T illamook headlight , march 21, 1918 County Court Allows Bills. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Road District No. 1. J. H. Walker ............................ Lester VCalker ........................ L>. M .Oliver .............................. C. W. Ross ................................ E. Krunilaui .............................. bam Johnson ............................ Mark Hobson ............................ Ed Marshall .................. .. . . . . J. B. Langley ............................ Geo. Kraumlauf ........................ W m. D. bhaier ........................ Frank Struby ............................ Fred Lange ................................ E. Worthington ........................ bred Emery .............................. Elmer Easom ............................ A. D. Lommen .......................... Lesley Barber ............................ bam lumlinson ........................ A. L. McCarty .......................... Joe Duncan ................................ C. E. .-vllen ................................ Janies Langley ........................ Walter Rogers .......................... Joseph Langley ........................ B. btoker ....j.................... Arstill .................................... btaford ................................ H .Kenney ............................ Oral Barnes ............................... Howard Tilden.......................... Of Michigan F. bulivan .................................. Bob Crawford .......................... Subject: “Over the Top for a Dry America Chas. Haybarker ...................... Jack Lesley ................................ Hear him on ‘ WAR TIME PROHIBITION, C Hanks........................................ Nehalem Hotel ........................ step toward Constitutional Prohibition, at the James Langley ........................ “PATRIOTIC DAY RALLY,” conducted by the Win. Jolley ................................. Frank Illingworth .................. Anti Saloon League. W. F. Cain ................................ W. F. Cain ................................ Chas Blum ................................ B. Batzner ................................ A. C. K H. Anderson................ Anderson Bros............................ W heeler Repoter...................... Wheeler Lumber Co.................. Wm. Norris .............................. Howard Cooper Corp............... F. L. Sappington .................... John Gray .................................. W. S. Coates ............................ • , Road District No. 2. G. C. Vaughn ............................ D. B. Darby .............................. C. Edgar...................................... Joe Atkinson ............................ Ben Darby .................................. Roy Edgar ................................ Fiae—Life—Live stock--Automobile Fire and Joe Blaser ................................ T. Haugen .................................. Theft Surety Bonds—Plate Glass—Auto Lia­ C. Kinnamin .............................. bility-Accident E Goodspeed ............................ B. E. Turner.............................. B. E. Turner ............................ L. D. Harden ............................ Notice to Contractors- W. W. Turner .......................... Fred Blum .................................. Notice is hereby given that the H. Nelson .................................. LATEST iCounty Court of Tillamook County, Ed La Francis .......................... Oregon, will until io;oo o’clock a.111. Frank Oliver ............................ of April 5, 1918, receive proposals for N. J. Dye .................................... constructing the Munson Creek bridge D. Billings ................................ according to the plans and specifica­ City Transfer Co........................ tions in this office, and at that time D. Tinnerstet ............................ W. Sutton .................................. publicly opened and read. Each proposal shall be in a sealed Cyrus Randall .......................... envelope plainly marked on the out­ B. R. Rainy ................................ side “Proposal for the construction of W'. E. Noyes .............................. the Munson Creek Bridge”, and J. Neigle ...................................... shall be accompanied by cash, certifi­ H. Brooks .................................. ed check or bidder’s bond equal in Oscar Myers .............................. amount to 5 per cent of the amount A. Vetscli .................................. bid, the same to be made payable to A. Dervine .......................... Tillamook County. Proposals shall be C. S. W ells ................................ made on the form furnished by the N. Neilson .................................. R. Garner .................................. Electricity’s latest gift to County Clerk. the housewife—greatest The Court reserves thc right to re­ J. Proctor .................................. J. Brandes ................................ ject any and all bids. since the electric iron Erwin Harrison, County Clerk. Veder Erickson ........................ and electric vacuum Wm. Petty ................................ First publication March 21, 1918. cleaner—the W ni. Bankey ............................ Last publication April 4, 1918. P. J. Sharp ................................ K. Martin ........................ .... ... Notice to Contractors. Clarence Edner ........................ ----- o ------ P ortable Geo. Russell .............................. Notice is hereby given that the A. Arstill Bayocean road ... S ewing M achine County Court of Tillamook County, A. Arstill ’ ” ................ Oregon, will until 10:00 o’clock a. in. No more tiresome A. Artill, supplies .................. of April 5, 1918, receive proposals for A. G. Beals Lmbr. Co............. treadle pushing — no retimbering thc Lommeii Bridge Brighton Mills Co.................... more backache a little according to the plans and specifica­ Brighton Mills Co.................... electric motor does the tions in this office, and at that time A. F. Coats Lbr. Co................ hard work. publicly opened and read. Frank Dye ................................ Each proposal shall be in a sealed Herman Farmer .................... A foot control gives any envelope plainly marked on the : out- out speed desired. N. J. Dye ..............;................. for retimbering side “Proposal Feeney & Bremer Co............. Bridge,” and the Lommen The entire machine in F .C. Feldschau ...................... shall be accompanied by cash, certifi­ L. Gruttner damages ............ its case can be carried ed check or bidder’s bund equal in Frank Heyd & Co.................. anywhere—it’s no larger amount to 5 Per ccnt of' thc 4,l,ount Oscar Huber ............ . ............. than a typewriter. bid, the same to be made payable to King-Crenshaw Hdw. Co. .. . Tillamook County. Proposals shall be Alex McNair .......................... Ask for a demonstra­ made on the form furnished by the A. Erickson .............................. tion. County Clerk. ' C. F. Wilson ............................ The court reserves thc right to re­ P. F. W ilson ............................ COA ST POWER CO ject any and all bids. Leslie Walker.......................... THE Erwin Harrison, County Clerk. Wesley Stornier .................... ELECTRIC STORE. 1 First publication March 21, 19*8. Alex Walker ............................ Last publication April 4. '9lS- Vigal Vogt................................ G. G. Graves .......................... John Graff .............................. Notice to Contractors. Sol Phelps ................................ Notice to Contractors. Notice is hereby given that the A. Erickson .............................. notice is hereby given that the A. Erickson .............................. I County Court of Tillamook County, County Court of Tillamook County, W. B. Vaughn ........................ Oregon, will until 10:00 o’clock a. m. | wgon, will until 10:00 o'clock a. tn. B. E. Turner ............................ April 5, 1918, receive proposals for of April 5, '9'8, receive proposals or Tillamook Water Co.............. construction of Beaver Creek bridge , «"btructing the Morgan Bridge No 2 according to plans and spectii-1 ¡Tillamook Iron Works ........ [fording to the plans and specifica- cations in this office, and at that ! Star Garage ........ .................... P"' in this office, and at that time Howard Cooper Corp............ time publicly opened and read »•blidy opened and read. Each proposal shall be in a scaled Coast Power Co....................... Each proposal shall be in a sealed envelope plainly marked on the ou -1 W. s. .................................. plainly marked on the out- side "Proposal for the construction of J. Mills .................. Road District No. 3. I a Proposal for the construction of ¡the Beaver Creek Bridge No. 2, '.c Morgan Bridge,” and shall be accompanied by cash, certifi­ H. C. White ............................ he accompanied by cash, certifi- ed check or bidder s bond equal m Chas. Baker ............................ 'heck.or bidder’s bond equal in R. B. McClay .......................... °* ,he P°unt to 5 per cent of- the amount amount to 5 P« Emil Wooley .......................... bid, the same to be made paya ' e JE the same to be made payable to Tillamook County. Proposals shall be L. Specce .................................. P'"look County. Proposals shall be made on the form furnished by , Vail Fisher .............................. F f on tin form furnished by the Vail Fisher .............................. County Clerk. . Clerk. J. E. Spccry ............................. The court reserves the right J11' court reserves the right to re- (John Rock ............................ ject any and all bids. W »"y and all bids. Erwin Harrison, County Clerk. Gilbert Rock .......................... ' Newenswandcr .................. ► Erwn Harrison, County Clerk, First publication March 21, '9'8. I L. Christensen ........................ ¡y* Publication March 21, 1918. Last publication April 4, 19' p” Publication April 4, 1918. I TILLAMOOK. OREGON Friday, March 29,7:30, p George W. Morrow All are Welcome, Admission Free W. A. CHURCH. Room No. 2 Commercial Bldg Tillamook. Nothing But Insurance — 9— T he Western Electric 1 s W. H. Christensen ................... C. B. Stanley ............................. 87-87 M ISS SALENA DICK, Frank Yach ................................. Plasker Bros............................... '90.83 L. A. Yach ............ .................... Carl, State vs La Due ............ TEACHER OF FI ANO. 16.40 Jos Stein massl ......................... F. R. Beals, stock indemnity. PRIMARY AND ADVANCE 50.00 INSTRUCTION Coast Power Co.......................... E. W. Stanley “ ‘ .. 10.40 V. R. Schultz ............................. Elmer L. Webb 6.00 Monthly Musicals given for Guy Mattoon ............................. Coast Power Co. 224.00 given for benefit of Pupils. Ray Hushbeck ........................... w. s. Coa.es . . . 32.50 Prices Reasonable. Archie Gist ............ . .................. E. Dodson 3.00 Joe Jenck .- *................................ Witness in Criminal Coses 0R. O. L. HOHLFELD, Frank Vonew ........................... Albn Frederickson .................. F. L. Owens ............................... Ed Marshall ............................... VETERINARIAN. Edward Carter .......................... Ted Me Falls ............................. Ira Dimond ................................. Albin Frederickson ................... i Office at Harold Brandt ........................... John Day ................................... TODD HOTEL, Jack Johnson ............................. A. L. Dicky ............................... Frank Reynolds ...................... Ray Grate ................................. Tillamook - - Oregon. Geo. Gala way ........................... Janies Wilson .......................... Fred Johnston ........................... Floyd Wilson ............................. H. A. Brandt ............................. J. S. Lamar ........................... .. OBERT H. McGRATH, H ■ P. Gillstcad ......................... M. F. Leach ............................... C ounsellor - at L aw , R. F. Braden ............................. 1 J. R .Tompkins ......................... Trentman .......................... W ebb Maddux.......... ................ ODDFELLOWS' BUILDING, E. F. Barba ................................. Jack Smith ................................... TILLAMOOK, OREGON. John Borba ................................. Herschel Hollett ....................... E. R. Ayer ................................... Geo, Edmunds ........................... Pom ANU O fficb : Walter Affolter ..................... . E. W. Stanley ............................. Fred Affolter ............................. 1110 W ilcox B ld . Royal Stillwell ........................... D. 1. Trent ................................. Frank Fitzpatrick ..................... S. Baur ......................................... Emma Leach ............................. AVID ROBINSON, M. D , I J- M. Baker .......... .................... May Maddux ............................. A. Arstill ..................................... Edward Hamlin ....................... A. Arstill ..................................... Theo. Hinckley ......................... PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 4.50 C. Denel ................................. Emma Hamlin ........................... NATIONAL BUILDING, U. Edwards ................................. N. McMillan ............................... 9.00 Poeney Bremer Co...................... Arthur Paquet ............................. OREGON TILLAMOOK 76.00 W. Gilbert & Sons . .|........ Merle Webb . . 7000 Claude Hall ............................. .. Grace Sacre .. O0.00 ' Mallory & Jenck ....................... T. «Ulta Theo Hinckley 34.40 Pacific Face Brick Co................ Mark Hobson ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 5 (,5 1 S. P. Company ........................... N. McMillan .................. .'.... 4 4° 2 ¿j Tillamook Mutual Telephone Edw. Marshall ....................... 6.40 Complete Set of Abstract Boe ke in Io 10 R. E .Wilson Co........................ Office. Edw. Hamlin ......................... 4.40 7 Howard Cooper Corporation . Mrs. J. P. McCormick .... 4.40 Taxes Paid for Non Residents. 72.00 I’■ .Myers ............................... Blitchard ......................... 4-40 T illamook B lock , 12.55 1 brank P°x ................................. Regular Jurors Tillamook .... Oregon 3.55 J°hn Fox ..................................... 4-5° • A. M. Ginn ... 38.20 Both Phones. 26.89 1 L’ [: ................................. 4-50 a ,H. Harris . . 39-20 ......................... 46.92 L- E. V Whiteman " u J°-5° • E. D. Hoag .. . 3-40 ELAND E. ERWIN 18.00 Gco 9-75 J’ C. Gardner ........................... Geo. Loerpabel 17.20 Neuenuchwander .. .............. 262 R. C. Magarrell 32-5‘ I 25-40 PIANO INSTRUCTION, l9 37 John M. Bodie 12.25 i W. S. Coates ............................. 40.40 County Poor. Diploma from Chicago Musical ' ___ Eric Glad .... 280.56 I 39-0 1361 i J. J. Rupp .... 16.87 D. S. Boyakin ............................. 39.80 College.—Beginners receive the same 27-5°iWm. F. Latimer . 3-40 careful training as the most advanced. 13-50 W. A. Church ............................ 5-00 J Jas. Kodad .......... 36.88 Anna Peterson .......................... 39-60 Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ Geo. W. Phelps ......................... 8.55 - Dave Fitzpatrick . 39-40 tion. 4.00 J. O. Bozorth ... Dr. Rinehart .............................. 37-40 All lessons given at Studio. 1.00 J. L. Lourance ... Tillamook Drug Store ............ 29.40 County Representative for the 60.00 Nestucca Valley Hospital . . .. D. Billings ............ 39-20 Wiley B. Allen Co.s’ line of high H. Mason & Co.......................... 5-45 W. H. Hoskins .. . 36.20 grade pianos, player-pianos, Victrofoa Lamb Schrader Co.................... 8.45 Albert Marolf . . . 36.40 etc. E. E. Koch ................................. 4 00 I W. G. Day ........................... 40.40 aS'00!J. M. Traxler ...................... Marie Ramm .............................. 44.00 c - hawk L. S. Hushbeck ........................ 9-55 1 a , C .Anderson ................ 20.00 Mrs. F. P. Hobson ................ 30 00 . J. C. Holden ....................... 320 R. N. Henkle ............................. 35’7°|S. A. Brodhead ................. 2.20 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Dr. Hawk ................................... 61 ’25 A_ H. Gaylord .................... 2.20 2.50 I P. A. Finne ................................. Special Jurors. Oregon Bay City 6.00' C. A. Elliott............................... G. A. Jones ......................... C. O. & C. M. Dawson............ ’•55 H. W. Kickson . Fred Davidson ........................ f‘"" Geo W. Kiger OHN LELAND HENDERSON Crystal Laundry ...................... 190 Fred McKinley Conover & Condit .................... 9 05 I W. G. Harris . . . ATTORNEY I C. B. Wiley .. . . Mother’s Pensions. AND Mary Burmesler ...................... !5 °° F. L .Sappington COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW 7-50 I j. R. Harter .. .. Irene Eadus .............................. T illamook B lock , Johanna York ........................... 7-50 1 L. S. Hushbeck . Lizzie Armstrong .................... Tillamook - . . • Oiegon, l*-25 I C. E. Reynolds . Florence M. Baker .................. 12.50 | J. Chaffee .. . ROOM NO. 261. Ivel Gillam ................................ Ruby C. Brooten ...................... Sants E. Hatch ........................ Olson ... Augusta E. Williams .............. Summerlin ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Lantz .. .. General Fund. Austin . . . Anderson Bros............................ T iij . amook B lock H. V. Alley ................................. C. A. Johnson ........................... Tillamook < Ireton H. B. Millis................................. Fred C. Baker ........................... EBSTER HOLMES, N. W. Barker ............................ ■ Geo. D. Benard Co. ................. Notice of Completed Contract. ATTORN EY-AT LAW P. W. Barrett ............................. ------ o------ P. W. Barreit ............................. Notice is hereby given that COMMERCIAL BUI I.DING, B. L. Beals ................................. Roadmaster of Tillamook County has FIRST STREET, J. C. Bewley ............................... filed in this office his certificate of Bushong & Co.............................. the completion of all work under the TILLAMOOK, - OREGON Bushong & Co............................ contract of Mallory & Jenck with Tillamook Water Co................. j Tillamook County, for the construc­ City Transfer Co........................ tion of Beaver Creek Bridge No. I ac- QR. L. L. HOY, Erwin Harrison ...................... I cording to the plans and spccifica- Vida A. Millis ........................... ' lions on file in this office. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Ethel Curtiss ........................... Any person, firm or corporation T illamook B lock , C. J. Edwards ........................... having objections to file to the filial T. E.’ Epplett ............................. payment on said contract may do so Oregon T. E. Epplett ............................. within two weeks from the date of the Tillamook, W. C. Finzcr Co........................ first publication of this notice. Erwin Harrison, County Clerk. Mrs. . Harriett Ford ................ rp H GOYNE, Mrs. 1, Mabel Dawson .............. ' First publication March 21, 1918. Mrs. F. Wiley ........................... Last publication April 4, 1918. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Glass X Prudiiomme .............. Notice to Contractors. Office: O pposite C ourt H ouse , Glass & Prudiiomme .............. T. H. Gcync .............................. Oregon. Notice is hereby given that the Tillamook T. H. Goyne .............................. •5-00, County Court of Tillamook County, T. B. Handley .......................... A. M. Hare ................................. 100.00 Oregon, will until 10:00 o'clock a. 111. T. BOALS, M.D., 11.65 ' of April 5, 1918, receive proposals for Harris Furniture Co.................. Bridge 3- 78 constructing the Stanley Erwin Harrison ........................ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 7.08 according to the plans and specifica­ J. F. Jones ................................... 3-00 tions in this office, and at that time Surgeon S. P. Co. G. A. Jones ............................... 180.53 publicly opened and read. State Treasurer ........................ (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) 8.87 , Each proposel .............. shall be in a scaled Kill.am Stationery Co.......... • • Tillamook .... Oregon 33-70 1 envelope plainly marked on the out­ G. B. Lamb ................................. 83 33 side “Proposal for the construction of G. B. Lamb ................................. 55-00 the Stanley Bridge,” and QR J. G. TURNER, Marion Hare ............................. L59 shall be accompanied by cash, certifi­ G. B. Lamb .............................. 305 ed check or bidder's bond equal in Lennold & Voelpcl .................. EYE SPECIALIST. 1-35 amount to 5 per cent of- the amount King Crenshaw Co.................... OREGON .90 bid, the same to be made payable to PORTLAND — Alex McNair ............................. 10.00 Tillamook County. Proposals ’Shall be Regular Monthly Visits to E. Mills ....................................... 4- 94 made on the form furnished by the Robt. McGrath ........................ Tillamook and Cloverdale. County Clerk. Robt. McGrath .......................... WATCH PAI'KR KIR DATES. •45 I The court reserves the right to re­ Nehalem Tel. & Tel. Co........... 70.00 ject any and all bids. F. L. Owens ............................... Erwin Harrison, County Clerk. • 9-83 Pac. Tel. & Tel Co.................... 54-25 First publication March 21. 1918. Underwood Typewriter Co. . H. T. Botts, Pres. Attorney Tillamook Herald ..................... 627.50 Last publication April 4, 1918. at-Law. 3 5 00 P. W. Todd ................................. Despondency Due to Constipation John Leland Henderson, Sec­ Tillamook Mutual Tele. Co . . .. 7 60 7-25 I 18.00 Tillamook Herald ..................... retary Treas., vtttorney at- Women often become nervous and 6.00 Tillamook Headlight .............. 616.50 Law and Notrary Public. •7-25 Tillamook Garage ..................... 123.15 despondent. When this is due to con­ 4 70 stipation it is easily corrected by tak­ 8.25 A. F. Coats Lbr. Co.................... 9.30 ing an occasional dose of Chamber­ 2.25 Standard Oii Co.......................... 930 lain’s Tablets. These tablets arc easy 3-75 Standard Oil Co.......................... LOO to take and pleasant in effect. 3.00 Smithy's Variety Store ........ , .80 1.50 Smithy’s Variety Store .......... __ 1 ‘ Concrete for permanency, but you 4-00 1.50 Receiver V. S. Land Office . 142 so have to have good cement, Oregon L?O R. L. Shreve ............................... I..« W. L. Campbell ....................... • 38.73 Portland cement is guaranteed. Lamb 93.20 Schrader Co. 337 Elmer Webb ............................. *> » J Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. 1