« I anwk I • « : / I f TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Itaölialjt. » JANCAKY 31. 191K |i.$o PER YEAR. I TILLAMOOK VOLUNTEER DIES RED CROSS NEWS ITEMS. and sewing tray cloths, napkins, wash at the M. F. Church. Study hour f . ni Ray A Cc. will pay you for your 5c. * I | cloths and abdominal bands, some of 7:30 to 9.00 p.m., Mondays, Tuesday«. Tillamook Jottings sacks, No. 1 sacks 9c., No. 2 sk. the members not being present at Thursdays and Fridays. Tuition five wi-11— — ——1- n.MHAl- M.V... TP®. Civcp __ ____ For sale, five heifers coming _ two Perry Gray, oi Blaine, First Tiila- Tillamook Branch Makes Its First cither of the meetings. We are sorry dollars a month. year old next ...... spring. Apply to An- I not more of the members cotne as the For further information call me at , Shipment oi mook Boy to Pass Away in Army. of Articles. W. A. Wise, dentist. Red Cross certainly needs ..11 the help Mrs. Martiny's, both phones. drew Vetsch, Mutual Phone. Clough that can be given. Yours for service. Hoofror Remedy at c. I. Miss Dick has returned from her Perry Gray, son of L. P. Gray, of Mrs. C. J. Edwards and Mrs. A. C. A "give and buy” sale was spoken G. C. Summers. work, vacation and has resumed her Co. musicals will be given Blaine, is the rirst Tillamook boy to Everson, president and secretary of 1 of at a meeting, this means someone pay toe. In the future, will Lamb-Schrader Co. * at which Miss Dick’ will give lectures give up his life on account oi the war. the Tillamook Branch oi the Red has something to s ill and when sonie- TILLAMÖOTTTUGH WINS. each for good sacks. in story from the different compos- He volunteered last September and Cross, left this morning for Portland, one wants to buy it the funds go to * joined Company E, 44th Regiment, at where they will submit a financial the Red Cross. Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, ers. * Camp Lewis, where hc has been ill statement of the recent Red Cross We hope more ¡1 come to ou Cloverdale, Ore. Obtains Unanimous DecisionOver ike Quick butchered a hog last training. He has a brother, Ed. Gray, drive in this county, when $3,000.00 meetings and "do for less. Kuppenbender s.Tic feed Beaverton in H.S. Debate. ♦ week that weighed <>34 pounds, being in 'the same camp. About the 10th of 1 was raised. There are several matters only 21 months old, The receipts front January Perry Gray was taken down that these ladies will take up with Call at the warehouse. the most impor- Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver- the hog is, however, meat and lard with German measels and scarlet I the officers of the Portland Red Tillamook High School was justly taut part for the lever, anil live days later hc was a vic- 1 ¡Cross, of which Tillamook is a ware.—R. W. Bennett. Men Placed in Other Classes. | entitled to the unanimous decision in brought him $200.00. tiin of these diseases. He was 26 re- ¡branch, especially that pertaining to R. W. Bennett, expert watch * I the debate with Beaverton High A. A. Pennington expects to move years old at the time of his death. Mr. 1 the first Red Cross drive, there being pairing. S. P. Watch inspector. Gray was notified, and with his two week. some misunderstanding in regard to into the Masonic building next The district board has made the School al the high school building in Announcing the new Grant Six, the * A modern front has been put in and sons-in-law, D. Moon and L. Kqake 1 I whether those who subscribed in that ; follow ing changes in the classifica- . this city Friday evening. The questiun best ever. S e Kuppenbender. debated was "Public ownership of . from all appearance he will have an lett for Camp Lewis. When they ar­ drive are members or not, for it ap- | tion: I Railroads," Beaverton taking the af­ Lit Kuppenbender tell you hew to attractive store. The carpenters will rived at the camp the body had been pliH3 pears that mill. <4 a levies- large number Kwoaez«.* subscribed —.....---------- , 1 tj—L. A. McCormack, from class firmative side of the question, being save mcney on ycur cement work. * be through this week. Mr. Penning­ shipped to Tacoma, and owing to the with that understanding. The execu- 1 to 2. 1 represented by Misses Wilma Norris tie up on the railroad at that time, in five board, finding some complaint ton has bought the dry goods Will pay you to see Everson tor a and \ ivi.iu O'Conner, w hile Tillamook 25—Wm. \\ . Davis, from I to 2. Mr. Gray thought it would be wise to amongst subscribers, tried to straight ­ safe investment in city property or Mason’s store. took the negative with Charles Lamb 38—Ja>. A. Jenck, from 1 to 2. lia. e the body buried at the camp, en it out, but was unable to do so as farm lands. • There will be a meeting of the ' where the body was returned and on and Miss Margaret LaFollett repre­ 70 — Nick Horras, from I to 2. Sec Kuppenbender about the Grant ------- senting it. . Jersey Breeders' Association at the! | the 18th the deceased was buried with it did not have the literature before it 49—John Wester from 1 to 2. under which the drive was made. Six automobile, the snappiest car on Grange hall at Fairview, on the 9th of i 129—Conrad A. Bauer, from 1 to 2. Miss Norris was the first to argue the road. ♦ February, and all those who are in­ ' military honors.. the question in favor of government 177—Frank H. Ott, from I to 2. Mr. Gray informs the Headlight The Red Cross desiret pucltcly to A heavy team, harness and wagon terested in this breed of dairy stock that when he arrived at Camp Lewis ownership, and she made some logical appreciation of the aid given 200—John Kunzi, from 1 to 4. for cale. Apply O. Myers, East 7th, are cordially invited to attend. The he was accorded the most cordial express 241—John A. Affoltcr from 1 to 2. points in doing so, claiming that the by the Gem Theatre people. $42.65 Street, Tillamook. Oregon. * meeting will commence at to o’clock treatment by the officers of the 44th railroads were controlled by a few 308—Charlie Seidel, from 1 to 2. was the amount given to the branch men, that great delays occurred in Regiment, especially the chaplin, who from their proceeds. A vote of thanks Those who wish to see Dr. Wise and a lunch served at noon. made all arrangements for the funeral. will please bear in mind that he will A special meeting of the stockhold­ Following are the drafted men who hauling freight, it being hauled over is given to the Honor Guards whose long distances instead of being car­ Mr. Gray was tired and worn out members distributed the posters. return about the 1st of March. * ers of the Holstein Creamery Co., have been physically examined. ried by the most direct route, and traveling when he arrived and the will be held on Friday, Feb. 1st, at I ----- o ----- Why not be insured in the best fire Qualified. contended that the railroad employees 1 chaplain kindly gave up his quarters the p.m., at the Rollie Watson office, for Packages begin to arrive from -- —--- insurance company, it costs no more. 2—Richard Meyers. were underpaid. She mentioned differ­ will auxiliaries. The enumeration See Everson. * the purpose of making application for I an as hc lhought the as chairman of the local sewing com­ 193—Bradford York 1 speech and then contended that if For sale, 14 head of hogs, also some bress Sommers tn the evening. body wou]d bc brought honle which it mittee has been accepted and Mrs. 19O—Ed. Marshall the government took over control of Dr. Smith has been appointed to Jill young pigs. Inquire of W. W. Cason, 199—Chas. O. W oods. District Attorney T. H. Goyne has will be later. Mrs. Todd is appointed the railroads they would be run on the place, Blaine, Oregon. 236—1- C. Getchell the same system as obtaining money Mrs. _ Smith’s place. Mrs. made answer in the case where he is captain in ___ Gem Theatre Attractions. Get your big book on uses ef ce- sued by Meineck & Seabrook, for al­ 289— John Plasker for the rivers and harbors, and the Beals will give her entire time to the c m nt in modern sanitary farming. N< leged destruction of cider. He denies 290— John Nielson whole sy stem would be dominated by .county work since that has grown to farmer should be without it. ’ It : is* each and every allegation in the com­ Friday, Feb. 1—“Little Miss Opti­ such proportions. The city ladies will 304—A. L. Bays ! politics and the "pork barrel”. A I large proportion of her argument was free. See Kuppenbender. ’ plaint except that he is the district mist”—5 reel I’allas-Paramount pic­ consult Mrs. Smith and her captains, 326—Henry Champhe I devoted to the "pork barrel.” —Elmer G. Baker Lost, Amethyst ear ring, set in attorney of Tillamook County. Attor­ ture featuring Vivian Martin. A well leaving Mrs. Beals free for the other 332 336—Christen W y:s Miss Norton made an excellent re­ silver, Rhine stones. Finder neys Johnson & Handley and H. T. played all around story of hard luck heavy work. SllVCl, with ...... -------------- ply for the affirmative, as did also 341—Ed Creccy kindly leave at this office and receive Botts are his attorneys. and good cheer. 353—Delmar Sccvcll Charles Lamb for the negative side. The following articles li. ve been reward. * Last Saturday _____ evening 150 citizens Saturday, Feb. 2—“The Trail of tin e Chairman G. P. Winslow received sent to the Po>tla:id Chapter of the 365—Leo. Batzncr 1 of Swiss extraction had a social time at the K. P. hall, everybody enjoying Shadow ” — 6 reel Metro picture fcat- 435—John Shimming the decision from three judges, each The Clyde Clements home for rent, themselves. The evening was spent urin& t,le y°u"K dramatic star Emmy Red Cross : furnished or unfurnished, to family 483—Orval Kellow of whom decided in favor of the Articles Made by Tillamook Red 498—Chas. K. Baker negative team, which came in for a with ,'Ut small children. Enquire at with cards, songs, music and dancing. Wehlen. An attractive heroine in an Cross .. Kasper Zweifel and Mrs. Grun- interesting and well produced story. 529—Russie Pesterfield round of applause from the audience. Haltoni's Store. 8 doz. aodom'nal bandages I Alls. ___ __ " ’ refresh- "The Firemen”—two reel Charley Although the debate was interesting 537—Arthur Gilmore 1 doz. skulti'us bandages For Sale—22 Shoats and three enwald had charge of the successful refresh Chaplin comedy, a real mirth provok- 592—Norman Wagner and brought out some good points, 2 doz. wash cloths 1 1; , 3 u cows sjiwu .. w .. j ——... and one 1 three ..., ' ments. This was the most • i pnnntv. f - er. Don’t miss this big eight reel 604—Allen Mitchell both sides could have made their ar­ •>«— (year old horse.—Apply to TH--- Ike Quick, 3 doz. napkins 2* of Swiss in frnrn this Mohler, county, I ¡show. er. - ___ 20 __ tu 11 v 1 i > > b ................... , . - <>♦ . gathering guments much more convincing had Adults cents. Children, 10c. 647—Emii Heuss.r ------- 7 doz. tray cloths Tillamook, Ore. Mutual Phone. ! about 25 coming down from Mohler. they delved into the subject a little 657—Chas. O. Curl Sunday, Feb. 3—The Fibbers”—5 handkerchiefs 12 doz. substitute Money to loan on farm lands, from . A. O. Foland, a former resident of reel perfection picture Qualified for Limited or Special ¡deeper. Ute affirmative side overlook­ featuring doz. dust cloths $500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate Tillamook, and now residing at Nam- 1 Bryant Washburn & Virginia Valli. 3 Service. ed the enormous cost of building rail­ of interest. We want your business. 3 doz. arm slings roads tinder private ownership, water­ 60 — Russ Johnson. Funny side of newly weds seen in pa, Idaho, lost two of his children on See Everson. * 2 doz. hot water and ice bag covers ed stocks, and the financial panics 102—Chas. Gilmore. Wednesday, one dying in the morning “The Fibbers.” This comedy-drama 2 doz. dish towels In conformity with the rule formed and the other in the evening, the shows how young married folks may that have occurred on account of 112—Frederick Weiss doz. comfort pillows Elsewhere, all wood orders must be cause of death being pneumonia. One ¡make trouble, the question is did you 3 speculation in railroad securities. I 1 e 124 — Ola F. I.ane 1 doz. T bandages □ _ ________ . I lllorvt -------------------- • e y tccompanied by payment in advance. was Mildred, aged vas negative side did not mention one 151—Burl Clements 5 years and old. the lever fib to your wife? 18 months ambulance pillows 9 —A. F. Coats Lumber Co. * other a baby boy, w___ 2__ -,J very important matter connected with 212— D. V. Jennings Monday, Feb. 4.—“The Fighting 6 shoulder wraps government ownership of railroads, 213— Fred G. Sckloff Everett Hall has leased a cold [Mrs. M. A. Foland and Mrs. Elmer I Trail”—Episode No. 3. “Will Yaqui 6 suits of pajamas viz. the enormous amount of money 445 — Henry Heiscl torage plant and meat market at 1 Hoag left this morning to attend the I Joe tell?”—“The Combat”—5 reel 9 hospital bed oeu shirts. sums. • -> 1. — it would add to the national debt nor 593—Roland Hctisser luhl, Idaho, and has taken charge of funeral. V digraph Blqe Ribbon feature pre­ 5 pairs surgeons operating leggings did the negative rebut the argument 262—Gustave Nison he same. Mrs. Hall left this week. II convalescent socks. senting the fascinating young star A meeting was held in Portland on Disqualified. I that railroad employees are under­ Anita Stewart. We take great pride in 9 sweaters The Tillamook Meat Co. will pay 1 Tuesday of representatives from each paid, for as a matter of fact they are 41—Jessie A. Griffard Hoc for all to pound lard pails and 5c. county for the third Liberty Loan 1 our Monday night programs, as it is 3 pairs socks the best paid employees in the I lilt­ 93—Titos. J. Elliott Articles Made by Auxiliaries. ■or 5 pound pails. They must bi free Drive, Frank A. Rowe, of Wheeler, 1 our aim to give a high-class and pleas­ ed States. . Beaver. Hrom rust. Bring them in at once and representing Tillamook County. The ing show. Don’t miss them as they One bad feature with the negative Met your money. ♦ drive will be in March, when it is ex­ are more interesting all the time. Announcement of Night School. side 2 doz. T bandages was the preponderance oi ex­ 1 doz. abdominal’bandag-s Tuesday, Feb. 5—‘Wild and Wooly’ H Demand that your contractor use pected that Oregon’s quota will be tracts that were read, the affirmative 2 doz. substitute handkerchiefs « cf the great demand for ..._ ___ In view of Banta Cruz cement. It is always uni- $50,000,000 for it is expected that See display ad on page five pliers and typewriters at this I side not relying on that as much as 2 doz. handkerchiefs ■urm and has exceptional fast setting $6,000,000,000 to $8,000,000,000 w ill be Wednesday, Feb. 6—"The Serpent’s stenogra| further view of the cry- i the home team. Any other debates ■ualities which is preferred. For sale the amount of money that is to be Tooth”—5 reel Mutual picture featur­ I doz. t:ay cloths time, and in iunuo iiy ..... — — night ... that the high school team may take ing need of this city for 4 a night that the high school team may lane ■t the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * arm slings 1 doz. ing Gail Kane. A fine photoplay pre­ o... — ... and instruct, school to take care of and instruct, 1 part part in, in, this this should should bc be eliminated eliminated to raised «in this drive. ---. skultirj: bandages sented in the usual rigli class style of 2 doz. ■ Git your farm implements, gas en- ...... — .»1.. i,...^ who are eager | a large extent. The Priscilla Club gave a 500 patty doz. ambulance pillows the many youths here, who are eager . a large extent. the Mutual.—"Jerry’s Hopeless Tang- ■ines, silos and cutters from Kuppen- to learn this fascinating and renum- Charles Lamb 1...... was ... by . far the best the Hotel Tillamook on Wednes­ Pleasant Valley, ■eader. We guarantee all of our at erativc service, 1 havc consented to | «peaker and made the be-t argument, day evening when a large number of I le"—one reel Cub Comedy featuring water and ice bag covers, - 1 doz. hot v,«... .— sods. * is a little too rapid devote one and a half hours each but • he ’»«»I ’’ in - talking — Ovey. citizens accepted the invitations. The | George doz. substitute handkerchiefs 2 __ and docs not give proper emphasis The Tillamook High School will affair was a decided success in every Thursday, Feb. 7.—"This Is The 1 doz. tray cloths evening four evenings a week to this 1 when driving a point "over the top." lay the Tillamook Hose Company a way, and besides a pleasant evening’s Life”—Five reel Wm. Fox photo play Bay City. work. Having finished this course of il ame of basket ball in the armory on 1 enjoyment, $50.00 was raised for the featuring George Walsh. A sure fire doz. hot water and ice bag covers, training in one of the leading business With these defects improved on he is 2 hit. Don't miss this one for real life. liable to make a good speaker, for he riday evening, when a good game is Tillamook Branch of the Red Cross. colleges of the West, I feel fully puts plenty of vim and action into his 1 doz. comfort pillows e ipvcted. Admission 15 cents. The club desires to thank Mis. Wor- competent to take charge oi this work argument, which is always appreciat­ 2 doz. towels •• — vr.r. Notice to W.R.C. Members. 1 doz. substitute • handkt rchiefs and advance my pupils as rapidly anil ed in a public speaker. For sale— Two dwellings, lots 3 * rail for the use of the dining room of h id 4 and 5th Street and Park Ave. • the hotel. 3 paiis socks efficiently as any business college. The W. R. C. members are all cor­ Brighton. -----o — In this announcement 1 wish to Iso furniture, stoves, tools, choice Assessor Johnson has completed all 2 comfort pillows ill -, prunes, lilys, chrysanthemums, tax extentions and has turned the dially invited to come out Saturday, solicit the moral support of the pat­ The affirmative team composed of 2nd, as there is lots of work to 5 doz. substitute handkerchiefs rons and parents of this city, and I Claire Small and William Wilmont, iquire of Mrs. K. White. * 1917 assessment rolls over to Sheriff Feb. be done and your help is needed, also promise in turn to give the best of debated with Forest Grove on Friday, 1 doz. tray cloths Campbell. The total tax extention on F. L. Buel received the sad news by those members who are to be install­ my service in an effort to make this and lost w ith a score of 3 to o in favor 1 doz. napkins lone Sunday afternoon that his sis- the 1917 rolls amounts to $458,300.77, ed. We want them all out. Our corps 1% doz. hot water & ice bag covers school fill the needs of Tillamook of Forest Grove. an increase of $30,726.42 over the r, Mrs. Laura B. Cooper, died that ■is doing good work, and taking in new Nehalem. city along this line. orninc She died in a hospital in amount of tax extend.d on the 1916 members every meeting. 2 doz. substitute handkerchiefs. Effeciency is the key to success, and rolls. The amount of tax paid by the Registered Cattle lor Sale. irtland from a paralytic stroke. Many persons are not aware of the I am sure that no other branch of I'/a doz. napkins Southearn Pacific Company on their -----o Dr. Hoy wishes to thank the Tilla- rolling stock amounts to $17,062.26. fact the loyal women, as well as re­ 2 dish towels service offers more opportunity at 2 ambulance pillows aok Hose Company for its efforts This class of property is assessed by latives of the veterans, are eligible to present for the boy or girl who wants I have at the Fair Grounds five head Fairview. membership in the order. Let us re­ to succeed than does the stenographic of registered Guernsey cows and heif­ endeavoring to save the house and member that we are banded together work. It is a work that leads to nearly ers and six head of registered Jersey«, rniture at the fire on Monday even- the State Tax Commission. 5 sweaters Fire destroyed the residence oc­ to assist the Grand Army of the Re­ 5 pairs of socks every avenue of success, a stepping ' all of four of which arc bred to fresh­ cupied by Dr. Hoy and its contents public, and that from the soldiers doz. towels stone to your long cherished desires. en this spring, beginning in February. 4 About jo couple on Friday evening just before six o’clock on Monday I alone come not all the sacrifice. Business colleges everywhere are The other four are yearlings and are 2 doz. duct cloth’. d a social dance at the Hotel Tilla- evening. When the hose company ar­ flooded with calls for stenographers not bred. All this stock is tubuctilar »» 3 doz. abdominal bandages P"k, which closed with a Hoover rived fire had taken a good hold on Pay For the “Grub.' and typewriters, anil it is only a mat­ tested and free from disease. 6 u shoulder capes fch, and all who attended had an the building, which was fanned by a 8 hot water and ice bag covers. Pedigrees and full particulars can ter of a few weeks when you can We have been looking for you to 4 ambulance pillows. northwest wind. It is not known how ¡oyable evening’s enjoyment. answer one of these calls if you join be had of Geo. H. Webster, owner, at fire started. Dr. Hoy thinks it come in and settle your account. You Summers Night Class in shorthand the Fair Grounds or of R. C. Jones, Horn, on Monday, to the wife of the originated in the bath room while- got the "grub”, We need the money. Garibaldi Red Croat. and typewriting, which will be or- County Ag< nt. puty Sheriff Clarence Stanley, a others in the J?" The house be­ Y’ou intend to pay eventually, why Work for the last meetings, 1 Clarence might help celebrate the longed to Mri. parlor. basting ■ g. niz< <1 Monday evening, 1 b. 9th, John Weiss, of Meda, 18th and 19th, was cutting, >PY event by inviting his friends to not now? Tillamook Feed Co. 1V ne of the bootleg whiskey locked and was partly insured. Dr. Hoy car­ ried only a small insurance. in the vault of the sheriffs office. t I