“TILLAMOOK HEADLdUHT, JANUABY FIRM TO MAKE GOOD. a THE TRAIL OF THE SHADOW. ■» This Was the Life. Builder of First Big Steamer on Emmy Whelen in Five-Part Rolfe George Walsh, star in William Photoplay at the Gem Theatre. Fox'» comedy-drama. “This Is The Tillamook Bay is Optimistic Life,” Fad the time of his life in the making of the picture out on the The English musical comedy star, (From The Oregonian.) Tillamook has made an encouraging Emmy \\ Helen, is the principal play­ coast. It was like having a vacation » . beginning with its first ship for the er in "The 1 rail of the Shadow,” a George—just the kind of picture he More Than 3,000 Million Bushels Emergency Fleet Corporation, the five part Rolf production adapted for delights in making. Perhaps that’s Raised in 1917—Gives firm of Feeney & Bremer holding a the screen by June Mathis from a why tiie picture is so good. This comedy drama will be shown contract there for the hull of one story by Oscar Lund. The 1 loi is ro­ Big Surplus. steamer. The powers that be at Wash­ mantic, most of the scenes being laid at the Gem i heatre next Thursday, I -------------- ington evidently awarded that on ap­ in the \\ est among picturesque loca­ February 7th. tions, is continuously interesting to be propriation, and if on the abjlity of SAVES WORLD FOOD SITUATION the builders to make good hinges seen at the Gem theatre next Satur­ The Highway Freight Train, more contracts, they may have a day, February ¿nd. The character played by Miss \\ he- America Beginning Greatest Corn Con­ whole flock of them. A highway freight train is being op­ Mr. Feeney was in Portland Tues­ len is that of a mysterious girl who sumption in History, Using Cereal erated, by motor trucks, all the way day. Twenty-four frames were in lives iu a cabin by herself and sells in Many Delicious Dishes. place when he left, and 90 per cent of her beadwork to the visitors of a iroin Akron, Ohio to Boston, Mass. 1 his lreignt line is called the Boston large summer hotel in the vicinity. A the frame material is ready. As lilJa- Corn, America's greatest cereal crop, j rnook is situated in a vast timber zone wealthy young chap from the East ' The nt soldiers for crith Srt-ll to gigantic both of livery 1 Event! implW mail g cause . the pr energy Of OT there ' tnunlc home home there News- O hw G) Pierce > run th , Goveri hlo it. ■por 01 > object . uuppo ought ■Mint the pi I A1 / im lir •. I nitk<‘ antic, later ’ 's I Tt Í* J —. I gon [ Y« i i: r -F f C9 V 0 ! 1 j I » ] H k •I F I 11 I Food Will Win the War I r 1 bone.», I b I CONTINUING OUR . I q "1 GREAT ANNUAL MILL END SALE If we could only make you realise the extraordinary con­ dition existing in the manufac­ turing and distributing indus­ tries today you would gaze with astonishment at the wonderful bargains we are offering in our Annual Mill End Sale. With raw cotton selling at over 32c. per lb. the fabrics on Sale to day show a saving of any where from 333 to 50 per cent on the actual worth price. We have absolutely no guar- tees as to future deliveries so its decidedly to your interest and advantage to buy now from these Mill End Lots. In spite of everything we have this year secured a greater variety of merchandise than ever before and much of it is being sold at LESS THAN y< r< 4 w \\i in Si g hi loi sal a i CO1 WHOLESALE Ca sui COST TODAY ACTUAL 25 c. GINGHAMS. 31 inches wide, . . . Per Yard ACTUAL 25 c. OUTINGS . Dark Colors and Checks Per Yard. ACTUAL 25c. DIMITIES. 36 inches wide. , . . Per Yard 17c. 19c. 19c ACTUAL 271 & 30c. MUSLINS. Fine Bleached. 36in. wide. yo| Bli Yard co^ cal so is yoi An coi 2 C ACTUAL 35c. LONGCLOTHS. j s 36 inches wide. . Per Yard. wOC« , . Bn yea Till ACTUAL 35c PILLOW TUBING qs 44 inches wide. Per Yard ^UC« . ACTUAL 75cTABLE DAMASK rg 60 inches wide. . . . Per Yard OVC« ACTUAL 50c. SHEETINGS, AQ 2\ yards for ^1»V7 ACTUAL $1.75 BEDSPREADS 4Q 81 and 90 in. wide. and Double Bed Sizes. ACTUAL $1.75 BEDSPREADS Double Bed Sizes Only. ACTUAL $3 BEDSPREADS Double Bed Sizes Only. no £>1.7 0 $4*0? There are Some Wonderful Bargains for those who will I l'ie j I wcc| I retili Mi r I °f >1 I ^ee 1 In] take Advantage of THE BALCONY HALF-PRICE SALES. Every Lady’s Suit Half Price. Every Lady’s Coat Half Price. Every Lady'sDress Half Price. Every Lady's Skirt Half Price. Saturday Only Remnants—Half Price I risei I "ll C<1 - A.l Di Sana forni liliali ai :■ IJ ioc 1 I f°r 1 fi olii] get ] G.l io 1 i>l thè J fi ori Dr. i p. COWS liesdi Rolli Ad the J beali bavin Spi displl The J big J The Store that Sells for Cash and Selling for Cash—Sells for Less. Two per cent discount given on all pur- ' chases. | Take your discount and see how fmuch you will save by trading with a Cash ¿Store. T1J at th 'Eide cliurd D Can by ( »etui Ore. ( >n| day a Mimi craft loo J J