TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT notice of delinquent Tlha7¿’,^itío" t0 Tillamook. taxes of real property ^nfc|otV3?bkhO4U1C &.Sun’ lm»’ FEBRUARY 28, 1918, fondants, for the sum of Fifteen which contract was recorded in the Summons. the year's campaign, the Boy Scout Hundred Fifty ($1550) Dollars, with Deed Records of Tillamook County, 1.63 in each state with the largest total of 33 ’ interest from the 1st day of March, In the Circuit Court of the State of sales to his credit will receive a letter bk 4.87 1915, (less the sum of Forty ($40) Oregon, in Book “24” on page 368, on March 15, 1913, be cancelled, set Oregon, for Tillamook County. of thanks from the president of the (Continued from another page.) United States. D. W. Ijams Est., lots 5, 6, i>E 8.13 Dollars interest paid), at the rate of aside and held for naught, and that F. S. Whitehouse, Plaintiff. six (6) per cent per annum; and for vs. the plaintiff be adjudged the owner in ----- 0----- Lots 1, A 3> bk. 7........................ 4.08 I 40.......................... 16.25 the further sum of One Hundred lots I, 2, 3, bk fee simple of said premises, and that Solomon B. W hitehouse. Defendant, Example is better than precept. Lot 5. bk. 7- ............................... 1.16 I . W. 1 odd ■> lt|,y Llollars attorney’s fees, you have no title, right, claim or in­ | To Solomon B. Whitehouse, the Don’t fail to have a loaded Thrift l.ots 7. 8> bk. 7.............................. 318 45............................. 6.50 and his costs — and 1 disbursements Lots 9, 10, bk. 7............................ 2.72 Wk G46 Dwight’ frac’ionai 'löt’ 3. Stamp card in your pocket when terest therein or thereto, and that the above named defendant; herein, taxed • at yy.vw * $19.00 ivgvmvi together plaintiff recover from you his costs I In the name of the State of Oregon, you’re explaining the plan to your Lot 11. bk. 7. ............................. 1.83 1.63 A. K. Grout, lot 1, bk. 8............... 5-47 Grace Cornforth.' lots' 1 j ‘ , the costs and disbursements of and disbursements in this suit, and you are hereby required to appear and neighbor or your family. 47............................... • ’ 5. Cone, lot 2. bk. 8............. 1.82 bk. ¿7 1463 this sale, to me directed and deliver- for such other and further reljef as to answer the complaint filed against Lots 4. 5. 6, bk. 8........................ 5 44 J. H. & H. H. Rosenberg, lot ed, commanding me to make sale of the Court shall seem meet and equit­ you in the above entitled suit on or If fortune smiles on you now put Lots 8, 9» bk. 8.............................. 3- 63 325 the real property hereinafter describ­ able. before the expiration of six weeks some of it in Thrift Stamps and War W^C 1 D V - C | lar i k ’ * Ot 7 ’ b * c - 48 Let 11, bk. 8........... . . ............ 2.44 1-63 ed, I have levied upon, and pursuant This summons is served upon you from the date of the first publication Savings Stamps. They’ll stick by you A. R- Grout, lot 12, bk. 8........... 2.44 W. G. Dwight lot 2, fractional to the commands of said execution, by publication thereof pursuant to the of this summons, ------- -- — — • — .A.VULIUll, ons, and if you fail so to and draw 4 per cent interest com­ 3. bk. 49 ............................ W. S. Cone, lot I, bk. 9............... 2-44 T. W. Clark, lot« 6 7, 8. bk. 1.62 decree and order of sale, I will I on order of the Honorable George R. answer for w< ant thereof the plaintiff pounded quarterly. He laughs best Lots 2. 3. bk. 9............................ 4- 83 Mrs. 49....................... " Saturday, the. 16th day of March, 1918, Lots 4. 5. 6, bk. 9........................ 5- 44 Dated at Tillamook, Oregon this ’-¡h in Tin front.<1°.or 0„f ,he cour‘ house, Bagley, Judge of the above entitled will apply to the Court for the relief who laughs last. Lot 10, bk. 9......... . ..................... 1.82 court made and entered on the 2nd demanded in the complaint, which is, ’ h '"»«nook City, Tillamook County, day of February, 1918, directing said That plaintiff have judgment for the Today is bargain day in WarSavings Lots 11, 12, 13. ‘4. bk. 9............. 7 25 day of February, 1^8 W. L. CAMPBELL Shtrifi re8°n. at the hour of ten o’clock a. summons to be published once a’w'eek fre' overy, upon the note and mortgage Stamps .On the first day of each Carrie L. Wallace, lot 15, bk. 9. 2.44 W S. Cone, lot 16, bk. 9............. 2.44 and Tax Collector ’ of * Tilla ’'1”’ ? da/» sell at public . auction for six consecutive weeks in the Till- sued on, of the sum of $2400.00, with jnontli they increase 1 cent a piece. -- 1_ r* ___ Jin*» . 1 “7 h*8hes‘ b‘d iviivna, follows, to- IkA“ Address: 811 Chamber of Commerce. Sept. 17, 1915, $i2.it; March 20th, state distributer, indicate that sales 1.82 Oregon for Tillamook County. Lot 7. bk. 11.......................... 1 wit: the southwest quarter of Sec- 1916, $10.87; Sept. 15, 1916, $10.85; in Oregon are "Going up’’ steadily. Portland, Oregon. C. L. Wallace, lots 8, 9, 10 bk. II 5-44 M.. W. Harrison, 1 tion eighteen, in Township Four (4) First publication Feb. 7, 1918. April 3rd, 1917, $11.65 and Sept. 14th, The states total is pounding along Cone, lots I, 2, bk. 12. 363 VV. S. ‘ South of Range Nine (9) West of the Last publication March 21, 1918. Plaintiff *9*7. $11.63. With interest on said tax toward the million and a quarter mark. Lots 3. 4. bk. 12. ........ vs A illamette Meridian, containing payments from dates of such pay­ Marion county is leading in sales out­ Lots 8, 9, 10, it, 12, bk. 12. Charles E. Haas, W. F. Wol- 142.27 acres; to satisfy the hereinbe­ Summons in Foreclosure of Delin­ ments at 7 per cent per annum. The side of Multnomah county. Marion’s Lots 1, 2, 3. bk. 13................ fore mentioned sums, and for the taxes being taxes charged against the total is $39,032.48. Washington county 772 litz and Mary Wollitz his wife Lots 4, 5. bk. 13................... quent Tax Certificate. 2.72 and Roger L. Scott and Jane costs and disbursements of sale and real property covered by the mort­ is next with $32,464.26, and Linn is Lots 6, . 7, bk. 13.................... of said writ. Said sale will be made Lot 8, bk. 13.......................... ... 1.36 Scott his wife, Defendants third with $32,461.04. The total in In the Circuit Court of the’State of gage herein mentioned. ......... ... 3.72 Lots 9. , 10, bk. 13. .. And that the mortgage executed by Multnomah county to date is $455,- To Charles E. Haas, W. F. Wollitz subject to redemption, as per the Oregon for Tillamook County. ... 4.86 and Mary Wollitz his wife, and statutes of the State of Oregq^i. Lots 5, , 6, bk. 14. .. you to the plaintiff on September 6th, 89167._______________ J. A. Saling, Plaintiff. Lot 7, Dated February 13th, 1918. 1913. recorded on page 492 of Book v«. Roger L. Scott and Jane Scott his ... 1.82 Lot : 8. bk. 14............. “U”, record of Mortgages of Tilla­ W. L. Campbell, Another Spectacular Probe. C. Mills, Defendant. Lot I, bk. 15............... ......... ... 1.82 wife, the abov named defendants, Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore. To C. Mills, the above named de­ mook County, Oregon, and covering In the name ot the State of Ore­ bk. 15........... ...... . ... 1.82 Lot the WJ4 of the SEJ4 of Section 3, and fendant: Most people who read the news dis­ ... 1.82 gon, you are hereby commanded and John Leland Henderson, Lot , bk. 15............. In the name of the State of Oregon, the N. W. % of N. E. ¡4 section 10, in patches as they appear, day by day, Lots , 7, 8, bk. 15... • • • 5-44 required to appear and answer, or Attorney for plaintiff. Lot 1 bk. 16............... ......... ... 1.82 otherwise plead, to the complaint fil- First publication, February, 14th, 1918 you are hereby notified that J. C. Tp. 1 S , R 9 W . W M. be foreclosed, have become fairly well acquainted ... 1.82 ed against you in the above entitled Last publication March 14, 1918. Saling, the holder of certificate of the property covered thereby with the fact that the beef packers of Lot . bk. 16............. the Chicago and elsewhere are again un­ Lot 1 bk. 17............... ......... ... 2.44 suit on or before six weeks from the delinquency numbered 1061 issued on the manner provided by law, bk. 17............. ........ . •. 2.44 date of the first publication of this Lot the der investigation. They are convinced the 10th day of February, 1917 by the proceeds of such sale applied Summons. ... 1.82 Lot ; bk. 17............. satisfaction and discharge tax collector of the county of Tilla ­ that something is going on, but Summons, and if you fail to appear Lot !. bk. 17............. ........ ... 2.44 ......... mook, State of Oregon, for the amount ol such recovery, <1 whether it is simply furtl.er free pub­ ................... .J" lhe plaintiff Court of tlle S,ate of and answer as aforesaid will 483 Lots 9, *°> bk. 17........................ amount of Two and Seventy-three- costs and expenses of sale, licity for the benefit of Frances J. °r 1 ,lla,,,ook County, H. B. Cravens, lot 11, bk. 17. .. 2- 44 apply to the Court for the relief general relief. C. F. Hermer, one-hundreds ($2.73) dollars, the H< ih v or not may be doubted. Every prayed for in the complaint, to-wit: j ’ h ’ “ emier, Plaintiff. W. S. Cone, lots 14, 15, bk. 17.. 5-29 This summons is served unon you day we pick up the papers and read vs. same being the amount then due and H. B. Craven, lot 16, bk. 17. ... 303 For a decree and judgment against delinquent for taxes for the year 1914, by publication in the Tillamook Head­ what Air. Heney is going to prove or W. S. Cone, lots I, 2, 3, bk. 18. 5-44 you for the sum of $500.00 with in­ \ innie Hermer, Defendant. To \ innie Hermer, the above nani- i together with penalty, interest and light by virtue of an order made by is going to do. The news as it comes 1.82 terest from the 20th day of Jan. 1917, Lot 4. bk. 18...................... 1.82 ed defendant. In the name of the costs thereon upon the real property the Hon. A. M. Hare, County Judge over the wires, indicates that the Lot 5, bk. 18......... . ........... 2.26 at 6 per cent per annum; for the fur­ State of Oregon, you are hereby re­ assessed to you, of which you are the of Tillamook County, Oregon, re­ greatest importance is bestowed on Lot 7. bk. 18...................... 2.26 ther sum of $100.00 attorney’s fees quired to appear and answer the com­ owner as appears of record, situated quiring publication io be made thereof what Mr. Heney says and thinks and Lot 8, bk. 18..................... 3- 63 and the costs and disbursements of plaint filed against you in the above in said county and state, and particu­ once a week for six successive weeks, propose to do, not so much on- what Lots 3, 4. bk. 19............... 6.06 this suit; and for a further decree entitled cause, on or before the last larly bounded and described as fol­ and requiring you to appear and ans­ evidence he produces. But that is a Lots 7. 8, bk. 19................. 2.26 foreclosing 1 laintiff’s mortgage dated Lot 9. bk. 19........................ lows, to-wit: Lot numbered Two (2) wer the complaint on or before the miie side issue, the clever way in 6.06 July 27th, 1914, executed by the de­ day of the time prescribed in the in Block numbered Three (3), town of expiration of said time of publication. which Mr. Henry gets the advertising Lots 10, 11, bk. 19............. order for the publication of this sum ­ 2.26 fend nt Charles E. Haas, covering all Lot 12, bk. 19..................... Said order being dated the 25th day from the reporters who follow and Lot 1, bk. 20........................ 2-44 of the following described real prop­ mons, towit: April 4, 1918; and if you Beaver, Tillamook County, Oregon. You are further notified that said J. of February, 1918, and the date .of the worship in his wake. The fact is that 12.69 erty, to-wit: Beginning at the South­ lail to so answer for want thereof the Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, bk. 20. plaintilt will apply to the court for C. Saling has paid taxes on said first publication hereof is the 28th the packers again arc under investiga­ Lot 9, bk. 20..................... 303 2.26 west corner of Section 30; thence the relief prayed for in the complaint, premises for prior or subsequent day of February, 1918. Last publica­ tion. This is not the first time. There Lot 10, bk. 20..................... is nothing new about the packing in­ 2.26 South 310.74 feet; thence East 373.74 towit: that the bonds of matrimony years, with the rate of interest on tion April 11, 1918. Lot 11, bk. 20..................... H. T. Botts, dustry that could be brought out that 2.26 feet; thence North 310.74 feet; thence now existing between plaintiff and dé­ said amounts as follows: Lot 12, bk. 20..................... Attorney for Plaintiff. would be sensational. We have heard Tax Rate of Lots 13. 14. bk. 20............. 4- 53 West 30 feet; thence North 277.2 tendant be forever dissolved, and for 12.71 feet; thence West 143 feet; thence such other and further relief as to the Yr’s tax date paid Rcct. No Amt Int Residing at Tillamook, Ore. it too often. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, bk. 21 363 ! South 83.96 feet; thence West 168.75 Court may seem meet with equity. Lo.s 7, 8, bk. 21............... But there is another way of looking 1915 Feb, 10, 1916 32 $2.10 I5pct Lots 9, 10, bk. 21............... 4-53 I feet; thence South 193.24 feet to the 1916 . Feb. 24, 1917 464 1.88 >5pct Administrator’s Notice to Creditors. at it. Mr. Heney seems to be trying This summons is served by publica ­ 6.06 Lots 11, 12, bk. 21............. place of beginning, containing 4.52 to convict the packers of working in 1917, . Feb. 2, 1918 28 . 2.10 , I5pct Lots 13, 14, bk. 21............. 4-53 acres more or less, all in Sections 30 tion, by order of the Honorable Geo. close harmony, of combining in re­ Said C. Mills, as the owner of the Notic? is hereby given, that the R. Bagley, Judge of the above named William's Addition to Bay City. and 31, Township I South, Range 9 straint of trade, of getting together in legal title of the above described Couny Court of the State of Oregon, Circuit Court, made and entered here ­ Emma L. Williams, lot 2. bk. 80. 3.03 property as the same appears of rec­ for Tillamook County, has appointed their business dealings. Evidently it Lots 7, 8, bk. 80.......................... 3-03 West W. M. Said mortgage being in February 16, 1918. Lot 1, bk. 81................................ 2.44 recorded in Rook “Y”, page 616 And the date of the first publication ord, and each of the other persons the undersigned administrator of the is assumed that such a thing is evil, is against the law and must be eradi­ Wood’s Subdivision to Bay City I record of mortgages for Tillamook of said summons, fixed by said order, above named are hereby further no­ estate of Paul Kingston deceased, and cated. The similarity of the present County, Oregon, and for a decree or- is February 21, 1918, and the date of tified that J. C. Saling will apply to all persons having claims against said W alter D. Woods, lots I, 2, 2.44 I dcring said property sold in the man- the last publication thereof is April the Circuit Court of the county and estate arc hereby required to present status of the packing industry with Lots 4> 5> .................................... 2.44 state aforesaid for a decree foreclos­ the same, with proper vouchers, to that of the railway industry must not Lots 8, 9, 10, II, ....................... 4.86 ; ncr provided by law to satisfy said 4, 1918. ing the lien against the property me, at the office of T. H. Goyne, an be overlooked. Just a few short I judgment, and that you and each of. Johnson & Handley, Lots 16, ........................................ 2-44 above described and mentioned in said attorney at law, in Tillamook City, months ago and railway pooling was you be forever barred and foreclosed 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 ,25 ,20, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Lots 9-7* of and from any and all right, title, Tillamook. 107-8-9 1. O. O. F. Bldg. certificate. And you are hereby sum­ Oregon, on or before six months unlawful. Now railway pooling is con­ sidered a economic necessity to try moned to appear within sixty days f rom the date of this notice. 6. H. Ward, S'/i of lots I, 2, claim or interest in and to said prop- . Tillamook, Oregon. to work out some sort of respectable, after the service of this summons bk. 1 3250 erty. Dated February 28, 1918. Arthur Holden, EJ4 lot 6, bk. 4. 1950 upon you, exclusive of the day of sei William Kingston, Admin­ feasable plan from the railway chaos. Summons. upon you This summons is served < vice, and defend this action or pay E. D. Hadley, tr act No. 1202 istrator of the Estate of The government itself, that formerly by publication by order of A. M. bk. 8.............................................. 1950 ____ Paul Kingston, Deceased. tried to put railway managers in jail In the Circuit Court of the State of the amount due as above shown, to­ _____ Judge _• of Tillamook Hare, _ County for pooling, now insists on pooling as gether with costs and accrued interest Emma M. Hooper, tract No. 1418 County, Oregon, in the absence of (Oregon for 1 illamook County. one of the factors to successful gov­ and in case of your failure to do so a bk. 9............................................. 13.00 Geo. R. Bagley, Circuit Judge, made Guy A. Richards, Plain til f Plaintiff The Thrift Stamp Drive. ernment operation, , < v Anna B. & Suson O. Todd lots decree will be rendered foreclosing vs. and entered the 9th day of January, ----- o----- 2, 3, less sold bk. 10................. 178.75 1918, directing such publication be Minnie Z. Richards, Defendant the lien of said taxes and ecsts against How about the packer? About the At a meeting of the state executive ‘/a interest tract No. 1204 lots To Minnie Z. Richards, defendant: the land and premises above named. committee and county chairmen of time Mr. Heney gets through adver­ 6, 5, bk. 10.................................... 4-88 made in the Tillamook Headlight once All process and papers in this pro­ the Oregon War Savings Stamps or­ tising himself as the greatest little In the name of the State of Oregon, a week for eix consecutive weeks, and Hay’s Addition to Tillamook the date of the first publication is the you are hereby notified and required to ceeding may be served upon the un­ ganization, plans were outlined for a pork packer prober that ever was, is Rose Weber, lots 5, 6, 7, 8, (appear in the above entitled Court dersigned residing within the State of statewide house to house thrift canvass it not likely that the government will bk. 6.............................................. 29.25 10th day of January' 1918. land cause and answer the complaint Oregon, at the address hereinafter to be made during the week of March come along and take over complete Geo. P. Winslow, Norton’s Addition to Tillamook I filed herein within six weeks from the mentioned. This summons is publish­ 19 to 23 inclusive. The canvass will be control of the meat packing business Attorney for Plaintiff. Dan C. Brown lots 3, 4, bk 1. .. 16.25 ¡date of the first publication of this ed by order yf the Ifon. Gey, R. Bag- in no sense a drive for mvney, \foluii- all over the nation just as it has the Office Address, Tillamook, Ore. Post F. E. Norton, fractional lots I, summons, which said date is the 17th ley, Judge of the Circuit Court, the teer workers were a unit in their con­ I railway business? And then there will 2, bk. 3......................................... 6.50 day of January, 1918, and if you fail first publication hereof being Feb. 7, viction that in keeping with the pur­ be combination in restraint of every­ Summons. A. G. Beals, lots I, 2, bk. 7............13.00 so to appear for want thereof, the 1918, and the last publication March pose of the thrift campaign as outlin­ body connected with the business ex­ Lot 7, bk 7.................................. 6.50 Geo. L. Dick lots 7, 8, bk 8. ... 24.38 In the Circuit Court of the State of I plaintiff will apply to the Court for 14. 19*8. ed by ’.lie Federal War Savings com­ cept the farmer who kills his own Johnson & Handley. cows —Mining Gazette. McDermit’s Addition 10 Tillamook Oregon for Tillamook C ounty. the relief demanded in the complaint, Attorneys for Plaintiff. mittee, the house to house visit should n. G. Dwight % interest, G. W. to-wit; For an order and decree for­ Donald L. Schofield, Plaintiff be in the nature of an educational un­ Kiger interest fractional lots ever dissolving, cancelling and annul­ Address 108 I. O. O. F. Bldg. Notice of Completed Contract vs dertaking. The object of the canvass A 3. 4, bk. 1..................................... 61.75 Ethel Schofield, Defendant. Tillamook, Oregon. ling the contract an'd relation of mar­ will be to explain to every house­ John A. Brant lots 7, 8, bk. 1. ... 39.00 Notice is hereby giyen that the To Ethel Schofield, the above nam- riage now existing between the plain­ holder the virtues of thrift, particu­ , Miller's Addition to Tillamook tiff and defendant, and for such other ed defendant: larly in this time of war, and to Roadmaster of Tillamook County has Notice of Final Settlement. Iola I. Handley lots I, 2, bk 2... 35-75 In the name of the State of Oregon, I and further relief as to the Court may hammer home the patriotic necessity filed in this office his certificate fo^ Fractional lots 7, 8, bk. 2........... 6.50 ----- o----- you are hereby required to appear in seem equitable and proper in the "• J. & S. J. Goyne lots 1, 2, In the County Court of the State of of investing savings in the war fund the completion qf all work under the 3> 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, bk. 3. .. 2356 this cause and answer the complaint premises. through the medium of thrift stamps contract of A. Arstill with Tillamook Oregon for Tillamook County.. 'This summons is served upon you County for the construction of tl’ft . 1 s l8> *9- 20, 21 ,22, bk. 3. 14.62 filed against you in the above entitled In the matter of the Estate of Wil­ and War Savings Stamps. A L. \\ ilcy, lots 18, 19, bk. 7. .. 6. 50 cause, on or before the date of the by publication by order of Hon. A. M. liam Baxter, deceased. Once the objects of the campaign Bayocean County road from station L J- Lamb, lots I, 2, 3, bk. 9. .. 7.82 last publication, hereinafter named; Hare, Judge of the County Court o Notice is hereby given that the un­ arc understood, it is the belief that 70 plus 00 to station 128 plus 16, ac­ J'cts 4, 5. 6, bk. 9....................... 7.82 and if you fail to so appear and ans­ the State of Oregon, Tillamook dersigned ha- filed his final account the 1 hrift Stamp movement will cording to the plans and specifications “jo. B. I.anib, lots 7, 8, bk. 9... 5-21 wer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will County, made and entered at «•¡am­ in the above entitled court and cause gather momentum of its own accord on file in the office of the County L- G. Jackson, lots 9, 10, II, bk. i - apply to the above entitled court for bers in the City of Tillamook Tdla_ and that Tuesday, April 2, 1918 at 10 and pile up more than Oregon’s $17,- Clerk. -J 9-75 Any person, firm or corporation ''■G. Dwight, iot 4, bk. 13. ... i 32 the relief prayed for in the complaint, mook County, Oregon, on the 12th o'clock a.m. at the county court house 000,000 quota of the national $2,000,- having objections to file to the final Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, bk. 13 9-12 to-wit: that the marriage contract ex­ day of January, 1918. in Tillamook, Oregon, have been fixed 000,000 goal for the year. , Joseph Mannix, as the time and place for hearing, Henry Dunstan Lot 7, bk. 14... 3-2.5 isting between tU- plaintiff and the County chairmen present explained payment on said contract, may do so Willamina, Oregon settling and allowing said final ac­ some of the difficulties attendant up­ within two weeks from the date of the. defendant be disWlved and annulled, “ Ijams, Est., lots I, 2, 3. 4 bk. 15......... t.96 and that the plaintiff have a decree Last publication Feb, 28, 1918. count. All persons interested are on a house to house canvass in the first publication of this notice.. 'Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, against you absolute divorce and Erwin Harrison, County Clerk. J W for .................... notified to appear at said time and outlying rural districts at this time of t*' i?2 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, Summons. for such other and further relict as First publication Feb. 21, 1918. place and make known any objections the year. All reported county organ­ 8.79 the court may deem just and equit­ ----- o----- Last publication March 7, 1918. they may have to the allowing of said izations of strong men and true, how­ Burdick lot'3.’ bk.' 16 1300 able. This summons is published by In the Circuit Court of the State of final account. ever, and pledged themselves to h ave >,6. bk. 16. Oregon for Tillamook County. no stone unturned to go over the lop Dated this 28th day of Feb., 1918. Announcement. *ple r-w Grove vluvc Addition Maaition to Tillamook 1___ I order of Hon. A. M. Hare, Judge ot Plaintiff Geo. T. Baxter, Admin­ with their part of the program. '«nt & Curtis lot I, bk 3. ... 11.38 the County Court of the State of Orc-1 Colin W. Cottam *Knt gon for Tillamook County, said order vs. istrator of the Estate of 1 hereby announce my candidacy J 1 uPa,r!t " Addition to Tillamook. aan,°n to Tillamool. being made in the absence ot the J. E. Sulliva.., J. C. Davies W illiam Baxter, deceased. Every Boy Scout in the country has for the nomination on the Republican ' • ci Ha,k i n ». lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, I L/ibk/i. '■ bk. 1......................... W. O. Sims, Attorney for Estate, 26 00 Judge of the said Circuit Court from and T. J. Leonard Defendants enlisted for service for duration of the ticket for County Commissioner, to 1 u-'u Ha.rt- Iot LK- 2- • • ■ • 9 75 said County of Tillamook; and the , To I E. Sullivan, defendant: Thrift Stamp and War Saviig;s Stamp be voted on at the primaries to be Sheridan, Oregon. In the name of the State of Oregon Ilk 6 Ha,kins> lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, first publication thereof is fixed by campaign. Five million red postcards held in May. 1918. said order to be January 24, I9t8, and VOU arc hereby required to appear and are being distributed to assist the If nominated and elected I promise When You Have a Cold. iT t' '''"«I’aiL lot'6,’ bk 9. ' ' ¡the last publication, February. 28, answer the complaint filed against boys in the sale of stamps. They will to the best of my ability to promote you in the above entitled suit within li< 1sni:xn lots 3, 4, It is when you have a severe cold niaki personal solicitation to have the all efforts for the development and 16.25 ' 1918. six weeks from the date of the first Johnson & Handley, uv 8 Wails, NJ4 lots'5,'6. bk. that . you appreciate the good qualities cards signed by their friends. '1 hey advancement of Tillamook County. publication of the summons, to-wit: Attorneys for the Plaintiff. Believing myself perfectly compe­ will not be called upon to collect 3.2s on or before the 21 st day of March of Chamberlain's Cough Rente .y. M's money, I he postcards after they have tent to administer the office. I place 108 1. O. O. F. Bldg. Hilton,'lot' 8,' bk.' .......... 3.25 . ^'oimn, lot 8, bk. : 14 - ........... Frank Croker, I ’ an.i. 111., wr les: '1. mr Tillamook, Oregon. 1918, and if you fail so to appear and been signed, will be mailed, no stamps my candidace before the voters for 11, ,ymea^. Addition to Tillamook answer said complaint the plaintiff five-year old son I’aul caugli. a sever being required, and the 1 hrift Stamps their suffrage. • Cardiff lot 7, bk. 3.............. 1463 cold last winter that settled on his will ask a decree against you for the or War Savings Stamps called for in Yours truly, '’ Land Co. % interest lot 6, Notice of Sheriff’s Sale on Fore- relief prayed for in his complaint, to­ lungs and he had terrible coughing the order will be delivered by the mail «5.. .................................... 1.62 D. A. Bailey. spells. We were greatly wound about closure. tttlwell s Addition to Tillamook carriers. wit: , . . him as the medicine we gave him lid That the contract made between .N ’otfpkins, lots 3, 4, bk. 6 29-25 Every Boy Scout silling $250 worth Chamberlain's Tablets. Notice is hereby given that by vir­ you and plaintiff on the 6th day of not help hitn in the least. A neighbor k‘ '1 Terry, S% lots 5. 6, These tablets are intended especial­ spoke so highly of Ctamberlain’s I of cards will be made an “Ace," ami 21.04 tue of an execution, decree and order February, 1913. ioT ,hc P**«J»“« Cough Remedy that I got a bottle of will be awarded a suitable medal. For ly for disorder of the stomach, liver .alot 4, bk. 10.. 325 of sale, issued out of the south half of the south halt ot I of the Circuit Court of the State ot Section ¡3. Township 6 South, Range it. The first dose bet etired him so 'every $100 worth of Stamps sold in and bowels. If you are troubled with a Feldschau lots 5, 6, much that 1 continued f’ving him it 1 addition to the first $250 worth, a heartburn, indigestion or constipation , Oregon for Tillamook County on ’he 1’'’ Park Add. - to to Tillan Tillamook 113th day of February, I9f ’ favor 9 W. Willamette Meridian, in Till- unti’ he was cured. For sale by La­ "palm” decoration will be added to they will do you good. For Sale bv H a1*' ?u ant Add County, Oregon, containing the "Ace” medal, and at the end of Lamar's Drug Store. k j ” H. Rosenberg lot 12, io the plaintiff mar’s Drug Store. | of L. Bettman, plaintiff, ” 3 25 Carl E. Emery and E. N Stillwell lot 14, bk. 2.... 2.27 IN TILLAMOOK COUNTY OREGON, FOR THE YEAR l9i6 Daniel P. Hogan, lot 4, bk o ■ Mary McEachern, lots i,