TILLAMOOK, OREGON, Tillamook Jottings IrtrJ^~Ear,y Rose and Burbank seed potatoes, from Cape Hom/W~ !a S?hè°RC 8uraeS h3y f°r $1’°° a ‘on" ♦ w A. Wise, dentist. • at the Frank Severance place. ; s,nilin K George Walsh will please i v dairy cow should be fed some ¿rf Oil Meal.—Ray & Co. you m "The Pride of New York" i Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough therGem Theatre, Thursday nght, I ine 'th? Illllk u°WS for sale o?°"‘i’ be ± ---- IU Stilk^/a ,heeO,<1 btillwell Ave. F. L. co,ni"8 fîtsh dur- March and A*’"' - dr>’ can Dawso” ba™ Braden. MARCH 7 1918. »1.50 PER YEAR. “Alice in W onderland” has arrived A TILLAMOOK DELEGATION the Commission to sell bonds. As this and be «■ exhibited at the Gem is in close proximity to large ¡ Theatre, March PLUGS FOR BETTER ROADS. road -------- 1 15, afternoon and bodies of spruce, the road between evening, under the auspices of the this city and Hebo will be used in Civic Improvement League principal­ Confers With Federal Offic ials hauling «ved spruce, th« delegation thehMrC |Wi’l be breaching services at ly for the benefit of the Red Cross _ _ ® 1« ’TiUfrlili’ rntiuitirp/l -it / Tilla T'«11o_ ­ is tlin thoroughly convinced 11» that . p!e Leaf school house coni- association. Matinee 3 p.m., evening Colonel Disque and the State mook county can help the government Co- , win the war if the 15 miles of road Highway Commission. 1 he “Guaranteed1 silo is complete fencing Sunday, March 10. at 11 a.m 7 p.m. 1 he ladies of the League have and 8 p m Sunday and 8 p.m. during seen the play and they say it is one Lamb-Schrader Co. will pay ioc. and sold for less. T” Send should be hardsurfaced as soon as for our big « Bih for good sacks. possible. silo book it is free. W. Kuppenben- the week conducted by Rev. F. T. o fthe best plays ever seen and every Carlsen, Evangelist and Aug. Olson. child and grown person in the county On Tuesday a delegation, appointed The delegation was remarkably suc­ pr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, der. ♦ For Sale—I have 12 good Jersey should see "Alice in Wonderland." by the County Court, composed of cessful in accomplishing what it went (foierdale, Ore. , A marriage license was issued in Mr. John Weiss Sr. and Mrs. Weiss C. J. Edwards, D. L. Shrode, T. H. after, the only disappointment was r°W.S’ -3’ A and 5 *ears old- All come Attorney Webster Holmes was out- I Lan. e ____ county to George M. Cole, of \V n' ,n11M.arch- These are extra good. were in 1 illamook on business Satur­ Goyne and Fred C. Baker, were in [ in not coming to an understanding Tillamook, and Mary Skoog, of El- ill sell the whole bunch for $>000.00 day, 1 heir loss of the house occupied Portland to meet with the Federal 1 with the State Higsway Commission liJe on business this week. mira. ■ Address C. H. Pierce, Otis, Oregon. ♦ by Dr. Hoy which occured in this city authorities and the State Highway in regard ’ to the 15 miles of hard sur­ the loth Co. C. A. C. Hal Mason, o! Get your big book on uses cf ce­ Horses wanted-We buy all grades on January 28th and which was in­ Commission in regard to obtaining faced road on account of the govern­ ¡,:n or a furlow for a few days, ment in modern sanitary farming. Nc ol horses, old, young, thin, fat, large sured for $1600 in the Oregon Fire Federal and State aid for county ment’s action about the selling of Kuppenbender sells feed for less. farmer should be without it. It is Relief Association (Mutual Co.) has roads. bonds, but when this is pressed later or small, good or bad makes no dif­ * Qll it the wareiic use. The first person to be called up was . there is some prospects of the road free. Sec Kuppenbender. » ference to us. Olson* & Hardv will be not been settled yet and their house 1 is standing in the same condition as the government Forester, Mr. Cecil, being completed in the near future, War pictures at the Gem Theatre, Plant a war garden but see that at Commercial Stables Tillamook till after the fire, lhe loss sustained by but he was out of town, and the mat- : — Thursday, March 14. March u. Both phones. your seed is right. Hydrated lime is Dr. Hoy on his household goods and ter was taken up with the Govern- VIOLATE FOOD RESTRICTIONS jl \V. Harrison was in Portland on the soil doctor. Get it at Kuppenben­ “pF°v Sa,e~Early seed potatoes which was insured in the “Hartford” ment engineer another g------- 77 ? and — ----- govern-j ____ Q____ der Warehouse. « Jusiness this week. , r ‘!e,st of AP" at 2 cents per pound, was settled the next day after the fire. ment official with regard to the gov­ Some of the Instructions About Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver- «rm?ney À0 ,3an on farra lan-h was then explained to him that in lure and see what a fine line up elsewhere, all wood orders must be est prices ever received for Tilla­ street and these gentlemen will im­ hauling rived spruce over the county county continue to disregard the rules ■ programs. Belter see them. concerning the use of w'hcat and pork accompanied by payment in advance. mook cheese. prove same by building modern homes roads they were being cut up, espec­ he will forbid the retailers to sell Let Kuppenbender tell you hew to —A. F. Coats Lumber Co. ially the Miami and Foley roads, and * I The women’s clubs together with thereon. A number of lot sales have something should be done to keep licensed products to the restaurants let money on ycur cement work. * For sale—80 acres irrigated alfalfa the student body of the high school also been made and are under way on them in good condition. The question so offending. Best bj Test—Oregon Portland land, Hermiston country. Part level­ In order that there is no misun- are planning to give a Red Cross various properties in this city. of building a logging road to the «nt. For sale by Lamb Schrader ed, buildings, well, etc. $3600. Owner benefit the week following Easter, Supplies of cheese held . by Oregon spruce belt south of this city was derstanding of the matter the follow- » R. J. Arnold, 1828 East Everett, St., The Armory has been secured and factories in storage must be sold by ing rules which have been adopted by next taken up, but after discussing Aill pay you to see Everson tor a Portland, Oregon. ; the exact date will be given later. June 15, unless there arc conditions the matter it seemed to be the Mist the Federal Food Administration of it investment in city property or which warrant issuance of 1 a special solution of the problem to hurry up the State of Oregon, Idaho, Wash­ The Eastern Star will give a hard Don’t forget to watch for the date. inn lands. * permit by the Federal Food Adminis­ the hard surfacing so that rived ington, California and Alaska are pub­ time party at the Masonic hall Satur­ Elmer I.aDue who was wanted in I IVm. Ea?oin and family left on Sun­ day evening, March 9. Wear your old Columbia County for burglary and, tration granting an extension of the spruce could be hauled to Tillamook lished. Tuesday s porkless day. Conserve il)ior Milk River, Alta, Can. where clothes, have a good time and plenty who with others broke jail a few time 1917 cheese may be sold. Rules with as little delay as possible. Col- ham, bacon, lard and lard substitutes I «J have a farm. to cat. All ¿Masons cordially invited. I weeks ago, was picked up by Sheriff covering these points have just been ( onel Disque promised to furnish men at all times. lite Kuppenbender about the Grant ! Campbell the first of the week. C. E. received by State Food Administrator ' at $2.00 and auto trucks to haul gravel Monday and Wednesday are wheat- Bruce Wade, son of Mrs. M. Wade Stanwood, sheriff of Columbia county W. B. Ayer. The Washington offi­ or rock. This is a matter that the less days and the evening meal of k automobile, the snappiest car on of this city, has joined the army, and is cials first fixed June 15 as the recog ­ 1 1 road. » County Court will have to pass upon, came in on Tuesday and took the a member of Engineer’s Corps No nized opening of the 1918 cheese mak­ but this solves the question of labor each day is a wheatless meal. for sale, five heifers coming two 319 and at present located at Camp prisoner out Wednesday mornng. In public eating places (including ing season, and then made the ruling and paying teams $10.00 a day, and | Rev. Chas E. Gibson, pastor of the that the product of this seasen in pr old next spring. Apply to An- Fremont. boarding houses) the service of Vic­ as it is important that the government * ftv \ etsch, Mutua’ Phone. I M. E. Church was honored this week storage must be marketed by that obtain the spruce as soon as possible, tory Bread or Rolls, containing at Demand that your contractor use ¡with a membership certificate to the date unless good reasons for not do­ the county can help the government least 20 per cent of substitutes, and ¡The new county veternarian has Santa Cruz cement. It is always uni­ ing so are presented. This does not by keeping the roads up and putting pies, pastries, cakes and sweet yeast rued his office on 2nd Ave. E., op- form and has exceptional fast setting National Geographic Society. Married on Monday, March 4, at the effect Tillamook county, for there will in as much hard surfaced road as pos­ doughs containing at least 33 1-3 per qualities which is preferred. For sale pite Lamar’s Drug Store. at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * M. E. Parsonage, Rev. Chas. Gibson be no last year’s cheese in this county sible.. When the delegation left there cent of substitutes is required at all dound a watch—looser can have meals, and will be permitted on officiating, Ross S. McFall and Miss next June. was perfect understanding with Col. wheatlcss day and wheatless meals. It Another big knock-out program at •m by paying for this ad. and des- Gladys Ceatch. the Gem Theatre Tuesday night, ! Clark Embum was arrested last Disque. is urgent, however, that bakers and "!®g same. Inquire at this office. George Watt came in from Portland week for violating the prohibition law. Tuesday afternoon the delegation caterers follow the Government’s March 12, when we will offer Rek 'I1'. Watt, of Port Haron, Mich., Bcache’s “The Auction Block.” on Wednesday. He met with a serious Two suit cases of whisky were found had an appointment with the State recommendation as to increasing the ’ * Iteen visiting at the home of his accident recently which nearly cost in his room when a search was made. Highway Commission. It was first percentage of substitutes in bread and The Federal jury was drawn in Port ­ ♦her Alex Watt here the past week him his life. A reckless auto driver It seems that Sheriff Campbell and ascertained that the Commission had rolls served on wheatless days and land on Saturday, and Tillamookers Lit Sale—Some good young heifers who are included in the list are W. H- knocked him down one night near his Embum came in from Portland on the decided upon the Three Rivers road, wheatless meals. Noodles, spaghetti, freshen soon, can be seen % miles Christensen, of Oretown, and J. T. home, and he v.as taken to the hos­ same train, and Einbum’s conscience when it was stated that lilamook macaroin, wheat cakes and breakfast pital, being unconscious for several i troubled him for he was suspicious county was ready with its $15,000 to­ 1 foods made of wheat arc not per­ y” of Nehalem, on Hitnpel farm. * Nevins, of Bay City. hours and was severely injured. | that the officer was watching him. He wards improving th,it road. 1 he dele­ mitted on wheatlcss days or wheat­ pr. and Mrs. J. L. Ketch have gone For sale— Two dwellings, lots 3 Tillamook county was covered with at first was going Jo^stand 1 trial on gation was informed that the Com­ less meals. BJillamook, and will rent a dairy and 4 and 5th Street and Park Ave. that The portion of bread or rolls served a blanket of white on Sunday night the ’ plea ’ ' * he ~ had the whisky in his mission was ready with its $15,000. H i®.—Willamina Times. Also furniture, stoves, tools, choice and Monday morning, it snowed in­ possession before the prohibition law was now up to the government to should consist of not more than two T H. Collins, Aaron Bonhain and bulbs, peonys, lilys, chrysanthemums. termittently during the day but on went into effect and was fortunate come through. It took but a few mo­ ounces and not more than this quan­ rf Bonhain vs. W. S. Cone is a suit Inquire of Mrs. K. White. Tuesday the warm sunshine melted for him that he did not go to trial on ments to settle this matter with the tity should be served to any one at labels on the bot- commission and to obtain the infor­ any one meal. Piorcclos a tax lien. Ncstucca Valley ranches can’t be most of the snow in the low lands that pretex, for the tics stated that the whisky had been mation that the Commission and Rolls should not weigh more than 1 and in the hills is fast leaving the beat. We have just what you want |The county court is in session this I ■ bottled - since ___ the prohibition law Yamhill county would improve the ounce each. it beiqg the regular monthly at prices and terms to suit purchasers. ground. I went into effect. Embuin pleaded Grand Ronde road. When corn, oatmeal or bran bread Taylor Real Estate Agency, Clover­ Hatching eggs for sale from IraP"' guilty on Thursday, and Justice of the r't'ng. The matter of hardsurfacing the ad­ or rolls are served alone, without nested S. C. Rhode Island 1 d Reds, ._ t.i „. i . with pcacc Stanley let him off with a light ditional 15 mites of road south of the any Victory Bread being served at the dale, Or. ‘•anted— Durham calves, pure bred, city was taken up with the commis­ same time or to the same person, the It is a pleasure to eat good butter. records up to 245 eggs in one year. ’ fine of $25.00. ¡1 tv,o weeks old up.—J. E. Fisher, The kind that pay a profit on war j sion, when Mr. Thompson explained portion may consist of not more than Our Linn County Creamery Butter The city administration are very [’Pie, Oregon, Motor R. A. that they were up against a condition four ounces. has given 100 per cent satisfaction for time feeding prices. Flock headed by . much in favor of purchasing the two showing of Spring Millinary. over five years. C. O. & C. M. Daw- “Vibert” strain Cockerels from 271 I that they would not be fully advised Crackers containing the same blocks bounded by 3rd and 5th streets egg stock. Eggs, $1.00 for 15; $500 ’ “vies, shapes and trimmings, about for several days. It seems that amount of substitutes as Victory son. Miller Ave. and 6th Ave. E., for a I 11 Miss Patterson’s. per 100.—Mrs. Hugh Barber, Fair­ before bonds can be sold for any pur­ 1 Bread may be used the same as Vic- city park. This property is a very de­ For sale, brush land at Hood RiveJ- view Creamery. pose they will have to obtain the ap­ ' tory Bread and served at the meals JJTiynot be insured in the best fire sirable tract and the only compact Three crops of alfalfa when cleared. The City Council has passed an or­ avaible tract in the city at this time proval of the government. The dele­ , when it is permitted. > ^"ce company, it cost* no more. Keep sugar bowls oft the table ex- ’ ‘■verson. • Will sell on time and loan money or dinance to keep minors under the age for a city park. There are some 20 gation was authorized to say that the improvements to right man for dairy­ of 17, off the streets after nine o’clock i lots in the two blocks and are now Commission wished to proceed with I cept when required for use by the r Sale—i wo organs in first class ing,__ F. P. Friday, Hood River, Or. during the months of October, No-1 owned and occupied by the Sisters of the 15 miles of hard surfacing, Tilla­ • guests and limit sugar service to three ”• Will sell on terms if de- mook county would manage to have cubelcts or two medium sized lumps S. McCargar has sold his town pro­ vember, December, January, February the Most Precious Blood, of this city, —Leland B. Erwin. * perty to Rosenberg Bros, and will and March, or after the hour of ten and Beaverton. The price asked we $25,000 available this year and in two or an equal amount of soft sugar. Cr Sale—New modern residence, Lave this week in company with a o’clock at night during the remainder are informed is $10,000. The buildings more years would have sufficient Encourage consumption of potatoes f ' in best residence district. For niece for San Francisco, where he will of the year. The penalty is $10.00 or money to pay its share. Owing to the by charging the smallest possible on the ground will be removed by the “♦t a bargain. See Frank Heyd. * one day’s imprisonment for each $2.00 Sisters and modern improvements action of the government the Com­ price, making them free if possible, live with a sister. mission was unable to enter into any and serving extra large quantities, but an Farmer and Charley Saling for their needs would be constructed of such fine. agreement with the delegation. As it guard against waste. Use as large Tommy Armstrong, we u"dcrs,a,’d . t on business to the County Married on Sunday at the home of on the now vacant Catholic Church has closed a deal for the cigar store the bride, D. V. Jennings and Miss property on the south side of 5th was seen that the Commission’s h nds proportion of potatoes in bread mak­ Saturday. the Kelly building having pur­ the church and were tied and they did not know ex­ ing as possible. street adjoining t*Sak, a car load of finest clover in actly where they were at themselves, Mr. NfcGrath calls the attention of chased the stock and fixtures of Carl Margaret Follett, Rev. Chas Gibson of the M. E. Church officiating. After parish house. \andcrvcldcr & Sons, Roy, it was not a suitable time to talk busi­ all retailers who propose to sell to Weidcmann. the ceremony the happy couple took ness. This is a matter which will have restaurants to the necessity of apply­ r NOTICE. The Rebekahs are planning a social the train for Portland where they will to be taken up after it is ascertained ing at once for a license. As stated I C. S. Woods, (Monk) has been make their homein Portland.. They with that the Commission can sell bonds. aboe all retailers who sell to restau­ iL i to his home during the past night for Wednesday evening. March had planned to get away quietly and All persons having an account , . 1 n O F hall. This will be Rebekahs, took the train at Idaville, but a num­ Grant Mills, kindly call, at the City If it can be shown that hardsurfacing rants, hotels and boarding houses red*'1'1 ' a,*ack grippe. Nir. 13th at 1. O. U. r. na> applied for such an meeting and al . . the 15 miles of road will help in any without having ’old his place near Beaver a Odd open Fellows and trends arf cord,a”y ber of friends had previously gone to Recorder’s office and settle same, way in the production of spruce, license are subject to a heavy fine and t'tnc ago and is now living in with Kathleen Mill*. entertainment ,com Bay City where the happy couple probauly the government will allow imprisonment. |k ' ' on Miller Ave. just south of invited. The Grant Mills. came in for a good shower of rice. I tncnces at 8 o clock. •beet. f !