T illamook , march ------- .- headlight ------ _ . lUplccrest Stock Farm Co. 6 producing daughters. JEarms, Chardon, Ohio. Grandsire of Banostine Bell De Ko! It wilt be noted that 29 relatives of BURTON HIGHLAWN 2d, 62235 -■-'J? this co* are 30-16 cows. Also two 3 A .R .O. daughters, 2 sons ■ have six 1.2000-tb daughters, old 758 tbs. 365 days.' ’"ßred «" so" of Maplecrest Pontiac 3 2, year 30-tb. 7 day record -. Flora Hiring with 1232.63 lbs. butter PALESTINE DE KOL <„,n 25,106 lt>s. milk. He is sired by LADY No. 74683. friend Hcngerveld De Koi Butter VAI.E PALADIN PAUL Boy. _______ 3 ?’ dauKhtcrs. sons. FRIEND HENGERVELD DE. KOL BUTTER BOY N o 29303 (See 2.) 575 «os. butter in io moiths. MAPI ECREST PONTIAC NINA NINA DE KOI. BURKE, j 2 A. R. O. daughters, J producing No. «79872 H.-F. H.-B. daughters. She is full sister to Maplecrest Pontiac Girl 4 yr. 35.15 NO. 15 Maplecrest Pon. Girl 4 yrs 30 d 131.31 FOREST CITY DE KOL LADOS M»plccrest Pont. Girl, 4 years 465 days ............................... 1,109.41 No. 317287 (Ear tag ,92) 55 sisters in all, 12 above 30 tbs. Born, March 1, 1916. dE KOI. 2d’s BUTTER BOY 3rd. No. 23260 (Sec No. 2.) 19,7 10 Maplecresl Highlawn Cleveland. FRIEND HENGERVEl.D DE KOL MAPLECREST HIGH LAWN No. 49905 (See No. 2.) CLEVELAND No. 139636 j > q \TI.\C A.AGGIE KORNDYKE GERTRUDE BEETS HENGER- No. 38291. (Sec No. 2.) VELD, No. 219485. PALESTINE GIRL, No. 46776. 456.5 lbs. milk, 19.48 lbs. butter, at 3 Butter ........................................ '9.67 years. Milk ......... . ................. 564.10 Sister to Rtiliv . A. R. O. daughters, 4 above 20 tbs. 4 daughters with 5 A. R. O. daughtrs. FRIEND HENGERVELD DE KOL No. 49905 (See No. 2.) MAN' >R DE KOL No. 21226 (See 2) BURTON HIGHLAWN ands pE KOL 2nd No. 734 (See No. 2) HARTOG, No. 70231 MUTUAL FRIEND 3rds PAUL HENGERVELD DE KOL LEGIS No. 23200 (See No. 2.) No. 92658. P1ET1 RTJE HENGERVELD’S 5 A. K. O. daughters. LADY DE KOL. No. 37060. SUSIE: LAMB PAUL BEETS. PONTIAC KORNDYKE, No. 25982 No. 74074- 455.2 tbs. milk, 22.75 lbs. butter. PONTIAC A AGGIE, No. 53439. 3 A. R. O. daughters. APPLE PIE, No. 21941. 1! A. R. O. daugh.crs with 25 A. R. de : KOI. 2d’s BUTTER BOY 3rd. No. 23260 (See No. 2.) 0. daughters 1 son with 4 daughters. FRIEND HENGERVELD DE KOL No. 49905 BURTON GIRL Butter at 2 years, 10.95 5000 H. F., H. B. Dam pf— Burton Girl 3d ........................ 23-'9 2 A . R. O. daughters Palestine Girl.......................... 19.67 2 sons with 40 daughters. Bromide Pel ............................ >5-3« CLARION VELTHERIS 9.20 Spotted Daisy Velthuis Burton Girl 2d, 2 years........... .23. ” »» 1» ,, 4 A. R. O. daughters I above 20 tbs, 30 days 96. ¡daughters with 20 A. R. O. dhtrs. 5 A. R. O. daughters. 7 A. R. O. sons. BURTON HIGHLAWN, No. 36373 NO. 13 FOREST CITY PONTIAC MYRA 1 A. R. O daughter. No. 301397 (Ear ,aK ‘82) Caly ColanthaM. dam of 4 A. R. O. daughters. Born, December 9, 1915. years 365 Bred, Nov. 16, 1917, to Maplecrest Prescott Merc. Julip, days, 851. Highlawn Cleveland. (Sec sire No. Butter Girl Pont. Reinkje 2E years 1+) < 365 days, 802. DUKE PONTIAC BURKE DE Edith D. K. Heng. 845. KOL 94 A. R. O. sons with 747 daughters Xo. 12501» 118 A. R. O. daughters. RUBY PIETERTJE HENGER- HILLDALE HENG. DE KOL 1 VELD, No. 219487 No. 54147 »7.8 tbs. milk, 9.83 tbs. butter 12A. R. O. daughters. MAPLECREST PONTIAC DE Hollywood Korndyke B lie 761 butter KOL BOY, No. 62238, (See No. 2) SUSIE SEGIS BEETS No. 104504 HOWLAND NINA BURKE PRIN- 435 lbs. ntilk, 19.5 lbs. butter. I CESS PAUL BEETS DE KOL, No. 22235 1J42.5 lbs. milk 26.25 lbs butter 7 days 105 A. R .O. daughters. IJ812.3 tbs. milk, 928.62 tbs. butter in In 365 days, 932—9O5—77O—734 J05 days. 45 A. R. O. sons. IEXGERVELD DE: KOL SEG1S SUSI ELAMB, No. 38852 Xo. 92658 4 A. R. O. daughters. A. R. 0. daughters 3 A. R. O. sons. trtrude Beets Heng. 19.48. 1ETERTJE DE LOIS NETHER- NO. 16 LAND VALE, No. 162262 RUBY PIETERTJE HENGER­ ) tbs. milk, 16.95 lbs. butter. VELD J.XT1AC AAGG1E KORN DYKE. No. 219487 (Ear tag 103) (See sire of No. 11.) Born, Sept. 13, 1913. 1DY PALESTINE DE KOL, No. Fresh, Feb. 19, 1917, not bred. 74683 HENGERVEl.D DE KOL SEGIS 8.9 lbs. milk, 27.86 tbs. butter. No. 92658. IRWM. PRINCE. PIETERTJE DE LOIS NETHER- A, R. 0. daughters. LAND VALE, No. 162262 16 tbs. butter 365 days. 449 tbs. milk, 16.95 tbs. butter I over 20 tbs. HILLSDALE HFRG. DE KOL 5WLAND NINA BURKE No. 54147 lbs. butter 12 A. R. O. daughters. ILLDALE HENGERVELD DE Hollywood Korndyke Belle 761 butter KOL, No. 54157. Hollywood Artis Heng, 2 years 17 A. R. 0. daughters lbs. butter 7 days, 75 tbs. 30 days. illywood Klondyke Belie 305 days SUSIE LEGIS BEETS. No. 104504 I61 lbs. butter. Milk, 435 tbs., butter 19.5« lbs. •Ilywood Artis Hcngerveld 2 yrs., SADIE VALE AAGGIE DE KOL lbs. butter 7 days; 75 tbs. butter No. 38672. "1 days. 2 A. R. O. daughters. SIE SEGIS BEETS, No. 104504. PIETERTJE DE LOIS NETHER- « 435 lbs. butter 19.51 tbs. LAND 2d., No. 85979. ME VALE AAGG1E DE KOL. HENGERVELD DE KOL No. 23102 0.38672 QUEEN JEWEL DE KOL 2d. ■R. 0. daughters. No. 73611 iTERTJE DE LOIS NETHER- 2 A. R. O. daughters, 3 sons. AX D 2d, No. 85979. KING LEGIS, No. 36168 87 A. R. O. daughters, 83 sons. NO. 14 SUSIE LAMB PAUL BEETS «EST CITY HIGHLAWN No. 74074 UA 3 A .R. O. daughters. 1 ¡54>3O (Ear tag 216) 455.2 tbs, milk, 22.75 tbs. butter. J0«- 23, 1916. SADIE VALE CONCORDIAS “ft bred to a half brother. PAUL de : KOL, No. 27392. ft^CRES’l HIGH LAWN 2i A. R. O. daughters, 13 sons. ELAND No. 139636. 6 over 20 tbs. CITY PONTIAC DES AAGGIF. WESTBERG, No. 60708. "• BIRKE. No. 244021 Nnior 3 ycar o]d_ 270.9 tbs. milk, 1 A. R. O. son. DE KOL PAUL DE KOL CIN­ IJ4 lbs. butter . DERELLA. No. 34936 '^ HENGERVELD DE KOL 1 A. R. O. daughter. BOY No. ¿9303. yON HIGHLAWN 2d’s Har- PIETERTJE DE LOIS NETHER- LAND, No. 70933- '•’o. 7023 t. ----- o— ’ H’- c»w 123, 30 days. /' World's record mother and NO. 17 ‘Snter . FOREST CITY DE KOL Hartog De Koi 1247.9 but- CAMILLE (Ear tag 187) No. 309981- lh"v°nt.' E,ora Hartog 1232 ’’ Born, Jan. 23, 1916. ' P a ^'8hlawn Hartog 992 ” Bred to M. C. Highlawn Cleveland, In j Hart0» 2 yr. 776 “ Jan. 10, 1917. See sire of No. 14- • daughters and 3 sons. Has sister going at ttoo lb. rate in ^‘ ELD DE KOL SEGIS 10th month as a 4 ycar °ld- SIR VERNON JOHANNA DE ^•daughters, KOL. No. 7>548. k Beets Heng............... 19.48 Forest City Johanna D. K. Betty /ALADIN BURKE 20.44 tbs. at 2 years. ytnilk. 15.47 tb. butter CADDY DE KOL, No. 152123. ?U 'Cr in to months, 334-7 H’s. milk, 13 83 lbs. butter 2 y s. u 1 • 3? 94 tbs. butter at 6 yr. 5«9-3 lbs. milk, 24.46 lbs. Butter 5 )r- ^d’(SBee’ NT o ER/0Y Sister to Caddy Mutual De Koi. 31 tbs. butter 4 year old. 711 tbs. in 305 days. vrGERVELD DE KOL 1 too expected for year. F» Ä15'N- VERNON JOHANNA DE KOL. No 47303. 3 A. R. O. daughters. 5 year old 19.0 tbs. 3 year old 10.6 tbs. BUTTtLSnAHOME1 DE KOL- n I\6-4 DVKE DE KOL 3d 14, • 19 • is dians unwittingly did Bryan a service, 17 H. T. Botts, Pres Attorney for they were the means of returning ) ----- o— his name to the front pages of t!:e at-Law. newspapers for a day at least. Since * I John Leland Henderson. Sec­ his diplomatic fiasco the press has left 1 retary Treaa., Attorney-at- him severely alone, and it is well Law and Notrary Public. known what this must have meant to 1 1 3 A. R. O. daughters. one whose daily movements were ; < —o— Tillamook Title and ' producing daughter \\ by not have “speechless” day s ill chronicled for a quarter century. The'} publicity was undesirable, but he is ,E1T<- H 5th, No. 72363 Congress?—News Reporter. Abstract Co. *9.9 tbs. butter. likely to have considered it better j o----- I.aw Abstracts. Real Estate, 2 A. R. O. daughters. Don't worry because you have to than no publicity at all.—Independent. Insurance. SIR JOHANNA VERNON D. K. pay two cents on every dollar you Both Phones. made last year above $2000 for the in­ 25 A. R. O. daughters. v ernon \ enango ........... 77, come tax. The man who made two Facts About Non-Partisanship. TI LLAMOOK—OREGON. Vernon Burke ............ . " ..539 million has to pay 63 cents out of every dollar on most of it.—Coquille This non-partisan stunt in Oregon is ~ ^ m ' a ^ d ^ • ie " el SOLDENE Sentinel. a queer insect, any way you take it. To begin with, no politican ever talks u 1 DE K0L CLOVERDALE A Massachusetts congressman non-partisanship unless he knows that i A. R. O. daughter 1 son. of Brick and Stone. All Fire brands the house of representatives he is on the minority side. If his BUTTER boy DUKE DE KOL Places absolutely guaranteed party is on the long end of the lever, as a useless and expensive barnacle No. 30184. not to smoke or money re­ and resigns his place on one of the never a pep do you hear out of him funded. 7 A. R. O. daughters, 6 sons. committee, li is to be noted however, about non-partisanship—unless he's in Brick work of all kinds done 5 producing daughters. bad and knows it. It's party all the that he did not reduce the expense by on short notice. OLIVE ORDELLO, No. 46002. resigning that part of his job that has way through with him. But the min­ We make a specialty of re­ the salary attached.—Oregon Regis­ ute that he feels himself "slipping" or DAISY' MAHOMET DE KOL pairing smoking Fire Places. ter. the moment that it begins to beborne GERSTER. in upon him that lie is a "deader” 0PHELL1A ANNA 3rds PAUL. It is announced that sewing ma­ among his old friends, then it’s to the No. 27906, 4 A. R. O. daughters average over chines are badly needed in France. non-, artisan scrap heap with him in a What’s the matter with enlisting a hurry. He no longer believes in party, 20 tbs. regiment of old time sewing machine and immediately he begins whooping TILLAMOOK ORE CADDY FITCH. No. 37666. "er up for "patriotic non-partisan ac­ agents? After they disposed of their 4 A. R .O. daughters, 1 son. wares they might be sent to the front tion,” or some other such. This is the stunt that has reduced Administrator’s Notice to Creditors. where, unless they have lost form, the Republican majority in Ortgcn they could talk a few huns death. from 60,000 to a negligible number— TZ) OBERT II. McGRATH, —Umpqua Valley News. Notice is hereby given, that the around 6000 at the last election. This ----- o ----- Couny Court of the State of Oregon, COUNSELLOR-AT LAW, is the stunt which has destroyed the An exchange tells the story of lor 1 illamook County, has appointed boy who was sent to market with a party organization in Oregon and left a the undersigned administrator of the sack full of rabbits, lingering around the state at the mercy of every shys­ ODDFELLOWS' BUILDING, estate of Paul Kingston deceased, and town all day and coming back with­ ter who can make a noise like reform, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. -ill persons having claims against said out selling them. W hen asked by his or can put over some high sounding estate are hereby required to present mother why he had not sold the rab­ scheme or “ism” on the dear people. P orti and O ffick : i the same, with proper vouchers, to bits, he said no one asked him what The way the thing works out is dis- , me, at the office of T. H. Goyne, an was in the sack. How many of our closed to some extent by a recent in­ I 1110 W ilcox B ld . attorney at law, in Tillamook City, merchants are like this little boy? cident. W. H. Hornibrook of Albany, , Oregon, on or before six months 1 hey have plenty of goods for sale, desires to become the Democratic na­ J~y\VID ROBINSON, M.D., from the date of this notice. but fail to tell the people what is in tional committeeman from Oregon— Dated February 28, 1918. the sack. If you expect to sell goods and here’s hoping he gets it. But does ; PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON William Kingston, Admin­ in this day and age, you must open lie preach non-partisanship, as his ' istrator of the Estate of your sack and keep shouting the mer­ brethern have been doing in this state NATIONAL BUILDING, Paul Kingston, Deceased. its of your stock in trade.—News for these many moons? Not he, What OREGON. he does say in his slogan to attract TILLAMOOK Tinies. Announcement. votes is this: ----- o----- "1 am for Woodrow Wilson; a thor­ Preparations are being made and T. BOl ia I hereby announce my candidacy the road along financial channels is ough organization; a united Democ­ for the nomination on the Republican _____ being securely paved in readiness for racy,” And there you have it. “A ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ticket for County Commissioner, to the Third Liberty Loan campaign thorough organization.’ Non-partisan­ Complete Set of Abstract’ Bocks in be voted on at the primaries to be which will be opened in the near fu­ ship is for the Republicans; the Dem­ Office. held in May. 1918. ture. The banks of the country have ocrats propose to have none of it. In Taxes Paid for Non Residents. If nominated and elected I promise been asked to purchase $3,000,000,000 short, non-partisanship is merely, mo­ T illamook B lock , to the best of my ability to promote of Treasury Certificates in advance of lasses to catch flies.’ all efforts for the development and the Liberty Loan campaign and every 1 And why is Mr. Hornibrook for Tillamook ... - Oregon advancement of Tillamook County. Botli Phones. bank in the country is expected to Woodrow Wilson? Democrats have Believing myself perfectly compe­ respond, so that there may be no lack been likening Wilson to Washington, tent to administer the office. I place of funds for war purposes. It is al­ and Washington opposed more than J ELAND E ERWIN my candidace before the voters for ready reported that the financial in­ two terms in the presidency. If they their suffrage. stitutions of our country will not be are to carry out the similitude, Mr. PIANO INSTRUCTION, Yours truly, financial slackers. The certificates will Wilson can not very well be a can­ Diploma from Chicago Musical D. A. Bailey. draw 4J4 per cent, which makes it e didate again, so that Mr Hornibrook's College.—Beginners receive the same slogan, so far as it refers to Wilson, good investment.—Banks Herald. careful training as the most advanced. To The Voters of Tillamook County is more “molasses.’ Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ Stripped of all this excess of sweet­ The memory cost of our Civil war I wish to announce that I will be a was about $8,000,000,000. The present ness, then Mr. Hornibrook's slogan tion. candidate at the next primary election world war has already cost $100,000,- merely means, in plain language, "I All lessons given at Studio. for the office of County Commission­ 000.000. Those of us in America who am a Democrat, and believe in any County Representative for the er for the South part of the county on fell that we have felt the pinch of war method which will insure success for Wiley B. Allen Co.s’ line of high grade pianos, player-pianos, Victro«oe the Republican ticket. I believe in should remember that for every dol­ the Democratic party.” good roads, and will use my best ef­ lar we have spent for war purposes And there you have the essensc of etc. forts in seeing that roads are con­ (including loans to our allies), Great non-partisanship, as it has been prac­ C. HAWK. structed permanently and built econ­ Biitian has spent $7.00. Fran e $5.00 tice! in Oregon since the days when omically, if elected. and Germany $6.90. Nor should it be W. S. U’Rcn conceived the idea of Yours respectfully, forgotten that both our population swatting most everything in sight, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON A. A. Imlah. and national wealth greatly exceed and putting al) his swats into the con­ Non-partisanship those of any of the three. We can well stitution. _______ ___ .-------- . is a „ game Announcement. Oregon afford to save and lend. We must save j which the minority party plays in or- Bay City ----- o----- and lend, if the Hun hordes are to be ' dcr to camouflage the issues, and To the voters of Tillamook County: mak? thing appear what they are not. kept from dispoiling our nation, I herewith announce myself as a Itemizer. I In other words, it is the furlone hope JOHN LELAND HENDERSON — — • candidate on the Republican ticket ! at ■of politicians grown desperate in the the nominating convention to be held ATTORNEY I knowledge of certain defeat by legiti­ The Oregon division on public infor ­ in May for the office of County Com­ mate means. To be sure , it’s sugar AND mation has issued a statement in missioner. My motto; "A square deal which it asks the people to be careful I coted, but so are many other bitter COUNSELLOR AT-LAW all around.” doses.—Polk County Observer. John Weiss, Sr., Meda. about to whom they talk to at any T illamook B lock , time. Germany has a lot of spies in 1 ----- :---- ■——!—— Tillamook - - - • Oregon. Oregon who are eagerly picking up j To The Voters of Tillamook County. Traitors in Camp. ROOM NO. 261 any sort of information. Therefore if I beg to announce that 1 will be a you know anything, keep it to your­ The reported discovery of enemy 0ARL HABERLACH, candidate for County Commissioner self, or tell it directly to a representa­ aliens in the national army at Tacoma tive of the government. This organ ­ the county on for the South end of I is not surprising. What we have learn­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. the Republican ticket at the next ization has also found ano.her series of lies about the war. Stories are be­ ed of the methods of German spies primary election. ing circulated that unnamed privates during the last three years makes it T illamook B lock Ole B. Redberg. have been sentenced to long terms in j seeni quite natural that some of them prison for minor offenses, that a num- should have volunteered or permitted Tillamook Oregon Pay For the “Grub.” ber have been shot for insubordina- | themselves to be conscripted for the - —o----- purpose of murdering officers and be­ We have been looking for you to tion, and that certain officers have traying the army when it reaches the w ERSTER HOLMES, confiscated the supplies sent over for come in and settle your account. You front. That is the characteristic meth­ got the "grub”, We need the money. somebody’s boy. Supplies arc reach­ od of propagating kultur. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW You intend to pay eventually, why ing the boys as fast as they can be What is surprising, however, is the sent over, and all court martials are COMMERCIAL BUILDING, not now? reported in the press. No sane Amer­ statement that these men have been Tillamook Feed Co. FIRST STREET, ican is barred from honest criticism discharged from the service, and that . OREGON of the government and its conduct of "the interment or prosecution of them TILLAMOOK, Notice. the war, but do not pay any attention rests with the federal civil authori­ Bids will be received by the Com­ to the silly stuff of the character of ties.” Is, then, conspiracy to commit mon Council of Tillamook City on ¡the foregoing.—Telephone Register. murder and to betray our army to the QR. L. L. HOY, foe a mere civil misdemeanor, to be Saturday evening, February 16th, ----- o dealt with after the manner of an at­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 1918, at 8 o’clock p.m., for a dumping It is said our Canadian friends arc ground for the city rubbish. The concerned that the squ.dcbing of W. tempt to evade the income tax or to T illamook B lock , council reserves the right to reject J. Bryan be taken as an affront to the send prohibited matter through the j mails? anv and all bids. United States. Their concern is un­ 1 We should have thought that such Tillamook, Oregon. A. H. Gaylord, founded. V\ hen they made it plane to off<.n# __ e's7"committed _______ J by men in the City Recorder. Bryan that they wanted none of him military service, would be dealt with H GOYNK, tliej merely echoed what is undoubt- suinrnarj]y by the military authorities, Chester White Swine. 1 have a few breed gilts for sale, idly the majority sentiment on this and we should have thought that ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. and also a f»w young boars, large side of the line, for this nation is now there would be no question whatever enough for service. J must move these leaping the fruits of his folly. Given as to the proper penalty for all found Office' O pposite C ovri H ouse , at a price that you should not miss so a gieat position he failed to measure guilty. To talk about mere internment Oregon. as to make room for my spring pigs. up to it and after blundering and of such venomous vermine is an af­ Tillamook Joe Donaldson, R. F. D., I, Tilla­ clumsily making the moves on the front to loyalty and to justice, and is diplomatic checker board during the an encouragement to further acts of mook, Oregon. T. BOALS, M.D., gicitcat crisis the world has ever fac- treason . co he was kicked out sf office—as Cheese Maker Wanted. Sunrise, a blank wall and a firing completely discredited as was possi­ squad—that is the proper prescription PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ble. The promoters of the Toronto The Pacific City Creamery Company for every traitor found in camp. I Surgeon S. P. Co. will consider bids for a cheesemakcr meeting blundered in placing him on (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) for this season. Work to commence the program. Canada has suffered Chickens Must be Kept Up. grievously and was in no condition to about April 20, 1918. Tillamook »... Oregon a man who refused to see the Hun as Send bids to Crystal Bays, secretary the rest of the world saw him and There has been some complaint Woods, Oregon.________ pretended that absured peace treaties concerning chickens and other poul­ QR J. G. TURNER, The Government Wants Spruce For should be substituted for arms even try running at large within the city Airplanes. after the enemy had declared treaties limits. EYE SPECIALIST. Look at the South East quarter of to be scraps of paper, to be broken Notice is hereby given that this is PORTLAND — OREGON South East quarter of Sec. 16, Town­ when military necessity demanded— in violation of a city ordinance, any ship 5 South, Range 10 West, contain­ the man who closed his eyes to the _ Regular Monthly Visits to _ ■ — ■• a — • __ one guilty of such violation is liable ing 40 acres. A liberal cash offer con­ Belgian atrocities and the drowning ' to punishment, Tillamook and Cloverdale. sidered. Address to E. H., Box 62, of helpless women and children by C. C. Curtis. WITH THE EDITORS Discuss Questions of Interest to People. RALPH E. WARREN, Sea View Wash. * Hun undersea sharks. But the Cana- City Marshal. WATCH PAPKR FOR DATKA. I