*'L TI l L amuua nEiAÜijiuxnTl* lGiTCIlXTin. fl Lil 1 ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisements. ♦ 1* The Commercial Club and the Rived Spruce Controversy. First Insertion per line ............. $ .10 The action of the Tilamook Com­ Each subsequent insertion, line. .05 mercial Club in calling attention to Business and Professional cards the waste in getting out rived spruce one month....................................... 1.00 is a matter for lair discussion, for one Locals per line each insertion... 05 must admit that the method is waste­ Display advertisements, an inch ful, as well as a lire menace to the and Lodge Notices, per line . .05 entire county. There is no getting away from these facts, and that was All .Resolutions of Condolence I the reason some of the mcmbeis ot one month...................................... I thg club look the matter up and sent a telegram to the Oregon delegation THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. at Washington. Colonel Disque took exceptions to what was written, but F. C. BAKER, Publisher. the substance of the telegram was what was gathered from mill men as well as those who had star'eu in to rive spruce. The members of the club I thought the waste couhi be avoided if Now that new receivers have been the spruce was logged and taken to appointed for the Bayocean property, the saw mills, especially as the gov­ we hope they will be able to straight­ ernment has been advising people to en out the difficulties. Hoovcrize and stop waste. Colonel -■ ■ o Disque claimed that the saw mills With the exception of about half a were not getting out spruce fast dozen men, those employed at the enough, there being an urgent demand ship building plant arc Tillainookcrs, for the same for war purposes, and r.o who are doing as goed if not better matter what it cost the government work than in other ship yards. That had to have the spruce. That placed speaks wqll for Tillamookers. quite a different complexion on the ------ o------ situation, for waste or no waste, it Lane county has appointed over 80 was a military necessity, and no ob­ road patrolmen to take the place of stacles should be placed in the way to Your Store of road supervisors, who are to act as obtaining it. The letter from Colonel foremen of road work in their dis­ Disque was referred to members of Service tricts. That means, practically. Lane the club and they have made reply county has over 80 road bosses. which we give below. Tillamook, Oregon. 'There is every indication that the March 18, 1918. war will continue for several years, Colonel Brice P. Disque, and that there will be some severe method of getting out the spruce is U. S. Signal Corps, fighting on the Western front this sure to cause and to do something for Portland Oregon. summer, with a big casualty list. 1 he Dear Sir:—Y our favor of the 14th our reads, which the heavy haul of allies have a hard fight before them, inst. addressed to myself as President said timber are cutting to pieces. W e but they will win out ill the end, for of the Tillamook Commercial Club are much pleased to know that the Germany’s man power will grow duly received and contents noted. unethod the government is pursuing is weaker every battle it engages in. Speaking for the Club, as well as for the proper and only method, in view all loyal citizens of this community, 1 of conservation of time, the all essen­ How strange, A gentleman connect­ will say in answer that it was not nor tial element i.i the winning of the war ed wth a farm paper was in the city is it now my intention on the uart of in getting out this spruce. W e are wil­ this week and’boosted for Olcott for this club to hinder or delay the work ling, if no other way can be foud, that governor. As Olcott is .1 smooth poli­ of the government in the matter of every foot of our timber should be tician, and Governor \\ ithycombe is getting out spruce for the swift and destioyed by fire, or otherwise sacri­ an experienced farmer and who has effective prosecution of this war, hav­ ficed, in order to win the war, and wc helped more than any other man the ing in view also conservation and ef­ arc standing right at the back of the agricultural industry of Oregon, we ficiency. \\ ith us it was simply a ques­ government in everyway, and offer cannot understand how any person tion cl the best means to the speedy Uncle Sam, not only our timber, but connected with a farm paper or any end. We all realize that the govern­ al we have and ow n, together w ;,h farmer can see any logic in support­ ment has made mistakes in the man­ our lives, subject to the government's ing a smooth politician for governor ner of conducting the war, which is to wishes. in preference to a man with vast ag­ be expected, as was shown by Senator Still we reserve the right to criticise ricultural experience. The dairymen Chamberlain, and wc as loyal citizens what does not seem to be right, but of Tillamook county are wide awake, simply wanted the government to are always willing to acknowledge but we do not think they are going know what mistakes, if any, was be­ our mistake, as in this instance, and to vote for a smooth politician, es­ ing made in the matter before us. want you to understand that the niis- pecially as Governor W ithycombe We know nothing of the method of, take is one of the head and not of the has made a splendid war governor. “riving” of the spruce timber, except heart, and in the future you will find ------ o------ what came to us from mill men and no body of our citizenry .more eager to It is the desire of a number of busi­ others who claimed to know how the give the government and you, as its ness men that the Headlight should work was being conducted. representative in this spruce output, endeavor to induce private parties to | What we said in our letter which than is the Tillamook. Commercial get into the rived »spruce business, as you much objected to, was almost Club. the government is wanting a large word for word from source mention­ W e are sending a copy of this letter supply. There arc many places in the ed. W e are just as anxious as you are, to our delegation in Congress. county where private parties can representing the government, in mak­ Respectfully, start small camps, but not enough ing this war as swift and effective as Tillamook Commercial Club, spruce suitable for riving to • put in possible, and are glad to know from By Fred C. Baker, Prs. large camps. This should prove a pro- you, that our views as stated in our fitable employment, and it is hoped letters are erroneous .We did not wish Card of Thanks. many ol our citizens will make an cf- to throw a straw in the way of the ----- o------ fort to rive spruce for the government, government in prosecuting this war We desire to express our gratitude As there is no prospect of the war swiftly and surely. But we do think to all our friends and neighbors who coming to a close for several years, that there should be, and undoubtedly so kindly gave of their help and sym­ the rived spruce ind'ustry in this coun­ will be means provided by the govern­ pathy during the sickness and death ty promises to become a big industry. ment and our local authorities work­ of our dear mother Mrs. Cynthia Al­ This is another opportunity where ing together, to protect our vast tim­ len. Tillamook people can assist the gov­ ber tracts against the fires which this Mr. and Mrs/ Arthur Beals. ernment, and we sincerely hope that our citizens w ill do so. We understand that the government will haul the spruce if those who arc riving it will place it 011 the main road near where it is rived. It was the business men of 'Tillamook City who gave their finan­ cial support in stalling a shipbuilding plant, to assist the government in ob­ taining more ships, and they are now anxious to assist in every way possi­ ble in expedi.iting the production of rived spruce for the government, As there arc plenty of men in the county who are accustomed to working in the woods, they .would be the proper persons to take hold of i|. * 1 Tí I il $15. /n I » ,1 i i I .. 1 I I I ♦ * The next Liberty Loan drive is to start April 0th, and the first day of the drive is to be made a record breaker in Tillamook county, There are at least 1000 men in the county who should pledge themselves to sub­ scribe $1,000 or inorc between now and the Oth of April. W ill you be one of those who will do so? it is that nmeh money saved and earning you a good rate of interest. But that is only a minor matter. Uncle Sam needs your cooperation and tinanci.il aid in the bloody war Germany forced upon the world, i'lie person who only takes a $50,00 or $100.00 bond when lie .should take $1,000.00 or $2,000.00 is not showing a very patriotic spirit.) Probably there arc some persons in Tillamook county who do not realize the magnitude anil seriousness of the world war, but now that our soldiers are being slaughtered and a long casualty list is published every day, the horrors of the war will be more k< .nly felt in the United States. Uiti- zen living in this favored secti. n of the count.y have nobl) responded in the past to every drive that have been tn ide, and now that the government is making another call for financial as­ sistance, we fell sure that the citizens of Tillamook county will readily com­ ply. Wc appeal to everybody to do their best, so that or the f’rst day of the drive I illamook county will have reached it- quota, so between now and the Otli of April go to the bank in your district and notify it as to tiie amount of Liberty Bonds you will take. Do it now. Don’t wait until to- iiiV' ;ow or next week. Be one of the * > > > I WOMEN’S shop /■ T.ii i n illamook, Ur. JERSEYS AUCTION AT ■M ♦ Complete dispersal of my herd of registered TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 19X8 SALE WILL BE HELD AT TILLAMOOK, OREGON - ; i i Tillamook Boy Heard From. This herd is rich in the blood of the heaviest prodneing strains of the breeds Poppy’s Golden St. Mawes at head of the herd; he is a son of the record cow St. Mawes Poppy (1120 lbs. 1 year) and sired Rossaire Olga Lad with not less than 30 tested daught­ ers and more qualifying as soon as tested. This bull and a number of his offspring will be sold. In the herd are also a number direct descendants of the famous bull Rinda Ladd ofS. B., who also has a long list of tested daughters. 50 REGISTERED JERSEYS Ì How glad wc always are to hear and see news from our boys in Uncle together with calves now being born, and in­ Sam'c service. W e hear more about cludes both sexes and various ages. Complete those in the army than those in the navy, but there are a few things of in­ catalogue will be published giving full inform­ terest from Peter Wyss, Co. A. 6.h ation. Send name and one will be mailed. U. S. Naval training Station, San The First National Bank of Tillamook, Francisco, California. Well, hrsl of all, w c are stationed at I Ore., will finance local responsible bidders for Goat Island; the climate here is much one years time at 6 per cent. i ike that of Tillamook just at present, but one never knows much about that until they have lived in one place at least a year. COL. J. W. HUGHES, Auctioueer, Forest Grove, Ore. of On February 22nd the people . W. J. R1ECHERS, Clerk Oakland gave a celebration in honor of the sailors and soldiers, everything being free to men in uniform. We were first taken auto riding about the town and adjoining country and then to Berkley and shown through the Religious Meetings Close. beautiful university of California, in the evening *ve were taken to our hosts' homes and had supper, we were The Evangelistic meetings held in entertained most royally and we’ll not the Maple Leaf school house for near­ soon forget the kindness of Oakland’s ly two weeks, have been wonderfully C. M. Dawson, people. blessed, Souls have been saved, some groceries from C. O. & Once a week wc get liberty from have been restored, and others have from Uncle Sam and your I p.tn. until midnight. Last Sunday a been born again. The preaching of the Buy your Liberty Bonds' few of us were fortunate in securing cross is to them that perish, foolish­ 36 hours liberty and we made good ness but unto us which arc saved, it use of that time. We went to San is the Power of God. Francisco which takes about half an The Swedish missionary, Aug. Olson hour, on a government boat free of and F ,T. Carlson, from Idaho, have charge. One of San Francisco's most been conducting the meetings. Prayer wealthy men took us sight seeing meetings have been held each day in about the city. We went to the park dfferent homes, and God has ans­ and to the famous Golden Gate and wered the prayers and put a new’ song Cliff House, there were about 2000 in the hearts of many. Bless the Lord people there and from the looks of for al his benefits toward us. If men the cars, every person must have begin to seek after God, he will man- owned one. It certainly was a sight fest himself, but when we forsake worth seeing. Wouldn't Lewis and Him, He will forsake us, and then we Clark open their eyes in astonishment create a hell on earth as now, the if they could sec what a change has judgment arc going over the world, come over their old camping graund, and nations are immersed in blood, be­ Our host took us to the Young Girls' cause there never was a Christian Na­ * Club for supper where we enjoyed an tion and never will be, till Chrst the exceedingly pleasant evening. King of Kings shall reign "Seek ye The people of Oakland, San Fran­ the Lord while he may be found, call cisco and the other towns are certain­ ye upon him while he is near. ly good to the mtn in uniform. A. Olson. For the most part we arc well al- , Methodist Episcopal Church. though we do sometimes enjoy minor 1 sickness such as we have at home, Chas. E. Gibson, D. D., Pastor but arc always sent to the hospital Preaching 11 a.m. Subject: ''Palin and will cared for. We live much out Sunday, W hat does it Mean to Me? of doors, have good plain food to eat Preaching 7:30, subject "Service or and plenty of work consisting of drills Sacrifice, Either or Both” etc. The Y. M. C. A. furnishes us many amusements such as movie Sunday school 10 a.m. Special services every night next theatres, lectures and the like, also week. All are most cordially invited. stationary and pjenty of reading Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy a Fav­ material. orite for Colds. Despondency Due to Constipation I will probably be stationed lice f- - J. L. Easley, Macon, 111., in speaking about six months more and then scrl Chamberlain’s cough remedy says, Women often become nervous and to sea and in my endeavors to "get Kaiser Bill’s mustache” I hope to T luring the past fifteen years it has ' despondent. When this is due to con­ meet the many Tillamook boys also ' een my sister's favorite medicine for stipation it is easily corrected by tak- engaged in the same occupation. Our colds on the lungs. I myself have 1 ing an occasional dose of Chamber- hats off to Oregon and three cheers taken it a number of times when suf­ : Iain’s Tablets. These tablets arc easy fering with a cold and it always re­ for the good old U I to take and pleasant in effect. lieves me promptly." ? H. H. CURTIS, Owner, Pullman, Wash. I f V