Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 31, 1918, Image 4

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ment about good streets tor a city not the type of man; he was a lawyer the executive committee of the em-
applies equally to the county, don’t it, and politician of only local, reputation ' bryo organization formed last week
uro. Seely, if not, where is lite dit- in Cleveland until President W ilson and w hich is without ofticial designa­
Legal Advertisemer.ta.
discoveied him. The president's selec­ tion as yet other than the "convention
First Insertion per line ............. I io icrence.
tion of him and defense of him again­ of Oregon citizens called to consider
Each subsequent insertion, line.
It is surely laughable. A German st all criticism contrast with the ac­ progressive legislation.” Its members
Business and Professional cards
general has started in to ridicule the tion of Lincoln When Simon Cameron are authorize«! to outline a plan of or­
one month....................................... 1.00 .American army, which shows how had failed as Secretary of War, Lin­ ganization and submit its report and
Locals per line each insertion...
05 ignorant and tooLsh some ot the war coln put Stanton, the biggest man recommendations to another meeting
Display advertisements, an inch
lords of Germany are. "He will tell a and his bitterest opponent of the op­ of th«' assembly. This will probably
and Lodge Notices, per line .
.05 «lilic rent story when our boys do their posite party, in charge of the war. be done within the next 30 days.
bit on the firing line. Most of us re­ The best encouragement which Mr.
All Resolutions of Condolence
one month..............................................50 member, when England declared war, Wilson could give the America!! peo­
how the Germans ridiculed the Brit­ ple would be to drop the little men THE CHAMBERLAIN CHARGES
ish army, calling it "a little contem­ for whom he shows a fondness and ARE ANSWERED BY BAKER.
THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. ptible army”, that little contemptible do as Lincoln did.”
o - ■
------ o——
F. C. BAKER, Publisher.
army is now the most formidable
1,500,000 Men Ready to Fight—
army in France and whenever the
Germans get in contact with it it the right thing when he called atten­ England and France to Furnish
gives a good account of itself. The tion to the tardiness of the govern­
Big Guns for UJ5. Army.
ment, especially the war department,
same will apply to the U. S. Army.
------ o
in providing proper equipment for the
The income tax man is making a
Germany and Austria is wanting army. But to sum the whole affair up
Washington, Jan. 28.—America will
great drive in Tillamook county, for
and put it into a nutshell, it was un­
have an army of 500,txx) in France
there are scores of citizens who have peace. No one can deny this, not­
preparedness on the part of the gov­
early this year, with 1,000.000 more
to pay up and help pay to lick the withstanding the boastful remarks of
the war lords of Germany, But the ernment that is the prime cause of trained and equipped ready to follow
war lords know that if they cannot this tardiness, with a certain amount as quickly as ships can be provided
There is not the least doubt that obtain a peace according to their of policies injected into it. President to carry them—and the outlook for
the agitation about the scarcity of terms, the German people will hurl Wilson’s political slogan was: "He ships is not unpromising.
sugar, flour, etc., have caused a large them from power and that country kept us out of war,” and notwith­
Secretary Baker gave this informa­
number of
persons to hoard up will become a republican for m of gov­ standing that the United States was tion to the world today in a statement
ernment. Austria, anyway, is only a gradually drifting into war with Ger­ before the Senate military committee.
large quantities in their homes.
tool in the hands of Germany, and many, the government appears to He bared much that until now has
How much garden are you going to this fact is now fully known to the have made no provision to provide been carefully,guarded with the army
put in this year? Now is the time to people of Austria, for it seems that clothing, guns, ammunition and other military secrets, in answering charges
get busy. Don’t allow land to be un­ whenever the name of the kaiser is munitions of war until war was actu­ that the Government has broken
productive when it is necessary to mentioned it is hissed by the working ally declared. Even when Secretary down preparing for war.
raise as much garden truck as possi- class. So it is no wonder that Austria of State Lansing made the statement
Statement Consumes Day.
is endeavoring to find a way to bring that the United States and Germany
From early morning
until late
were on the verge of war he was
about peace.
afternoon the Secretary addressed the
1 he debate on Friday night was
committee and a crowd, including
Ben W. Olcott, secretary of State, even at that late date the president
government ownership of railroads.
many members of both houses of
That does not appeal to the news has announced himself, a candidate on nor did Congress make any move to Congress, gathered in a big hearing
paper man at the present time, for
room of the Senate office building.
since the government took control of Mr. Olcott appears to be a perpetual Tardiness of the government, we con­
He spoke extemporaneously, begin­
railroads advertising is discontinued, office seeker. The people elected him sider, is to blame, and in not obtain­ ning the details of the mammoth task
our loss being about $to.oo a month. for secretary of state and his time ing the assistance and co-operation of building an army of 1,500,000,
does not expire until 1921, and to be of men like Theodore Roosevelt and
answering such complaints of inef­
It appears to be a little difficult to dead sure of a political job this is men of ability to aid the government ficiency as were cited by Senator
ascertained who petitioned the postal what he intends to do. If elected he in the prosecution of the war. Senator Chamberlain in his recent speech and
department to have a change in the will resign as secretary of state and Chamberlain may have somewhat declaring that such instances were
mail schedule between this city and allow the Governor to appoint his overdrawn his indictment, but we arc isolated and not general.
Cloverdale. It will be known before successor. I hat is all nicely figured ^latl that it was an Oregon Senator
Some questions were asked, and Mr.
long, for the people want to know out, but when the people elected him who had the backbone to arouse the Bak« r, from time to time, had assis­
who are responsible for the foolish secretary of state they expected him nation to the real facts.
tants go to the telephone for reports
to stay on the job, and they should
detention of mail in this city.
on specific questions.
have an opportunity to vote for the
Kaiser Termed Hangman.
Dramatic Feature Injected.
Hi re's another splendid opportunity person of their choice for secretary of
Then, toward the close of the day,
for Bro. Trombley to do the flopping state, and not pass it up to the Gov­
London, Jan. 28.—A dispatch to the the Secretary delivered a dramatic
act. A non-partisian party has been ernor as Olcott has fixed it so nicely
Exchange Telegraph from Amster­ general statement of the American
started. As our Democratic friend for hi s own benefit.
dam says Deutsche Tages Zcitung war plan, telling of the coming of the
| iosi d as a
I.a Follette progressive
------ o-
allied missions, of the day and night
and followed all the political fakes,
It was with some amout of pride, openly calls upon the German people
with men from the scene
this gives him another opportunity to as well as pleasure, to the busy Red to revolt against the present regime.
"We too,” says the pan-German or­ of battle, in which the plans now be­
jump into the non-partisan band A ross workers when they sent away
ing executed were adopted, ami of
wagon, for it iy now some time since their first boxes of useful articles gan, “have a Judas among us today.
success beyond the most sanguine ex­
he did a flopping act.
made for the Red Cross on Wednes­
pectations in building the Army, and
day, especially those who have taken of Germany’s hangman. "Who will its industrial supports at home, trans­
The Oregon Agricultural College is such an active part in this commen­ save Germany from these traitors but
porting men across the ocean, con­
getting into bad repute. Those who dable work. It took considerable ef­ the German people? it is now Ger­
structing railroads in France and pre­
were at the back of the Kerr propa­ fort to make these articles during the mans help yourself and Go«l will help.'
paring to strike the enemy with every
/Although Emperor Wilhelm is not
ganda did the college more harm than process of organization and while be­
resource at the country’s command.
good. Now one of the professors of coming accustomed to the rules that named in the article the expression,
When Mr. Baker closed it was ap­
that institution is one of the chief govern Red Cross work, and added "Germany’s hangman,” is meant for
parent he had created a profound im­
muck-a-mucks of the new non-parti­ to this was organizing a large number the Kaiser, says the correspondent.
pression. Chairman Chamberlain said
san political party. Is it the purpose of auxiliaries in all parts of the coun­
so before he left the stand. There was
of a few politicians to turn the ty. Now that the city and county or­
no attempt at cross-examination.
“Graft” in Ship Building.
Agricultural College into a political ganizations have all gone through the
Hearing to be Resumed.
machine shop?
preliminary stages, they will find the
The chairman proposed that the
This will give some idea of the
work much more rapidly and that
Secretary be given a rest, and it vir­
A non-partisan organization for I illamook county is going to turn out muddle and graft in building govern­
tually was agreed to recall him for
Oregon is now being agitated by a an unusually large amount of work ment ships:
further examination later, after the
few of the leaders in the Grange, considering the population of the
“During the nine months that Theo.
committee had completed its hearings
E. Ferris, of New York City, was
Farmers’ Union and Labor organiza­ county.
of officers of the medical corps, avia­
holding down the job of naval archi­
tions, no doubt with the intent, if
------ o------
tion section and other branches of the
Bro. Trombley has reduced "Hoov- tect of the Shipbuilding Board, he
possible, to dictate polices
in this
state. It seems to us that Oregon has erisin” down to a science. This is how "cleared up” not less than $170,100, of
While many things disclosed were
had so many freak parties and freak he works it. His paper is supposed to which $22,500 was salary paid by the impressive the committee was frankly
government; the remaining $147,600
legislation started by disgruntled pol­
amazed when told that the men of 32
iticians, that the people are not liable out on Saturday. He waits until the was "fees,” which Mr. Ferris collect­ National Guard and National Army
to bite at another new party, for Headlight is published on Thursday, ed he is to collect from shipyards or divisional camps are ready to go to­
party lines arc going to be drawn and then makes a “drive” on this of­ ship brokers who were building ships day at call.
fice swiping five or six columns for the Shipping Board.
closer the next few years.
When members wanted to know
from our forms. That is the reason
.All but $20,000 of these fees came why such things had not been given
The Dallas ltemizcr is a little rough why the Herald contains five or six from contracts placed with the Sloan publicity before, Mr. Baker spoke of
on Senator Chamberlain for the Dem­ columns of news that have already Shipyard Corporatiin at Seattle and the reluctance of military men to re­
ocratic newspaper, it says: “The dig­ appeared in the Headlight, and not­ Olympia; the $20,000 came from the veal their war plans, and quoted Ger­
nified (?) United States Senators withstanding that these news articles Jahncke Navagation
Company, of man remarks about America’s adver­
have started another battle of words. have taken considerable time to ob­ New Orleans.
tisement of hfr preparedness.
While harmless to themselves, this tain, Bro. Trombley has not the good
These facts and figures are taken
Exposure of Shortcomings Invited
kind of warfare is more deadly to tile grace to give us credit for them but from numerous letters and memoran­
Emphasizing that he was not there
boys in the trenches than German publishes them as original articles. da filed with the Senate commerce to defend himself or anybody else, the
committee by the Shipping Board.
Secretary urged the committee again
It was Senator Chamberlain who Tronilfley is overworking it, for peo­
and again to lay bare any shortcom­
was one of the “dignified senators,’ ple don't want to read stale second­
ings or failures of the department that
Peculiar Marriage Contract.
who started the battle of words. And hand news that have already appeared
it might be corrected.
he appears to be getting a good ileal in the Headlight three days previous.
------ o— —
Thomas Gordon, who recently ad­
of praise for doing so.
l b«' death of ex-Senator Charles W. vertised for a wife on the impetus
Instead of so much preaching and Fulton is a loss to Oregon, but bis that as soon as he could display a
free newspaper advice about conser­ friends will always have a word of marriage license he would receive
vation of flour, sugar, etc., which have praise for him. It is a fact, however, $150,000 from a relative in Europe, is
caused people to buy and store it in that the people of Oregon did not now in line for the money. He was
their homes, it seems to 11s that it treat him right, and, no doubt, he felt married Wednesday afternoon to Mrs.
would be more sensible to start a the same thing. He was representing Deila Morris of this city by Rev. G.
campaign to grow more wheat and Oregon in the United States Senate E. W illiams of the Christian church.
other things,
the enormous asd bad become a national character Both participants are 40 years of age.
A contract was signed by which the
amount of unproductive land in Ore­ when that muckrakcr Francis Hcnev
gon could be made to provide food did his best to implicate Charley in couple would go 50-50. Should any
for hundreds of thousands of persons. the land frauds, but being unable to disagreement arise the wife w ill h ,ve
What is wanted to win the war is in­ do so Henev set about to abuse and a right to half of the fortune. E. P.
creased production, and this is where vilify the Oregon Statesman when­ Jeck, Mrs. Jeck and Francis Morris
•an effort should be made right now.
ever he had an opportunity, with the acted a • w itnesses. So far as is known
——... -o...
result that the people flopped over. the collide will make their home in
Don’t kick about the road between Hcneyism
Fulton Bend. A copy of the marriage license
this city and Clover«'; lc being in bad when he sought re-election. It was a has been sent to Europe, ami the ar­
shape. I’herc is only one solution. dirty deal that he received at the rival of the money is expected at an
That is a hard surfaced road between hands of Heney, and the pcopl«' of early date.— Bend Press.
the two pl ci s, M lint1 nance •; eating Oregon did him an injustice when
up a whole lot of money and the way they defeated him, as well as deprived
to put a stop to that is to hard surface < tregon of an honorable and upright Starts Non-Partisan Movement.
It is ’>ot only economy to do so but gentleman. Fortunately, muck raking
Immediate organization of a non­
with the large increase of travel it ran its course, but Mr. Fulton was a
is a w;.Ste of money to keep on dump­ victim to the dirty methods that were partisan league in this state was de­
ing money into roads that should be used to deprive a man of his character cided upon at an executive meeting I
of between 30 and 40 members of the
hard surfae d. And the way to obtain ami standing in tin' community.
Stanfield, Umatilla County
State Federation of Labor, the Grange
a large . mount of hardsurfaced roail
is to bond the county.
Republican candidate
ator Chamberlain in his attack on W hether the propose«! organization
The editor of this paper is in favor Secretary of W ar Baker and this is
Non-Partisan League or shall merely , man who believes in the development
of bonding the city for more than has
“Alter having taken at its face val­ be pattcrcned alter the North Dakota
been proposed to improve the city
of Oregon’s opportunities.
all that Mr. Baker says, it is im­ League was left to a special commit­
streets. Let us get enough to finish
If you have not received <
more than one street for it is good
of th«- grange. Hector Macpherson of
streets that we must have to encour­ his job is too big for him. It is a job
of my principle w
age the building up of our town.— for a big man who forms a broad and
I. Stack, secretary State Federation Stanfield.
Wheeler Reporter.
of labor; J. A. Smith of the Farmers’
How funny! When the bond issue to do. who quickly conceives how it
R N. Stanfi, Id
was up for
a hard-surfaced road must be done and who has driving Union and C. L. McKenna, of Port­
through the county, the Wheeler
This committc was also constitute«!
Reporter opposed it. The same argu­ a day or of any motion. Mr. Baker is
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Editorial Snap Shots.
, We invite you to read the poster
which we have signed and placed in our
window thereby making us a part of
the National Food Administration. The
order has been issued that for even­
pound of wheat flour of*any kind that
the consumer Ij.dxs'he must buy with it
one pound of substitute flour. How­
ever, this order has been modified for
Oregon so that the consumer must buv
but one pound of substitute flour for
every three pounds of wheat Hour he
We invite you to see our line of
substitute Hours; barley, rye and buck­
wheat Hour and ground oats. In addi­
tion to these: Corn meal, wheat hearts,
rolled oats, rice, corn starch and other
cereals count as substitutes.
C. O. & C. M. DAWSON,
2 Ave. E. and 4th St.
fl 1
i ii
A “THRIFTER” is one who has a bank account
and keeps it GROWING. The First National Bank
is a good place to carry either Savings of Checking
account—for it is convenient in facilities, progressive
in services and strong in foundation
A. W. Bunn. Farmer.
P. Heisel, Farmer.
C. J. Edwards. Mgr. C. Power Co J. C. Holden, Vice Pres.
B. C. Eamb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer.
W. ./. Riechers. Cashier.
This is to inform you that I have recently
purchased the insurance business formerly con­
ducted at the above address by the late Mr. J. S.
Stephens, under the name of J. S. Stephens &
Company, and represent all American Companies.
I trust that the former patrons of this office
will continue their business with me and I assure
them, as well as all others who may favor me with
their insurance.tliat I will give prompt attention
to their matters.
1 am fully equipped to take care of all lines of
insurance, including lire, life, live stock, automo­
bile fire and theft, surety bonds, plate glass, auto
liability, accident, etc., and will be glad to have
you confer with me for any information desired.
Respectfully yours.
I .
First Class Job Printing
at the Headlight Office