Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 21, 1918, Image 9

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Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook.
taxes of real property F- E. Whitehouse 8. Son, Imp
for the sum
FEBRUARY 21, 1918,
Fifteen which contract was recorded in the
Hundred Fifty ($1550) Dollars, with Deed Records of Tillamook County,
COUNTY on lot 3, bk. 4.......................
OREGON, FOR THE YEAR 1916 Daniel P. Hogan, lot 4, bk. 22.. * 1.63 interest from the 1st day of March, Oregon, in Book "24” on page 368,
(Continued from another page.)
Lot 5. bk. 7.................................... 1.16
l.ots 7. 8, bk. 7................................ 3.18
Lots 9, io, bk. 7.............................
Lot H, bk. 7. ...............................
A. R. Grout, lot 1, bk. 8............... 5-47
yy. S. Cone, lot 2. bk. 8.............. 1.82
Lots 4. 5. 6, bk. 8..........................
Lots 8, 9. bk. 8...............................
Lot li, bk. 8.................................. 244
A. R. Grout, lot 12, bk. 8............ 2.44
W. S. Cone, lot I, bk. 9................
Lots 2, 3, bk. 9.................................
Lots 4, 5, 6, bk. 9- ...................... 5 44
Lot 10, bk. 9.................................. 1.82
Lots II, 12, 13. 14, bk. 9........... 7-25
Carrie L. Wallace, lot 15, bk. 9. 2.44
W. S. Cone, lot 16, bk. 9............. 2-44
Lots I, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, bk. io,
lots ii, 12 ,<3 ,14, «S- bk. io... 23-55
Lot 16, bk. 10, lots I, 2, 3, 4,
bk. ..............................................
Lots 5. 6, bk u........................
Lot 7, bk. ii ............................
C. L. Wallace, lots 8, 9, 10 bk. li 5-44
W. S. Cone, lots I, 2, bk. 12.
Lots 3. 4. bk. 12....................
Lois 8, 9. “b ”, 12, bk. 12.
Lots I, 2, 3, bk. 13...................
Lots 4, 5, bk. 13......................
Lots 6, 7, bk. 13.......................
Lot 8, bk. 13............. ..............
Lots 9, 10, bk. 13....................
Lots 5, 6, bk. 14....................
Lot 7, hk. 14.................... ............ 1.82
Lot 8, bk. 14. I.............. ............ 1.82
Lot 1, bk. 15.................... ............ -1.82
Lot 2. bk. 15.............. . ............ 1.82
Lot 3, hk. 15.................. ............ 1.82
Lots 6, 7, 8, bk. 15........ ............. 5-44
Lot I. bk. 16.................... ............. 1.82
Lot 4, bk. 16.................... ............ 1.82
Lot I. bk. 17.................... ....... 2.44
Lot 5. bk. 17.................. ............. 2-44
Lot 7, bk. 17.................. ............ 1.82
Lot 8, bk. 17.................. ............ 2.44
Lots 9, 10, bk. 17.......................... 4 83
H. B. Cravens, lot II, bk. 17. .. 2.44
W. S. Cone, lots 14, I5> hk. 17.. 5.29
H. B. Craven, lot 16, bk. 17. ... 3.03
W. S. Cone, lots I, 2, 3, bk. 18. 5.44
Lot 4, bk. 18................................ 1.82
Lot 5, bk. 18................................ 1.82
Lot 7, bk. 18................................ 2.26
Lot 8, bk. 18............................... 2.26
Lots 3. 4. bk. 19.......................... 3-63
Lots 7, 8, bk. 19............................ 6.06
Lot 9, bk. 19................................... 2.26
Lots to, ii , bk. 19........................ 6.06
Lot 12, bk. 19................................ 2.26
Lot 1, bk. 20.................................
Lots 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7, 8, bk. 20... 12.69
Lot 9, bk. 20............................... 3°3
Lot to, bk. 20................................ 2.26
Lot 11, bk. 20. ............................ 2.26
Lot 12, bk. 20................................ 2.26
Lots 13, 14, bk. 20........................ 4-53
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5.
bk. 21............ 12.71
Lois 7, 8, bk. 21.......................... 363
Lots 9, 10, bk. 21.......................... 4-53
Lots 11, 12, bk. 21........................ 6.06
I.ots 13, 14, bk. 21........................ 4-53
Lots I, 2. 3. bk. 7............................
William’s Addition to Bay City.
Emma L. Williams, lot 2. bk. 80. 3.03
Lots 7, 8, bk. 80............................ 3-03
Lot 1, bk. 81.................................. 2.44
Wood’s Subdivision to Bay City
Walter D. Woods, lots 1, 2, ...
Lots 4> 5»
Lots 8, 9, io> II/ ........................
Lots 16,
ib. 17, ..................................
Lots 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 ,25 ,26,
G. H. Ward, S|4 of lots 1, 2,
bk. 1.................................................. 3250
Arthur Holden, EJ4 lot 6, bk. 4. 19-50
E. D. Hadley, tr act No. 1202
bk. 8.................................................. 19-50
Emma M. Hooper, tract No. 1418
bk. 9.................................................
Anna B. & Suson O. Todd lots
2, 3, less sold bk. to. .............. 1
% interest tract No. 1204 lots
6, 5, bk. 10........................ ;............
Hay's Addition to Tillamook
Rose Weber,
bk. 6...............
lots 5,
6, 7, 8,
Norton’s Addition to Tillamook
Dan C. Brown lots 3, 4, bk 1. .. 16.25
F. E. Norton, fractional lots I,
2, bk. 3............................................ 6.50
A. G. Beals, lots I, 2, bk. 7......... 13 00
Lot 7, bk 7.................................... 6.50
Gio. L. Dick lots 7, 8, bk 8. ... . 24.38
McDermit’s Addition to Tillamook
W. G. Dwight l/i interest, G. VV.
Kiger % interest fractional lots
2. 3, 4, bk. ......................................... 61.75
John A. Brant lots 7, 8, bk. I. ... 39-0°
Miller’s Addition to Tillamook
Iola I. Handley lots 1, 2, bk 2. 35-75
Fractional lots 7, 8, bk. 2. ...
W. J. & S. J. Goyne lots I, 2,
3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, bk. 3.
Lots 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 ,22, bk. 3. 14.62
A. L. Wiley, lots 18, 19, bk. 7. .. 6.50
L. J. Lamb, lots I, 2, 3, bk. 9. .. 7.82
Lots 4, 5, 6, bk. 9........................ 7.82
Geo. B. Lamb, lots 7, 8, bk. 9. . 5-21
L. G. Jackson, lots 9, 10, II, bk.
9 ..................................................
W. G. Dwight, lot 4, bk. 13. ..
Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, bk. 1 3 9.12
Henry Dunstan Lot 7, bk. 14..
D. W. Ijams, Est., lots I, 2, 3,
4. bk. 15..........................................
I Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11, 12, 13,
■ 4- 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
bk- 15, .
Marsh Burdick lot 3, bk. 16 ..
6. bk. th................................
Maple Grove Addition to Tillamook
Dwight & Curtis lot 1, bk 3. ... 11.38
Park Addition to Tillamook.
J- W. Haskins, lots 2, 3, 4. 5>
7. bk. 1.............................................. 26.00
Car..line Hart, lot 3, bk. 2.......... 9 75
J- W . Haskins, lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
bk. 6..................................................
Ann,, Feldschau, lot 6, bk 9. . . ■
J B Delsman N% lots 3, 4.
bk. 14. .......................................... 16.25
RW B. Walls, N’/i lots s, 6, bk.
F E. Hilton, lot 8, bk. 14........... 3 25
Sunnymead Addition to Tillamook
F P Cardiff lot 7, bk. 3...............
Beals Land Co. % interest lot 6,
bk. 4.................................................. 1.62
r Stillwell's Addition to Tillamook
L . Tompkins, lots 3, 4. bk. 6 2925
Clark M. Terry, S% lots 5. 6,
bk 8................... / ;........................ 21.94
J? W. Ijams Est., lot 4. bk. 10.. 3 25
Fred C. Feldschau lots 5, 6,
bk. 11. ...
........................ 22.75
Stillwell's Park Add. to Tillamook
' H. & H. H. Rosenberg lot 12,
bk. t. ...
............ 3.25
W- D. Stillwell lot' 14. bk. 2. ... 2.27
Mr. Dooley Goes to Work.
Finely Peter Dunne is now acting as
on Mare1 . , 1913, be cancelled, set publicity agent for the sale of war Chairman of the Idaho Council of
aside and held for naught, and that saving stamps.—News Item.
the plaintiff be adjudged the owner in
Defense Opposed to IL
fee simple of said premises, and that
“After matchlre connin' over av the
you have no title, right, claim or in­ situation,” says Clancy, “I’ve reached
Dr. E. A. Bryan chairman of the
terest therein or thereto, and that the [ the conclusion that there’s something
plaintiff recover from you his costs gone wrong with me friend Dooley. Idaho council of defense, writing to
and disbursements in this suit, l an<1 Somebody’s put the coinetha on him. the chairman of a county council in
...-I. «.u-
1 «
-’vii.vuvuy s pui me comema on mm.
th^CnL h it
“-tO wi,en an Irishman starts in workin' regard to the preaching of sermons in
the Court shall seem meet and equit-'for
, iui me government its time to be the German language says:
I lookin’ out. Here's Dooley, after sell­
"Replying to yours of January 30th,
This summons is served upon you in’ his stories to the papers and get-
by publication thereof pursuant to the tin rale money fer them this nianny a relative to the preaching service in
order of the Honorable George R. year, an’ here he is out selling War German in your county, 1 congratu­
Bagley, Judge of the above entitled , Savin’ Stamps as large as life an’ say­ late your council aud likewise the two
congregations that they have consent­
court made and entered on the 2nd in' he's proud of it.
ed, during the war, to conduct the ser­
day of February, 1918, directing said
“McGinnis says there was a dollar
summons to be published once a week a year lyin’ loose somewhere an’ vice exclusively in English language.
"It is a matter of profound regret
for six consecutive weeks in the Till-1 Dooley seen it, but there’s nothin’ to
that thus far two other pastors have
aniook Headlight.
that. McGinnis is sore. It takes more
Martin L. Pipes, John M. I than a dollar to make an Irishman not consented to a like arrangement.
Pipes, George A Pipes, At- work fer a government, an’ nobedy’s Assuming that these pastors and their
flocks are loyal American citizens, it
torneys for Plaintiff.
better able to tell yc that than me
Address: 811 Chamber of Commerce. frind Edward Carson, aven if he did is regrettable that they do not sec not
In the Circuit Court of the Sute of
only the reasonableness but the neces­
Portland, Oregon.
Oregon for Tillamook County.
get the razoo from the Welshman. sity in the midst of war to avoid any­
First publication Feb. 7, 1918.
M. W. Harrison,
Faith, ye can't trust a Welshman to thing through which aid and comfort
Last publication March 21, 1918.
carry the scriptures to the church."
might be given to the enemy govern­
“Well, why is it?” An' faith, Clancy
Summons in Foreclosure of Delin­ couliln t tell. Workin' for the govern­ ment or which might be suspected of
Charles E. Haas, W. F. Wol-
being a meant of doing so.
quent Tax Certificate.
litz and Mary Wollitz his wife
ment. What’s to be the fate av the
“The American people are sending
and Roger L. Scott and Jane
In the Circuit Court of the State of
sons to war against an enemy
Scott his wife, ■
selves of their constitutional rights?
Oregon for Tillamook County.
government, they are giving money
To Charles E. Haas, W. F. Wollitz’
J. A. Saling, Plaintiff.
and making sacrifices to overthrow
and Mary Wollitz his wife,' and
in the newspapers?” says Clancy.
the hostile power of that government,
Roger L. Scott and Jane Scott his
C. Mills, Defendant.
they are in no mood to tolerate
wife, the above named defendants; ’
To C. Mills, the above named de­
which is not plain and open,
. “ I'is the only thing that makes me
In the name of the State of Ore­
f endant:
so that it may be known by ail that
gon, you are hereby commanded and
In the name of the State of Oregon,
there is nothing hostile under cover.
required to appear and answer, or
you are hereby notified that J. C. plately shattered," says Clancy. "I see
“Meetings of any kind in an un­
otherwise plead, to the complaint fil­
Saling, the holder of certificate of
known tongue, whether the meetings
ed against you in the above entitled
delinquency numbered 1061 issued on dialect. However he may have bin are political or religious, are likely to
suit on or before six weeks from the
the toth day of February, 1917 by the tempted by the government, he's not provoke suspicion and resentment.
date of the first publication of this
tax collector of the county of Tilla­ talkin’ in Irish. He stands by the 1 f lic loreign tongue is a camouflage
Summons, and if you fail to appear
mook, State of Oregon, for
the Union, aven if he does sell stamps fer uidcr which hostile sentiment and
In the Circuit Court of the State of amount of Two and Seventy-three- the government.”
and answer as aforesaid plaintiff will
“Ye’re as bad as the man himself, hostile activities might be carried on,
apply to the Court for the relief Oregon, for Tillamook County.
one-hundreds ($2.73) dollars,
” says I. I’m teilin’ ye the ami alien it is the tongue of a govern­
prayed for in the complaint, to-wit:
same being the amount then due and
clane crazy. Do ye see ment with which, unfortunately, we
For a decree and judgment against
delinquent for taxes for the year 1914,
are ai war, it will arouse suspicion
you for the sum of $500.00 with in­ Vinnie Hernier, Defendant.
together with penalty, interest and what lie’s saying in the papers? De ye ami resentment.
| costs thereon upon the real property
terest from the 20th day of Jan. 1917,
'to this gerl Merguerite Moores Mar­
"We have thousands of citizens of
at 6 per cent per annum; for the fur­ ed defendant. In the name of the I assessed to you, of which you are the
owner as appears of record, situated shall, and what does he say? He tells Germ.in ancestry and of German birth
ther sum of $100.00 attorney’s fees
I the world we’re payin’ money for whom wc have gladly welcomed and
and the costs and disbursements of quired to appear and answer the com­ I in said county and state, and particu- drinks we don’t need, an' we can save whom we look upon as our bretiiern
j larly bounded and described as fol­
this suit; and for a further decree
that. Av course lie says it in English. ami Icllow citizens, entitled to the
foreclosing plaintiff’s mortgage dated entitled cause, on or before the last lows, to-wit: Lot numbered Two (2) Faith, if he said it in Irish they'd protection of the laws, to our econ­
July 27th, 1914, executed by the de­ day of the time prescribed in the in Block numbered Three (3), town of lynch him.”
omic and social opportunities and who
fend -nt Charles E. Haas, covering all I order for the publication of this sum- Beaver, Tillamook County, Oregon.
unite with us in the support of the
11110ns, towit: April 4, 1918; and if you
You are further notified that said J.
of the following described real prop­
; bition, says Clancy, but 'tis impossible same Bag and tile building up of the
C. Saling has paid taxes on said
erty, to-wit: Beginning at the South­
“He may be thinking about it,” same free commaiiweallh.
plaintiff will apply to the court for premises for prior or subsequent
west corner of Section 30; thence
“Wc do not wish to look upon these
the relief prayed for in the complaint, [years, with the rate of interest on says 1. “Lots of people is thinkin'
South 310.74 feet; thence East 373.74
about it. But don’t forget the Irish is people with suspicion or distrust. We
towit: that the bonds of. matrimony said amounts as follows:
feet; thence North 310.74 feet; thence
take it that having discovered in
now existing between plaintiff and de­
Rate of the Irish whin all’s said an’ done.”
West 30 f«*et; thence North 277.2
oppo. (unities
fendant be forever dissolved, and for Yr’s tax date paid Rect. No Amt Int | “Have ye an idea,” says Clancy, America ideals and
feet; thence West 143 feet; thence
such other and further relief as to the 1915 Feb, 10, 1916 32 $2.10 I5pct , "W hat’s he doin’ it for anyhow?” “I which they desired for themselves and
South 83.96 feet; thence West 168.75
Court may seem meet with equity.
1916 . Feb. 24, 1917 464 1.88 I5pct have not," says 1. “Av course in a their children, they are willing to
feet; thence South 193.24 feet to the
This summons is served by publica­ 1917, . Feb. 2, 1918 28 . 2.10 . I5PCt(way he’s not w°rl?in’ ^ ’"^b fer he unite wholeheartedly in the task of
place of beginning, containing 4.52 tion, by order of the Honorable Geo.
.. as the
. owner 01 me,-,-
C. Mills,
. ,
, as , ’1L s working for the building up the commonwealth. Io do
acres more or less, all in Sections 30 R. Bagley, Judge of the above named , Said
, ....
, the above
1.1 Irish
at the
... front. , An , don
. . t lor- this we must become I10111 .generous
and 31, Township 1 South, Range 9 Circuit Court, made and entered here­
get says Clancy.
there s lots of in laws, customs, ideals. To promote
property as the same appears of rec- ■
1 .1. ..
West W. M. Said mortgage being in February 16, 1918.
, ,,
._ . Irish playin hell with the Dutch these a separate movement ,to keep us apart
ord, and each of the other persons .
recorded in Book “Y”, page 616
And the date of the first publication above named are hereby further no-, ,y*‘.
, . ,
... in speech, customs, sources and infor­
record of mortgages for Tillamook of said summons, fixed by said order, tified that J. C. Saling will apply tol
lls „ ,hat
Pa,ns ?c
mation, and sympathies, is bad in war
County, Oregon, and for a decree or­ is February 21, 1918, and the date of the Circuit Court of the county and , Dooley says 1. Fancy an Irishman or peace,
dering said property sold in the man­ the last publication thereof is April state aforesaid for a decree foreclos- “ h.s tune selling stamp s when
:“I admit that there is no law as yet
ner provided by law to satisfy said 4, 1918.
the lien
bc- *’ ,<l' ,
forbidding meetings conducted in .1
Illg me
lien against
agdinsi the
uic property
piuyvnj ‘here’» “
. ,
judgment, and that you and each of
above described and mentioned in »aid, * <>“>? be turnm over in Ins grave at foreign tongue. The Bolslicviki ami
Johnson & Handley,
you bc forever barred and foreclosed
Attorneys for Plaintiff. certificate. And you are hereby sum ,. ­ f the thought of it."
numerous other anti-American propa­
of and from any and all right, title,
107-8-9 1. O. O. F. Bldg. moned to appear within sixty da>s I "Maybe they wouldn't have him,' gandists are not at liberty to hide
claim or interest in and to said prop-
Tillamook, Oregon.
their work from American people.
after the service of this summons
Doubtless the pre ident by proclama­
upon you, exclusive of the day of sei let him fight.”
‘Clancy,” says 1, "arc ye crazy or tion could do this, but he has not as
This summons is served upon you
vice, and defend this action or pay
by publication by order of A. M.
the amount due as above shown, to­ what is it? Wouldn't let him fight. yet done so. He mat and probably will
Hare, County Judge of Tillamook
In the Circuit Court of the State of gether with costs and accrued interest Since whin can anybody stop an be necessary for the Idaho legislature
County, Oregon, in the absence of Oregon for Tillamook County.
to require that during the period of the
and in case of your failure to do so a • Irishman from fighting?”
Geo. R. Bagley, Circuit Judge, made Guy A. Richards,
decree will be rendered foreclosing I “Tise the truth ye spake," says war all public meetings bc conducted
and entered the 9th day of January,
the lien of said taxes and c.sts against Clancy, “but we're livin’ in a new age. in the English language. It will bc far
1918, directing such publication be Minnie Z. Richards, Defendant
the land and premises above named. I I have been radin’ barnum’s book better, however, for all loyal Ameri­
made in the Tillamook Headlight once
To Minnie Z. Richards, defendant:
All process and papers in this pro­ 'about the survival of the fittest and cans, who commonly or sometimes
a week for six consecutive weeks, and
In the name of the State of Oregon, ceeding may be served upon the un­ 1 natchural selection an’ a lot av other 'converse in a foreign tongue, to vol­
tt nt-«
hkc ti.-t, and 1 want to tell ye," untarily conform to what so clearly
the date of the first publication is the you are hereby notified and required to dersigned residing within the State of 1....
Llancy, “when it comes to fight- •even for tliejr own protection is the
appear in the above entitled Court Oregon, at the address hereinafter ,
10th day of January 1918.
there’ & s mu
much in it that affects the part of wisdom."
and cause and answer the complaint mentioned. This summons is publish- >>' there
Geo. P. Winslow,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
filed herein within six weeks from the ed by order of the Hon. Geo. R. Bag- Irish."
"Such treatin' is good fur ye Clancy
Post Office Address, Tillamook, Ore. date oi the first publication of this ley, Judge of the Circuit Court, the
The Prussian Idea.
summons, which said date is the 17tli first publication hereof being Feb. 7, says 1, “an’ 1 want to say ye’re right.
day of January, 1918, and if you fail 1918, and the last publication Marcl» ’Tis true the law of selection is work-
------ 6------ ’ -<
in', an’ there's hope in it, too, for the
----- o ■ ■
so to appear for want thereof, the 14, 19'8.
agrees so fully with
In the Circuit Court of the State of plaintiff will apply to the Court for
Johnson & Handley.
the freedom of the
Oregon for Tillamook County.
the relief demanded in the complaint,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
more can bc wanted. Whin ye crack seas as one of the bases of peace that
Donald L. Schofield, Plaintiff
to-wit; For an order and decree for­ Address 108 I. O. O. F. Bldg.
a Dutchman’s skull ye’re accomplishin he wants Great Britian to give up
ever dissolving, cancelling and annul­
Tillamook, Oregon.
somethin'. And' that's what makes me tiibralter and other strategic points to
Ethel Schofield, Defendant.
ling the contract and relation of mar­
feci badly about Dooley, to thing av make it more secure. It will be noted
To Ethel Schofield, the above nam­ riage now existing between the plain­
When the Day is Done.
him sellin’ stamps or playin, marbles by the most careless observer that he
ed defendant:
tiff and defendant, and for such other
when there’s a melee goin’ on. I tell doe . not propose that German give up
In the name of the State of Oregon, and further relief as to the Court may
I have eaten a bale
Helgoland. This
significant little
you there’s something wrong.
you are hereby required to appear in seem equitable and proper in the
Of spinach and kale,
"All, ye’ll be sellin’ stamps yersclf omission merely confirms the world's
this cause and answer the complaint premises.
And I've never raised a row.
before yer get through," says < lancy, opinion as to the sort of freedom of
filed against you in the above entitled
This summons is served upon you
1 have swallowed a can
the seas as well as the land that Ger­
“and I’m thinking maybe I will.’’
cause, on or before the date of the by publication by order of Hon. A. M.
Of moistened bran
“But let me tell you Clancy,” says I many really wants.
last publication, hereinafter named; Hare, Judge of the County Court o
And 1 fell like a brindle cow.
‘If 1 do. I’ll break the neck of anny
and if you fail to so appear and ans­ the State of
Oregon, Tillamook
I am taking a snack
man that hasn't got the decency to
wer, for want thereof, the plaintiff w ill County, made and entered at cham­
Food Substitutes in Germany-
From the old hay stack
buy one. Whin he knows that in buy-
apply to the above entitled court for bers in the City of Tillamook, I dla-
In the evening shadows gray.
in' a stamp he’s buying a mallet;
the relief prayed for in the complaint, mook County, Oregon, on the 12th
And I'm glad you bet,
when lie knows that an’ he won't buy,
It is useless .my longer to bide the
to-wit: that the marriage contract ex­ day of January, 19'8-
At last to get
h-t me say he's pleadin’ hard an' not truth L'nlis, tin govciiniivlit actively
isting between the plaintiff and the
Joseph Mannix,
To the end of a meatless day.
in vain, for a mix up. When I think it intervenes to put some control owr
defendant be dissolved and annulled,
Willamina, Oregon
over I can see where Dooley isn t I the flood of subs'ituti foods with
and that the plaintiff have a decree Last publication Feb, 28, 1918.
About Constipation.
worryin’ about the government. He w hich we are overwhelmed, the end
against you for absolute divorce and
Certain items of diet tend to check
sees where the Irish can get at the of the war will also see the end of a
for such other and further relief as
movements of the bowels. The most
Dutch. The dream of a lifetime is [third of Germany's population. More-
the court may deem just and equit­
common of these arc cheese, tea and
able. This summons is published by
In the Circuit Court of the State of boiled milk. On the other hand raw I with us. W hen I be thinkin' about it iover. the remaining two thirds will lie
in all its ramifactions I’m dammed if I [so enfeebled from malnutrition that
order of Hon. A. M. Hare, Judge of Oregon for Tillamook County.
fruits, especially apples and bananas,
’t sell a few stamps rncself, an' so I they will be unable to perform the im­
the County Court of the State of Ore­ Colin W. Cottam
also graham bread and whole wheat
mense tasks ot recuperation and res­
gon for Tillamook County, said order
bread promote a movement of the will you Clancy, or we 11 start a picnic toration The devil alone knows what
betwixt ourselves right here and now.’
being made in the absence of the J. E. Sullivan, J. C. Davies
bowels. When the bowels are badly
are th< ingri-dii 11's of thousands of
Judge of the said Circuit Court from and T. J. Leonard Defendants
constipated, however, the sure way is
th, si- wretched substitute, that al­
said County of Tillamook; andI the
To J E- Sullivan, defendant:
to take one or two of Chamberlain s
ready do duly for butter and eggs, oil
----- Ch——
first publication thereof is fixed by
In the name of the State of Oregon ¡Tablets immediately after supper For
These tablets are intended especial­ and milk, flour and spirit.,, meat and
said order to be January 24. 1918, and you are hereby required to appear and sale by Lamar’s Drug Store.
ly for disorders of the stomach, liver broth, cofiii and sugar, tobaieo and
the last publication, February. 28, answer the complaint filed against
and bowels. If you are troubled with tea, fish and sausage, dices, and cav-
you in the above entitled suit within
h< artburn, indigestion or constipation ' lar, and so on without end. I he latest
Johnson & Handley,
six v eeks from the date of the first
the good qualities ' they will do you good. Fer Sale by [products of the ingenious substitute-
j----- appreciate
Attorneys for the Plaintiff. publication of the summons, to-wit: that you
moiigi rs arc really too terrible- to be
on or before the 21 st day of March of Chamberlain’s Cough Reme .y. Mis Lamar’s Drug Store.
108 I. O. O. F. Bldg.
tolerated. A preparation of crude ker­
Tillamook, Oregon. I918, and if you fail so to appear and
osene is now being largly sold for fry­
A Hint to the Aged.
answer said complaint the plaintitf five-year old son Paul cauglu a severe
ing oil, and 800 cases of seriou illness
cold last winter that settled on his
If people put sixty years of age together with nine deaths have !>■ cn
Notice of Sheriff’s Sale on Fore­
relief prayed for in his complaint, to-
spe’ls. We were greatly wot tied about could be persuaded to go to bed as traced to its use in Berlin alone A
wit :
as the medicine we gave him did soon as they take cold and remain in preparation called "goose dripping is
That the contract made between
Notice is hereby given that by vir­
not help him in the least. A neighbor bed for one or two days, they would prepared from dog’s fat; <-gg •u bsti-
tue of an execution, decree and order
recoved much more quickly, especially tut, from a mixture of chalk a und ba*
1913, f°r the purchase of spoke so highly of C-Mmberlain •
of sale, issued out of and under seal t February,
’hVsou'th haTo/The"^^' ha"l7 of [ Cough Remedy that I gx a bottle oi if they take Chamberlain’s Cough king powder; caviar from fish scales,
of the Circuit Court of the State of the south half of the south h-.-
Section 13. Township 6 South, Range nt. “e first: dose he. etu. d him so Remedy. There would also be less and bread from straw. (Shat people,
Oregon for Tillamook County on the ,W. Willamette Meridian, in Tdl-[ much .hat 1 continue 1 g-vmg hm.it danger of the cold being followed by no matter how patriotic, ran hold out
13th day of February, 1918.
Look County, Oregon, containing urt,I i.e was cured. For
by La- any of the more serious diseases. For on such far, ?—Dr. Juchenach in Vos-
of L. Bettman, plaintiff, and against 152.90 acres, belonging to the plaintiff | mar s Drug Store.
sischc Zoning.
sale by Lamar's Drug Store.
Carl E. Emery and E. N. Emery, de-
Mary McEachern, lots I, 2, bk
8- «3
D. W. Ijams Est., lots 5, 6. bk
40................................................... 16.25
P. W. Todd SJ4 lots 1, 2, 3 bk
45........................................... ..
VV G. Dwight, fractional lot 3.
bk. 46..................................
Grace Cornforth, lots t, 2 3
hk. 47............................................. ' 1463
J. H. & H. H. Rosenberg, lot
4, bk. 47.......................................... 3-25
o rsLT'
Clark- ,OI 7. bk. 48. . 1 63
W. G. Dwight lot 2, fractional
3, bk. 49.......................................... 162
Mrs. T. W. Clark, lots 6, 7, 8. bk.
................................... 3.25
Dated atlillamook, Oregon, this sth
day of February, 1918.
W. L. CAMPBELL, Sheriff,
and Tax Collector, of Tilla­
mook County, Oregon.
*915. (less the sum of Forty ($40)
Dollars interest paid), at the rate of
six (6) per cent per annum; and for
the further sum of One Hundred
Fifty ($150) Dollars attorney's fees,
and his costs and disbursements
herein, taxed at $19.00
with the costs and disbursements oi
this sale, to me directed and deliver­
ed, commanding me to make sale of
the real property hereinafter describ­
ed, 1 have levied upon, and pursuant
to the commands of- said execution,
decree and order of sale, I will on
Saturday, the. 16th day of March, 1918,
at the front door of the court house,
in Tillamook City, Tillamook County,
Oregon, at the hour of ten o'clock a.
tn. of said day, sell at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash in hand
all of the following described real
property lying, being and situate in
1 illamook County, Oregon, and more
particularly described as follows, to-
wit: the southwest quarter of Sec­
tion eighteen, in Township Four (4)
South of Range Nine (9) West of the
142.27 acres; to satisfy the hereinbe­
fore mentioned sums, and for the
costs and disbursements of sale and
of said writ. Said sale will be made
subject to redemption, as per the
statutes of the State of Oregqn.
Datpd, February 13th, 1918.
W. L. Campbell,
, Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore.
John Leland Henderson,
Attorney for plaintiff.
■ First publication, February, 14th, 1918
Last publication March 14, 1918.