yourself well, as orchaid and farm: for the general en ­ thousands of others do, law and use proper spark arresters, Bruce J. Giffen. Pay For the "Grub.” by taking, when needed, Mr. Hopfield was for more than 20 set, 1,003. 1 he remainder were caused couragement of productiveness in all 0*1 MM* a dose or two of the old, ---- o— ■ years a member of the Independent by various forms of carelessness on lines of endeavor; for the careful, reliable, vegetable, fami- We have been looking for you to Order of Odd Fellows, his member­ the part of settlers and other users of intelligent handling of the several THAN EVER liver medicine, state institutions and their wards, come in and settle your account. You ship being at Tillamook City Lodge. the National Forests. j/our radny Effort is being made by the Forest observing as far as possible the best got the “grub", We need the money. The McMinnville Odd Fellows at­ tended the funeral in a body and con­ Service to impress upon the public lines of modern treatment while at You intend to pay eventually, why da/s must be ducted the burial rites of their order tl\e necessity of keeping out of the the same time securing for these and not now? productive Tillamook Feed Co. at the grave in the Happy Valley woods, especially now that the coun­ for every deparnient of state business Cemetery. He leaves to mourn his try needs its man-power so badly for the closest possible economy. Uetutorkreaiires Domestic tranquility and business For Sale and Rent. death his wife and three children. other purposes than fighting unneces­ Mrs. Maggie Bledsoe, Clarence Denfrcd, Bonita Arleen and sary fires. The campaign of education confidence arc intimately related to àr' Osawatomie, Kan., says: Sixteen good cows, 13 fresh, price John Lewis, hi* mother, Mrs. Sarah against carelessness and indifference the public welfare. 1 shall do all in my “ Black-Draught cured Farnsworth of McMinnville, his which has been waged for years, power to promote them. 1 note with $75 each. Good market for milk. 50 me of constipation of 15 pleasure the growing disposition of acre dairy ranch. W ill lease for 3 or brothers Lewi* D. Hopficld of H.1111- through fire-warnings, posters, talks years standing, which ■nonton, Lal., and L.ipt.iin Leonard S. and lectures, 'movies," and in other employers and employes to consider 5 years. Price $300 a year, part can be nothing had been able to Hoplicld, U. S. Army at Camp Lewis, ways, it is asserted, will therefore be each other's rights and to adjust dif­ worked out on place. Good buildings, help. 1 was also a slave Cut full in shoulder, chest to stomach trouble .. • and sisters Minnie E. I.iese, of Port­ pressed with renewed energy the ferences by discussion in a spirit of well fenced, will leave farming tools Everything 1 ate would fairness and equity. on place. Camp grounds on place, Fi land, Oregon, and Maude Parker of coming season. and ams-comfortable. strong sour on my stomach, The routine duties of the office will mile on water front, % mile to beach. Natoma .L_.il. used two packages of I ota £ cocaring lOaterproofabsolutely A good man who was faithful to his Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a Fav­ not be neglected by me, but every ef­ Come and see me at once as first Black-Draught, and Ohl, A J T ower C q i fort will be put forth to bring each here first served. obligation as head of a family and a orite for Colds. G uaranteed » oston the blessed relief it has branch of the state service to a con ­ E. G. Calkins, Otis, Ore. given me.” Black- cilizni has been taken in the prime of Draught should be on I. I . Easley, Macon, 111., in speaking dition of maximum usefulness. The his life. Mr. Hopficld died in the hope your shelf. Get a pack­ Chester White Swine. '(the Christian life and his loved of Chamberlain's cough remedy says, efficiency of the service must never NOTICE. today, pri'-e 25c. I have a few breed gilts for sale, -<»rrow not as those who have no 'During the past fift.cn years it has be sacrificed for the sake of political ------ o ------ bop* • cent a dose. and also a few young boars, large advantage. been my sister's favorite medicine for All persons having an account The B<”'- I with enough for service. I must move these I shall be mindful of the fact that 1 Grant Mills, kindly call, at the ! City beautW«}- . ”1«» were many and colds on the lungs. 1 myself have at a price that you should not miss so »■ TX ;»>» taken it a number of times when suf­ am the representative of the whole Recorder’s office and settle 1 same. as to make room for my spring pigs. friend* in fering with a cold and it always re­ people and shall welcome suggestions with Kathleen Mills. this cou’'l> Joe Donaldson, R. F. D„ I, Tilla­ from any citizen to the end that the •••«»ill. lieves me promptly.” n Grant Mills. mook, Oregon. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF TILLAMOOK, Keep Clean RALPH E. WARREN, M ore Thedford’s T cwers F ish B rami SLICKER *** I I I I: I I; It h p