ItahliöljL TILLAMOOK, OREGON, Tillamook Jottings MARCH 21, 1918. ti jo PER YEAR. Ncstucca \ alley ranches can’t be Jensen, Mabel 'is a moss that grows on cranberry SUCCESSFUL HOLSTEIN SALE. Justice Burnett; Circuit Judge Bag- beat. We have just what you want i « Ross, Vena jviiaen, atchell and Richard Spencer have marshes. T,PrCCtan? v : :ns to suit purchasers, ley affirmed «r-- ■' v-r- i>" lor Real Estate Agency, Clover- sold each, $50.00 worth of War Saving I Johanna York, administratrix of w A. Wise, dentist. stamps and are entitled to enrollment Red Cioss News Notes. Black Cat Adds $52.55 to Red estate of Lewis York, appellant, vs. iU’.le, Or. e should be fed some in the Junior Rainbow Regiment. The Every dairy c Southern Pacific Company; appealed Cross Funds at Banquet Ray & Co. * 1. F.orlJsak—80 acres irrigated alfalfa thrift movement should not be spas- inseed Oil Me 1 he Rid Cross benefit to be given from Tillamook; petition for rehear­ modic effect but should be held be ­ Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough land, Hermiston country. Part level by -liic combined clubs of the city w ill ing denied; opinion by Justice Moore. « cd, buildings, well, etc. $3000. Owner fore the Child for the entire year as a be given on April 5th and 6th, at the By R. C. Jones County Agriculturist. Co- ¡R. J. Arnold, ¡828 East Everett, St, means of promoting his education in I Armory. All the committees are hard 1 he second annual Holstein sale is Lamb-Schrader Co. will pay ioc. Portland, Oregon. sating- He has learned much when a. work and a good time is promised now a matter of history. It was with­ Tillamook Erects,Liberty Temple. * tach for gond sacks. the habit of saving is formed. Get a McCormick if you want the both young and old. Particulars will out a doubt the most successful sale Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, best mowers, rakes and tedders. Look papers, ever held in Tillamook county. The 16 A divorce suit was filed in the cir­ appear later in the local The Liberty Loan enthusiasts of « Cloverdale, Ore. J over your old machinery for extra cuit by Mrs. Lula Dickerson against watch for further notice. head of females brought in by the Tillamook City arranged for the erec­ Alter the 1st of April the Red Cross Association, brought a total of $9,180, tion of a Liberty Temple and on Kuppenbendc r s T.: feed for less. £!,r,ts needed and order them now— her husband, W. A. Dickerson, These | 1 illamook Feed Co. ♦ parties were married on the 24th of rooms will be open only on Tuesday or an average price of $574.00 per Tuesday morning the work was start­ Call at the warencuse. land Wednesday of each week for Born, on Monday to the wife of December 1915, at Seattle, Wash., and I work. Gardening house-cleaning and head. The sale was topped off by the ed cn a buildng where Heaston’s bar­ Coffee— S] < c i.-.l blend 2 tb s. for 35 heifer, Maplecrest High Law 11 Korn­ ber shop was located. All of the car- 4 shortly after, the complaint alleged, Warren Hoskins, a girl. This places ♦ tents—Tillamook Feed Co. I Mr. and Mrs. \V. H. Hoskins in the détendant began to ami has continued sewing will claim a great share of the dyke, No. 292405, who was sold for penters in the neighborhood volun­ $1100.00 to F. R. Beals. This heifer is teered their services and the carpen­ Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver- ■ grandpa and grandma class, and it is to treat plaintiff in a cruel and inhu­ tiine ol tlie women from there on. • the Red Cross received instructions by Pontiac Aaggie Korndyke who has ters and others were a busy bunch w,re_R. \V. Bennett. man manner and heaped upon her j up to Billy to put up the cigars. on Saturday to collect partly worn Let W. Church writs your insur­ I The management of the Gem Thea- personal indignities-all 6f which have garments this week fur the relief' of 7 daughters with average yearly rec­ when work started in the morning. A. ords of 1170 tbs. Her dam, Burton large crowd assembled and became rendered her life burdensome. De­ ance. - tre have made arrangements to pre­ fendant became addicted to the use of the Belgians. Anything with rubber in High Lawn 2nd. is one of the great quite interested in seeing the bulding spring Millim ry Opening, Saturday sent Mae Marsh in Oliver Morosco’s intoxicating liquors and during such it, stiff hats, and fancy slippers, arc producing dams of the breed, being erected and the large number or famous stage success “The Cinderella time he was quarrelsome and violent, not wanted. With these exceptions the dam of Ohio’s first 30-ltj. cow and citizens who were doing their "bit” to March 23, at Miss Pattersons. have the building finished that even­ threatened to kill plaintuf and struck any partly worn garment which a several other high producers. r W. Bennett, expert watch re- I Man” Tuesday, March 26. human being can wear will be grate­ She is bred to Friend Hengervcld ing. At noon dinner was served in the jaring. S. P. Watch inspector. 1 Demand that your contractor use and beat her on several occasions. fully accepted, it is hoped that each De Koi Butter Boy, the sire of five ’ Guild Hall of the Presbyterian Dr. Wise will be at his Wheeler of- 1 Santa Cruz cement. It is always uni- 1 he Hartford Live Stock Insurance family in turn will contribute some­ cows with records over 1000 tbs., 3 I church. | form and has exceptional fast setting 2* Company has just paid a draft in full 5ce Saturday, March, 23rd. I qualities which is preferred. For sale in the sum of $400.00 to Mr. B. A. thing to this work. Look over your ■ of which arc over 1200 tbs. in a year, | Notwithstanding the weather was clothing, and have what you can give ’ including Banostine Belle De Koi, the show ery, that did not make a particle The soil doctor is sold by Kuppen­ ¡at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * Folks for the loss of Mr. Fulks’ herd ready tor the automobile which will j first cow of any breed to make over of difference, work went along the bender. For sale— Two dwellings, lots 3 bull ‘Mutual Ormsby Prince,” which be sent out on Friday and Saturday to 1300 lbs. butter. ! same as if it had been a bright, sunny Best in the West—Oregon Portland and 4 and 5th Street and Park Ave. was the champion and grand cham­ collect the clothing, if you are going This heifers breeding is just full of , day. At six o'clock in the evening the Cement. Always uniform and fresh. Also furniture, stoves, tools, choice pion bull of the 1917 1 illamook away from the house, place them on 1000-tb, records, including many of building was finished, painted, with Lamb-Schrader Co. * bulbs, peonys, lilys, chrysanthemums, County Fair. Rollie Watson is the lo­ the porch, marked “Belgian Relief.” world’s record class. I electric lights, and ready for occu­ Inquire of Mrs. K. White. * cal agent for the Hartford Insurance The Red Cross is very grateful to For Sale or trade—Merry-Go-round, The first 1000-tb. cow of the breed pancy. The building is 18 by 24 feet For sale, brush land at Hood River. Company, which is America's largest the Holstein Breeders’ Association to be owned, so far as we know, in with five flag poles at the top. The Box 144 Tillamook Oregon. insurance company. The company re- for the handsome price ot $52.55 the state was purchased by Ebinger middle pole will have the Stars and We handle Trojan Powder. Best for Three crops of alfalfa when cleared. cently paid $1,733.779-99 for losses which they paid for the Holstein cat_____ , & Son, who bought Nina De Vries Stripes and the others will carry the — - - « Will sell on time and loan money for Humping.—Tillamook Feed Co. sustained in the great conflakration auctioned off for their benefit at the ! Schuling, with 1027.5 . j tbs. butter for flags of our allies—England, France, improvements to right man for dairy­ Wanted to trade city property for ing.—F. P. Friday, Hood River, Or. * at the Kansas City Stock Yards fire banquet Monday night. I $825.00. She is bred to a son of Italy and Belgium. for the loss and mixing of ever 20,000 1 he Sunday school Rally at Beaver I Friend Hengervcld De Koi Butter 1 The building will be used by the .creage dose to city.—See Shrode. For Sale—I have 12 good Jersey head of cattle consigned by shippers last Sunday was well attended, and ~ Boy. committee having charge of the Lib­ Announcing the new Grant Six, the cows, 3, 4, and 5 years old. All come to the Live Stock Exchange, which all felt that it was a time of special | Rollie Watson’s bull calf, the only erty Loan drive in the Tillamook » ktst ever. S c Kuppenbender. fresh in March. These are extra good. was the largest single loss sustained benefit to Sunday School work.. The ' male sold brought $200.00. bank district. As Tillamook County’s Let Kuppenbender tell you hew to Will sell the whole bunch for $1000.00 by this company for live stock. one which was to have occurred at The buyers together with the pur­ quota is expected to be some where we money on ycur cement work. * Address C. H. Pierce, Otis, Oregon. * Classification Changed by Dist. Board Mohler next Sunday, will convene at chases are listed below: near $200,000 this will entail a good Nehalem on April 7th. Ebinger & Son: deal of work on the several commit­ 26—Jas S. Graham, 4 to 1. For rale, Artichoke seed. Price $1.25 1 “Back of the Man”” at the Princess 1 he Civic improvement Club and Nina De Vries Schuling No. tees, but the people in all parts of 327—Leslie Finney, 1 to 4. per tied sack or $1.50 delivered. C. B. Theatre next Saturday. Also 3 reel Gem Theatre have turned the pro- 141808 ..................................... $825.00 the county should heartily respond., 352—Ed Kostic, 1 to 2. lltisor, Blaine, Ore, Mutual Phone.* comedy, A great play and a good ceeds from the "Alice in Wonder- Fonest City Pontiac Ange- and buy liberally of the Liberty Loan comedy given as a benefit -to help 521—Alex R. Tohl, 1 to 2 . Best by Test—Oregon Portland land” performance over to thc local line, No. 292156 ..................... 575-00 bonds. furnish the Liberty Temple. You can 545—Claud R. Wright, 1 to 3. (ement. For sale by Lamb Schrader help, come. Red Cross. This benefit, together Fred Maurer: The ladies organizations of the Physically Qualified. Co. * with the benefit exhibition given Jan­ Christian, Methodist, Presbyterian, Maple-crest Hengervcld Bur­ 552.—Verne Blanchard. Horses wanted—We buy all grades uary 23 T>y the Gem Theatre and ton, No. 297317..................... 78500 L nited Brethcrn, Nazarene and Cath­ Herman Farm« r lias decided to be of horses, old, young, thin, fat, large Civic Club, netted $50.26 for the Red olic Churches served dinner in the Forest City Pontiac Segis 1 candidate at the primary election Bees to Help Win tbe War. or small, good or bad makes no dif­ Cross. Salome, No. 283027............ 375-00 Presbyterian Guild Hall, a large num­ lot county commissioner. ference to us. Olson & Hardy will be ber of persons taking dinner there. Forest City De Ko! Camille Will pay you to see Everson tor a at Commercial Stables Tillamook till No. 309981 Sermon on Church Crowding. 350.00 The ladies provided the eats, and Ward H. Fdster, of the U. S. Dept, lit investment in city property or March 12. Both phones. J. J. Rupp: of Agriculture, will be in town on were successful in taking in $198.38, ------ o------ irw lands. which will go toward the expense of Forest City Pontiac Dolores Monday, March 25th, and address the ' For Sale — Early seed potatoes At the Methodist Church on Sunday tbred gilt' to furrow in June.—Ike No. 291957 600.00 building the Liberty Temple. When people of the county on Bee-keeping. morning, Rev. Chas. E. Gibson gave a |iick, Mutual Rhone. Call between “Earliest of All” at 2 cents per pound, Forest City De Koy Hilda the building is sold the proceeds will also Silver Laid Wyandott eggs at ’ Everyone who has been or has a place very instructing sermon, his subject and 8:30 p.m. No. 280048 ............................. 46500 go toward the Red Cross. $1.50 per setting of 15 eggs.—Apply ¡where they can keep bees is urged to being. "Cause and Cure for Denomina­ Sale—8 h ad milk cows, all giv- to A. T. Blackburn, Hemlock, Mutual attend this meeting. W ith the present tional Crowding.” He showed that in H. A. Springer: 1 he amount of money subscribed for the flag was $70.67. Forest City Pontiac Lucie »I I shortage of sugar, all forms of sweets the early history of the church there ig milk, except one due to freshen phone. No. 284031 ................ 495-00 larch the tenth. 2* Don’t forget those busted castings. are of great importance, and the bee were bickerings over trival and per- t I is willing to help "can the kaiser” by : sonal matters, and this was no new E. H. Zurflueh: Sec Kuppenbender about the Grant Can be welded for half. Goods sent Cem Theater Photoplay Program. Tillamook Easter Piebe the sugar from our wild t automobile, the snappiest car on by parcel post and express promptly j 1 gathering “lowvrs'and'LuUmg it‘i in a form for i thing in this day and generation, for Fobes De Koi, No.. 209945 200.00 a new denomination came into cxis- t toad. — — A.. — — « *1 LI 1» » V Si . ** S F' «11*» ZXZxb Saturday, March, 23—"The Voice of returned. Hiner & D Reed, Tillamook, us to use. A11 ice cream house in Port- ! tence every ten years, the outcome of L. D. Smith: two For sale, five heifers coming Conscience —five part Metro photo­ Forest City Pontiac Con- Oregon. * I land is using honey lor sweetening dessension in churches over non- ir old next spring. Apply to An- 500.00 play featuring Francis X. Bushman stance, No. 325358 .. it can be used in — essentials. He thought that every * The Rebekah lodge will give open ! their product and . . —.........- and Beverly Bayne. A story taken in t» Vetsch, Mutual Phone. Maple-crest Banostinc Lady 1 house on next . w .,( place ot sugar in almost any article ot Methodis __________ as well as Presbyterians t: Wednesday evening at f J ivinnouis 750.00 Hie South, which opens in Leaven­ -No. 384638 ■or Sale—Some good young heifers the Odd Fellows’ hall, lhe entertain­ food. Almost anyone has room for a d Christians and other denomina- worth prison. . irtshen soon, can be seen % miles ment committee having provided for I few stands of bees and lime to take tions might modify their ideas and F. R. Beals: “ International Sneak ” — Two reel High Lawn Maple-crest lot Nehalem, on Himpel farm. * the evening’s enjoyment. The Rebek­ care of them. Lets have everyone who : creeds, for after all it was the bickcr- Sennett comedy. Adults 20c, Children Korndyke, N o. 292405 .... I have bees and al) others who are in­ lings within the church that had ■ anted—Durham calves, pure bred, ahs extend a cordial invitation to all | IOC. Maple-crest Nina Pontiac terested in attendance at the meeting brought about a most serious situa- familes and utwu weeks old up.—J. E. Fisher, Odd Fellows, their Sunday, March, 24—“The Countess No. 284642 775-00 at the court house, Monday, March tion, with one church striving against tne, Oregon, Motor R. A. friends. Charming, —five reel Paramount 25th, at 1 :oo p.111. other churches for supremacy. There C. A. Sating: photoplay featuring Julian Eltinge, a. Forest City Pontiac Myra, Captain Millar, of the signal service, ihy not be insured in the best fire was a sad lack of co-operation with 350.00 very clever impersonator. Lots of ance company, it costs no more. came in on Sunday, and on Monday No. 301397 often bitter rivary between different laughs and good amusement in this Junior Red Cross is Active. Everson. * Roadmaster Shreve took him over the Neilson Bros: churches and church members, and number. r Sale—New modern residence, roads that will be used for hauling Forest City High Lawn Ella the rev. gentleman said it was no Monday, March, 25—"Fighting edin best residence district. Tor rived spruce, the County Court having No. 354'30 ............................. 36500 Since last week the following wonder that people kept away from Trail"—Episode No. to. (The Sheriff) it a bargain. See Frank Heyd. * requested Colonel Disque to send an W. Kuppenbender: schools have organized Junior Red churches when there was so much “Green Stockings”—five reel Vita- Forest City De Koi Ladoska tSalc, a car load of finest clover officer in, for the county is anxious to strife and bickering. Mr. Gibson said graph production featuring Lillian Cross Auxiliaries: 320.00 No. 317287 ........ .................... cooperate with the government in J. . Vandcrvelder & Sons, Roy, one of the things that had caused so . Walker . Dist. No. 3—Eacic O. Mullen, teach­ ion. * getting out rived spruce. much bickering was' the question of R. W. Watson: j Tuesday, March 26.—“The Cinder­ er, Illingworth, 4 members. Ruby Pietcrtje Hengcrveld baptism, and it was here where there »00 tor a good Jersey cow, fresh ” _ Hatching eggs for sale from trap- produc- Dist. No. 23—Flora Edgar, teacher, No. 219487 ............................. 55000 ella man" six reel Goldwyn was so much division, so much so Ine. Will consider light wagon or nested S. C. Rhode Island Reds, with Long Prairie, 18 member^. tion featuring Mae MarshJ See display A very fitting wind up for the suc- that persons outside the church look ­ limplemcnts in exchange. Box 17» records up to 245 eggs in one yejir. Dist. No. 24—Mrs. Hammer and ed on in wonderment and kept away ; cessful sale was the Holstein Breed- on another page. 1 Wednesday, March 27—‘High Play” k, Oregon. The kind that pay a profit on war Blanchard, teachers, Balm, 18 mem­ from them. He referred to the differ­ jers' Banquet at the Tillamook Hotel, five part Mutual Star production feat­ time feeding prices. Flock headed by bers. t “Guaranteed” silo is complete ent methods of baptism, being sub­ I Monday evening. With good eats be- uring William Russell. "Vibert” strain Cockerels from 271 Dist. No. 32—Miss Nora Cronquist, sold for less. Send for our big egg stock. Eggs, $1.00 for 15; $5°° teacher, Johnson School, 5 members. merged in or sprinkled with water. ' fore them, enthusiasm for the Black | “Officer Jerry”—one reel comedy ok it is free. \V. Kuppenben- Accoiding to the ethics of some ■and Whites ran wild. Good speeches • per 100.—Mrs. Hugh Barber, Fair­ Dist. No. 24—Leona Alley, teacher, churches it was obligatory that a per­ were made by many present. The with George Ovcy as the funny man. I Thursday, March, 28—"For Liberty’ view Creamery. Barnesdale, 8 pupils. son be submerged before he could be I climax of the evening’s entertainment J —five reel William Fox photoplay, ty Judge Hare was in Portland Union High School — Nehalem, C. E. "The Cinderella Man,” which is to saved. It matters little to the speaker came when a pure bred Holstein Cat featuring Gladys Brockwell and Chas. ■rk to examine the auto truck be shown at the Gem 1 heatre, March English, principle, 18 members. whether a person was submerged was put up at public auction, the pro­ Clary. The action carries from Amer- r rouny court bought for haul- Reported last week 13 schools, with under water three times backward or ceeds to go to the local Red Cross. 26, is the third Goldwyn starring ve­ ! ica to Germany after war has been de- ivel. hicle of Mae Marsh, is taken from 533 members, making 604 members to three times face downward, but to The cat was ___ Tabatha Hengervcld . * dared, jumps to the Western front date. - . 1 I ress Theatre benefit for Libcr- Oliver Morosco’s famous stage suc­ Cornucopia | and in a good climax, shows the him it was whether a person believed Scgis Mooie Korndyke The pupils of the Fairview School ( in the son of Gad. As a solution to the Beets De Koi Watson No. 5255, sired iple next Saturday. Eight reels cess of the same name written by American boys going "over the top”. d entertainment. Be a patriot Edward Childs Carpenter. It was a mailed another lot of those beautiful overcrowding of churches and the by Thomas Segis Hengcrveld De Koi Also the official war pictures showing and interesting scrap books to an , we . Broadway hit for an entire season bickering within them, Mr. Gibson and "damned" by everybody. She was American Hospital “Somewhere in thought the best plan was to get back bred to Thomas Midnight Mooie and the "Retreat of the Germans at the sale a new small size cook when produced in New York. France" a few days ago. These scrap to the time when the church was sold for the sum of $52-55- Bidding Battle of Arras.” The engineer who was sent to 1 ill- books are very tastefully arranged, chep.p. Call at Transient room­ Coming—"The Honor System”— be, room 7, opposite school amook to make a preliminary survey and are both interesting and amusing first started. He deplored the present was spirited until the directors of the greatest prison reform picture ever Holstein Assocation offered $25.00 for produced. Taken in the Arizona Pen­ of the Three Rivers road for the gov­ to the sick and wounded in the hos­ day rivalry with church people and was one of those who would put aside ,the Black and White and then those itentiary. Watch our announcement ernment completed the work last <,f ce- 'our big book on uses pital- . . t non-essentials in church matters, even ! present contributed silver enough to Mrs. J. C. Elliott King, Chairman of to his own denomination, with a view ■ make the grand total. The cat was on this big special feature. 1 niounn sanitary farming. Nc week, and in a short time a perman­ ent survey will be made. 1 he Govern ­ 1 _ _. . 1 1... xi:.• Cordelia t »..I..I,. r Ootficld. 1 nf r ■,. 1,1 the Jr. Red Cross School Committee, i of uniting the church into one strong 1 donated should be without it. It is hv Miss Notice to Contractors. k Kupp, nbender. * ment will build the road with the as­ of Portland, has sent a list of' work body. Any one wishing to buy one of the sistance of the State Highway Com­ that may be undertaken by the Junior offspring of this wonderful Red Cross 1 1 war garden but see that mission and the county, each appro­ Red Cross. Those school organiza- j Notice is hereby given that the AUCTION SALE. Holstein Cat should apply to Mrs. A. County Court of Tillamook County, til is right. Hydrated lime is priating $¡5.000 for the work. tions desiring more definite instruc- [ S. Mapes, who is custodian of the cat. doctor. Get it at Kuppetiben- Oregon, will until 10:00 o'clock a.m. tions should take up the matter with We will sell at public auction, at the Already one of the kittens is spoken of April 5, 1918, receive proposals for fthouse. * I The County Court has fixed the pay Mrs. F. R. Beals, of the local Junior Fair Grounds Saturday, March 23rd, for. of deputy road masters at $5-00 a day, constructing the \V. S. Cone County Beak I- D. T. Edmunds is a and appointed the following persons School Committee. 1918, beginning at 10 o’clock, 35 milk Dried Fox Glove leaves for medical Cows; t 3»-3-» Guernsey bull; 31 Supreme Court Cases Decided. Road Sec. 5, according to the plans 1 in tin circuit court to recov- to those positions; Road district « o. and specifications in this office, and ision of certan property at , • 1 \V F. Cain; No. 2, Frank Dye; No. purposes arc in demand and the chil­ Brood Sows; to small pigs. Cows Tu- I ""O - — at that time publicly opened and read. dren could do some Red Cross work claiming $5000 as well. | James Baker. The latter res.gned bucular Tested. Each proposal shall be in a sealed Feeney & Bremer Company, appal- by preparing them for the market, Terms: Cash or bankable notes. from anj the . yn Jo man on i farm ...... lands, <«•■....>, ------ .... court appointed Forrest , lant, vs. C. F. Stone; appealed from envelope plainly marked on the out­ and thereby earn a little money for Ira G. Lance, Auctioneer. Good terms. Reasonable rate ¡n |,js place. Assistant road masters side "Proposal for the construction of C. L. Wooley & Sons. Tillamook; suit to collect money for 1Jt. We want your business. | arc tQ reCeive $4.00 a day; laborers the purchase of Thrift Stamps. Those the W. S. Cone Road, Sec. 5,” and machinery delivered; opinion by Jus ­ contemplating this should write O. A. Owners. * i '---- ; and man and team, $7 00 . tice Harris; Circuit Judge Bagley re­ shall be accompanied by cash,* certi­ $3-5°. , C. at Corvallis, for instructions as to fied check or bidder's bond equal in w will be at Iris Tillamook The Odd Fellows of Tillamook, Notice. versed and case remanded. the preparation. »'lay-, Tuesdays, Wednes- Beaver and Cloverdale met at Beaver ■ —o David Curtis et al., appellants, vs. amount to 5 per cent of the amount of Sphagnum, a bog moss growing Ihursl ys until further no- on last Saturday evening when six Bids on Candy, Ice-Cream and Soft C-Ilamook City; appealed from Tilla­ Lid, the same to be made payable to along the coast sections of Western • candidates from 1 illamook o< g Oregon, in demand for use as Anti- f Drink concessions at the County­ Fair mook; suit to quiet title to city lots; Tillamook County. Proposals shall be made on the forms furnished by »’ F firm implements, gas en- were put through the 2nd and 3rd de septic Dressing. This moss grows es- ; in August, 1918, arc hereby called for. opinion by Justice Burnett; Circuit County Clerk. grees the Beaver and Cloverdale 10 per cent of the bid to accompany <0 re- Judge Bagley affirmed. pccially in salt marshes, and is said to r' an I cutters from Kuppen- The court reserves the r: teams putting on the work, after have an absorbant capacity 20 times the bid in form of a check or cash. guarantee all of our Arthur M. Churchill vs. Minnie A ject any or all bids. -Ounty Clerk. which a feed of clam chowder, chees . as great as cotton. Before any of his Bids to be in Secretary's office by • Meade and T. B. Meade, appellants; Erwin Harr;<'6. 21, 1918. pickles and salads with good cotfe. March 30th. 1918. Right reserved to appealed from Tillamojak; suit to First publicatio ‘‘•"9 4, J918. >rniity with the rule formed which all enjoyed . There were about i, prepared samples should be sent to. reject any or all bids. Prof A. R. Sweetser, of the Univer­ ; all wood orders must be 20 members from Tillamook made the Erwin Harrison, Sec. foreclose on mortgage; opinion by Last public sity of Oregon, for examination. As it | ird by payment in advance, oats Lumber Co. * trip.