TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JANUARY 31 humor or stupidity ? do not believe it is due in large meas­ to emphasize their rum- ure to the suppression of facts commanded ber and hurtfulness. through the coercion of the German It does nothing without receiving Questionnaire Answers Funny- press. orders from the headquarters. Its edi­ Born ? Yes I—Aged ? No I— torial expressions have no other sig- Just Dream of Love. , nificance than those of a government­ Business ? Rotten ! al political speaking trumpet.— Spoke’ Well Known Legislator Seeks Turkish girls seem to prepare them­ i stnan Review. < From Salmon Herald) ---------------------- — We had thought that for downright ' selves for marriage in the absence of Nomination on Construc­ lovers. They are wooed by dreams perspicuity and conception of the fit- and sweet thoughts; their faces be­ CHARLES W. FULTON IS DEAD. tive Platform. ness of tilings Isaac Cohen's reputed come tender and their voices cooing | answers to the questionnaire had just during the period when their pare its 1 about swept the bakery.ln his replies are making inquiries for a suitable The Ex-Senator Passed Away in Basing bis appeal to th« voters of Jkie is said to have filed it in as fol­ husband for them. But it does seem a Oregon ou a comprehensive and con­ Portland on Sunday. structive platform, 8. B. Huston, of lows : pity that these pretty and charming Portland, has announced his candidacy Born? Answer, "Yes”. girls should never experience in any for the United States Senate, subject Aged? Answer, "No” degree that most deliglitiul process of Charles W'. Fulton, ex-United States to the result ot the Republican primar­ Business? Answer, "Rotten.” I courtship. Perhaps when they prominent ies. May 18. Mr. Huston began the .-emerge Senator troni Oregon, j ___ ---- .. ' . ... . But lkie has been distanced. The I into the freer lite that seemed pre pre- ­ -lawyer, and for many years an active practice of law at Hillsboro. Washing­ - until ■' the • war arrested _------1 r__ Ogdan Standard publishes one ! on pared ton County, where he labored success­ for •«- them iigure in the politics of the state, fully, and 11 years ago removed to Fred W ilmer, which is really one on progress that will be one of their • lied at 1:40 o’clock Sunday afternoon Portland to occupy a wider field. Since the questioning board, and it leaves gains.—Exchange. at his home t>80 W eidler street, Port- taking up his residence in Portland Ikey at the post. Charles Haman, , land, in the 05th year of his age-. Mr. Huston has been active in civic formerly 01 Salmon, sends the story 1 Death resulted from a complication affairs, and has been honored by his Increase in Cost of Living. to us, which, as clipped from the |ot ailments which confined him to fellow citizens in his political leader­ Standard is as follows: ship. His record in the Oregon State his home for nearly three months. About the last place one would look | According to the bureau oi labor Legislature shows Mr. Huston to be a Senator Fulton had not been phy ­ man of the people, and his vote on all for humor is in the lengthy question­ statistics of the Department of Labor, sically well for a number of weeks measures affecting the development ot naire, over which so many serious in the year from November 15, 1910 youths are now spending sleepless . to November 15, 1917 prices oi food pre-ceding Thanksgiving, but his won­ the state and the welfare of the work­ derful capacity for work kept him in ers has been recorded as favoring leg­ nights. This quiz is a serious and sol­ - as a w hole advanced 23 per cent. Po- his law office until early in November islation expressing the best social con­ emn matter to the average registrant, , tatoes is the only article that shows a science and broad vision of the future. | and this applies to a Salt Lake man, decline in price. Corn meal advanced when he was obliged to give up his In his platform Mr. Huston stands for: active career and seek professional Fred Wilmer, now living in San Fran­ 87 per cent; bacon, 62 per cent; pork Vigorous prosecution of the war un­ cisco, who yesterday sent his ques­ chops, 48 per cent; beans, 39 per cent, treatment. About this time he was til peace shall come with honor to the forced to lake to his bed and, al­ nation and an open way for democracy. tionnaire to the draft board No. 4. salmon, 38 per cent; milk 33 per cent; though at times his condition showed Laying the cost of the war upon the In one of the subdivisions of the and lard 27 per cent. indications of recuperating, he grad- interests best able to pay. When men questionnaire is the query. "Are you ....11.. ually /_'» failed »• in strength and his pass­ give their lives, wealth should be re­ Food as a whole was 48 per cent a citizen of the United States?” higher on November 15, 1917, than on ing was not unexpected for the last quired to give the one thing it Wilmer jotted down “Yes.” give, dollars. November 15, 1913, and 46 per cent I two weeks. But the adviser who helped Wil­ ¡higher than on November 15, 1914. W hen the end came Sunday after­ mer fill out the blank informed him -noon, Mrs. Fulton, who with one son, that a wire from the provost marshal 1 During the four-year period corn i Frederick C. Fulton, of Stanfield, meal advanced 127 per cent, flour 109 general directed that all the questions I per cent; lard, 104 per cent, bacon, 77 j I survive, Dr. William S. Knox, the in this scries be answered, regardless EGON per cent; sugar, 75 per cent, and po- I ' family physician, and a nurse, were at ques- of printed instructions on the ts to tatoes, 72 per cent. No article declin­ I the bedside. tionnaire to the contrary. In addition to the widow and son, ed in price. dale. Overlooked No Points. Mr. Fulton is survived by one sister, TES. Wilmer proceeded to answer tlieni Many People Sing Same Song. three brothers and four nephews. The as follows: sister, Mrs. Ida A. Haldennan, re­ Q.—W here and on what date were sides at Pawnee City, Neb. The three you born? A.—Lemhi, Idaho, January In many churches in Canada and brothers are Dr. J. A. Fulton and G. I 7, '«94- England the following song is sung at Clyde Fulton, an attorney, both of U—Oil what date and place did you the close of service. The music is the Astoria, and E. L. Fulton, also an at- arrive in this country? A—See above same as that of “My Country, ’Tis of itorney, of Oklahoma City, Ok. The answer. : Thee” and "God Save the King.” At , nephews all reside in Oregon. They Q—By what vessel or other means the First Congregational church in | are: G. W. and Frank Haldennan, of did you enter this country? A—did Walla Walla the verses are sung at 1 Portland, and A. C. Fulton, of Astor- not come by vessel. the close of every service: ia. L).—From what place did you come? i Senator Bom in Ohio. God bless our native land! .—Where all patriots come from, Firm may she ever stand, Charles William Fulton was born in y- Did you come to this country Through storm and night; Lima, Ohio, August ¿4, 1853, a son of with your parents? (state if you came When the wild tempests rave, Jacob and Eliza A. Fulton. The father wnil both, and if not both, which?) A Ruler of wind and wave was a carpenter by trade and a soldier — They were both here when 1 came. Do thou our country save of the Civil War, serving as Second y.—Has either of your parents been By thy great might. Lieutenant of a company in the 29th naturalized in the United States? A— Iowa Volunteer Infantry. Mr. Fulton, God bless our splendid men! No. 1 t Sr., had removed with his family Send them sate home again, S. B HUSTON y—Have you ever taken out first from Ohio to Harrison County, Iowa, God save our men, papers; if so, when and where? A.— , Making ample provision for the re­ in 1885, and it was there that the son Send them victorious, Did not need any. construction period which must follow began his education in the public the Patient and chivalrous, close of the war. y—Are you willing to return to schools, later continuing his studies They are so dear to us, your native country and enter its For tariff schedules based on the in the high school at Magnolia, the difference God save our men. in cost of labor at home military service? A—Yes. county seat, in 1870, when 17 years of and abroad. bo endeth the ordeal. age, he accompanied his parents on Making provision for free ports on Hell on the Water. their removal to Paw-nee City, Neb., the Panama Canal and at Honolulu Roosevelt’s Help Is Needed. j where he attended the local academy and Manila. Vice Admiral Sims appears to be the lor two years. This comprised the ex- Development of Alaska, both agricul­ turally and industrially. Congress Colonel Roosevelt has demonstrated right man in the right place. He evi­ . tent of his educational advantages. that he is preeminently the firm, dently knows what he wants when he : Upon leaving the academy Alr. should safeguard the mineral wealth the Territory, but the country should quick, comprehensive type of mind, of wants it. If he doesn’t think one of his 1 Fulton became a teacher and was of be opened to early development. limitless energy, and when an unerring subordinates is the exact man for the : connected with the district schools, Development of latent water power sense of the practical. He is precisely job no considerations of professional I devoting his leisure hours to the study in Oregon. The needs of the times tin sort of a man required by the na­ or departmental courtesy keep him of law-. He was admitted to the bar in call for constructive work along this tion to grapple with some of the front acting on that conviction. April, 1875, and a lew days later left line, under the leadership of Congress. The favorable estimate of Sims both his Nebraska home for Oregon arriv­ problems lliai now confront us. He Making the basic eight-hour work works to best advantage in the pio­ by the navy department and by the ing in Portland on the 20th of the day in mills, factories and mines com­ neer, constructive field and shouud naval authorities of our allies is con­ same month, an utter stranger, and pulsory by national legislation. This prove a great power in mobolizing firmed by reports from an entirely dif­ with but little money. His only suit would give western lumber mills a fair chance to compete with the system of the resources of the country. He lias ferent source. Recently the editor of of clothes was the one he wore. He long hours and low wages in the South. demonstrated his ability to the utmost the Herald was talking to a newspa­ did not know one person in Portland Development of waterways ts sup­ per man just returned from the scene to stimulate those working under him. or on the Pacific Coast. He believed, plement the reorganised railway sys­ Consider what the leadership of of hostilities. Sims was mcntioned. however, that success awaited him in tem of the country. Roosevelt might accomplish in the Whereupon the returned pilgrim ob- return for earnest, honest, effort. Broadening the federal rural credits task of awakening shipyard workers served that “he (Sims) is a bad actor law sufficiently to make its benefits Outlook Rather Dubious. concerned. applicable to conditions in Oregon, tn to the importance of their work, says as far as newspapers arc Flaving just been admitted to the an effort to aid in land development the Washington Post. It is a mistake He won’t let correspondents go out practice of law, Mr. Fulton applied Federal aid for the construction of to consider that a labor problem, in on the destroyers to tell the home the ordinary sense of the term. It is folks just how our boys are living and unsuccessfully to every law office 1.1 good roads, particularly as a measure relief for labor conditions following nut adjustment of labor conditions what they are doing. He hasn’t any the city for a clerkship, but became of the war. that is required, but the injection of use for journalists and says so. But discouraged with the prospect and Support for the shipbuilding indus­ enthusiasm and patriotism in the he’s hell on the water. And the boche went to Albany, where he formed the try of the Columbia river district. The acquaintance of J. K. W eatherford, workers. They have no conception of has had several • bitter tastes of the Industry must be made permanent. Yankee afloat and is probably wond­ then County School Superintendent the vital nature of their daily toil. Stop Federal discrimination against He told Mr. Fulton of a school at Colonel Roosevelt could set the fires ering if we're as bad on land as on Waterloo, 18 miles front Albany, Oregon. of patriotism ablaze among the na­ sea.” Support of work along ths Columbia tion’s workers if he were called upon. Bully for Sims! He’s setting a mark which he believed he might secure. river to maintain a 40-foot channel to That afternoon Mr Fulton walked the sea and Improvement of barbore The country would applaud if the for the landlubbers to shoot at. We to Waterloo and obtained the position and rivers. president should commandeer the rather fancy they’ll hit it when it He walked back to Albany the follow­ Amendment of the federal constitu­ colonel's brains and energies. At this comes their turn to give the Germans ing day, sold his watch fot suffii ient tion to provide for universal suffrage. critical stage he could serve wonder­ a taste of their quality. money with which to pay for his cer­ Support of national prohibition. fully in some particular field of con­ tificate and, after successfully passing structive work. The German Newspapers. the required teacher's examination, returned to W aterloo and took charge Prince Von Hohenlohe Is Sane. The German press is as much a of the school. In July of the following part of the German army as the Ger­ year he went to Astoria and entered of Brick and Stone. All Fire W henever a man of position and re- man school, the German industry, upon the practice of law. He came to Places absolutely guaranteed | puliation in Germany shows a -dispo- the German bank and the German Portland in March, 1909, and soon not to smoke or money re- I sition to treat facts frankly to drop church. This fact appears from cap­ afterwards formed a law partnership funded. misrepresentation, to abandon prog- tured copies of secret telegrams dis­ with Jay Bowerman, ex-Govcrnor of Brick work of all kinds done matisni and to face things as they are, patched to the Teuton papers by the the state, with whom he was associat­ on short notice. the world has a little reason for en­ official censor and published by the ed until his death. We make a specialty of re­ pairing smoking Fire Places. couragement. Young Lawyer Marries. state department of our government. Prince Hohenlihe, at least, is sane. Germany not only dictates what the On September 5, 1878, .Mr. Fulton In a communication to a Zurich news­ press must not print, but what it must married Miss Ada M. Hobson, a na­ paper he sets forth the notion that print; not only instructs it as to its tive of Clatsop County, and daughter President Wilson’s message "can be­ policy about news in general, but as of John Hobson one of the state’s come a way towards peace,” but adds to that about individual occurrences; 1 pioneers. TILLAMOOK ORE that "it will be necessary that the not only forbids expression of certain German people disengage itself from opinions, but states what opinions to Announcement. the fixed idea that America entered utter. jibe war only for selfish and material The stamp of the government is I wish to announce that I have interests.” His own view is that Pres­ impressed upon the minutest matters. recently taken over the fire insurance ident Wilson, in declaring war on. No sooner does an incident occur, bustness oi the late Mr. J. S. Steph­ H. T. Botte. Attorney Germany “followed the pressure of such as an explosion at a railway sta­ at-I.aw ¡the overwhelming majority of the tion, a fire in a hanger, or outbreaks ens and am prepared to give prompt John Leland Henderaon. Sec­ American people, and that every at Koeningsberg or Prague, than the attention to all insurance matters. W. A. Church. retary Treat«., Attorney at- American soldier sailing for Europe censor telegraphs permission or pro­ I. aw and N'otrary Public. •■g' " - in the firm conviction that he is hibits of the publication of such news. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. glt> tiel-.t for the threatened freedom As to the people’s utterances of opin­ ------o------ *^Band justice of the world.” Tillamook Title and i ion from time to time the procedure This is not only one of the best and 1 !.0 - the truth. Hohenlohe is not is the same, only more so. most efficient medicines for coughs, Abstract Co. ■saying that this country is wrong. He I Do independent r______ socialists ‘ " issue a colds and croup, but is also pleasant i ■is waiving that question. He is merely 1 manifesto? Abstracts Real Estate. ___ t. It may Hr be published pro­ and safe to take, which is important ■owning that Americans sincerely be- vided the paper comment upon it ad­ when medicine must be given to Insurance. ■lievcs Germany to be . ... . u by the »uo-lj children. ___ —, Many ______ mothers have given it Both Phones. w wrong. Wiuug. If a" versely. ■Germans believed this press sub is ­ Sale Lamar's Drug Store. —For 'ernians nearer believed this peace peace would ) ( Are Are the the losses losses in inflicted by the their by unqualified endorsement. TILLAMOOK —O It EGOV |b< than •>e much much _ g it • is. rt That they ' marine not satisfying J he P WOULD SERVE OREGON AS U. S. SENATOR Men Serving the Colors TTTE offer free our Safe Deposit service to men in 1 1 the training camps or al the front. Before , J leaving home, every man should bring his valuables or important papers, keepaaki s, cor­ respondence and other precious possessions to this Bank and we will arrange the space for keeping them safe during the owner's absence without charge. There is always danger of loss, when valuables are kept at home. DEPOSITS OF MOSEY ARE ACCEPT ED BY MAIL: AND .MEN IN THE SERVICE ARE INl lTED TO SEND DEPOSITS UY MONEY ORDER. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK I ^EXCELLED ON WEST COAST OF I i 1 la 11100k« L i RIVIB-SCHRMDER co WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CEMENT LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND SMITHING COAL. Warehouse ami.Office Cor. Front ami 3rd A CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND For disenfecting where Contagious or infectious diseases are prevailing. CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ ful Germicidal mixture and by its use will improve general stable conditions. C. I. CLOUGH CO RELIABLE DRUGGISTS. ALEX. MeNflIR & GO GENERAL HflRDCLlflRE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere “Splendid Lubricating Qualities PAIGE Mt Kinntv-Cord Motor Co. , Phoenit “we cannot apeak too highly of the splendid lubricating quali­ ties of Zerolene.” WINTON The Winton Co., San Franctiro “We use Zerolene extensively. It is giving entire satisfaction.” CHEVROLET FORD J W.L™ vitt (jf Co , ¡ xh Angrlrs Fahy - Atfrrbtjry Salta Co , Lot “Zerolene is our choice for Angrir* -“settled on Zero­ lene after extensive te*(x.” Chevrolet cars.” ZEROLENE 7%e Standard Oil for Motor Car Endorsed by Leading Car Distributors —because the records of their aervice department« that e record« of their service depi........ . «how ....... ...... »rrectly Zerolene, cot , refined from California asphalt lm*e crude, gives perfect lubrication — It wear, mora power, least carbon deposit.” Dtalrrt ewowhett and al i, r • STANDARD Oll. COMPANY huait i r-.,... ... i... i... i espe- p. •