TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT.' JANUARY 24, 1918 And Now Comes Our Great Annual Bill? ! reapect* ing wo cuna I h piane Reglate > i» The Laoldieri ■or cri) 11 tf K;igant [ both < liver? E»en i iinpr * mali camW i the ) ener» Of !» therfL ni un hom 1 h<>m ■ ther ' New ’ pum i IS BEGINNING FRIDAY, JAN. 25th AT 9 A.M. O h K- Pierce run tfc dover) ; u- / or or obje aup oug maini /i thè p< «ape •ttem cornili It I h Mill End Sale of 31 in. Wide CHAMBRAYS, 1 17C. r- Yard. 5 to 20 yard lengths, mostly Plain Blues. A splended weight and actually In face of the most extraordinary condi­ tions this country has ever known wehave secured a greater variety of merchan­ dise for our 1918 Annual Mill End Sale than in any previous year. Come to the store as early as possible and secure the pick of these Wonderful Bargains. At these sensational saving we anticipate a speedy clearance. Remember the date and time. Sale begins Friday, January 25th, at 9 A.M. See Our New 1918 Colored OUTING FLANNEL, Yard. 10 to 20 yard lengths of Outings in Dark grounds in stripes, plaids and fancies and Black and White Checks. Every yard worth 25c. today. Mill End Sale of 36 in. Wide SHOES, SUITS, CLOTHING. HART SCHAFFNER & MARX SUITS. All Wool, fast color fabrics, New Spring Styles. FLORSHEIM SHOES, Showing the Newest Lasts and Leathers. MALLORY HATS, Spring 1918 Blocks in all the Season’s approved shades. Also Mallory Cravenetted Hats. They defy the rain. FRIDAY AND BED SPREADS. A Mill-End Clean-Up of 3 Lots of Bed Spreads — spotlessly clean, all hemmed and ready for use. Pretty designs, splendid qualities, full double bed and . sizes. R $1 75 BEDSPREADS $1.49 For only Mill End Sale of $2.50 BEDSPREADS $1.98 For only Fine Quality $3.00 BEDSPREADS $2.39 For only Bleached MUSLINS, f Yard. 10 to 20 yard lengths of fine medium weight weaves of Muslin for Under­ garments, worth today 27 c. to 30c. per yard. 26c. An exceptional 1 ! Yard. t I purchase of practi­ cally full pieces of a very high grade wear. » t Selling for Cash Means Selling for Less. The Balcony Half Price Sales, si ni fa fr Mill End Sale of Actual 35c. PILLOW TUBINGS, 26c. fui wi H< Yard. 200 yards of line bleached Pillow Tubings, some with fine linen finish. All desirable widths and perfect weaves. Worth 35c. yard today. ri Mill End Sale of Mercerized TABLE DAMASK, 59c. Every Woman Should Attend C Actually worth 35c yard. ON THE BALCONY. Yard. Mill End Sale of 22ic. I SATURDAY ONLY. Remnants—Half Price DIMITY, 19c. LONGCLOTHS, Spring Showings of Mill End Sale of 19C. 36 in. Wide quality of Longcloth suitable for under­ worth 25c, yard today. I Mill End Sale of Di int rm lali th Gc les Yard. 2aC. to 10 yard lengths of Beautiful quality, 38 inch wide Damasks in stripe and floral designs. Every yard worth '01 4 at least 75c. For they offer some really wonder­ ful bargains in Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Every Every Every Every Lady’s Lady’s Lady’s Lady’s Suit Coat Dress Skirt 1, 2 PRICE, Also numerous other bargains. This is Strictly a Cash Store and gives PER 2 CENT Discount. Mill End Sale of k lz Yard Lengths SHEETING, $1.W Each. Splendid values in well known qual ities of Bleached Sheetings, 81 and 9*' inches wide in 2J yard lengths. lengths’worth less than $1.50 today. > I o