CIRCUIT COURT ON MONDAY. ------o---- - 13 Mismated Couple Want to be Freed from Matrimonial Contracts -Large Number .Sue for Money. — respects Ing wor< cubs la s plane t Register - The n soldiers or criti di to iganti' both o liverjr Event improi mail | cause the p energ of o there' ■ muni home home there Newt O hwi Pierce run th i Covert : jjo it. or 01 objec aup ough maint the p< capee attem cornil it I h «Mine or in ■nsk * antl< tain for gon Tan o------ e John Theiler plaintiff, vs. Getchell and Marie Getchell defend­ ants, Action for money. O. E. Gulstrom plaintiff vs. Arthur Holden and Ethel Holden defendants. Action tor money. Roy Main plaintiff, vs. Howard Brooks defendant. Action for money. • In the matter of the petitions of t Fred Rohrbach, John Slakes, Clemens 1 Rust, Charles Joseph Mobile* and I Albert Boon, Aliens, to become citi- • 1 zens of the United States of Ameri- PROPOSED COAST ■ -o HIGHWAY. ■ For Military Defense ol Pacific Cost-Tillamook County In­ cluded in the Project. —0— Why Pay More for your Smoking and Chewing Tobacco or Cigars. Good Havana Cigars—5c. Each. SMOKING TOBACCO: ! Portland, Ore., Jan. 21, 1918. The February term of the Circuit ; Secy. Commercial Club, ■Court will be held next Monday, with Tillamook, Oregon. Judge Geo. ~ R. ~ Bagley presiding on I Dear Sir.—In today's mail 1 am the bench. ■ forwarding you a pamphlet and map There are two personshcld over to ; issued by the Pacific Coast Defense i the grand jury. Frances Buckles, 1 c*‘ 10c. a Can. W. G. Dwight plaintiff, vs. M. H. . ! League, which, 1 believe, will appeal Prince Albert charged with assault with a denger- I very strongly to your organization. Dennis and L. M. Dennis, wife and 10c. ous w:apon, and Ed Pietela, charged » » Texedo t May I request that you call the at­ with burglary, having broken into and husband, A. A. Arstill and Theresa tention of your Commercial Club to 10c. » * Velvet - stole a number of th'ngs from a store Arstill, husband and wife, and F. R. i the work of the Pacific Coast Defense 10c. a Package. Beals defendants. Foreclosure of Union^Leader - at Beaver. League, and that you display the map mortgage. For confirmation. 65c. » 9 Pedro, 16 oz. in a conspicuous place tn your Club’s J. Tone plaintiff, vs. Tillamook S. B. Vincent, as receiver, et al, 60c. > f Dixie Queen, 14 oz. ’ rooms? Hotel Company defendant. Action for plaintiffs, vs. Pearl Alkire, et al., de- Mr. W. G. Patton, our field repre­ 65c. money. 9 9 Gold Shoe, 16 oz. - fendants. To quiet title.. sentative, may have already called on The Henry D. Davis Lumber Co., 60c- Petterson Seal, 14 oz. 9 9 Merchants National Bank, a cor- you and explained in detail to your a corporation, plantiff, vs. A. F. 60c. poration, plaintiff, vs. Walter A. Goss ; members just what the Pacific Coast » » Union Leader, 16 oz. Coats Lumber Co., a corporation, iet I al., defendants. Foreclosure of Defense League is trying to accom­ defendant. Damages. For judgment ' mortgage. For confirmation. plish. If he has not already done so, entry on mandate. W. Roenicke plaintiff, vs. John A. either he or some officer of the league Santa Cruz Portland Cement Co, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. Bay City, Ward and John R. Miller defendants. will visit you in the near future and, 10c. a Cut. 60c. pound. Star Oregon, a municipal corporation. W. Foreclosure of tax lien. For confir­ if agreeable, address your members upon the subject. H. Gilmore and J. C. McClure, de- mation. 10c. a Cut. 60c. f f Horse Shoe - We believe that we have the biggest xxlllld a 111I11 I / Anna I\Ul£vI3 Rutgers ¿21 plaintiff, vs. Derk fendants. Action for money. - 10c. a Cut. 60c. 9 9 Climax - proposition that has ever been at ­ I Rutgers defendant. Divorce. Mrs. H. E. Best plaintiff vs. Alfred 60c. Spear Head • 10c. a Cut. 99 Mortgage Company for America, a tempted on the Pacific Coast and that Johnson defendant. Action for money. corporation, plaintiff vs. Frank W. there is no possible argument against 5c. a Package. Tigar E. E. Colcstock plaintiff, vs. H. Crane, et al., defendants. Foreclosure it. If you will study the map wou will C renshaw defendant. Transcript from at a glance, realize that this System of mortgage. For confirmation. 3rd Justice District. of Military Highways, as suggested Tillamook County Bank and Wes­ on the map, is really the greatest 1 . D. Small and D. C. Urie, partners doing business under the firm name ley G. Day plaintiffs, vs. E. D. Sev­ means of defense for the Pacific of Tillamook Ice and Cold Storage erance, et al., defendant. Foreclosure Coast. We do not claim that these Company, plaintiffs, vs. H. B. Spen­ of mortgage. For confirmation. highways are located in the proper Security Savings & Trust Co., a place, but it was necessary for us to cer and E. E. Parker defendants. corporation, plaintiff, vs. James Wal­ make some kind of a suggestion and Action for money. King-Crenshaw Hardware Co. plain­ ton Jr., et al., defendants. Foreclosure this map embodies this suggestion The tentative locations was decided tiff, vs. F. L. Sappington defendont. of mortgage, For confirmation. Minnie M. Hartin plaintiff, vs. Jos­ The tentatcivc locations was decided not occurred to many, but it is really OBERT H. McGRATH, £)R. J. G. TURNER, Action for money. For confirmation. upon after exhaustive study and val­ a vital and serious problem for our Fredk. H. Wheeler plaintiff, vs. C. eph Martin defendant. Divorce. COUNSELLOR-AT LAW, Citizens Bank, a corporation, plain- uable assistance from the Highways government to solve; and, if it is go­ C. Byers defendant. Action for money EYE SPECIALIST. I tiff, vs. J. T. Alexander, et al., defend­ Commissions of the States of Oregon, ing to be necessary for our govern­ ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDING, J. \\ . Maddux plaintiff, vs. F. C. , PORTLAND — OREGON ants. Foreclosure of mortgage. For Washington and California. We are ment to support these men at the Feldschau defendant. Action for moil- I confirmation. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. only suggesting these routes, leaving conclusion of the war; until such time Regular Monthly Visits to E. J. Claussen plaintiff, vs. Thomas it to the United States Engineers to as they may be able to find positions Ju the matter of the petition oil Coates, as administrator of the Estate make a definite location in accordance in the various commercial and indus­ P orti ano O ffice : Tillamook and Cloverdale. Frank Barnes, an alien, to become a of William J. West, deceased, defend­ with their own ideas. WATCH PAPE» FOR HATES. trial lines to which they were accus­ 1110 W ilcox B ld . citizen of the United States of Ameri­ ant. Foreclosure of mortgage. For We fully realize that this is not th< c tomed before the war; is it not wise ca. time to attempt to build these high for our government to furnish a J-^AVID ROBINSON, M.D.. confirmation. ways and we do not ask the govern means of employment for them prior In the matter of the petitions of Thornton B. Turney plaintiff, vs. Nels Olaf Glad, an alien, and Peter John W. Bell and Anna Bell defend­ ment to construct them at this lime. to the sessation of hostilities; and PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Our first duty is to the present strug­ Schranze, an Alien to become citizens ants. Foreclosure of mortgage. For gle and all our energies and recources at the same time, give to this Pacific of the United States of America. Coast a muchly needed protection for NATIONAL BUILDING, confirmation. should be devoted to pushing this war its vast resources; for those resources t. F. Stone plaintiff, vs. Fred C. ! Laura I. Leach plaintiff, vs. G. E. to a successful conclusion. We do, upon which our government finds it TILLAMOOK OREGON. Feldschau defendant. Action for mon-; Leach defendant. Divorce. however, ask the United States Gov­ necessary to so largely depend in the ey. State of Oregon, ex rei Willie R. ernment to adapt an adequate System present war. If for no other reason, T. HOI 13 Sarah McMillan plaintiff, vs. James Owens plaintiff, vs. Philadelphia Ann of Military Highways on the Pacific our government certainly should give Langley defendant. Action for money. Coast, as a means of defense, and to the Pacific Coast adequate protection, Owens defendant. Contempt. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, E. P. Newcomb, and B. F. Riggle, Colin W. Cottam plaintiff, vs. J. E. appropriate sufficient money to make for it is the only place that can pro­ Complete Set of Abstract. Boeks in Jr., plaintiffs and respondents, vs. Sullivan, et al, defendant. To quiet necessary surveys, permanent loca­ Office. 1 duce the long and large timbers for Solon Schiffmann. Action for money. tions and estimates of cost of con­ the shipbuilding program of the gov­ 1 title. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. Appeal from Justice Court. struction, so that by the time the «ar ernment and because the government W. Elliott plaintiff, vs. T illamook B lock , Smith is ended, the United States Govern­ is obliged to rely entirely upon the State of Oregon plaintiff, vs. L. Tillamook County, Oregon, et al, Tillamook ... - Oregon DONE RIGHT Gruttner, Bertha Gcachter, Theodore ment will have definitely decided up ­ defendant, Injunction. For judgment on its plan of procedure and can then forests of the Pacific Coast for its fir, Both Phones. Gacchter, John Gacchter and Fred spruce and white cedar for aeroplane entry on mandate. at immediately start construction of stock. Maroh defendants. Condemnation. J KLAND K ERWIN Edna Hill plaintiff vs. W. H. Hill these Military Defense Highways. The Pacific Coast is not only fur­ J. Knowles and E. E. Hough plain­ Defendant. Divorce. RIGHT PRICES. By the time the war is over, the nishing the articles above mentioned, tiffs, vs. A. Neff and Alfred Alarolf PIANO INSTRUCTION, In the matter of the estate of C. B. United States will have no less than but it is contributing in tremendous Defendants. Action (or money. Diploma from Chicago Musical Hadley, deceased. Oak Nolan, appel­ - two million men in arms and prob­ proportions to the food supply of the J. W. Maddux plaintiff vs. F. C. lant. Appeal from County Court. ably a much greater number; the nation and the Allies; and, it is con­ College.—Beginners receive the same Feldschau defendant. Action for Lee McCracken plaintiff, vs. Bay number depending entirely upon the tributing as fine a lot of red blooded, careful training as the most advanced money. Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ City Land Company, a corporation, , duration of the war, the longer it healthy, patriotic men as can be found G. W. Gates and Company plaintiff, defendant. Rescission. lasts the greater number of men in in any community on earth. tion. vs. A. F. Coat* Lumber Company All lessons given at Studio. The Pacific Coast Defense League Isabella Bellingham plaintiff* vs. the army. This will draw a great defendant. Action for money. County Representative for the Adam Bellingham defendant. Divorce. number of men from commercial and requests the endorsement of your industrial activities and will, of course Commercial Club for an adequate Wiley B. Allen Co.s’ line of high rum Hiatt plaintiff, vs. Solon Edith McClure plaintiff, vs. J. C. A medicine which has entirely disrupt the commercial and system of military Highways on the grade pianos, pla/er-paonos, Victro’or Schiffmann. Action for money. McClure defendant. Divorce. given satisfaction to its industrial status of the country . Na­ Pacific Coast as advocated bjx it. Will etc. J. M. Traxler plaintiff, vs. L. B. D. | John A. Nelson, guardian for John tional endeavor will have been con- you please call a meeting of your users for over 40 years, Ivancovich and N. A. Ivaucovich de­ c - hawk . Larsen, non compis mentis, plaintiff, centrated upon the production and members and, after passing such as Cardui has, must be a fendants. Action for money. vs. Frank Holmes, Webster Holmes, manufacture of these particular arti­ good medicine. If you Jack Fendall plaintiff, vs. C. L. et al., defendants. Foreclosure of cles which are necessary to carry on resolution, forward a certified copy of suffer from female il.e same to the Secretary in Seattle, Cornell defendant. Action for money. mortgage. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. the war. troubles, and need a reli­ Washington; and will you write to W. B. Alderman plaintiff, vs. John Sant Weil plaintiff, vs. Sadie Weil To plunge this country from a peace your Senators and members of Con­ Bay City - - - - Oregon able, strengthening tonic, Feldschau and Anna Feldschau de­ defendant. Divorce. loving nation of industrial producers, gress, asking them to support the bills of real medicinal value, iciidants. Action for money. to a patriotic nation concentrating all which will soon be introduced in Con­ J OHN LELAND HENDERSON Joseph R. Thompson plaintiff, vs. as proven by the experi­ M. W. Harrison plaintiff, vs. Ore- ! Nema Thompson defendant. Divorce. its efforts to supplying and producing gress for this system of tin ence of thousands o( Ot gon Box & Manufacturing Co, a cor- ■ the necessities of war, will not be dei ATTORNEY L. Bettman plaintiff, vs. Carl E. anywhere near as great a change as Highways. women users, poration, defendants. Action for mon- to The writer will appreciate a reply Emery and E. N. Emery defendants. changing this nation back AND to its advising of the action taken by your I cy. TAKE Foreclosure of mortgage. original position; that of a nation de­ members. Ro COUNSELLOR AT-LAW Raphael W nil & Company, a cor- | Evan W. Petty plaintiff, vs. Abbie voted to peace and contented to de­ tas Very respectfully submitted, poration, defendants, vs. John K. ’ T illamook B lock , vote all its energies to producing and to L. J. Simpson, Filler defendant. Action for money, j Petty defendant. Divorce. Tillamook - - - • Oregon Mabie McDonald plaintiff, vs. manufacturing the necessities of the the Pres. Pacific Coast Defense League. ROOM NO; 261. I d. Kellow plaintiff, vs. F. C. Di- commercial world. For immediately James A. McDonald defendant. to Feldschau and John Erickson defend- ’ upon declaration of peace, there will the vorcc. ^ARL HABERLACH, ants. Action for money. not I Casper Amacher plaintiff, vs. E. C. be thrown back upon the nation, with­ Surveying the Grand Ronde Road Arthur E. Holden and Ether Holden tha Monnich, et al., defendants. Fore- out employment, an army of wo mil­ ATTORNEY-AT LAW. —1—0— husband and wife, plaintiffs, vs O. E. lion or more men, and the t isk of Mr». C. S. Budd, of enti 1 closure of mortgage. With a crew of surveyors at work, Gulstrom defendant. Appeal from Covina, Calif., in writing securing immediate employment for T illamook B eock woi W. G. Dwight plaintiff, vs. J. A. of her experience with Justice Court, 2nd Justice District. that great number of men, is one of headed by Mr. Eddy, of Salem, sur­ the . Brant, et al, defendant. Foreclosure veying the famous Grand Ronde road Cardui, says: “ 1 took a Tillamook Oregon tremendous difficulty and will bring Rudolph Zwcifc! plaintiff, vs. J. W. C< bottle at 13 years old, and the Government face to face with a the people in the vicinity and at Little Shortridge and Fila llimple defend­ of mortgage. of ] it cured my headaches. Nestucca are highly elated that the M. W. Harrison plaintiff, vs. Chas. problem fully as difficult to solve as W EBSTER HOLMES. ants. Action for money. 1 have taken it since mar­ tion F. Haas, W. F. Wollitz, et al defend­ was that of preparing the same army long delay in the improvement of the riage, and received much Harris-Ammer Furniture Co, a cor­ The condition of the Grand Ronde road is ants. Foreclosure of mortgage. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW help horn it. Cardui is to enter the present conflict. poration, plaintiff, vs. Joe Blaser and pres the best medicine I ever Guy A. Richards plaintiff, vs. Min­ COMMERCIAL BUILDING, The producing, manufacturing and to end. There is $40.000 available to colo Margaret Blaser defendant*. Action took ... It was the only be used on the road if conditions per­ nie Z. Richards defendant. Divorce. industrial conditions of peace times, FIRST STREET. for motley. criti medicine ... that helped mit. W ith the construction of eight F. M. Dunn plaintiff, vs. Ncata F. will not immediately follow the end my bacx... “ Try Cardui. TILLAMOOK. . OREGON fully W . J. Stephens plaintiff, vs. Leopold miles through the Grand Ronde res ­ of the war, and it is safe to presume strui Blaser defendant. Action for money. Dunn defendant. Divorce. All Druggists that when the war docs end, it will ervation connecting with the Sour 0R. L. L. HOY Donald L. Schofield plaintiff, vs. Grass road, one of the best roads in A. G. Beals plaintiff, vs. 1.conard end quickly and without very great EBI3 M cC orinick defendant, Action for Ethel Schofield defendant. Divorce. previous warning. It will take time, the country will be available for au­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON tos coming from the eastern part of money. and a great deal of time, in which to DON’T WAIT. R. T. Boats plaintiff, vs. W. H. readjust the commercial and indus­ the state to the coast any time of the T illamook B lock , ----- 0 — pulia Sales and Ethel Sales defendants. Take Advantage of an Astoria Citi­ trial activities of the nation , and it year.—News Reporter. sitioi Tillamook, Action for money. will be absolutely impossible for our zen's Experience. Oregon, niisri When the back begins to ache, Government to find employment for Notice of Call of Tillamook City Im­ Bay City Logging Company plain­ mali; rp H GOY NE, tiff, vs. E. B. Wickhant defendant. I Don’t wait until backache becomes this great army of men immediately provement Bonds for Payment. thè i i chronic; alter the war is over. While employ­ Action for money. ’Till kidney troubles develop; cour; ATTORNEY- AT-L A W. ment is being found for them and Improvement bonds of Tillamook Webster Holmes, as Trustee of Till urinary troubles destroy night s during the necessary time which it It/a’ City are hereby called for payment on Office: O pposite C ourt H ouse , Lyster Brothers and J< linings, bank­ rest. will take to readjust the commercial iatercst paying dates their respective Profit by an Astroia residents ex­ rupt, plaintiffs, vs. Fred Burton and I papei Tillamook . Oregon. Geo. W. Kiger defendants. Action for perience. , and industrial conditions of the coun­ as follows: Presi try, these men must either be sup ­ Mrs. Mary E. Morrison, 595 Grand Nos. I and 2 for $500.00 and$3i7.9i money. come Ave., Astoria, Oregon., says: “At ported by the government, or wc will dated Feb. 3, 1913, payable Feb. 3, p> T. BOALS, M.D., School District No. 56, of Tilla­ times my back was so weak and sore have on every hand, soup kitchens that mook County, Oregon, plaintiff, vs. that I could hardly get around. When and bread lines, with its accompany­ 1918. Gvrm Nos. 3 and 5, for $400.00 and $466.34 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Corwin C. Byers and National Surety 1 bent over to do anything or sat in ing privations and suffering. thè fi dated March 17, ¡913, payable March, Company defendants. Action tor mon­ one position very long, it was all 1 Waterproof thè w Surgeon S. P. Co. \\ hat a splendid opportunity will could do to straighten up. My kid­ be offered by solving this difficulty 17, 1918. Absolutely- intere ey . (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Nos. 1, 2, and 3, for $500.0«. $50000 Rudolph Zwcifcl plaintiff, vs J. W. neys were also more or less out of 1 if wc can persuade the government to and $66.62, dated April 2, to>6. t ident Tillamook .... Oregon. It’s loose fit and $ order during this trouble with my Shortridge defendant. Action for re­ back. After 1 had taken two boxes of adopt these military highways, as a able Feb. 19, 1918. Gerin thè < feel put you at ease plevin. Doan's Kidney Pills, my back felt means of defense for the Pacific Nos. 4t to 56 inclusive of i««tt«- da’ d Î E. REEDY, D.V M., Chas. Ray plaintiff, vs. F. C. Feld­ strong in every way and I was able to Coast, and immediately after the Oct. to, 1916, total of bomb.< ’ any job that turns up Ameri A me ri declaration of peace, set to work on $1641.50, payable April to. 1018. get about as well as ever.” <-> * schau defendant. Action for money. SATISFACTION Price 60c. at all dealers. Don ’ t goes i these highways, whatever nten of the Interest will cease on the respcrCve VETERINARY. ’ Claude Meinccke, and Phillip S. simply ask for a kidney remedy—get to figl GUARANTEED I Seabrook, doing business as Meinccke Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that army that arc unable to find employ­ interest payment date* hove stated. Both Phones. A J TOW» CO BOSTON Kn* -on, A Seabrook, plaintiffs, vs. T. H. Mrs. Morrison had. Foster-Milburn ment elsewhere. The condition out­ -J - lined above is one that probably has r.asurir. Tillamook; |- Ciovnc defendant. Action for money. Co.. Props., Buffalo, N. Y. • Oregon. saying is waii ownini lievi s 1 ' pa. 1»« mu< CHE WING TO BA CCO : Buy your Tobacco from us and save Money. Have Your House Wiring Done by Coast poWerCo. ; Card-iH I The Woman’s Tonic Ì S^T/TOWERS FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER yard.