Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 14, 1918, Image 3

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MARCH 14, 1918.
Mntice of Hearing on Petition To
Form Drainage District.
or attempting to organize the pro­
This summons is served upon you
posed district, such expense to be
Said order being dated the 25th day
— —o —
taxed against the signers in propor­ by publication thereof pursuant to the of February, 1918, and the date of the
1 the County Court of the State of tion to the number of acres owned
first publication hereof is the 28th
by them and affected by the proposed Bagley, Judge of the above entitled day of February, 1918. Last publica­
O Ln, for Tillamook County
court made and entered on the 2nd tion April II,
Vniice is hereby given that hearing drainage district.
11, 1918.
Nthe following petition will be held
day of February, 1918, directing said
H. T. Botts,
your petitioners
“".he Court House in the City of Till- r/?..‘Î!aL,he *?nds d-cribed
Attorney for Plaintiff.
or such thereof, as
II * l County of Tillamook, State of
Residing at Tillamook, Ore.
'“‘ni,.. r
. - - -s n>ay be found bv amook Headlight.
SS. - lb- i‘"< to
ST' ,°1bl
¡"eluded in
Martin L. Pipes, John M.
X for tbe PurPose of determining the proposed district, cither pennan-
Pipes, George A Pipes, At-
fhaher the prayer of said petition ently or until further investigation
and surveys may pinnit elimination,
1 11 be granted.
In the : Circuit Court of the State of
* All persons owning or claiming an ' shall be declared organized into a Address: 811 Chamber of Commerce. Oregon, , for 1 illamook County,
Portland, Oregon.
¡ rest m >;u’ds described in said pe- drainage district under the provisions
C. F. inner, Plaintiff.
III „ ,irt. hereby notified to appear at of Chapter 340 hereinbefore referred First publication Feb. 7, 1918.
011 said date and show
Vinnie Hermer, Defendant.
b‘1’ / it any there be, why the prayer Dated this 25th day ot Fi-brtt.irv, 1918.
to \ iniiie Hermer, the above nam­
Summons in Foreclosure of Delin­
“ id ni Ulion should not be granted. Signed:
ed defendant. In the name of the
Erwin Harrison,
State of Oregon, you are hereby re­
L ,C. & C. E. Daniels by L.
Clerk of tiie County Court.
quired to appear and answer the com­
of plaint tiled against you in the above
L. A. & S. J. Edgar
To the Honorable County Court of
Oregon for Tillamook County.
Tillamook County, Oregon.
entitled cause, on or before the last
J. A. Saling, Plaintiff.
Jos. Blaser
•¡he undersigned, being the owners
day of the time prescribed in the
Mrs. Lena Pelz
order for the publication of this sum­
of 1Uori than fifty Per ceut oi the
C. Mills, Defendant.
Frank Paul
mons, towit: April 4, 1918: and if you
hud in I ibaniook County, Oregon,
Agnes L. Fitzpatrick
fail to so answer for want thereof the
htr.;,wia-t described, do hereby peti­
plaintiff will apply to the court for
tion your Honorable Body and pray
C. A. Blaue
that von cause- to be organized and
you are hereby notified that J. C. the relief prayed tor in the complaint,
Frank Blaser
formed, a drainage district for the
Saling, the holder of certificate of towit: that the bonds of matrimony
D. Fitzpatrick
( h; ving »aid I*»« reclaim-
delinquency numbered 1061 issued on now existing between plaintiff and de­
ed and protected in the manner herein
the 10th day of February, 1917 by the fendant be forever dissolved, and for
L. A. Edgar.
«1 forth from the effects of water,
tax collector of the county of Tilla- such other and further relief as to the
State of Oregon
-----1. State of Oregon, , for t]ie Cour: may scent meet with equity.
for sanitary and agricultural purposes
This summons is served by publica­
and lor the benefit and welfare of the County of Tillamook, ss.
amount of Two and Seventy-three-
1, L. A. Edgar, being first duly one-hundreds ($2.73)
public, and lor the public utility and
dollars, the tion, by order of the Honorable Geo.
sworn, say, that 1 have read the lure-
fore- same being the amount . then
___ due and
u R. Bagley, Judge of the above named
.. .
bur the purpose of this petition we goiug petition, that 1 believe the alle- delinquent for taxes for the year 1914. Circuit Court, made and entered here­
*— penalty,
stale- tile following facts, as required, , gallons thereof to be true, that the together __ with
interest and in February 16, 1918.
by Chapter 34« of the General Laws | signatures appearing to said petiton costs thereon upon the real property And the date of the first publication
are the true and proper signatures of assessed to you, of which you are the of said summons, fixed by said order,
oi Oregon for the year 1915.
! 1 lie- name proposed for the dis­ the persons whose names appear as owner as appears of record, situated is February 21, 1918, and the date of
trict which is herein prayed lor is the signed thereto, and that each and all in said county and state, and particu­ the last publication thereof is April |
of said signers are owners of land larly bounded and described as fol­ 4, 1918.
South i’rairie Drainage- District.
Johnson & Handley,
2. Thu boundary lines of the propos­ within the proposed district as set lows, to-wit: Lot numbered Two (2)
forth in said petition.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
in Block numbered Three (3), tow n of
ed district are as folows.
107-8-9 I. O. O. F. Bldg.
Signed: L. A. Edgar. Beaver, 1 illamook County, Oregon.
Biginning at a point on the East
Subscribed and sworn to before me
■ Tillamook, Oregon.
You are further notified that said J.
bank ot tile 1 illamook river, where the this
5th day of March, 1918.
C. Saling has paid taxes on said
sixteenth section line running east
Erwin Harrison. premises for prior or subsequent ' Notice of Guardian's Sale of Real
and West through the North half of
County Clerk
and Personal Property.
years, with the rate of interest on
Section 6 in Township 2, south of
By Vida A. Millis, Deputy. said amounts as follows:
range 9, West of Willamette Meridian
In the County Court of the Stale of
Rate of
intersects said river; thence in a
Yr's tax date paid Rcct. No Amt Int Oregon, Tillamook County.
Notice of Sheriff’s Sale on Fore­
southerly direction along the bank of
In the matter of the guardianship
1915 Feb, to, 1916 32 $2.10 I5pct
said river to the point where quarter
1916 . Feb. 24, 1917 464 1.88 I5pct of the estate of Wi'liam Henry
section line running East and West
Notice is hereby given that by vir­ 1917. • Feb. 2, 1918 28 . 2.10 . ¡spet Owens, an insane person by Nellie W.
through Section 7 intersects said
Said C. Mills, as the owner of the Kirry, Guardian.
river; thence East along said quarter tue of an execution, decree and order
Notice is hereby given, that the un­
title of the above described
section line to the section line be­
dersigned, by virtue and authority of
tween sections 7 and 8; thence north of the Circuit Court of the State of property as the same appears of rec­ a license and order of sale of the
along said section line to the south­ Oregon for Tillamook County on the ord, and each of the other persons County Court of the County of Tilla­
west corner of lot 1, of Section 8, 13th day of February, 1918, in favor above named arc hereby further no­ mook, State of Oregon, made and en­
thence East to the South East corner of L. Bettman, plaintiff, and against tified that J. C. Saling will apply to tered in its records the 28th day of
oi l.ot 1 of Section 8; thence North Carl E. Emery and E. N. Emery, de­ the Circuit Court of the county and February, 1918, will from and after
along the sixteenth section line run­ fendants, for the sum of Fifteen state aforesaid for a decree foreclos­ the 6th day of April, 1918, at the of­
ning North .ind South through the Hundred Fifty ($1550) Dollars, with ing the lien against the property fice of John Leland Henderson, in the
West halt of sections 8 and 5 to the | interest from the 1st day of March, above described and mentioned in said City of Tillamook City, Oregon, sell
quarter section line running East and 1915, (less the sum of Forty ($40) certificate. And you arc hereby sum­ at private sale for the sum of $4000.00
West through section 5> thence West Dollars interest paid), at the rate of moned to appear within sixty din s cash down, more or less, as to the un­
after the service of this summons
along said line to the sixteenth sec­ six (6) per cent per annum; and for upon you, exclusive of the day of sot dersigned may seem best, and the
tion line running North and South
vice, and defend this action or pay balance on deferred payments with
througli the East half of Section 6; Fifty ($150) Dollars attorney’s fees, the amount due as above shown, to- interest at the rate of 6 per cent per
thence North along said sixteenth and his costs and disbursements gether with costs and accrued interest annum, the deferred payments being
line to the sixteenth section line run­ herein, taxed at $19.00 together and in case of your failure to do so a payable at such time as to the under­
ning East and West througli the with the costs and disbursements of decree will be rendered foreclosing signed may seem best, all of the fol­
North hall of section 0; thence West this sale, to me directed and deliver­ the lien of said taxes and c^sts against lowing described real and personal
along said sixteenth line to the place ed, commanding me to make sale of the land and premises above named. property situate in the County of Till­
the real property hereinafter describ-
oi beginning.
All process and papers in this pro­ amook and State of Oregon, and
3. lhc total acreage included in ed, 1 have levied upon, and pursuant ceeding may be served upon the un­ forming the dairy ranch of the said
said proposed district is 738.96 acres. to the commands
dersigned resiiling within the State of Insane Person, described as follows,
4. Tiie name of the owners of land decree and order of sale, I will on Oregon, at the address hereinafter to wit: The northwest quarter of the
Saturday, the. 16th day of March, 1918,
in said district as shown by the rec­
mentioned. This summons is publish­ southwest quarter and the southwest
ords oi 1 illamook County, Oregon, at the front door of the court house, ed by order of the Hon. Geo. R. Bag- quarter of the northwest quarter of
in Tillamook City, Tillamook County,
and acreage owned by each of said Oregon, at the hour of ten o’clock a. ley, judge of the Circuit Court, the section ten in township two south of
range nine west of the Willamette
own.rs is as follows:
m. of said day, sell at public auction first publication hereof being Eeb. 7,
No. Acres to the highest bidder for cash in hand 1918, and the last publication March Meridian, together with certain live
stock and farming implements used
Nicholas Hurras ........................
.... 2lj.OO all of the following described real 14, 1918.
on said farm and belonging to the
Allie Morgan ..............................
.... 73.03 property lying, being and situate in
Johnson & Handley.
Jos. Blaser ..................................
•.. 40.00 Tillamook County, Oregon, and more
Attorneys for Plaintiff. same, and being all of the personal
property on said farm belonging to
Michael I’elz, Estate .................
... 60.00 particularly described as follows, to- Address 108 I. O. O. F. Bldg.
said estate, the said real and personal
Frank Paul ..................................
• •. 39-88 wit: the southwest quarter of Sec­
Tillamook, Oregon.
property to be sold together for a
David Fitzpatrick .......................
••• 10.53 I tion eighteen, in Towns'hip Four (4)
lump sum.
.... 45-83 South of Range Nine (9) West of the
Nellie W. Kirry, Guardian.
L A. & S. J. Edgar ...................
.... 30.00 Willamette
Meridian, containing
Henderson, Attorney
L C. & C. E. Daniels.................
.... 50.00 142.27 acres, to satisfy the hereinbe­ In the Circuit Court of the State of
for Guardian.
L A. Edgar ................................
.... 40.00 fore mentioned sums, and for the Oregon, for Tillamook County.
Publication of this notice made in
D. Darby .....................................
.... 17.25 costs and disbursements of sale and F. S. Whitehouse, Plaintiff.
the Tilamook Headlight.
Zeno Biser...................................
.... 9.00 of said writ. Said sale will be made
First publication March 7tli, 1918.
M. Blaser ...................................
.... 20.00 subject to redemption, as per the Solomon B. Whitehouse, Defendant. Last publication, April 4th, 1918.
Matt Weber ................................
.... 30.00 statutes of the State of Oregon.
To Solomon B. Whitehouse, the
John J. \\ cber ............................
.... 45.00
above named defendant;
Dated February 13th. ’9<8-
Thomas Lyster ..........................
In the name of the State of Oregon, Special Notice Tillamook Hotel Co.
.... 40.00
W. L. Campbell,
C.A. & M. Blaue........................
are hereby required to appear and
.... 16.45
Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore.
Notice of Stockholders’ Meeting
Frank Blaser ..............................
answer the complaint filed against
.... 4300 John Leland Henderson,
Board of Directors of Tilla­
Ebinger & Son........... ................
you in the above entitled
on -.1.-
.... 80.00 Attorney for plaintiff.
f suit
— ---
mook Hotel Company, pursuant to
Mary Johnson ............................
.... 20.00 First publication, February, 14th, 1918 before the expiration of six weeks > the authority vested in them by the
first - - publication
from the date of the
' "
5- The proposed reclamation and Last publication March 14. 19'8.
by-laws, has called a special meeting
W.ection of said lands is for sanitary
of this summons, and if you fail so to of the stockholders of said corpora­
*■<1 agricultural purposes, and such
answer for want
tion to convene at the corporation's
Koposed reclamation and protection
will apply to the Court for the relief chief office, the parlors of the Tilla­
I’ll! be conductive to the public health
demanded in the complaint, which is, mook Hotel, Tillamook City, Oregon,
I1"*! welfare, and of puplic utility and
In the Circuit Court of the State of That plaintiff have judgment for the on Saturday the 23rd day of March,
recovery, upon the notejand mortgage 1918, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, for
Oregon for Tillamook County.
sued on, of the sum of $2400.00, with the purpose of considering ways and
b- All of said lands included in said Colin W. Cottain
interest at the rate of 7 per cent per means of funding all of the floating
Imposed district arc properly includ­
annum from Sept. 6th, 1913, for $250
ed herein, and will be beneficially af- J. E. Sullivan,
indebtedness of the corporation, or
J. C. Davies
as attorney's fees, and for taxes paid any part thereof, by mortgaging or
"tteil by the operation of the pro- and T. J. Leonard Defendants
as follows: March 29, 1915, $12.11; selling tha whole or any part of the
•’’td district.
To J. E. Sullivan, defendant:
Sept. 17, 1915, $12.11; March 20th,
'■ The benefits of such proposed
In the name of the State of Oregon ¡916, $10.87; Sept. 15, 1916, $10.85; property of the corporation, or other­
Plantation and protection will ex- you are hereby required to appear and
wise, and for the purpose of voting
Pd the damage to be done, and the answer the complaint filed against April 3rd, 1917, $11.65 and Sept. 14th, for or against such resolution or res­
*»t interests of the land included, you in the above entitled suit within 1917, $11.63. W ith interest on said tax olutions as may be proposed at such
Moi the owners thereof as a whole, six weeks from the date of the first payments from dates of such pay­ meeting germane to the matters so
of the public at large will be publication of the summons, to-wit: ments at 7 per cent per annum. The under consideration.
omoted by the formation and pro­ on or before the 21 st day of March, taxes being taxes charged against the
Robert H. McGrath, Sec.
Jed operation of such district.
1918, and if you fail so to appear and real property covered by the mort­
: The formation of a drainage dis- answer said complaint the plaintiff gage herein mentioned.
Notice of Final Settlement.
And that tiie mortgage executed by
under the provisions of Chapter will ask a decree against you for the
Nof the General Laws of •Oregon relief prayed for in his complaint, to­
In the County - Court of the State of
1913, recorded on page 492 of Book I Oregon
'H'S, under the provisions of wit:
for lillamook County..
“U”, record of Mortgages of Tilla-
(h this petition is presented, is a
That the contract made between 1 mook County, Oregon, and covering I In the matter of the Estate of Wil­
liam Baxter, deceased.
you and plaintiff on the 6th day of
A {he proposed plan for
Notice is hereby given that the un­
r__ the
___ re- February, 1913, for the purchase of the W% of the SEJ4 of Section 3, anil
“Mion and protection of the prop- the south half of the south half of ! the N. W. % of N. E. ’4 section ¡0, in dersigned has filed his final account
• tn the proposed district includes Section 13, Township 6 South, Range Tp. 1 S., R 9 W. W. M. be foreclosed, in the above entitled court and cause
| the property covered thereby sold in
■ fonstruction of such dykes and 9 W. Willamette Meridian, in Till­ ; the manner provided by law, and the and that Tuesday, April 2, ¡918 at 10
* Rtes along the banks of the Til- amook County, Oregon, containing
o'clock a.m. at the county court house
: proceeds of such sale applied to the
river, in the region of the 152.90 acres, belonging to the plaintiff satisfaction and discharge of the in Tillamook, Oregon, have been fixed
as the time and place for hearing,
” Pttirie Slough, as are necessary wdiich contract was recorded in the
frotect the lands of the district Deed Records of Tillamook County, i amount of such recovery, including ■ settling and allowing said final ac­
'he tide and to construct such Oregon, in Book "24” on page 368, 'costs and expenses of sale, and for count. All persons interested are
notified to appear at said time and
as are necessary to give each on March 15, 1913, be cancelled, set : general
This summons is served upon you
?‘r,y owner a drainage outlet. aside and held for naught, and that ' by publication in the Tillamook Head­ place and make known any objections
they may have to the allowing of said
Pkn is only general, the detailed the plaintiff be adjudged the owner in
>o be worked out by the Chief fee simple of said premises, and that light by virtue of an order made by final account.
the Hon. A. M. Hare, County Judge
Dated this 28th day of Feb., 1918.
you have no title, right, claim or in­ of Tillamook County, Oregon, re-
and Supervisors.
Geo. T. Baxter, Admin­
j. yhc signers of this petition terest therein or thereto, and that the ' quiring publication to be made thereof
istrator of the Estate of
P'“at they will pay any and all plaintiff recover from you his costs 'once a wreck for six successive weeks,
William Baxter, deceased.
incurred, and any tax or and disbursements in this suit, and ¡and requiring you to appear and ans­
e ‘",t "’ay be levied against their for such other and further reljef as to wer the complaint on or before the W. O. Sims, Attorney for Estate,
Sheridan, Oregon.
L l ve ' ’"'L for the purpose of the Court shall seem meet and equit­ (expiration of said time of publication.
l*le expenses of organizing,1 able.
For disenfecting zvhere Contagious or
infectious diseases are prevailing.
ful Germicidal mixture and by its use
zvill improve general stable conditions.
does not have to live in, or even near Till;
tnook in order to make use of the splendid facili­
ties and progress services of The First National Batik.
An account can be conveniently and safely opened and
maintained by MAIL.
Write or nsk us how to make deposits
and withdrawals in this way.
A. IV. Bunn. Farmer.
P. Helsel, Farmer.
C. J. Edwards, Mgr. C.PowerCo, J. C. Holden, Vice Pres.
B. C. Lamb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer.
IV. J. Riechers. Cashier.
Warehouse anil Office Cor. Front and 3rd Ave. Went, Tillamook, Or.
Dr. E. L. Glaisyer,
County Dairy Herd Inspector
Until further Notice. Calls answered from
Tillamook Hotel Day or Night.
First Class Job Printing
at the Headlight Office