'________________________ ADVERTISING RATES. fire traps on account of getting out rived spruce, but on account 1 of “ * the u* threats of I. W. W.'s to came • des­ We feel su re I .10 truction of property. that the people of Tillamook county ■05 will co-ops rale in any effort to pre­ vent to. s’, fires next •■.immer, but it t.oo is necessary that extra efforts be o- made to k.ep a clone watch. MAKE WAR ON ONION MALAQy Marvelous Co-Operation Facts. Strong Efforts Going On to Stamp Out Oitease That la Known as Neckrot. (From The Oregonian.) As an instant of co-operation is really and truly co-operative there To combat neck rut—a destruct!», storage rot of onions—-In various is in toe I oiled Mates probably no Itles of the United States, the t’nitaj belter example than the arganizalion of citccsc. lac.ories in Jillamook States department of ugriciilture uext n«*« uenson Is to assist growers In texting L uliii .), For a number of years fully a method of controlling the tllsetmi nine-tvoii.s oi uie factories m that with the hope of putting the meth,«1 .0? There arc some few persons who county nave been managed on the co- on a practicable basis for commer­ think the dairy association? should opeialm plan, and during all 01 that cial use. Specialists of the depart, •5° advertise Tillamook cheesi. Far better lime tne products eil the laciories ment will be assigned to the dlxtrlctj iiave been marketed by the same start a propaganda for better sanitary affected to advise farmers and to help m.uiou. The prices arc nxid and the conditions on the dairy farms, it is In the installation mid equipment of THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. just as necessary for strict sanitary sales being made by one man, who necessary structures. also looks alter the collections. F. C. BAKER, Publisher. icgulatioiis on the dairy farms as it is The districts known to he Infected 1 here are now in 1 illamook County .’.bout thi cheese factory, in tact, more Include th- principal onion-growl^ I w entv so, for no cheese maker can make su­ twenty-four cheese factories, centers In Massachusetts, Connecticut Tilla- of which fully belong to tiie perior cheese SV with milk that is not fit Ohio. Indiana. Delaware, Wisconsin Association, for human food. Wonderful improve­ 11100k County (.namely .'___ amt Oregon. The disease occurs In output 01 the ments have taken place on the dairy but a large part 01 the other stntcs also. Losses of from 25 How much money have you saved farms in the care of milk and keeping non-incmbersiiip concerns is handled per cent to 75 per cent In white onion to buy a Liberty Loan Bond in the it sweet and clean, but for fear some by the association s manager. ¿0 even sets have been recorded in the vicinity next drive? with very closely ainliatcJ dairyman may get lax, a system of in-'th, \ are • if Chicago and In northern Indiana. ------ o------ that specting dairy farms is something the big association, so elcseiy Red mid yellow onions are not at­ Gcc, wiz! Sunday’s mail brought us ____ _____ is no friction between the two. that deserves due consideration. The there tacked as seriously as the white vari­ a letter with over three pages of From the annual report of the man­ dairyman who is particular about the ety. articles for a $750,000 drive gotten uj> cleanliness of his farm ami takes a ager, Mr. Carl Haberlach, published The disease known 11s neckrot Is by the Lutheran church. Next please. in the Tillamook Headlight, it is great deal of pride in seeing that caused by a fungus. The parasite en­ proper sanitary conditions exist, will learned that the twenty association ters the wounded nock of the bulbs at It is only a ft., ears since the snap welcome the visit of an inspector, not factories last year handled 42,752,449 harvest time and gradually rots the shot man said that the output of pounds of milk and produced 4,747,- so, however, the dairyman whois not scales until they become dried up and cheese would amount to one million as particular as he might be. We con­ 449 pounds of cheese that sold tor worthless. Of the control measures dollars. With a large amount of non­ sider this another step in the right di­ $1,141,793.57. in the same period the that have been tried, artificial drying productive land in the county ’urned rection, for, after all, one of the prin­ tour non-membership concerns handl­ of the onion rets In crates Just after into dairy farms let’s all boost to is clean- ed 2,149,854 pounds of milk and pro­ harvest has given the best results. The make the output of cheese ten million cipal things about dairying duced 227,099 pounds of cheese, which ; (Bring One) ? object of this method Is to cure the liness. pounds. sold for $47,112.13. This makes a necks as soon as possible, mid thus grand total of sales made by the to the right at 10:00 A M. — Bible School, check the fungus before it enters the IV.. P c print ' ll several thousand The people of Oregon had some ex­ Turn twenty-tour factories of $1,188,845. 1» flesh scales. In various lots treated turn to the right at 0:30 I’.M —C- E. Society. Copies of a neat four page folder, giv­ perience with Heneyism, and the Turn addition to these receipts there is to recently the rot was reduced from 14 ing a synoposis of the dairy article methods lie used in his muck rake You are cordially invited, if not attending elsewhere be reckoned the amount of. cream ship­ per cent to 1 per cent; from 47 per which we published last week, which campaign. He is repeating it in Chic­ ped to Portland last December, done cent to 7 per cent; from 53 per will be used by the banks and others ago. This is how the Nebraska Dem­ to curtail the manufacture of cheese cent to 7 per cent, and from 92 per in answering inquiries about the dairy ocrat deals with Heneyism in Chicago. cent to 10 per cent. “Every once in a while some sensa­ when there seemed danger of over­ industry of Tillamook County, and production. These shipments amount­ which will belli to advertise the tional lawyer gets the government or ed to- $10,522.85. Several of the fac­ someone else to hire him to «andbag cheese industry. RAILROADS USE MUCH COAL the packers and the live stock in­ tories installed machinery during the year to take the butter fat front the We hope our contcmpory, which is dustry. This is a poor time to block Require Almost Twenty.Five Per Cent whey; these machines produced but­ of the Total Output of publishing a second edition of the last the packing industry when our soldier the Country. issue of the T illamook Headlight, will boys are risking their lives for their ter to the value of $13,879.29. While the report of Mr. Haberlach give the snap shot m:.n a little credit country, and who need every pound is illuminative and instructive, and is Figures compiled by C. E. Lesher of for editing and putting into shape of provisions we can muster. The the United Stntcs geological survey the dairy article we compiled to help (■ackers are under better control to­ certain to carry conviction to any show that 13fl.000.000 tons of hltuinl- boost the county. Bro. Trombley even day thi ll they have ever been in the community with ability enough to co- certainly operate along the e same lines, it does noe's coal, fl,735.000 net tons of Penn­ history of the business, , and .. swiped the type from our office. wait not gel to the root of the ways and sylvania anthracite and 22.950 tons of the grandstand politicians can . __ ___ .. s of success achieveS by the coke were used by the railroads in the Wc are informed that some of the until after the war to prosecute wherefores The mainspring m. m. I . ’ .v.-ident W ilson ought to head Tillamook dairymen, United States In 1910. The increase resi soldiers who are now in camp on the them. Haberlach. the of the whole works is Mr. in the quantity of bituminous coal Mia mi to get out rived spruce arc off the windjammers until we get ------- • u He is the man who mu« constructed this used by the railroads In 1916 was from New York state, and who know kaiser's goat, then if it seems neces-' greit manufacturing and marketing 14.000,000 tons, which was 11.5 per nothing about spruce or logging in sary the sheep can be separated from machine. He is the man who gathered cent more than 1915. The Increase tn the Northwest. And another little,in­ the goats. This is a poor time io give a few heterogenous plants and welded the consumption of anthracite by the cident that is amusing is that the men jackass lawyers the limelight while railroads was but 535.000 net tons, or have not proper clothing for that kind our sons are bearing their breasts to them into one harmonious, homogen­ 8.5 per cent. There was an increase of work, and are liable to be taken the bullets of the enemy purely from ous whole. In strict fairness bv the [strictest of honesty and with great In railroad consumption of nearly down sick at any time i n this wet a patriotic heart,” lability he gained (lie confidence of 4.000.000 tons of coal from Illinois, dimite. about 2,800.000 from Ohio and of The dairymen of Tillamook county 'every cow owner in Tillamook county. 4.8OO.OOO from West Virginia. The It seemed that as soon as the pco- made a remarkable record for 1917, He is in reality the manager of the as­ sociation creameries. He decides all quantity of coal from Pennsylvania pic were advised to eat fish up went going over the top with $1,188,845. used by the railroads decreased nearly the price of fish to a prohibitive price. The snap shot man also feels proud of the problems of the sort and quait- | 8,000.000 tons. It was the same with other things. of the splendid showing, for wc have tity of their output. After it is a sale­ 4 The quantity of bituminous coal Now this is not a fish story, but the seen the cheese industry of the county able product he sells it, collects the used by the railroads In the eastern fish market taxed us 35 cents a pound grow from its infancy to its present money and turns it over to the fac­ district Increased from 56.500.000 to for Chinook salmon last week. It magnitude. What helped make the tory whence the product came. For his employes Mr. Haberlach 62,700.000, or 11 per cent. The Increase used to be that one could buy a lb. cheese industry a financial success In the Southern district was from 22.- gets more money for their milk than salmon for 50c., in this county, in the was co-operation amongst the dairy­ 000,000 to 28.800.000, or 5.1 per cent, good oul days when we didn’t have to men and co-operation amongst the any other dairymen in the West. Last and in the Western district, from 43,- Hoovcrize and pay for speculation in co-operative associations. We recall | year they averaged $-’.44 net per too 500.000 to 50.000.000, or 15 per cent. The daily press reflects a sentiment throughout the nation food stuffs, The only way to ‘‘beat it »» the "scraps” that used to take place • pounds, and butterfat brought them The total quantity of bituminous in the high price of fish is to cut it in electing directors in some of the : 60c per pound. Remember, these are which clearly indicates a new condition. coal used by the railroads was about . the net prices received by the dairy- out or turn fisherman. associations and the unbusiness meth­ 27 per cent of the total production as , men. Mr. Haberlach and his wife do Men are wanted everywhere. The work of this war is being 1 ods of selling cheese to every Tom, against 28 per cent In 1915. The carried on largely by those who never before have been in pub­ There is urgent need of more pa- Dick and Harry, with factories under­ . all the clerical work pertaining to the Pennsylvania anthracite used by the marketing, buy all of the supplies, sell lic office or public work. Men who have been too busy, too triotic sermons, like that preached by selling one another. That fortunately, railroads in 1916 was 7.7 per c*nt of all the product and collect all the Rev. Chas. Gibson, at the Methodist is a thing of the past. The co-opera- engrossed with their own tasks, are leaving their work to others the total anthracite produced and th» money. Where is there another plant church on Sunday, and less wrangling live spirit took its place, with results and giving their lime and ability to the cause which is ours, combined bituminous and anthracite sermons on tlr.ology, for it would that are highly gratifying to the doing a business of about one and a used, 142,735,000 tons, was 24 per cent ’/ours, everybody's. have a wholesome effect on every dairymen who were instrumental in quarter million dollars with but two of the output, the same as In 1915. accountants? The expenses of the of ­ It is a ti uc when politics in the ordinary sense must not be community and inspire patriotism in­ bringing about a radical change, considered. It calls for all the ability that can be mustered. to the minds of the people. That is What would some of the dairymen fice, including inspection of the en­ Making Life Worth While. the best kind of Christianity to preach think, who receive their monthly tire cheese output, was for the last Oregon to be a successful part in this unit plan for the de­ To increase your earning capacity, year the sum of $7550.85. The detailed right now when there are co many check regular, if they had to wait six fense of Democracy, must likewise place the thought of the you must be an energetic, live »pert- disloyal persons, who h..ve come to months or longer for their check, the report is something every Oregonian men of humankind. You should be times before everything. the United States to make their home same as the dairymen did when the ought to be proud of. throbbing with surplus power. You In another part of this paper appears the announcement of who down in their hearts are pro­ industry was not organized. Another should possess a degree of strength I.. .1. Simpson a c- ndidatc for the nomination for Governor Patent Medicine Dopes. Germans. Let's have more of the gos­ important event in the history of the that will give you confidence and cour­ ] on the Republican ticket. Mr. Simpson was urged to become a pel of patriotism, and all honor to cheese industry of Tillanioak county age and endurance. Then you can go candidate by his many friends in every part of the state, because men in the pulpit who preach it. was in employing an inspector for the From the Oregon Dairy and Food on day after day, relates a writer, add­ wc take this interesting an ­ purpose of producing a high grade Bulletin of his business record, his understanding and knowledge of ing to your skill and knowledge and Tillamook County produced nearly cheese. It was an immense success, alysis: power in your profession. And when Oregon’s resources, industries and needs; because of his public- five million pounds of cheese last year, for poor cheese makers and poor Under the verbal camouflage of the you have climbed to the highest point spiritedness, which of recent years has led him to tasks which easily a million dollars worth of a grade cheese were soon eliminated. words "remedies”, "restoratives,” on one sphere of endeavor, you will be have been more important to him than his own affairs. first-class article, and, like all the rest There are some few cheese factories "tonics,” etc., a number of medical ready to look around for other work, of Oregon, she is not "blowing" half that have not co-operated, but have fakes continue to prey upon the more L. J. Simpson is clearly the man who can give Oregon the and continue to experience the delight» enough about it.—Oregonian. enjoyed all the benefits derived from gullible portion of the public in Ore­ administration necessary to this plan of National Efficiency. that come only with the dully strug­ Don’t worry. Tillamook County will placing a superior grade of cheese on gon, and elsewhere. The National As­ gle, required for the attainment of the toot its horn good and loud, and will the market by the co-operative asso­ sociation for the prevention of tuber­ His campaign will be directed straight to you as voters, as objects one has In view. Do not forget do considerable "blowing’’ as well, ciations. Every cheese association cuiosis, states that, "Not less than the value of systematic effort. Do not individuals who do your own thinking. not that this is necessary. People who should affiliate with the Tillamook $20,000,000.00 is invested in the nian- waste your energies. Intelligent direc­ We are firmly convinced that yon will not allow politics to tion la all-important. Force, to be of buy the Tillamook famous cheese do County Creamery Association, and ufacturing and exploiting of fake influence your decision, and that you will vote for the man w'ho the most "blowing”, for they appre­ they show poor business judgment to "consumption cures." Their receipts value, must be applied nt the proper is best fit to help the people of Oregon, develop the state’s vast ciate a high grade cheese of superior remain out. Wc want to commend the are reported at $15,000,000.00, which place. Effort, to be productive of re­ resources, and to prepare for, and participate in, the great recon ­ ward, must be directed by superior In­ quality, manufactured under strict dairymen on their success, but it is is a 75 per cent profit. Do ~ you thus struction that is to follow. sanitary conditions, and "blow” them­ just as well to give a word of advice. contribute to the enrichment of these telligence. We believe you will weigh issues more closely than ever be­ selves in for more. On account of the war it is going to medical quacks and imposters? fore, and that L. J. Simpson will be your choice. take considerable tact, to maintain in addition to Nuxated Iron report­ Made the Account Even. "There’s nothing like reprisal»." “1 hat was a good booster edition the high price now paid for cheese, ed m our October Bulletin, our chem­ for Till.-mook county,” was one re­ ami should the war come to a sudden ist has analyzed "Mother’s Friend." sufd a recruiting officer. "A tobacco­ nist sent a doctor the other day a 310 mark about the Hist e liti.rn of the close, this will bring about another "Antiko Dandruff Remedy,” ’Swamp box of cigars, saying he knew they Headlight. Probably it was and w 14 n condition that will have to he handled Root,” “Myers Stomach Remedy,” First—Talk over the candidacy with hadn’t been ordered, hut they were so ever any one wants to1 know anything with eare. your friends. ♦ ! “Akoz,” "La Plante's Selicious Min­ excellent he was sure the doctor would about the dairy indu-.y of this <01111- eral,” “Walnutta Hair Stain," “Bon- enjoy them. Bill inclosed. Term» ty, it will be mailed them. If the snap Second—If you believe that L. J. Opto," "Fenina," “ S. S. S.." and Mighty Poor Guessing shot man can pull off a little boosting others and in no single instance have Simpson is worthy of your support strictly cash. — O' .... . stun’ like that, there are others who “The doctor wrote back: these “dopes” and "lotions” been write a letter to his committee. " ‘Delighted with the cigars. Though should do likewise. The Tillamook The speaker of the House of Rep­ found to possess a value in any way It 1« trne you haxfei't cnlled me In, I Commercial Club should have at least resentatives s lid to a Maine audience, commensurate with the extravagant Suggest how his cause may be ad­ venture to send you herewith two pre­ JOO boosters, energetic, live wires, co­ in the fall of 1013: claims made. Invariably wc find that vanced. We, in turn, will tell you haw scriptions for rheumatism and dyspep* oper‘ting for the industrial an.l moral "Wc believe that our Tariff lull will the public is asked to pay fifty cents you can help. sin, respectively, that I nm sure you development of the county. This city reduce the cost of living, more fairly or $1.00 for a box or bottle of stuff, will like, as they have given univers»! needs more boosters and live wi’ts. adjust the subjects of Tariff taxation, when, as a matter of fact, the potent (Paid Advertisement) satisfaction to my patients. My charges and the club should have that and at the same time raise abundant ingredients present may be purchased being $5 for prescription, we nre now Issued by number, each m inber doing his bii to revenue for the Government.” in the open market at from two cents help boost. quits. ’ ” The test of time is a wonderful to twenty cents. And ofter they arc Simpson for Fovernor” League thing. Looking back at this belief, ex­ found in addition to contain some­ l J.3tt*tMML . Should there be numerous camps Effective Shell». Pittock Block, Portland. pressed, no doubt sincerely, by speak­ thing actually harmful. The two an­ Controversy lins long raged regnrd- started in the county the next few er Clark, we are forced to the con­ alyses serve very well as illustration. Ing the actual man-killing power of th* months to get out rived spruce, the "Hon-Opto,” manufactured by the clusion that the best of men some­ big guns. It has been declared that danger of forest fires will multiply, \ almas Drug Co., Dctriot, Michigan. times make big mistakes. 820.000 worth of big shells must he it is timely to suggest that fire patrol fired to kill one of the enemy. Fer- And Bro. Trombley, the democratic Borac Acid ............................. 39 38 pct. be increased next Summer. Probably Salt ............................................ 39-59 pc;. haps It Is true that nn enorn-'-u’ floppcr, was one of those who told the county will have to take some Zinc sulphate ......................... 6.5 pct. the need of glasses as adv, t’, amount of steel must be burled by the .17 pct. action, cither employing additional the good people of Tillamook that by I This is simply an antiseptic solution 1 his checks very* closely with • re* big guns to Insure fatalities. Vet the fire wardens or inducing the c.ate to electing a democratic president it made slightly astringent with zinc S. S. S. or “Swift’s Specific,' putable analysis from other sources actual number of men killed on 1,11