Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 28, 1918, Image 5

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Firemen’s Service Flag.
----- o-----
the Tillamook Firemen’s Annual
daner. I riday, February 22nd, a beau-
lm,] M I vice flag was presented to tin
by Mrs. Elmir Flog. Thl
jl.,K contained nine stars representing
the bov- who are now in service who
(v,r< members of the department.
Mi-. I'loK was represented in the
pre- ntation address by Rollic \\.
Watson who made an eloquent and
patriotic address. The firemen were
represented in the response by C . C.
Curtis, their President. Those who arc
on tin roll of honor arc; Tebby
Stewart, Lowell Moulton, Jim Smith,
Pete Smith, Thos Keys, Tlios. Coates
lr.. Floyd Wolf, Bob Myers and
Norman Myers.
The Bonding Question Will Be
Re-Submitted to People.
Another effort is to be made to
bond the county for $425,000 for the
purpose of building [ a <. hard
road through the county. When the
bond niiasure was submitted to the
people last June it was carried by a
large majority, 1499 voting for it and
678 against. W hen the case was taken
to the Supreme Court it was knocked
out on trival technicality. Then the
question was raised whether another
election could be held within twelve
months, for the law provides that
only one special clectioif can be held
each year. It is upon that point where
there is some difference of opinion,
but to bring this to an issue this ivill
be tried out after tile petitions are
filed. The Tillamook Commercial
Club will circulate the petitions, ac-
0 to
companying which will bc a letter to
the County Court as to where the
1 22,-
money is to be expended. It will be
noticed that in the north part of the
I 43,-
county one important change is made,
the Necarney mountain road being
abandoned. This met with some op­
position in the north end of the coun­
n ss
ty at the special election, which will
be overcome now that a change was
it of
■The most important reason for vot­
1 ing on the bonding question at an
early date as possible is to be pre­
pared with money when the state
I Highway Commission is ready to
I build the additional ¡5 miles of hard
city, I I surfaced road in the south part of the
ted- I I county. Should the county not be in a
I position to pay its share, the state
I money would probably be used in
if th I »'lie other county and it would be a
our- I direct loss to Tillamook County to
i S’ I lose 15 miles of hard surfaced road.
idd- I I Owing to the money market and
and ■ labor conditions it was thought wise
hen ■ >ot to force the sale of the bonds or
oint ■ commence work until such time as
I be ■ the money can be used economically,
wk, Baud the lillamook Commercial Club
-bti B’cnt on record to that effect and ad-
•nf- ■ ’ised the County Court of its action.
the ■ For the information of a large num-
ter of citizens who keep inquiring
not ■
■ ’hen another election is to be held,
rec- ■ ’c give below a copy of the petition
per ■ ™at will be circulated and the lettec
re­ ■ •"it will accompany it:
lu- ■ The letti r that is to accomp.'.ny the
■ i' ition has been prepared and sub-
■#itted 11 the County Court. The court
■’•Italic the matter up next Tuesday,
«'hicli the petitions will be cir-
■®ll,c,l' County Judge Hare is in
■ tJny accord with the rcconim enda-
■^<*01 ;|u. lillamook Commercial
■^u ill not expending the bond mon-
■ ^bntil such time as the money mar-
■^f W'l labor conditions will warrant
■ money being expended econonii-
F To save the expense of holding
gh ■¡'Pecul election, the President of
I ■7 ommercial t lub suggested to the
that the election be held at the
election, but this is a matter
»ill no doubt be decided next
J« to Boys Carrying Sling Shots.
“ - o-
«ho are carrying sling shots
C ®<rnc<j that this is a violation of
L."*n,l various complaints have
ib a
con<terning sling
F" md bows and arrows. Citizens
ch'ckens have been consid-
E ’ .‘nn°yed by the use of these
lit 1 7 ",e h-mds of small boys.
Eu °Pcd that this notice will be
>n<* l*lat Hoiking further
■ktrni ,0-*’C ('onc *n the matter.
please call attention of
■"«'Wren to this matter.
C. C. Curtis, City Marshal.
Adults, 20c.
Children, 10c.
Service Flag Unveiled u Sunday I
at the Methodist Church.
Sunday morning a spec:al ser-
vice was held al the Methodist
Church to dedicate a service flag in
honor of the young men who had
been previously identified with that
church, anil who had offerc-J their
services to the government in this
national crisis. The church was well
filled with an attentive cohgrcgi.lion,
and the services were ably conducted
by the pastor, Rev. Chas. Gibson, who
pleached a patriotic sermon.
Mr. Gibson in his opening remarks,
said he had not chosen a text nor had
he prepared a set speech. They were
there to honor the young men who
had enlisted who had been identified
with the church. He did not like the
idea of honoring the young men of
their church, hut would have preferred
that young men from other churches
as well as young men who were not
identified with any church, could all
he included in one honor roll. But
the churches were called upon to do
what they were doing that day. It had
became a National affair. Mr. Gibson
paid a glowing tribute to tin boys
who were defending the stars and
stripes and w ho stood between us and
the enemy. He then went back to the
war of the Revolution afid rcfcrrecl to
what France had done to assist Wash­
ington, stating that this was the first
opportunity that the United States
had of showing its appreciation to
that country. He felt glad that the
I nited States w as helping France.
We owed that country a debt of grat­
itude. Mr. Gibson discussed the ques­
tion of the war and gave his reason
why the I. nited States was involved
in it, stating that Germany had brok­
en international law ia its submarine
policy, murdering women and non-
combatants, and accused Germany of
using barbarous methods in the pros­
ecution of the war. To those who op­
posed the United States entering the
war, Mr. Gibson gave many good
reasons why the United States had
done the right thing, going to the as­
sistance of France and the allies, con­
tending that the United States was
not safe as long as the Kaiser was in
power, and as an illustration of this
he referred to Germany making the of­
fer to give Japan this northwest coun­
try. In closing .Mr. Gibson praised the
boys who had enlisted, and those who
were to be called to the colors, who,
he said, were just as brave and true
as those who had already enlisted.
At the conclusion of the rev. gen­
tleman’s remarks, he called upon
Marion Hopkins to unveil the service
flag which contained 21 names. Two
other names were handed in that
morning. At the right of the flag was
a golden star, which was in honor of
those who had given up their lives in
the present war, and on this star Mr.
Gibson placed a wreath. I he honor
roll contained these names in the
order given.
Bain, Joseph Read
Bain, Vcrn D.
Boquist, Stanley.
F.rskine, Howard
Fletcher, Alfred R.
Gulstrom, Erick
Gulstrom, Alfred
Ginn, Elbert E.
Hodge, Paul
Hopkins, Marion
Olson, Dr. Jack
Riefenbcrg, Samuel.
Stuart, Tebby
Swenson, Oscar
Ullman, Fred
Van Patten, George
W icklund, Alvin
Wooley, C.
Dalton. Joseph Edgley.
Keyes. Thomas.
Alvin Wells
Everett Wells
VFR a quarter centurj
as the recognized
of the Northwest is our
g^^Guarantce of j
to You. •
!-r bators
and Brooder Stoves
Poultry Food-
Bee Supplici
fit for Cito/ogNe
William Fox Photoplay featur­
Adults, 15c.
Children. 5c.
D ovglas F airbanks
krot Is
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“UNKNOWN 274.”
We cordially invite you to see our Beautiful
W e save you .>0 per cent on-Every Garment Bought in our Store. We also make to your order Exclusive
Styles in Coats, Suits, in Separate Skirts.
$1.45 yd.
I have bought a large job lot of
SILKS, valued at $2 and »S3
a yard, which I will sell at
GOLDEN S WOMEN'S SHOP. Located across the St. from Clough’s New Drttji Store.
The Home Boys Who Joined the
Army and Navy Doing their Bit. i
----- o-----
For the purpose of obtaining a cor­
rect list of Tillamook boys who have
enlisted in the army or navy, we pub­
lish the list prepareel by Thos. Coates.
\\ hat we want is the name of every
Tillamook boy and the regiment or
ship to which lie belongs, and we will
consider it a favor if the relatives or
friends of the boys will furnish Mr.
Coates or the editor of the Headlight
with this information. Printed blanks
can be obtained for the purpose, for
we want to publish a correct and
complete record, for numerous en-i
quiries have been made as to hdw
many Tillamook boys have enlisted.
Please favor us with this information
as soon as possible, especially names
that are not included in Tillamook
County's honor roll, or any correction
in the names we have published.
There are 167 names in the list
published, and as we are inclined to
believe that many more names should
be added, we are anxious to obtain
them as soon as possible.
Perry O. Gray, 44th Inft, Camp Lewis
Anderson W ililam E., toth Co., O. c.
Arstill, Hugh, 10th Co., O. C. A.
Ackley, Harry, Co. C., 162nd U. s.
Infty, Camp Mills.
Andetson. Arthur.
Anderson, Carl M.
Bosnia, Peter, 10th Co., O. C. A.
Bailey, Elmer, toth Co., O. C. A.
Blanchard. Sidney O., toth Co., O. C.
Blanchard, Geo. A., toth Co., O. C. A.
Borba, Anion, totli Co., O. C. A.
Burmeister, Fritz, 10th Co. O. C. A.
Babcock, Pacific City.
Bettis, Claud, U. S. S. Saratoga, S. F.
Boquist, Stanley, Co. A., toth Forest­
ry Eng., A. E. F. France.
Boquist Alfred
Bailey, Herman, Co. M. 162nd U. S.
A. E. F.
Bain, V erne D., H. A. (Hospital)
Marc Island, Cal.
Bain, Reed
Blair, Calvin, totli. Co., O. C. A.
Craven, John L., toth Co., O. C. A.
Cochran, Glen, iotli Co., O, C. A.
Conover, Joseph L., 10th Co., O. C. A.
Cooper, Doneld, 10th Co., O. C. A.
t'rimmetis. Leroy,
I.CrOV. toth
lOtil Co.,
C O., O. C. A.
Craven, Arb.
Cochran. Earl, Aviation.
Clark, Albert, U. S. Naval Training
Station, Seattle Wash.
Chance, Arthur B.
Coates Win. T„ lldqrs Co., 162nd U.
S. Infty, A. E. F. France.
Ckiti.-sen Egbert .1. 10th Co.. O. C. A.
Dougherty, Elmer, 10th Co., O. C. A.
Derby Benny
Doty, Lee, toth Co., O. C. A.
Eggl- ton, Thaddens, toth Co. O. C.
Erskine, Howard, toth Co. O. A. C.
Embuni, E., \ alleys Calif., Seaman s
Barracks U. S. S. Intrepid.
Faston, Peter, care A. Eoston, Cath­
cart Rd. Mt. Florida Glasgow,
Sc >thnd.
Erickson, Kay,
Erickson, Joe, 66th Areo Squadron,
San Antonio I exas.
Erickson, Carl
Erickson, Paul
Eberinan, Floyd, Navy
Edgar, Herbert, Co. C., 361st Infty.,
Camp Lewis,
Ebinger, Harvey
Fitzpatrick, John.
Fletch r, Alfred.
Follett, Frank
Fitzpatrick, James A., 10th Co., O. C.
Gist, Forrest M., 10th Co. O. C. A.
Goldsmith, Howard C., 10th Co., O.
C. A.
Glad, Reuben N., 10th Co., O. C. A.
Gulstrom, Allred, 10th Co., O. C. A.
Ginn, Elbert, Medical Corps.
Gibson, John, 10th Co. O. C. A.
Ed. Gray, Canip Lewis.
Hall, Clifton M., Co. A. 162nd U. s.
Inftry, A. E. F. France.
Haugen, Nels.
Hare, Gordon, Navy.
Hobson, Frank.
Hardwick, Walter, 10th Co., O. C. A.
Hauxhurst, Howard, Navy, San Diego
Hawkins, Russell, Jr., Navy.
Hanankra., Ralph,
Hardesty, Frad, Bunkin Island, Bos­
Harrison, Leslie, 10th Co., O. C. A.
Haugen, Asa G„ 10th Co. O. C. A.
Hopkins, .Marion, 10th Co. O. C. A.
Hare, Bruce, 10th Co., O. C. A.
Iirdah, John, totji Co., -0. C.,A,
Jope, Clifford, Flospital Corps, A. E.
F. France.
Johnson, Elma, totli Co., O. C. A.
Jordan, Wallace, 10th Co., O. C. A.
Jennings, lohn W. Jr., 10th Co., O., >
C. A.
Keldson, Irvie E., loth Co., O. C. A. •
Keyes, Tom, U. S. Naval Training
Sta. Balloa Park, SandicgO, Cal.
Kandle, Chas.
Kennedy, R. B., U. S. Railway Eng.,
A. E. F. France. (Ray Grate for ad­
Knight, Carl, Co. D. U. S. Eng. Van­
couver, Wash.
Kennedy, Will, toth Co., O. C. A.
Lyon, Cecil C., 10th Co., O. C. A.
LaLonde, James A., ylst l)iv. H os-
pital Corps, Camp Lewis.
Let son, George, Presidio.
Leach, Loyd, Navy
Lockwood, Robert
Learned, Victor F., 10th Co., O. C. A.
Larson, Vern L., toth Co., O. C. A.
Luthi, Peter Jr., toth Co. O. A. C.
McKimcns, Frank, training Station
San Dingo, Cal.
Moulton, Lowell, V. S. S . Pueblo,
care P. M. New York.
Miller, L. S., Capt. U. S. F.ng.
Miles, Richard.
McKim ns, Don, Co. B. 162nd Inftry.
Mann, Roger J., tofh Co., O. C. A.
Mapes, Halleck H., toth Co. O. C. A.
Maxwell, Frank, 10th Co. O. A. C.
.McCabe, Edward L., toth Co. O. A. C.
Myers, Norman E., toth Co., O. C. A.
Mason, Harold, toth Co., O. C. A.
Martin, Clement W., toth Co. O. C. A.
McGinnis, Webb, toth Co., O. C. A.
McKnight, Thomas J., toth Co., O.
C. A.
Milk, Albert, toth Co., O. C. A.
Murdock, Lyman N., toth Co. G. C. A
Myers, Robert W., 10th Co. <). C. A.
Myers, N. J. toth Co., O. C. A.
Newman, Don, Aviation.
N Ison, Ernest, V. S. Railway Eng.,
Nelson, Carl.
Nelson, John.
Nelson, Louis, Co. I., 162 V. S. Inf.
Olson, Dr. Jack, 1st l.icut, I in t S. Jnne Caprice in “Sunshine Maid”
Engineers, A. E. F.
Smiling June Caprice, the 'Sunshine
Provoost, Clarence L., 10th Co., O. C.
Maid”, will be with us again soon in a
ikw thrilling William Fox phjtoplay,
Powers, Nelson
"Unknown 274”. This star’s latest
Ripley, Martin, U. S. S. Qurios, picture will be shown at the Gem
Shanghai, China
Theatre next Thursday, March 7th.
Reed, Tony, 10th Co., O. C. A.
In this play Miss Caprice is the
Riefenbcrg, Samuel, 10th Co., O. C. A. child
of a man whose father disowns
Ray, S.-.miiel D., loth Co., O. C A.
him fur marrying, as be believes, be­
Randall, Ezra, U. I
neath his station, the father being an
Renier, Hans.
official of a foreign government. The
Simmons, Donald AL, loth Co,, o. C. young mr.n and his wife flee to
America but soon after Dola (June’s
Stivcrson, Phares M., loth Co., O. c. nani ■ i.i the play), is born, the father
is enticed onto a warship of his own
Stark, Walter H., loth Co. O. C. A.
country and taken back and put in
Sanders, Geo. D., loth
Co. O. C. A.
prison for flecii.g from army service.
Shultson, Ernest E i., loth Co. O. C. A.
The mo'her gets word that her hus­
Slyter, Lee, loth Co., O, C. A.
band has died in prison. She puts the
Smith, Herman, 10th Co. O. A. C.
child Sn an orphanage in Maine and
Smith, James L., loth Co. O. C. A.
ends her life.
Snider, Hoyt, 10th Co., O. C. A.
Sixteen years s later a scheming
Stewart, Tebby, 10th Co., O. C. A.
woman and a man from New York
Swenson, Oscar C., loth Co., O. C. A. believe they can dress the child, and
St-ni, Benley, and Co. O. C. A. Fort sell her to the highest bidder among
Stevens, Oregon.
New York's young spendthrft million­
Stivcrson, Geo. A.
Stanley, Vcrle, Co. M., 162nd U. S.
How they fajc-and how the i.<llt*;L*-
Initry, A. E. F. France.
old violi.i brings his daughter back to
Shultson, Carl.
him is shown in some pretty situn-
Smith, Lyle C., 41I1 Areo Squad., Ft. tions. And June gets a millionaire,
Still < >k)a.
but not because of the scheming man
Smith, Roy, U. S. S. San. Pedro, N. Y. and woman but despite them.
Schrader, Otto,
Southmayd, Arthur, Lake Kearney,
Vote of Condolence.
■■ o--- -
Sherwood, Flaward,
Be it resolved that the members of
Smith, Harry Navy, San Diego, Cal.
Morning Star, Rebekah lodge, No. 52,
Thomas, William, 10th Co., O. C. A. that:
Whereas, it has pleased an all wise
Trowbridge, Floyd.
Thomas, Robert O., 10th Co. O. C. A. father in His infinite wisdom to re­
move from our midst our dearly be­
Trusty, Roy, 10th Co., O. C. A.
loved brother, John W. Hopfield, and
Ullman, Fred G., Co. K., 14th Initry, while we mourn our loss we are com­
Camp Lewis.
forted in the knowledge that it is the
Vierick, Harry.
will of one who is supreme in all
Vanderpool, Paul, 10th Co. O. C. A. things and knoweth best, and that
while now we part it is to but meet
Wallace, George, 10th Co., O. C. A.
. 1
Ward, Cornelius S., 10th Co., O. C. A. again.
Be it further resolved that our
Werner, Paul, 10th Co. Oi C. A.
deepest sympathy goes out to, Sister
William:', Lloyd, 10th Co., Ö. C. A.
Eva Hopfield, wife of our departed
Wood, Rpscoe, 10th Co., O. C. A.
Wooley, Charley, 10th Co., O. C. A. brother, and to the remaining mem­
Woolfe, Floyd C., 10th Co. O. C. A. bers of their family and to their re»
Walls, Ray B., 10th Co., O. A. C.
Be it further resolved, that a copy
Woods, Lloyd, loth Co., O. C. A.
of this resolution be printed in our
Wei's, James A., 10th Co., O. C. A.
Wicklund, Alvin A., lotli Co. O. C. A. local papers, a copy printed in the Pa­
cific Oddfellow, a copy lx- sent to the
Wells, Everett T., loth Co. O. C. A.
Wallace, Arthur, Headqrs Co. 162nd family of our departed, anil a copy lie
spread on the minutes of Morning
U. S. Initry, A.. E. F. France.
Wilkes, Billy, Naval Training Sta. Star Rebekah Lodge.
By committee: J. C. Holden, A. L*
Seattle, Wash.
Page and Claud I. Myers.
W illiams, Bernard.
Whereas, it has pleased our Heav-
Weiss, John J., Navy.
ingly Father to remove from our
Weiss, Henry., Navy.
midst brother John W. Hopfield,
Weiss, Fred, Navy.
therefore be it
Youel, John E. 10th Co., O. C. A.
Resolved, that in the death of broth­
One of the healthiest men in camp er John W. Hopfield our bclovid or­
is found to be a meningitis carrier at der has been bereft of a shining light
Camp Doniphan. He came there from and the lodge suffers the loss of one
Camp Funston, and two of his best of its worthy members, one who was
friends and a tent mate soon died of ever ready to further the best inter­
the disease. For four weeks germ cul­ ests of tin lodge,
Resolved, that we tender to the
tures have been taken from his throat
every three days. Sometimes no trace family of our deceased brother our
of the germ is found; the next day sincere sympathy and condolence in
they will be there. Ordinarily a "car­ this dark hour of bereavment and
rier” is cured in from seven to io commend them to the mercies of Him
days, but this man’s case has resisted who looks with sorrowing eyes on
treatment, and the medical authorities the Fatherless, and be it further
Resolved, that the charter be draped
say it is possible he may never be
cured. Probabilities arc he will be dis­ in mourning for a period of one
charged and s<nt home, and the civil month, anil that a copy of these reso­
authorities notified of his coming. In lutions be sent to the family of our
the meantime he must wear a mask deceased brother, and a copy publish­
when anyone comet within 15 feet of ed in the local parer.
Tillamook Lodge No. 94, 1.0. O- F.
hit tent.
* .1