Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 21, 1918, Image 10

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— o—
Dedication of the New Liberty Temple will take
place at the corner of 2nd Ave. East and Third
Street on Sunday Afternoon at 2.30.
A pro­
gram of speeches, singing and instrumental
music will be followed by Allied Flag Raising
Ceremonies by representatives of our Allies.
----- o------
Salem, Or., March 26—Oregon I
clocks are to be set one hour ahead
March 31. The “daylight saving” plan
of the President will go into effect at
that time by virtue of a proclamation
issued by Governor Withycombe to- 1
day as follows:
Whereas, the President of the Unit­
ed States has expressed the desire
that the people of this nation set all
clocks ahead one hour on March 31,
in accordance with a daylight saving
plan which has operated with mater­
ial benefit in many of the European
countries, and
Whereas, This is in the nature of a
war measure which must be given
whole-hearted support by all who
have the best interests of their coun- '
try at heart;
Now, therefore, 1, James Withy­
combe, by virtue of the authority in ■
me vested as Governor of the State I
of Oregon, do hereby call upon the 1
people ot Oregon to adjust their
clocks in accordance with the letter I
and spirit of the Federal enactment
and give the daylight saving plan full
support until the time set for its sus­
pension in October.
In testimony whereof, I have here­
unto set my hand and caused the seal
of the State of Oregon to be hereunto
affixed this 26th day of March, A. D.,
James Withycombe, Governor.
And Announcements of some Extra Special One Day Offerings tor Saturday, Mai ch c-Oth.
------ o------
Christian Church.
10:00 a.m. Bible School. Classes for
all, come.
11:00 Special Easter program. Com­
munion Service.
Song, by the school.
Song, by the school.
Responsive Reading.
Song, by the school.
Easter Greeting ........ Bobbie Boals
Violin Solo ................... Anna Morgan
Song, by the school.
Easter exercises............. By four Girls
Song, by Junior Loyal Daughters.
Flowers of the Green., by four Girls.
Song, by the school.
Easter Blessings,...........by Five Girls
Song,’by Primary Pupils.
Recitation ................. Charles Thomas
The Robins’ Song, ..Reletta Watson
A Wreath Upon the Cross, Ten Girls
The Wonderous King, Marion Coates
Song, by thé school.
The Easter Call ........... Sidney Hart
6:30 Christian Endeavor. Large at-
tendance, do your bit to continue it.
7:30 Easter sermon, subject: “Ex-
ccpt there be death, there can be no
Life.” Bring your friends. Our aud­
iences are increasing. Good music at
all services.
Friday and Saturday positively? the
Last Two Days of our Great
Ladies’ Coats, at
Ladies' Suits, at
For One Day' Only—Saturday?.
Men's $1.00 Silk Ties,
59 c. Each.
Three for One Seventy-Five.
The Suits
All Wool and Fast Colors.
$25.00 to $33.45
Consist of Serges, 1 weeds, Shepherd
checks in serges to fit the Miss of 16
years to the Matron who needs a size 40.
Included in the selection are the famous
"Palmer” garments and there are actual
$22.50, $23.50 and $25.00 Suits.
We guarantee that the tailoring will be
careful and enduring that the dyes will be
fast and lasting, that every garment will
be completely satisfactory in every res­
pect. Come and see the new
models now on display.
Stylish Stout
All the new shades of Tan and Brown
shoes with self and novelty tops are here
ready for your chosing. If you want style
with comfort features predominating you
will find here just the shoe you need. See
The New Spring Blocks,
$3.50 to $5 00.
All the new blocks and colors are now
here, including some very smart Derbies.
Step into our Men’s Shop and look them
over. You’ll like the price as well as the
feel of them.
Much has been Said about the value
of the sensational photoplay, “The
Honor System,” which will be seen
in this city at the Gem Theatre Wed­
nesday, April 3, and in the general
human sympathy aroused from this
angle one might lose sight of« the
other great and distinguishing quali­
ties of this master drama which R. A.
Walsh directed and which William
Fox is presenting.
Eliminating the great moral story,
the powerful record of human love
and sympathy, and judging it from
the viewpoint of a spectacle, one is
forced to the conclusion that it is one
of the finest pieces of realism the mo­
tion picture stage has yet seen.
True, no great cities tumble, and no
heavens fail, and the bowels of the
earth are not exposed to view, but
this photoplay shows more real, flat
on the earth human existance than
any film story that has been made
for the amusement of the public.
These are scenes depicting the fron­
tier life of Arazona which are without ■
parellcl on the screen. Mr. Walsh was
born and raised in Arizona and shows
it first in his selection of types. He
positively uses no Bergen (N. J.)
cowboys, and, after all, that's a good
start. His men of the West breathe,
snort and fight western fashion. And
they love that way, too.
The most moving scene is when the
cowpunchers and rangers of one tow n
dash madly on their mustangs and
cayuses to the rescue of their pals in
another boarder town. It has been
raided by Mexican bandits, and Mr.
Walsh’s scene makes Villa's Colum­
bus raid look like a game of croquet.
The word has been brought to the
boys of Lariat by Joe Stanton, the
hero. In a whirlwind of passion they
rids across the desert, the American
flag at the head and save the town.
Saturday Only.
Actual $2.25 and $2.50,
$1.98 Pair.
One button clasp Tan Cape Gloves
with P. X. M. seams and black
points, and one button-clasp white
Kid with self or black stitching
and points. All sizes.
Limit, 2 pairs to each customer.
» W
Ik' ''f^t
The news that we are now featuring
special garment for the woman who be­
lieves she is over the average size will be
welcome indeed.
If you have experienced any difficulty
in securing Suits, Coats or Dresses large
enough come to the store and let us show
vou the many Stylish Stout Garments
now in stock in cur Ready-to-W'ear Dept,
on the Balcony. Prices are no higher
than regular size garments.
New Silk Waists >
Sale Priced at
For the Man who Cares,
$6.00 to $10.00.
"In Honor System,” at the Gem,
For sale— Two dwellings, lots 3
and 4 and 5th Street and Park Ave.
Also furniture, stoves, tools, choice
bulbs, pconys, lilys, chrysanthemums.
Inquire of Mrs. K. White.
Are shown in military and belted styles
with trimmings of self or contrasting col­
ored fabrics. Prominent among the colors
arc the new Sammy Shades. Actual $18,
$19, and $20.
Coats Sale Priced at
Clothing and Furnishings selections are
now complete—come to the store today
and make your selections at your leisure.
Perfect Fittings
of Crepe de Chine, etc.
Miss Boyle, the lady in charge of our Readv-to-
Wear Dept., has wide and varied experience as a
fitter, and ha» been demonstrating her ability 'aily,
since coming, as an expert in that line.
$2.95 to $6.95
For wearing with the new separate skirts we are
now showing an exceptionally fine selection of
Crepe de Chine Habutai, and Mercerized Madras
Waists in such wanted colors as Plum, Emerald,
Old Rose, Flesh, Pink, Black and Navy as well as
some very pretty large figure designs.
See them in the Ready-to Wear Dept, on the
Made-to-Order Millinery?
Dainty Camisoles
In addition to the charming creations on view in
our Millinery Dept., on the Balcony. Mrs. Critchlow
will be glad to make up any shape and trim you
desire at the most economical prices.
Mad" of Crepe de Chine and Wash Satin in Flesh
and White, prettily trimmed with lace or hemstitch­
ing and lace. Very special values. Just the kind to
wear with the new sheer waists.
Priced $1. 98 and $2 98
The New Spring Styles in
Red Cross Shoes
Are Now Being Displayed
Windows and Shoe Dept.
One Model is illustrated.
Brief descriptions of other models being given below:
The Coats
Only Two Days, Mr. Man, in
which to secure
Methodist Episcopal Church.
Preaching 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Subject for the morning "The East­
er Spirit in Religion and Life.”
Subject for the evening “The Liber- I
ty Bond Drive” Speakers for the oc­
casion are Rev. C. C. Curtis, Hon. D.
L. Shrode and C. O. Dawson. This
service should be of interest to every
one. Patriotic music by the McGhee
orchestra and patriotic singing by the
Sunday School at 10 a.m.
In the afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at
Liberty Corner will occur the dedica­
tion of the Liberty Temple and the
raising of the flags of the nations.
A most remarkable opportunity for sc-
curing your new Easter Suit and Coat at
a worth while saving.
Generous flowing end Ties in beautiful
quality silks, lovely new colorings and de­
signs. Just the kind to wear with your
new Spring Suit.
Easter Church Services.
"Over the Top” for Us
with the Third Liberty Loan
on the Opening Day.
This Store will remain Closed Saturday,
April 6 th, until 4 p.m. provided Tillamook 's
quota is not reached before that hour.
Tillamook Liberty Temple Dedication
and Flag Raising Easter Sunday?, March 31st.
Governor Appeals to Oregon Peo­
ple U Moves Clocks Ahead.
The Greatest Values in
¿^America today for
JUST $1.00
For New CATodels are Illustrated.
ERE these wonderful waists offered
shown in Chocolate Kid
to you under any other than the Wirth-
with a 9 inch lace top mor selling plan they would cost you at
least $2.00 each, but through the co-opera­
to match and Cuban tion of manufacturer and merchants the
final price is just halved.
New styles come to us every month, and
Price Per Pair
they are offered in all sizes from 36 to 50.
Always One Dollar.
Other 9 inch Lace top
Worth More
models come in
The shoe illustrated is
grey tops,
mouse and light
greyfckid with tops
to match and chocolate calf with tops to
match. Some have Louis Cuban heels
some military heels and some models are
shown in both style heels. Prices
$7.85-$8.35-$9.85 and $10.85
The New Spring z^Wodels in
” Nemo,” “ Gossard” and
American Lady” Corsets
« í
z^Are here ready for your Choosing
at Prices from
$1.00 to $6.00.
Ladies’ Black Kid Oxfords are shown in
lace models with military heels (Ft ot
and are priced at per pair
Ladies’ stylish comfort (F4
Shoes in black kid. Prices**«0**
American Lady Corsets
in 32 distinct front orback
lace styles, in Batiste or
Coutil and in either white
or flesh. Sizes 19 to 36.
$1.00 to $4.25
All pure silk Taffeta, Mes-
saline anil Jersey Silk Top
Petticoats in plain colors
and changable effects. The
self colors are shown in
black, navy, Nile, emerald,
grey, etc., and the change­
able effects in a large var­
iety of colors.
The petticoats are shown
in a varied selection of
styles and are priced very
specially from
$4.48 to
Gossard Corsets in front
lace models only in low
and medium busts for both
average and well developed
figures. All sizes priced
$2.00 to $5.00
Nemo Hygienic and “ Wonderlift'' Corsets
$3.50 to $6.00.
The Corset for the woman with special
Corset needs made by people who have given
years and years study and effort to the pro­
ducing of a perfect lifting hygienic Corset.
All sizes in stock. Secure your model today.
For One Day Only
Easter Sale of
New Millinery at
$3.49 and $5.89
An event of the utmost importance to the woman
who has not yet selected her new Easter Chapeau.
Important because of the phenomenal savings
made possible and important because of the ex­
ceptional styje and finish of each hat included in
each selection.
Many of the models were selections from pat­
tern Hats offered in the style centers in the East,
the others being made under the personal tipcr-
vision of our own expert trimmest
Every hat is new, perfect in style, and
altogether desirable.
Actual $4.50, $5.00, $5.50
fo 4 A
and $6.00 Hats Saturday onlv
Actual $7.50, $8.00, $8.50. $9.00, tfC CO
$9.50 and$10 Hats Saturday only
You are urged to view our
equisite selections of New
ool and Silk Dress Skirts.
They come iri new high
waisted models gathered or
pleated and finished .with
belts, large pockets, drapes
and panels. There are plain
colors in black, navy blue,
grey and emerald and fancy
designs in stripes, plaids,
shepherd checks, etc., etc.
The values are exceptional
and styles absolutely au­
thentic. Prices
$5.45. to $12.00