V / Al ■ M L i I JL TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JURY DISAGREE IN CIDER CASE I cy4s long as the need exist. i HALTOM’S WILL BE A VICTORY STORE I What is a Victory Store ? It is a Store holding a Certficate of Appointment from the Treasury Dept, at Washington, D.C., to sell Billy St reapebta i log word cum is s< plane t< Beglster War Saving Stamps and Certificates. Do your Bit- Help win the War Buy' Saving Stamps and Certificates During the mouth of February, 1819, $4.13 will buy a $5.00 Saving Stamp redeemable January 1st, 1923, and the security of the United States Govern­ ment and its people is behind the issue. Information how to purchase War Saving Stamps and Certificates will be gladly given at any time. Start now and help bring Victory for Democracy just so much nearer. I » Th« m isoldlers ■or erttb it-11 to gigantic both of livery » Event» improv mail g> causo . the pr energy | of ov ther« 1 ■tunic home I home I there I New»- 1 For Three Days Only SATURDAY, ¿MONDAY and TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16th, 18th and 19th A PHENOMENAL SALE RED CROSS AND QUEEN QUALITY SHOES At $6.98 and $9.35 OF THE FAMOUS A 1 Pierc« L run th£ Gover* FOR WOMEN V I JI If you women of Tillamook County who know and appreciate the value and style of the famous "Red Cross and "Queen Quality" Shoes will only read the descriptions of the shoes included in this great 3 Days Shoe Sale planned for Saturday, Monday and Tuesday you will spare no effort to secure at least one pair and benefit by the great savings made possible by this event. Every size and every width from AA to EE is included in the selections offered so that before entering the store you are assured of a perfect fittting. The trade-marked name on every pair of these Shoes is sufficent guarantee of their reliability, stylefulness and fitting qualities and we would urge—without any hesitation whatever—every woman who needs new footwear, either now or in the near future, to take advan­ tage of this Great Sale. Buy now for present and future needs, you will never regret it, for you will save good bright dollars on every pair you secure. Read the style descriptions carefully— come to the store for a fitting and then judge for yourself whether or not these shoes are all we claim for them. We know they will speak for themselves and once on your feet you will want them to remain there. &"4 /[ objectf > I ■appo« .< ought * ■Mint <1 1 tl I ¿¿Actual Values to $10.00 in I Red Cross and Queen Quality Shoes, At $5.98 Pair. Full descriptions of the styles offered at this price are given below: —9 inch Top "Red Cross” Shoes with Louis Cuban Heels, welt soles, black kid Vamps with grey, white or champagne tops. Lace models only. —Si inch top "Red Cross” Shoes in black kid, lace or button styles with Louis Cuban heels. —8i inch top "Queen Quality” Shoes with Louis Cuban Heels, turn soles, dark grey Kid vamps with cloth tops to match. — "Red Cross” military heel models in chocolate vamps with top to match, black vamps---wing tips---with light cham­ pagne tops, and black Vamps with battle­ ship grey tops. "1 «I- * Ik 1 : FEBRUARY 14. 1918. I (^Actual to $12.00 Values in The Famous Red Cross Shoes At $9.35 Pair. Rjead these descriptions and ¡lou will admit this Sale is your opportunity! to save. —“Red Cross” Shoes in light and dark grey kid vamps with 9i inch cloth tops to match, leather-covered Louis Cuban heels with metal plate and turn soles. These are shown in Lace styles only and are exceptionally smart models. —Red Cross Shoes in laced models only with vamps of black kid and 9| inch tops of champagne. The leather covered heels are in Louis Cuban style and the shoes all have welt soles. There is a complete selection of sizesand there are all widths from A to E. EVERY PAIR OF LADIES' SHOES RjEDUCED IN PRICE. ¿Announcing the Arrival and Sale of Ladies’ NEW SPRING SUITS At $14.65 Sale of Suits at a Price Lower than has been asked in years for New Season’s ¿Models. Í a I This is only one instance of the savings our new Cash Policy will bring to every customer of this store. Not for many years have we been able to offer New Season’s rj I ear A Idrew W I A hl ■or cal Etne J IT' 4 have jl and C I H agent Lu \V I R.v helling nis wi War kess a Epply I Buy nctiey C. O. i 1 ho| t*w vili pl return i 'lie Wbj nsura. t r- See Ei tve Bin IP- lay Io rt ’ort Lu Tin 1 of 1rs is he n R, Lelal- kih t ive w j lay. f Fona ill I) tcovel te. bos' a 9 For ocatedCn ale attilli Dr. kin alifor**’» urne lies- For sH, V loung j 3 lai m o™ |c I pus be pitie, i I For S hy. J-’ Degot I The Ind so jilo bo 1er. J The Ind W H Feb as Fxly ¡.fill «nd Fred l*aril>;i“'— lome •il M. I **• •ay ev> occupi tame » Ph. lour fre ■< *r V. b tn- "•ver, hdb. ftWar< hth '•Alti, 1 rigs. I Th.— e. 7