TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, FEBRUARY 7, I and some hard and encrge.ic work to WAS A "PiPE DREAM,” SAYS AROUSED TO FRENZY OF JOY ADVERTISING RATES. make Tillamook cougn up that ------ o------ THE GOVERNOR OF KANSAS. amount of money to hcl; win tne war, People of Madrid Outdid American Lega! Advertisements. Baseball Fans When Bull Fight With First Insertion per line ............. I .10 for March is about the worst month Popular Matador Is Announced. in the year to raise money in 1 iila- Ken was Never Offer the Kansas Each subsequent insertion, line. •05 ■nook county. However, those who Business and Professional cards Job-Gets a Raise in Salary Madrid is the greatest hull fighting are going to manage the drive in this one month....................................... 1.00 county have got to grit their teeth city in the world. From her staid pro­ as a Result of Deception. Locals per line each insertion... 05 and go to it, just as the L’oys ¿0 when fessional and intellectual classes down ------o------ Display advertisements, an inch to tile smallest and grimiest urchin they go "over the top.” (From the Capital Journal) vendlug newspapers on the streets, and Lodge Notices, per line . .05 All Resolutions of Condolence Dear Sir.—In reply to your letter ui every Mndrllleno Is a connoisseur of W hen the government v. ili persist one month..................................... .50 in placing inexperienced men in po­ December 17, the Governor directs me bulls and bull fighters. Anyone who sitions where thorough experience to say that the press dispatch about thinks that baseball can turn its devo­ .and ability are required, it must be Dr. Kerr being offered the presidency tees Into temporary lunatics on the THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. expected to be criticised. The govern­ of the Kansas agricultural college day of a world’s championship game U.S. Minister to Belgium F. C. BAKER, Publisher. ment demand for spruce would have was a pipe dream. No offer at all was should see the people of Madrid when a famous matador Is hilled to meet been fulyl supplied long before this made him. some of the ferocious Miura bulls. Very Truly yours, had the government selected a num­ Each of the well-known swordsmen ber of Western mill men to get it out Chas H. Sessions, instead of appointing a person who Secretary to the Governor has his group of followers, enthusiasts as they are called, any one of o knew nothing whatever about spruce ■ o------ whom will stake his fortune or his How'j that garden coming along? or how to get it out in a hurry. The The Capital Journal has furnished nei-k on the prowess of his own par­ It is none too soon to spade up the western mill men would have made ground and get it into good shape for things move in a hurry had they been proof which should convince any fair ticular master ns compared to all other minded reader that the state of Kan­ slayers of bulls. On the day of a “cor­ garden truck. authorized to get out the spruce, for sas never ottered President Kerr of rida” these enthusiasts flock about the they know how and have the grit and So many counties having a candi­ western push in getting results. As a Oregon Agriculture College $9,000 hotel, where tlielr Idols are staying, to date for governor, maybe it would not result of the delay and not placing a year to accept a similar position in greet them hours before ’he combat with cheers and adulation. Early in be a b:-.d idea for Tillamook County experienced men at the head of the that state. Lite evidence of Governor Capper, lhe afternoon the streets leading to to have one as well. spruce production it is safe to say chairman of the board of administra­ the plaza are choked with surging cur­ that the government will pay consid­ Begins Serially February 17th in the There is to be a meeting of the erable more for spruce on that ac- tion of state schools, and of former rents of humanity, all moving to a single goal. Governor E. W. Hoch, vice chairman, Commercial club on Monday evening. count. is unequivocal. The governor says the The plaza itself Is a great amphithe­ If you have some good ideas that will ater with a sanded arena tor stage. be of benefit to the city or county, When men of Senator Root’s stand­ Kerr story was a “pipe dream,” and The arena Is surrounded by a thick that is a good place to discuss them. ing in the nation makes a public the former governor says it is abso­ Of Portland, Ore brick wall, broken here and there by lutely without foundation. The salary- ■ ■ o------ statement that pro-Germans should Why wouldn’t it be a good idea for be arrested and shot, he, as well as all paid the president of the Kansas ag­ tiny doors—one door to the pens, are not run­ others who keep well posted on nat­ ricultural college is only $6,500 a year whence the bulls are loosed, another do the next ional affairs, see the serious menace and no decision has been reached to for the picadors, who ride In on de­ in the win- t' at now confronts the country. A raise it. Mr. Kerr was never consider­ crepit old horses, a third for the he­ roes of the day, the swordsmen, who accounts must be settled large number of pro-Gerinans are be­ ed for the place at any salary. These are facts which can not be take the money and the glory of the days. ing arrested daily in all parts of the occasion without running any greater United States, and there arc still a controverted and yet the board of re­ risk than their humble subordinates. At the meeting in Portland last large number of pro-Gcrmans who gents of the O. A. C. raised Kerr’s On a sunny day the arena Is a riot week to make arrangements for the should be arrested, it is to be hoped I salary from $7,000 a year to $8,400 a third Liberty Loan drive, the county that after the war every pro-German year as a compromise, so Chairman of color. Picadors are dressed in yel­ between the low, the “cape men,” who turn the bull delegates were advised when they re­ who is arrested and detained in de­ Weatherford stated, turned home they were to raise mon­ tention camps will be shipped out of amount he was being paid and the wave gayly colored silk robes, the lit­ ey to buy the first pages of the lead­ the country. And a whole lot of un­ salary he was offered by the state of tle darts which the bnnderilleros plant In the neck <>f the Im I are tipped with ing newspapers so as to obtain plen­ Americans should be rounded up as Kansas. Aiid the state of Kansas had never fliigs, e:en the mules who I11111I out ty of publicity. It was a good idea well and shipped out. for that class the debris curry huge Spanish banners and we are wondering how many have preached sedition and openly- ottered Kerr any salary or any job at in their headstalls. The matador is I all — and the head of the great state weeks the local committee will want violated the laws of the United States. Write for Price. school- kept silent and because the the final glory, flaming from head to I the first page of the Headlight. Then the whole of the United States beneficiary of a fraud that should foot in a rich satin costume of green would be rid of a lot of bad rubbish. or blue, heavily embroidered with gold. We tire all getting a little tired of Those who do not appreciate our make every true Oregonian hang his He carries a flaming red flag to en­ head with shame. A job was put over being preached to about conserving form of government should get out of rage the bull, and before the day has food, which is proper anil right. But the country, and the quicker the bet­ on the state which reads like one of gone far, the red of the ting is blended Get-Rich-Quick W illingford’s schem­ why not make an extraordinary effort ter. with the red of blood. es to fleece suckers. and increase production and then And in this instance the people of make the non-producing land produce HAWLEY GETS PEEVED. Wound Statistics. Oregon were the suckers. Something. Maybe if a big effort was 1 Statistics of men wounded in trench Remember that while the Oregonian made along that line it would solve the problem of food supply better In Quest for Information from and many other papers were talking warfare have been published for the al|>ut the Kansas attempt to entice period between January, 1916 and than so much free advice about sav­ Shipping Board. Kerr away by an offer of $9,000 a June, 1910. Seven and eighty-seven ing food. ------ o------ year the man who was the central hundredths per cent of wounded men Washington, Feb. 4. - Representa­ figure in the fake story and the pros­ die on the battlefield. Ten and six- Local churches don’t appear to like tive Hawley, at tin instance of the teen-hundredths per cent die later the idea of Hoov< rizing, cutting down Bay City Shipbuilding Company, to­ pective beneficiary of it kept silent. And all this time Kerr knew that he from their injuries, or 18.03 succumb, the waste of money ami effort in day made the rounds of the shipping a proportion far less than 25 per cent running so many churches. < Inc good board, in an effort to learn whether had never had an offer of any kind estimate’) mortality which surgeons from Kansas. strong Protestant church in this city that and other companies, if unable drew up when the war itegan. \\ bat do the people of Oregon think is al] that is needed at the present to get contracts direct from the ship­ Artillery causes 54.74 per cent of time, any way as long as the war lasts, ping board, will be permitted to take of such a man? Do they want their wounds, rifles and revolvers 39.16 per boys and girls to grow up and em ­ for we are getting down to a point wood ship contracts from American "THRIFTER” is one who has a batik account cent, bayonets 0.59 and gas when everyone will have to econ­ citizens or any of the allied govern­ ulate him? Bombs, which have supplanted and keeps it GROWING, The First National Bank omize mure or less, and this is one ments, on terms which would permit The Capital Journal has presented onet work so largely, are classed is a good place to carry either Savings of Checking place where they can economize and them to complete negotiations and the facts in the case because it real- artillery. iizes I izes that a fraud has been perpetrated economize to good advantage. get down to construction. account for it is convenient in facilities, progressive Percentages of wounds In the tn-ad Mr. Hayworth, in charge of wood 1 It can do more. Public sentiment, the and neck are 21.92 per cent, for the in services and strong in foundation- 1 lie bootlegger appears to be a sore ship construction, later told Mr. most powerful of all agencies in a trunk, they are 21.63 per cent, while DIRECTORS : on our body politic, for he persists Hawley that if the Bay City Com­ democracy must take up the work wounds in the extremities stand at A. W. Dunn, Farmer. P. Heisel. Farmer. on carrying on this unlawful practice pany will negotiate a definite contract from this point. The Marion county 56.4 per cent. C. J. Edwards. Mgr. C. Power Co, J. C. Holden, Vice Pres in this county. Every bootlegger and submit it, the board will pass on grange has spoken—boldly and to the Twenty-three and sixty-two hun- B. C. Lamb, Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. should be given the limit in fine it and if it does not decide to take point—and other granges should fol­ W. J. Riechers. Cashier. dredths per cent of the wounds are and imprisonment and this might o.ver the contract on Government ac­ low the lead. These granges see the classed as serious, 63.01 as medium, have a tendency to cure the boot leg count, will release it from comman­ main point at issue, It is a moral and 13.07 as so slight that the vic­ business. Ibis, we suppose, is the in­ deering, and permit the company to question more than financial. The tims can retum to the lines imme­ ducement. Men will rather take build for a private purchaser. Rut lie salary paid is out of reason but the diately. chances of making a livelihood in that suggested that Mr. Hawley, before taxpayers can stand it; they have be­ way than in honest labor, and that is writing his constituents, consult Mr. come case-hardened in the matter of Snake Stops Water Supply. one reason why the maximum penalty Burling, head of the legal division, being robbed by the men they elect Glenville, a hamlot three miles hack should be imposed upon every boot­ Shipping Board. as their public servants and the ac­ of Tarrytown, was without water Tues­ legger. "Under the law," said Mr. Burling, tual amount of money involved in this day. Its only supply is obtained from instance is not so vastly important. It “the Shipping Board cannot agree to tlie Gypsy spring on Gen. Howard Car­ From all indications some severe waive the right to commandeering," was the way it was done. roll's estate. The pipe that led from fighting will take place on the Wes­ Do the people of Oregon want such Mr. Burling referred Mr. Hawley to tern front as soon as the weather con­ Mr. Radford, head of the contract di­ a man at the head of one of its great­ the spring appeared to he frozen, so William Van Winkle pulled the pipe ditions permit it, in fact, some of the vision. est educational institutions? Is it out of the ttpring and took It home to most sanguiriary battles of the war treating the rising generation right to " riie Shipping Board cannot agree thaw It out. There was consternation will take place there this year. With not to commandeer ships built in the keep him there? In the house when a garter snake start­ that will come appalling casualty lists United States,” said Radford, “but if Adherents of the O. A. U. friends, ed to crawl out of the pipe. in which our boys will be inimbeied. the Bay City company will submit its students and members of graduate The snake hail crawled into the pipe Michigan Lady Suffered Such Pain 1 hat will arouse bitter feeling again­ contract, ami wv find we do not want associations axe being appealed to to during the cold snap of Monday night In Back and Head, But Say* st pro-Germans and those who are the ships, and it we find that their stand behind Kerr in order to protect and had frozen In there «hutting off hostile to the United Stales, as well as construction will not interfere with the school. They say the exposure of the water supply. When the pipe was Cardui Stopped These bring home to us the seriousness of the government programme, we may the Kansas fake is a fight on the thawed the snake was released and the deplorable war started by tile be able to fix up some arrangement school. Both statements are as illogi­ tried to escape from Its storage prison. Bad Spell*. Kaiser and the junkers of Germany. Van Winkle caught It and Is proudly just as good as the waiver o f the cal as they are untrue. DONE RIGHT The best way to protect the inter­ exhibiting it in n Jar. While this story right to commandeer.” A few years since, «lien it was re­ ests of the O. A. C and to promote its at has a Winsted flavor it is vouched for Mr. Hawley’s remarks followed bis Palmyra, Mich.—Mrs. Chas. T. Ful­ ported that Old llbossy was making visit to the Shipping Board, he being I i growth and influence is to keep it by Van Winkle's neighbor. ler, of this place, writes: “In 1911 I $100.00 a year, some persons could a Methodist, were fit to print, but I clean and fair and honest from the RIGHT PRICES got run-down, and I suffered great hardly be made to believe it. Wonder translated into the language of the president down to the lowest official. Lepers of Panama. if they will believe that last year everyday mail, would not be fit to Every resolution passed by an organ­ pain... with both dull and sharp When the United States government cows in Tillamook County made over print. Mr. Hawley says it is clear to ization of graduates backing Kerr in pains...also back and head. began to construct the Panama canal it I shooting was weak and could only drag S200.00 a head for their owners. C. B. him that the Shipping Board "doesn't his attitude on the salary grab only found seven pitiful lepers in the re­ around, and should have been in bed. Wiley has five ordinary cows, what . know where it is at.” As long as the weakens the hold of the school on the public In an Isolated ami forlorn build­ for I really wasn’t able to be up. At the pure blood breeders would call present policy continues, he thinks it public. It does not fool the public in I ing. In 1905 it was voted to spend *25.- times I would have spells that would scrub cow s, but each of these cow s ■ w ill be impossible for private yards to the least. (MMI for a suitable building for these be so bad I'd have to go to bed, and brought him $215.00 last year. It cost“* The Capital Journal has no light on outcasts. In April. 1997, a hospital whs suffered Intensely... take and execute contracts for Amer­ him $30.00 for liav, which was all the I decided to try Cardui, and saw a ican citizens or for the allied gov- the Oregon Agricultural College. It opened at Palo Seco and each patient feed that was bought. Mr. W ilev tukes I wants io see it b:g and strong, a was given a plot of land on which he great improvement tn less than a et nments. month's time. I used 7 or 8 bottles his milk to the Maple l eaf Cr anury In all hi> conferences Mr. Hawley potent factor for good in the training might raise fruits and vegetables, and and was stronger...I got so much and kept sufficient for family use. of Oregon ’ s young people in useful so be partly self-supporting. The tried Io impress upon officials the better that my strength returned and ------ o------ need for building more ships on the pursuits and grounding them solidly Episcopal church. In establishing here my work wan easy for me. Cardui did That was a pretty slick trick that | I Pacific Coast ships other than those in the true principles of life that the Mission of the Holy Comforter, has me a world of good. It built me up in FISH BRAND was worked on the taxpayers We re- ' which the Shipping Board itself is make men and women of the best type offered these lepers practically the Only health and strength. I haven't had one fer to the agitation about President contracting for. Unless private build­ of citizenship The O. A. C, has noth­ society they ever see except each other. of those bad spells since. I haven’t SLICKERS Kerr, of the O. A. U., being offered ing is allowed to proceed, be said, ing to fear from the men and women Now a chapel, a school for the chil­ had to take anv more medicine since or have any doctors either and have will the presidency of the Kansas agricul­ there will be a shortage of tonnage of the best type of citizenship. The O. dren. an Infirmary for the shut-ins and been able to do my work right along you dry as' fish 8$ tural college. 1'he governor of Kan­ for handling the coastwise and trans­ A. C. has nothing to fear from the laundry and gardens for the active ••’I, recon,n’e''d It to other women sas calls it a “pipe dream." which was Pacific trade and a shortage of ships the men who have resented the Kan­ make these lepers feel that they are highly as the best medicine I know nothing * about the right way of putting it. But to move the northwest grain to the sas episode unless as an institution it being given tbeir chance.—The World or for women who suffer from female trouble.” else will •r'1'*1' on account of the "pipe dream" the Mlantic seaboard. persists in disregarding public senti­ Outlook. If you suffer from female troubles, DEALERS EVERYTH®; Board of Regents of the agricultural! ment. . 1 ■ ■ follow this advice. Get a bottle of college, raised the president's salary ' Exhaust Steam. The people of Oregon want clean a . j tower co - - BC5IVL Auction Sale. I today and give it a thorough to $8,000 a year. Some of us poor | schools and to be such they must be More attention than ever before is trial, it should help you. as it has mortals wish that a “pipe drcam" 1 being paid this winter to careful use helped thousands of other women in I will sell at public auction, i mv headed by dean men. would strike us I’itv the poor tax­ place 5 miles above Beaver, 1 of exhaust steam In power plant«. It the past 40 year«. At all druggists. of Brick and Stone. All payers if there is to be a repetition of | February 15, at 1 p.m. may be applied to innumerable pur­ ______ EB-14 Places absolutely guar« Chester White Swine. "pipe drcam" methods. pose«, such as heating feed water f 4 head of milk cows, coming fresh not to smoke or mon J the steam boiler, for many wa a ■■ o------ The Government Want Spruce For this spring. 'Bri'i-.rk.l-llV'”**’ Hooverize your money, for there’s I have a few breed gilts for sale, purposes, heating buildings p:>«i ,lri 1 coming 2 year old heifer. Airplanes. I Ing and sterilizing and th, r\ .. to be another Liberty Loan drive in and also a few young boars, large 1 coming 1 year old heifer. on short notice. , n. this county next month and you will I 2 work horses. enough for service. I must move these small Investment in sdditiomd ' >>|| •r We makes . 00k at the South East quarter of he expected, or the county will, to 1 coming 2 year old tilley pairing smoking Fire at a price that you should not miss so room equipment, such a« an exhr I- -''with East quarter of Sec. 16. Town- steam heater, will cU.-ct ««ting- >f come through with $150.000 to $200,- • ship 5 South, Range to West, contain- 2 milk cans, some apples, potatoes as to make room for my spring pigs. 000. Nothing smalt about that hut it etc. Joe Donaldson. R. F. D„ l, Tilla­ several hundred doll,- a y ••nr In th? I1?? A ,iberal cash of'" con- coal bill of even a de si • • I p •<- is going to take some tall hustling mook, Oregon. Mdered. Address to E. H„ Box 62. R. Y. Blalock. er pleat. TILLAMOOK OKI Sea \ tew Wash. « I» BELGIUM UNDER Billy f TeHPOCtB lug WO) cuna is plane Keglste The r »Idlers THE GERMAN HEEL By BRAND WHITLOCK Editorial Snap Shots. both o livery Even; I iinpr< J mail ’ ' caus^ th’- I enerj of therft., num honu horn' then New Os* Pierce run th Govern do It. An Absorbing Story Hasterfully Written Contains the Official Record of BELGIUM’S TRAGIC FATE Oregon Sunday Journal, DEALER or in :c. niak» unti< tain for gon Taq Co«* s- ant Can furnish you A No. 1 High Grade Melch Cows. Ixrift ationa DULL ANO SHARP SHOOTING PAINS Have Your House Wiring Done b (Joagt poWeií RALPH E. WAKi H. E 22 1 Sara) Sec Chas. See. A. T. less W. Guste Tp. Ninni Sec. T. B Sec Ciri ? J4 Ti L S. Sec J B &• j No. 9 Sarah See. C. H Sec. : Jennie Sec. 1 Hk Ri Sec. 2