r • f f TILLAMOOK, OREGON, FEBRUARY JtaÖliflljt 2). 1918. I1.50 PER YEAR. BANNER YEAR FOR TILLAMOOK COUNTY’S FAMUOS CHEESE—BRINGS $1,188,845 44,901,303 POUNDS OF WHLK- 4,974,328 POUNDS OF CHEESE milk was put into cheese as usual Ispectively, both of which have been has given us a lot of cheese la tely count. Nothing was charged patrons One new feature with a number of c.’ paid in. It sold a protectograph for , [ for making _ up November ----- milk, • — as C. - !.. > ' from factories a that has been of the best quality. the cheese factories was in putting in 1 $15.00 and ...... received 1 believe we should put more time ¡they had been c. larged more for whey plants to separate the butter fat which total of $8,544.50, $85.43 of which was and effort into improving the quality ' plant than it had cost. Expenses were went into the whey tank, $13,879.29 collected on this year’s account and of our milk and cheese and also put-I $ 10,175.00. being realized by that process. There for that reason hereafter is shown as ting our boxes in better shape. 1 be- ! Financial statement 'ollows: were six factories which installed a liability. The association also acted plants and four others will do so this as ciearing house for $63.00 received lieve it would be well to brand our I Resources—Accounts due company, cheese more prominently, in fact 1 ! $5,091.02, Supplies on hand $3,151.40; spring. from county on fair account ami think we are losing a great part of the Building aud ground, $5,318.78. Cash There are many dairy herds in the $85.06 for boxes and Wyandotte, all county that have made remarkable of which make a total of $9,596.36. good we should gain in the quality of in bank, $852.98. Wilson River Far­ records, averaging over $200.00 per Disbursements were. State fair as our cheese, by not having our cheese mer’s Water Co. $070. Total $15,- branded more prominently. If we 090.18. head for each cow. mentioned above, $63.00, boxes and Liabilities—Capital stock outstand­ There is one feature about the dairy Wyandotte mentioned above, $85.06, spend any money in advertising, this industry of Tillamook County that is my 1916 salary shown as debit on last I this would be practically lost unless I ing, $900.00; December money in, $2,- we adopt some some distinct method 693.82; By balance, $11,496.36. Total, not given proper consideration. It is report, $20.00 expense account to date of marking our goods. Simply to ad­ $15,090.18. the business end we have reference to. $7.550-85. Tin for vats, $765.62, and vertise and then not putting our Mr. and Mrs. Carl HaberlaGi did the leaves us $1,111.83 in the bank. goods in shape so that the consumer FAIRVIEW DAIRY ASSO. whole of the clerical work for 20 co­ The expenses itemized cover the would know he or she was getting operative cheese associations, selling following, Factory received 5,124,880 tbs. milk “Tillamook” cheese, would be throw­ 4,747,229 pounds of cheese, and other Inspector to Feb, 1st. ... . $2,305.24 ing our money away on an advertise­ during 1917. products. The business amounted to Sec. ¡1 months salary and 206,852 tbs. butter fat in milk, an ment campaign. $1,141,793.57. Probably there is no Meda account ..................... 4,25000 The directors had a number of average of 4,036 per cent fat. 552,365 other business of that magnitude in Telephone and Telegraphs.. 447-32 meetings during the past year and tbs. of cheese made, or 8,118 boxes. Oregon where two persons do the Check W’riter ......................... >37.436 lbs. milk were separated 40.00 matters of importance to the cheese whole of the clerical work, together Legal services, H. T. Botts.. 3609 industry were taken up by the board during December. 4,987,444 tbs milk with buying and selling, which goes Directors’ mileage and per from time to time. 1 note some objec- were made into cheese. to prove that the Tillamook dairymen Average yield, 11.07 lbs. cheese per diem ..................................... 202.10 _____ tions lately that the board was no have the co-operative system re­ California, Seattle and two ‘larger, but it would appear that a 100 tbs milk. duced to a science, for it is co-opera­ Cheese sold for $129,487.95. Cream Portland trips .................... I47.5O I larger number of men would not be tion in the manufaoture of a superior Taxes......................................... 12.76 |able to give closer attention to details from whole milk brought $3,534-19- grade of cheese and co-operation at tl small items ....................... 18.38 than the seven men which now com­ Whey cream brought, $3,670.56. Total receipts, $136,692.70. the business end of the industry. Stamps and stationery for prise the board. Factory received $10,150.64 for mak­ F. W. Christensen, who is < mployed the association. .................. The future of the cheese market is 91.55 as supervisor and grader of the co-op- quite uncertain. The Government has ing cheese. $1,633.89 was charged on erative which ’ comprise —■ •:— associations ------ ’ . Total................. • •• $7,550.85 not placed a maximum price price on account of separating whey. $1,489.94 the Tillamook County Creamery Financial statement. cheese as yet, nor do we expect that was cost of whey separator plant. Association had 21 cheese factories Resources: it will do so. The English government Net expenses for the year were, $9,- 821.53. under his control last year, It used to Due ass'n for tin .. $ 765.62 has placed a maximum price on Can­ Financial statement follows: be that good, bad and poor cheese ______ all Miami Valley Creamery.... 37-50 adian cheese of 21 %c. and on Ameri­ Resources—Building and ground, sold for first grade cheese. Not so now Cash in bank ......................... 1.111.83 can cheese of 21 %c. This has tended however. High grade cheese is in de­ to cut off American export on 1917 $4,762.99; Supplies on hand, $2,275.10; mand, which obtains the inspector's Total ............................ $1,914-95 cheese, but 1 understand that lately Accounts due company, $5,686.99; stamp. Whenever a batch of cheese Liabilities: they have taken 10 million lbs. of Total, $12,725.08. Liabilities,—Due bank, $2,346.09; does not come up to the high stand­ Paid us in this years acct... $ 85.43 American cheese at about 24c. I be­ Capital stock outstanding, $1,700.00; ard set by the inspector, it is placed in Capital stock paid up............. lieve that it will be increasingly diffi ­ 250.00 the second grade. This insure^ to the By Balance, ........................... 1,579-52 cult to interest storage men in storing December money in, $3 534.19; By people and jobbers a first class quality cheese the coming season if prices are balance^ $5,144.80. Total, $12,725.08. of cheese when they see the inspec­ Total .. $1,914-95 too high, especially if the government tor's stamp upon it, and why they 1 wish you would appoint a com­ insists too strongly upon storage men MOHLER CREAMERY. prefer Tillamook cheese. To throw a mittee to audit these accounts. not carrying cheese over 60 days. I Factory received total of 2,567,602 little more light on the grading of 1 he factories belonging to the as­ do not think they will insist too tbs. of milk. This milk contained 106,- Tillamook cheese for the information sociation are fairly well supplied with strongly upon this. For the reason 505.18 tbs. of butter fat. Average test, of those who are not familiar with supplies, stock on hand the 1st of that it is going to be increasingly dif­ 4.136 per cent. this part of the cheese industry, the January having been invoiced at ficult to get the best we can at all 285,320 tbs. cheese produced, mak­ cheese makers at the different factor­ $20,036.07. Since then we have bought times for our cheese, I would like to ing 3,997 boxes. Average yield 11.11 ies must make a first grade cheese. most of our other needed supplies have an expression of the proposition tbs. cheese per 100 tbs milk. Cheese When they fail to do so, the inspector We have about enough rennet now to of giving me more time for the mar­ sold for $67,089.48. Average price re­ marks it seconds, which is a loss of last us until the 1st of July, but we keting end of the business. Stocks of ceived, 23.51c. i. o. b. cars Mohler. several cents a pound to the factory. have been expecting the market to de­ cheese at this time arc about 115 per Patrons paid 2c. the lb. for making Last year the inspector placed 3787 cline on rennet because there are now cent greater than a year ago in the cheese. This includes inspecting and Triplets, 60 Y. A. and 306 Long Horns being used several kinds of substitutes United States. selling. Total paid for making was in the second grade, which goes to Rennet can be had at any time now, Respectfully submitted, $5,706.40. Carl Haberlach, Secretary prove that Tillamook dairymen are which is a considerable different from ----- o---- — exceedingly particular in placing their last year at this time. THREE RIVERS CREAMERY cheese on the market as a high class Since the beginning of the war, the CHEESE FACTORY REPORTS. ASSOCIATION. product, and where it docs not reach Government has required us to make Company received 1,979,697 tbs. of that standard, it is sold as second monthly reforts of each factory. The grade cheese, and in that way no one last month we received blanks for THE TILLAMOOK CREAMERY milk during the year. is imposed upon. Milk contained 79,220.97 tbs. butter 4 sets of reports for each factory and Factory received 5,709,632 tbs. milk will have to make annual income re­ 104,813 lbs. December milk was sep­ fat, average of 4.001 per cent. Estimating December cheese sold at THE SECRET AR Y-SALESi.lAN’S port the coming month. 1 have shown arated and cream shipped to Portland, some of the directors these blanksand« producing 5,282.26 tbs. butter fat. This factory brings total cheese to 214,087 tbs. Yield, 10.81 tbs. cheese per 100 ANNUAL REPORT. if we have to fill them out it is going brought $1,840.36. to take all the time of one man to do 630,483 tbs. cheese made, making tbs milk. 3, 092 boxes of cheese made To the stockholders of the Tilla­ Cheese sold for $50,430.17. Average so. They require the most minute de­ 8,985 boxes. mook County Creamery Association, tails and it will be necessary to keep Yield, n.25 lbs. cheese per 100 tbs. price, $23.550. as against 16.68c. a year Gentlemen:— ago. Factory received $4,910,90 for exact account of- each article used milk. Cheese «old for $147,688.16. Average making cheese. Also, $277.20 on haul­ Following is my report as secretary each month, to take an invoice each of your association for the year end­ month, and to keep a separate ac- 23.42c. T illamook. $3,090.90 was real­ ing account. Expenses for the year ing today. The factories in the asso­ count of administrative expense, op- ized from the sale of 6,734.90 tbs. were $4.9 10.50. $1,066.95 was expended ciation, not including Red Clover or erating expenses and other expenses. whey butter fat. Total receipts, $152.- on water system t o date. Financial statement follows: Miami, received a total of 42,194,581 We also have to make reports each 619.42 from whey cream, cheese and Red Glover Creamery, $89.02; Build­ month for each factory to the Food and cream. 234,216 lbs butter fat in lbs of milk during 1917. ing, ground and water system $4,780.- 41,740,270 tbs. of milk were made in­ Administration of the amount of milk milk, an average of 4.102 per cent. Factory received $11,572.79 for mak­ 85; Supplies on hand paid for, $703.25. to cheese. 454.311 lbs. of December received, cheese made each month and milk were separated, containing 21,- for same month last year, amounts ing cheese. $1,481.59 was also deduct­ Due us for cheese, $1,721.83; Decem­ ber making due company $172.26. paid patrons, butter fat in milk, ed from w'hey cream for separator. 779.83 lbs. butter fat. Expenses for the year were $11,- Cash in bank, $8.71. Total. $7,475-92- Total butter fat in milk, 1,715,465.59 cheese sold, cheese on hand, and an Liabilities, Capital stock outstand­ tbs. Average butter fat, 4,067 per cent. endless lot of other questions arc re­ 709-37- ing $1,600.00; Due bank, $3,550.00. By 4,684,366 tbs. cheese made, an aver­ quired to be answered. Also, the as­ Financial statemtne follows: Resources—Building and ground, balance, $2,325.92. Total $7,475.92. age yield of 11.23 tbs. cheese per 1OO sociation is required to make monthly reports. State, labor and Government $7,207.40; Supplies on hand $3,000.00; lbs. milk. reports for the coming year, if these 1918 expense account, $271.68. Ac­ CLOVER LEAF CREAMERY CO. Cheese sold for $1,103,004.55. Average price received, 23.52c. the have to be kept up, will be close to counts due company, $6,683.89. Total, Factory received 2,360,409 lbs. of 1,500. I have taken up the matter with $17,162.97. lb. Tillamook net to factories. milk during the year, a gain of 218,- the directors informally and it seems Liabilities—January account in, 844 tbs. over 1916 receipts or 10 per Fresh cream sold for $10,522.85. 31,267.51 tbs. whey butter fat pro­ to me that the industry should do $2.63; Capital stock outstanding, cent. something toward taking care of this, $1,100.00, Due bank for money paid duced and this sold for $13,879.29. 97,612 tbs. butter fat in milk, or Total receipts $1,127,406.659. Gross especially if a butter plant is also patrons, $6,514.04. By balance, $9,- 4.136 per cent. Year before the aver­ erected and the secretary required to 546.30; Trial. $17,126.97. returns, $2.66 per 100 tbs milk. Net age test was even 4 per cent. paid formers $2.44 per 100 tbs milk or loo kafter this. There is too much de­ 266,305 tbs. cheese made. Average tail and routine for one person to 60c. lb. for butter fat. MAPLE LEAF CREAMERY yield, 1128. 1916 it was 11.14. 3,839 $98,823.78 was charged by the var­ look after, as it really requires most boxes cheese made. ASSOCIATION. ious factories for making cheese. In of my time on the sales end of the Year's cheese sold for $62,211.47. Factory received 5,111,322 tbs. of business, to take care of- the Direc ­ addition to this, several factories Average price, 23.36c. Tillamook. milk during the year. charged for hauling cheese Mid also tors’ and other meetings and other­ Ail but 107,223 tbs. were made into Factory received 2c. the tb. for mak­ applied some whey fat money on their wise take care of the buying and ing cheese, or $3,326.10. Expenses for separator accounts. Average price managing end of several factories. It cheese and that was separated and »he year were $5.519-75- cream sent to Portland. would seem that the additional work charged 2.31 IC.. The high cost of supplies means that This milk contained 209,755.10 tbs. Of the 67,893 boxes of cheese sold the coming season would require the it will cost over 2c. for making here­ fat. Average, 4.103 per cent. ILast by the association and the writer for time of an assistant. This would cost after. the Blaine factory, an even 40 perc ent the average Tillamook dairyman less year 4 per cent. 580,220 tbs. cheese Financial statement follows: or 27,157 boxes or 108 car loads were than a dollar a year, as the large part made. Yield, 11.59 lbs., the same as Resources—Building and ground, 1916. * of the increase would be taken care of shipped to Los Angcks. Estimating December cheese brings $A398.55; Supplies paid for, $1,403.80; Red Clever had 1,063,961 tbs. milk, by the new factories coming into the in bank, $15.29; Due "' company value of year's cheese to $135,743-48. (Cash ' “•v*"* produced 106,065 tbs cheese and this association and which have hereto­ -u-__ *u-- ■- * , . ---------- -■ ....KK.g Average price, 23.39c. the lb. Last ( °. . Deeemb i r making sold for $20,298.53. 40,548.65 tbs. but­ fore paid others for doing their book­ -due company, $184.94. 1918 expense year it was 16.87c. the lb. ! account, $55.51. Long ter fat in their milk. 1,384 cases of keeping. In addition to the above, $2,695.82 prv tl *___ t _._> j «■ Prairj^ Cream­ All the factories except the Elwood cheese produced. 1 did not keep the ery Co. $1.50. Total, $4.925.80. was received for December cream books for their f ctory last year nor Creamery operated every month last I Liabilities jta| , —Bills payable, $1,100.00; the Miami Valley Creamery Co., both year after they started, which is quite and $3,813.65 was received for whey cap •pitil stock outstanding, $600.00; of which are now members of the as­ a contrast from former years. Usually cream from April io December, both r)PPP,„upr x --- » ’ unidllCti favor stopbi,„l — ,i_„ ... c sociation. The new Holstein Cream­ the smaller factories close down late inclusive. Total receipts were $142,- 1 favor stockholders, $2,779.30. Total, 250.95. Gross receipts were over $2.78 1 «■ . - — o- in November or early in December, ery vzas also admitted to membership r-.-r irvo It»« m.1V lately, making 22 factories in the as­ but owing to the mild winter and bet­ per too tbs. milk. The has more supplies on ...» company ,,ai 8,246 boxes of cheese made. 5121 tbs g sociation, being all in the county ex­ ter feed conditions, farmers had V-U *1 ---- *« . 1 hand than than • last - season, --- wa, including mulUUlllg cept the factories at Blaine, Upper more milk to deliver than usually dur­ December butter fat applied as cream. 1918 expense account a total of »>; s/V'ZJ lbs. ms. of 01 whey wney cream sold. sola. t . . . . >uiai 01 ing the winter months. On the other 8,579-90 Nestucca and Sand Lake. v . j * oz. o 1 1 ♦■ ‘’54-93- thought .. it 11 it -- tn lhe association ------- ——— .. tlivugul Factory received $9,869.8! for mak- hpU The association had on hand at last hand, these factories were operated best to buy heavily of all supplies, report, $788.51 and had two accounts less than every day, in some instances in gchcese. In addition, $2,217.00 wes i outstanding of $92.95 and $7.34, re- only every third or fourth day. This credited company on whey cream ac- (Continued on Fifth page) Thiee Large Cheese Factories Make an Increase of Over One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. 5 >.333 1,007,762 852,403 842,383 822,828 557.868 42.752,449 Total 454,311 tbs. December milk separat­ ed and cream shipped to Portland. 21,779.83 tbs. utter fat in said milk, bringing $10,522.85. 31,267.51 tbs, whey butter fat sold for $13,879.29. 42, 298,138 tbs. milk made into cheese which brought $ 1,117,391.43. 67,893 boxes cheese manufactured. Average butter fat in milk, 4.067 per cent. Average price per lb, cheese 23.52c. Amount ■ --------------------------- "r . - ■ , 630,483 580,220 5S2.3Ó5 328,297 291,080 285,320 266,305 214,392 205,370 208,667 188,304 161,812 130,257 120,436 129,409 111.334 91.294 98,268 90,753 62,863 ... $152,619.42 ... 142,250.95 ... 136,692.70 .. . 79.590.43 ... 70,575-58 ... 67,089.48 ... 62,211.47 ... 50,430.17 ... 48,863.69 48,873.29 •.. ... 44,542.82 ... 37.765.89 .. . 30,555-35 ... 28,219.12 ... 30,649.98 26,262.83 ... 21,589.72 ... ... 23,36973 21,384.07 • • • 14,386.88 ... 4,747,229 $1,141,793-57 ... .. . • •• - ... . . . . . . .. . . - - .. .. . .. .. • • .. Tillamook, Previous year 16.76c. Yield, 11 .23 lbs. cheese per 100 tbs. milk. Total ma king charges, $98,823.78. Average per tb. cheese for making, 2.3 lie. Net paid farmers, $2.44 per 100 tbs. milk. 60c. aver age net price 1 laid farmers for butter fat. 75J4 c . 100 tbs, more paid for milk in 1917 than 1916. Cheese Factories Not in the Association Last .Year tbs. Milk 42,752.449 1,063,961 667,319 212,574 206,000 Factories in Association ... Red Clover Creamery ........ Miami Creamery .................. Sandlake Creamery .............. Upper Nestucca Creamery . tbs. Chee se Amount • • 4.747.229 . • $'1,141.793-57 106,065 .. 20,298.53 . 16,568.10 ■ 74.245 ■ . 5,285.05 . 23,473 • 4,900.45 . 23,316 . Grand total Amounts for the Past Nine Years. tbs Cheese ... 2,506,612 . .. 2,541,057 ... 2,619,229 ... 3,211,004 ... 3.505.516 ... 3.694,458 ... 4,043,875 ... 4.335,817 ... 4,974.328 Total .. . 295.178.5t8 31,432.896 Amount ........ $386,135.81 .... ........ 400,044.84 .... ........ 358,206.29 .... ........ 524,>18.61 ........ 541.74846 .... 568,395.53 .... ........ 557.59600 .... ........ 726,911.00 .... ........ >.188,052.13 .... . . . . $5,251,808.67 The Tillamook Creamery is again The dairy industry of Tillamook County broke » ------- ... all _ previous records for entitled to hoist :hc broom over its ■ —* cheese -I.«... I factory, for it heads the list with the amount of milk produced, manufactured and amount of money 5,709,632 pounds of milk and receipts received for the sale of cheese, cream I amounting to $152,619.42. The pre­ and whey butter fat for 1917. To give I vious year this factory’s figurej were: some idea of the magnitude of the I 5,120,494 pounds of milk and $95,- dairy industry, 44,001,303 pounds of I 937.00 receipts. milk were turned into the cheese fac-1 Fairview Dairy Association takes lories of the different co-operative second place for amount of milk re­ associations. One important feature ceived but third place for amount of connected with that large quantity of money received for the same. Maple milk is thqt it was sweet, and whole­ Leaf Creamery making more money some, before it was accepted at the with a less amount of milk. Fairview cheese factories, and all cows have Dairy Association having 13,558 lbs. of milk in excess of that received by to be tubercular tested. This is another important feature Maple Leaf. What pleased ,Maple that must not be overlooked. It in­ Leaf patrons, with less milk it made sures to the public a clean, wholesome $5,558.25 more than Fairview Dairy dairy product, with all disease germs Association. The average price of butter fat was obliterated in the production and handling of milk which goes into the 60c. net to the farmers and $2.44 per Tillamook County's famous cheese, 100 pounds of milk, while the average with the strictest of sanitary arrange­ price of cheese was 23.52c. Tillamook. The previous year the average price ments about the cheese factories. The output of cheese was above that of cheese was 16.76c., butter fat 41.8c. of the previous year, amounting to ami for 100 pounds of milk $1.68%. There was one mishap last year. 4.974.328 pounds. Had all the milk taken to the cheese" factories been Red Clover cheese factory was des­ used for cheese, it would have increas­ troyed by fire early in the year and ed the output another 50,000 pounds. the milk taken to other cheese factor­ That which is probably most inter­ ies in that vicinity. It has been rebuilt. La*e in the season, it looked as esting to the dairymen and those who have taken a lively interest in it is the though the war would bring about large increase in the receipts, which serious conditions, for there was a slump in the market when all the totals $1,188,845.70. The year prev­ cheese factories were loaded up with ious the figures were $807,095.00. The Tillamook Creamery made an cheese. To meet this condition some increase of $59,682.42; Maple Leaf, of the large creameries put the milk $50,545.95; Fairview Dairy Associa­ through separators and shipped the tion, $40.270.70. This makes a total in­ cream to Portland, so as to reduce the crease in the three largest co-opera- | output of cheese. In December 454,311 live associations of $159,499.07. It is a 1 pounds of milk was separated, the very flattering showing for these j cream selling for $10,522.85. But mar­ ket condition* becoming be’ter the cheese factories. 1