Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 07, 1918, Image 1

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lamook Jottings
For Sale—22 Shoats and three
Brood Sows; 3 cows and one three
year old horse.—Apply to Ike Quick,
Tillamook, Ore. Mutual Phone.
k. Wise, dentist,
Money to .oan on farm lands, from
[nor Remedy at C. I. Clough
»500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate
of interest. We want your business.
will pay loc. See Everson.
Get your farm implements, gas en­
Lr c"ud - Ls-
gines, silos and cutters from Kuppen­
Shearer, physician and surgeon,
bender. We guarantee all of our
fdale, Ore.
In conformity with the rule formed
arene use.
elsewhere, all wood orders must be
■clri. clocks, watches, silver- accompanied by payment in advance.
—A. F. Coats Lumber Co.
|_K. \V. Bennett.
AV. Ben
■ toe for all 10 pound lard pails and 5c.
|L. i. 1'. Watch inspector.
I il
ctor is sold by Kuppen- I for 5 pound pails. They must bt. free
* t from rust. Bring them in at once and
I get your money.
rk Hadley returned to Portland I Demand that your contractor use
Santa Cruz cement. It is always uni­
in sda y.
lounci . ik. new Grant Six, the form and has exceptional fast setting
i qualities which is preferred. For sale
her. S ■ Kuppenbendcr.
* [ at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. *
Lor Sei ly, of the Wheeler Re- | For sale— 1 wo dwellings, lots 3
f was in the city on Tuesday.
[and 4 and 5th Street and Park Ave.
I A Ct. ■•ill pay y°'J for y°ur Also furniture, stoves, tools, choice
No. 1 sucks 9C., No. 2 skr. 5c. ♦ bulbs, peonys, lilys, chrysanthemums,
' Inquire of Mrs. K. White.
Kuppenbendcr tell you hew to
W. A. Lewis has resigned his po-
lii-ncy un ycur cement work. ♦
sition as agent for the Wells Fargo
, pay you to see Everson tor a
Investment in city property or Express, L. G. Gear, of Portland,
* taking his place. Mr. Lewis has gone
to work in the ship yard.
Kuppenbender about the Grant
Help win the war by purchasing
Immobile, the snappiest car on
* , Thrift Stamps and War Savings Cer­
sale, five heifers coming two tificates at Tillamook County Bank,
and L.
bld next spring. Apply to An- Haltom’s Dawson
Letsch, Mutual Phone.
* I Labowitch.
highly esteemed by all who knew
him. He was a brother of Attorney
Webster Holmes of this city.
Every farmer and producer in Ore­
gon is interested in having at least an
even break with other sections of the
country in securing a fair and reason­
able price for his product. R. N. Stan­
field, Republican candidate for United
States Senator, in his platform pledg­
es himself “to an equitable control
and regulation of food supplies, com­
merce and industry, and the establish­
ment of a primary market in Portland
on equal basis with the Chicago and 1
Eastern jorts.’
As a result of the action of the
3 iilamook Commercial Club, which
sent a complaint 10 Representative
W. C. Hawley in regard to the "tie
up of the mail for the south part of
the county in this city for 19 hours,
the postoffice department advises
Representative Hawley that the con-
tractor on the Star route supplying
Cloverdale and other postoffices in
the south part of Tillamook county
has been directed to leave Tillamook
on receipt of mail from the afternoon
train on schedule.
Porter Bros, of Portland, have a
large number of men in the county
looking over the spruce belt for
spruce for the government. A camp is
being started on the Miami and there
are 50 men already employed there,
and it is expected that camps will be
started in other parts of the county.
All the spruce in the county is com­
mandeered by the government, and
the next few weeks will see consider­
able activity in getting out rived
Ncstucca Valley ranches can’t be spruce for the government. Joe Hunt,
leavy team, harness and wagon
lie. Apply O. Myers, East 7th, beat. We have just what you want who logged in this county 30 years
I Tillamook. Oregon.
* at prices and terms to suit purchasers, ago, is in charge of the camp, and is
laylor Real Estate Agency, Clover­ a good man for the job.
L more Tillamook young men dale, Or.
Died, on the 26th of January, on the
joined the U. S. Navy, Alvin
Kelchis river, Mrs. Mary Smith. The
lias. Curl, both of Hemlock.
Three crops of alfalfa when cleared.
L1 Olson, traveling
freight Will sell on time and loan money for deceased was born in the County of
Limerick, Ireland, and she came to
bl f tin S. P. Co., was in the city improvements to right man for dairy­ the United States when
only six
ing.—F. P. Friday, Hood River, Or. ♦ years of age. She was married to
1 R. Y .Blalock, of Blaine, is
Attorney R. H. McGrath received a William Corbett in 1853 and four
I off his stock and will take personal letter from Mr. Hoover, children were born of this union. Her
L and family to California.
congratulating him upon being the husband died in 1861, and in 1864 she
led to buy—Heavy single har- county chairman cf the Federal Food married John C. Smith, when six
children were born of this union. He
Lo pair of light wagon shalfs— Administration.
at Manston, Wis., on April 26,
|o J. Theiler, Hemlock, Or. ♦
Don't forget those busted castings. 1901. Three sons survive the deceased
Lrunes in quantities and save Can be welded for half. Goods sent William C. Smith, Joseph C. Smith,
■Sec the sample in cur window
by parcel post and express promptly and George E. Smith, and seven
If. M. Dawson.
I returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, grand children and two great grand
children. She resided in the county the
I who wish to see Dr. Wise Oregon.
past four years, living with her son
I se bear in mind that he will
I lout the 1st of March.
* 1 Miss Dick has returned from her William S. Smith, on the Kilchis river.
vacation and has resumed her work. The funeral services were conducted
| pt be insured in the best fire In the future, musicals will be given at the Catholic church and the inter­
company, it costs no morth
at which Miss Dick will give lectures ment was at the Catholic cemet ry.
H ¡sun.
in story from the different compos­
On Tuesday evening at the I. O. O.
■ Lpenbender left on \\ ednes- ers.
♦ F. hall, the following were duly in­
H knd the automobile show in
W. B. Alderman left on Tuesday for structed in the Inititory Degree, the
\ ailer, Wash, where he will take a Bay City brothers putting on the
ird of County Commission- series of treatment. Mr. Alderman has j work in a most impressive manner:
Si >sion this week, it being has been
suffering with
stomach trou- -A- D. Morrison, P. C. Jepson, T. B.
monthly meeting.
ble for
tor ceviTiil
several months and it is honet!
hoped' Hyder, J. P. Jepson, Leanord McCojr-
Erwin returned from a that this treatment will do him good. ; mick, Oscar Tittle, Frank Dye and E.
Kirk. There were something over too
trip to the East on Tues-
Lowell Moulton who is a member of Odd Fellows present, among whom
the crew of the U. S. S. Pueblo, sends were brothers from all over the state.
ound a fountain pen, owner can his parents a small booklet giving an The sisters of the Rebekah lodge
>ver same by calling at Dawson interesting narative of the cruise of made up a surprise party and raided
that vessel from San Diego, Calif, and the hall by going “over the top” with
s' store.
visits to Panama Canal Zone, Brazil a heavy barrage of sandwiches and
or Sale—New modern residence, and other places of interest.
coffee, which was greatly enjoyed by
kted in best residence district. For
t at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. * j Don’t forget "Wild and Woolly” at all. On next Tuesday evening the
the Cent Theatre tomorrow (Friday)
Dr. \\ isc will return from his night. This is the picture you have First Degree will be put on and and
on Tuesday evening next after, Feb.
liiornia trip about March I, to re­ been looking forward to and the
jnd |[tM meat aaJtOp jaaeag ai|) ‘qi6i
ne hi work in Tillamook county.* management were unable to show as
on the famed Second Degree, when
‘or salt, 14 head of hogs, also some advertised last week on account of there will be a class of fourteen mem­
.ing pigs. Inquire of W. W. Cason, some tie up with the film.
bers from the various lodges to take
line, Oregon.
I The regular meeting of the Com­ the degree work. All brothers are
M--. Sai ah E. Hatch, of Garibaldi, mercial Club will be held at the club most cordially invited to attend these
I been suffering with a sprained - rooms on Monday evening, February instructive and social meetings the
In. The club is Hooverizing now so lodge opening at 7:30 p.m.
k'e, but is much better now.
there will not be personal invitations
It may be interesting to know that
■or Sale, a car load of finest clover i sent out as has been the usual policy
will take a drop in price. This
>. J. \\. \ anderveldcr & Suns, Roy, in the past. Remember the date and
is what the Oregonian said about
butter prices and condenseries: "But­
be present.
I he “Guaranti ed" silo is complete
James Christensen, of Hemlock, is ter prices were lowered 1 cent yester­
1 sold for less. Send for our big one of there who is not slow expres­ day, both on prints and cubes. 1 he
> book it is free. W. Kuppenben- sing his righteous indignation of ti e buying price of butter fat was reduc­
hold up of the mail for the south part ed a cents, as the creameries consid­
ered the margin between fat and print
I he \\. R. (, will give a Lincoln of the county in this city for 19 prices as too small. The prospects are
... Jim, the mail for the for a steady decline in the butter
I Washington program, on the 21st hours. Say,
February at the K. P. hall, Every South part of the county got into a market from now on. The California
slow poke, Democratic rut, and he is
ij invited to attend.
market has weakened and Southern
revolting at his own medicine.
butter can now be la’d down here .n
'red 1'ulcipher and Tom Purvis, of
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Lamb gave a co-.. tition with the local product. A
tibaldi, arc going to try to get out
500 party to a number of friends on
m< spruce airplane material from Tuesday evening at their home in this decited factor in easing up the butter
situation has been the closing down
I Moss Creek.
city when a most pleasant time was of some of the milk condenseries and
' fire alarm was turned in on Fri- enjoyed by all present. Mr. and Mrs the prospect that others will shut
1 riming, a stove in the residence Thad Robison succeeded in carrying down. Production of condensed milk
rupii.l by Mrs. D. Goodspeed be- off the honors. Mjs. Lamb served got ahead of the demand and a large
dainty refreshments, which was an­ stock has accumulated in this state
other enjoyable event of the evening.
Lost on road between Tillamook
F K. Blackadar, who was called to
1 M heeler automobile tire and rim
Where the Money Goes.
1 back of automobile. Finder please Roseville, Cal., by a death occurring
in his family, returned on Friday. Mr.
IVf same at this office.
Every citizen is being invited to
Blackadar states that California is
your b.g book on uses cf ce- very much in need of rain as stock is economize and when National debt is
n 'ii-
1 sanitary farming. No perishing and as farmers who have growing at such a pace that the an­
-I’.ould be without it. It is sown barley over 4 weeks ago can sec nual interest will soon exceed the
* no signs of its growth and recceding normal expenses of the government,
will probably be necessary. He also it is pertinent to consider where some
i: a «ar garden but see that
tells of an incident of a farmer selling of the money goes.—Oregonian.
' is right. Hydrated lime is a horse for $1.50. a’ thc Pncc of hay
In this connection and as a matter
'1 doctor. Get it at Kuppenben-
of information for the Oregonian the
Capital Journal points out that $8,400
After a few weeks lness, H»y"e
‘ ■ Amethyst car ring, set in Holmes, a well known farmer bymg goes yearly to President Kerr of the
with Rhine stones. Finder west of Whitcson, passed away Wed­ Oregon Agricultural College, and that
’ J have at this office and receive nesday. Jan. 30. at his home. He was $1,400 of this was recently presented
him without any reason or excuse by
4« years of age. Mr. Holmes was the board of regents, Evidently the
L'V ■Vl‘c Clenient» home for rent, prominent in the councils ot the Ma­ invitation to economize had not
I or unfurnished, to family sonic order and in county Democrat c reached them at the time,—Capital
small children. Enquire at circles. He was one o£ the be. t Journal.
known men in Yamhill county and f
r'°n> s Store.
■ :
7. 1918.
E. J. Claussen vs. Thomas Coates,
as administrator of the estate of Wil­
liam J. West, deceased. Foreclosure of
Indictments for Bootlegging— mortgage. Order confirming sale.
Cider Case Set for Saturday.
Laura 1. Leach vs. G. E. Leach.
Divorce. Order and decree.
State of Oregon, ex re), Willie R.
The February term of the Circuit
Court was convened on Monday with Owens vs. Philadelphia Ann Owens.
Judge George R. Bagley on the bench. Contempt. Order.
Colin W. Cottain, vs. J. E. Sullivan.
1 he docket was somewhat long, but
with cases of not much general inter­ To quiet title. Order.
Smith W. Elliott vs. Tillamook
est, being mostly actions for money,
and divorce cases. There are about a , County, Oregon, et al. Injunction. For
I judgment entry and mandate. Order.
dozen jury cases, which will prevent
Edna Hill vs. W. H. Hill. Divorce
the court from doing much Hoover-
Order of default.
izing on time if they all go to trial.
Isabella Bellingham vs. Adam Bell-
1 he grand jury was drawn as fol­
lows: Albert Krake, Dave Martiny, 1 ingham. Divorce. Default and decree.
Edith McClure vs. J. C. McClure.
I Alex Watt, Guy Mattoon, Frank
Dye, Ernest Haag and Cyrus Randall. Divorce. Order and decree.
Sam V\ eil vs. Sadie \\ eil. Divorce.
The Judge appointed Dave Martiny
Order and decree.
foreman of the grand jury.
J. C. Saling vs. C. Mills. Foreclosure
One case of public interest to be
tried on Saturday, is that of the dam­ Order for service by publication.
Santa Cruz Portland Cement Co. vs
age suit against District Attorney T.
H. Goyne for destroying cider be­ Bay City, Oregon a municipal cor­
longing to Meinecke & Seabrook. poration e. al. Action for money. Dis­
missed with costs.
The district attorney claims it was
Fredk. H. Wheeler vs. C. C. Byers.
hard cider and contained 15 per cent Action for money. Order.
alcohol, and it is upon this point that
G. W. Gates & Co., vs. A. F. Coats
the case will revolve. The attorney
Lumber Co., Action for money. Jury
for the plaintiffs claim that the cider
trial and verdict for $447.78 in favor
was only four days old, and did not of plaintiff.
contain that amount of alcohol.
Arthur E. Holden and Ether Holden
The Henry D. Davis Lumber Co.,
vs. O. E. Gulstrom. Appeal from Jus­
a corporation, vs. A. F. Coats Lumber
tice Court. Order allowing motion,
Co., a corporation, Damages Order
now being tried.
entering mandate.
W. J. Stephens vs. Leopold Blaser.
King-Cranshow Hardware Co., vs.
Action for money. Dismissed.
F. L. Sappington. Action for money.
Edwin Pretela was indicted for en­
Order confirming sale.
tering a store at Beaver and stealing
J. W. Maddux, vs. F. C. Feldschau. therefrom.
Action for money. Dismissed.
W. G. Dwight vs H. M. Dennis, et
In the matter of the petition of
al. Foreclosure of mortgage. Decree.
Frank Barnes, an alien, to become a
W. Roenicke vs. John A Ward and
citizen of the United States of Amer­
ica. Denied on account of declaration John R. Miller. Foreclosure of tax
lien. Decree and order of default.
of intention .
In the matter of the petition of Nels
Olaf Glad, an alien, to become a citi­ Some Fine Photo Plays at Gem.
zen of the United States of America.
Friday, Feb. 8—“Wild and Woolly”
In the matter of the petition o£ Five reel Artcraft feature comedy
Peter Schranz, an alien, to become a drama featuring Douglas Fairbanks.
citizen of the United States of Ameri­ This is the program advertised for
Tuesday February 5th, but on ac­
ca. Admitted.
C. F. Stone vs. Fred C. Feldschau. count of some unexplained circum­
stances it failed to arrive. Don’t miss
Action for money. Dismissed.
J. W. Maddux vs. F. C. Feldschau. it this time.
Adults 20c.
Children toe.
Action for money. Nonsuit.
Saturday Feb. 9—“More Truth than
G. W. Gates & Co., vs A. F. Coats
Lumber Co., Action for Money. Mo­ Poetry”—Five reel Metro photo play
tion to strike sustained and motion to featuring Mme. Petrova. The story of
a wife’s revenge written and acted by
make certain denial.
J. M. Traxler vs. L. B. D. Ivanco- Mme. Petrova.
“Roping Her Romeo”— 2 reel
vich and N. A. Ivoncovich. Action for
Sinnett Comedy,
money. Dismissed.
Jack Fendall vs. C. L. Cornell. Ac­ featuring Polly Moran, Ben Turpin,
Slim Summerville and Ethel Teare.
tion of replevin. Continued.
W. B. Aiderman vs. John Feldschau You will sure miss a treat in this
and Anna
Feldschau. Action for comedy unless you see it. Saturday
night only.
money. Order.
Feb. to—"Lady of the
M. W. Harrison vs. Oregon Bex &
Manufacturing Co., a corporation, Photograph”—five reel Edison pho­
Action for money. Demur to first two toplay. An exceptionally strong story,
defense overruled and sustained as to told in appealing fashion, makes a
forceful combination which presents
third equitable defense.
Raphael Weill & Co., a corporation, in a-fascinating manner a photodrama
vs. John K. Elder. Action for money. destined to score unusual success.
Monday, Feb. 11.—"The Chattel”—
Ed. Kellow vs. F. C. Feldschau and five reel Vitigraph Blue Ribbon pro­
Adolph Erickson. Action for money. toplay, featuring E. H. Sothcrn &
Peggy Hyland.
"The Fighting Trail”—Episode No.
Arthur E. Holden and Ethel Holden
vs. O. E. Goldstrom. Appeal from 4. “The Other Half” we unhesitating­
Justice Court. Order allowing motion. ly recommend our Monday night pro­
Rudolph Zweifel vs. J. W. Short­ gram. Don't fail to follow "The Fight­
ridge and Ella Himple. Action for ing Trail” the thrilling out door
serial. Ask your neighbor how he
money. Order.
A. G. Beals vs. Leornad McCormick likes it?
Tuesday, Feb. 12— "Sunshine Alley"
Action for money. Dismissed.
Bay City Logging Co. vs. E. B. Lincoln's Birthdav Picture—six reel
Wickham. Action for money. Dis­ Goldwyn photoplay featuring Mae
Marsh, who will be remembered as
star in "Polly of the Circus,”
John Theiler vs. L. E. GetcheH and
Marie GetcheH. Action for money. This in itself is sufficient guarantee
Demurrer to counter claim sustained. of the high class in which this play
O. E. Gulstrom vs. Arthur Holden stands. See our display advertisement
and Ethel Holden. Action for money. elsewhere in this issue. Adults 20c.
Children 10.
Mo'ion allowed.
Wednesday, Feb, 13—"Lone Star”
Ray Maine vs. Howard Brooks.
five reel Mutual Master picture feat­
Action far money. Dismissed.
In the matter of the petition of Fred uring William Russel.
"Jerry’s Gentle Nursing’’—one reel
Rhorbach, an alien, to become a citi­
zen of the United States of America. comedy featuring the popular com­
edian George Ovey.
Thursday, Feb. 14—"All For A
In the matter of the petiiion of John
William Fox
Slakes, an alien, to become a citizen Husband"—six reel
of tn: United States -f America. Con­ photoplay featuring Virginia Pearson
Do all screen stories look alike to
tinued until Feb. 3, 1919.
In the matter of the petit'ons of you? Are you in search of a picture
Charles Joseph Dobils, Clemens Rust that is different? Do you want to be
and and Albert Boon, Aliens, to be­ thrilled and tickled—and then sur-
came citizens of the United States of prised? If this is what you want we
have it in this big play.
America. Admitted.
C. F. deFord was indicted on a
charge of violating the prohibition
law and the trial is set for February
14. There are two indictments return­ Three Rivers Road Selected as
ed against DeFord.
J. J. McCormick was indicted by the the Highway by Commission.
grand jury, charged with allowing
minors to play cards in a public place.
At a meeting of the State Highway
Francis Buckles was indicted for Commission on Tuesday in Portland,
assault with a dangerous weapon.
the matter of the Three Rivers-Little
S. B. Vincent as receiver, et al., vs Ncstucca highway came up and it was
Pearl Alkire, et al. To Quiet title. decided in favor of the Three Rivers
road as the Highway into Tillamook
Mortgage Company for America, a County.
corporation, vs Frank W. Crane, et al
This came as a great surprise to
For foreclosure of mortgage. Order those who have been favoring the
confirming sale.
Little Ncstucca road, for it seems that
Tillamook County. Bank and Wesley Mr. Benscn promised not to decide
G. Day vs. E. D. Severance ctal. Fore­ upon the location until a hearing
closure of mortgage. Order confirm­ could be had. It is thought that Mr
ing sale.
Benson had overlooked the promise
Security Savings & Trust Co., a he had made for a hearing, and no
corporation vs. James Walton, Jr. doubt, when his attention is called to
Foreclosure of mortgage. Order con­ this he will remember it, and for that
firming sale.
reason it is thought that the matter
Minnie Martin vs. Joseph Martin. might be re-considered at some future
Divorce. Dismissed.
»1.50 PER YEAR.
Work Done by Tillamook Branch
and Auxiliaries Greatly Appre­
ciated by Portland .Chapter.
----- o------
The monthly meeting of the Red
Cross will be held Monday evening
next, at 8 o’clock in the city hall.
1 had Robison, the treasurer, will
give the quarterly report of finances.
Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. Everson
ha.’e returned from Portland, and will
give such information as they acquir­
ed especially of legal phases of the
finances. The box which was report­
ed as sent to Portland last week with
the articles it contained, had reached
there and the ladies report all articles
were accepted with thanks and ap­
preciation by the chapter. The Tilla­
mook county branch and auxiliaries
are to note this as they were highly
complimented for their nice work. If
there seems to be changes in instruc­
tions no one must mind this. The
people at headquarters in Washington
send these orders on to chapters and
they send on to branches.
Two ladies were sent over to France
to learn if the garments were suited
to the needs. So direct from the hos­
pital service they brought such infor­
mation as will make most everything
----- o------
dozen blocks for quilt covers
were sent and the British Relief as­
sociation through which these reach
the peasant women of France, who
make them into bed coverings for the
little Belgian orphans, report that
these sent from Tillamook were the
nicest received. Any one desiring to
aid this special phase of work ran
do the piecing
at home. Scraps
of cotton goods, prints, ginghams etc.
are accepted at the headquarters.
More than too ladies were at work
in the rooms last week.
A Junior Red Cross will scon be
formed in the schools of the city. It
is probable also in other schools of
the county.
Fairview Auxiliary.
Red Cross is increasing with each
weekly meeting. There are 141 mem­
bers with the promise of all from
Fairview who joined in Tillamook,
Since the 1st of January the follow­
ing articles have been completed.
5 doz. towels; 2 doz. dust cloths;
6 shoulder robes; 46 abdominal ban­
dages; 8 hot water bag covers, 100
quilt blocks; ¡0 ambulance pillows; 8
sweaters, 6 pair socks; 15 tea towels;
I doz. tray cloths; 3 doz Hdkfs.
Garibaldi Auxiliary.
At the last meeting in January Mrs.
A. I. Baier resigned as chairman and
Mrs. Frank Crane was elected to
succeed her.
Work hrs been on handkerchiefs
and sub handkerchiefs and wash
Since the organization five members
have poined the Red Cross.
if anyone living in Garibaldi or
vicinity who have old sheets, pillow
cases, bed spreads, table linen, or old
knit sweaters, not good for use in the
home will give them to the auzi.iary
it will be much appreciated. Please
leave with Miss Mary Powell, or
phene Mrs. Frank Crane, chairman.
Donation to the amount of $2.95
have been given for the G. R. C. A.
A dance for the benefit of the Red
Cross was given Saturday evening
and about $30 was taken in.
If the trouble maker would only
stop a moment to think that what is
said about the American Red Cross,
was not hurting the off'cets or mem­
bers of the auxiliary, but were saying
against government work and who
wculd not stand much trifiling with
cither, they would be more careful in
what they
Rev. H. E. Tucker, late of Med­
ford, Accepts Position.
■ o-----
The congregation of the Christian
Church gave Rev. H. E. Tucker a
"call” to fill the vacancy in the pulpit
of that church, and he has accepted
the position, occupying the pulpit for
the first time next Sunday: Following
are the services:
Bible School on Lord’s Day at )C:OO
a.m. Classes for all.
Communion and preaching services
at il:oo a.m. Sermon by Rev. H. E.
Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p.m.
subject, "For what does this Church
Stand,” An interesting subject, come.
Regular evening service at 7:30 p.m.
Sermon by Rev. H. E. Tucker.
Mr. Tucker came from the East
about five years ago, taking charg< of
the church at Medford, Oregon, re­
maining there as pastor for three and
one half years, and then resigned to
take up evangelistic work, in which
he has been engaged until this time.
He is an interesting speaker, and you
are cordially invited to attend each
and every service.