WITH THE EDITORS ------ o------ punish him. He may lose that smile MAKES A FELLOW FEEL GOOD when he gets fighting mad, but it’s going to be rage and not glootn.— This Is How TUlmookers Should Umpqua Velley News. the state have any interest in your cause—not by a long shot—they are simply feathering their own nests at your expense. These facts are fully substantiated by recent developments where it was shown that the main guy that headed the organization is a rep­ resentative of the Roach Timber Co., one of the largest timber owners in the county. Imagine such men as Fox, Smith and Creason looking after the interests of the small taxpayers. It is too ridiculous to even consider.— Umpqua Valley News. Summons. NOTICE. In the Circuit Court of the State of All persons having an account with Oregon for Tillamook County. Grant Mills, kindly call, at the City M. W. Harrison, Recorder's office and settle same, Explanation Deepens Mystery. Plaintiff with Kathleen Mills. Interest to People. vs It makes a fellow feel good when Grant Mills. Charles E. Haas, W. F. Wot- While the Sentinel does not hold you hear a man, oue who has traveled litz and Mary Wollitz his wife We certainly ought to be migh’v the same jealously towards the agri­ extensively, in fact, visited every state Summons. and Roger L. Scott and Jane thankful. With prices soaring the way cultural college that some other resi­ in the union, has no soil to sell—not Scott his wife. Defendants they are, just think what a schooner dents of Lane county do, yet we must speaking for gain in any sense of the To Charles E. Haas, W. F. Wollitz of beer might cost now if we still had admit that we seem to have been cor­ word—but purely from an unselfish In the Circuit Court of the State of and Mary Wollitz his wife, and Oregon for Tillamook County. saloons.—ltemizer. rect wherein we said some time ago standpont—to tell of the wonderful Roger L. Scott and Jane Scott his Colin W. Cottam ------ o Plaintiff that it was likely that apparent deceit opportunities, the excellent climate, wife, the above named defendants; vs. More than ten million families have practiced by someone 111 raising the the huge undeveloped resources, the Editors Have their Troubles. In the name of the State of Ore­ J. E. Sullivan, J. C. Davies signed the Hoover pledge card, This salary of President W. J. Kerr never cheer and prosperity of our people, gon, you are hereby commanded and and T. J. Leonard Defendants pledge is pledge of service, as real would be satisfactorily ----- o —- explained compared to those of the eastern states, the quiet, easy and happy-go as that of any soldier, Is it being away. Telephone Register of McMinnville required to appear and answer, or To J. E. Sullivan, defendant: kept in your family, or merely a Dr. Kerr has developed a great lucky manner prevalent among the is threatened with a libel suit because otherwise plead, to the complaint fil­ In the name of the State of Oregon "scrap of paper.”—News Reporter. institution at Corvallis. He has put native Oregonians, no inconvenience it reported a scrap between two at­ ed against you in the above entitled you are hereby required to appear and ----- o his heart into the work. He has been from either heat or cold, no extremes torneys when arguing a case before suit on or before six weeks from the answer the complaint filed against Secretary Lansing gave out the Ger­ recognized as a tremendous success of any kind that causes suffering the circuit judge. If an attorney is date of the first publication of this you in the above entitled suit within man communications that resulted in in his particular line of work. Possibly among its people—a land of plenty, fool enough to get into a fistic en­ Summons, and if you fail to appear six weeks from the date of the first publication of the summons, to-wit: the arrest of Caillaux as a spy. If but few would say that he is not even in these strenuous war times. counter with another attorney, he is and answer as aforesaid plaintiff will on or before the 2tst day of February, apply to the Court for the relief We say it makes a fellow feel good worth $8400 a year to the state in his anyone wants to know just what the fool enough to start a libel suit, German foreign office is doing, just position at the head of the institution. to hear these things about his own and is safe to say that the editor of prayed, for in the complaint, to-wit: 1918, and if you fail so to appear and For a decree and judgment against answer said complaint the plaintiff His former salary was $7000 a year. state. Of course, we all know these the News-Reporter will have the ask Lansing.—Oregon Register. you foe the sum of $500.00 with in­ wilt ask a decree against you for the facts, but something must happen The members of the board of regents horse laugh on him when the case is ------ o terest Brom the 20th day of Jan. 1917, relief prayed, for in his complaint, to- )c Gods! What next! Senator had often said he was worth more. It every now. and then to sort of jog our over. at 6 per cent per annum; for the fur­ wit: memory — we get into a channel that Stone questions the patriotism of is reliably reported that they had of­ That the contract made between ther sum of $100.00 attorney’s fees Colonel Roosevelt and charges him fered him more and that he had re­ is so deep that we never make any The editor of the Dallas Observer and the costs and disbursements of you and plaintiff on the Oth day of effort to “ go over the top ” and find with alliance with the kaiser. When fused to accept the raise. It is, there and the Sheriff of Polk county met on this suit; and for a further i> February. 1013. for the purchase of ree Stone’s attitude last spring is remem­ fore, apparent that his worth was out what we really have right in our the Dallas street and had an argu­ foreclosing plaintiff’s mortgage '.lie vi. it bal 'he so tl half ■>* own state and community. We forget dated bered was there ever a plainer case of recognized without any offer, real or the many good things that we have ment with their lists over an article July 27th, 1914, executed by th de Seitiot i’. Township 6 jonth. Range, otherwise, from any other state. He that appeared, in the Observer that u 'A V/itja . etie v >dian, n r>k Satan rebuking sin?—Independent. himself seems to be too shrewd and been blessed with and do not even the sheriff objected to concerning a femL.nt Charles E. Haas, cover ng all amook Csuut.. trtgnu 0111 dniug ----- o----- of the following described real feel grateful for the privilege of being prop- honorable to attempt any kind of Old "Gum Shoe Bill” Stone of Mis- shell game, and there was no need of so fortunate as to have the free op­ burglarly case that originated at Falls erty, to-wit: Beginning at the South r.a.ou aevs, oeloug'iig 6 he plaint t* City. The reports of the meeting are west corner of Section 30: thence which uuntract was recorded in the souri has again gotten into print—top portunity to enjoy them. conflicting, but it is safe to presume South 310.74 feet: thence East 373-74 Deeu Kvxorus ui Tillamook ( ouaty. of the page next to pure reading mat­ such a stunt, yet there seems to be a Reclining in a chair in a local bar ­ that both got licked. ter—this time not as a member of the nigger in the woodpile somewhere. feet; thence North 310.74 feet; thence Oregon in Book "24” on page 368 ber shop this morning, while the I011- When the raise was given Dr. Kerr "wilful twelve”, but as the champion West 30 feet: thence North 277.2 on March 15, 1913, be cancelled, set sorial artist was giving him the “once of national political ethics. As usual, it was publicly announced that he had over” with all the care and faithful­ The editor of this paper was threat­ feet; thence West 143 feet; thence aside and held for naught, and that Bill made an ass of himself.—Enter­ accepted the Oregon offer at less ness that a barber could permit under ened with “trouble" last Tuesday be­ South 83.96 feet; thence West 168.75 the pthintiff be adjudged the owner in than the salary offered by Kansas. cause he published an item of news in feet; thence South 193.24 feet to the fee sample of said premises, and that prise. J Then came back the word from Kan- the prevailing “war time prices” of last week’s issue concerning an arrest. place of beginning, containing 4.52 you have no title, right, claim or in­ as that the offer had never been made twenty cents per, with a twist of the terest therein or thereto, and that the Merchants and other business men although Dr. Kerr reasserted that it razor on one's neck as ail invitation If you should miss a few copies of the acres more or less, all in Sections 30 plaintiff recover from you his costs of Forest Grove should buy every­ had been. But for circumstances for a hair cut, a stranger, judged from paper you know the “trouble” has ar­ and 31, Township I South, Range 9 and disbursements in this suit, and thing they can from the farmer and which have followed we would be in­ his appearance and general conversa­ rived and that we are either in jail, West W. M. Said mortgage being for such other and further rdjef as to ..... Court , pay him the highest prices possible clined to think that the offer really tion, probably a traveling representa- laid up for "repairs,” or that a newly recorded in Book "Y”, page 616 the shall seem meet and equit- able. consistent with good business. Then was made, but that the Kansas people tve of some eastern house, had the made mound marks the place that will record of mortgages for Tillamook , ..KI- or- . in turn the farmer should recipro­ for some reason, had changed their floor” for twenty minutes. No one absolve us front all future trouble. County, Oregon, and for a decree _______ . This summons is served upon you cate by buying every thing he can minds, and had decided to get out of ventured to say a word they siuiply We do not seek trouble but if a party dering said property sold in the man- by publication thereof pursuant to the ner nmvidnd 1.« 1..... • commits a misdemeanor and gets into ner provided by law to satisfy said order of the Honorable George R. from the merchant consistent with the predicament by saying that it •gulped” down his utterances with a proiound degree of astonishment in court, he seeks the trouble and it is judgment, and that you and each of Bagley, Judge of the above entitled good business.—News Times. never had been made. the newspaper’s right to publish it.— you be forever barred and foreclosed court, made and entered on the 4th ----- o------ The thing that makes the mystery fact, they thought at the conclusion Sherwood News. of and from any and all right, title, day of January, 1918, directing said interesting discourse that he of his Oregon newspapers are mighty ten­ deeper than ever and makes it appear claim or interest in and to said prop­ summons to be published once a week der hearted to politicians for they are that something had been covered up would probably say that he was Stomach Trouble and Constipation. erty. for six consecutive weeks in the Till­ running free pictures and announce­ at home is that the board of regents either heavily interested in some This summons is served upon you amook Headlight. ------ o----- - ments of candidates which can not be now say that the Kansas offer had realty in the state or that he repre­ by publication by order of A. M. Martin L. Pipes, John M. Those who are afflicted with called “news” because the dailies get nothing to do with influencing them sented sóme concern that had a meth- od of their own of disposing of Ore­ stomach trouble and constipation Hare, County Judge of Tillamook Pipes, George A Pipes, At­ the first release of these political to give Dr. Kerr a raise. County, Oregon, in the absence of gon holdings. However, neither of torneys for Plaintiff. should read the following: “ 1 have statements. After election all these If such was the case, why were the Geo. R. Bagley, Circuit Judge, made First publication Jan. to, 1918. candidates will tell those editors to go newspapers of the state besieged to these conclusions proved to have any never found anything so good for and entered the 9th day of January, Last publication Feb. 21, 1918. to grass. And “green” editors should urge upon the board of regents the foundation. The gentleman had simp­ stomach trouble and constipation as 1918, directing such publication be get close to mother earth.—News vital necessity of keeping Dr. Kerr ly visited the state, as he had many Shatnberlain’s Tablets. 1 have used made in the Tillamook Headlight once them off and on now for the past two Summons. Reporter. here even at an advanced salary. If others—struck Oregon right in the years They not only regulate the act­ a week for six consecutive weeks, and ----- o----- the board of regents were not influen­ mid winter—right at its worst, and it ion of the bowels but stimulate the the date of the first publication is the looked so good to him that he could In line with the world drive for ced by the Kansas offer, why was a not refrain from giving away and liver and keep one’s body in a totl. day of January 1918. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Tillamook County. practical democracy is the announce­ campaign carried to every corner of telling his stranger friends about it. healthy condition,” writes Mrs. Ben­ Geo. P. Winslow, Guy A. Richards, Plaintiff ment of Secretary of Labor Wilson the state based upon the Kansas of­ Attorney for Plaintiff. “You fellows ought to go back east jamin Hooper, Auburn, N. Y. For vs. that wherever women have taken the fer? And if the Kansas offer had for a while” where many thousands sale by Lamar’s Drug Store. Post Office Address, Tillamook, Ore. Minnie Z. Richards, Defendant place of men in the industries of the nothing to do with the raise in salary, are suffering from the intense cold Notice. country, releasing the latter for mili­ why didn't the board of regents say now prevailing and where it is utterly To Minnie Z. Richards, defendant: ---- _ Summons. tary service, an effect will be made so at the time instead of giving out a impossible to get sufficient fuel to In the name of the State of Oregon, public statement that Dr. Kerr had In the County Court of the State of to secure the same pay for one sex you are hereby notified anti required to keep warm, where thousands of babies In the Circuit Court of the State of appear in the above entitled Court as for the other for the same work. been induced to stay despite the Kan­ are starving for the lack of proper Oregon for Tillamook County. In the matter of the guardianship Oregon for Tillamook County. The idea of women’s inferiority is sas offer? Why was the Kansas offer nourishment to keep them alive it and cause and answer the complaint used at that time as the explanation of Mrs. Inez Vinning, an incompe­ Donald L. Schofield, Plaintiff rapidly passing.—Oregon Register. filed herein within six weeks from the being utterly useless to even attempt of the raise in salary, when at a later vs tent person. date of the first publication of this - o----- to get a sufficient supply of milk to date the regents say that had nothing Notice is hereby given to all whom Ethel Schofield, Defendant. summons, which said date is the 17th The law has some queer twists and give them at this time—and where to do with the case? it may concern: That the undersigned To Ethel Schofield, the above nam ­ day of January, 1918, and if you fail it is possible that Senator LoFollette The explanation deepens the mys­ the old and young alike among the as the guardian of the person and es­ ed defendant: so to appear for want thereof, the may secure judgment from the Wis­ poorer classes are suffering intensely In the name of the State of Oregon, plaintiff will apply to the Court for tate of Mrs. Inez Vinning, above nam­ consin newspapers he is suing for li­ tery. We do not yet believe that Dr. for the necessaries of life. These are you are hereby required to appear in the relief demanded in the complaint, bel. But a libel judgment does not Kerr lent himself to any underhanded the conditions you will find in many ed, pursuant to and by virtue of an order and license of sale made and this cause and answer the complaint to-wit; For an order and decree for­ mean vindication and the American scheme, but he is suffering from it as of the larger eastern cities. Why, entered of record in and by the filed against you in the above entitled ever dissolving, cancelling and annul­ people are quite likely to continue to Oregon is a paradise — a regular 'gar ­ much as if it had been his own inven­ above entitled court on the 8th day cause, on or before the date of the ling the contract and relation of mar­ agree with the newspapers in their tion, and explanations that do not ex­ den of Eden’ compared to many of January, 1918, of the real property last publication, hereinafter named; riage now existing between the plain­ comments upon the senator’s attitude plain only make matters worse.— states that 1 have visited. You people belonging to her situated in Tilla­ and if you fail to so appear and ans­ tiff and defendant, and for such other both before and since war was de­ don’t know what you have got and, mook County, Oregon, described as wer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will and further relief as to the Court may Sentinel. clared.— Independent. further, you are making the greatest apply to the above entitled court for seem equitable and proper in the to-wit: mistake in the world by not telling follows, -- •. <■« w t t An undivided one-fifth of the East the relief prayed for in the complaint, premises. Spence and the Road Law. other people what you have in this one-half of the South West quarter to-wit; that the marriage contract ex­ Every person who contributes any- is served upon yAu This summons great section. There is only one thing thng to any of the war work funds or of Section thirty-two (32) T. 1 S., R. isting between the plaintiff and the by publication by order of Hon. A. M. "1 was honestly mistaken,” said C. that you need, and need it badly— to W, of the Willamette Meridian; defendant be dissolved and annulled, Hare, Judge of the County Court of relief funds should keep the receipt, When the soldier boys come back E. Spence at Corvallis when confront­ about twice the population that you and also all of the South West quar­ and that the plaintiff have a decree the State of Oregon, Tillamook home some of them will be curious, ed with the facts in reply to his base­ have and you wouldn't experience ter of the South West quarter of against you for absolute divorce and County, made and entered at cham­ They will hear a lot of windy talk less accusation that specifications for any trouble getting the people here Section thirty-two (32) T. 1 S., R. to for such other ami further relief as bers in the City of Tillamook, Tilla­ from people who will tell now much state paving were so worded as to ex­ once they realized what wonderful west of the Willamentte Meridian, the court may deem just and equit­ mook County, Oregon, on the 12th they gave to the Red Cross and other clude all kinds of paving except one. resources are at their command in excepting therefrom that certain two able. Illis summons is published by day of January, 1918. Yet he keeps on making the same this state.” patriotic activities. They will tire of Joseph Mannix, acre tract of land heretofore convey­ order of Hun. A. M. Hare, Judge of Thus spoke a man who has always ed by G. N. Hodgdon and wife to J. the County Court of the State of Ore­ hearing the talk and will ask to see charge, and is holding meetings Willamina, Oregon I he H. Riggs and wife, directing, ordering gon for Tillamook County, said order ihe records. Keep your receipts. Your throughout the state to get backing made his home in the east. Last publication Feb, 28, 1918. posterity will be proud of them when for an initiative bill to repeal the trouble with the average Oregonian and licensing me as said guardian to being made in the absence of the is he barely ever gets out of his sell said undivided one-fifth interest Judge of the said Circuit Court from your every-day money making ac­ road bonding act. Notice of Sheriffs Sale of Real At the State Grange meeting in “hole” long enough to get his eyes in said real property for cash in hand said County of Tillamook; and the tivities are forgotten.—Oregon Vote1-. Property. — focused on the good things that sur ­ Astoria, Master Spence urged the to the highest and best bidder there­ first publication thereof is fixed by round him—consequently is a poor for. members to abide by the expressed said order to be January 24, 1918, and 1 I — - I u • * *• ’ *. ----- 0 — There is no need of being discourag­ has con- booster for his own community.— I will as such guardian on the 1 rth the last publication, February. 28, Notice is hereby given, that by vir­ ed. Lock at Canada, her young men will of the people; yet he discredii the Umpqua Valley News. stantly campaigned to day of February, 1918, at the North 1918. - tue of an execution issued out of the and middle aged men have been asked highway door of the County Court House in Johnson & Handley, Circuit Court for 1 ill iniook County, to respond to the call of the mother administration of the state Tillamook City, Oregon, at the hour Attorneys for the Plaintiff, Oregon, dated the 13th day of De­ cour.try. Thousands enlisted as soon commission. Work^of.the Timber Barons. He seems to be entirely confident of 10 o’clock a.m. of said day and date tod 1. O. O. F. Bldg. ri- mb< r, 1917, upon a judgment made as the war was declared, thousands next No ­ that at the general election sell at private vendue to the highest Tillamook, Oregon. and rendered in the Justice Court of have joined the army since and still the Second Justice District, said The timber barons of the state and best bidder for eash in hand said l.cr industries are humming, her fields vember he can secure the repeal of County ami State, on the 27th day of are being cultivated and Canada is do­ the bill by the people. The people, made R. E. (Deacon) Smith; Smith undivided one-fifth interest in said Notice of Administrator's Sale November, 1917, and thereafter on the ing her full share in providing for the however, will not be fooled on the made a few people believe he was real property belonging to said Mrs. 6th day of December, 1917, duly dock- feeding of her people at home and her state highway situation. They want sincere in his efforts in behalf of the Inez Vinning. Notice is hereby given, that by I < ted in the Clerk's office of the said Dated this Sth day of January, 1918. armies over seas. Deep sorrow has facts, and the record made by the small taxpeyers; the "Deacon” made George N. Hodgdon, as authority of the County Court of the Circuit Court, wherein I.. V. Eber­ come into the homes of Canada, yet State Commission will be before them the Tax Liberator, the mouthpiece Guardian of the person and State of Oregon, for Tillamook Coun­ hardt war, plaintiff and John Feld- all through the campaign. Also, there of the timber barons; the Tax Liber­ that brave people are showing an in­ estate of Mrs. Inez \ in­ ty, and in pursuance of an urdir here­ sch.111 and Anna Fcldschau were de­ domitable courage for the tasks now will be finished paving to see, and to ator made the "skidding” easy for the tofore made and entered in said court fendants, said judgment being in fa­ ning. before them. The example furnished the thousands who pass over it the timber sharks and all went well. Then in the matter of the Estate of Frank vor of the plaintiff and against the paving and the improved roads will came the Taxpeyers' League—Smith by our neighbor on the north should tell a story far more eloquent than be an inspiring example to 11s.—Sea­ and his colleagues in the background TILLAMOOK ASTONISHED BY Long, Sr., deceased, the undersigned defendants and each of them for the administratrix of said Estate, on and sum of $25.75, with interest, costs and MERCHANTS STORY. even Mr. Spence's false accusations.— —they pushed upon an unsuspecting side Signal. after Monday, the iHtli day of Feb­ costs <.f filing transcript in said Cir- ----- 0----- Oregon Voter. and sincere set of officers the "honor” A merchant relates the following: ruary, 1918, will sell at private sale ■ cuit Court, the said execution being of conducting this league—they must "For years I could not sleep without 'to me directed and commanding me Smile, Darn You, Smile, localize their timber organization in turning every hour. Whatever 1 ate for cash to the highest bidder, sub­ , to satisfy the said judgment out of Must Pay for Paper. order to mak, it effective and draw caused gas Ind sourness. Also had ject to confirmation of said Court, all the property of the said ikfendents; the right, title and interest of said the curtain before the eyes of the pub­ stomach catarrali. ONE SPOON­ Cheer up, get a smile on your face. Now, therefore, I have duly levied Judge Geo. Thomas of Columbus, lic as to the true intent of the organ­ FUL buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., Estate in and to the following des­ upon, and on Saturday, the 2nd day of H e man who wears a cherry smile cribed real property, situated in veti me tl < sc days is doing much more good O., recently decided that if a man ac­ ization. With good officers before the as mixed in Adler-i-ka relit Feb., 1918, at the front door of the INSTANTLY.” Because Adler-i-ka Tillamook County, Oregon, to-wit; than the sour-faced patriot who can­ cepts a paper that has been sent him mast and Smith at the helm it was flushes elimcntary The Northwest quarter of Section County Court House in Tillamook the ENTIRE easy sailing for the big interests— tract it relieves ANY CASE constipa­ not sec anything but death and dis­ he must pay for it. 31, Township 2 South, of Range 9, City, Oregon, at 10 o'clock a m., I The decision was rendered in the they were playing tag with the small tion, sour stomach or gas ami pre­ aster ahead. What if you are going to West of the Willamette Meridian, ex­ will sell at public auction, to the d i • 1 he test of manhood is to meet case brought by the Columbus Tele­ taxpayer—for his efforts in their be­ vents appendicitis. It has QUICK­ cept the right of way for lugging and highest bidder for cash in hand, the death with a smile on your face. Over gram against a man for $2.35. The half they would give in return a lower i EST action of anything wc ever sold timber purposes, being in connection . real property of the said defendants, >n England when a sailor leaves for Telegram had been sent to the man's tax on their own big timber holdings. J. S. Lamar, druggist. with and appertaining to wliat is j situated in Tillamook County, Ore­ the front and says farewell to his home, and he had accepted the paper. They could hold their timber for known as the Yellow Fir Saw-mill, in gon, to-wit: How to Prevent Croup. sweetheart, he insists upon her smil­ When called upon to pay for it he re­ fabulous prices—tic the county up Tillamook County, Oregon, and the| Lot number Six (6), in Block num­ In a child that is subject to attacks right to use the pond thereon for mill bered 9, Park Addition to Tillamook ing War isn't time for hysterical, fused, and suit was brought. When good and tight as far as its timber City, Oregon. sobbing women let alone a lot of Judge Thomas heard the evidence he assets were concerned and let them of croup, the first indication of the purposes. Dated this January 2, 1018. gio >my men. What we need is more instructed the jury to bring in a ver­ remain so until they decided to let go disease is hoarsness. Give Chamber­ Dated Jan. 14, 1918. W. L. Campbell, —which means never—unless they lain’s Cough Remedy as soon as the confidence and more cheerfulness. No dict for the Telegram. Catharine A I.ong, Sheriff of Tillamook County Judge Thomas rules that the old are compelled to pay their just pro­ child becomes hoarse and the attack matter what happens, smile. A gloomy Administratrix of the Es- discouraged man is whipped before he common law principle that what a portion of tax on their immense hold­ may be warded off and all danger and tate of Frank Long, Sr., First publication, Jan. 3, 1918. starts. But look out for the man who man receives and uses he was bound ings. Don’t think for a minute, Mr anxiety avoided. For sale by Lamar's deceased, Tillamook, Ore, Last publication Jan. 31, 1918. Taxpayer, that the timber barons of Drug Store. smiles, no matter how hard you may to pay for applied in this instance. Discuss Questions of Talk About this Splendid Section of Oregon.